Friday, August 28, 2015

Shabbat Shalom ✡ "The Grapes of Your Vineyard"

When you pick the grapes of your vineyard, you shall not glean after you: it shall be for the stranger, the orphan and the widow.


כִּי תִבְצֹר כַּרְמְךָ לֹא תְעוֹלֵל אַחֲרֶיךָ לַגֵּר לַיָּתוֹם וְלָאַלְמָנָה יִהְיֶה

דִּבְרֵים כד:כא

kee tiv-tzar kar-m'-kha lo t'-o-layl a-kha-re-kha la-gayr la-ya-tom v'-la-al-ma-na yi-h'-ye

Shabbat Inspiration

This week's Torah portion (Deut. 21:10-25:19) tells of the lush grape vineyards indigenous to the Land of Israel. In fact, grapes play a prominent role in Judaism for we begin our Shabbat meals and other rituals with a blessing over a cup of wine. The honored fruit can also teach us a vital life lesson answering an age old dilemma faced by religious thinkers, of how bad things can happen to good people. Just like grapes must be totally crushed in order to produce quality wine, it is through our trials and tribulations that we can reach our highest potential. Get more insight into the Bible with The Israel Bible: The Five Books of Moses, which collects the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Hanggliders Announce Shabbat in Tel Aviv!

Rabbis in Tel Aviv have come up with an ingenious way to promote celebrating the Sabbath.

Scary Divine Connections Between Gush Katif and Hurricane Katrina Revealed on 10-Year Anniversary

It's been 10 years since the Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip and Hurricane Katrina. On a surface level, both events seem to have no relation to one another. However, deeper exploration reveals a startling Divine connection.

Ram's Horn Shofar

The significance of the shofar dates back to the dawn of Jewish history, and its call still echoes today in synagogues and temples all over the world. Playing an important role in the Bible, the shofar is a key part of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur, when it is played to mark the end of fasting. Shofars are also used to welcome Shabbat, and to announce the new year and the new moon. Only Shofarot Israel offers the skills and expertise of fifteen generations, dating back to 14th century Spain, and now adapted to the modern technology and requirements of present-day Israel and the international market.

Today's Israel Photo

llan Rosen's photograph of grape clusters in the Upper Galilee. Grapes are one of the Seven Species of the Land of Israel described in the Bible. The others are wheat, barley, figs, pomegranate, olive oil and dates.

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“Thanks for All the Info and Beautiful Pictures of Israel”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
My name is Brian Auxilien, and I am from New Orleans but I live in East Tennessee. I am a Christian and have a deep love for Israel and God's people. I enjoy your web site. I will pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Brian Auxilien

Good morning, Shalom. Thanks for all the info and beautiful pictures of Israel. Trusting that the Lord will always keep Israel safe in the palm of His hand, guide and protect His people. I'm from South Africa. Shalom, Pat
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Are These 27 Events in September-October Mere Coincidence?

Are These 27 Events in September-October Mere Coincidence?

From prophecies to secular analysis, many are wearily focusing on this fall. This week's worldwide stock market crash was just the beginning of what may come in September and October. 
The Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur starts right before the Islamic Feast of Sacrifice, not to mention CERN experiments and Pope Francis' tour. 
So what does that mean for us? Watch the video to see.

Published on Aug 5, 2015
There are a lot of rumors around what will happen in September and October of 2015. A YouTuber names Seal Man sent me a note that included a list of 27 things. So I decided to share it with you all. Below are the links to most of the items mentioned in the video.

Israeli Rabbi Says Messiah Coming

What is Shmitta

Rosh Hashanah and the creation of Adam and Eve

Anno Lucis Year of Light

UN Resolution for the State of Palestine Sept. 15

Jade Helm 15 ends on Sept 15.

International Day of Peace Septebmer 21

Yom Kippur (Day of atonement) starts the evening of Sept 21

70th Jubilee year to start on Sept 23

Day of Arafat (Pilgrimmage to Mecca) begins Sept 22

Islamic Feast of Sacrifice Sept 23-26

Prophetic Time Cycle from Israel Recapture june 7 1967 to September 23, 2015

Mayan Time Cycle in years to days from Sept 11 – Sept 23 (5126 days)

Madonna Tour east coast

Pope Francis Apostolic tour

SESAME project partner with CERN

Etymology at CERN

CERN Expert Website Anthony Patch

CERN Log In to Schedule

500 Day Climate Change Limit

Ground Zero Media: Rain of Terror: Iran hit with Comet (Connection to Climate Change)

Tomorroworld Festival

Feast of Tabernacles

Four Blood Moons

Articles about Economic Collapse in September 2015

Chinese President to Visit America in September 2015

Call for New World Currency

1948 to 2015 and the connection to Israel

Madhi Coming in September?

Mark A. Flynn’s

Canary Cry Radio YOUTUBE Channel

Canary Cry Radio Podcast Website



FaceLikeTheSun Blog

AGE OF DECEIT: Fallen Angels and the New World Order (2011)

AGE OF DECEIT 2: Alchemy and the Rise of the Beast Image (2014)

Face Like The Sun is a website dedicated to understanding the world through the lens of Bible Prophecy. We live in some very interesting times and the hope for this site is to inform, study, teach, and inspire people with the Gospel message and the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Topics that we discuss include Bible Prophecy, the Supernatural, Paranormal, Occult, Esoteric, Technological progress, Transhumanism, the New Age, the New World Order, the Scientific Dictatorship, Angels, Demons, Ancient Mythologies and much more!

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Christians Denied Aid During Natural Disaster

Christians Denied Aid During Natural Disaster

Some of the flooding damage.
Some of the flooding damage. (Courtesy/Christian Aid Mission)
Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Many villagers in Burma are still afloat in boats ferrying vital supplies for survival amid floodwaters, while others are returning to homes and fields sealed in mud.
The recent flooding has caused damage across a wider area than 2008's Cyclone Nargis, which killed more than 140,000 people and is regarded as the worst natural disaster in Burma's recorded history.
"Despite Cyclone Nargis being the worse disaster ever in the nation, it was a localized event in that it only affected the Irrawaddy Delta," said David, the native director of a ministry based in Burma. His surname is withheld for security reasons. "There is a different face to this flood in that it is spread out almost across the entire western half of the nation. It covers three of the four regions known as the 'rice bowl' of Myanmar."
Unlike Nargis, the flood from rains beginning in July has been gradual, giving residents time to escape, he said. At least 103 people have died.
"There are surprisingly (few) casualties, but huge damage to farmland and animals and properties," he said.
More monsoon rains are expected, and landslides continue to cut transportation routes and crush homes. Familiar with the submerged terrain and its inhabitants, indigenous missionaries sharing in their pain are in prime position to help.
"Many of the worst-affected regions are where we have worked for the past nine years," David said. "I know the region well, and several of the churches planted are in those areas. In one of our sister congregations, we have 28 families who lost their home either in part or whole."
Heavy monsoon downpours began swelling rivers and creeks in Burma on July 16. A storm system in the Indian Ocean on July 30 was upgraded to a cyclone—a hurricane in the northern Indian Ocean—and dubbed Komen. Cyclone Komen tore into Burma the first week of August. Some 1.2 million acres of rice fields were destroyed as flooding hit all but two of Burma's 14 states and reportedly destroyed at least 17,000 homes. So far flooding has "critically affected" more than 1 million people, according to the United Nations, which in 2008 said Cyclone Nargis had "severely affected" 1.5 million people.
International aid is trickling in, with local organizations doing most of the distribution. Indigenous ministries Christian Aid Mission assists are bringing food, clothing and purified water to people stranded in Rakhine, Chin and other states, said the native director of one group, George (surname withheld for security reasons).
"They got a little help from churches and other organizations, but that aid is very small for them because their need is so big," he said. "Pray also for rebuilding of their families, houses and for their children's education as well."
As farmers have lost rice paddies, livestock, homes and family members, the needs are overwhelming, he said.
"Every day, there is need to give out rice and other food for 822 people affected by the flood at Kanan village, Tamu township, Sagaing Region," he said. "Likewise, in other villages there are a lot of people who are still helpless. In areas of Kalay there are a lot of things to do; also Rakhine state, Matupi township in Chin state and other places really need help."
A non-stop downpour struck Kanan village from July 26 to Aug. 1, causing the Kanan River to overflow and destroy 313 houses. George said floodwaters carried away 103 of those houses and left another 210 ruined in the mud.
"During those days and nights," one of the victims told George, "we were very busy struggling to carry and move our properties and belongings, and some of them were crying, afraid—they could not say anything."
Among the indigenous missionaries in Burma eager to provide flood relief to their predominantly Buddhist countrymen are some who have lost their own property.
"Our missionaries also have problems from the flood in their areas, along with their people," George said. "They often call us by telephone for help."
Besides providing food and clothes, the ministry plans to help families rebuild their homes. Flooding destroyed all houses in Laibung village—40 houses from rising waters, with another six going down in landslides, he said. The deluge also destroyed a church building. Residents fled to Chin state near Tedim, George said, where they are in dire need.
"We are doing what we can do to help the victims," he said. "We also want to help people in Hakha, Chin state, who are still suffering from a big earthquake [three weeks prior]. Many houses collapsed, and many people need to move to other places. They need food, water, clothes and blankets."
David said his group visited victims in the Magway area on the banks of the flooded Irrawaddy River in central Burma, where his ministry has planted churches and drilled more than 300 wells. With the aid of a local house church, the ministry was able to buy bags of rice and other supplies and deliver them without problem, he said. In addition, a nurse from its ministry center in Yangon accompanied the ministry team and treated about 150 people with medicines that were locally donated or purchased.
Declaring Chin state and three other areas disaster zones, the government has appealed for international aid.
There were reports of Christians being denied aid, David said, when local hard-line Buddhist leaders took charge of aid donations from large cities. A ministry worker identified as Naw said that every time he went to a donations center to gather relief items, village leaders told him they had run out.
"But then I soon found out people who came after me were walking home with large bags full of relief items," Naw said. "I thought I was alone until I shared this at the prayer meeting, and almost all of us had a similar experience. We saw why we were often turned away with empty hands or half our share. We also know our local leader is against us worshipping Jesus. He has been trying to give us trouble, so this does not come as a surprise to us."
The Christian ministries, by contrast, see an opportunity to serve their Buddhist countrymen with aid and the saving message of Christ. David said the disaster is allowing relationship bridges to be built in the 80-percent Buddhist country.
"In one village, I was able to meet with the villagers and discuss how we could come alongside them in their fight for survival," David said. "This was a Buddhist village, with no single Christian in their midst."
George asked for help to meet both physical and spiritual needs.
"Please pray with us to be able to help them know the true God and the gospel through our good deeds, and to show them the love of God as well," he said. "As Jesus said, 'You are the light of the world.' Yes, we have to show the light from Jesus to the victims."

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

"Praise Him With the Blast of The Shofar" ✡ Awaken From Your Slumber!

Praise Him with the blast of the Shofar; Praise Him with the psaltery and harp.

PSALMS (150:3)

הַלְלוּהוּ בְּתֵקַע שׁוֹפָר הַלְלוּהוּ בְּנֵבֶל וְכִנּוֹר

תהילים ק’’נ:ג

Ha-le-loo be-tay-ka sho-far ha-le-loo be-nay-vel ve-khee-nor

Jerusalem Inspiration

The ram's horn (Shofar) is mentioned throughout the Bible as an important instrument which symbolizes several different types of redemption. Its powerful sound is meant to awaken the soul to come closer to God. It also will be sounded at the time of the ultimate redemption, calling for the incoming of all the exiles. Every day of the current Hebrew month of Elul, which preceedes Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, the shofar is sounded in order to rouse the "slumbering" people of Israel, calling to them to atone for the previous year's deeds and prepare for the new year. Get your own shofar just in time for Rosh Hashana, coming up in just a few weeks, and awaken your soul to God!

Four Traditional Shofar Blasts

Watch as an expert shofar blower demonstrates blowing the four traditional Shofar blasts sounded on the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. The majestic sounds serve as an internal wake up call to self-introspection and repentance.

Scary Divine Connections Between Gush Katif and Hurricane Katrina Revealed on 10-Year Anniversary

The year 2015 sees the 10 year anniversary of two major events that occurred in close proximity to one another: the Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip and Hurricane Katrina. On a surface level, both events seem to have no relation to one another. However, deeper exploration reveals a startling divine connection.

Personalized Name Scroll

This personalized name scroll is extremely special and one-of-a-kind. A professional scribe will custom-make a beautiful scroll for you by writing your name in Hebrew in authentic, Biblical Hebrew calligraphy- the same calligraphy which is used to write holy Torah (Bible) scrolls.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Boruch Len's photo of a child attempting to blow a shofar which is taller than he is! The shofar is mentioned throughout the Bible; its sound is meant to awaken the soul to come closer to God.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo showed the Southern walls of the Temple Mount.

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Hi Rabbi Tuly Weisz, Thank you for your daily photo email! It means a lot to me to see photos of our Holy Land. Also you add some news, explanations of Judiac customs, translate Hebrew scriptures, and expound on the Judiac faith. That is wonderful! Blessings from Ken Koichi Smith
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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"Flash! 5-min. Video from Bishop Hamon: Urgent Word to American Churches"

Bishop Bill Hamon

August 26, 2015

"Flash! 5-min. Video from Bishop Hamon: Urgent Word to American Churches"

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

I just received this Urgent word to the American Church from Bishop Bill Hamon. Let me assure you that this man is a man of God.

Bill Hamon founded CI (Christian International) in Florida ( many years ago from which they've trained thousands and thousands of prophets. Bill is a true father in the spirit to these many thousands of prophets and prophetic voices all over the world now.

I took my advanced prophetic training directly from Bishop Hamon and his team exactly 21 year ago, just three years before THE ELIJAH LIST was launched.

Bishop Hamon hears from God! He has a Word SPECIFICALLY for THE AMERICAN CHURCH. I will simply tell you that it is BOTH "ENCOURAGING" and yet it is "SOBERING!"

Please, please forward or share this with all your friends and relatives. I encourage everyone to subscribe (no cost) to THE ELIJAH LIST. Join the 175,000 people who receive important prophetic words DAILY IN THEIR EMAIL INBOX. We want to be able to alert you the moment we get important PROPHETIC ALERTS plus other great prophetic articles.

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Under His Wings,
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"A Word to the American Church"
by Bishop Bill Hamon, Santa Rosa Beach, FL

To view this 5-minute video clip, "A Word for the American Church" click on the video image below or click here or go to

Dr. Bill Hamon, Founder
Christian International Ministries Network

Dr. Bill Hamon is the founder of Christian International Ministries, a premier prophetic ministry for over 45 years. A prophet for 60 years, he has prophesied to more than 50,000 people and provided training for over 250,000 in prophetic ministry. He has authored nine major books, specializing in the restoration of the Church and what to expect next on God's agenda. Dr. Bill Hamon is respected by church leaders around the world as a senior leader of the prophetic/apostolic company God is raising up in these last days. 

He serves as bishop to over 3,000 ministers and churches and CI's headquarters on five continents. Bill resides in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, along with his three children, eleven grandchildren, and fourteen great-grandchildren. "Mom" Hamon's legacy lives on through their family and the work that continues at Christian International Ministries.

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Report: American Airlines Dropped Israel Due to Alliance with Arab Carriers

Report: American Airlines Dropped Israel Due to Alliance with Arab Carriers

“And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double; because they have profaned My land…” (Jeremiah 16:18)
Aviation industry sources claim that the recent American Airlines decision to cease flights to Israel is the result of the US carrier’s ties with Arab airlines.
The airline had announced that it would stop its flights from Philadelphia to Tel Aviv beginning in January 2016 due to financial considerations.
Casey Norton, a spokesman for American Airlines, told Bloomberg News that the carrier has lost $20 million last year on the route alone.
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But aviation sources told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that the actual reason for the route’s impending closure is the airline’s participation in the OneWorld alliance, whose members include Arab airlines like Qatar Airways and Royal Jordanian as well as Malaysia Airlines (Malaysia is a Muslim-majority nation).
“Profitability wasn’t a problem. The past year hasn’t been easy for the airline industry in general, but that’s far from saying that the route wasn’t profitable. No one would have operated a money-losing route for so many years,” an anonymous industry source said, Haaretz reported.