Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Find Biblical Cities on Our Map ✡ "Comely As Jerusalem" - ISRAEL365

Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely
as Yerushalayim, terrible as an army with banners.

יָפָה אַתְּ רַעְיָתִי כְּתִרְצָה נָאוָה כִּירוּשָׁלִָם אֲיֻמָּה כַּנִּדְגָּלוֹת

שיר השירים ו:ד

ya-fa at ra-ya-tee k’-tir-za na-va kee-ru-sha-la-yim a-yu-ma ka-nid-ga-lot

Jerusalem Inspiration

Tirtza, mentioned in today's verse, was an important city of the northern kingdom of Israel, and Jerusalem was the capital of the Judean Kingdom.   The beloved, protagonist of Song of Songs,  is saying that his loved one is as beautiful as the capitals of Israel, a queen befitting these royal cities.   Curious where these places are in modern Israel? Song of Songs mentions numerous locations in the ancient Holy Land that we can identify today.  Check out the maps feature on and get ready to be amazed as ancient text meets modern technology!

Stunning Footage from Drone Overlooking Tel Aviv

This 1-minute Tel Aviv teaser will take your breath away.

Tourists to Israel Expected to Increase to Five Billion Annually

The director of Israel's Ministry of Tourism says he has seen a steady rise in people from all over the world traveling to Israel, even during times of heightened security concerns such as the current wave of terror—and despite the high travel costs.

Miriam's Tambourine Pendant

With the joyful playing of tambourines, Miriam the Prophetess inspired faith in God’s redemption of the Jewish Nation. Today’s women are creatively influencing the path toward universal redemption, so get your tambourines ready! This silver pendant is shaped like a tambourine, like the one Moses’s sister Miriam and her colleagues played after the Exodus from Egypt

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Was there Google maps in ancient Israel? Today's photo shows all the places in Israel that are mentioned in the Song of Songs!

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo featured the Tower of David, also known as the Jerusalem Citadel. Located near the Jaffa Gate entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem, this tower was named thus because it was incorrectly thought to be the site of King David's palace.

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Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

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It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send mean email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  Your articles and G-D’s word are a fresh meal for my soul. It’s exciting to read and begin to understand my Jewish roots since I’m a born again believer who love everything Israel! May Israel live forever, Amen. May the G-D of Israel, the LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD life up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.(Shalom)  - Tom Malay
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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2,000-Year-Old Bronze Artifacts Tied to Temple Unearthed Near Sea of Galilee By Michael Zeff - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

The incense shovel after having been cleaned in the Israel Antiquities Authority metallurgical laboratories. Photo: Clara Amit (Photo: Israel Antiquities Authority/TPS)

The incense shovel after having been cleaned in the Israel Antiquities Authority metallurgical laboratories. Photo: Clara Amit (Photo: Israel Antiquities Authority/TPS)

2,000-Year-Old Bronze Artifacts Tied to Temple Unearthed Near Sea of Galilee

“And Aaron shall burn thereon incense of sweet spices; every morning, when he dresseth the lamps, he shall burn it.” Exodus 30:7 (The Israel Bible™)
An ancient bronze shovel and jug tied to the religious rituals of the Second Temple were discovered in archaeological excavations at Magdala – an important Jewish town dating back to the period of Roman antiquity, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced on Tuesday, April 5.
During an ongoing excavation project, a group of volunteers from Chile discovered an ornate bronze incense shovel and a matching bronze jug believed to have stored incense or coals for ritual use.
“The incense shovel that was found is one of ten others that are known in the country from the Second Temple period. From early research it is thought that the incense shovel was only used for ritual purposes, for the embers and incense that were burnt in ritual ceremonies,” Dina Avshalom-Gorni, the Chief archaeologist on behalf of the IAA, told Tazpit Press Service (TPS).

The incense shovel as it was found in the excavation. ( Eyad Bisharat, Israel Antiquities Authority/MFA)
The incense shovel as it was found in the excavation. ( Eyad Bisharat, Israel Antiquities Authority/MFA)

According to Avshalom-Gorni, incense shovels are known worldwide as ritualistic and religious implements in ancient religions, and their use has permeated into Judaism. The book of Exodus states: “You shall make the altar…you shall make pots for it to receive its ashes, and shovels and basins and forks and firepans; all its utensils you shall make of bronze,” a quote which ties these artifacts to the rituals of the Jewish Temple, at least symbolically.
“We know that these are certainly sacred tools, perhaps pertaining to the local synagogue discovered on this site, a synagogue which was quite grand and rich and important in the region,”  Avshalom-Gorni explained to TPS. “It’s a rare and exciting find.”
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The site is located near the town of Migdal along the western shore of Sea of Galilee. Migdal, or Magdala as it was known by its Latin name, was a large Jewish fishing and trade town in the Early Roman period. It is mentioned in Jewish sources, and at the time of the destruction of the Second Temple it served as a main military base for the ancient Jewish historian and general Josephus.
Another famous denizen of the city, according to the Christian tradition, was the penitent prostitute Mary Magdalene—named for her birthplace Migdal.

The jug as it was discovered in the excavation. (Photo: Eyad Bisharat/Israel Antiquities Authority/TPS)
The jug as it was discovered in the excavation. (Photo: Eyad Bisharat/Israel Antiquities Authority/TPS)

In recent years the IAA has been leading extensive excavations at the site, overseen by the archaeologists Dina Avshalom-Gorni and Arfan Najar, in partnership with the Anahuac University of Mexico’s Dr. Marcela Zapata-Meza and with the help of volunteers from Mexico, Chile, Spain and Italy.
“It is a very impressive site and is open to the general public. The land actually belongs to a private developer from the Catholic Church, who planned to build a hotel for pilgrims on that plot,” Avshalom-Gorni explained.
According to Israeli law, before approving construction on any building project in the country IAA experts must first survey the plot to assure it will not damage an archeological site.

The stone with the menorah symbol which was discovered in the synagogue at Magdala. (Photo: Yael Yulowich, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority/MFA)
The stone with the menorah symbol which was discovered in the synagogue at Magdala. (Photo: Yael Yulowich, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority/MFA)

“We began exploratory digs in 2009 and little by little it became evident to us and to the Catholic Church that we have discovered a major site which was dated to the exact time of the ministry of Jesus in the Galilee, and the home of Mary Magdalene,” she added.
The landowner then decided to turn the location into an open-air museum alongside the ongoing excavations, which continue to produce thrilling archaeological finds.

Israel is fulfilling the prophecies of Isaiah right before our eyes - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

daily israel update banner 2
Gordon Robertson takes a look at some of the medical breakthroughs that have come from Israel, including cancer and diabetes treatment and technology to help blind people see and crippled people walk.

"The Camps of Israel" ✡ 4 Female IDF Paramedics Tell Their Stories - ISRAEL365

The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and
stood behind them, coming between the camps of Egypt and the camps of Israel.

וַיִּסַּע עַמּוּד הֶעָנָן מִפְּנֵיהֶם וַיַּעֲמֹד מֵאַחֲרֵיהֶם וַיָּבֹא בֵּין מַחֲנֵה מִצְרַיִם וּבֵין מַחֲנֵה יִשְׂרָאֵל

שמות יד:יט,כ

va-yi-sa a-mud he-a-nan mip-nay-hem va-ya-a-mod may-a-kha-ray-hem va-ya-vo bayn ma-kha-nay mitz-ra-yim u-vayn ma-kha-nay yis-ra-ayl

Today's Israel Inspiration

On the upcoming festival of Passover, we celebrate God's awesome display of miracles during the Exodus. For the sake of Israel, a ‘pillar of cloud’ protected it from the shooting arrows of the Egyptians in hot pursuit. Today we celebrate the mighty sacrifices and bravery of the soldiers of the IDF, shielding Israel from its enemies. May the God of Israel continue to protect His people through His pillar of defense like He did for us long ago! Stand in solidarity with the soldiers of the IDF, guarding freedom this Passover and every day.

Female IDF Paramedics in Gaza War Tell Their Stories

Operation Protective Edge saw 76 Israeli casualties. Four female combat paramedics were on the ground, on the front line, and now share their stories.

Israelis Stand Behind Arrested IDF Soldier Who Shot "Neutralized" Terrorist

An online petition calling on the IDF to award a medal—instead of handcuffs—to an IDF soldier who shot an Arab terrorist on the ground last Thursday, has garnered more than 35,000 signatures in three days.

IDF Diving Watch

Show your love of the IDF with this durable watch bearing the Israeli army emblem. Perfect for hiking, water sports, and the active lifestyle. This watch keeps you up to date with the latest IDF swag, as well as being a fashionable timepiece for all occasions. Black rubber strap, grey stainless steel watch, glass face, glow in the dark, includes stopwatch, timer, diving watch, alarm clock, and is water resistant up to 200 meters, or 20ATM.

Today's Israel Photo

Women soldiers take pride in sharing the burden of defending the Land of Israel.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

You got it! Yesterday's photo featured sabra cactus bushes. Israelis are called "sabras" - prickly on the outside but sweet on the inside! 

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Good morning, I love what you send me. Shalom to you. Yarn Cornish

Thank you for the inspiring messages. I am a Catholic in Manchester England and your site shows me how close our two faiths are. I pray for the safety and prosperity of Israel. Shalom, John Hopkins
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Lt. Gen. Jeremy Boykin - The Silent Church (Day 4) - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Lt. Gen. Jeremy Boykin - The Silent Church (Day 4) - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim Bakker

Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2969 | Aired on April 6, 2016

I Timothy, James, Matthew

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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I am Unblocking the Arteries to the Heart of the United States of America by Lana Vawser - Identity Network

I am Unblocking the Arteries to the Heart of the United States of America by Lana Vawser

Identity Network  April 5, 2016
This morning during prayer, I had a vision where I saw a physical heart with arteries and I felt the Lord speak that this was the heart of the United States. As I looked at this heart, I felt the Lord highlighting the "arteries" of the heart.

As I looked closer at these arteries I saw that there were 'blockages' of the arteries. The arteries were clogged and blocked, they were blocked with things that were welcomed and feasted upon in this nation, even from it's very roots, that had 'taken hold' over generations and had caused such a blockage that was putting tremendous pressure on the heart. The heart was weary, the heart was heavy and the heart was working overtime under all these blockages and pressure to continue to bring life and blood flow to the heart.

As I am watching this, I then begin to hear the cries of the saints all around the nation and other nations, crying out in one accord for the heart of the United States to be set free and revived. As the people of God are praying and crying out, I see hundreds upon hundreds of angelic hosts being released from heaven on the command of the Lord, and they were heading straight towards these arteries. As they are moving with intention and conviction of their assignment to the arteries, I realize that they are moving in the stream of the Spirit and on the prayers of the saints that have been praying the heart of God into the nation. I then assume that the angels were coming with an assignment by the Spirit of God to perform a bypass, when the Lord speaks to me and says "No, it's completely new."

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19)

I am surrounded by the truth of Isaiah 43:19 that the Lord is about to do something completely new, He wasn't going to 'leave the hindrances and blockages there' but He was not only going to REMOVE THEM but bring something forth that was COMPLETELY NEW.

Going to a Higher Reality

Instantly, I saw the angelic hosts land on the arteries of the heart and the prayers of the saints got louder and louder. In the spirit despite what was going on 'in the natural' and the 'blockages' that could be seen in the arteries of the heart, they were being taken to a higher reality. The Lord was bringing a promotion of SIGHT and INSIGHT into the heart of the nation to begin to see ANSWERS and WAYS to see the blockages not only removed, but completely new arteries (pathways for breakthrough and awakening) restored to the heart of the nation. The atmosphere was pregnant with the expectation that even though deep darkness surrounded, God was about to do something spectacularly new.

As the angelic hosts placed their hands on the arteries of the heart, the wind of the Spirit blew MIGHTLY and suddenly the arteries of the heart began to TRANSFORM. They were changed to SCROLLS. A miraculous replacement was taking place.

As the people of God pray, the SCROLLS ARE ABOUT TO UNFOLD!

The Lord was releasing STRATEGIC keys, insight and revelation into…things:

  • The VERY AREAS where there were blockages in the nation, strategic revelation and keys not only how to see them unlodged but UNLOCKED and completely transformed. There would be a great unlocking of revelation released to the people of God of how to pray and what to do in order to see these "pathways of breakthrough" established.

  • Seven Mountains – I saw strategic revelation released into those positioned in the seven mountains of society being handed SCROLLS OF PROMOTION. These scrolls were an UPGRADE of INSIGHT, WISDOM, STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION to see breakthrough and a mighty move of God bringing greater transformational shifts in the mountains in the United States. There is a greater flourishing of the gifts of the Spirit in operation from the place of deep love that is going to begin to burst forth some of the greatest, freshest and most ripe fruit in the seven mountains in the United States that has ever been seen before. I saw the fruit exploding in the seven mountains on such an exponential scale, there were HUGE banqueting tables being set up all throughout the USA in the seven mountains where MANY were coming from near and far and eating of the LIFE, LOVE and GOODNESS of the heart of God that was being extended and multiplied in greater ways. "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8). There is a greater shaking and shifting taking place and going to take place in a greater way in the seven mountains that is going to reveal the Glory and goodness of God that we have ever seen. A movement to bring greater Kingdom shifts in culture. Kings and Queens being positioned for greater encounters with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as this expansion of the seven mountains takes place in a greater way.

Sovereign and Strategic Move

I then heard the words "SOVEREIGN MOVE, SOVEREIGN MOVE, STRATEGIC MOVE, STRATEGIC MOVE."  Despite the darkness, despite previous blockages, despite generational hindrances, the Lord is calling His people into the seven mountains, into the marketplace, rooted in love and leaning on His chest, following the prompting of His Spirit because the 'harvest is ripe.'  The 'harvest is ripe,' there is a great harvest that is about to begin to explode in greater ways in the seven mountains of culture in the United States that has never seen before. Mountains that haven't been influenced, the Lord is about to open greater doorways, mountains that have been grounded and rooted in seemingly impossibility, the Lord is about to begin to manifest "NEW WAYS" and "MAKE WAYS" where there seems to be no way.

I then hear the words "THE SEVEN MOUNTAINS WILL BRING LIFE TO THE HEART."  The move of God that is about to happen in a greater way in and through the SEVEN MOUNTAINS in the United States of America is CRUCIAL to bringing life to the heart.

Now is not the time to look around at what is going on in the 'natural' and be discouraged. Now is the time to look to Him with a greater focus as heaven's strategies are about to reign in new and fresh ways to see the Kingdom of God extended. The Lord is breaking His people out of the "box of the church" and beginning to expand vision like never before. From being just 'church minded' to 'culture minded' and 'city minded' across the United States of America as a whole. Instead of "pockets" of believers believing for cities etc, there is a NATIONAL MOVE of His Spirit awakening His people to the TRANSFORMATIONAL KEYS of culture.

I have said this in the previous two words the Lord has had me release lately for the United States, that He is going after the heart of the United States, and this is a crucial moment for the heart of the United States and YOU have a part to play. Now is the time to dig your heels in and see the Lord birth through you what He wants to release into this nation. Now is not the time to give up, now is the time to STAND UP.

Scrolls of Revelation

As the people of God are positioning themselves and receiving the scrolls of revelation for the nation that the Lord is releasing, I saw blood flow coming back to the heart of the United States in new ways. The Lord is going to be using new 'avenues' and completely new 'pathways' to bring life back to the heart of the nation. The areas where there have been blockages and the words have been spoken that they will NEVER move, the Lord is going after the IMPOSSIBLE BLOCKAGES in the heart of the nation, as His people RISE AND SHINE. It is time to raise your voice, raise your sword for there is a supernatural downpour of revelatory increase that the Lord is releasing that is going to bring blood flow back to the heart.

I saw the blood of Jesus, as the people of God prayed, washing through the nation. There is a cleansing, a purifying, a healing that the Lord is wanting to release through greater revelation in the body of Christ in the United States on the POWER OF THE BLOOD. The POWER of the blood of JESUS TO OVERCOME!!!!!!!!

It's Time!
As I am watching this happen, I am seeing people in homes, churches, on the streets, in the marketplace, pleading the blood of Jesus over places and taking communion. An awakening of the atonement that we have received in Christ was happening in the hearts of believers that was then affecting how they minister and pray and believe for the nation. The Lord was burning greater conviction of the power of the blood and resurrection power. Dry bones are going to come alive in the United States of America. You haven't been declaring and praying and contending for nothing. Dry bones are going to come alive!  The blood of Jesus is being released upon the dead, dry ground and there will be LIFE that will manifest. Signs of life! Signs of life! Signs of life!

The Lord is wanting to bring a purification to the heart of the United States of America. Oxygen (the breath of God), blood flow (life) and supernatural removal of these blockages to usher in transformational moves of the Holy Spirit.

As life comes back to the heart, the Lord is opening new doors! New doors to bring life back to the heart and YOU have a part to play! Doors of destiny, revival and restoration are opening up to the heart of the nation and then from the heart of the nation.

It's TIME! It's TIME! It's TIME!

Lana Vawser

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