Monday, May 23, 2016

Mega-Christian Leaders Having Private Meeting With Donald Trump - TODD STARNES CHARISMA NEWS

Donald Trump has agreed to meet privately with some of the nation's most prominent Evangelical leaders.

Mega-Christian Leaders Having Private Meeting With Donald Trump

Donald Trump has agreed to meet privately with some of the nation's most prominent Evangelical leaders. (Reuters)

Donald Trump has agreed to meet privately with some of the nation's most prominent Evangelical leaders—a meeting seen as critical to garnering support from social conservatives, Fox News has learned.
"Our goal is to be able to have a conversation that could lead to a better understanding of what Donald Trump has to offer to the country," said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.
Perkins is one of the key conservative leaders spearheading the gathering—set for June 21 in New York City. Perkins, along with Bill Dallas of United in Purpose, worked with Dr. Ben Carson to arrange the meeting.
As many as 500 conservative leaders from around the nation are expected to attend the invitation-only event.
The meeting was convened by a who's who among evangelicals—including Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd, James Dobson, Ralph Reed, Penny Nance, Bob McEwen, Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association, Kelly Shackleford of First Liberty and mega-church pastors Jack Graham and Ed Young.
"I want to be actively supportive of a candidate who can help turn this nation around," Perkins told me. "With Trump, I'm not there yet. I hope to be there—but I'm not there right now."
Perkins said Trump will not be delivering a speech. He will be there to answer questions. There will be no straw poll. There will be no endorsement from the conservative leaders.
"There is no preconceived outcome here," he told me. "I'm hoping we can have a conversation that could lead to helping conservative leaders make a decision about what to do in this election."
The meeting comes as a small but vocal number of Christian leaders are urging people of faith to stay at home on Election Day.
And that's why Tony Perkins is worried.
"Our goal is to be able to have a conversation that could lead to a better understanding of what Trump has to offer to the country," he said. "If we don't try, the outcome is not going to be good."
Specifically, the leaders want to hear detailed plans on potential Supreme Court nominees and the vetting process. They also want to hear about Trump's policies regarding religious liberty, pro-life issues and possible vice presidential candidates.
"A vice presidential pick is going to be very crucial," Perkins said. "Mr. Trump doesn't have a track record—so I am going to rely very heavily on who he is going to pick as a running mate."
Floyd, the president of the nation's largest Protestant denomination, said he just wants to do the right thing.
"The vast majority of Southern Baptists are very much where I am today—we're trying to figure this out," he told me. "We're trying to navigate through these waters that are very uncertain and very difficult."
Floyd had strong words for Christian leaders who are suggesting voters should simply stay home.
"We cannot change what exists or even alter it or adjust it sitting on the sidelines and prognosticating about the situation," he said. "We have a biblical responsibility, but we also have a responsibility as citizens of the United States to express the privileges afforded to us—that men and women have died on the battlefield to give us—and I'm not walking away from that."
Floyd said the conversation with Trump is a way for Christians to share their hearts with him.
"None of us have endorsed Mr. Trump, nor have we condemned Mr. Trump," he said. "This is about the possibility of being able to appoint the next four Supreme Court justices. This is about the dignity of human life from the womb to the tomb. This is about religious freedom. I'm not about to sit at home and not express something. I'm accountable to God, and I believe I'm accountable to my fellow Americans."
But at the same time, he acknowledged that many people of faith are struggling to come to terms with some of Mr. Trump's past statements—statements that are contrary to biblical teachings.
"Could you vote for him? That's the question at hand," Floyd said.
Todd Starnes is host of "Fox News & Commentary," heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page and follow him on Twitter. His latest book is God Less America.
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Peace: A Deceptive, Dictatorial Word for Israel - MARTIN SHERMAN CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Will peace continue to be elusive for Israel?

Peace: A Deceptive, Dictatorial Word for Israel

Will peace continue to be elusive for Israel? (Reuters file photo )

Standing With Israel
After a long absence, "peace" is back in the headlines, due in large measure to this week's visit to Israel by French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, who came to try to promote a new French initiative that somehow, by as yet unspecified means, would resuscitate the moribund "peace process."
Perversely planned to take place without either Israel or the Palestinians, the principal protagonists, the conference has now fortuitously been delayed to accommodate the schedule of U.S. Secretary of State Kerry, who apparently had better things to do than take part in yet another doomed charade to forge "peace" in the Middle East.
However, despite its ill-conceived rationale and dauntingly dim prospects, the planned summit can and should serve one constructive purpose: to focus attention not only on what the quest for the elusive condition of "peace" really entails, but on the even more fundamental question of what is actually meant, and what can realistically be expected, when we talk of "peace" as a desired goal, particularly in the context of the Middle East and particularly from an Israeli perspective.
Indeed, the need for such clarification becomes even more vital and pressing because of recent reports of possible Egyptian involvement in attempts to initiate "peace" negotiations with Arab regimes teetering on the brink of extinction and involving a perilous Israeli withdrawal to indefensible borders. All this in exchange for grudging recognition as a non-Jewish state by a partially no longer existent, partially disintegrating, Arab world.
A Dictatorial Word
It takes little reflection to discover that, in fact, "peace" is a word that is both dictatorial and deceptive.
It is dictatorial because it brooks no opposition. Just as no one can openly pronounce opposition to a dictator without risking severe repercussions, so too no one can be openly branded as opposing peace without suffering grave consequences to personal and professional stature.
Life can be harsh for anyone with the temerity to challenge the tyrannical dictates of the politically correct liberal perspectives. As British columnist Melanie Phillips remarked several years ago in an interview on Israel's Channel 1: "Believe me, it [failing to abide by political correctness] has a very chilling effect on people, because you can lose your professional livelihood, your chances of promotion, you lose your friends."
In a surprisingly candid admission, The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof wrote that "universities are the bedrock of progressive values, but the one kind of diversity that universities disregard is ideological. ... We're fine with people who don't look like us, as long as they think like us."
This peer-imposed doctrinaire uniformity has had a debilitating impact on the quality of intellectual discourse in general, and on the question of "peace" in the Middle East in particular.
New York Times opinion piece by Arthur C. Brooks cautioned: "Excessive homogeneity can lead to stagnation and poor problem solving." Citing studies that found a "shocking level of political groupthink in academia, he warned that "expecting trustworthy results on politically charged topics from an ideologically incestuous community [is] downright delusional."
A Deceptive Word
The considerable potential for defective analysis in the intellectual discourse on such a politically charged topic as "peace" also accounts for another detrimental attribute of the word.
Not only is it rigidly dictatorial, but, perhaps even more significantly, "peace" is a grossly deceptive word. It can be, and indeed is, used to denote two disparate even antithetical political situations. On the one hand, "peace" can be used to describe a state of mutual harmony between parties, but on the other hand, it can just as aptly be used to characterize an absence of violence maintained by deterrence.
In the first meaning, "peace" entails a situation in which the parties eschew violence because they share a mutual perception of a common interest in preserving a tranquil status quo. In the second meaning, "peace" entails a situation in which violence is avoided only by the threat of incurring exorbitant costs.
The significance of this goes far beyond semantics. On the contrary. If it is not clearly understood, it is likely to precipitate calamitous consequences.
The Perilous Pitfalls of 'Peace'
It is crucial for practical policy prescriptions not to blur the sharp substantive differences between these two political realities. Each requires different policies both to achieve and, even more importantly, to sustain them.
The misguided pursuit of one kind of peace may well render the achievement—and certainly the preservation—of the other kind of peace impossible.
Countries with the mutual harmony variety of "peace" typically have relationships characterized by openness and the free movement of people and goods across borders. As in the relationship between Canada and the U.S., there is little or no effort needed to prevent hostile actions by one state against the other. Differences that arise are not only settled without violence, but the very idea of using force against each other is virtually inconceivable.
By contrast, in the second, deterrence-based variety of peace, such as those between the U.S. and USSR during the Cold War or between Iran and Iraq up to the 1980s, the protagonists feel compelled to invest huge efforts in deterrence to maintain the absence of war.
Indeed, whenever the deterrent capacity of one state is perceived to wane, the danger of war becomes very real, as was seen in the Iraqi offensive against an apparently weakened and disorderly Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
In this type of "peace," there is no harmonious interaction between the peoples of the states. Movements across borders are usually highly restricted and regulated, and often prohibited.
It is not surprising to find that peace of the "mutual harmony" variety prevails almost exclusively between democracies, since its characteristic openness runs counter to the nature of dictatorial regimes.
The perils of pursuing one type of peace (mutual harmony) when only the other type (deterrence) is feasible were summed up over two decades ago by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his acclaimed book "A Place Among the Nations: Israel and the World." In it, he calls for making a clear distinction between the "peace of democracies" and the "peace of deterrence."
"As long as you are faced with a dictatorial adversary, you must maintain sufficient strength to deter him from going to war. By doing so, you can at least obtain the peace of deterrence. But if you let down your defenses ... you invite war, not peace," he wrote.
For the remainder of this article, visit
Dr. Martin Sherman is founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. He was a ministerial adviser to Yitzhak Shamir's government and lectured for 20 years at Tel Aviv University in Political Science, International Relations and Strategic Studies.   
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You’ll Never Guess How Signs of Messianic Days are Manifesting in Modern Technology By Rivkah Lambert Adler - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS


You’ll Never Guess How Signs of Messianic Days are Manifesting in Modern Technology

“And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.” Genesis 11:1 (The Israel Bible™)
“This wearable uses translation technology to allow two people to speak different languages but still clearly understand each other,” Andrew Ochoa, Founder and CEO of Waverly Labs, which produces the device, explains in the video,

The Tower of Babel (Photo:
The Tower of Babel (Photo:

Upon watching this technology in action, it’s natural that the curse of the Tower of Babel would occur to the Bible-minded.
Originally, all humans spoke a single language and were easily able to understand one another.
And the whole earth was of one language and of one speechGenesis 11:1
A later verse in Genesis chapter 11 describes how God dispersed the people all over the earth and gave them different languages. He did so in order to disrupt their plan to build a high tower from which to wage war against God Himself.
Therefore was the name of it called Bavel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth; and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earthGenesis 11:9
There is a prophecy about the restoration of a single human language at the End of Days. The prophecy comes from the Book of Zephaniah, a prophet whose central theme is the events surrounding the world’s final judgement, sometimes known as The Great Day of the Lord. Zephaniah is one of the 12 minor prophets believed to have prophesied around the time of Jeremiah, who wrote the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations.
Zephaniah prophesied that, after the final judgement, God will restore a safa b’rurah, a single pure language, to all people remaining on earth.  
For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language that they may all call upon the name of the LORD to serve Him with one consent. Zephaniah 3:9
In a comment on Genesis 11:1, The Israel Bible teaches that “Jewish tradition maintains that the “pure language” (safa b’rurah) that Zephaniah promises is the language of Hebrew and that in future times the world will begin to learn Hebrew, the language of Creation.”
Rabbi Alon Anava, a former Jewish atheist who came close to God and became an Orthodox rabbi after he had a near-death experience, speaks to audiences all over the world about the imminent Redemption. He told Breaking Israel News, “I see a beautiful connection that this device is another siman, another sign, that Moshiach (Messiah) is extremely close, that the Nations will be back, united as one, and will be able, with the Jews, to serve Hashem (God) as a unity together and not be separated from each other and obviously not be separated from Hashem.
Prophecy & Divine Inspiration by Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman. Buy now!
“I see a very big connection. I see how Hashem is throwing us hints, constantly, through technology, and through anything, that the geula (redemption) is coming. The signs of the geula [are] being manifested into the world in the language of technology.”
In his comments to Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Anava compared GPS technology, which uses “satellites in space that track us and see where we’re going and guide us” to “the concept of having Hashem above us, guiding us and watching us and overseeing us.
“So we see that constantly, in the last 20 years, the knowledge of Hashem and the signs of Moshiach are manifesting in technology, so we can start relating to what’s going to happen when Moshiach comes. Every couple of months, a new invention comes to show us that the geula is coming.
“What we need to learn from that is that we really have to get with the program and understand that with every day that passes, we’re getting one day closer to the geula. Hashem is basically preparing the ground so we can relate with Godly concepts, and so that we can see with our own eyes. The world is even evolving to a different dimension.
“Hashem is telling us and the rest of the world, ‘Get ready. Moshiach is coming. I’m going to fix the world. The world is going to go back to its original state, which is called Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden).’”
Waverly Labs plans to launch a crowdfunding campaign to help manufacture the translation device, currently named “The Pilot”. According to information shared with Breaking Israel News, the software for the device will initially include “European-based Romance and Germanic languages, followed by other world languages, including Slavic, Semitic, Hindi and East Asian.”

Franklin Graham: God's Hand Is Being Removed From This Nation - CBN NEWS CHARISMA NEWS

Graham said secularism and communism "are one and the same."

Franklin Graham: God's Hand Is Being Removed From This Nation

Graham said secularism and communism "are one and the same." (Courtesy)

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Evangelist Franklin Graham is urging Christians to vote this election year, even if "it's for the lesser of two evils."
Graham spoke to a crowd on the steps of the capitol in Lincoln, Nebraska. It was the 24th stop, nearly the halfway mark of his 50-capitol Decision America Tour.
"I have no hope for the Democrat Party ... I have no hope for the Republican Party," Graham told the more than 3,000 people at the event, the Lincoln Journal Star reported. "The only hope for our nation today is Almighty God. The most important thing we can do as Christians is pray. It is our only hope."
Graham says believers should vote for candidates who at least consider their concerns. He says bringing God back into politics is an absolute necessity.
Between 1,000 and 8,000 people have met Graham at each stop on the tour, the purpose of which is to encourage Christians to pray and stand up for their faith.
"We are more concerned about political correctness than about God's truth and righteousness," he continued. "America is being stripped of its biblical heritage and God-inspired foundations.
Graham said secularism and communism "are one and the same."
"Secularism is godless. Secularism is taking over our country. Every level of government is secular. It has crept in and taken root," he said.
"The people who do this call themselves 'progressives.' Look at what they stand for and believe. They want to make us a godless country and a godless society," he continued. "If we take God out, He will leave. He blessed us more than any nation on Earth, but his hand is being removed, and the only thing we can do is pray ... and go vote." 
Reprinted with permission from Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved.
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Hebrew Music Monday ✡ "Go in Peace!" - ISRAEL365

And Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace! We have sworn both of us in the name of the Lord, saying, 'May the Lord be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants forever.' "

וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוֹנָתָן לְדָוִד לֵךְ לְשָׁלוֹם אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּעְנוּ שְׁנֵינוּ אֲנַחְנוּ בְּשֵׁם יְ-הֹוָה לֵאמֹר יְ-הֹוָה יִהְיֶה | בֵּינִי וּבֵינֶךָ וּבֵין זַרְעִי וּבֵין זַרְעֲךָ עַד עוֹלָם

שמאול א כ:מב

va-yo-mer yo-na-tan l'-da-vid laykh l'-sha-lom a-sher nish-ba-nu sh'-nay-nu a-nakh-nu b'-shaym a-do-nai lay-mor a-doe-nai yi-h'-ye bay-nee u-va-ne-kha u-vayn zar-ee u-vayn zar-a-kha ad o-lam

Today's Israel Inspiration

Although the biblical Jonathan was extremely righteous, and a true friend of David, Scripture finds fault in the way he sent David on his way without food. Fleeing from King Saul, David traveled in hunger to the city of Nov, where he desperately requested provisions. From Jonathan's mistake, we are taught to always send off guests with enough food for their journey. Colel Chabad, Israel's oldest continuous charity since 1788, is devoted to providing food and sustenance to Israel's most destitute citizens.

Hebrew Music Monday:
The Peacemaker

Enjoy this classic Hebrew song "Oseh Shalom" ("He Who Makes Peace"), an all-time favorite and so easy to sing along to!

Biblical Insight into Poverty Until the Coming of Messiah

A staggering 50,000 Israeli families were assisted this Passover by Colel Chabad, making it clear that the war on poverty in the Holy Land will be fought "until the coming of the Messiah."

From horn to shofar:
How to create one of the most emotive instruments

The shofar is one of the most inspiring instruments. Used in synagogues during the Days of Awe, the shofar will be blown to herald the coming of the Messiah. Did you know that it used to take about 3 months to turn an animal's horn into a shofar? With today's technology, the process is much quicker. Watch and see how the shofar is made.
Shop Shofars »

Today's Israel Photo

Children run through the quaint alleyways of the Old City of Jerusalem, fulfilling the words of Zechariah (8:5): "And the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls playing."

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Shalom. I am Peta Nikolao watching and reading Israel365 from American Samoa, an island in the South Pacific. I enjoy reading about Israel. We pray for peace of Israel during Our family prayers everyday . May the Almighty God of Peace shield Israel with love and harmony.- Elisapeta NI Sunia

Thank  you very much for your wonderful emails. I am so grateful to be learning. The more I learn the less I realize I know! I was born in Kenya, East Africa in 1936. Then British and Christian. We all went to really good Christian Schools -  they were the only ones! We now live in America where our daughters are. I have a brother who still lives in Kenya, and praise God we are going back in Nov/Dec to see him and one or two old friends who also didn't have to leave. Yours sincerely, Mary Rooken-Smith
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Shocking Prophecies About America's Future - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Shocking Prophecies About America's Future - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Lillie Knauls
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2999 | Aired on May 21, 2016

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