Sunday, September 18, 2016

End-Times Prophecy Watch: Islam Aligning With Russia in Unholy Alliance - JAY SEKULOW/ACLJ CHARISMA NEWS

Members of the Iranian revolutionary guard march during a parade to commemorate the anniversary of the Iran-Iraq war
Members of the Iranian revolutionary guard march during a parade to commemorate the anniversary of the Iran-Iraq war. (REUTERS/Stringer/File Photo)

End-Times Prophecy Watch: Islam Aligning With Russia in Unholy Alliance

Radical Islam and Russia are converging in a deadly and dangerous unholy alliance. In my upcoming new book (due out September 20), "Unholy Alliance: The Agenda Iran, Russia, and Jihadists Share for Conquering the World," I uncover some of these dangerous trends and detail solutions that our nation's leaders must take. This continues the in-depth analysis of radical Islam we began in the #1 New York Times bestseller "Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore."
A change has recently occurred in U.S. policy toward the Middle East, as we have begun to withdraw from the region under President Obama. According to Ryan Crocker, dean and executive professor of the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University and a former U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Pakistan, we are now seeing "the lowest ebb since World War II for U.S. influence and engagement in the region."
The United States has substantially withdrawn its troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and has, for the most part, chosen not to involve itself in the civil war raging in Syria, due to the Obama Administration's foreign policy decisions. This departure has created a vacuum in the Middle East, a void waiting to be filled by some other country.
Our enemies no longer fear us and our allies don't trust us.
Power abhors a vacuum. As Crocker explains, "[I]f you look at the heart of the Middle East, where the U.S. once was, we are now gone—and in our place, we have Iran, Iran's Shiite proxies [e.g., Hezbollah], Islamic State [i.e., ISIS] and the Russians."
Strangely, some Muslim sects that normally war with one another are even joining forces in some of these unlikely alliances.
For example, Shia Iran is supporting Sunni Hamas because they both want to see Israel wiped off the face of the planet. Eager to spread its vision of Islamic revolution throughout the Islamic world, Iran has been strategically expanding its reach through proxy terror organizations ever since it overthrew the Shah in 1979 and established the Islamic Republic of Iran. At the same time, Russia's activity in the Middle East has greatly increased as our former Cold War foe attempts to regain a foothold in the region and assert control over lucrative oil resources.
As Iran seeks to fill the vacuum and oppose American interests around the world, it has cultivated an alliance with Russia, a nation led by a former Cold War intelligence officer who dreams of returning Russia to its Soviet-level influence in the region and throughout the world.
This is not shocking to even the most rudimentary student of world history. We recognize human nature, and we know how evil works.
If the United States is unwilling to sacrifice and stand up against dictators and terrorists, then the dictators and terrorists will work together to ensure more people around the world are oppressed, and they will oppose the United States at every turn.
When we show weakness, they show strength. When we withdraw, they advance. When we lack strategy, they execute their strategy. And let there be no doubt, this will result in more terrorist attacks, more aggression, more lives lost and a reshaping of the world order.
Nowhere is the unholy alliance between Russia and Iran more clearly displayed than in their partnership with Syrian president Bashar al‑Assad against the rebel forces attempting to overthrow his regime. Both Russia and Iran have supported Assad's regime as part of a strategic alliance. Iran and Russia share one goal in Syria—to keep the Assad regime in power. In July 2015, Iran and Russia rapidly and significantly increased their political and military cooperation.
Ultimately, if Russia and Iran continue to fight for the Assad regime in Syria, the result will be an expansion of Iran's influence in Syria. This expansion will further destabilize the Middle East by placing Iranian forces in Sunni-Arab lands as well as on the border with Israel, expanding the Iranian hegemon, and strengthening Russia's presence in the region at the United States' expense.
One thing is clear: When the United States fails to lead, enemies of freedom will fill the vacuum and do everything they can to spread terror and oppression.
This is not just a matter of geopolitical gamesmanship between global superpowers. Real lives are on the line—the lives of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East, women and children, and innocent people of all ethnicities and nationalities. But as history has also made clear, in a globalized world, terror and chaos are not contained in one region. What happens there will impact our lives here in the United States as well.
But all hope is not lost. The United States and our allies can defeat this wave of aggression and terror. As the former prime minister of Great Britain Benjamin Disraeli regularly stated, "Forti nihil difficile"—nothing is too difficult for the brave. But time is running out.
This is excerpted and adapted from #1 NY Times Bestselling author Jay Sekulow's newest book, "Unholy Alliance: The Agenda Iran, Russia, and Jihadists Share for Conquering the World."
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The Hebrew Root 'Or' Means Light ✡ "The Menorah of Pure Gold" - ISRAEL365

And he made the Menorah of pure gold, hammered out did he make the Menorah, its base, and its shaft; its cups, its knobs, and its flowers, were from it.

וַיַּעַשׂ אֶת הַמְּנֹרָה זָהָב טָהוֹר מִקְשָׁה עָשָׂה אֶת הַמְּנֹרָה יְרֵכָהּ וְקָנָהּ גְּבִיעֶיהָ כַּפְתֹּרֶיהָ וּפְרָחֶיהָ מִמֶּנָּה הָיוּ

שמות לז:יז

va-ya-as et ha-m'-no-ra za-hav ta-hor mik-sha a-sa et ha-m'-no-ra y'-ray-kha
v'-ka-na g'-vee-e-ha kaf-to-re-ha uf-ra-khe-ha mi-me-nah ha-yu

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Temple Menorah was made of pure gold and was lit with pure olive oil. Its radiant light symbolized the Jewish nation's duty to spread the light of Torah. The purest elements of gold and oil were used to impress upon the people that one must have pure intentions to come closer to God and to influence the nations of the world for the sake of Heaven. The Hebrew root for light,  'or' is the basis of many Hebrew names.  O-ra, and Me-i-ra for girls, and Ya-eer and U-ree for boys, are just a few!  Learn the essence of your Hebrew with a beautifully designed and personalized Hebrew Name Certificate from Israel.

We'll Have You at "Shalom"    

The Israel Tourism Ministry's beautiful commercial proves that you'll love Israel from the first "Shalom."

The End of Days Weather Connection

A leading proponent of educating people about the potential threat of Nibiru said last week that the dwarf star some believe is poised to destroy two-thirds of the world’s population in anticipation of the End of Days is the cause of recent extreme weather events.

Today's Israel Photo

This particular Menorah was chosen to stand in front of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, because it appears famously on the Arch of Titus in Rome, the relic depicting the destruction of the Temple and the looting of its holy objects. The symbolic message is clear: Am Yisrael Chai - the Nation of Israel lives!
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I'm enjoying the mails so much, my spirit is inspired as I read about Jerusalem. I long for the spiritual Jerusalem as well as the physical Jerusalem. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Shalom! Shalom! Rita from Nigeria W /A.
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Sid Roth Buys Middle East TV Network From LeSea With Soul-Winning in Mind - MESSIANIC VISION INC CHARISMA NEWS

Sid Roth's Messianic Vision Inc. announces the acquisition of Middle East Television (METV) from LeSEA Broadcasting Corporation.
Sid Roth's Messianic Vision Inc. announces the acquisition of Middle East Television (METV) from LeSEA Broadcasting Corporation. (Facebook/Sid Roth - It's Supernatural)

Sid Roth Buys Middle East TV Network From LeSea With Soul-Winning in Mind

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Today, Sid Roth's Messianic Vision Inc. announces the acquisition of Middle East Television (METV) from LeSEA Broadcasting Corporation. METV has a long, storied history. Originally Hope TV, owned by George Otis in Southern Lebanon, the channel was donated to the Christian Broadcasting Network under the ownership of Pat Robertson on April 10, 1982.
On June 5, 1997, METV launched on the Israeli satellite Amos 2, which increased its reach from 11 million to 70 million households with a signal reaching the entire Middle East. In May of 2000, METV completed construction of its current station in Limassol, Cyprus, relocating from Lebanon just days before Hezbollah moved in, and Israeli forces moved out.
Shortly after, in July 2001, METV was sold to LeSEA Broadcasting Corporation, which has faithfully broadcast the gospel to the Middle East for the past 15 years. In 2008, LeSEA Broadcasting Corporation signed an agreement to move METV to the Amos 3 satellite, increasing the potential audience to 150 million viewers in Israel and across the Middle East. Today, Messianic Vision receives the mantle from LeSEA Broadcasting Corporation to continue broadcasting the Good News in the Middle East.
"We are so proud of what we have accomplished with METV over the past 15 years, but the time has come for METV to be taken to the next level. We are certain Messianic Vision is the ministry to do just that" said Drew Sumrall, president of LeSEA Broadcasting Corporation. "While we feel fulfilled by our time as stewards of METV, it became clear that it was time to take this opportunity and allow the Messianic Vision ministry to breathe new life into the channel."
"I know this is the set time to have mercy on Israel. METV IS the platform! A great Jewish harvest is upon us, and the Jewish harvest will be the catalyst for the greatest Gentile harvest in history," Roth said.
Along with its satellite coverage, METV boasts distribution in every home in Israel as it remains one of the premier channels in the region. With a mix of religious and family programming, including a long-standing relationship with the National Football League, Messianic Vision will build on an already solid platform.
Roth, a Jewish believer in Jesus as the Messiah, started Messianic Vision as a radio ministry in 1977 to reach out with the Gospel to the Jew first and also to the Gentile. Sid is the host of It's Supernatural! television program, which airs internationally and features guests who have had miraculous healings and supernatural encounters with God's power.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta) Why Were 19th Century Photographers so Interested in Peasants' Plowing?

"Native ploughing with his wife and donkey, Palestine" (original caption)
(Credit: Keystone-Mast Collection, California Museum of
Photography at UCR ARTSblock, University of California, Riverside)

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Why Were 19th Century Photographers so Interested in Peasants' Plowing?

Posted: 16 Sep 2016

"Thou shall not plow with an ox and an ass together." 
לא תַחֲרֹשׁ בְּשׁוֹר וּבַחֲמֹר יַחְדָּו
Deuteronomy 20 (Library of Congress, circa 1890)
For Jews in synagogue, the answer is found in the Torah portion. Virtually every vintage collection that we've analyzed contains a picture of an Arab farmer in Palestine plowing with a rudimentary plow pulled by an ox and an ass. Why? 

"Thou shall not muzzle an ox in its threshing" 
לֹא תַחְסֹם שׁוֹר בְּדִישׁוֹ 
Deuteronomy 25 (circa 1900)

We suggest that the photographers, many of whom were well-versed in the Old Testament, focused on agricultural prohibitions found in the Bible. The photographs, slides, and postcards were usually sold to a Bible-reading public.

"Plowing with an ox and an ass" (April, 1929, Torrance
Collection, University of Dundee)

The photographers illustrated the prohibition "Thou shall not plow with an ox and an ass together" (Deuteronomy 20) and provided pictures of the prohibition "Thou shall not muzzle an ox in its threshing"(Deuteronomy 25).

The photograph above in the UCR collection went one step further, showing an Arab farmer using his ass and wife to pull the plow.

Plowing with a cow and and an ass
(circa 1900) See also here (Library of Congress)

Peasant plowing (circa 1900)
(New York Public Library)

"Plowing with an ox and ass" -- the original caption.
 (Credit: RCB Library, 1897)

Jerusalem Dateline: The Hope: ‘Son of the Lion’ Builds the Jewish State - CBN News with Gordon Robertson & Chris Mitchell

David Ben-Gurion

Jerusalem Dateline: The Hope: ‘Son of the Lion’ Builds the Jewish State

CBN News with Gordon Robertson & Chris Mitchell 09/16/16

This week a special edition of Jerusalem Dateline: the founder of the Jewish state as told by his grandson: “I asked him, ‘you woke one day and decided you wanted to build a country?’" See the rise to power of "the son of the lion" David Ben-Gurion.

Watch here: Son of the Lion

Friday, September 16, 2016


United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrives to attend ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Laos
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrives to attend ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Laos. (REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun)

A Palestinian State Cometh

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has harshly criticized Israeli settlements in the West Bank and is calling for urgent action to save "the two-state solution." He insists that Israeli settlements in the West Bank "are illegal under international law" and he told reporters that the "occupation" of Palestinian-controlled territories "must end." These comments represent perhaps the strongest statements that any U.N. Secretary-General has ever made against Israel, and they come at a very ominous time. As I detailed just a few days ago, there is a major push to try to get some sort of U.N. Security Council resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict before Barack Obama leaves office. As you will see below, this is something that U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon obviously endorses.
Those that are hoping for a "two-state solution" know that fresh negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians are not likely to happen any time in the near future. So if the "peace process" is going to move forward, it is going to have to happen at the United Nations.
Ban Ki-moon is among those that are desperate to try to save the "two-state solution," and as the U.N. begins a new annual session this week he is urging imminent action. The following comes from the official U.N. website.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for intensified efforts to encourage Israelis and Palestinians to take the difficult steps required to change the current destructive trajectory of the conflict, which is heading towards a "one-state reality" rather than a peaceful resolution.
"Twenty-three years ago, almost to the day, the first Oslo Accord was signed between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation," the Secretary-General told the Security Council in a briefing on the situation in the Middle East.
"Unfortunately, we are further than ever from its goals. The two-state solution is at risk of being replaced by a one-state reality of perpetual violence and occupation," he warned.
Using the term "occupation" clearly shows which side of the fence Ban Ki-moon is on, and he went on to declare that the "occupation" of the West Bank by Israel "must end."
Turning to Israel's settlement activities, Mr. Ban said that in the past two weeks alone, plans were advanced for yet another 463 housing units in four settlements in Area C of the West Bank. Official Israeli data shows that the second quarter of 2016 had the highest number of construction starts in three years.
"The decades-long policy that has settled more than 500,000 Israelis in Palestinian territory is diametrically opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state," he said.
"Let me be absolutely clear: settlements are illegal under international law. The occupation, stifling and oppressive, must end," he said.
Those that have followed Ban Ki-moon's career know that he is a relatively soft-spoken guy.
To make these kinds of incendiary comments is basically his version of shouting from the rooftops. He appears to be obsessed with getting something done to formally establish a Palestinian state, and he knows that he realistically only has until Jan. 20, 2017, to accomplish his goal.
As I mentioned above, a new U.N. annual session begins this week, and many are concerned that a U.N. Security Council resolution that sets the parameters for a Palestinian state will be on the agenda. The following is from Wall Street Journal article that was published just a couple of days ago:
The United Nations began its annual session this week, and Israel will be prominent on the agenda. Many fear the Security Council may consider a resolution setting definite territorial parameters, and a deadline, for the creation of a Palestinian state. President Obama has hinted that in the final months of his term, he may reverse the traditional U.S. policy of vetoing such resolutions. The General Assembly, meanwhile, is likely to act as the chorus in this drama, reciting its yearly litany of resolutions criticizing Israel.
If such a U.N. Security Council resolution gets passed, it will be far more important than the outcome of the U.S. presidential election in November. Recently I had the opportunity to explain why this is the case on one of the biggest Christian television shows in America.
Unfortunately, when I do articles like this, they tend to get a less attention than many of my other articles typically do.
The truth is that most Americans simply don't understand the importance of what is going on in the Middle East.
In fact, one recent survey discovered that less than a third of all U.S. millennials can find Israel on a map of the world.
Less than one-third of US-educated millennials are able to identify Israel on a map, a new survey has found.
According to the joint study — titled "What College-Aged Students Know About the World: A Survey on Global Literacy" — conducted by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and National Geographic, a mere 31 percent of respondents knew the location of Israel on a map of the Middle East.
Can you believe that?
How can our young people go to school year after year after year and not be able to point to Israel on a world map?
That is inexcusable, and it is yet another example of how our system of education has become a complete and utter disgrace.
And I was shocked to learn that UC Berkeley was actually going to have a college course about how to remove Jewish "colonialists" from "the land of Palestine." The following comes from the Jerusalem Post.
This week I learned that beginning this year, the prestigious UC Berkeley will be offering a course on "settler colonialism" in Israel, meaning Jews as colonialists.* "Drawing upon literature on decolonization, [the course] will explore the possibilities of a decolonized Palestine." In other words, let's talk about how to eradicate Israel altogether. But not only the course facilitator will explore these possibilities, students will be required to "research, formulate and present decolonial alternatives to the current situation."
After criticism from the Jewish community, that course was canceled by UC Berkeley, but it still shows how anti-Semitism is on the rise in America.
All over the country, the tiny nation of Israel provokes extremely strong emotional reactions. Most people either really love the Jewish people or they really hate them.
And as the drama in the Middle East continues to unfold, support for Israel is going to become a major, major political issue in this nation.
But the very next thing that we are watching for is a UN Security Council resolution formally establishing a Palestinian state and granting them East Jerusalem as their capital.
Now that a new U.N. annual session has started, we are officially in the danger zone, and we will remain in the danger zone until the next president is inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2017.
Let us hope that nothing happens between now and then, because such a resolution would be one of the worst things that Barack Obama could possibly do.
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict"is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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2nd Temple priestly scale stone with Oren Gutfeld Photos IAA and YNetTHIS SCALE WEIGHT BELONGED TO A PRIEST IN ISRAEL'S SECOND TEMPLE

"I went pale and ...felt a small tremble to see the name of the high priest."
Nearly 2,000 years after the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 CE, archaeologist Dr. Oren Gutfeld of Jerusalem's Hebrew University has found a scale weight from that period. Apparently, it belonged to the family of the high priest—and which has his name carved on it.
The weight was found as part of the excavation carried out at the Tiferet Israel Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City. The Israel Antiquities Authority is carrying out the dig together with Hebrew University, and it is being funded by the Company for the Reconstruction and Development of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, Ltd.
This is the second time that such a weight has been uncovered. Excavations at the nearby Burnt House found a similar weight.
Gutfeld explained that he himself unearthed the weight, which has two lines of Aramaic text and a lyre between them. This was initially obscured by a burnt layer, which is presumably from the burning of Jerusalem. While the first line of text has not been fully deciphered, the family name of the high priest was discernible.
"It doesn't happen very much that I get emotional when I find artifacts. But here, I went pale and even felt a small tremble to see the name of the high priest."
The Tiferet Israel Synagogue was built in the 19th century, but when the Jordanians seized the area, it was destroyed. In 2014, a cornerstone was laid for its rebuilding, but an excavation of the site has since expanded. Artifacts have been uncovered from the Ottoman, the Mamluk, the Byzantine, the Second Temple and the First Temple periods.
Gutfeld expanded, "New mikvehs (ritual baths) that we didn't know about and their heating system have been uncovered."
The findings from the Second Temple period were about a meter beneath the building's floor. They also include stone and glass tools, rings, pottery and candles that were put there for storage.
This is a lightly edited version of the original article published by YNet News at,7340,L-4854160,00.html

Find Out Which New Movie Gets Our First-Ever 5-Star Rating! - Faith Driven Consumer

FDC Film Review

Great news—Faith Driven Consumer has awarded its first-ever 5-star movie rating!

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Stirring the soul to worship Jesus in fresh, new ways,
HILLSONG—LET HOPE RISE delivers a profound theatrical worship
experience that is part-documentary and part-concert drama as it
traces the humble origins of Sydney, Australia-based Hillsong UNITED
to worldwide acclaim.

Click here to read the full review.

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HILLSONG—LET HOPE RISE during its theatrical release and beyond.


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