Monday, September 19, 2016

How Lou Engle's 'Anna Call' Could Shift America Before the Election - DEAN BRIGGS CHARISMA NEWS

It made no headlines, but wound around a wooden spool and bound with red fabric in the official government fashion of the day, the scroll depicted in this picture was determined to be a petition of signatures presented to Congress in 1881.
It made no headlines, but wound around a wooden spool and bound with red fabric in the official government fashion of the day, the scroll depicted in this picture was determined to be a petition of signatures presented to Congress in 1881. (Courtesy)

How Lou Engle's 'Anna Call' Could Shift America Before the Election

A prophetic picture arrived in my email last week. Captured only a few weeks ago in our nation's National Archives, the photo reveals a small but remarkable discovery. It made no headlines, but wound around a wooden spool and bound with red fabric in the official government fashion of the day, the scroll depicted in this picture was determined to be a petition of signatures presented to Congress in 1881. Such directly submitted petitions were almost never read or acted upon. Instead, they remained "bound" with red tape, often tabled indefinitely. Worse, faced with frigid D.C. winters, clerks frequently used them for firewood.
But not this one.
This one is marked with 32,000 signatures from citizens who were interceding on behalf of Native Americans for the pain and many injustices they had endured. In this photo, you are looking at 135-years of unanswered prayer; bound, yes, but also preserved. And now, rediscovered.
Written inside, the petition states that "by unanimous consent ... 32,000 citizens of the United States" were "praying (for) Congressional legislation to prevent the encroachment of white settlers on Indian reservations, and that the treaties with the Indians be faithfully executed."
A Sign of Governmental Shift for the Native Soul of Our Land?
While prayers uttered in 1881 may seem lost to time, the courts of heaven forget nothing. Bowls of intercession fill and, eventually, spill. For a legislative document of public prayer to come to light amidst a resurgence of hope touching dozens of native reservations is nothing less than a divine oracle—if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. In 1975, Dr. Billy Graham declared that the native peoples were a mighty, sleeping giant. But, he said, "You are now awakening! Just around the corner you may become a spiritual superpower in this country that could change not only America, but the world!"
We believe a new chapter is about to open that is both necessary for America and good for the native tribes who have suffered. Gathering from across the entire North American continent, on behalf of Lou Engle, TheCall, myself and Chasity Sandoval of All Nations North America, I want to invite you to meet with us for three days in a spirit of humble, bold, expectant prayer. Even now, keys are being granted to open long-closed doors.
The ANNA Call is a gathering of the Body of Christ to historic Tahlequah, OK, the tragic terminus of forced relocation known as the Trail of Tears. Here, tribes from the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Florida were uprooted from their homes and sent on a death march. Thousands perished. Tahlequah is emblematic of the deep and varied griefs carried by countless tribes in their collective soul, spread across many territories and generations. It is only one of many scars on the land.
Led by natives, we will gather and unite at the Pow Wow grounds of the Cherokee Nation, October 7-9, 2016. There we will seek to unbind—to reverse the curse. In many ways, from Tahlequah, we will bend the bow of our intercession and aim straight for origin points in North Carolina as part of an overall strategy of revival. A multi-faceted prophetic storyline is unfolding in this hour. We believe the same trajectory of broken covenant can be reformed into a "Trail of Blessing and Hope" instead.
The native tribes of the land are deep in the Father's heart. From the healing miracles of Coma Lee, the native intercessor renamed Azusa (which we believe may have set the stage, in part, for the historic Azusa Outpouring of 1906), to the recent gathering in Los Angeles at AzusaNow, the story of "Native Destiny" continues to press upon us. Where sin has abounded, grace abounds even more.
That means The ANNA Call is positioned as a hinge, a door of invitation, by which native peoples can release keys—reconciled brotherhood and the heritage of peace—like a salve upon the plagues of division in our nation. For this reason, to honor our native brothers and sisters, from Los Angeles in 2016 to Azusa East in Charlotte, 2017, we feel we must pass through Tahlequah for the full release of God's purpose.
Cutting the Red Tape of Prayer for Revival
Which brings us back to the great backlog of prayer and reconciliation efforts over decades and even centuries. With a massive, unanswered governmental petition suddenly brought to light just weeks before our gathering, could we dare to put in motion our own legislative prayer cry that finally cuts that red tape and releases the bound-up history of native pain? Could the cries and prayers of Native tribes, for hundreds of years, along with the genuine love and steady, unsung intercessions of American settlers on behalf of our native brothers, finally be poised for an answer?
For two years this solemn convocation has been building momentum. Living out of a green van, burdened with prayer and traveling among countless villages, reservations and native communities across the North American continent, Chasity and other young native leaders have spread the word that a great, sacred assembly was coming in 2016. Elders have been summoned. In the process, the Spirit of God has already begun moving mightily with healing, restoration and revival.
From the Mashpee Wapanaog Tribe in Massachusetts, to revival among the Crow in Montana, the sleeping giant has begun to awaken. From the mighty Seminole of Florida to the federally unrecognized Ohlone Tribe of Northern California, we are seeing dreams and visions of friendship emerge from within the tribes—no longer "us" and "them," but Christ in all. From Alaska, to Quebec, to the Navajo and Apache lands across the American southwest, a new man is rising from the ashes. He is neither red, nor yellow, nor black, nor white. He is every tribe and tongue submitted to the cross of Christ, who bore all our pain that we might live in unity together.
Taken as a symbol, the scroll of prayer in our National Archives tells an important truth, that prayers never die. Intercessions never cease. And so, in this moment of divine synergy, we are believing ancient prayers and recent prophecies are about to break loose among the native peoples in extraordinary fashion. Even now, the curse of the past is being broken as the Lord Himself makes all things new. This will be our appeal to the everlasting covenant-keeping God of heaven. Everyone is invited.
We call all who carry a heart for the promise of total reconciliation in Christ, even between historic enemies, even in the midst of covenant breaking. In particular, we urge the new breed of young Nazarite among the native tribes: Make this journey! Take your stand with us. Lead us as we appeal to heaven together.
The ANNA Call is not a symbolic gesture. It is about closing doorways of accusation across our land between people groups who claim Jesus as Lord. It's not glamorous, it's necessary. It's not a feast, it's a fast. Come shape history with us in prayer.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Meeting the Messiah at the Wailing Wall! - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Dr Erez Soref President of  ONE FOR ISRAEL 

And a huge thank you to all the wonderful people of Dallas, San Antonio and Houston who welcomed us so warmly! We have really enjoyed being with you, and look forward to the next stops on our travels to meet others who are also ONE FOR ISRAEL with us! 


Dr Perry Goldberg found peace and welcome on many levels when he came to Israel and stood at the wall to pray. Hear his story of how he met Yeshua, the Messiah!



God says in Deuteronomy 8:8,
"The Lord your God is bringing you into a good land... a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey"
There is so much richness in what God has created and placed in this land for his people - not just in their good taste and nutrition, but in their meaning too. And the fig is a fruit which crops up again and again in the scriptures, because God does nothing without purpose. Continue reading...


Pomegranates are in abundance during the time of the Fall feasts in Israel; a symbol of Rosh HaShana(Jewish new year) and the holiday season. They are on greeting cards, ceramic ornaments, beautiful materials - everywhere! They are also dangling plentifully from trees in the fields. They are ripe and ready, bursting to tell a story. A story that God wrote. Continue reading...


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ONE FOR ISRAEL, 47 Pinkas david St. POB 13401, Netanya, 42138 Israel

Arch That Was A Gateway To The Temple Of Baal Is Going Up In New York’s City Hall Park On Monday - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 18 Sep 2016 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

If you tried to put up a large cross in a public park in New York City there would be lawsuits flying all over the place, but apparently an ancient pagan arch that served as a gateway to the Temple of Baal is no problem at all.  On Monday, September 19th, a reconstructed version of Palmyra’s Arch Of Triumph (also known as the Monumental Arch) will be erected in New York City.  Specifically, it will be located in City Hall Park in Manhattan.  

The organization behind this project is known as the Institute for Digital Archaeology, and they have confirmed the location and the date on their official website


This arch was originally constructed in Palmyra, Syria by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in the 3rd century A.D., and it stood there until it was destroyed by ISIS in 2015.  The following comes from the Wikipedia article about this arch…
The Monumental Arch, also called the Arch of Triumph (Arabicقوس النصر‎‎) or the Arch of Septimius Severus, was a Roman ornamental archway in PalmyraSyria. It was built in the 3rd century during the reign of emperor Septimius Severus. Its ruins later became one of the main attractions of Palmyra, until it was destroyed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in October 2015. Most of its stonework still survives and there are plans to rebuild it using anastylosis.
On this map you can see how Palmyra was laid out.  The Arch of Triumph (identified on the map as the “monumental arch”) connected the main street of the Colonnade with the Temple of Bel.  If you wanted to go to the Temple of Bel, there was essentially one way in and one way out, and everyone coming and going would pass through this arch.


Those that are familiar with ancient Middle Eastern deities already know that “Bel” and the “Baal” that we find in the Bible were one and the same.  Here is more from Wikipedia
Bel (/ˈbl/; from Akkadian bēlu), signifying “lord” or “master”, is a title rather than a genuine name, applied to various gods in the Mesopotamian religionof AkkadAssyria and Babylonia. The feminine form is Belit ‘Lady, Mistress’. Bel is represented in Greek as Belos and in Latin as Belus. Linguistically Belis an East Semitic form cognate with Northwest Semitic Baal with the same meaning.
Back in April, the arch that stood directly in front of the Temple of Baal was supposed to be put up in Times Square, but fortunately that project was ultimately canceled.   A reproduction of the Arch of Triumph (the arch discussed in this article) was put up in Trafalgar Square in London at that time, and there were rumblings that a reproduction of the Arch of Triumph would also come to New York at a later date.

Unfortunately, that has now become a reality.

So why are people getting so upset about some ancient arch that may be connected to an ancient god that nobody seems to worship anymore?

Well, the truth is that “Baal” is mentioned in the Bible more than 100 times.  A very high percentage of current world religions can be traced directly back to this ancient deity and to ancient Babylon, and the practices involved in ancient Baal worship are “eerily similar” to things that go on in society today.  The following comes from an excellent article by Matt Barber
Ritualistic Baal worship, in sum, looked a little like this: Adults would gather around the altar of Baal. Infants would then be burned alive as a sacrificial offering to the deity. Amid horrific screams and the stench of charred human flesh, congregants – men and women alike – would engage in bisexual orgies. The ritual of convenience was intended to produce economic prosperity by prompting Baal to bring rain for the fertility of “mother earth.”
The natural consequences of such behavior – pregnancy and childbirth – and the associated financial burdens of “unplanned parenthood” were easily offset. One could either choose to engage in homosexual conduct or – with child sacrifice available on demand – could simply take part in another fertility ceremony to “terminate” the unwanted child.
Modern liberalism deviates little from its ancient predecessor. While its macabre rituals have been sanitized with flowery and euphemistic terms of art, its core tenets and practices remain eerily similar.
We tend to think that we are vastly more “advanced” than the pagan idol worshippers of the ancient world, but is that really the case?

They killed their babies by the thousands, but we have killed our babies by the millions.

They had “free love” around the altars of Baal, but we have turned it into a permanent lifestyle.

Multitudes would gather around the altars of Baal to watch the bisexual orgies, but we have turned watching others having sex into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Just like ancient Israel, our society has turned away from following the God that created all things, and instead we are embracing the ways of the ancient pagan world.  Unfortunately, there are very serious consequences for doing this.  Just consider what Jonathan Cahn recently told George Noory during an interview on Coast to Coast
“Western Civilization was once totally pagan and then in a sense it got cleaned up,” Cahn said. “But what [one of these mysteries is] saying is, if it turns back away from God and turns to evil and immorality, it’s going to be seven times worse than it does before. And how that translates is, before you had the Gospel you had Nero, you had Caligula. But when you have a post-Christian civilization, it’s much more dangerous than a pre-Christian one. But that’s when you produce Hitlers, you produce Stalins, you produce ultimately the Antichrist. That’s end-time prophecy. We are witnessing that as well.”
I believe that it is quite appropriate that an arch that once served as a gateway to the Temple of Baal is going up in New York City on Monday, because we are going down the exact same path that ancient Israel once did.

Sadly, if we keep doing the same things that they once did, our ultimate fate will end up being very similar as well.


Donald Trump

Donald Trump's recent pro-life pledge was a defining moment of the 2016 presidential race. (Reuters photo)

Donald Trump's Pro-Life Pledge is 'Yuge!'
Voters who have wondered where Donald Trump stands on the abortion issue need wonder no longer.
Trump today made perhaps the most pronounced pro-life move a presidential nominee has ever made by declaring a specific pro-life platform for his presidency and putting a prominent and unapologetic pro-life leader in charge of his pro-life coalition.
The level of specificity in his presidential pro-life agenda is virtually unheard of. Most candidates try to play it safe by trotting out pro-life bromides and hoping that will satisfy social conservatives.
Not Trump, not this time. Here are the specific things he pledges to do if elected president:
  • Nominate pro-life justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Sign into law the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would end painful late-term abortions nationwide.
  • Defund Planned Parenthood as long as they continue to perform abortions; and reallocate their funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive healthcare for women.
  • Make the Hyde Amendment permanent law to protect taxpayers from having to pay for abortions.
This is a spectacular list. He pledges to make the sanctity of life a qualifying issue for any potential Supreme Court nominee, which is as it should be. The Founders identified the "right to life" in the Declaration as an unalienable right granted to every human being by the Creator. The Constitution itself reaffirms the right to life explicitly in both the 5th and 14th Amendments.
The United States was founded on the premise that this right is the very first of the rights God has given to man. No human agency or authority has a right to deprive another human being, including the pre-born, of this right since it is a gift from God.
It is not just a human and civil right, it is a legal and constitutional right. A judge who does not recognize the right to life is unfit by definition to serve on any judicial bench anywhere in the United States at any level at any time.
Trump also pledges to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of gestation, defund Planned Parenthood (which currently gets $534 million every year in crony socialist subsidies), and permanently ban taxpayer-funded abortions.
How do we know this is more than empty rhetoric? By his appointment of Marjorie Dannenfelser to head up his pro-life coalition, Trump has put a name and a face to his pro-life commitment. Ms. Dannenfelser, as the head of the Susan B. Anthony List, has faithfully fought the good fight to protect innocent life for over two decades, and she has fought it well.
Naming her to head up his pro-life effort is like dropping a live grenade into the pro-choice crowd. They will freak. They will fume and foam at the mouth. They will return withering fire. It will be Armageddon.
Trump is smart enough to know the firestorm his appointment of Dannenfelser will create. It is surely a reassuring sign to pro-lifers that he is undeterred and determined to forge ahead through the flames.
This platform headed by this chairwoman leaves absolutely no doubt that voters will have a clear-cut choice on November 8 between the pro-death extremism of Hillary Clinton and the pro-life commitment of Donald Trump. Voters who have said there is no fundamental difference between the two candidates cannot say that any longer.
There are defining and clarifying moments in every presidential campaign. This is that moment for 2016. The die has been cast, the colors are clear, and the choice is plain.
Bryan Fischer is host of the two-hour weekday "Focal Point" program on American Family Radio.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Female Cop Seriously Hurt in Terror Stabbing - Israel Today

Female Cop Seriously Hurt in Terror Stabbing

Monday, September 19, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
A young female police officer was seriously wounded on Monday when a Palestinian Arab terrorist stabbed her in the neck just outside Jerusalem’s Old City.
The 20-year-old victim was stationed at Herod’s Gate when the terrorist snuck up behind her and began stabbing. An older male police officer was also stabbed, but managed to open fire on the terrorist and critically wounded him.
Additional forces were called in to secure the area. Israeli officials are increasingly concerned over the fresh wave of terrorist stabbings with the autumn biblical festivals just weeks away.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday evening convened an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss increased security measures during Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.
As part of efforts to reduce tensions, Netanyahu ordered Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein to continue to prevent Jewish government ministers and members of Knesset from ascending the Temple Mount.
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