Sunday, May 28, 2017

In Honor of Those Who Have Given Their Lives - Memorial Day Weekend - USA 2017

In Honor of Those Who Have Given Their Lives
 - Memorial Day Weekend - USA  2017
(Photos by Steve Martin)

Grave sites in a South Carolina church cemetery
Civil War, World War II, Vietnam War


Photos below from Crown Memorial Park
Pineville, NC
May 27, 2017

Gabriel the Archangel

Bugler Boy with US Armed Services Flags

Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard

My Dad's (Louis James Martin) grave site
- Steve Martin

Steve Martin

How a Manchester Church Showed Love Right After the Terror Attack - CBN News

How a Manchester Church Showed Love Right After the Terror Attack


"In the midst of chaos and destruction, we've experienced tremendous hope" said CBN News reporter, Fin Sheridan. 
Manchester's local church is doing their part to take care of citizens after the recent bombing that took 22 lives. 
Audacious Church reached out the very night of the attack to support rescue and security efforts. 
In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem. Get Tickets
They opened their facilities for first responders needing a rest.
"We opened the building and we said to emergency services, the police, fire and ambulance (personnel), paramedics, 'if you need a break and get a break, there's free tea and coffee, and bacon sandwiches available here,'" said pastor Stuart Keir. He said they they also told the responders, "we'd love the opportunity to get to serve you."
Keir said took they accepted the hospitality. 
"What an honor for us as a church to be able to do that for those serving on the frontline," he added.
Keir also believes that through such practical service, the body of Christ can "demonstrate the love of God." 
He believes that through this love, believers can bring about a change, despite the circumstances.  
"There's such an outpouring of love in this city," Keir said. "Let the church play its part in the city in making the difference that only the church can bring."
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These 8 Habits Activate Holy Spirit's Power in Your Life - KEN MALONE CHARISMA NEWS

The Lord loves to communicate with you. (Pexels)

These 8 Habits Activate Holy Spirit's Power in Your Life

Faith—Shed the victim mentality and believe God for a miracle. Speaking God's word over you and your family will unlock the resources of heaven. Read Heb. 11:1-6 and Rom. 10:8,17. Get active in God's Word.
Prayer—Talk to God like you're talking to a friend. The Lord loves to communicate with you. This creates an avenue of intimacy with the Lord. Don't be religious—you don't have to say everything right. Just talk to Him (Matt. 6:9-14).
Worship—When worship becomes a focus in your life, it creates an atmosphere of His presence. Open your mouth and begin to sing. Sing unto the Lord a new song (Ps. 22:3).
Intercession—Taking up the cause of Christ in the earth puts you in a position of partnering with Him. Partner with Him through intercession (1 Tim. 1:1-3).
Pray in Tongues—When you pray in tongues, you edify your spirit and build up your faith. If you don't pray in tongues, ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues (Acts 2:1-4; 1 Cor. 14:4; Jude 20).
Forgive—Forgiveness is not an emotion but an act of your will that can change your emotions. If someone has wounded you, begin to say, "I forgive (put in their name) in Jesus' name." Keep doing this every time Satan brings up the offense (John 20-23; Mark 11:25).
Prophesy—Prophesy the word of the Lord over your life. Prophesy His written word but also a word spoken to you. Keep doing this until it comes to pass (Is. 55:10-11).
Walk in Righteousness—Realize that Jesus bore your sin that you might be made righteous through Him. Begin to declare that you are righteous because of Him (2 Cor. 5:21). 
Ken Malone is being used by God to mobilize the body of Christ throughout Florida and the nation. After being a pastor for 24 years, Ken has recently stepped down from a pastoral position. This has allowed God to launch Ken into his apostolic role within Florida and the nation. He is an ordained minister and serves as the founder of Forerunner Ministries and serves on the board of Dutch Sheets Ministries. Ken also serves as one of the leaders of Network Ekklesia International, an apostolic network founded by Dutch Sheets. Ken walks in a governmental apostolic mantle that releases the body of Christ into their destiny. He also ministers with a prophetic, seer anointing which enables him to identify activate and release redemptive gifts in individuals, churches and cities.
This article originally appeared at
Charisma's Special Anointing Bundle. Get Charisma magazine plus these 2 Books - The Deborah Anointing & The Esther Anointing for only $24.97. Subscribe Now!
Hearing God's voice changes everything. You'll gain clarity, purpose and direction for your life. Start your journey to live your Life in the Spirit. Click here to draw closer to God!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Louis James Martin (my Dad) grave site in Pineville, NC. - Video greeting to all of his/my family.

Louis James Martin grave site 
(Video greeting to all of his/my family. - Steve Martin)

Crown Memorial Park cemetery
Pineville, NC. Memorial Day weekend 
Saturday, May 27, 2017


 Mom (Lila Martin Parker) keeps flowers nicely on the grave. Thanks Mom!

There was a red fire ant mound on the left side. I scraped it away. And I had just written my Now Think On This blog message on red fire ants the day before. 

Read here: Persistently Consistent - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

National Heal America Campaign Promotes Racial Harmony This Memorial Day - CHRISTINE D. JOHNSON CHARISMA NEWS

(Nicholas McComber/Getty Images)

National Heal America Campaign Promotes Racial Harmony This Memorial Day
Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at
Community activists who are part of the National Heal America Campaign Collaborative are marking Memorial Day as a second "A Time of Love and Reconciliation" opportunity. As part of a yearlong campaign, the collaborative is spreading the word about a 2008 congressional apology for slavery and Jim Crow policies and calling on African-Americans to practice forgiveness and reconciliation.
"Memorial Day began as a way to respect soldiers who fought and died for the Union and an end to chattel slavery during the Civil War," says Ted Hayes, a community activist and homeless advocate in Los Angeles. "I can think of no better time to also remember that our nation as a whole has come so far from the days of chattel slavery and Jim Crowism. Too many people don't realize the progress America has made toward racial reconciliation, and these days of healing are meant to enlighten them so that we can move on, and our society can achieve even greater things."
Organizers of National Heal America include Hayes; the Rev. C.L. Bryant, a minister, talk radio host and producer of the Runaway Slave documentary; Mike Siegel, an author, lecturer, attorney and talk radio host, and other civil rights activists.
The original "A Time of Love and Reconciliation," held April 3, 2017, featured talk show hosts across the nation reading and discussing House Resolution 194–a congressional apology for chattel slavery and Jim Crow policies approved by Congress on July 29, 2008.
This time, organizers are asking radio and television hosts to use the passage of this resolution–and a similar one passed by the Senate–as a tool to discuss how the government and the nation are seeking to atone for and move past the racial sins of previous generations and allow old wounds to heal.
The next observance will be June 19, known as Juneteenth, the anniversary of the date when slaves in Texas finally learned of the end of the Civil War and their emancipation. The yearlong campaign culminates April 4, 2018, the 50th anniversary of the death of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Hayes emphasizes that the campaign is not about continuing white guilt.
"The congressional apology and our calling attention to it now is not meant to further castigate guilt upon white citizens," he adds. "Instead, it is a wonderful opportunity for blacks to practice the first principles of Judaic-Christian salvation by forgiving those asking for and seeking reconciliation. Since this offer of reconciliation from the federal government has gone largely unnoticed, black citizens were divested of the chance to practice the saving grace Jesus Christ preached. Our campaign is making up for this lost opportunity." 
Charisma's Special Anointing Bundle. Get Charisma magazine plus these 2 Books - The Deborah Anointing & The Esther Anointing for only $24.97. Subscribe Now!
Hearing God's voice changes everything. You'll gain clarity, purpose and direction for your life. Start your journey to live your Life in the Spirit. Click here to draw closer to God!

Prophecy in the News: When did Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Begin? - Ron Cantor Messiah's Mandate

Did it begin in 1967, when Israeli won Jerusalem or long before? And what are the roots?
For those who were watching closely when President Trump spoke in Israel, you may have noticed that he dated the Arab/Israeli conflict.
“We know, for instance, that both Israelis and Palestinians seek lives of hope for their children. And we know that peace is possible if we put aside the pain and disagreements of the past and commit together to finally resolving this crisis, which has dragged on for nearly half a century or more.”
What happened a half century, or 50 years, ago? Israel won the Six-Day War, taking control of the Old City of Jerusalem. By saying this, President Trump’s speechwriters were clearly saying that the source of the conflict is Israel’s occupation of the Old City of Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza and not Arab intolerance of the Jewish nation.
This is straight out of the fictitious, Arab version of the conflict. The Saudis have been saying for years, “Go back to the 1967 borders and we will make peace.”  But this was not the Saudi position before 1967, when she sought Israel’s destruction. Abbas told Trump during his visit to the once-Jewish city of Bethlehem:
“Our fundamental problem is with the occupation and settlements … The problem is not between us and Judaism. It’s between us and occupation.”

Let’s Check History

If that were true, then the Palestinian Liberation Organization would have been created in 1967, or after. Before 1967, Israel did not occupy the West Bank or Gaza. However, the PLO, the organization that Mahmoud Abbas leads, was created in 1964—three years before Israel won Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, Gaza and the entire Sinai Desert.

Dear friends, we are outgrowing out space at Tiferet Yeshua and we are "Expanding the Tent". We are doubling our seating capacity from 150 to 300 and we will start live streaming our services to reach Israelis wherever they may be. 
We need your help
We have raised $38,000 of the needed $200,000. You can partner with us here or learn more here. Thank you for helping us Reach Tel Aviv!

Let's show the nations God's Glory!!! They see HIM every day anyway!!! Send me your sunrise/sunset photos!

Sunset over Jerusalem
(Steve Martin photo)

The Glory of the Lord Shines Every Day!

Sunrise and sunset
that everyone sees every day
in all the world.

Sunset in Guam 05.26.17

The Glory of the Lord Shines Every Day!

Thank you Ellen Cruz Stevenson for sending me this beautiful photo!  The glory of the Lord shines forth throughout His nations!

Anyone else have sunrise or sunset photos to send? We love seeing the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, the Creator of the Universe, in all His glory!

Send me your photos please.

Be blessed in your blessing, in sharing the love of the Lord for the people in all His nations.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Sunrise and sunsets in Charlotte, NC 
May 28-29 2017
(Photos by Steve Martin)