Thursday, June 1, 2017

Lance Wallnau: President Trump, The UNBELIEVABLE story you've never heard! - June 1, 2017 THE ELIJAH LIST WEEKLY VIDEOS

Here are Today's Elijah List Ministry's Featured Video Messages by Lance Wallnau, Stephen Powell, Jennifer LeClaire, Paul Keith Davis, Jennifer Eivaz, and Patricia King

This week's Prophetic TV e-blast includes videos from:

1. Lance Wallnau: President Donald Trump — The UNBELIEVABLE story you've NEVER heard!

2. Stephen Powell: Prophesies about Trump, the Media, and the Future of America

3. Jennifer LeClaire: #MEGA Prophecy: 6 Keys to Tapping Mega Grace

4. Paul Keith Davis: Principles of a "Second Time"

5. Jennifer Eivaz: How to Deliver Land from Territorial Spirits

6. Patricia King: Recover All

I love each week providing fresh, new prophetic words and prophetic teachings for you as part of Elijah List Ministries.

We spend a lot of time and this year, we're spending a lot of money on upgrading our ability to provide you timely video real-time teachings.

Thank you for your monthly or one-time gifts of support.

God will multiply your gifts back to you, that I promise — because HE promises to do that for you.


Steve Shultz, Founder

"President Donald Trump — The UNBELIEVABLE story you've NEVER heard!"

This is the story you wish you'd heard about President TRUMP but NO ONE TOLD YOU (because they didn't know either!) Good faith is good. Great faith is Amazing. AMAZING FAITH is what this is about to give you!
Steve Shultz, — Founder, Elijah List Ministries

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By Lance Wallnau... Watch It Now

Visit Lance Wallnau's Facebook page: HERE
"Prophesies about Trump, the Media, and the Future of America"

I believe that the thing that is holding back those forces of darkness from engulfing the world now and engulfing America are the intercessors... the reason that we're seeing so much warfare is because what is on the other side is that GOOD!

We have a chance to not only see another revival released in this nation, but we have a chance of see our nation reformed... we have a chance to literally see transformation in America... transformation after the blueprint comes from Heaven.

By Stephen Powell... Watch It Now

Visit Stephen Powell's Facebook page: HERE
"#MEGA Prophecy: 6 Keys to Tapping Mega Grace"

I will move on your behalf when you step out in faith and rely on My grace to obey the words I have spoken to your heart. I will make impossible things possible... My grace offers you supernatural favor and power. My grace offers you whatever you need...

Release your faith to walk in My grace, and you will see things move that seemed immovable. You will see Me move in ways you hoped and prayed for. You will see yourself move into a new dimension of my goodness.

By Jennifer LeClaire... Watch It Now

Visit Jennifer LeClaire's Facebook page: HERE

"Principles of a 'Second Time'"

The word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time and that second time the result was even more powerful than it would have been the first. The Lord is the master of a second time...

I believe that's kind of where we are at right now, that we're about to get another chance at some things that our nation witnessed one generation ago. Mark my words, something is about to happen — Paul Keith Davis

By Paul Keith Davis... Watch It Now

Visit Paul Keith Davis' Facebook page: HERE
"How to Deliver Land from Territorial Spirits"

Watch this incredible teaching by Jennifer Eivaz on how to deliver land from demonic powers and principalities!

"This is something done by the leading of the Holy Spirit and not done on one's own initiate. When the Holy Spirit initiates this kind of deliverance, He will lead you to victory and heal the land from every demonic curse. The results are salvation, healing, and prosperity and so much more!" — Jennifer Eivaz

By Jennifer Eivaz... Watch It Now

Visit Jennifer Eivaz's Facebook page: HERE
"Recover All"

If you feel something you have been promised has been damaged destroyed or stolen, don't miss this week's episode from Patricia King.

Our God is a God of restoration, and He wants to restore all the years and the days that the locusts stole that the enemy has stolen from you... especially if you are in the second half of life!

By Patricia King... Watch It Now

Visit Patricia King's Facebook page: HERE
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Anti-Trump Media Have Completely Ignored His Good Economic News - 6/1/2017 CONSERVATIVEHQ

President Donald Trump (Reuters photo)

Anti-Trump Media Have Completely Ignored His Good Economic News

CONSERVATIVEHQ  charisma news
During the 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump said that if voters would vote for him to end Obama's job-killing economic policies the American economy could grow at 4 percent, maybe even more.
Obsessed as the establishment media is about fake news and lies about Russia, you'd never know that—thanks in large measure to President Trump's deregulation and economic policies—we are rapidly closing in on that 4 percent economic growth goal.
The Atlanta Federal Reserve's GDP Now forecast model, released yesterday, showed the U.S. economy is expected to grow at a 3.8 percent annualized pace in the second quarter based on a report that showed an increase in personal spending in April.
The latest second-quarter gross domestic product estimate was faster than the 3.7 percent clip calculated just five days ago on May 26, the Atlanta Fed said according to Reuters.
This trend has been building since March, when The Wall Street Journal's Steven Russolillo reported that consumers said they felt better about the economy than they have in the past 17 years. Optimism among small-business owners has also surged since the election said Russolillo.
Meanwhile, NewsMax reports U.S. consumer spending recorded its biggest increase in four months in April and monthly inflation rebounded, pointing to firming domestic demand.
Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity, is likely to remain on solid ground in the wake of other reports yesterday that showed confidence among households still at lofty levels and strong gains in house prices in March reported Reuters.
A third report on Tuesday showed house prices increased 5.9 percent year-on-year in March. Rising house prices are also supporting consumption reported Reuters.
Consumer spending is being boosted by a tightening labor market, which is gradually pushing up wages. Personal income rose 0.4 percent last month as wages jumped 0.7 percent. Savings were little changed at $759.1 billion last month.
Perhaps even more importantly, according to The Wall Street Journal's AnnaMaria Andriotis, credit scores for U.S. consumers reached a record high this spring while the share of Americans deemed to be some of the riskiest borrowers hit a record low—a potential boon for lending and economic activity.
Consumers' improving fortunes reflect falling unemployment and continued economic growth said Andriotis.
Combined those two factors bode well for future consumer spending as wage growth and increased borrowing power give consumers more spending power.
A month or so ago our friend, economist and Trump campaign economic advisor Stephen Moore, observed that "the one thing Washington is very good at is giving every excuse under the sun for why achievable things can't done."
As Moore noted, the left and even some academics on the right claim that 4 percent or greater economic growth "is a pipe dream."
Moore recounted that CNNMoney asked leading economists about Trump's promise, and they found a strong consensus that 4 percent growth is "impossible, or at least highly unlikely."
Even the 3 percent growth goal Trump's budget team had projected was ridiculed.
"Experts" said Moore, point to a widely cited 2016 San Francisco Federal Reserve study that argues that the "new normal" is 1.5 to 1.75 percent GDP growth—or less than half the post-World War II average pace of progress.
Moore said many of his fellow economists are sounding as myopic as the legendary patent office official who once proclaimed that everything that could be invented had already been invented.
Stephen Moore was right. What the myopic economists hadn't counted on was Donald Trump actually producing policies that would strengthen the demand side of the U.S. economy; reducing immigration to increase wages and job security for American workers and reducing regulations to give small business the increased confidence necessary to stimulate employment, thereby putting more wage-earners into the market for goods and services.
Now there's just one thing left to do: Get Congress moving on President Trump's tax and economic growth plan. The Capitol Switchboard is 1-866-220-0044. We urge you to call your representative and senators, tell them that, despite the establishment media's best efforts to hide the truth, the economy is growing, and the best way to keep it growing is to pass President Trump's tax and economic growth plan. 
This article was originally published at Used with permission.
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BDS Strikes Again - This Time in Lebanon - Thursday, June 01, 2017 | Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

BDS Strikes Again - This Time in Lebanon

Thursday, June 01, 2017 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
Lebanese authorities banned the new Wonder Woman movie Wednesday hours before it was due to premiere in the capital Beirut following a campaign against its lead actress, Gal Gadot, who served in the Israeli army, a security official and activists said.
A premiere scheduled for Wednesday was cancelled at the last minute as the ban began to take hold.
Lebanon is officially at war with Israel as the two countries have faced off in a number of wars the latest in 2006 which left much of the Lebanese infrastructure battered and left hundreds dead.
"This time around the campaign bore fruit in contradiction to the previous campaign against the movie "Batman v Superman", in which Gadot also starred," said Rania Masri a campaigner against the screening of the movie.
Masri further said, "it was 'different' this time because of a major media push against the movie that has helped the ban."
The leading al-Akhbar newspaper had a front page article titled "The Israeli soldier has no place in Lebanon."
Gadot had praised the IDF's actions during the 2014 Gaza-Israel war sending prayers to, "soldiers who are risking their lives protecting my country against the horrific acts conducted by Hamas", she wrote on her Facebook page.
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