Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reunionize Time! Saturday - Aug. 10, 2013, Pineville NC

Our First Annual 

Reunionize Time!

Saturday - Aug. 10, 2013 

2-6 pm

Pineville Lake Park 

1000 Johnston Dr. 


John O'Leary - our faithful sound man 
at All Nations Church,
serving from 1995 to at least 2002!

Greetings to all of thee.

Let's get together again! 
("Come together, right now...")

Missed fellowship will all of your old church and ministry friends? The ones the Lord did indeed join you together with? We sure have. 

So let's do something about it.

Let's have a BIG reunion! 

I say it's "Reunionize Time!"

It truly is time to get it back together. We need to stop the enemy from robbing our joy, peace and love for one other, that our Good Father intended, and still does, for us to share with one another.

It is time to come out of our houses, off the couch, and participate once again in His purposes for each of us together. It just is.

So...we are willing to start.

If there are any of our connected e-mailers, Bloggers, Twittervillees and/or FaceBookie friends out there, who either went to church with Laurie and I, or were on ministry staffs or worship teams, or are part of the three main ministries we are currently involved with...did I leave out anyone? (Sure hope not.)

So let's do something about it.

Let's have a BIG reunion! 

I say it's "Reunionize Time!"

Were you (are) on one of these member lists from days gone by?

1. Victory Church - LaSalle/Peru, IL (1977-1980)
2. Shiloh Fellowship/New Covenant Christian Church - East Lansing, MI (1980-1987)
3. Good News Church - Fort Lauderdale, FL. (1987-1994)
4. All Nations Church (founding members) - Charlotte, NC (1994-2001)
5. Cornerstone Fellowship Church - Pineville, NC (2001-2004)
6. St. Giles Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, NC (2004-2006)
7. Morningstar - Fort Mill, SC (2006-2010)
8. Antioch International Church - Fort Mill, SC (2010 - present)

Or was on staff with me at one (or more) of these ministries:

1. Derek Prince Ministries (Ft. Lauderdale 1987-1990) and Charlotte, NC 2001-2005)
2. Mahesh Chavda Ministries/All Nations Church - Ft. Lauderdale and Charlotte (1987-2000)
3. Vision For Israel  - Savannah, GA and Charlotte (2005-2010)
4. Samaritan's Purse - Charlotte, NC (2010, 2011)
5. Covenant Keepers - Charlotte, NC (2011-2012)
6. Charlotte Rescue Mission - Charlotte, NC (2012)
7. Antioch International Church - Fort Mill, SC (2012-present)

(L-R) Bob Sherrill, Doug Goff, Bob Smith 

All Nations Church (1995)

Gilbert Crespo (now with the Lord in heaven)

All Nations Church (1995)

Derek Prince Ministries 2004

Or you are one of our good friends with these networked ministries:

1. Beit Yeshua (since 2006)
2. Christians For Messiah Ministries (since 2004)
3. Christian Friends of Israel (CFI-USA) (since 1994)
4. Highway To Zion (since 2006)
5. Love For His People (since 2010)
6. One New Man (since 2012)

Beit Yeshua's Curtis Loftin 2013

Cathy and Dale Hargett - Highway To Zion 2013

Then it's....


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Time will be from 2-6 pm. 

Pineville Lake Park 
1000 Johnston Dr. 

Each family will need to bring a dish to pass and some cola or water drink. Bring the old kids, young kids, and ones still cookin'. The park provides grills, but bring your own charcoal if needed. Pretend you are going on a picnic, so you bring all you would need.

Haul in the grandkids too, so the grandpas can run them down to get in some "off the couch" exercise.

All for the purpose 
of being together,
to have some good, 
old fashion bonding, 
fellowshipping time
in His prescense.

Write me back to get on the Reunionize Time update list - martinlighthouse@gmail.com

Shalom y'all,

Steve & Laurie Martin

P.S. Please pass this onto those who would like to join us but don't communicate through social media or any other modern day technology. (I have to print this out for Laurie!) Or others who need to read a really good blog once in a while.

And if they can't make it, we can Skype them, like we may do with Sandi and Sue Lucas who live in San Antonio!

P.S.S. Enjoy the memory lane photos below! Can you remember who, when and where? You may be tested on these at the gathering, for they have been important, Body-connecting matters.

I may have to bring some copies of my 8,745, that I have just on my FaceBook page alone.

But here are a few...near the beginning...

 Some of the worship teams over the years...

Danny & Karen Steyne (Photo 2013)
Danny led Sunday morning All Nations Church worship teams
 in 1998-1999 on Granite St. in Charlotte

(L-R) Ron Bowen, Laurie Martin, John Rust, 
Steve Martin, Little Big Eagle, Bernie Lemke

Included times:
Steve Martin & The Raiders 2001 
Worship teams at Cornerstone Church, Pineville (2001-2003)
Highway To Zion assemblies (2012)

Antioch International Church - Beit Tikvah Friday nights

Antioch International Church - Beit Tikvah 2011


And now up to date...

Ahava Love Band - 2013







Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134

USA Non-profit 501(c)3   Fed. ID #27-1633858

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People 
Twitter: martinlighthous,  LovingHisPeople, LoveHisPeople  and

Blogger: http://loveforhispeople.blogspot.com   
YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Full website: www.loveforhispeople.org

Check out these photos from days gone by... 
(photos shot by Steve Martin)

Louis Martin - my Dad

The former horse barn became "The Barn"

"The back row" in "The Barn" of All Nations - 1996
(R-L) Bob Lafferty, Gilbert Crespo, Selva Ayemporumal

Mahesh Chavda, Ed Brigham (white shirt and tie)
Michael Blade near post in back

Bob Sherrill - All Nations Church 1997

Bobby Hussey 1997 
- in All Nations Church"The Barn"

June, 1997 - final week of "The Barn" at All Nations Church
Mural painted on the front side wall

Bobby Hussey - worship leader
- in the All Nations "Barn"
Also pictured - Bob Smith, Bob Sherrill

Steve Martin honoring Dad - Louis Martin (Father's Day 1997)

Bonnie Chavda & Ed Brigham

Mahesh Chavda

Steve Martin - final week that "The Barn" was used for meetings.
Torn down a few weeks later after land was sold in June 1997

Laurie Martin

John O'Leary! 
The All Nations Church soundman! (1995-2001+)

Bob Sherrill 1997

Brian & Karen Johnston 1997

Ed Brigham 1997

Rick Hardee 1997

Bob Sherrill & Bob Smith 1997

Bobby Hussey

Ed Brigham 1997

Bobby leads the "Watch of the Lord" worship time

Blessing the offering (Art Maki on right)

All Nations Church worship team 1996-1998+

Louis Martin on Father's Day June, 1997

Bonnie Chavda & Ed Brigham - last day in "The Barn"

Andrew & Art Maki

Josh Martin, David Lafferty and Aaron Adams

Bob & Mary Smith with "My Brother" catching

(L-R) Carmen, Laurie Martin, Indira Persad, Michelle Norby
Brian Johnston - back row, right

Sign I put up as we prepared to leave The Barn 1997

Steve & Laurie Martin at PTL amphitheatre
- had a few Sunday summer meetings here in 1997

We met during the summer of 1997 on the grounds of the
former PTL/Heritage location in Fort Mill, SC

Art Maki - as the Barn is torn down in 1997

Steve Martin - All Nations Church & 
Mahesh Chavda Ministries Administrator (1990-2000)

The "last stick" removed of The Barn - July 1997

Gone. But the Lord had come.

The horse barn - 1994

(L-R) Steve Martin, Laurie Martin, 
Patti McPhearson, Ed Brigham - 1996

All Nations Church worship team - 1996
(L-R) Gilbert Crespo (drums), Bob Sherrill, 
Bob Smith, Doug Goff (bass)
(Bobby Hussey and Angie Carpenter were the worship leaders.
Vocals were Laurie & Steve Martin, Patti McPherson, 
Ed Brigham, Laurie Hardee, Brian Johnston)

Steve & Laurie Martin 1996

Got me a big one! 1997

(Actually it was dead.)

The boys in the band! 1995
(L-R) Bob Sherrill, Doug Goff, Bob Smith

All Nations Church "Cottage"

(L-R) Laurie Martin, Patti McPherson, 
Indira Persad, Kimberly Shedd - 1997

Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda - 1995

Ed Brigham - 1995

Sunday morning in "The Barn" 1995
- Mahesh Chvda teaching

Michael Blade - 1995

Michael Blade

(L-R) Doug Goff, Bob Sherrill, Bob Smith, 
Steve Martin, Bobby Hussey - 1995

Louis & Lila Martin - 1995

All in the Family - 
Chavdas, Adams, Makis, Martins (1996)

Before it became "The Barn" in 1995

Louis Martin (front) and Rick Hardee (middle)
- 1995

 (L-R) Steve Martin, Mike Adams, Mahesh Chavda,
Jodie Goodman, Leslie Adams - 1996

(L-R) Mike Adams, Steve Martin, Timmy Bryant - 1995

Steve & Art Maki - 1995

Hampton Fitcher - 1995

Dedicating The Barn to the Lord 
June 12, 1995 - 1st meeting

Nice shorts. 1995

John G. Elliott - 1995

(L-R) Rainbow Cowen, Gilbert Crespo, Steve Martin, 
Bobby Hussey (worship leader), 
Jacqueline Ayemperumal (tambourine) - 1995

(L-R) Selva Ayemperoumal, Laurie Martin, 
Rainbow Cohen, Gilbert Crespo - 1995

Steve Martin's office - left side. 
(Formerly Rick & Julie Joyner's.)

Entranceto property on Paradise Ridge Road - 
Lamb's Chapel and then All Nations Church

It was truly a horse barn 
- before being "rebarned" in 1995.

Cottage rocking chairs

(L-R) Laurie Martin, Laurie Hardee, Janice Horton,
Steve Martin, Bobby Hussey
- Heritage (PTL) Barn lower level - 1997

Mary Ann & Michael Blade - 1994

Martha Doak, Rick Hardee, Bonnie Chavda - 1995

Josh & Steve Martin - 1995

Gilbert Crespo - 1995

Tim Tennant - 1995

Ed Brigham (Linda Beerbower up front) - 1995

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Value of Speaking in Tongues - Jim Croft

The Apostle Paul strongly indicated that speaking in unknown tongues is a volitional act. He said, I will pray and sing with my spirit (in unknown tongues); and I will pray and sing with my understanding. (1 Cor 14:15) Praying / speaking in an unknown tongue and articulating speech in one’s mother tongue are decisions of human will.

The difference between the two is the source of the words spoken. Birth language vocabulary is acquired by learning and is stored in the frontal lobe of the brain responsible for speech. Unknown tongues vocabulary is not acquired by parental exposure and education.

Words spoken in tongues might momentarily register in the brain, but the brain’s speech center is not the origin. The source is the Holy Spirit within a Christian’s personal spirit. The words are spontaneously formulated in the human spirit which is separate and distinctive from the brain.

The language spoken is determined by the Holy Spirit and can be that of men or angels. (1Cor13:1) Known languages are recognizable. Dead dialects and the languages of angels might sound somewhat like nonsensical gibberish even though they are not.

For illustration, I’ll use a word that I occasionally hear as others speak in tongues. It sounds like she-bah-bah and is often repeated again and again. The nuances of pronunciation and voice inflection of a word in given language can have numerous of definitions.

Depending on tone, three repetitions of she-bah-bah could easily have 3 different meanings. The Lord is coming; the Lord is near; and the Lord is here.

Science Concurs

What is happening in the brain when people pray in the Holy Spirit is described in 1Cor 14:14. It says their understanding is unfruitful. A good alternate interpretation is that the brain is out of gear when a person speaks, prays or sings in tongues. This reality has been confirmed by scientific research.

A team from the University of PA conducted a study of the effects of religious activity on the brain. A special solution was injected to enable blood flow to various sectors of the brain to be tracked. When subjects prayed in English, blood flow intensified in the frontal lobe of the brain responsible for speech.

When the same individuals spoke, prayed or sang in unknown languages, there was not any increase of blood flow to the brain’s speech center. The scientists had 2 conclusions: The words spoken in tongues are not generated from any known sector of the brain. And, that unknown tongues possibly originate from a non-human source as claimed by tongues speakers.

For the study go to - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZbQBajYnEc&sns=em

Clip Clarification

There were statements made by the physician interviewed on the clip and by believers participating in the study that aren’t accurate from biblical and experiential standpoints. The scientist and the narrator insinuated that tongues aren’t intelligible language. In reference to speaking in unknown tongues, the Bible mentions the tongues of angels and men. The implication is that instances of utterances can feature either and perhaps even both.Study spokesmen described tongues as sounding like gibberish.

I’ve spoken and have prayed in with my spirit for decades and haven’t ever heard myself saying anything that didn’t have the sound of distinct language. In addition, I have two personal friends who came to salvation by hearing believers speaking in unknown tongues in prayer services. The speakers, who had no familiarity with my friends or their native language, were heard asking God to forgive my friends of their respective secret sins.

One of the participants in the study inferred that she wasn’t in control during episodes of praying in tongues. She then began to dance about giving the impression that a certain emotional ecstatic state had to be achieved before speaking in tongues could be activated. Her belief is similar to that of a few Pentecostal denominations. It declares that one cannot speak in tongues unless “moved” by the Spirit.

This doctrinal position contradicts the teaching of 1Cor 14 that clearly defines the use of praying and speaking in tongues at the desecration of individual believers. My experience with speaking in unknown tongues is that it is a gift and not an emotional state. For me, the exercise of the gift of unknown languages is a decision. I have observed the same with believers in scores of nations.

Value of Speaking in Tongues

I’m of the opinion that the gift of tongues is too often neglected by Spirit baptized Christians. It’s not a onetime gift. The gift of tongues is multifaceted. It is to be employed throughout a recipient’s lifetime. Here are some of its uses:

1. Tongues are one of God’s signs to a believer and to others that he/she has been divinely acknowledged as a child of God. It is indicative of repentance and that one’s heart has been purified by faith. (Acts 11:15-18; 15:7-9)

2. Hebrews 6:4-5 speaks of believers receiving the heavenly gift that is the foretaste of the powers of the age to come. It is interesting to note that the physical organ with which we taste is located in the mouth. It is the human tongue. Each time we speak in tongues, our mouths taste and pour forth samplings of the powers of
the world to come.

3. Faith is a spiritual substance that can weaken and can be intensified in strength. Praying in the Spirit builds up our reserves of faith. (Heb 11:1; Jude 1:20)

4. As a believer prays in the Spirit, he is edifying himself. Speaking in tongues charges one’s spiritual battery to compensate for life events that drain spiritual, emotional and physical energies. (1 Cor 14:4)

5. While we pray in the Spirit, we are praying about issues that are mysteries to us as we don’t understand what we are praying about. The topics of those utterances are no mystery to God. It is the Holy Spirit praying from within our personal spirits about matters that would never occur to us.

It could be for some future need we have yet to experience. Or, it could be intercession for a believer in crisis whom we might not meet this side of heaven. At crucial times, I’m always comforted to know that believers near and yon are unwittingly interceding for me as they pray in the Spirit. (1 Cor 14:2; Rom 8:26-27)

6. The Bible admonishes us to pray without ceasing and not to quench the Holy Spirit. The only way to pray without ceasing is to pray in tongues. When we do so, it is our spirits that are praying and our minds are free to engage in the matters at hand. I can read a book and can fully comprehend what I’m reading while praying in tongues at the same time. (1 Thes 5:16-19; 1 Cor 14:14)

7. Praying in tongues is a method of giving thanks to God in a manner superior to our own capabilities. (1 Cor 14:16-17)

8. When we speak in tongues during a public gathering the Holy Spirit can give the interpretation. When this happens, the interpretation serves the same purpose as prophecy in that it edifies those present. (1 Cor 14:5)

Occasionally, God gives me the interpretation of what I’m praying about in tongues. In one situation, I was
concerned about my future. The interpretation was, “You’ve never been one who prospered by being in great demand. You’ve prospered by willing obedience to me to be strategically placed in people’s lives time and time again. In the future you will experience greater prosperity as I strategically place you time and time again.” God has been faithful to that prophetic interpretation.

I will close with one of my interpretations of 1 Cor 14:39-40 – Don’t forget to pray often in unknown tongues. Let it be done in an appropriate setting, but make sure it gets done.

Be blessed and be a blessing,
Jim Croft



(Note: Pictures included with this article were added by this editor. Steve Martin)

Turkey & Deer - in the fields of TN

I filmed this video Saturday morning, June 29, 2013 around 6 am, 
while "trekking" through the back roads of middle Tennessee. 

My faithful companion dog, Dachshund Zoe, was the "sniffer" out the window.

I love the Lord's creation!

Steve Martin