Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pakistan Update from Moses Julius

Moses Julius with orphans in Pakistan

Moses Julius
Shalom Today Ministries

Shalom Aleikhem!

We are thankful by the depth of our heart to all of you.

Because you feel pain in your heart to help the orphan Children in this month. Shalom Today worldwide ministries has burden to help the orphan Children. So we visited in  Holy Home Orphanage. It was near to my house and they were around about 10 Children and we gave them spiritual and physically food and I Shared the Word of God from the book of Psalm 27:10, "Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close."

The owner of the Orphanage house has shared their genuine problem regarding to continue help these Children in their Education. But I couldn't promise with her. I said just pray for this genuine problem. We will do it definitely we have sources. Keep remember these children in your prayers.

Our up coming event on next Shabbat. We have plan to distribute free Children bible for only teenage Children and provide them food as well .

Blessing and love
Mr.Moses Julius

Moses Julius

NOAH movie - Official Trailer - United Kingdom

Watch the official trailer for Noah, starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, and Emma Watson. 

A Darren Aronofsky Film. In cinemas 2014.

26 Israeli Charities that Received $2.7 Million from Hagee Ministries

26 Israeli Charities that Received $2.7 Million from Hagee Ministries

Pastor John Hagee‘s 32nd annual “Night to Honor Israel” was held on October 27, 2013 in the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas.  The 5,000 person sanctuary was filled to capacity with not only Evangelical Christians, but Jews from Israel representing 26 charities that received over $2.7 million in donations. 

Over the years, Hagee Ministries has blessed Israel with over $80 million in humanitarian aid which has greatly benefited the people of Israel.  The complete footage of the 2013 “Night to Honor Israel” is available  here.

Night to Honor Israel
Representatives of Israeli charities on stage with Pastor John Hagee, Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, Texas (Photo: Youtube)
The following is a complete list of the Israeli charities that received donations, from smallest to largest gift:

26. Friends of the Israel Defense Forces 

$50,000 for the care of fallen soldier’s families presented to Scott Kammerman
25. Hadadi Center for Breast Cancer Survivors
$50,000  for the emotional and social support given to breast cancer survivors presented to Aliza Herbst
24. Heart of Benjamin – CFOIC
$50,000 for children with Down Syndrome presented to Sandra Baras
23. Israel Help and Educational Center at Kiryat Gat
Israel Help
$50,000 for services for families at risk presented to Rivka Lennon Zamanov
22. Koby Mandell Foundation
Koby Mandell Foundation
$50,000 for services for victims of terror and trauma presented to Rabbi Seth Mandell
21. Meir Panim
Meir Panim
$50,000 for the fight against hunger and poverty in Israel presented to David Birnbaum
20. Migdal Ohr
Migdal Ohr
$50,000 for the orphanage in Israel presented to Steven Finkelman
19. Nahal Haredi
Nahal Haredi
$50,000 for the acculturation of Haredi soldiers into the IDF presented to Rabbi Tzvi Klebanow
18. Or L’doron
$50,000 for the educaiton of Ethiopian immigrants presented to Rabbi Michael Cytrin
17. The Herzl Institute in Jerusalem
Herzl Institute
$50,000 for the young leadership seminars presented to Dr. Yoram Hazony
16. WIZO – Women’s International Zionist Organization
$50,000 for the support of operations for education and welfare projects and services presented to Mercedes Ivcher
15. Afikim Family Enrichment Association
$75,000 for enrichment centers for at-risk families presented to Moshe Lefkowitz
14. Eretz Nehederet
Eretz Nehederet
$75,000 for Jewish awareness programs for the IDF by Linda Olmert
13. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
$100,000 for the support of Holocaust survivors presented to Michael Novak

12. Avukot Or

$100,000 for the support of blind young adults with severe physical disabilities presented to Abe Tessler
11. Bikur V’ezras Cholim
Bikur V'ezras Cholim
$100,000 for the home for developmentally challenged adults presented to Chesky Fuchs
10. The International Council of Young Israel
Young Israel
$100,000 for Jewish enrichment for hearing impaired children presented to Harris Burg
9. Just One Life
Just One Life
$100,000 for the support and counseling of pregnant women presented to Rabbi Etan Tokayer
8. World Ort
World ORT
$100,000 for vocational training for Ethiopian immigrants presented to Howard Feinberg
7. Yad Vashem
Yad Vashem
$100,000 for support for the “Righteous Among Nations” program presented to Shaya Ben-Yehuda
6. Save a Child’s Heart
Save a Child's Heart
$125,000 for pediatric intensive care services presented to David Litwack
5. Netanya Academic Collage
Netanya College
$150,000 for the integration of new immigrants through higher education and assistance into the workforce presented to Dr. David Altman
4. Ohr Torah Stone’s Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation
$150,000 for the creation of a more positive relations between Jews and Christians presented to David Nekrutman
3. Shurat Hadin Israel Law Center
Shurat HaDin
$150,000 for the Israeli-based civil rights organization which combats terrorist organizations through lawsuits presented to Nitzana-Darshan Leitner
2. The Jewish Agency for Israel
The Jewish Agency
$250,000 for absorption and youth centers for new immigrants presented to Shai Lamdan
1. Nefesh B’Nefesh
Nefesh B'Nefesh
$500,000 for the revitalization of Aliyah by helping American-Jewish professionals achieve their dreams of living in Israel presented to Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart

Israel Today: European Politicians, Union Leaders Reject Israel Boycott

European Politicians, Union Leaders Reject Israel Boycott

Thursday, November 14, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
A number of European Union parliamentarians and at least one head of a leading European trade union have openly rejected the continent's recent decision to boycott Israeli "settler goods" and ban deals with Jewish businesses with a presence in Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank").
In July, EU foreign policy chief Catheron Ashton announced new policy guidelines to go into effect on January 1, 2014 that would effectively end all business dealings with Israeli companies that maintained any kind of presence in what are often referred to as the "Jewish settlements."
On Wednesday, a group of 27 EU parliament members sent a letter to Ashton urging her and the European Commission to rethink that decision.
The lawmakers said Ashton must "take all the necessary steps to withdraw the commission guidelines or, at the very least, to come to terms with the government of Israel to ensure that their implementation will reflect the deep bilateral relations between the European Union and Israel and would by no means harm them."
Israel responded angrily to the new EU guidelines, accusing Europe of trying to prejudge the outcome of the peace process. Ostensibly, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is supposed to decide the future of Judea and Samaria via bilateral negotiations. But, the Palestinians, Europe and America already refer to the entire area as "Palestinian territories," nullifying legal and historical Jewish claims to the biblical heartland.
In addition to the brave showing by the above parliamentarians, German trade union leader Michael Sommer on Sunday said he would take on anyone who tried to boycott Israeli goods, regardless of their origin.
"As long as I am head of this organization, there will never be a resolution that says 'Don’t buy from Jews,'" Sommer declared during the third annual German-Israel Congress in Berlin.
Despite the backlash, an informal boycott is already being practiced by many in Europe. You can help fight back, to turn the boycott into a BUY-COTT! Visit our anti-boycott page now >>

Camel riding in Israel - Ben Martin - east of Jerusalem at sea level

Ben Martin of Love For His People

Camel riding in Israel - Ben Martin - east of Jerusalem Sat. 11.09.13 at Sea Level.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Jerusalem's Succat Hallel 24/7 New Prayer Room Dedication

On Nov. 4, 2013, Rick Ridings, leader of Succat Hallel prayer ministry in Jerusalem, and standing room only dedicated their new location. It is a few miles south of their former place which was next to the Mount Zion Hotel.

We were blessed to be in Jerusalem at the time and join them in praise, worship, prayer and greetings from such as Tom Hess, Wayne Hilsden (King of Kings), Richard and Carolyn Hyde and more. Joshua Aaron led the worship time.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Pre-dedication music on the piano

Friends from St. Giles in Charlotte, NC

Tom Hess

Joshua Aaron

Rick Ridings greets the gathered.

Joshua Aaron - worship leader

Tom Hess and Wayne Hilsden (middle two)

Carolyn and Richard Hyde

Videos of the dedication that I recorded 
can be found on our YouTube Channel: