Friday, December 6, 2013

Bakery Girls in Jerusalem - serving good bread!

These girls were gracious 
to let me take their photos. 
Todah rabah! 
(Thank you very much in Hebrew.)


...and they were good eating too!


Challah bread for Shabbat

I loved taking these photos on Jaffa Road in Jerusalem, near Ben Yehuda Street, just before getting on the morning train to Yad Vashem. On our Ahava Adventures annual trip! Come along and meet them too in 2014! 

Steve Martin, Love For His People

Check it out: Ahava Adventures 2014

America, Bless God - Bob Jones

Bob Jones:
God Bless America

Bob and Bonnie JonesWhile in a trance on the afternoon of July 26, 2008, Bob heard the audible voice of God say, "America has forgotten Kate Smith's song...God Bless America! They are cursing America more than blessing her with their words. Their words have power. I have not forgotten her; I love her. If they don't begin to bless America, she will go down!"

Now again this year, on November 18th, the Lord rebuked Bob by saying, "You pray for everything else, but you've forgotten to pray for America. It's time to decree the blessings of God over this nation. People are issuing false decrees against her, and this is not My desire. 
Now begin to bless America and I will heal her land."

God Has A Plan For America

God Bless AmericaWe must pray to cancel the power and authority of the spoken word that would not be in alignment with God's divine will and destiny for this nation

We have a great heritage in this nation. Our forefathers dedicated their lives and died in bravery to ensure our freedom. Our Constitution was framed by the words of Christian men dedicated to guarantee all Americans' freedom. Let us not forget their words and deeds; indeed, let us remember the fortitude of these brave fathers who worked together to form our Constitution allowing us to be free. 

We are "yet" one nation under God dedicated by our fathers for His service. 

Let us pray and release the blessings of our heritage that our forefathers died for.

God loves America; she supports Israel, and that is His wife. 

We must be diligent to pray for Israel as well. I believe that God blesses America because she blesses Israel and Israel is the apple of His eye. We need to cancel the power and authority of the spoken word against her. It's always been a matter of birthright. The devil wants Israel, but she belongs to God.

The Lord showed me political leaders of foreign nations that desire to see America fail. There are nations that look upon America as the great satan, and their words are destructive against her. 

We must stand on the promises of God for this nation and proclaim victory.

Kate Smith's Song
Kate Smith stampI believe we have, like so many other things, just taken our liberties for granted. We are facing perilous times, and unless we turn our face back to God and seek His wisdom and guidance, we will be a nation apart from God; a nation without hope.

In the lyrics "God Bless America," composer Irving Berlin takes the form of a prayer asking God to bless America by standing with her and guiding her in the darkest of times by the beacon of His everlasting light. Although composed during WWI it has remained synonymous with our freedom.

God Bless America
by Irving Berlin 

God bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home, sweet home.
Pray That God Blesses America

We need to continually pray for our nation: God bless America! We desperately need His blessings. There are many nations who don't bless America; instead, they curse it. The United States is comprised of many nations (ethnic groups) that dwell within her, but there are some of those nations that refuse to bless America. They actually curse her, as it is their plan to see her destroyed, but we can bless America. 

We need to love those people groups and pray for their salvation. Pray they will begin to see that God loves them and this nation.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

America, Bless God

We always ask God to bless America, and I believe we should; America needs all the blessings she can get. However, I feel that we as a nation should not forget to first bless God. Why?

America, bless GodBlessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance. Psalm 33:12

There should also be a humbling of our heart and crying out to God in repentance for the wickedness of our transgressions as a nation; then 2 Chronicles 7:14 will be profoundly effective.
...if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Are we a nation that has lost the fear of the Lord? Have we put our trust in man and money and other gods of this world? Are we an island unto ourselves? We need a far greater wisdom than man can produce, and we cannot make it without God. If there's anything we need now, it's godly wisdom.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom... Psalm 111:10a

We need to bless God daily for His faithfulness, His love, grace, and mercy. Bless Him for our salvation and daily deliverance from the evil one. He is the breath we breathe and the song we sing. He is the fiber of our being. He is our all in all!

I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1

Even in the very worst situation God will never leave us or forsake us. We must never dwell on the negativity of the circumstance surrounding us but focus on the victorious outcome that lies ahead. When we trust God to deliver us from the evil one, we become God-centered instead of self-centered. We must praise Him in all things big and small. He is always well-prepared to handle any situation. Too often we feel we can do it apart from God, and we try in our own strength and fail.

Then, after we're totally frustrated, we call upon the Lord. We need to get this scenario right!

I will call upon the LORD, Who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies.Psalm 18:3
There is nothing that ever takes God by surprise. And I believe the stronger the battle the greater the purpose. That's why Isaiah 59:19b says, "When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him." God does the work if we trust Him and lay our burdens upon Him. We just need to commit ourselves to bless the Lord with all of our being, as He alone is worthy to be praised.

Five Years of Grace
Bless, and don't curseThere has been a five-year grace period since the first warning, and God's desire is to bless this nation, but His people won't pray. Bob felt it necessary to issue this warning once again! 

Bless America, don't curse her. God has not given up on her and neither can we. 

Our words have the power to bless or curse, so we need to begin to bless America with our conversation (see Deuteronomy 30:14-20). We don't want God to lift His hand of mercy from upon us.

But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it. "See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess. 

But if your heart turns away so that you do not hear, and are drawn away, and worship other gods and serve them, I announce to you today that you shall surely perish; you shall not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to go in and possess.

I call Heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them." Deuteronomy 30:14-20

Let us be a people who cry out to God for His mercy and grace and who, as a nation, return to our First Love in the same way as our forefathers did in the formation of this nation. Let us enter into the blessings of God, and let His light shine upon us to prosper this nation with His peace, love, and truth.

Bob and Bonnie Jones
The Prophetic Ministry of Bob and Bonnie Jones


To contact Bob Jones send your inquiry to:

Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministries
White Horses Publishings
P.O. Box 838
Pineville, NC 28134-0838

Bob and Bonnie Jones: Bob Jones is known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. His prophecies have spanned over four decades as the Lord has enabled him to foretell earthquakes, tidal waves, comets, and weather patterns. Like Daniel who functioned at an incredible level, Bob has often told leaders their dreams and experiences, as well as the interpretation. 

After his death experience in 1975, God sent him back to minister to Church leadership and reach the multitudes with His love and truth, and to equip the saints with understanding of the spiritual gifts. God promised Bob that he would see the beginning of one billion souls coming into the Kingdom in one great wave of the end time harvest. 

Bonnie has a great love for the Lord, the Word and the Cross of Jesus. She loves children and enjoys blessing them with a gift of joy, truth, love, and encouragement. Bonnie moves in a seer prophetic gifting as well as healing and miracles. Her passion is to see women set free from the fear of man and step into their gifts and calling. She is a great advocate of women stepping forth into their rightful place beside their husband.

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

People are issuing false decrees against America, Bob Jones says in this article.

Bob is once again issuing a warning from the Lord that we MUST pray for America. Our words do have power to bless or curse...and we are NOT to curse who God has not cursed...and God has NOT CURSE AMERICA!

Please heed, and encourage others to heed this warning to bless and not curse America.

To see the full word of warning, read Bob and Bonnie Jones' entire article.
Bless you and God Bless America!

Note from Steve Shultz: People ask me, "How can I support The Elijah List?"

My answer: The Elijah List articles are emailed for FREE to you and your friends  or published on our website  365-Days-a-Year – to readers all over the world. Your support helps to pay for this effort by simply purchasing your prophetic resources directly

We appreciate our dear readers and we thank you for supporting your Elijah List staff!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

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World Mourns Mandela - CBN News

South Africa's Greatest Son: World Mourns Mandela

The world is in mourning Friday over the loss of South African anti-apartheid revolutionary Nelson Mandela.
Mandela, who passed away "peacefully" Thursday at age 95, is known as South Africa's first black president, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and the man who defeated his country's racist apartheid system.

Now leaders and ordinary citizens across the globe are paying tribute to a life that changed the world.
"He is now resting. He is now at peace. Our nation has lost its greatest son. Our people have lost a father. Although we knew that this day would come, nothing can diminish our sense of a profound and enduring loss," South African President Jacob Zuma said.

President Barack Obama described Mandela as "a moral giant who embodied the dignity and the courage and the hope, and sought to bring about justice not only in South Africa, but I think to inspire millions of people around the world."

"We just lost another piece of history again," one mourner said. "It's a shame. This man has done a lot for the entire world, for everyone one, for you and I, even for the future generation."

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon said, "Nelson Mandela was a giant for justice and a down-to-earth human inspiration. Many around the world were greatly influenced by his selfless struggle for human dignity, equality, and freedom. He touched our lives in deeply personal ways."

Bishop T.D. Jakes also paid tribute to Mandela, hailing him as a "servant-leader."

"I am deeply saddened to have lost such an enduring symbol of freedom and liberty; Nelson Mandela was an elder statesman who embodied the very essence of servant-leader," he said.

For many, the legacy of the man who taught the world it's possible to transform anger into hope will live on.
Mandela grew up feeling the shackles of South Africa's brutally racist apartheid system. For 20 years he led a non-violent campaign against the government.

But then his philosophy changed to one of armed struggle.
In 1964 he was sentenced to life in prison for planning to topple the government. When he was finally released in 1990 he had a much more tolerant attitude towards his opponents in the government.

"Nelson Mandela understood we cannot hold these grudges if we hope to go forward," Rev. Calvin Butts said. "There must be some forgiveness. It is not justice that's going to cure the distortions of human community. It is the forgiveness of sin. He was able to forgive."

Mandela's dream was realized in 1994 when black South Africans cast their first ballots in a democratic election and Mandela became the nation's first black president. In 1999, he stepped down, handing power over to the next generation.

Next week, South Africa will hold a memorial service at a 95,000-seat stadium. The White House said President Obama will attend the service.

Christianity Is ‘Most Persecuted Religion,’ British Parliament Told


Christianity Is 

‘Most Persecuted Religion,’ 

British Parliament Told

Evangelical Church in Minya
Bishop-General Macarius, a Coptic Orthodox leader, walks around the burnt and damaged Evangelical Church in Minya governorate, about 152 miles south of Cairo. (Reuters/Louafi Larbi)
The plight of Christians around the world was discussed in a three-hour debate at the Houses of Parliament in London Tuesday.
Members of the House of Commons were told that the persecution of Christians is increasing, that one Christian is killed about every 11 minutes around the world, and that Christianity is the “most persecuted religion globally.”
A long list of countries in which life as a Christian is most difficult was discussed, including Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, Nigeria, Iraq and Egypt.
MP Jim Shannon said the persecution of Christians is “the biggest story in the world that has never been told.”
He said that although the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are many countries in which these rights are not given.
Shannon alleged that 200 million Christians will be persecuted for their faith this year, while he said that 500 million live in “dangerous neighborhoods.”
He added that in Syria Christians are “caught between opposing sides in the conflict,” and mentioned the “specific targeting” of Christian-dominated locations, such as Sadad and Maaloula.
MP Sammy Wilson said that in Syria, “50,000 Christians have been cleared from the city of Homs,” while in Sudan 2 million Christians were killed by the regime over a 30-year period.
He added: “Within the last month, hundreds of people, from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China, have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith, and when they go into prison they are denied due process. They are denied access to lawyers. They are sometimes even denied knowledge of the charges facing them. They can languish in prison for a long time and in horrible conditions. … This is not only happening in Muslim countries. From Morocco to Pakistan, Christians in Muslim countries are under threat, but it happens elsewhere too.”
The recent comments of Baroness Warsi at a lecture in Washington were echoed, including her assertion that “the parts of the world where Christianity first spread is now seeing large sections of the Christian community leaving, and those that are remaining feeling persecuted.”
MP Nigel Dodds said that the “persecution of Christians is not new,” but that it is “staggering” how many Christians are killed today.
In Iraq, he noted the words of Canon Andrew White, who had said that Christians are “frightened even to walk to church because they might come under attack. All the churches are targets. … We used to have 1.5 million Christians, now we have probably only 200,000 left. … There are more Iraqi Christians in Chicago than there are here.”
Sir Edward Leigh said the remaining number of Christians in Iraq was likely to be closer to 600,000, but that this was still a shocking figure and that “things have become much worse since the invasion.”
MP Rehman Chishti said: “I come from a Muslim background, and my father was an imam. … I know it is absolutely right and proper to have a debate on the subject.” He called the persecution  “completely and utterly unacceptable” and “a very sad state of affairs.”
He also quoted his “good friend” the former Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali: “He told me that the persecution of Christians was taking place in more than 130 of the 190 countries in the world at the moment.”
During the debate, the oppression experienced by Christians in China and Malaysia were also highlighted and outlined. As the British Prime Minister is currently in China, MP David Rutley raised the issue of the sizable Christian community in China, and asked about the potential establishment of a deeper inter-faith dialogue to engage the Chinese authorities with Christian groups.
Meanwhile, a U.K.-based organization has claimed that the number of countries posing an extreme risk to the human rights of their populations has risen by 70 percent in the past five years.
Risk analysis company Maplecroft, which researched 197 countries for its annual Human Rights Risk Atlas 2014, says that since 2008 the number has risen steeply from 20 to 34, predominantly comprised of countries in the Middle East and Africa.
Syria tops the list, followed by Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Christmas in the City - Charlotte

Appreciating people and decorations 
this Christmas season!
Steve Martin
Love For His People

Pat Cotham (Meck. Co. Board of Commissioners)
Steve Martin (CCCP)
Patsy Kinsey (former Mayor of Charlotte)

Decorating the city!

Overstreet Mall
(Between Wells Fargo and Bank of America)

Serving well!

The Nutcracker (for the big nuts)

Rick Joyner's 30th Anniversary in Ministry

Info: MorningStar


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bill Yount: Holy Spirit is Highlighting the Importance of Praying for One Another

Bill Yount:
Holy Spirit is Highlighting the Importance of Praying for One Another: Honoring Our Stretcher Bearers and Prayer Warriors

Bill YountWhen God sets your destination, it's impossible for you not to get there. But you will not get there on your own. You will need some stretcher bearers and prayer warriors along the way. Without others praying for me I wouldn't be alive today, let alone have a ministry.

Ten years ago, when I had a blood clot in the artery of my heart, I had a 50/50 chance to survive. Since I write for The Elijah List, my name was noised around the world for the Body of Christ to pray. At that moment I heard the voice of the devil talking to his demons concerning my life hanging in the balance. He said, "There are so many people praying for him, we have to let him go! Too many are praying for him."

Stretcher bearers and prayer warriorsGod does not raise up our name because we have it all together. He allows our names to become known because we will need that many more prayer warriors to get us through. 

Without continued prayer from many who pray for my ministry, I would go nowhere, could do nothing, and would be speechless. That's how much the prayers of others mean to me. 

By them I have escaped the jaws of death and lived to see the reason why. 

(Photo courtesy: British Stretcher Bearers. N.d. Private Collection. firstworldwar. Web. 7 Dec.

The Holy Spirit is highlighting the importance of praying one for another in these crucial times. 

Have you thanked those who have prayed you through when your prayers seemed powerless or you didn't know how to pray?

I believe the Lord allows circumstances to rise up against us to see not only our need of Him but also our need for one another. He allows the Red Sea to resist our pathway, the lion's den to interrupt our plans, and the fiery furnace to be turned up seven times hotter. He watches to see how determined we are to follow Him. How humbling it is to see how much we need Him. 

A greater humbling when we see our need of others. He often answers through the prayers of others so no one can take the glory. 

It's time to honor those hidden in prayer closets who pray us from crises to exploits.

If I Had A Hammer
Your prayers work wonders for us. For example: Right before a recent New Jersey ministry trip, our car wouldn't start. AAA road service hit the starter with a hammer and it started right up. Being too late for a mechanic to put a new starter on our car, I asked a seasoned mechanic, "What should I do?" He said, "Take a hammer with you and if it doesn't start, hit the starter with a hammer!" I said, "Do you mean I am going to New Jersey by the way of a hammer?"

HammerThe next morning we left and never had to use the hammer. The car kept starting for us. God spoke to me on the way: "I want to release a 'hammer anointing' throughout the state of New Jersey." I used the hammer in every meeting to hit some things that God wanted to start up again that had stopped, such as ministries, and to start some new things for His Kingdom.

His word like a hammer came down on injustice, generational curses, the political realm, and so many other things. His hammer struck so hard that I heard the Liberty Bell ringing in Philadelphia. One brother began singing a prophetic song sung by Peter, Paul and Mary years ago, "If I Had A Hammer."

The claw of the hammer was used to loosen things in the Spirit.
God really does use the foolish things for His glory. Who knows how far God's hammer will travel across this nation and around the world. Again, your prayers did it. By the way, a precious brother put a new starter on our car before we left to come home. Thank you for your prayers!

God's Arrow of Love

A few weeks ago, your prayers created an open portal over the state of Indiana when I ministered there. On Friday afternoon before the last evening meeting, I heard the Father singing over the state: "Angel, draw back your bow and let your arrow go, straight to My lover's heart for Me, for Me." I then saw an arrow shot out of the heavens. It was an arrow of the Father's love piercing the heart of Indiana.

The Father said, "I am going to take away the heart of stone out of Indiana and give her a heart of flesh and a heart after Me." I sang this as a prophetic song over the State at the beginning of the meeting.
God's Arrow of LoveSeveral days later, I received this email and photograph from a brother named Gary:
"En route to your meeting on Fridayevening from the Indianapolis, Indiana area we captured this photo of an open portal with an arrow piercing through it! Thought you needed to know!"

Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministries


Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 33 years where he is now an elder and a home missionary.

He is currently an advisor at large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. "Humility and humor" characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is "in season," proclaiming the word of the Lord!

The shofar (or ram's horn) is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches, and households. The shofar represents God's breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God's messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends.
December 5, 2013

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

Prayer support and encouragement goes along way!

You'll read about this in Bill Yount's latest word: The Holy Spirit is highlighting the importance of praying one for another in these crucial times. Have you thanked those who have prayed you through when your prayers seemed powerless or you didn't know how to pray?

Remember this verse Paul spoke in Ephesians 1:16: I do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers.

Be blessed and full of joy as you lift one another up in your prayers.

Note from Steve Shultz: People ask me, "How can I support The Elijah List?"

My answer: The Elijah List articles are emailed for FREE to you and your friends  or published on our website  365-Days-a-Year – to readers all over the world. Your support helps to pay for this effort by simply purchasing your prophetic resources directly

We appreciate our dear readers and we thank you for supporting your Elijah List staff!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

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