Saturday, December 7, 2013

Rick Joyner's 30th Year in Ministry Celebration - Sat. am, 12.07.13

Rick & Julie Joyner

(L-R) Julie & Rick Joyner
The Kettles
Christine & Don Potter

Rick & Julie Joyner

Don & Christine Potter

Rick signing his latest book, "The Path"

Robin McMillan of Queen City Church

Suzy Yaraei

Molly Williams

(L-R) Julie & Rick Joyner,
Bob Weiner, Robin McMillan

Meeting room at MorningStar Ministries
Fort Mill, SC

CBN News - Norwegian Christians Ask Forgiveness from Israel

Norwegian Christians Ask Forgiveness from Israel

More than 20 Christian leaders from Norway presented a statement to the Israeli Knesset this week asking the Jewish state to forgive them.
The declaration asks Israel to forgive Norway as a nation for the Oslo Accords and dividing the Land of Israel.
The Oslo Accords were discussed in the Norwegian capital and signed 20 years ago on the White House lawn between former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat in the presence of then President Bill Clinton.
It essentially created the Palestinian Authority to rule in biblical Judea and Samaria. It was intended to be a framework for a five-year plan to establish a Palestinian state in Israel's biblical heartland.
The declaration from the Christians also asked for forgiveness for Norwegian money that ended up supporting terrorist organizations; not moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; for not standing up to defend Israel; and for the anti-Semitic and anti-Zionistic attitude from politicians and media in Norway.
The declaration also asks for forgiveness as a Church for "not standing up more clearly to stop the Norwegian anti-Israel political attitude," for those who reject Israel's role in God's plan, and for "lukewarmness" regarding persecution.
It also re-affirmed Israel as the "spiritual mother of the church" that had given the scriptures, prophets, apostles, and the Messiah himself.
The document was presented to Deputy Knesset speaker Gila Gamiel with copies to each of the 120 Knesset (parliament) members.

Rick Joyner's 30th Year of Ministry Celebration - music by Don Potter & Suzy Yaraei 2013

Don Potter and Suzy Yaraei

Celebrating Rick Joyner's 30th year in ministry, many gathered at the MorningStar & Heritage International Ministries location in Fort Mill, SC Dec. 6-7, 2013.

Don Potter and Suzy Yaraei led the worship time, singing several of Rick's favorites songs, including "In The Spirit", "I Have Decided", and "Come, Come, Come" (these will be uploaded at our  Love For His People YouTube channel soon.)

I enjoyed taking these photos to share with you!

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

MorningStar Ministries assembly room

 Suzy Yaraei

Don Potter


Suzy Yaraei sharing a word
about Rick's leadership

Don Potter speaking of Rick's friendship
Dave Yarnes - VP of MorningStar

Friday, December 6, 2013

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 06 Dec 2013
A photograph from the Emory collection published last month. We
enlarged the sign, but were unable to decipher all of the writing.

We are always on the lookout for libraries and archives digitizing their collections of photographs of the Holy Land from the 19th and early 20th centuries. In future weeks we hope to present vintage pictures from Ireland, Arizona, and California archives.

Why? Because the photos are valuable historical evidence of Jewish life in Eretz Yisrael 150 years ago, well before Theodore Herzl and the Zionist idea, years before the Holocaust and the State of Israel's establishment.

Moreover, as we research we often find pictures of better quality and with greater detail, such as these pictures of the money changer in the Old City.

The sign in the Emory collection
listing Rabbi Kook as the
rabbinic supervisor. To what? 
The money changer?

The same picture -- not brown from age and without cropping. This photo will
appear in a future feature on a California university's collection. The full sign in Hebrew and Yiddish shows an advertisement for cheese. Another sign advertises a printing shop

The full sign advertises cheese
 products made in Chedera with
the supervision of Rabbi Kook of
Jaffa. The ad promotes" spoiled
butter and cheese," which, when
fried, was considered a delicacy

Click on pictures to enlarge.
Click on captions to view the original.

The differences
"Jerusalem - Road to the Station." The road starts at the Jaffa Gate 

and passes over the Hinom Valley and Sultan's Pool  (Chatham 
University Archives, circa 1895)
between two pictures

We recently published incredible hand-colored slides fromChatham University.

The adjacent picture, although scratched and dark, is a beautiful landscape scene of the area between the Jerusalem train station and Jaffa Gate.

Below it is a slide of the same picture from the Library of Congress' mint collection of pictures from the Holy Land. The initials P.Z. on the bottom left of the picture indicates that it was produced by at the Photochrom and Photoglob company in Zurich in the mid-1890s. According to the Library of Congress, photochrom prints are "ink-based images produced through the direct photographic transfer of an original negative on litho and chromographic printing plates.

Road to Jerusalem station (Library of Congress collection)

Several hand-colored pictures have appeared in in the last two years. We will publish a feature on the Library of Congress' photochrome collection in the near future.

Is Israel Ready to Accept Jesus?

Messianic Performance Asks: Is Israel Ready to Accept Jesus?

Friday, December 06, 2013 |  Ryan Jones  
A performance put on by the Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel (MJAI) in central Israel on Thursday asked the pertinent question: How would Israel react today if Yeshua (Jesus) were to show up?
Titled “HaKochav Nolad” (“The Star is Born” - a play on the name of a popular television singing competition), the Hebrew-language stage show recounted the miraculous births of both John the Baptist and Yeshua, and the trials both pairs of parents faced.
The first half of the performance drove home the point that at the time of Yeshua’s birth, the Jews of Israel believed nothing could be worse than the Roman occupation, and were certain the promised Messiah was coming to right that particular wrong.
As such, it is perhaps understandable why so many failed to believe. It is also the same reason the Bible teaches so many in our own time will be taken in by the promises of a great man who promises and appears to bring peace from today’s particular troubles.
At the end of the play, the scene switches to modern times, and a young girl asks, “Israel turned away Yeshua once, what if they do so again?” Fortunately, for those of us who have read the end of the book, the answer to that conundrum is provided: God intends to turn the hearts of all Israel back to Him.
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