Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Shifting Into A New Season - Mickey Freed

Mickey Freed:
The Elijah List

Mickey FreedNeed a word of encouragement today? You are a child of the King. God will be merciful to you today and bless you, and cause His face to shine upon you (see Psalm 67:1).

Seasons of Hope

I want to encourage you to begin to know that you can step into a season of hope no matter what your circumstances. Even though we know the world system is corrupt, we also know that Christ has given us His all-sufficient grace and mercy. Even when we don't act like His son or daughter, He still loves us.
I'm not speaking of the "greasy grace" that allows a person to do anything the flesh desires and use grace as a license to continue to sin. 

I am talking about the abundance of grace that we need on a daily basis which empowers us to have hope. Proverbs 13:12 says "...hope deferred makes the heart sick..."Since the heart is the Scriptural brain center that contains and expresses our feelings, when we lose hope we often wind up in a season of hopelessness, feeling sick at heart, so to speak.

Regaining Vision by Mickey FreedSpeaking from experience, I do not believe that there is anything that can compare with hopelessness. To me it encompasses losing vision and experiencing gut-wrenching loneliness and despair. Maybe you can relate. Having no hope overshadows us with a foreboding sense of doom and gloom. One might even compare it with having a shadow of impending death following you everywhere you go.

Yes, it is a miserable state of depression. In my book, Regaining Vision (order through The Elijah List), I go into great detail to expose hope deferred and discuss the challenges that we experience when we lose vision.

Losing vision comes from losing purpose and hope.Uselessness sets in and, before we realize it, we isolate and exclude ourselves from the very people that we love. It is the lie of the enemy. He knows the power of two (1 + 1 = 10,000).

To step out of this desperate state, we must begin to cast down everything that exalts itself against what God says about us. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Apostle Paul gives us some insight. He tells us even though we walk in the flesh, our warfare is not a carnal fight, but "...mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds..." This passage goes on to inform us that we are to cast down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity (my paraphrase and emphasis added).

It is the knowledge of God that tells us that we are the head and not the tail. It is the knowledgeof God that devised the plan to redeem the world that allows you and me to overcome by the Blood of the Lamb. It is the knowledge and wisdom of God that established an incredible plan by sacrificing His only begotten Son.
I know that most of us have heard this in Church. But from a hope-deferred viewpoint, the enemy knows that he is a defeated foe when coming against God's knowledge, so he challenges you and I instead. If he can mess with your thinking, he can mess with your life. If he can mess with our thinking, he can mess with our families and our finances, etc. 

This is why Apostle Paul tells us to give the enemy no place.

Getting The Point

HOPEI know that you are getting the point that the enemy has a plan to keep you cycling in hopelessness and despair. You are realizing, as have I, that the enemy attempts to establish a stronghold during times of hopelessness.

It is our responsibility to pull down his lies, bring negative thoughts that oppose God's truths into captivity, so that we can overcome seasons of hope deferred. 

Think on this a moment and you will realize that seasons of desperation, aloneness, hopelessness, and seclusion will truly steal our joy and rob us of all hope. That is not God's heart. 

(Photo via SXC by Cheryl Empey)

Saints, let me be direct for a moment. God often uses a season of hopelessness to bring us hope. God doesn't bring hopelessness, but He can use it. There is always a redemptive purpose with the Lord. 

Your assignment will always have an enemy.

In the Kingdom, the only ones rewarded are the overcomers. So when you begin to feel hopelessness, remember that the Word of God in you already has the ability to perform itself.So when hopelessness begins as a negative thought, cast down that imagination and give it no place. We must always remember that God not only gives us hope fortomorrow but strength for today.

Between Spiritual Seasons

An encouraging word can definitely be used when a person is in an unfamiliar season. These are seasons that usually spin us out of control. The only differences between our seasons are the ones that we are willing to overcome. 

We don't get to choose our seasons, we get to discover our seasons. It is during these times that we mature at a faster pace.

Between Spiritual Seasons by Mickey FreedJust recently I was led by the Lord to write a book called Between Spiritual Seasons (order through The Elijah List). After pastoring and traveling for nearly thirty years now, it seemed that most people were either stuck in a season, coming out of a season, or going into a season. Either way, we are always in a season.

Getting caught "between seasons" can be very depressing and stressful. We all struggle with leaving our comfort zone that gives us peace, but crossing over into a new season can be stressful because we are not accustomed to the uncharted environment around us. It can even cause loss of vision, which the enemy uses to separate you from those you need the most.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

New Seasons Can Bring Hopelessness

Shifting into new seasons can be quite challenging. Scripturally, we are told that our victory against the enemy, including hope deferred, was won at the Cross. The challenge is this: knowing, believing, and receiving that we have won (see Jeremiah 29:11). But know this, there is a tremendous pull from the old season that says, "Hey, come on back, you know how to survive in this season."

In my recent book, I give examples of different seasons you will encounter. Losing hope can come from the unknown as much as it can come from what is known. Transitioning from one season to the other can be done easily, but it's the attitude that will equal your altitude.

Warring Season Fatigue

Warring season fatigueWhen someone is prideful about being in a "warring season," they have been there too long. They're stuck! Believe me, it is not because they have conquered and overcome and have all the answers for others. It is only because offamiliarity. It has become a comfort zone. I know what some of you may be thinking. Comfort in a warring season?

When a person is stuck in a season too long, it becomes a stronghold. It can make them feel more "spiritual." The real truth is they don't know how to shift into a new season and move forward. Without their understanding the need to shift, they will then unknowingly move into spiritual performance. Shifting from one season to another is not as easy as it seems. It can be very challenging, stressful, and even frustrating. In my book Between Spiritual Seasons I have provided several solutions on how to shift from one season to another. 

(Photo via SXC by Renaude Hatsedakis)

Be Encouraged Today!

Saints, please allow me to speak another word of encouragement to you. When you feel trapped, and it seems as if there is no way out, Christ is always there. This is where our faith must abound. Let us not forget that during any spiritual battle faith becomes our most treasured asset. Sometimes it is better to enter into a spiritual rest when warring and allow the Spirit of God to do your battling. I can just hear you now saying "What? Are you saying I should rest during a heated battle?"

Yes, that is exactly what I am suggesting. When we rest in Him, the Word says that our trust and hope is in the Lord and not in what we can do. Having faith in our Lord allows us to remain steady and not fluctuate into high highs and low lows. Remember always that we fight from the victory and not to the victory. Unfortunately, many Believers do not fully understand their authority in Christ and they do battle in the flesh and not in the Spirit.

PraiseIt is very important to also remember that warring seasons must be monitored by your discernment and others around you. Why so? 

One of the principle reasons is we must not spend so much time battling that we can't praise God. 

If we cast our cares over on Him, He will always shift us on through to our next season so that our purpose and destiny in Christ can always advance and not become stagnant.

(Photo via SXC by Chris Wittwer)

In closing, I want to leave you with another positive thought, especially if you are in a time of active spiritual warfare. In John 10:10...Jesus tells us that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; He says, "I have come that you may have life and life more abundantly" (my paraphrase). Without Christ, there can be no abundance. So be encouraged, dear ones, and fight the good fight of faith. Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world
Please allow me to pray for you:

Father, I thank You for Your hedge of protection around these precious readers. I ask that you comfort them and make them steadfast through their shifting of seasons. Lord, I thank You that You are always watching over them and guiding them even when they feel weary and exhausted. As they walk through their spiritual seasons of change, I pray that they will always draw closer to You and that they may mature in the things to come. My heart is for them to be closer to You as they are empowered from season to season. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Pastor Mickey Freed
Senior Pastor, Lifegate Church International

Pastor Mickey Freed is ordained with Christian International Ministries under the spiritual headship of Dr. "Bishop" Bill Hamon. Mickey has served on the Board of Governors at Christian International for over ten years, along with his wife, Sandie.

Mickey's passion and purpose is not only to teach and preach the Word, but to also provide stability and oversight to the Church. He has traveled nationally and internationally ministering to churches and ministries, releasing dynamic truths. Ministering strongly in the gift of the word of knowledge, the Lord uses Mickey mightily in healing, restoration, and teaching leadership classes to strengthen the vision of the local Church. 

Apostolic pastor Mickey is an implementer of present truth and desires to speak the Word of God forth so that every Believer is free from bondages that withhold them from vision and destiny. Mickey is also the author of two books:Regaining Vision and Between Spiritual Seasons. Both books are designed to give the saints vision to continue serving the Lord even though there are seasons of turmoil and distress.

Pastor Mickey has traveled nationally and internationally imparting and releasing vision to thousands. Being a Senior Pastor of a successful church and ministry for over fourteen years, Mickey has walked through the challenging times of pastoring. Therefore, he is a sought after apostle who powerfully ministers to Church leadership as well as to the Church at large.

Mickey is also very active in Marketplace Ministry and believes that every Believer has an anointing for Kingdom wealth. After owning a successful business for thirty years, he has an anointing to impart financial breakthroughs as well as ministering cutting-edge apostolic truths concerning Kingdom Business.

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ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"Prophetic Stories - Signs Along The Way" by Steve Martin - Paperback & Kindle


1. Dreams Do Come True – Part I

2. Dreams Do Come True – Part II

3. Dreams Do Come True – Part III

4. Dreams Do Come True – Part IV

5. The Western Wall

6. Jerusalem

7. The Great Wall of China

8. Heritage USA -The Prophetic Drive

9. The Ceiling Will Be Removed

10. That You May All Prophesy 


 “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” Joel 2:28 New King James Version (NKJV)

Adonai says: “In the Last Days, I will pour out from My Spirit upon everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

Therefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in tongues.” 1 Corinthians 14:39 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

We are living in the last days, the times prophesied long ago, right before the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, returns. Even as He spoke to the prophets of old in Israel, continuing through Jesus’ time on earth, and with the early church, the Lord is fulfilling His promise. His Eternal Word that He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and we would prophesy.

Prophesy comes in many ways – through the spoken word, signs, dreams, visions, tongues. All are used by the Lord to speak to His people, give them guidance along the way, and show His provision for the plans He has for us. As we walk along His path chosen for us, He desires to encourage and reveal His plans to us. He most certainly uses His Written Word. He also uses prophetic words.

Here are a few that He has given to me. I am continually amazed at how He speaks, how He directs, and the assuring results of His guidance.

We need the gifts of the Holy Spirit operating in these times. As the Bible says, He desires that all would prophesy, in order to assist believers in knowing His will, and speaking to non-believers that we serve an All-Knowing God, Who shows us the way.

The gifts of prophesy, seeing signs and wonders, and experiencing His love through His fascinating methods is for all. I hope you are encouraged in seeking Him as you read these stories of how He moved in my life.

Shalom and ahava,

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC

P.S. This is my 7th book. I hope you consider getting the others too, all available on Amazon paperback and Kindle editions, or through our ministry office. Our book sales help to support our humanitarian aid ministry Love For His People, Inc

Todah Habah! (Thank you very much in Hebrew.) 

Order here: Amazon - paperback edition $5.60

Product Details

  • Paperback: 102 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 3, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1497498325
  • ISBN-13: 978-1497498327
  • Product Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.2 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 5.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Kindle Edition: Product Details

  • File Size: 482 KB
  • Print Length: 77 pages
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00JG1RQT2
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
  • X-Ray:
  • Lending: Enabled

Other Books by Steve Martin

"The earth shall be full of the knowledge of God..." - ISRAEL365

They will not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the sea.

ISAIAH (11:9)

לֹא יָרֵעוּ וְלֹא יַשְׁחִיתוּ בְּכָל הַר קָדְשִׁי כִּי מָלְאָה הָאָרֶץ דֵּעָה אֶת יְ-הוָה כַּמַּיִם לַיָּם מְכַסִּים

ישעיהו יא:ט

lo ya-ray-U  vi-LO yash-khee-TU b'KHOL har kad-SHEE kee mal-AH ha-a-RETZ day-A et a-do-NAI ka-ma-YIM la-YAM mi-kha-SEEM

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse gives a beautiful metaphor to describe the Messianic age. Just as nothing can halt the flow of the ocean, so too nothing will be able to stop the spread of the knowledge of God throughout the world. Yet just as the depth of the ocean waters varies from place to place, so too the depth of one's knowledge of God will only be as deep as the amount of effort that one exerts. Deepen you knowledge of the Holy Land on our biblical tour with Rabbi Tuly Weisz, setting off in just 6 weeks.

Glass Seder Plate

Enhance the story of the Exodus from Egypt with this beautifully designed glass Seder Plate. Includes English and Hebrew descriptions.

Small but Outstanding

Israel, a small country of outstanding beauty, is filled with so many beautiful landscapes showcased in this video.

Temple Mount Awareness

International Temple Mount Awareness Day was celebrated this past Sunday with the goal of fueling the revolution in Temple consciousness that is taking place in Israel, despite Arab anger.

Israel Photo Trivia

Can you guess where today's magnificent photo was taken by Bar ArtziSend me an email or post your answer onFacebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Robin Sussman in memory of her parents Sigmund and Barbara Beer.

“Wonderful Photos”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
I enjoy receiving Israel365 and have learned a great deal about Israel, and its people. Shabbat Shalom, W.D.

Thanks for the wonderful photos. Dwight
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Inside Israel - Chosen People Ministries April, 2014

Largest Tunnel Found from Gaza into Israel

Israeli security forces have uncovered the largest tunnel yet discovered leading from Gaza into southern Israel. This tunnel, the fourth discovered in the past eighteen months, reaches hundreds of meters into Israeli territory and is up to twenty meters underground at some points. Tunnels such as this one have been used to smuggle weapons into Israel, as well as enabling people bent on violence and destruction to be able to enter the country. (Jerusalem Post)

Praise God that the Israeli Defense Forces found the tunnel and can prevent it from being used for future acts of violence and aggression against Israel's citizens.

Israel's Embassies Close for Global Strike

Workers at Israeli embassies and consulates have gone on a global strike after a two-year dispute for better wages and working conditions. This means that Israel will not be represented in any global gatherings or forums, its ambassadors in 102 countries will not be working, visas will not be issued, new immigrants will not be processed, and employers who wish to bring in foreign workers will not be able to do so. High-profile visits from leaders might be cancelled as well, such as Netanyahu's major visit to South America and the Pope’s visit in May.

Pray for a quick and fair resolution to the issue of compensation for Israel's diplomatic workers.

Connections Made at Banquet for Holocaust Survivors

A short-term missions team recently came to serve with Chosen People Ministries' staff in Israel. A banquet was organized for sixty Holocaust survivors, most of whom are atheists, although they knew that our staff and volunteers are believers. The short-term missions team greeted the guests, talked with them at their tables, and led an uplifting time of music - both Jewish traditional melodies and songs about the Lord. Even though many on the team did not speak Russian or Hebrew and the Holocaust survivors knew only a precious few words in English, it was an amazing evening of ministry. Holocaust survivors are becoming older and frailer, so Chosen People Ministries seizes every opportunity to share with them about the Messiah.

Abbas Says "No" to Peace Talks

During a recent meeting with President Obama, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas openly rejected Secretary of State John Kerry's framework for continued peace talks. He said "no" to three core issues that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says are crucial for peace - "no" to recognizing a Jewish State of Israel, "no" to a Palestinian Right of Return that would drastically alter Israel's demographic balance by allowing in millions of those who claim to be descendants, and "no" to seeing a commitment to the end of the conflict and an end to the Palestinians' demands of Israel. Israel has refused to release the fourth and final set of terrorists held in Israeli jails, which was a previously agreed-upon condition for starting the peace talks, unless Abbas agrees to extend the talks further. (Times of Israel)

Please pray for these leaders, who need the Lord's wisdom and direction.

Arab League Denounces Israel

After a two-day summit of the Arab League in Kuwait, Arab leaders stated that they will never recognize Israel as a Jewish State. They also blamed Israel for the lack of progress in the Middle East Peace Process. The League's announcement directly rejects one of Prime Minister Netanyahu's key points in the peace talks; Netanyahu believes there cannot be peace without such a recognition. Netanyahu has performed goodwill gestures for the peace process by releasing many known Palestinian criminals and terrorists, although he has not stopped the controversial building of settlements in the West Bank. (Haaretz)

Please pray for divine wisdom and clarity in this complicated situation regarding the peace talks.

Palestinian Authority Budgets Support for Terrorism

Despite having a massive debt of 4.8 billion dollars, the Palestinian Authority has promised to continue financially supporting terrorism by helping the families of terrorists. Families of terrorist "martyrs" will receive part of 74 million dollars that was pledged towards the cause by an official of the Palestinian government. Families of those killed in the course of carrying out attacks on Israel and their supporters abroad will receive full financial support. Due to the Palestinian Authority's considerable debt, it is speculated that international monetary aid is being used to support terrorists' families. (Israel National News)

Please pray against such incentives for terrorism, which reward those who seek to harm and kill others.

Record-Breaking Shabbat Dinner Planned

In an attempt to set a new Guinness World Record, a free Shabbat (Sabbath) dinner for 1,000 people is being planned. The dinner will be for Israelis, new immigrants and public figures. The aim of the group organizing the event is to bring spirituality to Tel Aviv, which is a very secular city and the center of economic and cultural happenings in Israel. The largest Passover Seder on record was held in Nepal with over 1,000 Israelis. (Israel National News)

Please pray for more than spirituality... pray for people to move towards belief in Jesus the Messiah!

Israel to Provide Security Drones to Brazil

An Israeli firm has won the contract to provide 900 security drones for the World Cup soccer games in Brazil this summer. These unmanned drones are highly advanced and will provide intelligence gathering for the police. The firm has provided such drones for other highly-attended international events, as well as to the U.S. Navy. (Israeli National News)

Praise God that Israel has developed this cutting-edge technology for protection and safety.

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241 E. 51st Street
New York, NY - 10022

Fiddler On The Roof - Sabbath Prayer

Fiddler On The Roof - Sabbath Prayer

Sabbath at Tevye house

May all Israel be blessed in Him
on every Shabbat and in between.

It may not be Shabbat when you see this, 
but may He protect you until then, and thereafter.

Steve & Laurie Martin 
Love For His People, Inc.

"Sarah Believed Too - The Faith of Women" - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Sarah Believed Too - The Faith of Women
Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“God said to Avraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you are not to call her Sarai [mockery]; her name is to be Sarah [princess]. I will bless her; moreover, I will give you a son by her. Truly I will bless her: she will be a mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her.” Genesis 17:15,16 (CJB – Complete Jewish Bible)

“By faith even Sarah herself received ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful who had promised.” Hebrews 11:11 NASB

We often read about, and hear of, the faith of the patriarch Abraham, and rightly so. When he was called, he listened. When he was told to go, he went. When he was asked to do extraordinary acts of faith…well, he did.

But we normally don’t see his wife Sarah as doing all those things with him. In one instance, we know her as one who even laughed when told she would have a son. “So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “I am old, and so is my lord; am I to have pleasure again?” Gen. 18:22 CJB)

Do you remember that Abraham laughed too at the word God spoke? “At this Avraham fell on his face and laughed — he thought to himself, “Will a child be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah give birth at ninety?” Ge. 17:17 CJB). Laugh at God? They each did.

Both were well past the normal birthing/child rearing days of their lives (not the TV show), and we consider them laughing at God’s spoken word to them as not having any faith at all. That gives me hope when I think on this for you and I, ones of the 50+ers generation, in hope for the future, right??!! The Lord met them where they were at, and used what measure of faith they had shown up to that point, as a basis for more faith to impart to them.

Laugh at God? Who does that and still sees a miracle happen through their body? Isaac did come forth, through Sarah. Something had to be in her heart that the Lord God of Israel saw, and acted upon. There had to be some faith there. The Lord saw it. After all, who had first listened to her husband, when asked to leave her place of dwelling which was their home, leave her family too, and go to some desert land, never seen before, hundreds of miles away by camel, taking months to traverse? Sarah did. Again, the Lord saw something in her heart to have chosen her to be Abraham’s wife when she was yet in her teens. She had to believe too.

Countless women, written about in the history books, had been asked to walk with a man, as soul mate arm in arm, to accomplish a great task the Lord had called them to. It was not just the calling on the man lives, though often he is the one in the forefront and the limelight. It is also the immense call on the wife’s heart, to be able to stand with him in all that the Lord has for them together.

The wives of many godly saints through the ages come to my mind, thinking of those who also had to practice faith. Starting with the wife of the apostle Peter, as Scripture does say he had a mother-in-law, which implies he had a wife! With all that Peter did in taking the Gospel to the nations, surely his wife was there with him.

I think of Catherine Booth, the wife of William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army. Because of her influence in the formation of The Salvation Army, she was known as the 'Mother of The Salvation Army'. What faith she had to have had until her departure in 1890!

Catherine Booth, Salvation Army

Sarah Pierpont married Jonathan Edwards. Can you imagine hearing his fiery sermons each week, along with raising 11 kids, who I am sure had voices of their own? A woman of faith indeed!

In the last half of the century, Ruth Graham (1920-2007), wife of Billy Graham, “gave up her life” for the sake of her husband. But because of her faith and support, look what the Lord did in the nations through her husband. (You can read an excerpt below.)

Those of you who are wives – you are such a vital part of the Lord’s Kingdom work. You are not just “laying your life down for the sake of your husband’s dream” as some may think. You are a part of the Lord’s dream and plans for your life too. Not only is your husband dependent on you, as the head resting on the neck, but the Lord has given you a very special calling and position, in order to fulfill His promises to you, through this placement.

I am so grateful for the many, many moms and wives, women of God, who have taken their place in His Body, and are serving with all the gusto and zeal that they have. You too exemplify the faith of Sarah, Catherine, ruth, and countless others on the Lord’s Wall of Faith. Believe me men, there are a lot of them!

On behalf of husbands who truly appreciate and love their wives, thank you very much. We indeed love and treasure you.


Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Added notes:

Sarah Pierpont Edwards

Sarah Edwards – wife of Jonathan Edwards (Christianity.com)

Jonathan Edwards was first attracted to thirteen-year-old Sarah Pierpoint because he saw in her an extraordinary cheerfulness and a deeper than usual faith in God. Many smooth and handsome young men courted Sarah, but it was gangly, moody Jonathan, with his prayerful ways and deep love of God, who won her. He made her feel as if what she thought was important to him. They married on this day, July 20, 1727. She was seventeen, he was 23. (Love For His People Editor’s note: My wife Laurie was 18 and I was 23 when we got married in 1973. Nice!)

Their marriage, which lasted over thirty years, was a happy one. Much of that was owing to Sarah, who managed the home--and her scholarly husband--efficiently. Sarah worked hard to rear godly children, dealing immediately with sin when it showed itself. She bore eleven, ten of whom lived to adulthood. Jonathan also gave an hour a day to play and conversation with his children.

The many people who visited the home were impressed by the peace which flourished in the home. There was none of the quarreling or coldness so common in other homes. Husband and wife supported and admired each other. They prayed daily together. Evangelist George Whitefield, after spending a few days in the calm, happy Edwards home, was so impressed that he determined to get married himself. "A sweeter couple I have not yet seen," he enthused.

Jonathan himself saw home life as a living lesson in faith. In his sermon, "The Church's Marriage to Her Sons and to Her God," he reminded his listeners of the importance of marriage. "Of all the various kinds of union of sensible and temporal things that are used in Scripture to represent the relation there is between Christ and his church; that which is between bridegroom and bride, or husband and wife, is much more frequently made use of both in the Old and New Testament. The Holy Ghost seems to take a particular delight in this, as a similitude [likeness] fit to represent the strict, intimate, and blessed union that is between Christ and his saints."

Billy & Ruth Graham

Ruth Graham, from the Billy Graham website, Decision magazine, June 2013, “Ruth Bell Graham – A Life Well Lived - Part-2”

“Ma said that she had traveled with her husband to his evangelistic meetings because that is what he wanted. “But all my children are on the road to hell,” she tearfully told Cliff and Billie. She encouraged Billie to stay home and rear their children rather than travel with the Crusades. Billie told Ruth about that conversation.

Ruth took on the responsibilities of managing the Graham household, giving Billy the freedom to travel and preach wherever God called him.

Just before the birth of their first child, Gigi, in September 1945, Billy and Ruth moved from Illinois to Montreat, N.C., where Ruth’s parents had settled after leaving China. The Grahams lived with the Bells until they bought a house across the street just before their daughter Anne was born. Ruth (called “Bunny” as a child), Franklin and Ned were born in the following years. In the late 1940s, Billy’s ministry grew to include citywide campaigns and radio, leading to the incorporation of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in 1950.

Rather than complaining about staying behind, Ruth strived to make their home a shelter for Billy when he wasn’t traveling. When their home was overrun with curious tourists, she took matters into her own hands and compiled plans to build “Little Piney Cove,” a mountain home constructed of timber from abandoned log cabins. From the very beginning she took control of the project, going as far as getting a loan and buying property when Billy was in California. When the home was finished, she filled it with treasures from the mountains and from her travels.”

 Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #137 “Sarah Believed Too” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.01.14) Tuesday at 6:30 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This