Friday, April 18, 2014

GOOD FRIDAY - Yeshua (Jesus) Was Crucified. His Death Was For Our Life. But He rose from the dead! His return is soon!


We remember His suffering and 
death on the cross.
But three days later!!!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People

He will come back in the clouds...


Jerusalem - Church of the Holy Sepulchre - Jesus' crucifixion site

Church of the Holy Sepulchre - Jesus' crucifixion site

Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem - site of Jesus (Yeshua) crucifixion

I took this video on Nov. 7, 2013 in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre - in the Old City of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. This site seems to be the most historical place where Jesus was crucified.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.


Jerusalem Old City Jewish Square guitar singer - Hebrew near Hurva Synagogue

Singer/guitarist in Hurva Square, Old City Jerusalem

I taped this man singing a Hebrew song in the Jewish Quarter square near Hurva Synagogue. Monday night, Nov. 4, 2013 on our way to the Kotel (Western Wall). Steve Martin, Love For His People

Thank you Hadassah Lerner for sharing the name of the song and the lyrics. Here it is:

It is 'Adon Olam' (Eternal Master) Here's the translation:

The Lord of the Universe who reigned
before anything was created.
When all was made by his will
He was acknowledged as King.

And when all shall end
He still all alone shall reign.
He was, He is,
and He shall be in glory.

And He is one, and there's no other,
to compare or join Him.
Without beginning, without end
and to Him belongs diminion and power.

And He is my G-d, my living G-d.
to Him I flee in time of grief,
and He is my miracle and my refuge,
who answers the day I shall call.

To Him I commit my spirit,
in the time of sleep and awakening,
even if my spirit leaves,
G-d is with me, I shall not fear.

Video filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Church of All Nations next to Gethsemene in Jerusalem - Priest and Mass

Roman Catholic priest points to the rock Jesus prayed at
before His crucifixion

Jesus prayed at this rock in Gethsemane, before His
Crucifixion in Jerusalem.

Catholic priest greets visitors at the Church of All Nations, next to Gethsemene garden. He points to the rock Jesus (Yeshua) prayed at before His crucifixion.

Video filmed by Steve Martin Nov. 10, 2013 - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Now Think On This - The Inspiration Continues - Steve Martin (paperback $8.06 or Kindle $2.99)

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Now Think On This - The Inspiration Continues [Kindle Edition]

Steve Martin 

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Book Description

 February 28, 2014
Now Think On This – The Inspiration Continues are more messages that I have written and shared on my two blogs Love For His People and Now Think On This. They cover a variety of topics that believers in Jesus (Yeshua) are interested in. Each one can also be a means of bringing encouragement to you as you walk the daily walk.

Many times these messages came as a result of inspiration by the Holy Spirit. I would be driving along, and He would give me a thought, which I would then write down on a notecard or whatever piece of paper was handy.

My previous books, Ahava Love Letters (2013) and Now Think On This (2014) began after I had returned from Israel for the 10th time. We had just established our ministry to bless friends in Israel and the nations, which we named Love For His People, Inc, in April of 2010. I was asking the Lord for the next directive. His response was to use one of the gifts He had given me – to write. Some would call it a teaching gift. It took me a long time to see it that way, but now I do. And so I write.

Daily we are bombarded with negative news, pressures of the job, and conflicts to be dealt with. We all need encouragement. We need the assurance that our Creator, the One who knows the plans He has for us, is still in control.

These messages will bring you hope, give you the solid sense of His hand on all, and increase your faith to stand strong on your convictions. I purposely kept each one short so you can read them alongside your Bible or other daily material.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

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The Real Story of Ben-Hur's 'Tale of the Christ'

The Real Story of Ben-Hur's 'Tale of the Christ'

CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. -- For many, watching the movie "Ben-Hur" has become an Easter tradition. The 1959 blockbuster, starring Charlton Heston, made history with a record 11 Academy Awards.
Now, the 1925 silent version is making a comeback. But what many may not know is that Hollywood didn't create this classic story.
The idea came from the best-selling novel,Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, published in 1880. The book tells the story of a life-altering encounter between a first century Jewish prince and Jesus of Nazareth.
The author is Lew Wallace -- a true renaissance man.
Without Real Conviction
"He tried different things," said Larry Paarlberg, director of the Lew Wallace Study and Museum in Crawfordsville, Ind.
"He loved to paint, he loved to write, he loved to do creative things, he loved the military," he explained. "He became a prosecuting attorney; he was in the legislature for a term."
Download CBN original covers of classic hymns by Sound Engineer Bob Womack:
Wallace showed a talent for writing early in life. He learned about the Bible from his favorite teacher. And while he didn't care for church, the story of the three wise men fascinated him.
As Wallace later wrote in his autobiography, "Little did I dream then what those few verses were to bring me -- that out of them Ben-Hur was one day to be evoked."
In the meantime, Wallace's writing took a back seat to other priorities. He fought in the Mexican-American War and the Civil War, becoming the youngest major general in the Union Army. He also married and had a son.
Throughout the years, he kept coming back to the biblical account of the three wise men. So, he decided to write a magazine article about them.
"I had no convictions about God or Christ. I neither believed nor disbelieved in them… Yet when the work was fairly begun, I found myself writing reverentially, with awe," Wallace wrote.
His Own 'Tale of Christ'
Still, Wallace had much to learn about God -- as he found out in a chance encounter with a well-known atheist named Robert Ingersoll.
"Robert Ingersoll knew far more about the Bible," Paarlberg said."You don't preach against something unless you know it. And so he just filleted Lew."
Walking alone to his hotel that night, Wallace realized the time had come to form his own opinion on the subject of religion.
"My ignorance of it was painfully a spot of deeper darkness in the darkness," he wrote. "I was ashamed of myself."
Paarlberg sees this as a pivotal moment in Wallace's life.
"He realized at that point, 'I have no business submitting this story for publication. I don't know what I was talking about… I need to do the research; I need to learn the Bible; I need to learn the story," he said.
Early in his research, Wallace created the fictional character of Judah Ben-Hur, a witness to the real-life events leading up to the death and resurrection of Christ.
Wallace soon began to see God through the eyes of his character.
"Long before I was through with my book, I became a believer in God and Christ," the author wrote.
A Classic Masterpiece
The original manuscript of Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ is kept at The Lilly Library on the campus of Indiana University.
Curator of Manuscripts Cherry Dunham Williams gently lifted the tall stack of papers from the special box where it is stored to show CBN News. There are 650 pages, hand-written in purple ink.
When Wallace delivered his manuscript to Harper & Brothers in 1880, they had no idea it would make publishing history. The book became the best-selling novel of the 19th century and has been translated into more than 40 languages. It has never been out of print.
Paarlberg said Ben-Hur had a big impact on the post-Civil War country.
"It sort of was a touch point that people could understand and relate to. People were looking for ways to reconcile, to come together," he explained. "They were exploring, 'How can there be a God that would allow a war to happen like this?'"
Soon after its publication, letters began flooding in, including one from President James Garfield.
"With this beautiful and reverent book you have lightened the burden of my daily life," Garfield wrote.
A Lasting Heritage
Wallace's own burdens had always been lightened outdoors. He did most of his writing under what came to be known as the Wallace Beech Tree.
"Its spreading branches droop to the ground, weighed down by their wealth of foliage, and under them I am shut in as by the walls of a towering green tent," he wrote of it in his autobiography.
The Wallace Beech is no longer there; it died shortly after Wallace did and was replaced by a bronze statue of the author.
What does remain from Wallace's time is a building that he dreamed about for decades, but never had the resources to build -- until the success of Ben-Hur.
Wallace designed an extraordinary 19th century "man cave," a free-standing building that holds books, paintings, and memorabilia from his life.
"Lew built this as his private retreat," Paarlberg said.
Wallace spent his golden years in Crawfordsville, writing every day until his death in 1905.
His grave marker is inscribed with a quote from Ben-Hur, by one of his beloved wise men: "I would not give one hour of life as a Soul for a thousand years of life as a man."

The Jesus Movie 1979 - Full Length


The Jesus Movie 1979

Jesus of Nazareth,the son of God raised by a Jewish carpenter. Based on the gospel of Luke in the New Testament,here is the life of Jesus from the miraculous virgin birth to the calling of his disciples, public miracles and ministry, ending with his death by crucifixion at the hands of the Roman empire and resurrection on the third day.
Girl healed by Jesus


The Passion of the Christ 2004 HD (FULL MOVIE directed by Mel Gibson)

Published on Mar 26, 2014
Directed by: Mel Gibson
with English subtitle
Starring: Jim Caviezel

I'll write your words across the sky
So I'm always with you
On the cross with two thieves