Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Morris Ruddick - Leadership Through the Jewish Model

Morris Ruddick - May 2014 

Having read all of Morris Ruddick six books, beginning with The Joseph-Daniel Calling (Jul 8, 2003), followed closely by God's Economy, Israel and the Nations  (Oct 28, 2004), I have found a tremendous respect for his life, his message and his leadership. 

After meeting him personally at a KEYS conference in Charlotte in 2011, and spending time recently at his home in Denver, CO, I know the Lord has chosen him for this hour - to train up and release men and women of faith into their business and spiritual callings.

I encourage you to get Morris' books, read them, and allow the Lord to inspire and encourage you in your pursuit of His anointing and purpose in your own life.

Thank you Morris!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Morris Ruddick in the Marine Corps - Vietnam War Years

Morris & Carol - May, 2014 in the Rocky Mountains

Display of his books and a few memorabilia pieces

Xulon Press - Published April, 2014 

The world's system is being shaken. Tenets of leadership considered benchmarks are undergoing reevaluation. One of the biggest challenges for Christian leaders, especially within the marketplace, is the balance between functioning in their own ability and yielding to God's headship as leaders. 

For many, the acceptable inclination is blending their "natural abilities" and what has been gleaned from the world's system, with an icing of polite ethics and a "praise the Lord." Yet, the heroes of faith reversed the equation. Having heard from God, they harnessed their natural abilities to conform to and support an ongoing flow of direction and wisdom from the Lord. Everything else sprang from that. It is a higher standard. During turbulent times, it is back to basics. What endures is drawn from God's truth. 

Leadership by Anointing uncovers the principles, pathways and models of biblical leadership in practice with God's covenant people over the centuries. The author's calling has been one of leadership for change. He was recently described by a long-time associate with these words: "Morris Ruddick heads several organizations and corporate entities, including Global Initiatives Foundation, The Ruddick Int'l Group, and a global intercession network. He has led development of entrepreneurial activities in critical needy areas and brought together business and ministry in several nations, including the Messianic Jewish community in Israel, as well as in Africa, Asia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Russia and other areas of need." 

Mr. Ruddick's Kingdom agendas reflect a unique merging of the secular and the spiritual. He sums it up as "an interlinking of secular business enterprises with overriding Kingdom objectives." Since 1995, Mr. Ruddick has been a voice encouraging and mobilizing Kingdom leaders and entrepreneurs. The world is searching for the leadership "pizzazz" that fosters an edge. Deuteronomy 29 notes the secret things belong to the Lord. 

These secret things are captured in the stories of the heroes of faith and Jesus' Kingdom message. They are the distinguishing mark of leadership by anointing.

Amazon Paperback $11.33 & Kindle $7.99

Leadership By Anointing - The Jewish Strategy and Biblical Model for Leadership

Xulon Press - 2012

Paperback: $13.49  Kindle: $7.49

Employing righteous power is a leadership calling. It builds and wields influence. It is God's strategy for change that requires a mix of biblical community, Kingdom entrepreneurship and heeding the voice of the Lord, as a people. With extraordinary examples drawn from an extensive track record in lands of persecution, its practical, grass-roots application exceeds expectations. 

This book outlines the steps being successfully applied in a diversity of extremely adverse spiritual climates. Righteous power doesn't operate like worldly power. It goes against the grain. It's the way of the Kingdom. Jesus described its employment as being a narrow, difficult path. Yet, against the odds, it is a catalyst for opportunity that brings blessing. It is the explosive power that demonstrates God's reality to those in darkness and releases societal change. 

The author's calling has been one of leadership for change. He was recently described by a long-time associate with these words: "Morris Ruddick heads several organizations and corporate entities, including Global Initiatives Foundation, The Ruddick Int'l Group, and a global intercession network. He has led development of entrepreneurial activities in critical needy areas and brought together business and ministry in several nations, including the Messianic Jewish community in Israel, as well as in Africa, Asia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Russia and other areas of need." 

Mr. Ruddick's Kingdom agendas reflect a unique merging of the secular and the spiritual. He sums it up as "an interlinking of secular business enterprises with overriding Kingdom objectives." Since 1995, Mr. Ruddick has been a voice encouraging and mobilizing Kingdom leaders and entrepreneurs.


The Joseph-Daniel Calling by Morris E. Ruddick (Jul 8, 2003)



Righteous Power in a Corrupt World 

by Morris E. Ruddick (Oct 23, 2012)



Monday, May 19, 2014

Franklin Graham Implores Evangelicals to Support Israel

Franklin Graham Implores Franklin GrahamEvangelicals to Support Israel

“I support Israel,” Franklin Graham said last Thursday during the 13th annual Israel Solidarity Event at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. “I support Israel not only because I worship a Jew but because of what the Bible says about Israel and the future of Israel.”
The solidarity event was part of the National Day of Prayer activities, and Graham was asked to speak about why evangelicals support Israel.
Before Graham presented his message, Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer addressed the evangelical leaders in attendance.
“To be Israel’s ambassador to America is to be the ambassador to the friendliest country on earth to Israel,” Dermer said. “And the anchor of support for that friendship in America is you. You are the anchor of that support.”
Graham pointed to God’s promise to give Israel the land of Canaan; God’s choosing of Israel to be a people for Himself; God’s instruction to pray for the peace of Jerusalem; and especially God sending His Son, Jesus—a Jew—to bring the hope of eternal life to those who turn from their sin and put their faith in Jesus.
Graham told the story of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. “In the past,” he said, “there were many wicked, evil men who in the name of Jesus Christ used this story to persecute the Jews. To kill the Jews. They called them ‘Christ-killers.’
“But it wasn’t the Jews that killed Christ. It wasn’t the Romans that killed Christ. It was each and every one of us. Because the Bible says, ‘God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life’ [John 3:16, KJV]. You see, God sent his Son on a rescue mission, and Jesus Christ voluntarily went to the cross to take your sins and my sins. It was you, it was me, it was all of us that nailed Him to the cross. … And I thank God that He loved me enough to send His Son to take my sins and to die on the cross for me.”
Graham concluded, “Mr. Ambassador, we love Israel, and we love you, and we thank God for your country. And I can’t speak for evangelicals, but I can just say for me, I’m going to support Israel.”
For the original article, visit billygraham.org.
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Pick Me - Overcoming Rejection & Disappointment - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Pick Me - 
Overcoming Rejection 
& Disappointment
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“You did not choose Me, I chose you; and I have commissioned you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last; so that whatever you ask from the Father in My name He may give you.” John 15:16 CJB (Complete Jewish Bible CJB)

When it came time to pick teams for the grade school lunch time recess kick ball game, I enjoyed taking the ones the other team didn't want. And then beating them with a team of "rejects."

What others saw as being no good at playing ball, I liked to take those unchosen guys and girls and win the game, just by the sheer determination we had, if not because of natural talent. We didn't win all the time, but enough to gain some admiration from the opposing players, and the satisfaction of taking what others had rejected and proving them wrong.

In many ways the challenge of “getting picked or not getting picked” goes on throughout our lives. Even as an adult, I've been on the receiving end of "We don't need you," or "Sorry, but you don't have the qualifications." It hurts. Being rejected goes deep into our souls and spirits. It makes you feel like giving up in the pursuits you have been longing for. You sometimes wonder, "What is it going to take, Lord? When will I get picked?"

At times I don't have the answer, or can't seem to hear what I long to hear from the Lord when rejection occurs. The temptation is to just want to stop and say, “What is the use in trying?” We can reach a point where it is hard to continue believing it really will happen as you had dreamed, hoped, or seriously thought that it would.

So what do you do? Run from the Lord? Run to the Lord? Hide in shame because you once were convinced something wouldn't happen again, but then it did. Then you are not sure if it will ever have the promised fulfillment. Resisting bitterness at that point also becomes a challenge.

Hoping in people or an upcoming event, even trusting in one’s heart desires can't always be counted on. There are just too many circumstances that are out of our control, or so it seems to be. Thus disappointments, rejection and unfulfilled promises will continue to happen. They happened to Jesus - right down to His crucifixion.

David knew the rejection of family, in regards to his own father and brothers. He was likely sent to watch the sheep to keep out of their way. When all the others went to the battle front, it was David who had to stay behind, and do what was a meaningless job to others, a lowly shepherd, especially when one has aspirations of greater roles.

In Psalm 27:7-14, David wrote, “Listen, God, I'm calling at the top of my lungs: "Be good to me! Answer me!" When my heart whispered, "Seek God," my whole being replied, "I'm seeking him!" Don't hide from me now! You've always been right there for me; don't turn your back on me now. Don't throw me out, don't abandon me; you've always kept the door open. My father and mother walked out and left me, but God took me in.

Point me down your highway, God; direct me along a well-lighted street; show my enemies whose side you're on. Don't throw me to the dogs, those liars who are out to get me, filling the air with their threats. I'm sure now I'll see God's goodness in the exuberant earth. Stay with God! Take heart. Don't quit. I'll say it again: Stay with God.” (THE MESSAGE)

Throughout Scripture there are words that we must rely on. We need to learn to run to Him, for He is the Solid Rock. 
"My times are in Thy hands." (Psalm 31:15 NASB) It is a verse I have had to hold onto as truth often, when all else seems to be otherwise.

The Lord knows our pain. He understands the doubts and fears we face. He calls us to Himself, to help give us understanding when these times of rejection and disappointment come to each of us. They will come, but He does respond.

Disappointing experiences will pass. Another day will bring new understanding and opportunities to replace what was dreamed about. It doesn't make it any easier when we are in the midst of it, but knowing He will work it out, in His perfect timing, will help get us to the next day, and beyond.

If rejected, if disappointed, if seeing the promise unfilled...call on His Name, the Name of Jesus, Yeshua. Keep the hope He gives within, and move on with the overcoming spirit He has given to comfort us in the daily walk.

I had to again look to Him, even today, to overcome disappointment and that which I saw as rejection. Thankfully He was there in my time of need. I was able to stand and overcome the disappointment and rejection.

As the Scripture at the beginning of this message confirms, the Lord God has chosen us; He Himself has picked us to be His children. What confidence and faith for the future we can have because of this. When the times come that bring doubt, discouragement and rejection, we can stand on His Word. He has picked you and me, and He promised to see us through to the end.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share Now Think On This with your friends.

Email: loveforhispeople@gmail.com  

Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #152 “Pick Me” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (05.19.14) Monday at 8:40 pm in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

"Mountain Top View - Onward & Upward" - Steve Martin's new book

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Mountain Top View [Kindle Edition]


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Book Description

 May 18, 2014
I like mountains. I like these awesome creations of the Lord around the world. Standing in front of them can overwhelm your heart with gratitude and goodness, dwelling on His majestic power and sheer love that He daily has for us.

Our lives can be challenging as we face mountains ahead, but we can be overcomers as we keep our eyes fixed on Him, and make the climb with the Lord at our side, and His Holy Spirit as our Guide.

As you read these inspired and encouraging chapters, I trust they will bring more hope, faith and love into your spirit and soul. Experiences shared by those who have walked ahead enable others to choose more wisely and confidently in their walk. I hope these words do so for you.

These messages that I share with you in this book were originally written for my blog as NOW THINK ON THIS. You can read those on a weekly basis. Please see the info and contact pages at the back of the book.

Shalom and ahava,

Steve Martin
Charlotte, NC

Product Details

  • File Size: 1525 KB
  • Print Length: 97 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00KFF4SC6
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
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Jane Hamon: What "The Process" Of "The Fulfillment" Of Your Promises Might Look Like

Jane Hamon:
Of Your Promises Might Look Like
The Elijah List

Jane HamonAs you may have heard, Vision Church at Christian International suffered from terrible flooding and damage from the recent storms. As a result we have pulled up our carpet and are dealing with the underlying issues. 

But we are excited because we know this is a sign of a new season of prophetic fulfillment for us and so many in the Body of Christ.

On April 11, 2014, just three weeks earlier, Cindy Jacobs was prophesying at our Watchman Intercessor conference when she began to declare that: the spirit of a delay was broken, and that every curse upon the land that came from the spirit of robbery and piracy was destroyed

Her next words The carpet was pulled up!were that: God had declared a time of renovation for us and that He would more than supply our needs. Then she pointed at the carpet and said, "This carpet is coming up!" She said it several times! Three weeks later the carpet was pulled up! This is prophetic fulfillment!

We don't always understand God's promises or processes. But He is true to His Words. When the prophetic word came, we all rejoiced...but didn't realize the upheaval the process of fulfillment would mean.

My mother-in-law, Evelyn Hamon, uses an illustration about progress. She says that when God declares a season of progress, we must prepare ourselves for His process. It is exciting to go from a two-lane road to a four-lane road...but usually at some point in the process of progress it becomes a one-lane road with significant delays and a mess! But this is progress! This is fulfillment!
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

So we must embrace the new season of fulfillment...even though change may mean at times that things get messy before the finished product emerges...even though our faith may get stretched as we pass through the narrow place of a single lane for a time...even though it isn't comfortable to our flesh.
Things get messy before the finished product emergesHow else can we see God arise as the Lord Of The Breakthrough unless we have some situations that need breaking through?

Embrace your new season and expect a time of God fulfilling what He has promised! Delay is broken, every curse is destroyed, and the new thing is at hand!

Jane Hamon
Vision Church @ Christian International

Email: click here
Website: visionchurchci.org

Tom and Jane Hamon are the senior pastors of Vision Church @ Christian International in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. Their ministry together is an example to the Body of Christ of a husband and wife team working in tandem and unity to accomplish God's purposes. Their ministry is characterized by a rich deposit of God's wisdom to provide apostolic covering for the Church, prophetic teaching and ministry, and demonstration of Kingdom anointing and power. They travel as an apostolic/prophetic team to the nations, imparting both the spirit of wisdom and revelation to establish the Church and break open territories through spiritual warfare for the Kingdom of God to be experienced in a powerful and practical way.

Jane Hamon has been featured on Christian Television on TBN and through co-hosting with Gordon Robertson on the 700 Club. She has also written several books, including her very practical work on Dreams and Visions, her call to marketplace ministers called The Cyrus Decree, and her proclamation over women in the Church to arise and be The Deborah Company.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:http://elijahlist.com/subscribe

Meet the IDF's First Female Christian Officer

Meet the IDF's First Female Christian Officer

Monday, May 19, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Yasmin Chayach (pictured) has become the first female Arabic-speaking Christian to complete the Israeli army’s officers course
Chayach was following family tradition by volunteering for service in the IDF, as her brother before her was also a proud Israeli soldier.
The Chayach siblings are part of a growing movement of young Arabic-speaking Israeli Christians who are choosing to do national service.
Many of these young people have come to understand, contrary to mainstream teachings in the Arab world, that Israel is not their enemy, but rather their safe haven. As such, they are increasingly eager to integrate with Israeli Jewish society and become strong, loyal and productive citizens of the state.
Chayach’s promotion also further highlights the pervasive role of women in the Israeli military. A full 90 percent of all jobs and positions in the Israeli army are open to women.
Special thanks to the Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum for bringing this story to everyone’s attention.
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