Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pakistani Christians Protest for Israel Travel - ISRAEL365

[A Psalm] of David: Praise the Lord, my soul; all my innermost being, praise His holy name.

PSALM (103:1)

לְדָוִד  בָּרְכִי נַפְשִׁי אֶת יְ-הוָה וְכָל קְרָבַי אֶת שֵׁם קָדְשׁוֹ

תְּהִלִּים קג:א

l'-da-VID bar-KHEE naf-SHEE et a-do-NAI v'-KHOL k'-ra-VAI et shaym kad-SHO

An Attitude of Gratitude

Jewish tradition encourages us to recite 100 blessings a day. Learn more about this tradition, and how to develop an “attitude of gratitude” in your own life.

Pakistani Christians Protest for Israel Travel

A group of Christian Arabs protested last week in Pakistan for the right to visit Christian holy sites in Israel, which is forbidden under Pakistani law. 

Wooden Pomegranate Tray

Enjoy your morning coffee in bed while you support Israel! This unique Israeli wooden tray features a lovely pomegranate design and foldable legs. 

Today's Israel Photo

A beautiful sunset over Lake Kinneret by Boruch Len. The Kinneret, or Sea of Galilee, is Israel’s largest fresh water reservoir and most important source of drinking water. No wonder that winter rain forecasts and water levels grab the nation's attention and often reflect the national spirit.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo featured the Roman Theatre of Caesarea. Built during the period of Herod in the Second Temple times, it was only recently uncovered in the 1950's. It stands as the oldest theatre discovered in Israel.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Larry Nerney of Daly City, California in honor of his grandfather, Morris Victor Green (Granis).

Our Prayer Community

Our prayer forum is a wonderful opportunity for readers around the world to connect with one another through the power of prayer. Please feel free to submit a personal prayer request, and tell us where you're from!

This week, please pray for Martha's son, Bryan, a single father, to find a good job opportunity.

And for Elsabe D. to find a good and enjoyable job.

And for Ceil's granddaughter for a recovery and productive life ahead.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Bill Yount - Shofars Summoned Into Battle…To Raise The Nations From The Dead!

Shofars Summoned Into Battle…

To Raise The Nations From The Dead!

Bill Yount

Posted: 20 May 2014 


Yes! Our battles today are with principalities and powers of darkness, but they are still battles!

“And the three hundred (of Gideon’s army) blew the trumpets (shofars), and the Lord set every man’s sword against his fellow, even throughout all the host (of the enemy): and the host fled to Bethshittah in Zererath, and to the border of Abelmeholah, unto Tabbath.” Judges 7:22


God is still calling forth the foolish things to use for His glory. If He can use you and me, He can use anything — and get away with it!

Most victories in times of war in the Old Testament came through unusual weapons ordered by the Lord. Samson with the jawbone of an ass slew a thousand Philistines! Israel marched around a city and took it with a shout! Jehoshaphat’s army was outnumbered like the sands of the seashore and He was led to put his loudest mouth singers on the very front line of battle. They began to sing praises as they marched into the enemy camp and God sent ambushments against the enemy to confuse them; and all the enemy were dead when the hymn-sing was over! They didn’t even get to fight in this battle!

I have been to an army base in Israel, recently. Their army still sings during their training drills . . . Devil beware! I must confess, if I was commanding these armies, “I wouldn’t have chosen these weapons . . . but God did!”


I believe the most terrifying sound in the enemy’s ears is the sound of the shofar! Every time a shofar blows, the devil doesn’t know whether it’s one of us or Gabriel himself blowing that last trump of God! When shofars are blown, they blow confusion into the enemy’s camp — every time!

I believe one of the reasons the Lord is calling forth the weapon of the shofar this hour is to send confusion into the camp of the enemy! Great fear and the terror of the Lord will be released upon him through this mighty, foolish weapon!


As I read how the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and he blew a trumpet (shofar), I asked the Lord, “When the Spirit came upon Gideon and he blew a shofar, was that Gideon blowing or was that you?”

The Lord answered, “When Gideon blew his . . . I blew Mine!”

Many Jewish people believe that the trump of God in Heaven is not a Louis Armstrong-type trumpet, but a shofar (a rams horn — or His could be called a lamb’s horn).

I heard of the testimony of a man who died and went to heaven. He said he saw the shofar of God there. He said, “It is fifteen miles long!” When it is blown it will literally raise the dead down through every generation of time who believe in Jesus Christ the Messiah! I believe the Lord is raising up shofars this hour, getting us used to hearing their sound; for when Gabriel blows the Shofar of God, it will be the last sound out of here!


In 1995, I was invited to blow the shofar at an International Aglow Conference in Long Beach, California. Blowing the shofar was new to me. Before the conference in the hotel room, I thought I better practice blowing it. At the very first blow, in the Spirit I saw angels descending upon Long Beach and the whole region! I sensed the Lord saying, “Be careful, this baby is loaded! There is no need to practice with this weapon!”

I have learned that when a shofar is blown, it calls forth angelic armies into that region to fight against the powers of darkness, to take back that territory into God’s kingdom! When I blew the shofar at the conference, into nine thousand people, and had them shout the walls down inside of their households, divorces were cancelled, marriages were restored and even reports came in of missing children being found!


I wonder how God might organize a mass blowing of shofars from those who know they are called to blow one. I sense there are many who think that to blow a shofar isn’t for them. Let me ask you a question. “How do you know unless you blow one?”

I personally believe not everyone is called to blow the shofar. I will let that decision of blowing one be between you and the Lord.

When the Lord first called me to blow the shofar, He made one thing clear: “Bill, when you blow it, it will be Me blowing, because I live in you! By faith, I believe when I blow into one end of the shofar, the very breath of God comes out the other — because He lives in me! It’s all by faith that God is calling forth these foolish weapons again, this hour, in time of war!

I sense the Lord would have us to personally be led by Him when and where to blow in this season of war. I believe a good place to start is right at home. Let’s blow the confusion out of our own lives and families! And let the Lord lead you from there! You can stand right where you are and blow into a nation. There is no distance with the breath of God! He will lead us. Check in with Him for the details . . . all I know is God said, “Blow!”

Bill Yount

Photos below added by Steve Martin, Love For His People


 Steve Martin, Laurie Martin, Indira Persad

Blowing the shofar in Israel...
anywhere and everywhere!!!

One New Man - Charlotte, NC 2013

Beit Yeshua - Lincolnton, NC  2014

She Thought She Was Graduating Alone - What Her Active Duty Marine Brother Did Next Will Melt Your Heart

Rebekah Everett receives a hug, and her degree in Athletic Training, from her younger brother, U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Joshua Everett, on Saturday, May 11, 2014.

Rebekah Everett receives a hug, and her degree in Athletic Training, from her younger brother, U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Joshua Everett, on Saturday, May 11, 2014. (Liberty University)

She Thought She Was Graduating Alone 
- What Her Active Duty Marine Brother 
Did Next Will Melt Your Heart
There were many touching moments during Liberty University's 41st Commencement on Saturday, both at Williams Stadium, site of the main ceremony, and in the degree presentations held afterward in surrounding facilities.
In a surprise as well orchestrated as a covert military operation, Department of Health Professions graduate Rebekah Everett received her diploma from her younger brother, U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Joshua Everett, on the Schilling Center stage.
Less than two weeks after returning from a nine-month deployment to Afghanistan with the 1st Battalion 4th Marines, he flew in from Camp Pendleton in San Diego, Calif., to Lynchburg, Va., to honor his big sister. The Marine Corps assaultman, who defused explosives and ordnances throughout the Middle East, left Rebekah Everett shell-shocked.
"I haven't seen my sister in 11 months so I wanted to surprise her and make her feel special," said Joshua Everett, camouflaged in civilian clothing because his dress uniform no longer fits his lean frame and he was not allowed to wear his active duty outfit to the Commencement. "We did it. She had no clue. It was great. I think we all got her."
Earlier in the year, at Rebekah Everett's request, Liberty's Physical Therapy and Athletic Training departments surprised Joshua Everett and his platoon by sending them a care package. Joshua Everett made the most of his opportunity to return the favor.
"It worked out perfect," said John Everett, the siblings' father who was in on the surprise. "Everything was secret. We didn't even tell his grandparents (John and Rosemary De Wolfe, who came up from South Carolina) until this morning. She was totally surprised. She had no clue. She was in disbelief, shock, (she was) just kind of amazed, and honored."
Rebekah Everett became a little suspicious when she was moved to the front of the procession as she and her Athletic Training classmates approached the stage to receive their diplomas.
"Everyone was like, 'You have to be the first one,' and I was like, 'Why? I don't want to go first,'" she said.
She was left speechless when her brother came out from behind the backstage curtain to hand out her degree.
"I tripped up the stage and I stubbed my toe, but it's OK," Rebekah Everett said.
While she may not have shown much emotion on the outside, she was blown away that her brother would fly across the country to see her graduate.
"Her smile just said everything," Joshua Everett said.
The reward of receiving an emotional, homecoming hug from her sibling before thousands of people was well worth any pain or embarrassment.
"It was kind of awkward, but it was so nice to embrace him, my little brother," Rebekah Everett said.
"We're really close. He's my best friend, so it was really nice to actually spend this moment with him."
The two siblings were rarely apart growing up in Maryland, where they were home schooled by their mom, Andrea Everett.
"The only thing that separated them was college and the Marines," John Everett said. "It's neat to see them come back together."
Joshua Everett discussed the idea of staging the surprise with his dad back in February, while he was with his 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), traveling throughout the Persian Gulf aboard the U.S.S. Harper's Ferry.
This was his third visit to Lynchburg to see his sister, but the first since being stationed at Camp Pendleton in the summer of 2012. He returned to San Diego on Sunday and expects to be there for at least a couple months before being deployed again.
There is a possibility Rebekah Everett could start her career by joining her brother on the West Coast.
"She's got a job interview in Southern California, so she could wind up near her brother, which would be good," John Everett said. 
"We'll see where God takes me," Rebekah Everett added.
Military Spouse, Graduates Honored
During Saturday's 41st Commencement at Williams Stadium, Malory Mallery, an online graduate who drove from Kansas to attend the ceremony, was brought to tears and fell to her knees as she was recognized by President Jerry Falwell and shown a video message prepared by her husband, U.S. Army Sgt. Mark S. Mallery, stationed in Afghanistan.
Liberty honored its own students who are members of the United States Armed Forces at Friday night's third annual Military Graduate Recognition Ceremony in the Vines Center.

Congratulations to all those who have worked hard 
and have now graduated this year. 

Blessings on ye heads! 

Go now and serve the Lord 
with that which you have been 
trained and called to do! 

Steve Martin
Love for His People

Pastor Saeed Forcibly Returned to Prison after Beating

Pastor Saeed - in Iranian prison

Pastor Saeed Forcibly 
Returned to Prison after Beating
CBN News 
May 21, 2014

Saeed Abedini, a U.S. pastor who has been imprisoned for his faith, was severely beaten at an Iranian hospital, forcibly removed, and returned to the brutal Rajai Shahr prison.

His Iranian family claims the transfer was unexpected and the reason is unclear. But one of the guards involved in the transfer suggested recent Iranian nuclear talks could be a motive, the family said.

"This is an extremely disappointing development -- one that breaks my heart," Naghmeh Abedini, Pastor Saeed's wife, said.

"Our family is deeply saddened and we continue to pray for Saeed -- for his safety and his release. We are very grateful that so many people around the world continue to pray for Saeed," she added.

In March, Pastor Saeed experienced similar treatment. He was transferred to the same hospital in shackles and beaten by guards. Abedini was then denied medical treatment and visits from relatives.

Saeed's situation at the hospital had improved after global criticism. He was allowed frequent visits from local family members and was given nutritional meals.

His forcible return to prison comes as efforts continue around the world to secure his release.

According to the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) nearly 260,000 people from around the world have already signed the BeHeardProject petition, in an effort to get him released.

Let your voice be heard, sign the petition.

Watch: CBN News video

Francis Frangipane: The Unshakable Kingdom - The Elijah List

Francis Frangipane:
The Elijah List

Francis FrangipaneWhen the Earth Shakes

Over the past 15 years it has become hard to be unaffected by the massive earthquakes that have rocked our planet. In December 2004, the great South Asian tsunami roared along the Indian Ocean, striking the coastlines of nine nations. More than 250,000 people died, and millions more were left grieving and homeless. Scientists tell us that not only did this great disaster change the landscape of Asia, but it also actually caused the planet to wobble on its axis.

Nine and a half months later, in October 2005, another devastating quake struck, this time in the Kashmir region of Pakistan. It killed nearly 80,000 people. Millions again were left without homes or shelter. Then, along with quakes in Chile and New Zealand, the horrific Haitian earthquake struck and another quarter million lives were lost. Lastly, a huge 9.0 quake and subsequent tsunami struck the northeast coast of Japan, raising the specter of a nuclear meltdown and the widespread poisoning caused by radioactive contamination.

There is something happening in the earth. Massive earthquakes. Huge death tolls. Unprecedented storms. It may all be a coincidence, but I cannot help but call to mind the Lord's word, "Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the Heaven" (Hebrews 12:26). There is certainly a great shaking occurring in the nations.

Remember, Jesus warned that "great earthquakes" would be part of a variety of natural calamities, which He called "birth pangs," that would introduce the end times (Luke 21:11; Matthew 24:8; Mark 13:8). In other words, He told us to expect natural disasters to increase both in magnitude and frequency, as though the earth itself was recoiling against the weight of sin. As Isaiah said, "The earth is shaken totters like a shack, for its transgression is heavy upon it" (Isaiah 24:19-20).

(Photo via

If we are, indeed, living in the last decades of this present age, we should not expect the planet to remain calm or tranquil. God will use these calamities to draw multitudes to Himself, but we should be aware they will probably grow in severity.

Spiritual Shaking

As disasters increase at the end of the age, so also will fear be multiplied in the world. However, fear will not be our companion if we truly know the Lord. Indeed, it is also during this time the Lord promised that the powers of darkness will be shaken from their position of influence and rule. The Lord will "shake not only the earth, but also the heaven" (Hebrews12:26, emphasis added).

This verse is not referring to the highest of heavens where God dwells. The heaven mentioned here refer to the spiritual realm, also known as the "heavenly places" elsewhere in the Bible (Ephesians 3:10). These "heavenly places" represent the spiritual dimension from which "the powers...the world forces of this darkness...the spiritual forces of wickedness" exert their rule over nations (Ephesians 6:12).

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Thus, the Lord says in Isaiah, "It will happen in that day, that the Lord will punish the host of heaven on high, and the kings of the earth on earth" (Isaiah 24:21). The last great shaking will affect both the natural and spiritual realms. Likewise, Jesus warned that during the time of the end "the powers of the heavens will be shaken" (Matthew 24:29).

Remember, the shaking of these powers denotes the "removing" of their place of influence and rule (Hebrews 12:27).

In other words, every demonic stronghold that hinders the coming forth of the Kingdom of God on Earth is ultimately going to be confronted by the power and authority of Heaven!

One may argue, "These verses refer to the end of the age." Yes, the finality of this twofold shaking – things on Earth but also Heaven – won't reach its maximum power until just before the Lord returns during the tribulation period.

However, I believe it has already begun on a certain level. Consider the former Soviet Union. Here was the largest geographic empire in the history of the world; its military was powerful beyond measure. The USSR was avowed atheistic in nature, and it spread atheism to all nations under its influence.

Yet, in an amazing and unfathomably sophisticated exercise of the divine will, the Almighty judged the spiritual powers ruling Soviet Communism. The USSR fell without a violent revolution, without an insurrection or war, suddenly and dramatically it disintegrated.
(Photo via

Not only did this great empire implode, it was on December 25, 1991, that Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as president of the Soviet Union, effectively ending the Soviet Communist Party. The next day the Soviet parliament acknowledged the dissolution of the empire.

What a great and enduring sign! On Christmas day, the very day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the demonic power ruling the USSR was shaken and toppled from its place!

Will the Lord's final confrontation against the spiritual powers of wickedness be much more significant? Since the fall of Communism, missiologists tell us that more people have come to Christ worldwide than the sum of all conversions since the first century. Of course, Russia still has its problems, but let us not overlook what has happened: a godless, evil power fell from its place of rule. Since then millions of people have come into God's kingdom! (Anyone feel like shouting here?)

Even while the physical world will suffer birth pangs, I believe we are going to see other major "powers in the heavens" come down just as dramatically as the former Soviet Union. I know it is possible that Islamic factions will merge and become stronger, but remember, there are currently millions of Christians praying for Muslims. There are significant breakthroughs. Indeed, Muslims by the millions are opening up to the Gospel and finding Christ as their Savior.

I believe the awakening that has begun in China is going to explode with many more millions coming into the Kingdom of God. India, too, will have a profound awakening. And yes, I believe it is not too late to see major demonic powers fall in the United States.

We are living when, at least on preliminary levels, the "powers of the heavens" are being shaken. Our prayers and compassionate involvement in the affairs of life play a major role in toppling these powers of darkness. 

If we do not quit praying, we will see significant changes unfold before our eyes.


Finally, let us remember that, even while things on Earth and in Heaven are being shaken, simultaneously we are receiving "a Kingdom which cannot be shaken" (Hebrews 12:28). Beloved, God has an unshakable Kingdom to which He calls us. It is the place where Jesus rules as King, from which place every knee in Heaven and on Earth shall bow.

Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, The Days of His Presence which you can order now at:

Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane


Francis Frangipane is the founder of River of Life Ministries in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and has traveled throughout the world ministering to thousands of pastors and intercessors from many backgrounds. Francis' heartfelt prayer is to see established in every city Christlike pastors and intercessors, united before God, revealing the love of Christ to their communities.

Since 1985, he has written fourteen books, plus a number of study booklets. Over the past decades, Francis has served on a number of other ministry boards. However, in recent years he has gradually resigned from these various boards. As of June 2009, he has also retired from his position as senior pastor of River of Life Ministries. In this more simplified life, Frangipane is devoting himself to prayer and the ministry of God's Word.

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Christianity Moving West Again - The Great Commission - Rick Joyner

Christianity Moving West Again 
- The Great Commission, Part 21
Week 21, 2014

Rick Joyner

There is a saying that contains an important insight: “In Jerusalem, Christianity became a religion. In Greece, it became a philosophy. In Rome, it became an institution. In Britain, it became a tradition, and in America, it became an enterprise.”

There is some truth to this, and it is not all bad or unintended. The new creation culture that was to be received by all nations was also intended to receive from all nations. This is not to imply that the basic tenets of the faith were to be modified, but that the gospel would help apply the best of all nations to a culture that would become the highway Isaiah spoke of that would be built to prepare the way for the Lord.

However, some of the worst of these nations also entered into the fabric of Christianity and, to a degree, corrupted the application of the gospel. Each time the center of gravity for the advancing church moved, there would be some purification, but not total. In the American church, we have reflected some the best and worst of religion, philosophy, institutions, traditions, and business all mixed together.

Many have learned to take the best and leave the rest. Some of the most remarkable expressions of Christianity through the church are now found in America, as well as probably some of the worst. Many Christians from around the world have come to learn from churches in America and have taken what they learned back to their countries. Many of these did a great job filtering out what should not be applied in their home countries and have raised up works that are truly exceptional. Now many Americans, and others, are going to them to learn. This interchange has increased dramatically during this time of easy travel and communications. For this reason, there are truly remarkable churches growing up all over the world.

As the center of gravity of Christianity moved west from Jerusalem, (for the last century it seemed centered in America, even though some of the greatest works and revivals were elsewhere), it is about to make another major leap to the west. The center of gravity of Christianity is going to move to Asia. Then it will find its way back to Jerusalem.

So what will be the contribution of Asia to Christianity? For one thing, it will be a filter that removes many of the impurities added to Christianity by other cultures that have influenced it. They will do an even better job of holding to the good and removing the bad. This is not all they will do, but it will be a major contribution. We can expect to start hearing two great questions from Asia:

“What is the pure gospel?”

“What is the purest expression of Christianity?”

Then we will see a relentless pursuit of these.

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