Friday, June 13, 2014

Mosul Iraq -- Match Historical Pictures to Today's Headlines

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 13 Jun 2014
Jews of Mosul (Credit: Keystone-Mast Collection, 
California Museum of Photography at UCR)

Jihadi forces overran Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, this week. Analysts explain Mosul's significance as the center of Iraq's oil-rich areas, the gateway for the Sunni radicals to attack Baghdad, and a debacle for the U.S.-supported Iraqi army. 

But Mosul also has an ancient history.  It was the Biblical city of Nineveh, so large that the Book of Jonah describes it as a "great city of three days

Mosul, Mesopotamia" (Iraq) (Credit: Keystone-Mast Collection,
California Museum of Photography at UCR ARTSblock, University of 
California, Riverside)

journey in breadth." 

The Assyrian King Sennacherib built a massive palace there on the banks of the Tigris River.

We present pictures of Mosul 80 years ago and of Jews of Mosul 
approximately 100 years ago.

Read here a 2007 account of a Jewish chaplain from the US Army's 101st Airborne who discovered the remnants of Mosul's Jewish community.

Mosul, Iraq, 1932 (Library of Congress)

Mosul and the Tigris in the background, 1932 (Library of Congress)

Sennacherib's castle, Mosul, Iraq, 1932 (Library of Congress) See also here

Paper Clips - Moive Trailer

Paper Clips Project

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the OSS post-WWII American retrieval of German information project, see Project Paperclip.
"Paper Clips" redirects here. For other uses, see Paper clip (disambiguation).
A middle school project teaching tolerance in a small Tennessee city turned into a world-renowned memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. Poster from 2004 documentary film
The Paper Clips Project, by middle school students from the small southeastern Tennessee town of Whitwell, created a monument for the Holocaust victims of Nazi Germany. It started in 1998 as a simple 8th-grade project to study other cultures, and then evolved into one gaining worldwide attention. At last count, over 30 million paper clips had been received. Paper Clips, an award-winning documentary film about the project, was released in 2004 by Miramax Films.[1]


In 1998, Linda M. Hooper, principal of Whitwell Middle School in Whitwell, Tennessee, asked Assistant Principal David Smith to find a voluntary after-school project to teach the children about tolerance. David Smith and Sandra Roberts started a Holocaust education program and held the first class in the fall of 1998. Soon the students were overwhelmed with the massive scale of the Holocaust and asked Mrs. Hooper if they could collect something to represent the lives that were exterminated during the Holocaust. Mrs. Hooper responded that they could if they could find something that related to the Holocaust or to World War II. Through Internet research, the students discovered that Johan Vaaler, a Norwegian, designed a loop of metal, and the Norwegians wore paperclips on their lapels during World War II as a silent protest against Nazi occupation. The students decided to collect 6,000,000 paper clips to represent the estimated 6,000,000 Jews killed between 1939 and 1945 under the authority of the Nazi government of Adolf Hitler.
At first the project went slowly, as it did not gain much publicity. Students created a website and sent out letters to friends, family and celebrities. The project began to snowball after it received attention from Peter and Dagmar Schroeder, journalists who were born in Germany during World War II and who covered the White House for German newspapers. They published some articles as well as a book, Das Büroklammer-Projekt(The Paper Clip Project) published in September 2000, that promoted the project in Germany. The big break in the US came with an article in the Washington Post on April 7, 2001, written by Dita Smith.

City of Whitwell[edit]

Almost all observers note the much-unexpected location of the project. The small rural town of Whitwell has about 1,600 residents and, according to the U.S. census, 97.35 percent of them are white. There was not a single Jew among the population of 425 students when the project began. Out of the 425 students that attend the school, there are only five African Americans and one Hispanic person.
About 40 miles away is the Rhea County Courthouse, where, in 1925, a teacher was convicted for teaching evolution during the Scopes "Monkey" Trial. The trial upheld a statute which outlawed teaching any theory that denies the Divine Creation. A hundred miles from Whitwell, in PulaskiTennessee, the infamous Ku Klux Klan was reportedly born.
The city is quite poor, as its main business, coal mining, started to decline after an accident 30 years ago; the last mine was shut down completely in 1997. About half of the students at the middle school qualify for thefree lunch program, which is a benefit for lower-income American school children.

Paper clips[edit]

Paper clips were chosen in part because some people from Norway wore them on their lapels as a symbol of resistance against Nazi occupation during World War II (Norwegian Johan Vaaler is often credited with the invention of the paper clip; while he did indeed invent a paper clip, it was not the type used today.)
The paper clips were sent by various people by mail; the letters came from about 20 different countries. Some celebrities, like George W. BushBill ClintonBill CosbySteven SpielbergTom Bosley and Tom Hankswere among those mailing in the clips. As of the summer of 2004, the school had collected about 24 million paper clips. As of 2005, more were still coming in. Most letters contain a story or a dedication of the attached paper clips to a certain person. Some of these stories are shared in the film.


The Children's Holocaust Memorial consists of an authentic German transport car (which arrived in the Baltimore seaport on September 9, 2001) surrounded by a small garden. The railcar is filled with 11 million paper clips (6 million for murdered Jews and 5 million for RomaCatholicshomosexualsJehovah's Witnesses, and other groups). The monument was uncovered on the anniversary of the Kristallnacht, November 9, 2001.[2][3]
Linda Pickett sculpted eighteen butterflies of twisted copper which are embedded in concrete around the railcar. Butterflies came from a poem written by a child who lived in Terezin concentration camp in 1942 (I Never Saw Another Butterfly) and the number 18 in Hebrew symbolizes life (in Gematria, 18 is the numerical value of the word חי, pronounced Chai, meaning life). Inside the railcar, besides the paper clips, there are the Schroeders’ book and a suitcase filled with letters of apology to Anne Frank by a class of German schoolchildren.
A sculpture designed by an artist from Ooltewah, Tennessee stands next to the car, memorializing the 1.5 million children murdered by the Nazis, and incorporating another 11 million paper clips.


Main article: Paper Clips (film)
The 2004 documentary film Paper Clips was directed by Elliot Berlin and Joe Fab. It was made to describe the project and highlight what was done.

Ride to Remember[edit]

In 2006 the Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance and Yidden on Wheels, a Toronto-based Jewish motorcycle club, organized a ride from points across North America to Whitwell, TN to commemorate the Paperclip Project and in honor of the Holocaust's victims. The ride was also a fundraiser for that school, with over $35,000 being raised to help the school buy Promethean boards, a next generation interactive blackboard.[4]
Mitchell Belman, a Toronto-based filmmaker, captured the essence of this ride in his documentary Paper Clips: A Ride to Remember.[citation needed]

    US Absolves Abbas of Responsibility for Gaza Rockets

    US Absolves Abbas of Responsibility for Gaza Rockets

    Thursday, June 12, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
    The Obama Administration determined on Wednesday that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, despite having forged a new unity government, cannot be held responsible for terrorist rocket fire perpetrated by his regime’s citizens residing in the Gaza Strip.
    Terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired a rocket into southern Israel early Wednesday morning. The projectile narrowly missed a major traffic artery.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted that Abbas must be held accountable for such attacks, since he has now welcomed Gaza’s Hamas rulers into his government.
    “I would like to remind the international community that [Abbas] - on the day he formed a government with the Hamas terrorist organization - promised to honor all previous agreements. This means that he is responsible for disarming Hamas and the other terrorist organizations of the arsenals in Gaza,” said Netanyahu.
    The American government quickly rejected that assessment.
    “We feel President Abbas needs to do everything possible to prevent [such attacks], [but] we understand that his ability to do that is severely limited at this point in time,” US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters.
    Abbas’ office soon after issued a pseudo-condemnation of the rocket attack, but not because it had targeted Israeli civilians, but rather because it hindered the current Palestinian agenda.
    “The leadership calls on all Palestinian factions to honor the 2012 Cairo truce and the understandings of the reconciliation agreement out of keenness for the interest of the Palestinian people and their security and so as not to give Israel any excuse to continue its aggression against the Gaza Strip,” read the statement.
    While that statement seemed to satisfy the Americans, Israeli leaders were unimpressed.
    “President Abbas claims that the new Palestinian government honors all previous commitments. So why has he not disarmed the terrorist organizations in Gaza as he is obligated to do? Without such action his ‘condemnation’ of today’s rocket attack on Israel is nothing but empty rhetoric,” Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev told The Jerusalem Post.
    The episode highlighted the point Netanyahu and other Israeli officials have been making for years: that Abbas cannot be reasonably viewed as a viable peace partner if he is unable or unwilling to deliver on those peace obligations that are most important to Israel.
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    Thursday, June 12, 2014

    'Jesus Film' Gets Total Makeover for New Generation

    'Jesus Film' Gets Total Makeover 

    for New Generation

    ORLANDO, Fla. -- Film critics have declared 2014 as the "year of the Bible" with the success of films like "Son of God," "Noah" and "Heaven is For Real."

    These blockbusters scored millions at the box office. Upcoming films "Exodus" and "Mary, Mother of Christ" are also expected to do well when they hit theaters in December.

    But it is a more than 30-year-old biblical film that has landed a place in Guinness Book of World of Records.

    A Powerful History

    Campus Crusade for Christ's "The Jesus Film" has been translated into more languages than any film in history. It's also helped lead more than 200 million people to Christ.

    The 1979 production is based on the Gospel of Luke. CRU Executive Director Erick Schenkel recently spoke with CBN News to discuss the film's history and its future.

    "At first it had a theater run in the United States. We thought, 'Great! People are getting to see the story of Jesus,'" Schenkel told CBN News.

    "But then as we saw him use it in language after language around the world and saw the potential and then began to build strategies around that, it has just been a big part of Campus Crusade's work globally," he added.

    Before his rise to executive director, Schenkel spent 11 years in Central Asia working with "The Jesus Film."

    "They didn't think Jesus was for them, but when they saw the Jesus Film in their own language, all the Central Asian languages, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek and saw Jesus speaking their language, they understood that Jesus saw them and loved them," Schenkel said, recalling that time.

    "And so we saw movements of people coming to Christ in every one of these people groups," he said.

    Inside CRU's Orlando offices is a map that helps tell the story of "The Jesus Film." It has been translated in more than 1,200 languages and viewed around the world more than six billion times.

    "The amazing thing is there still places in the world where when we translate this film, it becomes the only film in the language of the people watching it -- 1,200 language translations," he said.

    "[For] a very large percentage for those people, it is the only film they have ever had in their language, where they see the people on the screen, speaking the words that they speak every day," he added. "The words their mother spoke to them when they were sitting on their mother's knee as a child."

    Re-Engineering from Scratch

    There's certainly no denying the power of the gospel message. But for some on the mission field, CRU's 35-year-old mission tool was losing its luster in the age of high definition and surround sound.

    Kary Hagen is a sound engineer with The Jesus Film Project.

    "We have other products and there were other things that we could offer. But 'The Jesus Film' is really the core. It's the Gospel of Luke, condensed into two hours," Hagen told CBN News.

    "It has the most scripture of any product we have and it's kind of near and dear to my heart, so it has been disappointing to hear that in places in Europe or Asia, we are not really using this film anymore. It doesn't really work for us," he said.

    Hagen and film engineers have been working for more than 10 years to restore the entire film.

    He described the process as a "tedious effort. And the sound effects, layer upon layer. The birds, the wind, the cloth noises, crowd noises."

    "It is like painting a picture, really, with sound. Layer upon layer of sound that you take for granted when you watch a movie," Hagen explained.

    "It is just like of course the outdoors is going to sound like that. The people are going to sound like that. But we built the sound from nothing," he added. "We built all the sound from scratch. And then a new musical score, which is unique. You just don't see that in Hollywood or in restoration projects."

    Unbelievable Reach

    It's a labor of love, completed just in time for the film's 35th anniversary.

    "Thirty-five years, there have six billion viewings of 'The Jesus Film.' Now some of the people that viewed it have passed on and some people have seen it more than once," Schenkel told CBN News.

    "But six billion viewings of the film and over 200 million people have indicated they wanted to become followers of Jesus after seeing the film," he said.

    "So the reach is just more than we could have asked and it really has been a privilege to see how God has used this tool," he said.
    Watch video: CBN News

    Mango Party - Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries with Moses Julius

    Displaying 100_8539.JPG

    June 12, 2014

    Dear Friends! 

    This past Sabbath, after our service, 
    the orphans and underprivileged children of Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries had a wonderful time at St. Francis School, where we had been official invited to attend a mango party!  Miss Aileen Rose accepted the official invitation and had the opportunity to attend the event with the children.  By the grace of God, Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries also had the opportunity and the blessing to contribute to the mango party.  The children were very excited and had what is sure to be a day they won't soon forget. 

    Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries has also been blessed to be able to help other ministries, Bible schools, and schools.  We are grateful to all our ministry partners, as their contribution directly goes to some of the many needy and deserving children of Pakistan.

    Love & Blessing in Yeshua Ha'Mashiach
    Mr.Moses Julius 

    I Can Relate - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

    I Can Relate
    - Now Think On This
    by Steve Martin

    I don’t understand my own behavior — I don’t do what I want to do; instead, I do the very thing I hate!” Romans 7:15 Complete Jewish Bible

    I certainly can relate to Paul at times. When I think I have mastered something in my spiritual walk, then, boom, I react the same way as before. And here I had thought I had checked that one off the “Got It Mastered” list.

    Someone at work gets a big pat on the back during the company staff meeting. My response at times? “Well, what about that great job I did last week?” Instead of being congratulatory for them, I am asking myself, “Why didn’t I get acknowledged?”

    Or the emotion that arises when driving down the highway and a young kid races by, obviously going beyond the suggested speed limit. My response has been, “I hope he gets caught. I want to get to my destination just as fast. But no one is catching him now are they?"

    At other moments I find myself having high expectations, believing that a person is thinking the same way I am, and then finding out later that that wasn’t even on their mind at all. And then the big disappointment sets in, as I fall to the ground with the thought, “Another hope dashed.” At least it doesn’t take me days to get over it like it used to. Now it is down to a few hours. (At least most of the time.)

    Paul got it right when he said, using the same verse as above, but as translated in the New American Standard Version, “For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.”

    Weariness sets in when you think you have overcome a sinful act, and yet when the opportunity arises to show that what you had desired to be the true colors by now - well, it just isn’t quite yet, but the same old same old had just come back. Why is this so?

    We need to continue to practice repentance; to keep looking to the Lord to help us overcome those things that just seem to hang on and not go away. Attitudes, behaviors, wrong directions we tend to take, in our natural and spiritual walks, that we thought we had dealt with already, are going to take more practice. Our dependence on the Lord should never go away, where we think we have accomplished “it” and can walk on our own. Sure, we are to be mature. It will certainly come as our acknowledgement of Him is kept forefront in our minds, wills and emotions.

    David is another person given in Scripture as an example for us to imitate. I can certainly relate to David, as He called upon the Name of the Lord. As a shepherd, and then as king of Israel, his dependence on the Lord is evident in his words I believe he continually prayed, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 NAS) He knew that only in His Lord would he be able to maintain a proper attitude towards people and situations that came his way.

    Paul encourages us with his inspired words, giving us further hope that what we experience isn’t just us going through it, but that our fellow ones also struggle with this. “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NAS)

    Bob Mumford, a popular Bible teacher whom I enjoyed hearing and reading his books in the 1970’s and 1980’s, liked to share experiences about how we get caught up “going around the mountain” – getting in that mode where we just can’t seem to conquer, or finish the test, but have to keep repeating it over and over again. But someday we do! Someday we will have gotten that last mountain test passed, and be promoted to the next grade, with bigger challenges.

    My hope is that as I continually give myself to desiring the Lord’s cross in my life, allowing it to work the eternal effect it is to have in my heart and spirit, that the things I hate to do, will in time no longer have its hold on me.

    I know you desire that too. Aren’t you glad we are not alone, that along with the Holy Spirit we will be overcomers. That is my hope. I know that He Who is Faithful and True also desires that for us too.

    Now think on this,

    Steve Martin
    Love For His People. Inc.

    Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

    If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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    Contribution checks can be sent to: 
    Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
    Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

    Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


    Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
    Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

    Full website: Love For His People

    Now Think On This #155 “I Can Relate” by Steve Martin 
    Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (6.12.14) Thursday at 8:15 am in Charlotte, NC.

    All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This