Thursday, July 24, 2014

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid" - ISRAEL365

Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid and do not be broken before them; for the Lord, your God He will go before you; He will not fail you nor forsake you.


חִזְקוּ וְאִמְצוּ אַל תִּירְאוּ וְאַל תַּעַרְצוּ מִפְּנֵיהֶם כִּי יְ-הוָה אֱ-לֹהֶיךָ הוּא הַהֹלֵךְ עִמָּךְ לֹא יַרְפְּךָ וְלֹא יַעַזְבֶךָּ

דברים לא:ו

khiz-KU v'-im-TZOO al tee-r'-U v'-AL ta-ar-TZOO mi-p'-nay-HEM kee a-do-NAI e-lo-HE-kha hu ha-ho-LAYKH i-MAKH lo yar-p'-KHA ve-LOE ya-az-VE-ka

Jerusalem Inspiration

Israel understands all too well that freedom comes at a cost.  However, despite the hardships, Israel draws strength and courage from the fact that God stands with His people.  He goes with them wherever they go and He does not forsake them, as promised in this verse.  As Operation Protective Edge completes its first week of ground combat, we rally around our brave soldiers, providing for their needs and praying for their continued success and well being.

Bold and Brave

United by their commitment, desire and hope for the safety of all the citizens of Israel, we pray for the brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces.

Backing Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is continuing his extensive efforts to maintain the international support for Israel’s operation against Hamas.

Jerusalem Diaries

Jerusalem Diaries: In Tense Times, by Judy Lash Balint, paints a vivid picture of life in modern day Israel.  Her provoking descriptions piece together a stirring portrait of a people struggling to maintain normal life in the most abnormal of settings.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Today's photo by Yehoshua Halevi shows an IDF soldier at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of our beloved Jerusalem!

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Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Tired of Islam, Iranians Ask ' Who Is This Jesus?'

Tired of Islam, Iranians Ask 

' Who Is This Jesus?'

UNDISCLOSED LOCATION - Christians are the most persecuted religious minority group in Iran. Iranian believers, especially those who convert from Islam to Christianity, face even more scrutiny.

Now one television channel operating from multiple secret locations is beaming messages of hope directly into the Islamic country and Iranian authorities don't like it one bit.

These are very busy and exciting times atMohabat TV as it carries out its mission of broadcasting Christianity into Iran.

"We are seeing a huge, huge number of Iranians who are reaching out to our channel and our phone center just to reach out and find out more about Jesus," Mike Ansari, who oversees the popular channel, said.

Thirsty for Truth

Since 2006, Mohabat TV has been beaming Christian programs via satellite to Middle East, Europe, and parts of Asia. But for the channel's cast, crew, production, and office staff, their main focus is the Islamic nation of Iran.
"Many of our viewers that are contacting us from Iran, they claim that Islam has not deivered to their expectations. So when they turn the channel on and see Mohabat TV they hear a new message of Jesus, of forgiveness of love of acceptance," Ansari said.

Nazanin Baghestani manages the phone call center operations for the channel.

"Persians are really thirsty for the truth, they really want to know who is this God that we talk about, who is this Jesus, is He real or is He just a prophet?" Baghestani said.

To answer those and many other questions, the channel has deployed Farsi-speaking Christian counselors in different time zones around the world.

Baghestani said they take an average between 8,000 and 10,000 calls a month from Iranians.

"That's when we open the subject, we preach the gospel and so many give their hearts, so many receive Him," Baghestani said.

Secret, Dangerous Broadcasting

But producing Christian programs for Iran is not without its challenges. The bulk of Ansari's productions for the channel are done outside of Iran from multiple secret locations for safety and security reasons.

"Our channel and our signals are getting jammed on a daily basis inside Iran. It is true that the phone calls are being monitored and people who try to contact us may get persecuted," Ansari said.

In June 2011 a Christian man's house got raided by Iranian authorities as he was on the phone with a Mohabat counselor.

CBN News obtained an audio recording of the conversation between the phone counselor and a member of Iran's secret police. On the recording the police officer describes what happened when he broke into the house of the Christian man.

The audio has never been released to the public until now.

"I arrested him once before then released him," the Iranian agent told the Mohabat counselor.

"I warned him not to go to the city and tell others that he is a Christian and tell them to come and become one, too," he continued. "He has caused problems for others. I just arrested him again. I swear to God I beat him up so much, I beat him so hard, he's almost dead, there is blood all over, I swear to God. I feel bad for him. Listen, lady, you guys have caused a lot of trouble for Iran's youth."

The young Christian man was reportedly killed shortly after the conversation. But Ansari said the threats are not stopping Iranians from watching the channel, which provides 24-hour Christian programming.

"Remember in Iran there is no such thing as a church as you and I know outside of Iran. So many Iranians who are curious or have recently given their hearts to be called Christians find it easier, more private and more safe to be at home watching the channel," he said.

Persecution Fueling Growth

The official religion of Iran is Islam. Christians are officially less than half of one percent of the population. The overwhelming majority are Muslim.

Christians are routinely imprisoned and labeled as threats to national security.

Open Doors, a group that has served the persecuted church for decades, has ranked Iran No. 9 on its list of 50 countries where persecution of Christians is most severe.

"We have programming on the channel that is geared just towards that to give them hope and encourage them and yet tell them that persecution is definitely a part of a Christians life, that when you become a Christian and you reside in a country that is not predominantly Christian," Ansari told CBN News from an undisclosed location.

The United Nations says at least 49 Iranian Christians are being held in jails. Among them is American citizen and Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, who is serving an eight-year prison term for refusing to recant his faith.

"We really don't want to see any of them jeopardize or being persecuted so we always tell them to act with wisdom and be wise about their new faith and the way they approach others," Ansari said.

Ansari said the harsh treatment of Christians is reportedly fueling the flames of church growth.

"We are seeing a new season right now, there are so many people who are reaching out on their own account. (It) seems that they are not afraid they just want to reach out and go beyond any kind of authority or limitations that may exist locally for them to just connect with somebody," he said.

Ansari, a native of Iran, is encouraging Christians worldwide to pray for Iran, especially now as they and millions of Muslims observe the holy month of Ramadan.

"Our goal is just to be out there and just tell them {Muslims} that there is another choice: that the prophet Jesus whom they know very well through Islam, He is more than a prophet -- that believing in Him can bring a sense of hope and a sense of new beginnings," he said.

Kristian Stanfill - "Your Grace On Which I Stand" [Live @ Passion 2014] HD - playlist

Kristian Stanfill - Passion 2014

Published on Feb 16, 2014
Kristian Stanfill - "Your Grace On Which I Stand" [Live @ Passion 2014] HD
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Kent Simpson: The Heart and the Prophetic - What Is Your Heart Saying?

Kent Simpson:
The Elijah List

Kent SimpsonDid you know the word "heart" is mentioned in the Bible over 800 times? Have you ever stopped to think how this word is used, when it is clearly not referring to the physical heart?

Almost every time "heart" is used, the author is not referring to the muscle that beats in our chest and pumps blood throughout the body. The word is being used as a means of communicating to us something more spiritual than physical.

Even today, thousands of years later, we speak of the heart often, but it's not always in the context of the life-giving organ. For example, before a woman makes her mind up to stand at the altar and say her "I dos," she wants to know what is in the man's heart. She wants to know what is behind his exterior, what his true feelings are about her, his strengths, weaknesses, temperament, loyalty...and the list goes on. It is safe to say that the word "heart" can be defined as more than a physical organ; it is something much deeper.

Some years ago a close friend of mine, who is a minister, made a statement that set me on course to seek out the author's meaning when using the word "heart" while speaking of being born again. My friend was grumbling about what he heard people saying in regard to being born again; he didn't like that they would claim they gave their heart to Jesus.

But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:8-10

My quest was to seek and find out from the Holy Spirit, the Author of the Holy Scriptures, what the word "heart" meant when used in this context. Little did I know that the answer would open a window to my soul that continues to this day to reveal many other secrets that have been sealed within the Bible. The more you see how the Bible flows from Genesis to Revelation, the more you will begin to build a systematic theology that works.
...knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:20-21

When you see the word "heart" in your Bible, you need to fully understand what the Author, the Holy Spirit, is revealing to you. The explanation the Holy Spirit gave me regarding the word "heart" is this: When used in this context, it signifies the soul and spirit have come into agreement, unifying a spiritual force that has come from Heaven to earth.

Our soul is our mind, will, and emotion – our personality, if you will. The spirit is the life force that we draw from when we are in need of revelation or help that is hidden within us. When the word "heart" is used in the verse mentioned above, it is revealing that the man was given a new heart or a new spirit and also a new way of thinking. 

In this verse, Jesus is saying this person's soul and spirit are united as one when his spirit is quickened by the Holy Spirit, and the renewing process begins. This tells us more has changed than just the man's personality or his words.

However, renewing the mind (soul) takes time; therefore, each of us must continue to study, to show ourselves approved, so that we may continue to be more like Jesus, our Lord and Savior. It is our newborn spirit which we draw from that makes our minds (souls) as students of the Holy Spirit, for He is our Teacher and will reveal all that we need to know.

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. 1 John 2:27

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Heart and the Prophetic

When we want to know the deeper things about a person, we must have the ability to see into their soul and spirit (i.e. their heart). When counseling prophetically or giving a prophetic word from the Holy Spirit, we are, in effect, making contact with their heart (soul and spirit).

The Soul: It is from the soul we gain recorded information that activates the word of knowledge, a gift from the Holy Spirit that reveals what has happened or is presently happening in the lives of those to whom we are prophetically speaking. One of the main purposes for this is to make them aware that God knows who they are and what is going on within their lives. This makes it much easier for people to believe when they receive their prophetic word. Knowing what the minister said about their past through the word of knowledge was correct, they should believe the things prophesied regarding their future are correct as well and will come to pass.

The Spirit: When you are ministering in the gift of prophecy, you will find yourself making a connection with that person's spirit. It may help if you can envision this: Let's say your spirit is talking with the person's spirit to whom you are ministering, and you are receiving information about that person's future. 

Once you have the revelatory information about the person, you must begin to put into words what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you in a way that might make some sense to him or her. This is where training in the prophetic really helps. We are not training ministers so much on how to hear the Holy Spirit but rather teaching them how to know His ways and His thoughts.

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. John 16:13

When you are ministering in the prophetic gifts, you do not always know whether it is the word of knowledge you are receiving, i.e. something that has already happened in the person's life, or if you are giving a word of prophecy, i.e. a message about what is to come. The person receiving the prophetic word can easily think that the minister is missing the mark when a word of prophecy is spoken, because it has not happened or does not fit what they are presently doing in life.

It takes time to truly know if a prophecy is a true word from God. Some prophecies do not come to pass, because the word is conditional, meaning the receiver of the prophecy was required to do something before the promise in the word will come to pass. 

A word of knowledge, however, can be judged on the spot. There is evidence that is easily found just by asking the person to whom the word was imparted if the things spoken have happened in his or her life. Sometimes it takes more courage to speak a word of knowledge than a word of prophecy, for the proof of your accuracy is weighed quickly, whereas prophecy takes time to establish a solid track record.

Therefore, when you're seeking the Holy Spirit for spiritual gifts, ask for all the prophetic gifts, so that when you are called upon to deliver a prophetic word, you can look into the whole heart of the person: soul and spirit.

The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart. Proverbs 20:27

Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Today

Kent Simpson is a prophetic pastor and is the founder and senior pastor of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle – a gathering place for the prophetic people of God to unite for the sole purpose of being used as vessels for the Holy Spirit to speak through. Prophetic Ministries Today is devoted to the truth that Jesus is not dead but alive and He speaks if you have an ear to hear the Spirit. 

His website is filled with prophetic teachings which will help you understand the process of "hearing" God for yourself as well as others. The Lord wants you to pray, hear, and obey Him because the Holy Spirit is the only One who can truthfully lead you into the abundant life Jesus promised us.

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British Commander: IDF Most Moral Army World Has Ever Known

British Commander: IDF Most Moral Army World Has Ever Known

Thursday, July 24, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
Col. Richard Kemp, the former commander of all British forces in Afghanistan, is in Israel this week to lend support to the military campaign in Gaza and to take on take on detractors who claim the Israeli army is perpetrating war crimes there.
“No other army in the world has ever done more than Israel is doing now to save the lives of innocent civilians in a combat zone,” Kemp said in an interview with Channel 2 News, adding that when world leaders demand Israel do more, “perhaps Israel should ask what more it can do.”
Having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Kemp is intimately familiar with exactly the kind of enemy Israel is facing, and the environment in which it is fighting.
“Islamic extremists around the world use very similar tactics,” the retired colonel explained, as he recalled Taliban using young children to attack his troops. “British soldiers have fought exactly this kind of enemy in Afghanistan and in Iraq. British soldiers understand what Israel is doing.”
Kemp went on to accuse some in the mainstream international media of culpability in Hamas’ war crimes.
“The media, in some cases, bear responsibility for the killing that’s taking place, because they are themselves projecting Hamas’ desired propaganda,” he said.
Asked if he felt Israel could achieve total victory, if it could force a Hamas surrender, Kemp sounded doubtful.
“Inevitably, Israel’s inexorable military force driving into Gaza will lead to the surrender of Hamas,” he stated, before going on to note that such an outcome depended on far too many external forces.
Could Israel accept the large number of soldiers that would die in such a war? Could Israel withstand international pressure long enough to achieve total victory? These are questions that many in Israel have long asked, and few believe that “yes” is the answer to either.
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Joshua Aaron - HOSHIANA (save, please) A Lament for the Nations | "The Lord is My Light" - 35 videos

Joshua Aaron in Jerusalem

Joshua Aaron - Hoshiana More song details (& lyrics) below. 

HOSHIANA is a song of intercession for Israel, the lost and unsaved. In this track, Joshua Aaron encourages the worshiper to intercede by calling out (in Hebrew) "Hoshiana" which means, "save please".

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I be afraid?

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I be afraid?

Hoshiana, hoshiana, hoshiana we will sing of Your salvation
Hoshiana, hoshiana, hoshiana we cry out for Your salvation

No other name by which we are saved but the Name of the Lord
Oh that the world will know Your Name...
That the nations will call on the Name of the Lord
The Name of Yeshua (Jesus)

Hoshiana, hoshiana, hoshiana we will sing of Your salvation
Hoshiana, hoshiana, hoshiana we cry out for Your salvation

copyright 2012 © songs | words and music by Joshua Aaron
*Featuring producer Tim James on keys, Jeremy Medkiff on bass, David Johnson on strings and award winning drummer Dan Needham (played with such artists as Chris Tomlin, Bebo Norman, Paul Wilbur, Mandisa, Chris Rice, Michael McDonald and Nick Lachey).
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Hebrew worship song - "How Great Is Our God" - Joshua Aaron at Succat Hallel

Joshua Aaron leads worship at Succat Hallel

Hebrew worship song - "Gadol Elohai - How Great Is Our God" - Joshua Aaron at Succat Hallel Nov 4, 2013 at their new 24/7 prayer room dedication in Jerusalem.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Joshua Aaron - Succat Hallel dedication "Bo Yeshua Bo" - "Come Jesus Come"

Joshua Aaron leads worship at Succat Hallel in Jerusalem

Joshua Aaron - Succat Hallel dedication "Bo Yeshua Bo" - "Come Jesus Come". Nov, 4m 2013 in Jerusalem.

Video filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Israeli MK Blasts Absurdity of American Flight Ban, as does US Sen. Ted Cruz

Israeli MK Blasts Absurdity of American Flight Ban

Thursday, July 24, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Late Tuesday, America’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) placed a ban on all flights to Israel after a rocket fired from Gaza landed about a mile from Ben Gurion Airport. The European Union quickly followed suit, and air traffic to the Jewish state took a sudden and devastating dive.
Israeli Member of Knesset Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) pointed out the absurdity of the flight ban in a post to her Facebook profile:
“The American government has halted flights from the US to Israel because a Palestinian rocket from Gaza landed [in a town near the airport]. This is a strange decision coming from someone that is asking us to surrender Judea and Samaria (a mere 3 miles from the airport) to the Palestinians. Mortars on the airport terminal, not a big deal.”
By Thursday morning Israel time, the FAA ban had been lifted just as suddenly as it was imposed. The circumstances surrounding that development were equally interesting, given that the FAA had just hours earlier decided to extend the flight ban for another 24 hours.
On Wednesday, as the ban on flights to Israel began to take its toll, a senior member of the US Senate asked some very pointed questions that ultimately seem to have alleviated the situation.
In an open letter to the White House, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) threatened to suspend all State Department nomination hearings until the following questions were answered:
  1. Was this decision a political decision driven by the White House? For instance, who was this decision made by – a career official, a political appointee, or someone else (at the FAA, State Department or White House?)
  2. If the FAA’s decision was based on airline safety, why was Israel singled out, when flights would be permitted into Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen?
  3. What was the FAA’s ‘safety’ analysis that led to prohibiting flights to Israel, while still permitting flights to Ukraine—where a commercial airline flight was just shot down with a BUK missile?
  4. What specific communications occurred between the FAA and the White House? And the State Department? Why were any such communications necessary, if this was purely about airline safety?
  5. Was this a safety issue, or was it using a federal regulatory agency to punish Israel to try to force them to comply with Secretary Kerry’s demand that Israel stop their military effort to take out Hamas’s rocket capacity?
Cruz never received any direct answers, but, as noted, the FAA ban was lifted suddenly and without explanation.
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