Thursday, August 21, 2014

'When the Game Stands Tall' about Raising Mighty Men - CBN News

Jim Caviezel as Coach Bob Ladouceur

'When the Game Stands Tall' 

about Raising Mighty Men

LOS ANGELES -- The story of legendary football coach, Bob Ladouceur, is hitting the big screen in the new movie, "When the Game Stands Tall." But it is Ladouceur's actions off the field that get the most attention.
Coach Ladouceur's quiet leadership overshadows De La Salle High School's winning streak of more than 150 consecutive games.
When he signed on to teach religious studies at the school in 1979, the Spartans had never won a football game. But that did not discourage him from adding coaching to his school duties.
"I was young. I was 24 at the time. And I thought I am going to give this a shot and see what I can do," Ladouceur told CBN News, recalling that time in his life.
"I was even trying to seek my own level of competence and see what I was meant to do because I really didn't know," he added. "And I thought this might be it. I felt real comfortable about football."
"I had a good feel for the game. And I thought, let's give it a shot. And once I got into it, it only took me a year and I thought this is what I meant to do," he added.
Jim Caviezel on His Role
In the new movie, "Coach Lad's" story begins with game 152, when the winning streak ends and things fall apart.
Actor Jim Caviezel, best known for his role as Jesus in "Passion of the Christ," plays the coach in this film. Caviezel discussed the greatest challenges of this role with CBN News.
The biggest challenge was "that he is alive," Caviezel said.
"That people would put the judgment down pretty hard on you," he added. "Normally, when you are doing a script you have just the foundation of the script that you are working on this one. This one there is another one and that's him."
"And then, who are we going to get to play Terry?" he added. "This is an odd couple. There are a lot of things that could go wrong that didn't go wrong."
Terry Eidson is "Coach Lad's" more animated assistant. That role was played by Michael Chiklis.
"I mean, naturally, they want to win the games they play," Chiklis told CBN News in discussing the real life coaches portrayed in the film. "But really what they want to accomplish is mentoring these boys into young men, who can be relied upon."
Tougher Off the Field
The De La Salle Spartans' story is tougher off the field and that comes to light in the real-life story of player Cameron Colvin, who lost both parents before his sophomore year at the all-boys prep school.
That loss was only the beginning of Colvin's pain, before going to play football at the University of Oregon and then landing a short stint in the NFL with the Washington Redskins.
Actor Ser'Darius Blain plays the role of Cameron.
Blain told CBN News Cameron was able to succeed against the odds because of support of brotherhood.
"That's it. He has the support of 60 brothers on one football team who won't let him fall into despair," he said.
Alexander Ludwig, who also stars in the film, agreed with Blain.
"That is the message of the movie. You can't do it alone. You need to have the strength to depend on someone," Ludwig told CBN News. "And that sometimes in the hardest thing to do, is to actually ask somebody for help."
Moved to Tears
In the end, this is a football film about a modest man dedicated to raising mighty men. And it is a story that moves many viewers to tears.
Coach Ladouceur said the tears are "because it is about kids and it's about their lives and about them navigating through life and learning."
"We have been fortunate," he said. "We get to see that every year. And we have cried our own tears in real time."
Assistant Coach Terry Eidson quickly added, "I think redemption always brings a tear."

ISRAEL365 - "I will remember my covenant..."

I will remember my covenant with Jacob also My covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham I will remember, and I will remember the Land.


וְזָכַרְתִּי אֶת בְּרִיתִי יַעֲקוֹב וְאַף אֶת בְּרִיתִי יִצְחָק וְאַף אֶת בְּרִיתִי אַבְרָהָם אֶזְכֹּר וְהָאָרֶץ אֶזְכֹּר

ויקרא כו:מב

v'-za-KHAR-tee et b'-ree-TEE ya-a-KOV v'-AF et b'-ree-TEE yitz-KHAK v'-AF et b'-ree-TEE av-ra-HAM ez-KOR v'-ha-A-retz ez-KOR

Today's Israel Inspiration

Notice how God highlights His covenant with each of the Patriarchs individually. Each served the Almighty in his own special way with a unique set of attributes. Similarly we all have our own special strengths and talents to beautify the world, and it's up to us to use them! The Hebron Fund maintains the holy burial site of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs, and needs our support.

Tap Into Your Potential

Learn the Torah's secrets for tapping into your potential, with popular motivational speaker Charles Harary.

Evangelical Support at the Frontline

With only a short time to recover from their jet lag, a group of Evangelical Christian pastors representing every U.S. state embarked on a journey to the frontline of the recent Gaza conflict.

I Stand With Israel USA Sticker

Make your car a reflection of you! This quality bumper sticker will outlast heavy rain and intense sunlight. Made from durable vinyl with a strong adhesive back.

Today's Israel Photo

Michael Shmidt's beautiful view of the Golan Heights and Mount Hermon, with cows grazing to the side.

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I was waiting at the trolley stop for a ride with my nine year old granddaughter on her birthday when a lady asked about my necklace. I told her I was in a ministry that helped the Jewish People make Aliyah from all over the world... Then she said, "Have you heard of Israel365?" Needless to say, I got excited ... It is a small world, and God is preparing the hearts of Christians to support the Land and His people. I know this was a divine appointment and they felt the same. Cookie Eckels.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Israeli Minister: We're Close to Reconquering Gaza

Israeli Minister: We're Close to Reconquering Gaza

Thursday, August 21, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Israeli Communications Minister Gilad Erdan, a member of the Security Cabinet, told Army Radio on Thursday that the resumption of Hamas rocket fire had brought Israel closer than ever to a decision to fully reconquer the Gaza Strip.
Erdan said that Hamas decided to break the tenuous ceasefire on Tuesday because Israel refused to meet a single one of the terrorists’ primary demands during talks in Cairo.
Over the past 24 hours, Hamas and allied terror groups have fired dozens of missiles into southern and central Israel, causing widespread damage and at least one injury.
Israel has thus far confined its response to targeted aerial strikes. But Erdan warned that Israeli military operations could expand dramatically if Hamas continues to attack.
“Will this happen tomorrow? It’s not certain, since the price for this will be high, but we are closer today to a ground operation than we have been at any point since the start of the operation,” said the minister.
Israel’s aerial strikes have also become somewhat less restrained. In the first weeks of the Gaza war, Israeli forces issued several warnings of the occupants of targeted buildings, even if that meant missing the targeted terrorist.
Now, these warnings seem to be coming less frequently, as Israel is more determined to actually eliminate Hamas leaders.
The terror group confirmed on Thursday that three of its senior field commanders had been killed, along with members of their families, in Israeli air strikes.
Israel also targeted the home of Hamas military leader Mohammed Deif with a volley of five powerful missiles. Palestinian sources said that Deif’s wife, child and one other unidentified person were killed. Hamas insisted that Deif had survived, but Israeli generals said all evidence pointed to his demise.
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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Darren Canning: The Coming Rains of Revival

Darren Canning
The Elijah List

Revival Waves

Over the last number of months I have had dreams which speak to me about the hour that we are now entering.

I had a recent vision while waking up. I saw, as it were, a floodgate on a river's dam. It lifted and the waters began to pour out very quickly. I was standing in the river as the floodgate opened and watched as the water rose quickly to my knees. The water was rushing like a torrent and I was a little nervous that it might knock me down, but I kept standing and watching.

Then I had another dream. I was standing at the edge of a great ocean. I was a couple of hundred feet above it, in fact. I was standing next to a man who told me about how "there had just been a great wave that came to shore which no one expected." I was standing next to a house in this dream and the man was standing near a sand dune – 30 feet past the house. I then saw him "as he must have been" when the wave struck – I saw the shock upon his face and how he was thrown back.

I sense that we have entered into a new season in the Church. I believe revival is rising among us. We are sensing an increase of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our meetings, and I have been hearing reports from my friends who are testifying to a "heightened anointing" in their meetings. More people seem to be getting touched, and miracles and healings are happening more often and with greater impact.

I was ministering in Canada recently at a church that was located in a garage. We had a move of the Spirit there. There was a man and a woman with their six children present that came out of the Old Order Mennonite faith. They had gold appear on them in that meeting. Well, they went back home and the very next week gold began to break out on their children. And then it started showing up at their house church on Wednesday night. 

They told me just recently that deliverance and healings are taking place as people come under the presence of the Lord. This has been occurring for two months. They are seeing Isaiah 60:2 take place in their midst,
"For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you."

Dreams and Visions Are Rising

The waters of vision are rising. I sense that many are going to enter into a place of dreams and visions by the Holy Spirit. We are going to see the fulfillment in our times of Acts 2:17,"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams." 

Many are about to testify of the wild dreams they are being given by God. 

(Photo via Wikipedia)

This is the hour of Ezekiel 47:4, "He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist." 

The angels have come and they are leading us into the waters of greater revival.

Two years ago I had a dream with Bob Jones in it. In this dream Bob and I were driving through the city of Toronto on the 401 highway, which is one of the largest freeways in North America. Bob was driving very slowly. He looked over at me and said, "Explosions, explosions, explosions."

I had a privilege to ask Bob about this dream in the fall of 2012 down in New Bern, North Carolina. I remember he got very excited when he heard me speak of my dream. He said to me that when he was in his 60s he prophesied revival would come to Toronto. He said that he had prophesied the Toronto Blessing Outpouring, even naming John Arnott as the person that God would use as a part of that great work.

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But he said, "Toronto represented an ankle deep revival, and there were greater revivals coming to Canada." He said that one revival would bring us to our knees and the other will bring us over our head. 1994 represented one explosion but others and even greater ones he told me to expect.

In those meetings with Bob, many prophesied of a coming wave. I have been hearing about this wave for many years. I have seen it in dreams and visions for the last 10 years. It will come upon the Church and the people would be suddenly touched by the power of God. Many will not be expecting or even desiring what God is about to do, but they will be touched and swallowed up by it nevertheless.

He mentioned that as this occurred in Canada, it would also begin to pour out in the United States. In fact, I have seen God do tremendous miracles, signs and wonders in that wonderful nation. God is not done with the USA as some might suppose. I believe that the greatest days for the US are about to come about.

Rain and Thunder

Another thing I have been hearing in this season is Isaiah 44:1-4, "Yet hear now, O Jacob My servant, and Israel whom I have chosen. Thus says the Lord who made you and formed you from the womb, who will help you: 'Fear not, O Jacob My servant; And you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring; They will spring up among the grass like willows by the watercourses.'" 

(Photo via Wikipedia)

God is pouring out His Spirit on dry ground. I started hearing this two years ago and everywhere I go proclaiming this Scripture, I see incredible rain and thunderstorms take place – in Kansas, Texas, New York State, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and in Canada.

I remember I went to Texas sometime last year, and because of all the rain that I was experiencing I decided to bring my rain jacket. Well, the people in Texas thought I was funny for bringing my coat because they had not been experiencing rain much for two months. I told them it would rain, and rain it did. It rained so hard that the leaders were thanking the people the second night for coming through the bad weather to be in the meeting. It was easy to minister that night because there was such an expectation that God's glory would be poured out.

In Canada last summer, we had three days of meetings. The thunder was so strong that it kept knocking the sound system out. One minister at that meeting, Mark Redner, prayed for people past midnight. There were over 60 people healed and some of them from conditions that they had for 20 years. Mark went back into that region 2 or 3 months later and revival broke out in Waterloo lasting three weeks. Close to 500 people were coming per night, and many were being healed of all kinds of conditions. People were being pulled out of wheelchairs.

In San Antonio two months ago, we ministered at a little church where the preacher told me that she wanted to close the church down because the work just didn't seem to be moving ahead. Today about 8 weeks later, that church has been in revival for about 30 days straight. Hundreds of people have come there to experience the refreshing that is taking place through worship and the preaching of the Word.

The Great Wave and Outpouring

God is on the move and those who are thirsty shall be filled. John 7:37-38 says, "On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'" 

(Photo by Robert Bartow Harvest via

I believe we are entering the season of the great wave and the great outpouring. The floodgates to the river are being lifted up and many will drink of its waters. The heavens are about to burst with heavens rains falling on the thirsty hearts. 

Get ready for a greater in filling of the Holy Spirit. He is coming riding on the waves. He is the Helper, the Sanctifier and He is coming to clean up the church. He is going to reveal the soon coming King.

If you are reading this, I believe it is to be a challenge to step into the river of revival. I believe that God is about to visit North America in a much unprecedented way. Open your hearts and let the waters come. Call out to God like the blind man demanding that He does not pass you by. You will be filled to overflowing and out of you will flow rivers of water bringing salvation and healing to the nations.

Darren Canning
Ministry of Darren Canning

Darren Canning is a revivalist preacher who travels throughout Canada, the United States, and the world. His heart is for revival and believes that God will touch lives deeply wherever he travels. He teaches on hearing the voice of God and experiencing the supernatural. Darren's life was touched powerfully through an encounter with God and he was transformed from an Atheistic lifestyle to a Believer in a moment. 

He has spent 14 years working for the government of Canada as an analyst specializing in transportation issues related to Aircraft Safety and Security. He is married to Lydia and is the father of 7 children. He believes that if others experience the God of the supernatural then they too will be changed forever.

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Messianics Respond: Christians' Appeasement of Islam Won't Save Them - Ron Cantor

Messianics Respond: Christians' Appeasement of Islam Won't Save Them

Wednesday, August 20, 2014 |  Ron Cantor  ISRAEL TODAY
Ron Cantor is the executive pastor of Tiferet Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv. He is the author of several books including Identity Theft: How Jesus was Robbed of His Jewishness. You can read Ron's blog at
The following is the third in a series of responses by Israeli Messianic Jewish leaders to a problematic video produced by Bethlehem Bible College regarding this summer's Gaza war.
While others may focus on the content of this video, let me share what was lacking.
The New Testament Congregation is to be the courageous voice of morality and honesty to the world. However, this video by Bethlehem Bible College lacked the courage to confront Islamic Terror.
At a time when ISIS, a group with the same ultimate goal as Hamas - Islamic domination and the destruction of Israel - is murdering Christians in Iraq and Syria, the Bethlehem Bible College accused the only democratic nation in this region of genocide.
Let me address you (the Bethlehem Bible College) directly.
Have you forgotten that under Hamas, Rami Ayyad was tortured and murdered for being a Christian?
We know that a Hamas cell was planning to overthrow the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. While you are sympathetic to Hamas in your video, can you imagine the West Bank under Hamas rule? No freedom of speech, religion or expression. Masked gunmen roaming the streets, indiscriminate killing. And who informed Mahmoud Abbas about this plot? Israel! The government that you accuse of genocide just possibly saved your lives.
Indeed, we would hope for something more balanced coming from a Christian institution. But your video, while deep with emotion, was far from reality.
  • Not a word against Hamas, which took over Gaza in a coup, killing Palestinian Authority officials and throwing some off of the tallest buildings in Gaza.
  • Not a word of condemnation over the fact that Hamas has used CHURCHES to fire their rockets.
  • Not a word about Hamas executing 20 or more Palestinians who protested their war.
  • Not a word about Hamas using women and children as human shields.
  • Do you not care that Hamas has executed scores of tunnel diggers out of fear they could give information to Israel? After hiring these men to work for them, Hamas murdered them in cold blood.
As Christians, does it not concern you at all that, "Since Hamas' 2007 takeover of Gaza, residents say it's imposed strict Taliban-style Islamic laws on the people."
Is this what you want for Bethlehem?
What about the words of Archbishop Alexios of Gaza: "Islam is the rule of this place and whatever Hamas says we must obey or face consequences." He is the most prominent Christian in Gaza and is clearly living in fear of Hamas.
A former tunnel digger just smuggled a letter out of Gaza detailing how Hamas killed his father and dumped his body in a pit. Why? No one knows. Hamas does not need a reason to kill.
Two weeks ago, 20 armed men showed up at PLO activist Sami Abu Lashin's house in Gaza, shooting in three times in the legs for the crime of breaking his house arrest (which in itself was illegal). My dear brothers, if they are willing to shoot their partners in the unity government, imagine what these savages will do to Christians preaching the gospel.
In your video, you speak of the disappearing Palestinian Church. Indeed, this is true. At one time Christians made up 15% of the West Bank population. Now it is 2%! But how is this Israel's fault? Do you really think that Israel prefers Muslims to Christians? If that were true, you'd see the same decline amongst Israel's Arab Christian population.
You know as well as I do that the PLO and Islamic extremists are to blame! The Christian population under Israel flourished in Bethlehem. Its decline began exactly when Israel turned over control to Yasser Arafat and the PLO.
"Under the Palestinian Authority since 1995, [the] numbers have plummeted. Palestinian gunmen seized Christian homes—compelling Israel to build a protective barrier between them and Jewish neighborhoods—and then occupied the Church of the Nativity, looting it and using it as a latrine. Today, Christians comprise a mere one-fifth of their holy city's population."
It is one thing to embrace Replacement Theology (Jer. 31:35-37), to say you don't believe that Israel is still chosen (Rom. 11:29), even to seek a Palestinian State (Ez. 36:24). It is another thing all together to portray Hamas as something noble, fighting for the people of Gaza.
Hamas' goals are murder and destruction—Sharia law! Do you think that Hamas' leaders are losing a wink of sleep over 2,000 dead Palestinians? In fact, they are rejoicing at the propaganda coup! If they are willing to execute so many of their own people, do you actually think they care about innocent Gazans? They are far more concerned about saving face in the wake of defeat.
Imagine if and when Hamas replaces the PLO in the West Bank—as they clearly wanted to do. Do you think they will remember the cute video that some Christians made? No, like ISIS, they will demand conversion or death.
Additional responses will be published in the next issue of Israel Today Magazine. Don't miss them - SUBSCRIBE NOW
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