Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Paralyzed Pakistani boys helped through Shalom Today Ministries and Love For His People

Paralyzed Pakistani boys helped 
through Shalom Today Ministries 
and Love For His People

Oct. 28, 2014

Dear friends in Christ!

I am grateful to you that you felt a burden in your heart to help the two orphans and paralyzed kids. Luke and Joshua are two brothers who were born into a Christian family. Luke is 3 years old and Joshua is 7 years old. 

Unfortunately, their father has passed away two months ago, and their mother is doing nothing. I met this family in my hometown. Someone told them about us - that we are helping orphans and deserving kids. I tried to get admission in a special education institution but they demanded from us to provide them with two wheel chairs. The total price of those two wheel chairs was $250. Through a generous donor in the USA, we received the $250 on Oct. 28, 2014, through Love For His People. We are very grateful!

They also need clothes and other materialist things.

We appreciate any help for these kids.

Love and Blessing in Christ
Mr. Moses Julius
Shalom Today Ministries

"Isis Will Have a Crisis" And "Ebola, Who Are You?" Kim Clement

"Isis Will Have a Crisis" And "Ebola, Who Are You?"
Kim Clement, Camarillo, CA

Prophesied at the Miami, FL CAP Conference on October 11th, 2014:

The Spirit of the Lord says, "I have opened the door this weekend that no man shall shut. The door is open and that which has never happened before shall begin to happen," says the Lord. "Your children, your grandchildren are the prophets and apostles that I am raising up to destroy the works of the enemy," says the Lord.

(Photo via Geograph)

"Do you hear the trumpet? It is sounding the note for many of the Latino countries, but this is not for one people because you have gathered here to make a declaration.

I shall move throughout the earth and even in the Middle East and I will bring them again to this place and they shall say, 'The Lord has opened the door to every nation in the world, in the earth.'"

The Spirit of the Living God says to each one of you watching all over the world, "Your enemy has looked at you and he has sneered and laughed at you. He said, 'Not this generation.' He said, 'Not these people. They will never take back what I have stolen for two generations.'" But the Spirit of the Lord says, "I can hear the sound of a people that want to possess and take back what is theirs!"

Isis Will Have a Crisis!

God spoke about the purification that would take place in the springs and in the water. But now suddenly He tells me this, "This is fall, autumn, that is upon you. Many are falling at this moment." But the Spirit of God says, "In the winter of this year, a veil will be rent and I will take those who have terrorized My people. I will expose them. I will destroy many of them and one of those terrorists shall have a Damascus road experience.

"ISIS will have a crisis! ISIS will have a crisis! ISIS will have a crisis! ISIS will have a crisis! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray for your brothers, pray for their release. ISIS you have a crisis!"

God says, "ISIS will have a crisis because there shall be a Damascus road experience at the very top. If I could do it with Saul of Tarsus, can I not do it with ISIS? Who are they? Who are they?" God says, "My name is Yeshua, My name is Jesus, and I am capable of doing it and I will do it again and again and again and again and again and again," says the Lord!

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Prophesied on October 18th, 2014 - From The Den:

Ebola, Who Are You?...

The Spirit of God says, "There is a fire that they have sent from the forces of darkness to burn with fever, to burn with fever upon little ones and the elderly. There is a fire that has been sent to burn with fever, to burn with fever, men and women throughout the nations.

Ebola, who are you that you would threaten the existence of faith within My nation?

"This shall not be a plague that you will deal with. There will be some," but God says, "as I told you about the bird flu, that something flew away, and so it shall be with this plague." But God says, "It shall go to other places. For they have said, 'America deserves a plague,'" but the Spirit of God says, "The plague shall go to other nations.But I will bring the peace in the hearts of the people for there is a fire that is also being sent from Heaven above. This fire shall consume."

(Photo by Jennifer Page"Consuming Fire" via elijahshopper.com)

"As I said, through the fall, through autumn, there is yet that which must happen and it is about to unfold through this last portion of October and the first few days of November. I will bring to light that which has been hidden in darkness," says the Lord.

Prophesied on October 21st, 2014 - From the Garden:

Fires Spreading – Pray

In my garden during prayer now, I caught a glimpse of fires spreading in Africa. I am burdened for Zimbabwe, Kenya and Uganda. Those regions are under the watchful eye of God. Pray for them. SUDAN – a mischief that God is displeased with. CHINA on the move. Then I saw a fire between the colors blue and white. Pray for children in these regions.

Kim Clement
Kim Clement Center

Email: hope@kimclement.com
Website: kimclement.com

Kim Clement: The life of Kim Clement is an expression that has defined "the prophet" for the modern era. This has made his journey unique; a journey that has taken his inspired message to schools and colleges, churches and synagogues, alleyways and prison cells. Kim's prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience, as he has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners; his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure. His diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform.

He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. Carmel in Israel, and even the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:http://elijahlist.com/subscribe

Netanyahu: "We must build in Jerusalem!"

Netanyahu: "We must build in Jerusalem!"

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called for a special meeting of the Security Council demanding international intervention to investigate "Israeli attacks" in Jerusalem as well as "attacks" by "Jewish settlers" on the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Palestinians want a ban on Israeli building beyond the "Green Line" including in Eastern Jerusalem. In response Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, "We have every right to build in Jerusalem."
At the opening of the winter session of the Israeli parliament Netanyahu said that, "the violence we are experiencing is not as a result of construction activities in Jerusalem. The violence is rather due to the desire of Israel's enemies, that we should not be here." The Prime Minister criticized the Palestinian demands of their own state without guarantees of peace and security. "They demand our withdrawal, their right of return of Palestinian "refugees" and the division of Jerusalem. But they refuse the elementary prerequisite of peace between the two nations. Mutual recognition!"
Meanwhile, Jordan supports the Palestinian call for a special session of the Security Council. The Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh said that Israeli construction plans in the Palestinian territories are "a slap in the face of the international efforts to bring the negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians back on track."
Israeli diplomats are planning a counter-action by calling for official recognition of Hamas as a terrorist organization by the United Nations. Israeli officials are currently communicating with senior representatives of the world community, to inform them of the construction and purpose of terror tunnels, the crime of using the Palestinian civilians as human shields and the shelling of Israeli civilians by Hamas.
While politicians and diplomats are talking masked Arab rioters continued their riots and unrest in Jerusalem and environs in against police and security forces the Eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods of Silwan, Ras al-Amud and Isawiya.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat testified before the Knesset Home Affairs Committee, that even before Operation Protective Edge, there had been about 200 stone-throwing cases against Jewish institutions and properties in Jerusalem. Currently about 5000 incidents have been recorded during the last month. The stone-throwing at cars and the fire-bomb attacks are life-threatening actions." MK Miri Regev, Chairman of the Committee, called for tougher action by security forces, "East Jerusalem is part of our capital. Whoever riots in Jerusalem, should be treated the same as rioters in Taiybe or Tel Aviv," she said.
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The Myth of the 'Wonderful Life' Gospel - Michael Brown

The Myth of the 'Wonderful Life' Gospel


Have you heard the true Gospel? (George Hodan)

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown
If If you've read the Book of Acts, you've read how Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul the apostle) had a life-changing encounter with Jesus.
As a zealous Jew, Saul was persecuting fellow Jews who believed that Jesus was the Messiah, and then Jesus appeared to him.
Paul tells the story years later, "As I was on my way and drew near to Damascus, about noon a great light from heaven suddenly shone around me. And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?' And I answered, 'Who are you, Lord?' And he said to me, 'I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.'" (Acts 22:6-8)
What happened next? Let me share the next part of the story, not according to the Scriptures, but according to the contemporary American gospel version, with Paul narrating for us:
"And I said to the Lord, 'What do you have for me?'
"And He said to me, 'I have a wonderful life of health, wealth, and success for you.'
"And I said to Him, 'And what do you require of me?'
"And He said to me, 'I require nothing of you at all. I just want to take away your guilt and make you happy. Simply believe that I am good, say this little prayer, and I would be honored to have you as part of My family.'
"And I said to Him, 'That's an incredible deal. I'll take it.'" 
Is that the gospel? Not a chance.
Let's go back to the Word and continue with the real account: "And I said, 'What shall I do, Lord?' And the Lord said to me, 'Rise, and go into Damascus, and there you will be told all that is appointed for you to do.'" (Acts 22:10)
That's quite different from the contemporary version!
"Lord, You require something of me? You have an assignment for me? And it's going to cost me personally to follow You?"
But this does not just apply to Paul.
Every believer has a specific calling and assignment, and every believer will have to give account to God one day, not for sins but for service.
As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "You are not your own, for you were bought with a price" (1 Cor 6:19b-20a); and again, "[Jesus] died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised" (2 Cor 5:15); and again, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil" (2 Cor 5:10).
We are saved to serve, and salvation means a life of obedience, not to earn our salvation but because He has saved us.
Sadly, that is not the message sounded from pulpits and broadcast on TV and internet around the world.
Instead, lost sinners are told that if they will simply believe in Jesus, God will give them a wonderful life – and I mean wonderful in the terms of this world.
To repeat: That is not the gospel.
Do I believe that God is the Healer and that we should pray for the sick with expectation of healing? Absolutely.
Do I believe that God meets our needs and enables us to bless others? Certainly.
But I do not believe – no, I am 100 percent sure about it– that we are to tell lost sinners that God promises them health and wealth if they will only believe in Jesus.
That is not the gospel that Jesus preached or that Paul or the other apostles preached. You will not find it anywhere in the New Testament, nor can you derive it from the "abundant life" promise of John 10:10.
Jesus said that in this world we would have tribulation (John 16:33), that in order to be His disciples we had to deny ourselves and take up the cross (Mark 8:34), that if we loved father or mother or son or daughter more than Him we were not worthy of Him (Matt 10:37).
(What a terrible shame that some teachers today claim that none of these words of Jesus apply to us since they were spoken before the cross. That is one of the more serious deceptions of our day.)
Now, to be perfectly clear, salvation is a gift, paid in full by Jesus.
It cannot be earned, and 10 million years of our best works cannot possibly pay for the gift of eternal life. And God forgives us, freely and fully, the moment we put our trust in Him to save us from our sins.
But when God saves us, He purchases us, and for the rest of our lives, we belong to Him and are called to do His will, completely given over to Him.
That is Gospel 101.
We serve Him because we love Him, and we serve Him because He is our Lord. (According to Paul, in order to be saved, we must confess Jesus as Lord, which means nothing if it does not include submission to Him.)
The bottom line is that we were guilty sinners, deserving of divine judgment, but Jesus took our place and died for our sins so that we could pass from death to life and from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of God, receiving eternal life and becoming His sons and daughters.
To lure sinners to Jesus with the "wonderful life" gospel is to do a disservice to them and to dishonor the Lord. 
Michael Brown is the author of Can You Be Gay and Christian? Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience. Follow him at AskDrBrown on Facebook or at @drmichaellbrown on Twitter.

The Real Danger of Halloween

Religion Expert Exposes Real Danger of Halloween

With Halloween just days away, children—and some parents, too—are eagerly anticipating donning costumes and asking for a 'treat' from neighbors as the price for not having a 'trick' played on them. Meanwhile, decorations designed to terrify—from skulls and witches to life-sized graveyards and giant insects—have turned homes across America into virtual haunted houses.
It's all just harmless fun. Or, is it?
Religion and culture expert Dr. Alex McFarland says that while many see Halloween as a chance to dress up and get goodies, there is real danger involved.
"Many of the common activities and themes associated with Halloween provide opportunities for harmless fun and togetherness," McFarland said. "At this time of year, churches often capitalize on the spiritual openness of people, on children's capacity for imagination and on the enthusiasm that Halloween generates. But parents need to know that beneath the costumes and make believe are spiritual realities that should be taken seriously."
As an example, McFarland points to the prevalence of witchcraft and the occult during the Halloween season. Indeed Wicca, which is the prominent religion of witchcraft, views Halloween, or 'Samhain,' as a high holy day, and a day for communicating with the dead.
"Halloween in America has become a celebration of darkness and of the supernatural as it relates to darkness," McFarland continued. "This is compounded by the fact that people long for spiritual experiences, spiritual fulfillment and a place to 'fit in'—all of which are promised by witchcraft and other occult activities. While it used to be that witchcraft was widely viewed as evil, today there is growing mainstream acceptance of it. Much of our media and culture in recent years has centered on themes of witchcraft, vampirism, communication with the dead and paranormal phenomenon in general—for example, the 'Twilight' books and films; Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' performance at the Grammys, which had the feel of a satanic ritual; Nicki Minaj's 'Roman Holiday' performance; and more. Halloween annually fans this cultural trend."
McFarland adds that because the supernatural is real and not simply a figment of the imagination, playing with the supernatural should not be taken lightly.
"One must use caution and exercise discernment when seeking spiritual reality, meaning and truth," he said. "The Bible clearly speaks out against occult practices and all forms of witchcraft. Today, many dismiss the Bible as outdated or marginally relevant at best, but it contains clear and emphatic prohibitions against occult involvement, in both the Old and New Testaments. This is not because God wants to take away our fun but because He loves us and wants us to be protected from evil spiritual entities whose desires are to deceive and destroy. Could it actually be that there is tangible danger in opening oneself up to certain types of spiritual experiences by participating in a supposedly innocuous celebration of a day devoted to death, darkness and witchcraft? According to the Bible, yes."

Ex-KKK Wizard Turned Christian Evangelist Dies

Ex-KKK Wizard Turned Christian Evangelist Dies

People across the world are remembering evangelist Rev. Johnny Lee Clary, a former imperial wizard of the Klu Klux Klan who experienced a radical conversion to Christianity.
Clary, 55, died of a heart attack Oct. 21.
CBN spoke to the evangelist in 2011 about his journey to becoming a Christian after years of hating blacks and other minority groups. Watch his story below.
He said he felt compelled to give his life to the Lord after reading Luke 15, the story of the prodigal son.
"I finally got on my knees and said, 'God, my life is screwed up. God, I'm in a mess. I need Your help," he recalled. "I felt like a new person, brand new creation. I felt like I had had a weight lifted off my shoulders."
In becoming a Christian, Clary learned how to love and live in unity with all people. He became the first Caucasian elder in the Church of God in Christ, a predominantly African-American denomination.
Clary is survived by his wife, Melissa (Edwards) Clary of Baton Rouge, his brother Larry of Colorado, brother Terry, sister Sandy and a daughter Savannah all from Oklahoma.
He passed away in his home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
A funeral service will be Tuesday, Oct. 28 at Family Worship Center, 8919 Ministry Ave., Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The service begins at 11 a.m.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made online to Operation Colorblind, the organization founded by Clary promoting racial reconciliation.Or send a donation to:
Operation Colorblind
P.O. Box 83535
Baton Rouge, LA 70884
Johnny Lee Clary: Christ and The Ku Klux Klan