Tuesday, July 21, 2015

"The Beginnings of a Great Move – Amongst Present Darkness"- Darren Canning

"The Beginnings of a Great Move – Amongst Present Darkness"
Darren Canning, Ontario, Canada
The Elijah List

I was reading about St. Brendan a couple of days ago. He was a Monk who was born in the amazing era when Christianity was being introduced to Ireland in the fifth and sixth centuries AD. What really intrigued me about him was his desire to reach the nations around him for the Lord.

St. Brendan started many monasteries in Ireland and even in far off places in his time like Scotland. He was an apostolic father who gathered others around him to affect nations for the Lord. I am sensing that what was on his life is about to rise up on the lives of some men and women of God in our time.

I guess because I come from the island of Newfoundland in Canada, I am intrigued by people who once sailed the big, wide oceans for adventure and missionary assignments before the modern era. In fact, some of my own family crossed that wild ocean from England to Newfoundland to do missionary work. (Photo via Wikimedia)

The faith of these people amazes me because I have seen how big the waves in Newfoundland can get. The North Atlantic is not a water that you want to find yourself in. Even in the summer the waters are very cold and dark, but the bluest blues you can imagine. So when St. Brendan set sail from Ireland to do exploits in similar waters for the Lord, this was a voyage of great faith but he trusted God and as a result saw God do wonderful things.

The Beginnings of a Great Move

It takes great faith to do great things for God. I really believe that we are on the cusp of the greatest revival the earth has ever seen. Even now many nations are feeling the beginnings of a great move of the Spirit. I was recently in New Zealand and Australia. We ministered to almost 800 people in 10 days. I prophesied over 400 or 500 people myself. God touched those hearts deeply. I could sense the presence of God in a most special way.

While in Melbourne, I had the opportunity to go to the birthplace of the Pentecostal movement in Australia. It was started by an amazing woman named Janet Lancaster in a building on Russell Street. The name of the work was the Good News Hall. It was started in 1909. For those of you who know your history that was during the years of Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles. Many well-known ministers of the early Pentecostal movement went to this place in Melbourne to speak including Aimee Semple McPherson and Smith Wigglesworth.

In fact, the day that we visited this historic revival site would have been Smith's 156th birthday. When he preached in Melbourne there was a tremendous move of the Holy Spirit. They say that over 2000 people were filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
It was prophetic that we were there on his birthday. 

I sense that God is releasing a new anointing in this hour. What was on the lives of the great saints of past generations, including those like St. Brendan of Ireland and the Wigglesworths, is about to come forth and be birthed again in the new generation. (Photo of Smith Wigglesworth via Wikimedia)

One of the visions I had in Australia in particular was of a young woman who grew eagle's wings. I saw this in a trance. It was as if I was standing right next to this young lady. I felt that this was a particular word for Australia, but have since considered that this was something that God is doing in this hour among women worldwide.

Women and The Next Generation of Seers and Prophetic Voices

God is going to raise up the young ladies of the next generation to become powerful seers and prophetic voices to their generations. They are going to see in very accurate ways. They are going to be a part of a legion of young women who will rise to see their cities taken for the Lord.

In fact while in Adelaide, I went into a Museum and saw pictures of women who served in World War I as nurses. There was an amazing picture of hundreds of women dressed in white nursing uniforms marching through the streets. They were excited to serve the men who were being hurt at war. They did not fear for their lives, but were content to serve their nation in the way they were being called to do so.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

That same zeal is reawakening in the earth in this hour. I can see a mighty wave of women rising into their destinies. God is going to use those who say, "I will." 

On that trip to Australia, I met some young women that exemplified this word. I was amazed at the zeal and passion for the Lord in their lives.

Not only are the women going to be touched but the men will as well. I see a new anointing that is about to emerge upon the people of my era. I see them being inspired by the Holy Spirit to step out in a new way. They are going to be forerunners that are going to usher in a new era of worldwide missions. They will not fear their lives even unto death. Even in the hour when ISIS is on the rise these ones will look into the face of this present darkness and command it to cease and desist.

A Dream of ISIS and Present Darkness

In fact recently I had a dream. I saw, if you will, a very dark place where people were given over to worshipping the evil one. I was sitting in the room with them. I was uncomfortable being there in the dream but soon realized God had me there on assignment.

There was a woman there who had a very serious problem with her back. It may have been Scoliosis. I began to command her back to be healed and when I did, there was a cracking and she stood right up. Before the healing she was completely hunched over sitting in a wheelchair. When this healing took place she jumped up rejoicing in what God had done.

As you can imagine I was very excited, but then I was standing at the top of a set of stairs leading into the basement. I heard a commotion down there and suddenly a spirit ran up to speak to me. This was the spirit of ISIS. (Photo via Wikipedia)

It said to me, "Because you are involved in these healings I am sending out my ISIS fighters and they are about to kill Christians worldwide." I looked at him and an authority rose up in my heart. I said, "No, that is not what is about to happen. In fact, your ISIS fighters are about to come to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior." 

When I said this there was like an electricity flowing through me. It was awesome to feel. The truth of what I spoke still rests inside of me. That great evil will not overcome the earth, but Christ will overcome this evil.

Jesus said in Matthew 13:31-32, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches."

Consider for a moment the words you just read. Please think about what Jesus was declaring. He said the Kingdom tree is the biggest tree in the garden. When I read this recently a light came on and I stopped worrying about the takeover of the planet by Islam. In fact, I am not worried about that at all now.

Christianity is the largest faith worldwide and will continue to be because Jesus declared it so while He was on the earth. Are you reading this? Don't worry about this present darkness because God is about to revive the earth, so that even the persecutors are about to turn to him in mass.

Will you be a part of this revival? Will you go into the earth in this hour? Will you accept the call of Christ? Jesus is calling so who are the warriors that will rise?

Darren Canning
Ministry of Darren Canning

Darren Canning is a revivalist preacher who travels throughout Canada, the United States, and the world. His heart is for revival and believes that God will touch lives deeply wherever he travels. He teaches on hearing the voice of God and experiencing the supernatural. Darren's life was touched powerfully through an encounter with God and he was transformed from an Atheistic lifestyle to a Believer in a moment. 

He has spent 14 years working for the government of Canada as an analyst specializing in transportation issues related to Aircraft Safety and Security. He is married to Lydia and is the father of 7 children. He believes that if others experience the God of the supernatural then they too will be changed forever.

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Oldest Bible Text Since Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered

Oldest Bible Text Since Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered

Scroll of Isaiah from Qumran at Israel Museum
Scroll of Isaiah from Qumran at Israel Museum (Flickr)
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Israeli archaeologists said on Monday they had discerned biblical writing on a charred 1,500-year-old parchment with the help of digital imaging and described the text as the oldest found since the Dead Sea Scrolls.
U.S. and Israeli researchers made the discovery using advanced medical and digital technology to examine the object, first unearthed 45 years ago when then-standard forensics could not decipher any script on the scroll.
"This is a really big discovery," Pnina Shor, curator at the Israel Antiquities Authority, told a news conference where the five-centimeter-long (two-inch) cylindrical object was put on display.
"After the Dead Sea Scrolls, this has been the most significant find of an ancient Bible," said Shor, referring to hundreds of ancient texts found in the late 1940s near the shores of the inland sea for whom the scrolls were named.
Scientists estimate that the Dead Sea Scrolls, widely considered the oldest written biblical fragments ever found, date to between the third century B.C. and 70 A.D.
The scroll presented on Monday was uncovered in 1970 at Ein Gedi, about 40 km (25 miles) south of the caves of Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.
Archaeologist Sefi Porat, 75, co-director of the dig, said the scroll dated to around the year 600 and turned up inside the remains of an ancient synagogue, which he chanced upon while exploring ceramic tiles at the beachside site.
At the time it was found, forensics technology then used to analyze ancient finds could not discern any writing on the badly charred scroll, he said. But a few years ago he sought more help from Israeli experts handling the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Merkel Technologies, an Israeli company specializing in high-tech medical equipment, helped in the deciphering by providing micro C-T scanning, Shor said.
These findings were sent to Brent Seales, a computer expert at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Seales said he used digital imaging software to "virtually unwrap" the scroll and visualize its text, discerning what experts said were the first eight verses of the Bible's Old Testament book of Leviticus.
Shor said more research was needed to determine the full extent of text on the scroll and what lessons it might hold for biblical scholars. But she said the findings had already turned out to be far more significant than anticipated.
"The discovery absolutely astonished us. We were certain this was a shot in the dark," Shor said.
© 2015 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.  (Reporting by Allyn Fisher-Ilan; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
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Christian Saviors of Jews Honored

Christian Saviors of Jews Honored

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 |  David Lazarus   ISRAEL TODAY
The Chief Rabbi of Poland honored 50 elderly Christians who saved Jews from the Nazis during World War II. Calling them “heroes” at the event held in what was the infamous Warsaw Ghetto, the Rabbi expressed “our deepest gratitude to these Righteous Gentiles.”
One of the oldest Christian ladies who had saved Jews from the Nazis was 100-years-old. Others present were already in their 80s and 90s. The event was organized by the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (JFR), a Jewish group currently providing monthly financial assistance to more than 500 aged and needy Christians who have saved Jews from the Holocaust.
"You are our heroes," said Stanlee Stahl the JFR executive vice president standing before the elderly group who had saved many Jews from certain death. "It is so important to acknowledge the courage and heroism of the righteous, for each of you saved the honor of humanity," she told attentive crowd.
Under Nazi occupation non-Jews and their families caught helping Jews were punished with death. Poland which was once home to Europe's largest Jewish population, about 3.3 million before the war, also has the largest number of non-Jews recognized as "Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem Israel's Holocaust memorial. "You will always be remembered in our prayers for you made it possible for generations to be born and to live," Stahl said.
Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, who knows many of the rescuers personally describes them as modest people who don't consider their actions heroic. "A universal theme is that 'we did nothing special. We were just normal,’" Schudrich said. "It's a really important lesson for everyone that helping another human being is normal."
Among those gathered was Janusz Durko, a retired historian and centenarian. During the war he and his wife hid 20 Jews who escaped the Warsaw ghetto. He said it was the "obvious" thing to do and never considered himself a hero or even courageous. "You had to help a person whose life was at risk," he said.
An 86-year-old Polish Christian woman fought back tears as she remembered the Jewish woman that she and her family rescued. For decades after the war the two women were close like sisters living around the corner from each other. As she was leaving the event she approached the Rabbi and holding back tears told him that her "sister" died last year of leukemia.
She said she was thankful to the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous for helping pay for the expensive medications that the woman needed before her death.
The JFR supports impoverished Christians who rescued Jews during the war. Over the past twenty years, the Foundation has awarded more than $36 million to these aging heroes. Funds are used to cover the costs of food, home heating fuel, medical care, medication, and emergency needs or to help defray funeral expenses. The JFR which is a Jewish Foundation also provides one-time grants for the purchase of food during the Christmas holiday season to rescuers living in Poland and other Eastern European countries. The Foundation is “committed to supporting these aged and needy rescuers throughout the remainder of their lives,” according to their website.
Material for this article was gleaned from the origin report published by the World Jewish Congress.
Pictured: Rescuer Janusz Durko, 100 years old
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Monday, July 20, 2015

AN EVENING HONORING ISRAEL - July 24, 2015 in Lincolnton, NC


Hosted by:
Beit Yeshua,Love for His People Inc, and Highway to Zion Ministries!
Friday, July 24, 2015
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Covenant Bible Church
2168 Gastonia Highway
Lincolnton, NC
Israel is the nation of God's choice to reveal His story and His glory!
Enjoy a night of thanksgiving
to the covenant-keeping God of Israel
as we honor the nation He chose as
His dwelling-place and the revelation of the one
true God and Yeshua ha Mashiach.
This is an opportunity for you to take your stand on
the Word of the Lord in these days as
the prophetic Word comes to its final
fulfillment.  Be like your Father - zealous over Zion!
"For Zion's sake, I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake, I will not remain quiet,
till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.
The nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory....." Isa. 62:1-2
Our guest speaker: 
Warren Marcus
Messianic Believer
Filmmaker and Executive Producer at Sid Roth Ministries
Founder and Director of New Day Pictures
Messianic Pastor for One New Man Congregation
at Steele Creek Church of Charlotte
 Hope to see you on Friday!
Shalom, Shalom!!
For additional info:
Email Curtis Loftin at
or Cathy Hargett at

We Love this Quote by Ben-Gurion! ✡ "Borrow Vessels for Yourself"

And he said, "Borrow vessels for yourself from outside, from all your neighbors; do not borrow only a few emptyvessels."

2 KINGS (4:3)

וַיֹּאמֶר לְכִי שַׁאֲלִי לָךְ כֵּלִים מִן הַחוּץ מֵאֵת כָּל שכנכי שְׁכֵנָיִךְ-כֵּלִים רֵקִים אַל תַּמְעִיטִי

מלכים ב ד:ג

va-yo-mer l'-khee sha-a-lee lakh kay-leem min ha-khutz may-ayt kol sh'-khay-na-yikh kay-leem ray-keem al tam-ee-tee

Today's Israel Inspiration

David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, famously said that "in Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles." In today's verse, God performs a miracle for a poor, righteous woman by blessing her small jug of olive oil to overflow with abundance, but only for as long as jugs are brought. This is an example of a miracle of human partnership, using what already exists in nature. Today, the State of Israel is a modern-day miracle, only due to God’s blessing which He attaches to the great efforts of many human beings. Share in the extraordinary efforts of Israel's national blood bank, preparing for medical and security emergencies throughout the Land.

Hebrew Music Monday

Psalm 122 comes alive with the soulful singing of Israeli musician Chaim David in “A Song of Ascents.”

Israel Prepares for War

“God is sending us lots of messages that we need to prepare now for what may come tomorrow,” said the director of Heart to Heart, an organization which supports Magen David Adom ambulances, paramedic and blood banks.

Jerusalem Washing Cup

We are now in the saddest period in the Jewish calendar, when we remember the destruction of the Holy Temples in Jerusalem. Bring a piece of Jerusalem into your home with this beautiful ritual washing cup featuring the Jerusalem skyline.

Today's Israel Photo

Uri Baruch's captured this colorful scene of a ceramic stall at the Bezalel Street Fair, a fantastic art festival held on Fridays in Jerusalem.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by John Bandy of New Kent, Virginia. Todah Rabah!

“Many Here Who Care About Israel”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Our P.M. is not the only Canadian who will stand by Israel. I believe the vast majority of Canadians support Israel and its people in their struggles. May God continue to guide and to bless Bibi and his cabinet, and all the people of the Holy Land.- Robert Mason

I am a Christian from Oklahoma in USA. I pray for Israel and love you.  May God hear our prayers who love and care for Israel.  Please continue to remember you have many here who care about Israel.  God bless you! Patty Puckett
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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THE MANTLE OF FIRE - Morris E. Ruddick

Morris E. Ruddick



(c) Morris E. Ruddick

"If you walk in my ways and perform my service, then you will be given authority over my House. I will let you walk in and out of my presence along with these others standing here." Zech 3:7 NASU and NLT

Again and again, the word of God describes the Lord's presence and glory as a consuming fire. From Exodus, Deuteronomy, Isaiah to Hebrews, the awesome essence of the Lord's holiness is revealed in this manner.

Throughout the word of God are instances in which individuals have been consumed by the fire of His presence. Isaiah describes the response of the unrighteous to His presence simply as being terrifying.
"The sinners in Zion are terrified; trembling grips the godless. For who can dwell with the consuming fire?" Is 33:14 NIV

There are also situations in which the Lord made allowance by covering ones with the shadow of His hand. Scripture then unveils a time of salvation, when supernaturally, God Himself will intervene to present the prophets, the saints and all who fear His Name, as faultless before the presence of His glory. (Jude 1:24-25 and Rev 11:18)

In moving toward that time, we recognize if only by a glimmer, a role of the chosen in this pathway of walking with Him. It is a role marked by holiness, as described in the opening passage from Zechariah. It reveals those who are given authority, a mantle of fire, drawn from broaching the gates and accessing His presence.

The Turmoil and the Expectation
With the heightened level of confusion and disorder taking place in the world today, it is essential to stay focused on what God is doing. God is restoring His order to His creation. We are marching toward the fulfillment of restoration described in Isaiah 60, which points to the rebuilding of the broken walls of prophetic destiny designed for His covenant people.

The mantle of fire marks the anointing of those whose callings usher in agendas that fulfill key prophecies and the release of accompanying moves of His Spirit.

Once again, not unlike the days described by Acts 15, God is restoring the tabernacle of David. In the same way that this bore great significance for the early Church, so it will be the catalyst for the greatest move of God this generation has ever seen.
"With this the words of the prophets agree, as it is written: 'After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will restore it; so the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who are called by My name, says the Lord who does all these things.'" Acts 15:15-17

When God is sovereignly moving, "more of the same harder" will run into the ditch. It is a time to hold steady and move with faithful caution. Being alert and prepared incorporates the need to understand what is to be expected.

Embracing the New Thing. It is a time to look sharply to discern what has been embraced as truth, but in reality falls into the realm of the precepts of men. The times call for careful search of the ancient paths to discern and embrace the dimensions to be restored. This restoration will be a new thing to our generation.

This new thing God is doing and the authority for the mantle of fire are tied to His holiness and power. It will be marked by the restoration of many ancient mysteries.
"Thus says the Lord: Stand at the crossroads and look. Then ask for the ancient paths where the good way lies. Then walk in it and you will find rest for your souls."
Jer 6:16

Being alert to the new and restored dimensions of what God is doing may stretch us beyond our comfort zones and require a fresh alignment of our hearts with His. Such an alignment is predicated on seeking Him with a pure and unencumbered heart.

Acting on Unusual Prophetic Authority. The clash in the spiritual climates taking place around us will trigger the release of unusual prophetic authority and the mantle to open gates. These are gates of opportunity for change in the alignment of God's purposes. These alignments will often be accompanied by miraculous signs not unlike the time Elijah called down the fire to break the grip that evil had over God's people.

Recognizing the God-Alliances between Jews and Gentiles. The mantle of fire will result in unexpected alliances between committed believers and Bible-believing Jews.

The latter-day restoration of the tabernacle of David will trigger the spark for manifesting great waves of God's glory.

Enmities held for generations will dissolve and manifest in supernatural, biblically cooperative alliances between the most unlikely. Isaiah prophesied that jealousy, enmity and hostility generated by Ephraim (Hos 9:8) would end, giving rise to a coming together, a unity that would overcome the forces long being arrayed against Judah.
"Yet the Lord will lift up a standard for the nations, and assemble the banished ones of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the corners of the earth. Then the jealousy of Ephraim will depart, and those who harass Judah will be cut off."
Isa 11:12-13

Maintaining the Momentum. Between the turmoil and what God is releasing will be events that transpire fast. The potential to be overwhelmed must be resisted by a fervent focus giving priority to time in seeking the Lord. A word for this hour is that whatever sphere of influence we walk into, that we should immediately begin looking beyond it, lest it overwhelm us.

Having appeared to Moses in a burning bush, God's awesome, holy manifested presence has a long history of providing strategic direction and changing the course of things. From the pillar of fire by night to the demonstration of the tongues of fire with the outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost; the demonstration of fire has punctuated His power accompanying a holy and pure mantle.

God's glory, operating through Moses, led the children of Israel out of bondage and into the threshold of the Promised Land. So the awesome manifestation of His presence will move God's modern-day, sold-out remnant, appointed and anointed, walking in repentance and consecration, into times that will see an application of His power that will exceed that of the Book of Acts.

Stewarding the Mantle of Fire
The mantle of fire incorporates the stewardship of power.

Two of the three temptations the devil brought to Jesus involved the profane, misuse of power: "Command that these stones be made bread" and "throw yourself down, for it is written 'He will give His angels charge over you.'" The third involved the enticement of corrupt power: "All these things I will give to you."

Each of these temptations was a profane, unauthorized means to replicate and bypass the power that comes from God's glory. They represented myopic, religious defilements of God's power and counterfeits of both the glory and the blessing. In the time before us, the enticements and evil use of power will abound.

God's antidote is the mantle of fire which employs only a pure holy fire.
"He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him."
John 7:18

Before becoming the pure sacrifice that would bring fulfillment to what was outlined by the law and the prophets, Jesus gave his followers the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. The Lord's Supper, referred to by some as communion, is a significant New Covenant practice paralleling the Leviticus 9 process to actuate the glory that releases the blessing and power of God.

The Pure Mantle of Fire of Glory and Power
Jesus warned of strange fire through the parable of the tares. When attempting to mix the impure with the pure, it backfires.

Pure fire is the most potent catalyst to the release of the blessing and power of God. It is also the most powerful response to encounters with aggressive strongholds, and actuates the release of judgment.
"If you have run with footmen and they have wearied you, then how will you contend with horses? If in the land of peace in which you trusted, they wearied you then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?" Jer 12:5

However, strange fire results when the pure process is modified or defiled with a replacement.

Strange fire and replacement of the purity of God's process has been at the core of the enemy's strategy from the beginning. The pure was defiled by eating the forbidden fruit in the garden. Similarly, the pure process was corrupted by the sons of Aaron, just as the profane was added by Ananias and Sapphira. The defilement of the pure was reflected by the Hellenization of the Gospel, the expungement of the Jewish roots to the faith in the time of Constantine; and in each instance whereby the precepts of men employed the seductive use of strange fire that impeded entrance within the veil. It is within the veil that the pure fire is released.

The times demand not just the pure fire, but the restoration of the holy process without the polluted add-ons. Daniel noted that in the time of the end many would be purified and refined, but that wickedness would increase and abound. The times upon us are bordering between the times of sorrow spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24 and the times of the end described by Daniel. Wickedness is on the increase and gaining root.

A recent dream received by a respected ministry associate of ours showed three gargoyles: one with its hands over its ears, another with its hands over its eyes and the third with its hands over its mouth. From the pit has been released an assault of spiritual deafness, spiritual blindness and a perversion of spiritual authority.

High-level religious spirits wielding deception and confusion have been planting disorder and division (James 3:16) among the very elect. The cleverness of the clever will fall short. It is the time Jesus described (Matt 24) in which "many will be offended and betray one another; false prophets will arise and deceive many; and because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold."

The Unstoppable Dynamic
The early church was seen by the world as "those who are turning the world upside down." Their faith-response involved sacrifice and, as a people, THEY became the catalysts to releasing the Glory and Power. There's nothing to compare with that complete exchange of His life for ours, within community, to actuate the maturity spoken of by Paul to the Ephesians.

True spiritual maturity leads. It is evidenced by those who take responsibility beyond their selves, face the fire, and penetrate the veil to reverse the bondages. The full knowledge of the Lord (Eph 4) is not a head-thing or the resolution of all our soulish issues; but rather an operational application of the mantle of fire.

That doesn't come from a Sunday-go-to-meeting, adapted to-the-world orientation. It demands a pure Kingdom mind-set and identity; by which we live by dying, our weaknesses become the seedbed for His strength, we advance by yielding and lead by serving, we bless our enemies, wisdom comes from simplicity, our purpose in life comes from giving it up, honor flows from humility and growth results from proactive generosity. Jesus raised the bar.

We are in a time in which the wisdom and power that flowed in the early church is not just being restored. It will become the launch-pad for even greater levels of the release of His power and glory.

Those wielding the mantle of pure fire will pierce the extremes of darkness with God's glory and power. The pure fire has always been tied to God's presence and the consumption of darkness in its wake. The word to the church for this day is to reach for the fire, the pure fire.
"I will establish them and multiply them, and I will set My sanctuary in their midst. My tabernacle also shall be with them; indeed I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Then the nations will know that I, the LORD, sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary is in their midst." Ezek 37:26-28

Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" and "Leadership by Anointing," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from www.Amazon.comwww.apple.com/ibooks andwww.BarnesandNoble.com.

Global Initiatives Foundation (www.strategic-initiatives.org) is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card athttp://strategicintercession.org/support/

Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your congregation on the wisdom the persecuted church has for the West or on anointing the creative.

2015 Copyright Morris Ruddick -- sign@strategicintercession.org

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt public charity.