Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Obama's An Anti-Semite, Charges US Presidential Candidate

Obama's An Anti-Semite, Charges US Presidential Candidate

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff

As was to be expected, the fate and future of tiny Israel has become a central issue in the upcoming presidential election in the world’s leading superpower, America.
Two front-running Republican candidates at the weekend lambasted President Barack Obama over his mistreatment of Israel, calling the current administration’s policies anti-Semitic and an existential threat to the Jewish state.
Retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson in an interview with Fox News charged that Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran was evidence of his disdain for the Jews and the survival of their national homeland.
“All you have to do,” said Carson, “is, like I have, go to Israel, and talk to average people, on all ends of that spectrum. And I couldn’t find a single person there who didn’t feel that this administration had turned their back on Israel.”
His Fox interviewers wondered how that made Obama an anti-Semite, to which Carson replied:
“I think anything is anti-Semitic that is against the survival of a state that is surrounded by enemies, and by people who want to destroy them. And to sort of ignore that, and to act like everything is normal there, and that these people are paranoid, I think that’s anti-Semitic.”
At the same time, controversial real estate mogul, and currently the leading Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump was telling NBC’s Meet the Press that “Israel is in big trouble. Obama has really let Israel down.”
He was referring to the much-maligned Obama-brokered Iran nuclear agreement, which, according to Trump, is going to enable to Islamic Republic to become “such a wealthy, such a powerful nation. They are going to have nuclear weapons. They are going to take over parts of the world that you wouldn’t believe. And I think it’s going to lead to nuclear holocaust.”
Unfortunately, as Trump explained, now that the agreement is out there, it will be nearly impossible for the next president, whomever it may be, to simply “rip up” the contract.
Even so, Trump vowed that if elected he would “police that contract so tough that they [the Iranians] don’t have a chance. As bad as the contract is, I will be so tough on that contract.”
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Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "Rest from Your Enemies"

He will give you rest from your enemies all around, and you will dwell securely.


וְהֵנִיחַ לָכֶם מִכָּל אֹיְבֵיכֶם מִסָּבִיב וִישַׁבְתֶּם בֶּטַח

דברים י’’ב:י

v'-hay-nee-akh la-khem mi-kol o-y'-vay-khem mi-sa-vee vee-shav-tem be-takh

Today's Israel Inspiration

In today's verse, the Children of Israel receive a beautiful blessing from Moses that if they follow the words of God, peace will reign in the Land of Israel. And so it was under the leadership of Joshua in the Land. But the peace was short-lived, and it did not take long for enemy nations to rise up following Joshua's death. Throughout history, there have been quiet periods in the Land, but none have been long-lasting. We pray for the complete fulfillment of this verse when we will be blessed with everlasting safety and security in the Land of Israel. Help keep our brave men and women hydrated this hot summer with a special Camelback water system.

Brave, Fierce and Strong: Meet the First Women to Guard in Nablus

“We guard day and night and we barely sleep so that the citizens can feel protected,” states Sgt. Yanina Jatemliansquy, a female soldier in the IDF's new co-ed David Unit.

75 Torahs at the Western Wall

The victims of last summer’s war with Gaza were memorialized in a special LIBI Fund event at the Western Wall, in which 75 Torah scrolls were dedicated in their memory.

Krav Maga IDF Logo T-Shirt

Krav Maga, the lethally effective martial art developed by the Israeli army, is bigger than ever. The IDF martial art uses an efficient yet simple technique with which the IDF turns normal people into deadly fighters. Wear this Krav Maga T-shirt, sporting the “IDF Krav Maga” wings and the caption “Israeli Fighting Technique” to show that you support the IDF and are not to be messed with!

Israel Photo Trivia

Can you guess which city these Israeli Air Force jets are flying by? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

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“Thank You for What You Are Doing”

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Hi Rabbi, I am so blessed with your newsletters and want to thank you for what you are doing. I was so disappointed to read that they are having talks to lift the sanctions from Iran, but I will not fear for the state of Israel, because God will not let anything happen to His nation. I will pray that our God will continue blessing and protecting His nation. May our God bless you and your family a million times over. With lots of love, From your sister, Rochelle Klassen, Africa (Namibia, Windhoek)

Bless you and yes please keep sending.  We need to see, to hear and to know.  Baruah Abba Shem Adonai. Amen, Diana LaCourse
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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200-Year-Old “Messiah Clock” Sets Last Possible Date for Final Redemption

200-Year-Old “Messiah Clock” Sets Last Possible Date for Final Redemption - and the Timing Will Surprise You!

“For one thousand years in Your [God’s] eyes are but a day that has passed.” (Psalms 90:4)
For the Jewish nation, thousands of years have been spent in counting down to a time period that will ultimately usher in the final redemption. A special clock, known as the Messiah clock, has been counting down the final arrival of the Messiah for the last 200 years, giving hope and inspiration to generations of Jews during turbulent times.
The creator of the Messiah clock was none other than Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna, also known as the Vilna Gaon, an 18th century Judaic scholar who was considered to be the guiding light of his generation, and is revered to this day. The Vilna Gaon spent much of his life studying Jewish concepts about the Messiah and yearned to move to Israel to hasten the process of redemption.
Well versed in mathematics and astronomy, the Vilna Gaon used his secular and religious scholarly background to come up with a unique method of tracking time based on the Hebrew calendar and a combination of Jewish sources found in the Talmud (Sanhedrin 97a). Based on his specific calculations, the Messiah clock was created and has been slowly ticking down towards his ultimate arrival.
The clock is based on the six days of creation, with each day corresponding to 1,000 years on the Hebrew calendar. The Vilna Gaon centered his calculations around the Jewish tradition that the Messiah must arrive by the year 6000 in the Jewish calendar, which corresponds to the day before the Sabbath and God’s refrain from any work. Currently, the Jewish calendar year is 5775.
Comparing days from the story of creation to millennial periods of time is consistent with the Bible, which often has different measures of time correspond to one another. A cycle based on seven is used frequently in the Bible, such as in the concept of the Sabbatical year (Leviticus 25:3), the seven year agricultural cycle, and its extension, the Jubilee year (Leviticus 25:10), that occurs at the end of seven Sabbatical cycles. A Hebrew slave is also released after seven years of servitude (Exodus 21:2).
Are there hidden messages from God in the Bible?
The verse found at the end of each day in the story of the creation of the world in Genesis, “And there was evening and there was morning”, is the basis for the Jewish custom of beginning each day at sunset. The first day of the new week begins at sundown at the end of the Sabbath, the second day begins the following sunset, and so on.
Further, according to Jewish law, each day is divided into two equal halves – night and daylight. Each half is then divided into 12 equal sections, with each section being one hour. From sunset to sunset, 24 hours of the day are divided up.
Applying the Jewish concept of time with the understanding gleaned by the Vilna Gaon towards redemption, one full day is 1,000 years. Therefore, one 12 hour night period equals 500 years and one 12 hour daylight period equals 500 years. If we further divide 1,000 by 24 hours, then each hour on the Messiah clock equals 41 years and eight months, or exactly 500 months.
In calculating minutes, 500 months (one hour on the ‘creation clock’) is divided by sixty minutes. According to the Vilna Gaon’s clock, each minute is equal to 8.333 months, or eight months and ten days. For those who appreciate a challenge, one second on the ‘creation clock’ is a little over four days.
Based on the days of creation, Friday, the sixth day of the week, comes after five full days, or 5,000 years on the clock. Friday night is half of one day on the Jewish calendar, so according to Vilna Gaon’s calculations, one night equals five hundred years.
Friday morning at sunrise would be the year 5500 according to the Hebrew calendar or 1739 according to the Gregorian calendar. Based on this model, noon on the sixth day of the clock is 5750 in the Hebrew calendar, or 1990 according to the Gregorian calendar, marking three-quarters of the sixth day. That leaves six hours from Friday afternoon until sunset, when the Sabbath begins.
image: http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/messiah-clock-chart1.jpg
messiah clock chart
If we use the Messiah clock to figure out “what time it is now”, the beginning of current Hebrew calendar year was exactly 12:36 pm. 12:37pm began on the 10th of Iyyar, 5775, or the April 29,2015.
The Zohar states that just as Friday afternoon is entirely given over to preparations for the Sabbath, thus the time leading up to the 7000th year will be for preparing for the Messiah.
By applying certain calculations based on Jewish law and tradition, the Vilna Gaon’s 7000 year clock can be used to make assertions about the process of redemption. Currently, based on the time of the Messiah clock, the year 6000 will occur in 2239 of the Gregorian calendar, indicating that the Messiah must arrive before then.
It should be noted that a basic tenet of Jewish faith, based on the teachings of Maimonides, is that the Messiah can arrive at any moment. For Jews, the Messiah’s coming is always imminent. The Vilna Gaon’s calculations represent the last possible time the Messiah can arrive and, as we pray each day, he comes well before.

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/46995/200-year-old-messiah-clock-counting-down-final-redemption-jewish-world/#g0DDgf6MEVYy2kgd.99

VIDEO: Messianic Soldier Shares Induction As IDF Medic

VIDEO: Messianic Soldier Shares Induction As IDF Medic

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Our favorite Israeli Messianic soldier is back with a video sharing his recent induction as a combat medic in the IDF.
In the video, Hananya Naftali translates into English the oath every IDF medic must swear upon his or her induction.
As part of the oath, IDF medics vow to “lend a helping hand” to any and all, “be they friend or foe.”
We have certainly seen this demonstrated by IDF medics who don’t hesitate to provide life-giving assistance to Palestinian terrorists and Syrian jihadists, despite the fact that those patients would love nothing more than to see Israel burn.
Naftali notes that he and fellow graduating medics discussed this part of the oath in depth. “Some had trouble accepting” the need to offer the same help to friend or foe, he explains. “But these are the rules of the IDF, and we have to submit to orders. It just shows the humanity of the [Israeli] army, which is amazing, in my eyes.”
Another poignant portion of the oath echoes the Bible in promising to “be my brother’s keeper.”
Watch the video:
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Huckabee: Iran Nuclear Deal 'Arms a Terrorist State'

Huckabee: Iran Nuclear Deal 'Arms a Terrorist State'

AP file photo
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee will begin a two-day visit to Israel Tuesday to discuss the Iranian nuclear deal with Israeli leaders.
Like most Republican candidates, the former Arkansas governor, a frequent visitor to Israel, opposes the agreement in its present form.
"I think it's the most dangerous situation that we face, not just for the Middle East, but for the rest of the world for a long time," Huckabee toldCNN in a recent interview. "This is essentially arming and equipping a terrorist state."
Some U.S. lawmakers are using the August recess to explain to voters why they believe it's a bad deal.
Arizona Sen. John McCain said President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are "delusional" to trust Iran. He also said the deal will spark a Mideast arms race.
"It's obvious that the Americans wanted [deal] worse than the Iranians did," McCain said, the Arizona Republic newspaper reported.
"I am convinced that the other countries in the region will go nuclear," McCain added. "The Saudis could get it from Pakistan quickly."
McCain said he also believes the Senate can get the necessary 67 votes to block the deal. The vote will take place in September.

Is ISIS now using chemical weapons? - Joel Rosenberg

New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Is ISIS now using chemical weapons? Sounds like “The Third Target,” but U.S. intelligence says the evidence shows the Islamic State now has weapons of mass destruction.

by joelcrosenberg
(source: UK Mirror)
(source: UK Mirror)
(Washington, D.C.) -- U.S. intelligence officials believe that jihadists operating under the direction of the Islamic State have not only captured chemical weapons -- most likely in Syria -- but have actually used such weapons of mass destruction on the battlefield.
They are also investigating the possibility that ISIS is mass producing such weapons and asking where will ISIS strike next?
I realize this seems like the plot of my most recent novel -- The Third Target -- and its forthcoming sequel (The First Hostage, to be released on December 29th). But this isn't fiction. Unfortunately, this is all too real.
Consider the following headlines from the past few days:
The notion of the Islamic State having chemical weapons is a chilling one and a potential game-changer. The Kurds appear to have been the first ISIS target. But if ISIS has more such weapons stockpiles, against whom will they use them against next? The U.S.? Israel? One of our European allies? An Arab state like Jordan or Egypt?
As more information comes out, I'll keep you informed. In the meantime, please keep praying for U.S., Western and Middle Eastern leaders to get serious about crushing and truly defeating ISIS, not just pinprick attacks that are not truly neutralizing this serious and growing threat.
  • Islamic State militants likely used mustard agent against Kurdish forces in Iraq this week, senior U.S. officials said Thursday, in the first indication the militant group has obtained banned chemicals. The officials said Islamic State could have obtained the mustard agent in Syria, whose government admitted to having large quantities in 2013 when it agreed to give up its chemical-weapons arsenal.
  • The use of mustard agent would mark an upgrade in Islamic State’s battlefield capabilities, and a worrisome one given U.S. intelligence fears about hidden caches of chemical weapons in Syria, where Islamic State controls wide swaths of territory. It raises new questions about the evolving threat posed by Islamic State and the ability of U.S. allies on the ground to combat it. Frontline Kurdish, Iraqi and moderate Syrian forces say they aren’t getting enough U.S. support now to counter Islamic State’s conventional capabilities. Officials say these forces may need specialized equipment and training to help protect them against unconventional weapons if they become a fixture on the battlefield.
  • U.S. intelligence agencies thought Islamic State had at least a small supply of mustard agent even before this week’s clash with Iraqi Kurdish fighters, known as the Peshmerga, U.S. officials said. That intelligence assessment hadn’t been made public.
  • The attack in question took place late Wednesday, about 40 miles southwest of Erbil in northern Iraq. A German Defense Ministry spokesman said about 60 Peshmerga fighters, who help protect Kurdish areas in northern Iraq, were reported to have suffered injuries to their throats consistent with a chemical attack while fighting Islamic State.
  • Mustard agent, first employed as a weapon in World War I, can cause painful burns and blisters, immobilizing those affected by it, but it is usually deadly only if used in large quantities....
  • The possibility that Islamic State obtained the agent in Syria “makes the most sense,” said one senior U.S. official. It is also possible that Islamic State obtained the mustard agent in Iraq, officials said, possibly from old stockpiles that belonged to Saddam Hussein and weren’t destroyed.U.S. intelligence agencies are still investigating the source and how it could have been delivered this week on the battlefield, officials said.
  • Islamic State has taken control of territory in Syria close to where President Bashar al-Assad’s forces stored chemical weapons, including mustard agent. The regime said in 2013 that all of its mustard stockpiles had been destroyed, either by Syrian forces themselves or by international inspectors.....
  • Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a former commanding officer of the British army’s chemical-weapons unit, said the use of mustard agent by Islamic State could give a boost to the group’s psychological warfare campaign. “You mention chemical weapons, people immediately freeze and are irrational. That’s why Islamic State wants to use them,” he said.
joelcrosenberg | August 17, 2015 at 6:29 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:http://wp.me/piWZ7-3kv

Monday, August 17, 2015

A Word for Those Fearing the Doom and Gloom

A Word for Those Fearing the Doom and Gloom

Believers, get out of the "sinking in quicksand" mentality.
Believers, get out of the "sinking in quicksand" mentality. (Flickr)
The Lord woke me up at 5:13 a.m. recently from a prophetic dream. In the dream I was walking out of my childhood home in the country to do my daily chores. We lived on a cattle and horse farm, so there were always plenty of chores.
As I walked out, three faithful dogs that always went with me everywhere greeted me. Then things started changing suddenly, as I looked across our place, I saw ministry leaders that we are currently in ministry with, and they were all in quicksand.
Now we all know that when you're in quicksand you never panic. The leaders were whispering, "Help us." In the dream, as I walked toward them, the ground became solid and they were freed. Some climbed out of their situation with a little help. Others I had to drag out of the miry clay. The Scripture that stuck out to me was Numbers 16:48, "He stood between the dead and the living, and the plague was stopped."
As I was pulling the leaders from the quicksand I saw a sheep running scared. It ran right past us and no one was able to help because they were themselves in need of help. Then the sheep was caught by three demonic beings and forced back into the barn.
As they carried the sheep back toward the stables and barn I followed after them. When I got close to the barn door I heard a voice say, "We will kill some, steal some and make the other to act dead." Immediately the first part of John 10:10 came to mind: the thief comes to steal, and to kill and to destroy.
At this moment fear came over me and I ran into the house, found my safe place, and started praying. The Lord spoke this to me: "My ministers in this hour will walk in fear or faith. They will decide in the safe place which one they will choose. The safe place is the place of prayer." I started asking God for a greater revelation of this prophetic dream in my morning quiet time. This is what God showed me:
"My leaders are sinking into the things of the world" (that's what the quicksand represented) "that seem so familiar to them. They need someone to lend a hand and pull them out. They couldn't help the flock (sheep) because of this. The enemy was there to kill some, steal some, and force others to play dead."
Isn't this a picture of to many believers today? They act as if they are dead. God needs leaders to arise. I felt the Lord say, "My flock is so scared in America right now and they need a voice to speak life into them, but so many key voices are sinking right now and have lost their voice."
The word of the Lord came to me about ministers in this hour. He said we can't be afraid of what's around the corner, but we must walk in faith, knowing that whatever comes their way God will get them through.
If you're sinking into things today, cry out for help and God will send you someone to lend you a hand. If you're sinking, you can't minister to the sheep God has entrusted into your care. Remember the last part of John 10:10: "But I have come to give that you will live more abundantly." America needs her prophetic voices to arise and not be afraid of the attacks of the enemy. I believe the flock of America will be saved!
Joe Joe Dawson is the president of Burn Texarkana Revival center and House of Prayer. Pastor Dawson also serves as staff evangelist for First Assembly of God in Texarkana, Texas, where he also is now the Tribe College/young adult pastor. Burn Texarkana has one revival/awakening service a month at First Assembly and also has Burn on the Road meetings in neighboring cites monthly. There are four Burn Texarkana prayer meetings each week! Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn, and together they have three kids: Malachi, Judah and Ezra. He also serves on the leadership team of New Bread Revivalists Network.
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