Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Beautiful Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "In the Heart of the Seas" - ISRAEL365

In the heart of the seas are your borders; your builders perfected your beauty.

EZEKIEL (27:3)

בְּלֵב יַמִּים גְּבוּלָיִךְ בֹּנַיִךְ כָּלְלוּ יָפְיֵךְ

יחזקאל כז:ד

b'-layv ya-meem g'-vu-lai-yikh b'-nai-yikh ka-l'-lu yaf-yaykh

Today's Israel Inspiration

Surprise ... today's verse is NOT referring to Israel! In Chapter 27, Ezekiel sorrowfully laments the downfall of Tyre, a large port city which arrogantly prided itself in its might and beauty. Here we see the greatness of Israel's prophet. In his sincere words of admonishment to inspire Tyre to repent, Ezekiel shows he was filled with love and mercy for all mankind. He was concerned with the welfare of a foreign nation just as for his own people. He demonstrates as well the futility of beauty without acknowledging God as its maker. Lift up in true beauty with meaningful jewelry from the Land of Israel.

Would Israelis Take Advantage of a Blind Man?

A social experiment tests how Israelis react to a 'blind man' asking for 20 shekel change - of a 200 shekel bill. The results? You've gotta see this!

Is Ezekiel 37 Being Fulfilled Right Before Our Eyes?

A new project is laying the groundwork for the future fulfillment of Joseph and Judah reuniting prior to David ruling over the reunited kingdom of Israel, as written in Ezekiel 37.

Matching Earring and Necklace Set: Sapphire Blue Crystals and Star Of David Charm: 10% Off!

The deep sapphire blue crystal Star of David was designed by Judaic artist Diane Fuller. In addition to a beautiful Star of David charm, the necklace includes an eye catching lapis lazuli stone. The stone is surrounded by glass crystals, giving it a pretty sparkle. In addition to the necklace, there is also a matching set of earrings. This wonderful set will make an excellent gift for nearly every occasion. The necklace is 18″ long.

Israel Photo Trivia

Where do you need to visit in Israel to catch this breathtaking view?! Send mean email or post you answer onFacebook!

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Thank you so much for ISRAEL365. I enjoy reading the prayers. Shalom from Paris, France. AM ISRAEL CHAI- Jeannine Zimner

Thank you for the website and the wonderful photos of Yerushalyim. I am hoping to make aliyah in the future and seeing these photos make me want to get there even sooner. Fred Yehia, Vancouver CANADA
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Days Before Easter: The Dead Sea Scrolls with Jamie Buckingham - SHAWN A. AKERS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

In this video filmed on location near the Dead Sea in Israel, Jamie Buckingham describes how the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and recalls the baptism of Jesus. He also encourages all of us in our walk with Christ:

"As you approach this Lenten season, remember you are part of a great process bringing the kingdom to this world."
Here is the entire video: Dead Sea Scrolls
 Qumran on the Dead Sea, Israel

To learn more about Jamie Buckingham, visit JamieBuckinghamministries.com
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

Health Issues No One Is Talking About (Day 1) - Jim Bakker Show

Health Issues No One Is Talking About (Day 1) - Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Health Issues No One Is Talking About (Day 1) - Jim Bakker Show

Dr Matt Stadnyk, Dr Sherrill Sellman, Frank Davis

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2927 | Aired on February 4, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Home » Video Archives » Health Issues No One Is Talking About (Day 1)

Israel Gives More Palestinians Jobs - | Israel Today Staff

Israel Gives More Palestinians Jobs

Tuesday, February 09, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Israel Security Cabinet this week approved the issuing of 30,000 additional work permits for Palestinian Arabs who are seeking or have found employment inside Israel-proper.
Many of these Palestinians are employed in construction, agriculture, infrastructure and other public services. Securing such jobs in Israel is a highly coveted achievement, as the wages far outstrip what these workers would be paid by Palestinian employers.
A number of high-ranking government and defense officials, including Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IDF chief Gen. Gadi Eisenkot have been pushing for such a move
Some high-ranking officials from the government and the defense establishment, including Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot, have pushed for such a policy, arguing that it will provide a significant economic boost to the Palestinian economy.
It is Israel’s hope that by bettering the lives of average Palestinians, terrorism against Israel’s citizens will decline.
Education Minister Naftali Bennett, head of the right-wing Jewish Home party, suggested increasing the number of work permits to 100,000, according to a report in the Israeli business newspaper The Marker.
This development again demonstrated two truths often ignored or “lost in translation” in mainstream media reports:
  1. Despite enormous per capital financial aid, a Palestinian state established today would be unable to stand on its own two feet economically, and would remain inextricably tied to Israel economy, making it a sovereign state in name only;
  2. Often painted as enemies of peace, Israel’s right-wing, and in particular the settlement movement, is actually doing more than anyone else to help the Palestinians in practical ways that affect their day-to-day lives, like providing employment.
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Day Of Reckoning: The Collapse Of The Too Big To Fail Banks In Europe Is Here - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

Europe Lightning - Public Domain

Posted: 08 Feb 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE 

There is so much chaos going on that I don’t even know where to start.  For a very long time I have been warning my readers that a major banking collapse was coming to Europe, and now it is finally unfolding. 

Let’s start with Deutsche Bank.  The stock of the most important bank in the “strongest economy in Europe” plunged another 8 percent on Monday, and it is now hovering just above the all-time record low that was set during the last financial crisis.  Overall, the stock price is now down a staggering 36 percent since 2016 began, and Deutsche Bank credit default swaps are going parabolic.  Of course my readers were alerted to major problems at Deutsche Bank all the way back in September, and now the endgame is playing out. 

In addition to Deutsche Bank, the list of other “too big to fail” banks in Europe that appear to be in very serious trouble includes Commerzbank, Credit Suisse, HSBC and BNP Paribas.  Just about every major bank in Italy could fall on that list as well, and Greek bank stocks lost close to a quarter of their value on Monday alone.  Financial Armageddon has come to Europe, and the entire planet is going to feel the pain.

The collapse of the banks in Europe is dragging down stock prices all over the continent.  At this point, more than one-fifth of all stock market wealth in Europe has already been wiped out since the middle of last year.  That means that we only have four-fifths left.  The following comes from USA Today
The MSCI Europe index is now down 20.5% from its highest point over the past 12 months, says S&P Global Market Intelligence, placing it in the 20% decline that unofficially defines a bear market.
Europe’s stock implosion makes the U.S.’ sell-off look like child’s play. The U.S.-centric Standard & Poor’s 500 Monday fell another 1.4% – but it’s only down 13% from its high. Some individual European markets are getting hit even harder. The Milan MIB 30, Madrid Ibex 35 and MSCI United Kingdom indexes are off 29%, 23% and 20% from their 52-week highs, respectively as investors fear the worse could be headed for the Old World.
These declines are being primarily driven by the banks.  According to MarketWatch, European banking stocks have fallen for six weeks in a row, and this is the longest streak that we have seen since the heart of the last financial crisis…
The region’s banking gauge, the Stoxx Europe 600 Banks Index FX7, -5.59% has logged six straight weeks of declines, its longest weekly losing stretch since 2008, when banks booked 10 weeks of losses, beginning in May, according to FactSet data.
The current environment for European banks is very, very bad. Over a full business cycle, I think it’s very questionable whether banks on average are able to cover their cost of equity. And as a result that makes it an unattractive investment for long-term investors,” warned Peter Garnry, head of equity strategy at Saxo Bank.
Overall, Europe’s banking stocks are down 23 percent year to date and 39 percent since the peak of the market in the middle of last year.

The financial crisis that began during the second half of 2015 is picking up speed over in Europe, and it isn’t just Deutsche Bank that could implode at any moment.  Credit Suisse is the most important bank in Switzerland, and they announced a fourth quarter loss of 5.8 billion dollars.  The stock price has fallen 34 percent year to date, and many are now raising questions about the continued viability of the bank.

Similar scenes are being repeated all over the continent.  On Monday we learned that Russia had just shut down two more major banks, and the collapse of Greek banks has pushed Greek stock prices to a 25 year low
Greek stocks tumbled on Monday to close nearly eight percent lower, with bank shares losing almost a quarter of their market value amid concerns over the future of government reforms.
The general index on the Athens stock exchange closed down 7.9 percent at 464.23 points — a 25-year-low — while banks suffered a 24.3-percent average drop.
This is what a financial crisis looks like.

Fortunately things are not this bad here in the U.S. quite yet, but we are on the exact same path that they are.

One of the big things that is fueling the banking crisis in Europe is the fact that the too big to fail banks over there have more than 100 billion dollars of exposure to energy sector loans.  This makes European banks even more sensitive to the price of oil than U.S. banks.  The following comes from CNBC
The four U.S. banks with the highest dollar amount of exposure to energy loans have a capital position 60 percent greater than European banks Deutsche BankUBSCredit Suisse and HSBC, according to CLSA research using a measure called tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio. Or, as Mayo put it, “U.S. banks have more quality capital.”
Analysts at JPMorgan saw the energy loan crisis coming for Europe, and highlighted in early January where investors might get hit.
“[Standard Chartered] and [Deutsche Bank] would be the most sensitive banks to higher default rates in oil and gas,” the analysts wrote in their January report.
There is Deutsche Bank again.

It is funny how they keep coming up.

In the U.S., the collapse of the price of oil is pushing energy company after energy company into bankruptcy.  This has happened 42 times in North America since the beginning of last year so far, and rumors that Chesapeake Energy is heading that direction caused their stock price to plummet a staggering 33 percent on Monday
Energy stocks continue to tank, with Transocean (RIG) dropping 7% and Baker Hughes (BHI) down nearly 5%. But those losses pale in comparison with Chesapeake Energy (CHK), the energy giant that plummeted as much as 51% amid bankruptcy fears. Chesapeake denied it’s currently planning to file for bankruptcy, but its stock still closed down 33% on the day.
And let’s not forget about the ongoing bursting of the tech bubble that I wrote about yesterday.

On Monday the carnage continued, and this pushed the Nasdaq down to its lowest level in almost 18 months
Technology shares with lofty valuations, including those of midcap data analytics company Tableau Software Inc and Internet giant Facebook Inc, extended their losses on Monday following a gutting selloff in the previous session.
Shares of cloud services companies such as Splunk Inc and Salesforce.com Inc had also declined sharply on Friday. They fell again on Monday, dragging down the Nasdaq Composite index 2.4 percent to its lowest in nearly 1-1/2 years.
Those that read my articles regularly know that I have been warning this would happen.
All over the world we are witnessing a financial implosion.  As I write this article, the Japanese market has only been open less than an hour and it is already down 747 points.
The next great financial crisis is already here, and right now we are only in the early chapters.

Ultimately what we are facing is going to be far worse than the financial crisis of 2008/2009, and as a result of this great shaking the entire world is going to fundamentally change.

Let Praise Roll Forth by Yolanda Ballard INTEGRITY NETWORK

Let Praise Roll Forth by Yolanda Ballard


I dreamt that I was at a church before the service started everyone was gathered in the sanctuary.  I had such a heart to worship that all of a sudden I started singing "I want to worship the Lord in praise!"  Let the sounds of praise roll forth!"  I got slain in the spirit and heard a heavenly choir singing a song with a heavenly orchestra backing it up.  

There was a man to my side who said that he had it all recorded even though it was heard in the spirit realm. And I said I wonder where that all took place.  And then I said New Jerusalem and the man who was able to record what happened in the spirit said, "yes!  And I said I need a copy of that!  I woke up wanted to know the words of the song that I heard in my dream.  In the dream I was trying to sing along with the heavenly choir.

As I was writing out this dream, I received the following word:

This is the day to rejoice and to break forth in praise.  The angels of praise are ready to back us up with heavenly sounds in the Spirit if we would only allow the praise to roll forth out of our hearts.  For it is time to rejoice!  It is the time to enter in like never before in one accord a melody from heaven.  Let the song of the Lord come forth.  Let the heavenly sounds come forth.  Let the angels sing!  It is beginning to rain!  The glory is beginning to fall.  Dry season is over.  It is time to bloom forth, to blossom.  Let the Gifts flow.  Let the River flow out of our hearts.  All that has been dammed up be let free!  Let hearts be healed. Let the body of Christ be of one accord.

Unite and Rejoice

Unite, mighty army of God.  Rejoice, for surely you have the victory.  March forth.  Let out a victory cry for surely you have the land.  I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy.  His weapons are under your feet.  Trample down every one of them with the voice of triumph, with the voice of praise.  This is the day of Jubilee, of rejoicing, for the enemy has to return sevenfold everything he has tried to take illegally.  Do not keep silent upon your beds no longer.  Let the rejoicing flow for you have much to praise about in the coming days.

Restoration is taking place this very hour.  Things you have faithfully believed for a long time is beginning to manifest and to bloom forth.  This is the time of rejoicing for the body of Christ.  Family relationships and salvations are taking place.  Limbs are growing out.  Yes, you are beginning to run with the word of the Lord.  You are beginning to run, to dance, to twirl, to jump for joy, to sing for surely victory has entered into your households this very hour.  I paid the price.  I have redeemed you, and I have given you My crown, My scepter, My armor, My word.  Now run fearlessly covered with My light, truth and take the land.  Yes, this is the hour of My power, says the Lord.

Yolanda Ballard


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What the Bible Says About the Zika Virus - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Hosts: Zach Drew, Sasha Volz, Andrew Bellers

What the Bible Says About the Zika Virus

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Millions stand in the line of fire of the Zika virus, an explosive mosquito-borne disease that has the power to alter world population.  
Experts consider the virus especially horrific for pre-born children, who once infected, could be born with "no foreheads and very strange heads." 
International governments are pleading with couples to avoid pregnancy for the foreseeable future in a move that could fall under Revelation's fourth seal.  
"When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, 'Come!'" Revelation 6 prophesies.  
"So I looked, and there was a pale horse, and the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed him. Power over a fourth of the earth was given to them, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth," the passage continues. 
Watch the video to see more of the connection. 
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here


What Tim Tebow Wants in a Wife

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

The former football superstar and current commentator is single and ready to mingle, as he told Ellen DeGeneres in a recent interview.
But Tim Tebow's not looking for just anyone to date.
"There has to be more there, there has to be depth" beyond physical attraction, Tebow told DeGeneres.
Watch the video to see what else he said. 
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

114 Million Super Bowl Viewers Blatantly Ignore God's Word - LANDON SCHOTT CHARISMA NEWS

Super Bowl halftime show

114 Million Super Bowl Viewers Blatantly Ignore God's Word

A scene from the Super Bowl half-time show. (Reuters)

Last night I was at church watching the Super Bowl with a bunch of young adults in the student ministry. We had a concert planned for the halftime show, and I was in the sound booth watching hundreds of young people enjoy contemporary music that glorified Jesus. My phone started to buzz over and over with friends of mine asking if I saw the Super Bowl half-time show. I knew instantly that it had to do with gay awareness and homosexuality.
The moment I looked at the live TV screen, I saw an entire football stadium designed in rainbow colors that read, "Believe In Love." Over 114 million people tuned in around the world to be made more aware and celebrate homosexuality from the largest single platform on the planet.
The world is celebrating a definition of love that has no biblical foundation. The Bible tells us that "love does not delight in evil but rejoiced in the truth" (1 Cor. 13:6). If the Bible refers to homosexual practice on all account as evil (ungodly) behavior, then it can't be love as God defines it or intended it. It's a carnal love, a deceptive love, a love of the world masquerading as the love of God. They can wrap their slogan of gay awareness in the rainbow, but that doesn't make their love godly.
In my new book, Gay Awareness, I write about the revelation God gave me on the rainbow and why the gay community uses it as their banner.
Over the years, it has grieved me that the gay community has adopted the rainbow as their emblem. This was the sign to the people of God that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood. Genesis 9:13 says, "I have set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth." The interesting part is the relationship between the rainbow on the banner of the gay community and a sign of the promise of God related to God's judgment on the world. The people who don't want to be judged chose the sign of God's promise against the backdrop of God's judgment of the world.
I began to pray and ask God to speak to me concerning why the gay community chose the rainbow as their own. One day, in the middle of my daily Bible reading, I came across the reason. Revelation 4:3 says, "And He who sat there appeared like a jasper and a sardius stone. There was a rainbow around the throne, appearing like an emerald." Follow me on this. In Revelation 4, God was showing the disciple John a vision of heaven and the throne room of God. John puts into words what he saw in the presence of God, and describes it and all of its colors like a rainbow.
I believe the gay community unconsciously chose the rainbow as their banner because, on some level, they desire the presence of God without passing through the judgment of God. The flood of judgment came first. The rainbow of the presence of God followed.
Gay awareness continues to sweep across the world, with America leading the way. Tens of thousands participated while hundreds of millions watched as our nation waved the banners of judgment celebrating our belief in love while denying the God of love.
Landon Schott and his wife, Heather, founded The Rev Ministries in 2008 and launched REVtv.com a 24/7 online youth and young adult network dedicated to turning the heart of a generation to Jesus through Christ-centered media. Landon received his Bachelor Of Arts from Trinity Theological Seminary and authored Jezebel: The Witch Is Back, a spiritual warfare book. His new book, Gay Awareness, is set to be released March of 2016. Connect with Landon on Instagram or Twitter @LandonSchott
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here