Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Revival Hits Muslims in Syria Amid Deadly Persecution - LINDSAY STEELE/MISSION NEWS NETWORK CHARISMA NEWS

VBB has printed 20,000 Arabic New Testament Bibles and is giving them to refugees. The Bibles have study notes in order to make it easier for Muslims to understand.

Revival Hits Muslims in Syria Amid Deadly Persecution

Photo above: VBB has printed 20,000 Arabic New Testament Bibles and is giving them to refugees. The Bibles have study notes in order to make it easier for Muslims to understand. (Courtesy/Vision Beyond Borders)
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ISIS targeted more Muslim-populated areas in Syria on Sunday. According to reports, the attacks left at least 140 dead in Damascus and Homs. These attacks were the deadliest of Syria's five-year war.
Citing a monitoring group, the BBC reporting a double car bombing in Homs. Later in Damascus, four or more blasts killed and injured people, according to Syrian state media.
Both attacks were targeting minority groups. In Damascus, the explosions took place in Sayyida Zeinab, the location of the holiest Shia Muslim shrine.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks.
"It is dangerous, but we're hearing kind of one side of the story, a lot of times through the news media," explains Dyann Romeijn with Vision Beyond Borders (VBB).
"Not to discount the things [ISIS is] doing to the Christians, but at the same time, there's this knowledge among Muslims because the Muslims are also being persecuted. Certain Muslim groups that [ISIS doesn't] perceive as radical enough are being persecuted."
Sunday's attacks took place during ceasefire talks. This is the second time attacks have happened in the last several weeks during the process of ceasefire discussions. The first time, the talks were delayed. But now, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has said a "provisional agreement" has been reached with Russia, according to the BBC.
There is both joy for the agreement and grief for a devastating loss in the war-torn nation.
Millions of minorities and Syrians have fled their home countries from the terror of ISIS, leaving everything behind, including family members. In Lebanon alone, nearly one in every five people is a refugee.
Romeijn explains this crisis is different than most others. "One of the things that's overwhelming that we are seeing in this crisis more than some of even the others is that the majority of these families were actually middle-class families before ISIS came in."
The people had secure homes and jobs, but the persecution of ISIS drove them away and cost them everything.
A VBB worker relayed the story of one man who'd saved up $50,000 for retirement. But, ISIS took it all away and left him with nothing.
Yet despite the grief, Romeijn says God is moving. The people are being pushed into areas that are safer from violence and safer to share the gospel. Because less-radical Muslims are being persecuted and fleeing, they are also witnessing the love of God.
"The Muslims are seeing the truth of Islam. They're having their eyes opened, and there's a turning to the gospel in great numbers. The Christians are the ones who are reaching out to people. They're the ones who are there to help."
A revival is taking place as Muslims turn to Christ, and VBB wants to seize the moment that God has given.
VBB has printed 20,000 Arabic New Testament Bibles and is giving them to refugees. The Bibles have study notes in order to make it easier for Muslims to understand.
Romeijn explains a New Testament is currently more beneficial to the people than an entire Bible because they will likely start at the very beginning of the book. A New Testament will immediately tell the gospel story, whereas an entire Bible will contain rules Muslims might get caught up in.
But VBB knows they have more to do. "If you just tell [Muslim refugees] that Jesus loves them and hand them a Bible when they're starving, they can't even comprehend. But we need to meet their physical needs as well."
VBB is meeting physical needs by providing food, clothing, hygiene kits and more. When they see genuine interest and care, Muslims want to hear about the gospel. They're accepting the Bibles graciously, and Romeijn says more than 1,000 have already been handed out by VBB.
Refugees could also use your prayers. After all, only God can bring peace.
"There are over 6 million that have fled. It's obviously not something that one person is going to meet the needs for or one organization. It's got to be the body of Christ."
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"Come to Possess the Land" ✡ Amazing Video of "The Rabbi & the Soldiers" - ISRAEL365

You shall live and increase, and come and possess the Land that God swore to your forefathers.


תִּחְיוּן וּרְבִיתֶם וּבָאתֶם וִירִשְׁתֶּם אֶת הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּע יְ-הוָה לַאֲבֹתֵיכֶם

דברים ח:א

tikh-yun ur-vee-tem u-va-tem vee-rish-tem et ha-a-retz a-sher nish-ba a-do-nai la-a-vo-tay-khem

Today's Israel Inspiration

In Judaism, every Hebrew letter corresponds to a number, in a system known as ‘gematriya’. The number 18 is especially meaningful because it corresponds to the Hebrew letters 'Yud' (10) and 'Khet' (8) which spells חי/chai, meaning ‘life’. In today's verse, the words “You shall live,” directly connect the blessing of life to living in the Land of Israel. We give thanks to God every day not only for our lives, but for allowing us to “live and increase and come and possess the Land!” Stand with the Defenders of life in the State of Israel, the brave young IDF soldiers on the front lines against terror.

The Rabbi and the Soldiers

A very special Rabbi in Israel took care of 700 Israeli Paratroopers during the 2nd Lebanon War, giving spiritual strength and blessings, together with BBQ's and fun, to the brave soldiers. See the miracles these soldiers experience after this encounter!

IDF's "Lone Soldiers"
are Not Alone

Every year thousands of people from all over the world voluntarily choose to serve in the IDF when they immigrate to Israel, often alone. These “lone soldiers”, an official army term, have no family support within Israel.

Soldiers of God Photo Prints

These choices of poignant photos of soldiers invoke the memory of the warrior King David and his yearning for God. Either praying at the Western Wall, or standing in partnership with their religious fellows, these IDF soldiers are depicted encountering God in their everyday life. Dimensions of photo (without border) are 8" x 6"

Today's Israel Photo

No walk in the park, this soldier from the Nahal Infantry Brigade just completed basic training with a 50km march through the Negev Desert, finishing atop Masada!

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo by Boruch Len showed the largest synagogue in the world, the Belz synagogue in Jerusalem. It is a beautiful replica of a synagogue that was destroyed by the Nazis in Belz, Poland. Its rebuilding in the Holy City symbolizes the eternity of the Jewish people.

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The Importance of Unity in the Last Days - The Jim Bakker Show with Doctor Jack Taylor, Michael Snyder, Pastor Sheila Artt

Michael Snyder & Jack Taylor

Watch here: The Importance of Unity in the Last Days - The Jim Bakker Show

Doctor Jack Taylor, Michael Snyder, Pastor Sheila Artt

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2940 | Aired on February 21, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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Arab Journalists Visit Israel, Shocked by Positive Reality - Israel Today

Arab Journalists Visit Israel, Shocked by Positive Reality

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Four Arab journalists who live in Europe and work for major Arabic-language media outlets visited Israel this week and were somewhat surprised to find reality did not match the horrific myths they had been fed all their lives.
“The visit to Israel was exciting and unique. It is a shame that most people in the Arab world are still filled with blind hatred and prejudice toward Israel,” an Iraqi journalist identified as G.M. told Israel’s Ynet news portal.
“This visit to Israel changed the way we think about all of you,” said another of the Arab guests. “We can argue about things, including the Palestinian issue, but we must not fall into the trap of hatred and incitement.”
A third journalist pointed out that the visit had allowed him and his fellow Arab colleagues to “learn things we did not know before. …This trip undoubtedly will allow us to convey a different image of Israel to our readers.”
During the visit, which was organized by Israel’s Foreign Ministry, the Arab journalists were taken to the Holocaust Museum Yad VaShem, the Kneesset and the Supreme Court. They were also given opportunities to speak to average Israelis, both Jews and Arabs, on the streets of Israel’s major cities.
The journalists all asked that their names not be publicized for fear that visiting an “enemy” nation could put their jobs, and even their lives, at risk.
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A Christian in the IDF? What's That Like? - Israel Today

A Christian in the IDF? 

What's That Like?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
A growing number of Jewish and Arab believers in Jesus are serving in the Israeli army, and many are curious what it’s like for these young men and women to be in such a position.
Our favorite Messianic YouTuber Hananya Naftali explains in the video above.
Naftali repeatedly uses the word “Christian” for what most of our readers might consider a “Messianic Jew,” but the fact is that the words are interchangeable linguistically, especially to a Hebrew-speaking audience.
One solid point made by Naftali is that in Israel it is often best to be a witness first in deed, and only then in word. Most Jews have already been told about Jesus, but very few have actually seen his love demonstrated in the actions of the Church.
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What Has Israel Done For You Lately? - Israel Today

What Has Israel Done For You Lately?

Monday, February 22, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Most of the mainstream news regarding Israel is related to conflict, but year after year Israel punches far above its weight in a wide range of other areas. Sadly, far too little of that receives significant media coverage.
Jerusalem Online recently ran an op-ed listing the five top ways that the author of that piece felt Israel had helped the world in 2015.
A summary of that list is as follows:
  1. Israel continues to aid the victims of Syria’s civil war both by granting entry to those in need of urgent medical care and by sending aid teams to refugee camps throughout Europe;
  2. Israeli intelligence played a key role in thwarting a massive ISIS terrorist attack in Germany last November;
  3. Israel was one of the first on the ground and provided a disproportionate amount of assistance when an earthquake ravaged the nation of Nepal;
  4. Israel fed the entire population of Vanuato for a full month after a tropical cyclone devastated the tiny island nation last March;
  5. Israel leads in the battle against the global water crisis by providing innovative solutions to over 150 nations where water is far too scarce.
Of course, this list is by no means comprehensive. Despite Israel’s tiny size, minuscule population and lack of significant natural resources, it routinely contributes disproportionately to the good of the international community.
PHOTO: Israeli soldiers load rescue equipment onto a plane before being dispatched to Nepal following a massive earthquake (Flash90)
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