Wednesday, March 2, 2016


0316 - Bible Readers Map of Palestine



Monthly Report: March 2016
Adar I - Adar II 5776

By Shira Sorko-Ram

No one argues the fact that the Holy Land - along with the rest of the Middle East - was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire for 400 years until the British captured the ancient land of Israel in 1917.

What most people don’t know is that during the Ottoman period, the concept of a nation-state with fixed borders was foreign to Arabs. It was entirely a European concept. Among Arabs, their strongest identity was religion and language, Islam and Arabic. Today Arabs still see themselves as part of the “Arab nation” which is actually made up of 22 Arab states.

It’s not that there was no other identifiable territory in the Middle East. Egypt was Egypt from ancient times. Syria was also a known region. In fact, before the British arrived, Arabs living in and around the Holy Land directed their allegiance to Damascus; they identified themselves as Southern Syrians.

So where did “Palestine” come from? Western maps of Palestine were printed in Bibles, probably from the time there were printing presses. Such maps created in the 19th century are easily found on the Internet. But these maps show primarily the ancient tribes of Israel and their cities and towns, not maps of “Palestine” recording villages and towns existing in the 1800’s.


The name “Palestine” was imposed on the Holy Land by the Roman emperor Hadrian in 135 A.D.

“Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should henceforth be called “Palestine” after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more than 600 years earlier. It was his final twist of the knife and legacy after wars, massacres, persecutions, and exiles that had largely extinguished the Jewish presence from Judea.” (

0316 - Israel Map 1967
As for maps created even in the 1800’s, there was little real-time inhabited areas to record. The fact that God had cursed the actual land of the Israelites because of their sins could be witnessed by anyone who visited there. The land had lain bare and desolate for centuries. (Leviticus 26:32, Jeremiah 18:16 are examples of the curse.)

Travelers like Mark Twain, who visited the area, all testified that few people lived in the Holy Land except for Bedouin crisscrossing the land according to the seasons and small villages scattered here and there.

A travel guide to Palestine and Syria published in 1876 by Karl Baedeker illustrates the fact that even when the Islamic Ottoman Empire ruled the region, the Muslim population in Jerusalem was minimal. But important to history, there were always Jews living in the “Four Holy Cities: Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed and Tiberius.

Baedeker estimated the total population of Jerusalem to be 60,000 - 2 MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT MARCH 2016 By Shira Sorko-Ram 7,000 Muslims, 13,000 Christians and 40,000 Jews. (


In New Testament times, the authors of the Gospels spoke of the people of Israel living in the land of Israel. Matthew records the angel speaking to Joseph in a dream - who was in Egypt with Mary and Baby Yeshua - to return to the land of Israel.

Yeshua, the apostles and the New Testament continued to speak of the Holy Land as Judea, Samaria and Israel. Never Palestine. Speaking of His return in the Last Days, Yeshua said,

But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say to you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, until the Son of man shall have come. (Matthew 10:23)


When the British conquered the Ottoman Empire, they came with their maps and documents designating the land as Palestine. The Arabs were furious. They saw the name coming from the Christian Crusader world and saw it as a victory for the “Zionists.” Not a single prominent Muslim endorsed the renaming of the region as “Palestine” in 1920; all protested it. (

Indeed, for decades other identities - Syrian, Arab, and Muslim - continued to compete with the Palestinian brand.

The next step of Britain and France was to divide up the whole Middle East into different nation-states. They did so according to their own European interests, not necessarily what was good or even natural to the area. Natural divisions would have been more in line with Arab religious sects - such as Shiite, Sunni, Alawite and Druze, etc. Peoples such as the Kurds, who have a very strong identity as a religion, language and a people, were not given their own nation - a huge problem and injustice, even until today. Artificially created states by Europeans is one of the reasons for the instability of the Middle East.


But back to the Palestinians - of which in 1920, there were none. However, major demographic transformation was taking place. Waves of new Arabs began to flood into the area to find jobs as Jewish immigrants rebuilt towns and businesses in the Holy Land after 2000 years in the diaspora.

The return of Jewish people was accompanied by economic prosperity for the region and Arabs migrated to enjoy the higher standard of living.

Winston Churchill said in 1939: “So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.” (


The number of Jews continued to increase in the first decades of the 20th century in spite of the fact that the Turks tried to keep Jews from immigrating or buying property.

When the British mandated the name “Palestine” for the Holy Land, the Jews who arrived called themselves Palestinians. But not the Arabs. In fact, many Jewish institutions in the Biblical land were called Palestinian; “The Jerusalem Post” was called “The Palestine Post” until 1950.

The Arabs, on the other hand, continued to resist the Palestinian name. In 1937, a Palestinian Arab leader named Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi told Britain’s Peel Commission that “there is no such country [as Palestine]! ‘Palestine’ is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria.” (

The facts are incontrovertible. When the Balfour Declaration was written in 1917, there was nary a mention of a Palestinian people, because they simply didn’t exist. The Balfour document spoke of dividing “Palestine” between Jews and Arabs. Likewise, the United Nations in 1947 declared “Palestine” to be divided between Jews and Arabs. No Palestinians in sight.

When I moved to Israel in 1967, after the Six Day War, I had numerous conversations with Arabs living in both Israel proper and the West Bank. I didn’t even hear the term “Palestinian” from any Arabs at that time. There was definitely confusion among Arabs who found themselves suddenly a part of the Israeli nation. 

One Arab born in Israel told me, “I’m not an Arab, I’m a Christian.” Another Muslim acquaintance living on the Mount of Olives told me, “I’m a Jordanian Arab.” That of course was because when the British army withdrew from the Holy Land in 1948, the Jordanian king seized Judea and Samaria and the Old City of Jerusalem. Egypt seized Gaza.


When Israel became a newly-born state in 1948, the Middle East Arabs immediately began to plot the destruction of Israel. This is a hard statement that nations tend to ignore. But it comes from the mouth of the Arab leaders themselves.

Enter Yasser Arafat, a native-born Egyptian with a passion to liberate Palestine from the Jews. After finishing his education in Egypt, he moved to Kuwait and met two official members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. These two men, Abu Iyad and Abu Jihad, later became Arafat’s top aides.

In 1959 when Israel was only 11 years old, Arafat formed an organization called “Fatah,” “dedicated to the liberation of Palestine through armed struggle.”

My own first visit to Israel and Jordan was in 1959. My strongest memory is of the Old City of Jerusalem (then occupied by Jordan) as an absolutely primitive backwater town made up of narrow walking passages and a derelict alley alongside the Western Wall, then called the Wailing Wall. Possibly Arafat was the only human being on earth at that time who might have thought that someday Jerusalem would be an Islamic capital of a Muslim country called Palestine. But this has become the dream and the hope of virtually every Muslim who calls himself a Palestinian in the world today.


When the Middle East Arab countries realized Israel wasn’t going away, in 1964 the Arab League representing all the Arab nations sent representatives to create the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and wrote up its Palestinian National Charter. The Charter defined all of Israel as Palestine, the homeland for the Arabs.

It was this assembly that introduced the “Palestinian people” to the world with its declarations:

  1. All Arab citizens living normally in Palestine up to 1947 are “Palestinians.” (Article 6)

  2. Palestine is an Arab homeland bound to the rest of the Arab countries, which together form the great Arab homeland. (Article 1)

  3. The Balfour Declaration and the UN partitioning of Palestine is null and void. (Article 17-18)

  4. The “Palestinian Arab people” will move forward on the path of al- Jihad until complete and final victory [against the Zionists] has been attained. (Introduction)
As they did when the UN announced the Jewish people would have their own country, now once again, Syria, Jordan and Egypt gathered their armies together to “throw Israel into the sea.” The spring of 1967 found the Israeli people, including their leaders, in great consternation for fear that this time the Arab armed forces might actually destroy Israel.

Instead, in nothing short of one of the most amazing battles in modern history, Israel pushed Jordan out of Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem, including the Western Wall and the Mount of Olives; pushed Syria out of the Golan Heights and pushed Egypt out of Gaza and the Sinai Desert. Israel later returned the Sinai Desert to Egypt in exchange for a peace agreement. In six days! All of these areas “happen” to be land that God solemnly swore to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (later renamed Israel) and their descendants forever.

By now Yasser Arafat had had enough. Two years later through his Fatah organization, he took control of the PLO and began his life-long mission to destroy Israel and settle Palestine with a new “Palestinian people.”


But how to create a Palestinian people when there still wasn’t such a nation? The answer was terror. And so today, Yasser Arafat has the distinction of being the Father of Modern Terrorism. (Is that why he won a Nobel Prize?) He was the first to hijack airplanes. 

He became famous by introducing the term “Palestinian” into the international media lexicon through a series of high-profile acts of violence targeting Israeli civilians, including bombings, cross-border raids and the 1972 Munich Olympic hostage massacre. (I happened to have been in Munich directing a film about the outreach of Youth with a Mission during the Olympics.)

The world took notice. In 1974, the United Nations recognized the PLO as “the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.” (

It was an amazing feat. Through outrageous, savage terrorism, the Palestinian people became a reality in five short years! Check it out for yourself. Once the United Nations recognized the existence of a Palestinian people, Israel was seen as an occupier of an “ancient people” who had lived in Palestine for thousands of years.

But Arafat didn’t stop there. He proclaimed to the whole world that the Jews had never ever lived in Palestine. They were usurpers who only came to settle on the Palestinian people’s land since the late 19th century. He said Jesus was a Palestinian. The Arab world rapidly rewrote their history books.

Arafat learned quickly that every time he initiated a new wave of terror, the world readily gave him more attention, even becoming more sympathetic to Palestinian rights and legitimacy.

Not everything went his way. He was kicked out of Jordan after carving out an independent territory for his fighters. He then moved to Lebanon and started a civil war there, until Israel kicked him out.

But his greatest accomplishment was his ability to create a fictitious narrative that Judea and Samaria, the Old City of Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and Gaza are an inalienable heritage to the ancient Palestinian people. In fact, the Islamic peoples of the world are convinced all of Israel actually belongs to the Palestinian people who have lived in Palestine for thousands of years.

Palestinian nation. A nation that has proclaimed to all the world that no Jew shall ever live there. Now that’s quite an achievement. No wonder this Father of Modern Terrorism is the Father figure to the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria.

Plunging Manufacturing Numbers Mean That It Is Time To Hit The Panic Button For The Global Economy - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

Panic Button On Keyboard - Public Domain

Posted: 01 Mar 2016 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

We haven’t seen numbers like these since the last global recession.  I recently wrote about how global trade is imploding all over the planet, and the same thing is true when it comes to manufacturing.  We just learned that manufacturing in China has now been contracting for seven months in a row, and as you will see below, U.S. manufacturing is facing “its toughest period since the global financial crisis”.  

Yes, global stocks have bounced back a bit after experiencing dramatic declines during January and the first part of February, and this is something that investors are very happy about.  But that does not mean that the crisis is over.  All bear markets have their ups and downs, and this one will not be any different.  

Meanwhile, the cold, hard economic numbers that keep coming in are absolutely screaming that a new global recession is here.

Just consider what is happening in China.  Manufacturing activity continues to implode, and factories are shedding jobs at the fastest pace since the last financial crisis
Chinese manufacturing suffered a seventh straight month of contraction in February.
China’s official Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) stood at 49.0 in February, down from the previous month’s reading of 49.4 and below the 50-point mark that separates growth from contraction on a monthly basis.
A private survey also showed China’s factories shed jobs at the fastest rate in seven years in February, raising doubts about the government’s ability to reduce industry overcapacity this year without triggering a sharp jump in unemployment.
For years, the expansion of the Chinese economy has helped fuel global economic growth. But now things have shifted dramatically.

At this point, things are already so bad that the Chinese government is admitting that millions of workers are going to lose their jobs at state-controlled industries in China…
China’s premier told visiting U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew on Monday his government is pressing ahead with painful reforms to shrink bloated coal and steel industries that are a drag on its slowing economy and ruled out devaluing its currency as a short-cut to boosting exports.
Premier Li Keqiang’s comments to Lew on Monday were in line with a joint declaration by financial officials from the Group of 20 biggest rich and developing economies who met over the weekend in Shanghai. They pledged to avoid devaluations to boost sagging trade and urged governments to speed up reforms to boost slowing global growth.
Across all state-controlled industries, as many as six million workers could be out of a job, with almost two million in the coal industry alone.
But it isn’t just China.  Right now manufacturing activity is slowing down literally all over the planet, and this is exactly what we would expect to see if a new global recession had begun.  The following chart and analysis come from Zero Hedge
As the below table shows, 28 regions have reported so far. Seven saw improvements in their manufacturing sectors in February, twenty recorded a weakening, and India was unchanged. 
This means that over 70% of the world saw manufacturing sentiment deteriorate in February compared to January.

February Manufacturing Numbers - Zero Hedge

In terms of actual expansion, there were 21 countries in positive territory and 7 in negative. In particular, Greece moved from neutral to contraction territory, while Taiwan dropped below breakeven from expansion.
Unfortunately, most Americans don’t really pay much attention to what is going on in the rest of the world.  For most of us, what really matters is what is happening inside the good ole USA.
And of course the news is not good.  There were more signs of trouble for U.S. manufacturing in the February numbers, and this continues a trend that stretches back well into last year.  The following is what Chris Williamson, the chief economist at Markit, had to say about these numbers
“The February data add to signs of distress in the US manufacturing economy. Production and order book growth continues to worsen, led by falling exports. Jobs are being added at a slower pace and output prices are dropping at a rate not seen since mid-2012.
“The deterioration in the manufacturing sector’s performance since mid-2014 has broadly tracked the dollar’s rise, which makes US goods more expensive in overseas markets and leads US consumers to favour cheaper imported goods.
“With other headwinds including the downturn in the oil sector, heightened uncertainty due to financial market volatility, global growth worries and growing concerns about the presidential election, it’s no surprise that the manufacturing sector is facing its toughest period since the global financial crisis.
Over the past couple of decades, the U.S. economy has lost tens of thousands of manufacturing facilities.  We desperately need a manufacturing renaissance – not another manufacturing decline.

As good paying manufacturing jobs have been shipped overseas, they have been replaced by low paying service jobs.  As a result, the middle class is shrinking and the ranks of the poor are exploding.

It is hard to believe, but today more than 45 million Americans are on food stamps, and a significant percentage of those individuals actually have jobs.  They are called “the working poor”, and it is becoming a major crisis in this nation.

And no matter what Obama may say, unemployment remains a major problem in the United States as well.  At this point, unemployment rates in 36 states are higher than they were just before the last recession hit in 2008.

Of course a lot of people are going to look at this article and will point to the stock market gains of the past couple of weeks as evidence that “things are getting better”.  It is this kind of clueless approach that is keeping the American people from coming together on solutions to our problems.

The truth is that the United States has been experiencing economic decline for decades.  Our economic infrastructure has been gutted, the middle class is steadily deteriorating, and we have amassed the biggest pile of debt in the history of the world.

Anyone that believes that things are “just fine” is in a massive state of denial.  Consuming far more wealth than we produce is not a formula for a sustainable economy, and it is just a matter of time before we find this out the hard way.


Is it any wonder anti-Semitism is growing?

The Real Reason Anti-Semitism Exists

Is it any wonder anti-Semitism is growing? (

Standing With Israel
This month (March 23-24) is the celebration of Purim. Most people do not notice that the book of Esther takes place at the same time as the prophetic books of Zechariah and Haggai. What is the significance of this timing?
In the books of Zechariah and Haggai, we find a small, Jewish remnant having returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the altar, the Temple and the city. In the book of Esther, we find a worldwide wave of anti-Semitism coming out of Persia (ancient Iran). There is a connection between the two.
The restoration of Jerusalem represents the advancement of the kingdom of God. The wave of anti-Semitism is an evil movement that represents a spiritual attack on that kingdom restoration. The restoration of a faithful remnant in Jerusalem fuels the hatred against the Jewish people. The destruction of the kingdom remnant in Jerusalem is the goal of international anti-Semitism and genocide.  
We see a similar pattern today that has a similar prophetic significance. The nation of Israel has been restored, even with Jerusalem as its capital. The Messianic remnant of faith within Israel is being restored at the same time. There is a worldwide movement of propaganda and terror whose central aim is to discredit Jewish claims to Jerusalem and to destroy Israel.
Both in the time of Zechariah and today, the logic of this spiritual warfare has to do with stopping the return of Messiah. The first restoration of Israel led to the first coming of Yeshua. The second restoration will lead to the second coming of Yeshua.
Yeshua indicated in Matthew 23:39 that His return will be at the response to the nation of Israel—especially Jerusalem—calling for His return with the cry of "Blessed be He who comes in the name of YHVH." The nation of Israel is in place; a Messianic Jewish remnant in Israel and Jerusalem is growing little by little.
The devil knows his time is short and therefore is hysterical, panicking and angry (Rev. 12:12). Therefore, such demonic hatred, lies and murder are being released against the plan of God. This is the hidden spiritual cause of much of the evil happening in world politics today.
For the original article, visit
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Keep Israel in your sights with Israel Today! - Israel Today Staff

Keep Israel in your sights with Israel Today!

Wednesday, March 02, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
News from Israel is such a hot commodity and, with the Mainstream Media trying to outdo each other to cover events from the "Holy Land", quite often truth and objectivity becomes one the victims.
Israel Today readers and subscribers know that our news directly from Jerusalem is reliable. So why seek further afield?
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Survey Shows Messianic IDF Soldiers Share Their Faith - Israel Today Staff

Survey Shows Messianic IDF Soldiers Share Their Faith

Wednesday, March 02, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The Israeli Messianic community website and news portal Kehila News Israel (KNI) has published a survey showing that not only do young Messianic Jews serving in the Israeli army boldly share their faith, but they generally receive positive reactions when doing so.
KNI conducted the survey in cooperation with the various local ministries that host events for young soldiers.
A whopping 96 percent of respondents said their fellow soldiers know they are followers of Yeshua. Perhaps even more encouraging is that 65 percent said reactions to their faith have been positive, even inquisitive.
Israeli Messianic Jews proudly serve in the IDF just like everyone else, and the growing number of believers in the military was demonstrated by the fact that 30 percent of survey respondents said there is at least one more fellow believer in their unit.
Head on over to Kehila News to see the full results of the survey.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Report: Israel-Turkey to announce “normalization of relations” in coming days - TV7 Jerusalem


Report: Israel-Turkey to announce “normalization of relations” in coming days

A normalization to the Israeli-Turkish relations seems to be nearing as several reports point to an already formulated agreement, which is expected to be announced by both Ankara and Jerusalem in the “next few days.”
TV7 was informed on the matter a couple of weeks ago, when a Turkish official confirmed that both countries have already reached an understanding, and even know the names of the ambassadors whom will assume the roles in both countries. 
The official noted that both sides were “trying to gain as much as possible out of the negotiations” before reaching a finalized and strategic accord. Another a report last night, published by the the Turkish daily Hurriyet, the newspaper quoted Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu during a cabinet meeting in Ankara last week, during which he said the talks were nearing the end, noting that both respective governments would inform their public, in the next few days.


The first thing you must do to steward a prophetic word is to examine it.

How to Steward Prophetic Words

The first thing you must do to steward a prophetic word is to examine the vessel. (Lightstock)

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Prophecy is a very special gift that is given to the church to edify, exhort and comfort the people of God (1 Cor. 14:3). When a church, a ministry or a person embraces a prophetic spirit, there are great revelation, direction and strength that are released.
The prophetic ministry has the potential to be a powerful catalyst of change and progress to the body of Christ. The enemy hates authentic prophetic ministry and will do all that he can to sow seeds of discord and confusion.
"Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophecies. Examine all things. Firmly hold onto what is good" (1 Thess. 5:19-21, MEV).
We are given three instructions in these verses:
1. Do not quench the Spirit! There is so much more that is available to us when we step into the realm of the Spirit.
2. Do not despise the prophetic! No matter how messy it gets or what mistakes are made, we are told to value the flow of prophetic gifts.
3. Prove all things and hold fast to the good. We must learn to discern the real gift of prophecy in our lives.
When we receive a personal prophetic word, we are accountable to properly steward it! Many people have received volumes of prophetic words that have not produced fruit in their lives.
Why? I believe a common reason for unfruitful prophetic words is that we have failed to properly steward what the Lord has said to us. A prophetic word is not the destination but simply the gateway. It is an invitation to the journey but the way we navigate the journey will determine how and if we arrive at the final destination.
The first thing that you must do to steward a personal prophecy is to judge it. Is it a true word from the Lord? Here are some simple tips to recognize and judge personal prophecy:
1. Examine the vessel. The first question to ask is: "Who gave you the word and how was it delivered?" Why is this important? Many times, a wrong word is evidenced by the way it is delivered. I have seen many "parking lot prophets" who roam from church to church to engage in a renegade prophetic ministry that operates outside of any blessing from the house. This creates conflict by speaking to the ambitions of people instead of pure prophetic declaration.
"We ask you, brothers, to acknowledge those who labor among you, and are appointed over you in the Lord, and instruct you" (1 Thess. 5:12, MEV).
You should have some knowledge of a person's character before allowing them to speak into your life. People who claim to be prophets yet disrespect order, tearing down more than they ever build up, are indeed deceived. The problem that arises is that sometimes a deceived person still has an accurate gift that will draw people in.
How can this be?
There are two answers:
  • The gifts and calling of God are without repentance (Rom. 11:29). Simply put, God doesn't remove a gift because a person gets in error. It is quite possible for someone to speak out a prophecy with accuracy but have poor fruit. The other important thing to know is that the highest level of prophetic operation is not just revealing the desires of a human heart; it is releasing the heart of the Father and revealing the end of the matter! Many times, personal prophecy also contains a dimension of rebuke in order to align the recipient with God's heart and plan for him.
  • There is a false spirit in operation. There are many people out there who have opened themselves up to wrong spirits. These individuals have communication in the spirit realm with demonic spirits. They can give accurate information but cannot release the Father's heart because they are blocked by their deception. On more than one occasion, I have seen a spirit of divination operating through someone and mimicking the prophetic. The end result is destruction, which is why knowing the fruit and doing things in order are so important.
2. Judge all prophecies by the written Word of God. "But the one who lacks these things is blind and shortsighted because he has forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins" (2 Pet. 1:9, MEV).
"I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, 'See that you not do that. I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy'" (Rev. 19:10, MEV).
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1, MEV).
No prophetic word should disagree with the written Word of God. In fact, the church should actively examine prophetic utterances to make sure that they are in line with God's Word and boldly toss out any that are not. For example, if a person prophesies that a married person is to leave their spouse and marry someone else, that prophecy is a blatant deception and witchcraft at work. If a renegade tries to prophesy to a church member that God wants them to rebel against the leaders, again, this prophecy is a deception and false spirit. Never accept a prophetic word that cannot be properly judged by God's Word.
3. Is it something that God has already been speaking to you? Ask yourself if the word confirms something you've already felt led to do. For example, a person owns a business that God clearly directed him to have and God told him that it is a place of fruitfulness and ministry for him. Then he gets a prophecy that he is to sell the business and start a church. He should never just run out and do that. If the prophetic word does not bear witness in the inner man, then either put it on the shelf, as it could be for a future time, or throw it out. Never make a major decision based on a single prophetic word without any leading of the Spirit in your own life!
4. Get wise counsel. Take the word to trusted advisers and ask them to judge it. "For by wise counsel you will wage your war, and in multitude of counselors there is safety" (Prov. 24:6, MEV).
When judging a personal prophecy, honor your spiritual relationships and seek the input of these trusted individuals. If your parents are godly people, ask them what they think. If you are married, and your spouse is serving the Lord, seek his input. The people who know you best and are committed to God's will for you can often see things that you may not see. Also, seek the input of your spiritual leadership. Go to your pastor or apostolic leadership and ask him for insight. So many times I have seen a prophecy steer someone in the wrong direction and then this person's lack of communication with godly leaders empowered the deception. 
Once you have discerned that the prophetic word is accurate and speaking to you, then you must steward it.
1. Write it down, record it and keep it in front of you! This is key. You must have a record of the word in order to partner with it.
2. Pray over the word and then declare the word over your life! I have found many times that as I have taken a prophetic word and prayed over it, the Father then gives me further instruction and more direction. This is so vital to steward a prophetic word. Also, the word brings faith and power into your life. Speak the word over your life.
3. Look for promptings and instructions. Most big, bold prophetic words contain miraculous breakthroughs that are beyond human efforts. There are certain promises that take God's power to fulfill. You cannot make the fulfillment happen, but you can obey small, daily instructions and take steps of faith as you advance in the will of God for your life. For example, if the word is about financial breakthrough, it may be that the Lord deals with you about sowing and stewardship. Listen for His instructions. Many times, prophetic words create forward motion in your life.
4. Rest in faith and patience. You cannot tell God when or how the word comes to pass. You must rest in the reality that in the spirit, the fulfillment of the word is done! That is what faith is—the realization that it is finished. There is no worry about the matter when you are in faith. Our Father partners with patience. Patience is the ability to wait without being anxious. There are many lessons in the process of waiting. Find the beauty in the journey and trust God with the timing.
Let's value the prophetic words spoken over us and fight for them to come to pass! We can all learn to do better in stewarding the move of God and His promises in our lives.
Ryan LeStrange started in ministry after training and serving under his spiritual father Dr. Norvel Hayes. Ryan and his wife, Joy, lead Impact International Ministries based in Bristol, Virginia, which consists of several local churches and revival ministries. Through Ryan LeStrange Ministries, he travels the globe preaching, igniting revival and moving in the power of God. Ryan can be seen weekly on his television program, Power 4 Today, airing around the world on GodTV. He is the founder and apostle of Impact International Apostolic Fellowship, networking and fathering ministers around the world. Ryan has authored several books releasing an apostolic and prophetic perspective to the body of Christ. Please visit
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