Friday, March 4, 2016

Shabbat Shalom ✡ "A Willing Heart" - ISRAEL365

And they came, both men and women,
as many as were willing-hearted, and brought
nose-rings, and earrings, and signet rings, and girdles, all jewels of gold; even every man that brought an offering of gold unto the LORD.

וַיָּבֹאוּ הָאֲנָשִׁים עַל-הַנָּשִׁים כֹּל נְדִיב לֵב הֵבִיאוּ חָח וָנֶזֶם וְטַבַּעַת וְכוּמָז כָּל-כְּלִי זָהָב וְכָל-אִישׁ אֲשֶׁר הֵנִיף תְּנוּפַת זָהָב לַי-הוָה

שמות לה:כב

va-ya-vo-u ha-a-na-sheem al ha-na-sheem; kol n'-deev layv hay-vee-u khakh va-ne-zem v'-ta-ba-at v'-khu-maz kol k'-lee za-hav v'-khol eesh a-sher hay-neef t'-nu-fat za-hav la-a-do-nai

Shabbat Inspiration

Often, it is the success of a project that history records. When great kings of antiquity built monuments to celebrate victories or to worship a pagan god, we know nothing of the ordinary people who participated in the construction. In fact, it is likely that these temples and monuments were built by slaves who were forced to labor with great suffering to build a magnificent structure at the whim of their master. Not so the Tabernacle. It is a simple structure constructed of items easily found in ordinary households – fabrics and skins and jewelry. And Scripture stresses that it is built through donations, simple items brought by ordinary people, as their hearts and spirits moved them, to take part in the building of a structure that would serve as their center of worship, their vehicle to reach God. Learn more in The Israel Bible, containing the original Hebrew text and a classic English translation, alongside commentary to better illustrate the significance of the Land of Israel.

WATCH: 100 New Ways to be Inspired by Israel

An Israeli contest set out to encourage people worldwide who love Israel to create brief videos featuring positive messages about the country. Here are just a few of the inspiring clips!

Weekly Torah Portion: Symbolism in the Tabernacle

The Tabernacle and its vessels are rife with symbolism and lessons. The woven fabrics of the Tabernacle were so unique, that when similar fabrics are described in the Book of Esther as adorning King Ahasuerus’s palace, the Sages learned that the Temple treasures which were looted during the fall of the Judean Kingdom made their way to the Persian treasury.

Music CD by Lazer Lloyd

Song artist Lazer Lloyd is known for combination of blues, folk, rock, and jazz. He eventually developed a unique style that incorporated all of these influences into his emotive blues all of which stem from his religious outlook on life. Inspired by his mentor Shlomo Carlebach, he moved to Israel where he expanded his musical career. This album mixes the Jewish soul and electric blues which stamps it as uniquely Lazer Lloyd.

Today's Israel Photo

A beautiful and soothing sunset at the historic harbor of Caesarea by Noam Chen.

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Shalom, Greetings from Australia. I support God's people. May God bless you and keep you in His perfect peace. I pray Psalm 91 over Israel. I love learning all about God's blessed Nation and its people. Thank you for this connection. Theresa

Shalom Rabbi, I'm Alexandra Coetzee Govender from South Africa. I also just happen to fervently love Israel and her people. Just to let you know I thoroughly enjoy reading whatever you've put on the net. Incidently, I'm a Christian Friends of Israel, South Africa. Wishing you well, Shalom
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Newsboys Premier Exclusive Music Video For Their Single "Guilty"- NEWSBOYS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

If you were to draw up a blueprint for a successful music career, the final plans couldn't help but resemble Newsboys' trajectory. They've defined Christian music for more than two decades, only to blow up expectations as they've recreated themselves again and again. Impossible to pin down, these musical shapeshifters move fluidly between rock and pop, worship and dance, to the delight of their legion of fans. Their live shows exhibit a kind of energy that, if it could be bottled, would power entire cities.
While the recognition for all their hard work is nice, the band isn't in it for the accolades. Instead, lead vocalist Michael Tait, guitarist Jody Davis, keyboardist Jeff Frankenstein and drummer Duncan Phillips do what they do out of love: love for God, love for their fans and love for the simple act of making music. Love is an emotion they believe we need more of in this increasingly dark world. They're so passionate about the idea that they titled their new album Love Riot.
"When I speak from stage, I often talk about love," says Tait of the album's inspiration. "Darkness has been so prevalent in our culture. Let's have a love riot—it's time."
For inspiration for their latest musical endeavor, they looked around at the good that's already being done, people who are shining examples of love both in their own backyard and around the world. The album celebrates those selfless acts, while also aiming to inspire the Church to refocus on this cornerstone of our faith.
"What makes Christianity different than every other faith is that it's built on love," Phillips reminds. "We were shown the greatest love from our Savior, but the Church hasn't always done a great job of loving people."
Love Riot hopes to change that.
The album is highlighted by the first single, "Guilty," the theme song of Pure Flix's upcoming motion picture "God's Not Dead 2."
"As a band, our primary goal is to communicate a powerful message through music," says Newsboys' Michael Tait. "With 'Guilty,' we wanted to deliver an anthem that carries an important message for today. 'Guilty' is a song for all Christians, as we seek to honor God each day in every way, no matter the cost. We pray it will help encourage and empower Believers—in our country and around the world—to live boldly for Him." 
In addition to the song, Newsboys are set to return to the big screen with a special appearance in "God's Not Dead 2," the sequel to the 2014 hit Pure Flix film in which the band made their onscreen debut. "God's Not Dead 2" hits theatres around the country beginning April 1, 2016, and stars Melissa Joan Hart, Jesse Metcalfe, David A.R. White, Sadie Robertson, Robin Givens and Fred Thompson, among others. The music video featured here includes a first look at footage from the film where key characters wrestle with their faith, and seek out answers to their questions about who God is.
From the brand new album "Love Riot." In stores everywhere now!
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

The Economic Collapse Of South America Is Well Underway - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

Earth - Our World - Public Domain

Posted: 03 Mar 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

The 7th largest economy on the entire planet is completely imploding.  I have written previously about the economic depression that is plaguing Brazil, but since my last article it has gotten much, much worse.  During 2015, Brazil’s economy shrank by 3.8 percent, but for the most recent quarter the decline was 5.89 percent on a year over year basis.  Unemployment is rising rapidly, the inflation rate is up over 10 percent, and Brazilian currency has lost 24 percent of its value compared to the U.S. dollar over the past 12 months.

At this point, Brazil is already experiencing its longest economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, and things are getting worse for ordinary Brazilians every single day.  The following comes from CNN
But with Brazil plunging into its worst recession in over two decades — hopes for a brighter future are fading. The Brazilian economy shrank 3.8% in 2015, according to government data published Thursday. That’s the biggest annual drop since 1990 and the country is in its longest recession since the 1930s.
I have never seen anything like this,” said Alves, 24, as he stood on his balcony overlooking Rocinha, a massive lower middle class neighborhood or favela in Rio de Janeiro where he grew up. “My parents would tell me about hard times, but today it is really tough. Prices are going up every day.”
So how did this happen?

Well, there are a couple of factors that are really hurting South American economies.
Number one, during the “boom years” governments and businesses in South America absolutely gorged on debt.  Unfortunately, many of those loans were denominated in U.S. dollars, and now that the U.S. dollar has appreciated greatly against local South American currencies it is taking far more of those local currencies to service and pay back those debts.

Number two, collapsing prices for oil and other commodities have been absolutely brutal for South American economies.  They rely very heavily on exporting commodities to the rest of the world, and so at the same time their debt problems are exploding they are getting a lot less money for the oil and industrial commodities that they are trying to sell to North America, Asia and Europe.

I want you to pay close attention to the following chart and analysis from Zero Hedge.  As you can see, the economic problems in Brazil appear to be greatly accelerating…
“The Brazilian economic downturn took a real turn for the worse in February,” according to Markit’s Composite PMI, which collapsed to record lows at 39.0. Despite a slightly less bad than expected GDP print this morning (still down a record 5.89% YoY), hope was quickly extinguished as PMIs showed economic activity continuing to contract at a record pace, job losses accelerating, and manufacturing’s collapse accelerating. As Market sums up, “With the global economy also showing signs of slowing, which will impact on external demand, it looks as if the downturn is set to continueto run its course in the coming months.”
             GDP was a disaster (but better than expected)

Brazil GDP - Zero Hedge 
And of course Brazil is not the only South American economy that is a basket case right now.  In fact, things in Venezuela are far worse.  In 2015, the Venezuelan economy shrunk by 10 percent, and the official rate of inflation was a staggering 181 percent.
Could you imagine living in an economy with a 181 percent inflation rate? 

As prices have escalated out of control, citizens have attempted to hoard basic supplies in advance, and this has resulted in food shortages that are absolutely frightening
Cardboard signs on the door warning of “No bread” have become increasingly common at Venezuelan bakeries.
Venezuela gets 96 percent of its foreign currency from oil exports, and as crude prices have plunged, so have the country’s imports — among them wheat.
The leftist government of President Nicolas Maduro has tightly controlled access to hard currency, and this has affected imports ranging from medicine to toilet paper. Now it is seriously affecting imports of wheat, which Venezuela does not grow.
Add to this the soaring inflation rate — 181 percent in 2015, the world’s highest — and you see why customers are mainly interested in buying basic food items such as bread.
Here in the United States, there are still people who doubt that an economic crisis is happening.

But in Venezuela and Brazil there is no debate.

Unfortunately, what is happening in Venezuela and Brazil is also slowly starting to happen to most of the rest of the planet as well.  It is just that they are a little farther down the road.  Economic and financial bubbles are bursting all over the world, and I like how author Vikram Mansharamani described this phenomenon during a recent interview with CNBC
Deflationary tides are lapping the shores of countries across the world and financial bubbles are set to burst everywhere, Vikram Mansharamani, a lecturer at Yale University, told CNBC on Thursday.
I think it all started with the China investment bubble that has burst and that brought with it commodities and that pushed deflation around the world and those ripples are landing on the shore of countries literally everywhere,” the high-profile author and academic said at the Global Financial Markets Forum in Abu Dhabi.
And of course the evidence of what Mansharamani was talking about is all around us.

Just this week we found out that Chinese state industries plan to lay off five to six million workers, U.S. factory orders have now fallen for 15 months in a row, and the corporate default rate in the United States has now risen above where it was at when Lehman Brothers collapsed.

There are some people that would like to point to the fact that stocks have bounced back a bit over the past couple of weeks as evidence that the crisis is over.

If they want to believe that, they should go ahead and believe that.

Unfortunately, the truth is that the hard economic numbers that are coming in from all over the world tell us very clearly that global economic activity is slowing down significantlyA new global recession has already begun, and the pain that is already being felt all over the planet is just the beginning of what is coming.

Rick Joyner - Army of the Dawn (Day 2) The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Rick Joyner - Army of the Dawn (Day 2) The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker, Rick Joyner

Taught his players to listen.

Rick Joyner

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2943 | Aired on March 3, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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© Morris E. Ruddick

Ghandi once commented that the teachings of Jesus are beautiful. His caveat was that if only he could find one real Christian.

Ghandi's claim was that he liked Christ, but that the Jesus followers he had met were unlike Him. His observation is a reflection of what the world sees in the faith that believers put in action.

Yet, Abraham was viewed as a prince by the sons of Heth, one of the dominant societies in his region The powerful biblical leader Abimelech's response to Isaac, Abraham's son was: "We see that the Lord has been with you. Let us make a covenant that you do us no harm." Pharaoh's discernment of Joseph was: "Can we find such a man as this, one in whom is the spirit of God?"

What Jesus imparted was not a philosophy or new religion. It was a dimension of reality bridging the natural and the spiritual. It was a reality, a threshold in God, that impacted everything. From the early days of God's people walking with Him, this reality of God, seen through His people, was recognized and acknowledged with awe as God manifesting. This dimension, this corridor of walking with God incorporated the knowledge of God with His ways, His truth.

It was this dimension that Jesus referred to as the Kingdom of God. It is both the gateway and pathway into knowing God. It involves what Jesus referred to as "abiding" or the process of abandoning ourselves to become one with God.

Jewish Foundations

This truth came from the foundations of what Jesus referred to as the law and prophets, which He noted that He had not come to change. They are foundational.

Jesus spoke very clearly to the issue of these foundations, of what we refer to as "our faith." As a Jew, Jesus made the point that He had come to bring completion to what Jews referred to as "the law," or the Torah and the prophets.

Yet, what followed digressed into the institutionalization of "the faith." This institutionalizing of the faith resulted in the loss of two key things: the foundations and the power that resulted, the result when what Jesus imparted is truly grasped and set in motion.

The Struggle for the Foundations

Instead, historically one generation beyond those of the first-century church and those so remarkably touched by this new dimension of the foundations, began seeing the replacement of the power of God with human effort. While retaining some of the essence of the faith, the effect lost the vibrancy of the foundations. The progressively embattled result became something akin to the settling of the wild west in America, which was polluted with lawlessness and corruption.

What played out in the next couple of centuries among the followers of Jesus was a serious division over matters foundational to the faith and with that a struggle for power.

When the foundations are restored, the Jesus I know and serve will not be misperceived as the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ or as having His birthplace in the Vatican. Jesus was a good Jewish boy who God sovereignly entrusted to a good Jewish home. He grew up expounding on the "law and the prophets."

However, in the early fourth century the struggle that ensued between those who adhered to the foundations and those who were institutionalizing the church converged with an unusual Roman emperor whose mother was reported to be a believer. In response to a battle he won, the emperor Constantine made Christianity the religion of his realm and in the process, he sided with the institutionalizers.

In that process, the Jewish foundations of the faith were expunged. The church that resulted started opposing anything related to the Jewishness of the good news, this fullness to the foundations laid out by Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.

This shift from the foundations marked the beginning of what some refer to as the dark ages. It resulted in a growing number of church leaders and sects taking a stand against Jews and anything Jewish tied to the "faith." It progressively produced deep rifts in the relationship with any of the Jewish faith with atrocities that created ripples that extend to this day.

The Foundations Recovered

Yet today, God is not only sovereignly restoring the Jewish roots to Christianity, but the biblical foundations of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to the Jewish people. These Jewish roots to the faith represent the foundations to be recovered. They are what was missing and caused Ghandi to say he liked Christ, but did not consider any of the Jesus followers he had met to be like Him.

To understand these foundations, how they affect what Jesus referred to as "the Kingdom" and how they impact every aspect of our lives: the mix of the economic, culture and power, we need to begin with the patriarch Abraham. Abraham is considered the father of the Jewish people. But before we talk about Abraham and how this all started, I'd like to outline some of the factors that are pertinent to this culture of business navigated by the people the world has accepted as being a people of business, the Jews.

The People of Business

Over the millennia the Jewish people not only have succeeded in retaining their cultural identity, but with disproportionate achievement have served as catalysts and influencers to the civilizations that would rise and fall around them, like the Greeks, the Romans, the Assyrians, the Ottomans, the Babylonians and others.

Historically, in civilizations without a middle class, the Jewish people have served that function, as merchants and bankers and people of business. They have been advisors to kings, rulers and leaders and financed national agendas in the societies in which they lived.

Yet, as a people, Jews have been distinctive. As a people, they have released nuggets of wisdom from the roots of their faith that have impacted the foundations: economically, governmentally, judicially, and morally, for what is now considered as the good and enduring virtues and values within Western civilization.

Today, despite being only one-fourth of one percent of the world's population, since 1950, Jews have been the recipients of 27 percent of the Nobel prizes awarded. Studies such as "The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement" and "Startup Nation" attest to their modern-day contributions, which statisticians would view as "beyond chance expectation."

In short, Jewish strategies have resulted in them outliving, as a people, the civilizations of which they have been a part. The keys to this remarkable phenomenon lie in the restoration of the foundations and its long-term, enduring model.

Pertinent Ancient Foundations

Identity. As already noted, at the foundations of Jewish culture is their identity. Jews hold to the belief of being a prophetic people of God whose ways reflect the pattern of their forefather Abraham: to be blessed to be a blessing. This distinction has been both unique and pertinent to their destiny. For the most part, they have resisted assimilation and from age to age they have maintained their unique identity as a culture within a culture.

Jews share with many Asian cultures the distinction of having had their share of centuries as a conquered people, yet without losing their foundations culturally that have made them unique and strong. Jewish and Asian diasporas share in both having retained their cultural identities and serving as positive influencers to the cultures of which they have become a part.

Community. Jewish beliefs nurture the dynamic of community much more than Western cultures. Historically Jews are an Eastern culture. As a culture within a culture, Jewish communities tend to operate with an approach of being a trust society. They foster entrepreneurship and creativity from within and build incisively from the bottom-up.

Self-Sufficiency. Within that context, community-wise, when adhering to their standards, they operate in a self-regulated, self-sufficiency within their communities. Self sufficiency will result from discipline, excellence and dependable stewardship. It is why Jews have succeeded even when the societies around them have made untenable legal requirements and even contained them within ghettos. Even during severe times of persecution, Jews typically have mastered fostering the type of stewardship that serves and reflects excellence, while profiting and overcoming.

Gifts.  Jewish communities are known for nurturing and mentoring emerging generations to excel as individuals, yet for the benefit of community. Everyone has a gift. First defining one's gift and then developing it to where what is being done stands out in excellence among others represents something that can be successfully commercialized. It is also the foundation of true leadership.

Leadership. The Jewish brand of leadership has the distinction of operating best through influence and service. Jesus described this brand of influence as being the salt of the earth, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. As a people, Jews are disciplined and are willing to pay the cost to live according to a higher standard, as well as to sacrifice for the future of their people.

Moral Standards. With many similarities to the ancient roots of some key Asian peoples, Jews are a moral society. Their distinctive identity upholds the standards of community, entrepreneurship, innovation, excellence and industriousness. While not exempt from corruption, Jewish standards in business, community and seats of power do tend to be higher, with corrupt practices less tolerated.

However, these moral standards are significant. They form a part of knowing God's ways. They explain why certain Asian cultures have excelled in business without knowing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, moral standards are only a part of God's ways. That's the point of taking a closer look at the foundations embraced by Jews.

These observations provide the practical keys to opportunity. A recent Wall Street Journal article (Vietnamese Lessons for Burma, Chin and Collazo, 20 Nov 2013) has challenged whether Vietnam's doi moi economic reforms have lost their momentum and Vietnam, Asia's shining star for foreign investment, its advantage.

The answer lies within. Foreign investment will stir the economy, but building an enduring economy will follow the wisdom from the Jews, from within. That brings us back to the issue of the foundations and business. Jews have mastered the way they merge the economic with community and the spiritual.

Bottom-Up Foundations

Long-term economic growth that helps society as a whole requires bottom-up economic foundations. This doesn't discount either the opportunity or importance of leveraged development from top-down investment activity or business accelerator strategies.
Nevertheless, while the term "start-ups" and "small business" in the West has tended to embrace a threshold of anything under 20 million USD annually; the threshold tied to the foundations that has evolved from the people of business needs to be lower.

Healthy economic structures need to foster family-owned businesses that employ a handful of employees and serve a local neighborhood. In places like Vietnam, the reality is that a healthy ratio of Vietnam's GDP (roughly a fourth) comes from what has begun being referred to as the "sidewalk economy."

Historically in the West, some of the current, longest-lasting, more stable, larger organizations have grown from very humble beginnings. Ford Motor Company began in a garage. Again, this premise reflects the centuries-old approach employed by the people whose renown has been as a people of business and finance: the Jews.
What is most pertinent and warrants examination is the Jewish model which merges the spiritual, economic and community. From age to age, this model has operated with consistent success despite adversities and the very different, but dominant cultures of which Jews have been a part.

Cultural Compatibility and Entrepreneurship

A highly respected social economist has uncovered some unique insights into these issues in his examination of economies and cultures in "Trust: Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity." Francis Fukuyama contends that social capital may be as important as physical capital.

Dr. Fukuyama holds that only societies with a high degree of social trust will create the foundations needed for the large-scale business organizations that compete in today's global economy.

Nevertheless, large-scale organizations are only a part of the equation. Former Cambridge University entrepreneurial expert and author, Bill Bolton, stresses the importance of the creative and innovative dimensions which drive economic opportunity and the dynamic of entrepreneurship.

The challenge lies in the foundation of the economic structure. While the West has repeatedly gone through a process of reinventing the venture capital and "accelerator" investment models for fast-growth organizations; investment trends can be fickle and at times, abruptly cyclic. The reality is that without a firm foundation of entrepreneurship with community-level businesses; the economic structure will eventually soften and become top-heavy.

So, in wrapping up this brief introduction to Jewish business secrets, I want you to view this as a journey that we're taking together. We're going to look at foundations that fit into three categories: the spiritual, the entrepreneurial and the community and how they relate together.

What I'm outlining is a way of thinking. It taps the creative. It bears on your gifts, which we'll also talk more about. But more importantly it significantly impacts what we each call our destinies.

In this series, some of the highlights we will be addressing include both very practical and foundational issues like:
  • The Model: The God-Centered, Entrepreneurial, Community Matrix
  • Your Destiny Gifts: Developing your natural, spiritual and entrepreneurial gifts
  • Entrepreneurship and God's Economy: Create, innovate, build, multiply
  • Anointed Planning:  Learning to plan with God's guidance
  • Financial Stewardship:  The pathway to mastering financial cycles and growth
  • The Dynamic of Increase: Community responsibility and generosity
  • The Creative Advantage: Practical application of harnessing the spiritual
  • Opportunity in Crisis: Entering God's economy and succeeding in tough times
  • Understanding the Times: Prophetic insights into these times of change
  • The Power Factor: The reality of God and how good overcomes adversity
  • Success Groups:  A Jewish strategy for business success and opportunity
  • Community Building:  Understanding God's purposes for business
  • Jewish Strategies of Leadership: Keys to becoming agents of change
  • The Kingdom Factor: The paradox that restores the power and foundations.
What we're going to be covering was what was missing in the lives of the Christians that Ghandi had encountered, yet remains the essence of who Jesus is and the teachings He imparted. As has been written by the prophet Jeremiah:

"Stand at the crossroads and look. Then ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies. Then walk in it and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the higher dimensions of business leadership since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders to be blessed to be a blessing where God's light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. 

They are available in print and e-versions from

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at

Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your group's gathering on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.

2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiative Foundation

Global Initiatives is 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization

A FREE Gift of Blessing ✡ "Bless the LORD" - ISRAEL365

And thou shalt eat and be satisfied, and bless the LORD thy God for the good land which He hath given thee.

וְאָכַלְתָּ וְשָׂבָעְתָּ וּבֵרַכְתָּ אֶת יְ-הוָה אֱ-לֹהֶיךָ עַל הָאָרֶץ הַטֹּבָה אֲשֶׁר נָתַן לָךְ

דברים ח:י

ve-a-khal-ta ve-sa-va-ta u-vay-rakh-ta et-a-do-nai eh-lo-he-kha al ha-ah-retz ha-to-va ah-sher na-tan lakh

Jerusalem Inspiration

Many religious people say grace and bless their food BEFORE eating, however, from this verse Jewish law teaches that we must bless and thank God for our meal AFTER we eat and are satiated. In Judaism’s grace after meal we not only thank God for our food, but we also praise Him for the ‘Good Land’ mentioned in the verse as well.  Do you want to bring blessing into your home? Who doesn't! Start right now with this beautiful gift from 'Meir Panim'.

Make Some Noise in Jerusalem

Welcome to the Jerusalem Winter Noise Festival, in Hebrew 'Shaon Choref', a delightful set of events bringing cultural performances and art vendors to Jerusalem in an effort to brighten and enliven the winter months.

Despite the Terror, Israel Prospers While its Neighbors are in Turmoil

The Middle East is in turmoil. Although Israel is experiencing terror attacks, the difference is significant, and in fact, by and large, the Israeli people are resolute, not cowed by terror, and the country as a whole continues to prosper.

Dirty Tzitzit Shiny Neshama' Children's Book

A whimsical book about the meaning of a good deed.  In this charming book about Zalman’s adventures, find out how he might have the dirtiest clothes in town but the shiniest neshama (soul).

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Today's photo by Noam Chen features shoppers at the iconic Machane Yehuda Marketplace in Jerusalem.

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Greetings from Canada:  I so appreciate the articles, pictures and video's featuring your amazing land and peoples. Thank you for all you share about the wonders of Israel, Leslie from Cranbrook, BC Canada

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Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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