Monday, March 7, 2016

Jack Hayford: America Is Suffering From a Spiritual Drought - JACK HAYFORD CHARISMA NEWS

We share a part of the responsibility. What can we do?

Jack Hayford: America Is Suffering From a Spiritual Drought

We share a part of the responsibility. What can we do? (Charisma archives)

America is suffering from an extended spiritual drought. While the social and moral decay of this hour may grieve us, discernment of the larger reason for this blight lies at the door of an all-but-prayerless church.
We share a part of that responsibility because—had we been more conscientious earlier—we would not have allowed the progressive dismantling of weekly, united, extended corporate prayer gatherings.
I am not writing to assign guilt, for I have been too slow a learner myself. But I am writing with an invitation, one spoken from heaven and beginning to resonate in many hearts.
Although the enemy of humankind is rising viciously, knowing he has only a short time, the Holy Spirit of God is present. He is not here to condemn, but to convene the hearts of believers with His promise, wisdom and expectancy.
Above all, I feel a hope, born of prayer rising from my heart and one of love and brotherly commitment to Foursquare pastors, leaders and members. With that hope, I am writing in earnest and crying out for the igniting of an awakening to prayer.
Pray with me that we would unite to lead our congregations from our knees. Let us lead people into a lifestyle of intercession as God's Word directs (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
Unless we are biblically renewed to this first of all calling of the body of Christ, our first calling as believers will be sacrificed on the altar of sloth, and the spirit of the age will run even more rampant.
Let us affirm that there is nothing old school about the New Testament's order of the church's prayer-life. It is an ever-contemporary pattern of biblical spirituality, and nothing—not even the finest programming, productions or tactical strategies—can substitute for it.
Our Spiritual Foundation
Prayer is the foundation and fountainhead of spiritual power, breakthrough and revival; prevailing prayer, both at the local and national level, is what we and America need.
Given this situation, my hope is that The Foursquare Church may "rise to this hour" and make it a "restoring the ancient landmarks" of former victories. That, as a united-and-agreed fellowship, a vast majority of pastors and congregations would unapologetically welcome the Holy Spirit into their midst.
Pray with me that we would unite to lead our congregations from our knees. Let us lead people into a lifestyle of intercession as God's Word directs (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
Such well-ordered prayer gatherings will overthrow strongholds of darkness and release rivers of "living water" and revival blessings. Sound-minded, bold and believing prayer is prayer with a "cutting edge," namely, a lifestyle that penetrates the darkness of spiritual blindness and brings God's mercy and deliverance.
It is this kind of prayer that shatters the darkness and drives back the kind of spiritual challenge we face with the plague of evil and rebellion in our nation.
Jesus' Concern for the Last-Days Church
Someone recently asked me: "Some people think of the 1950s and 1960s as a golden age for the church in America, but were there drawbacks to the church being socially respectable?"
I answered: "I don't think of the church being 'respected' as a drawback. However, a socially comfortable church has not historically produced a spiritually passionate church."
Jesus' letters to the church in Revelation contain a similar opening, where Christ spells out His awareness and notice to each congregation and its leaders. His love for them all is never in question, but His concerns wave red-flag warnings to all of us who lead today:
You who have ears to hear, listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying!
Jesus points out that many of these churches are distracted or have neglected their central call, values and mission. The distractions are the same today; congregations are either:
  •     resting on their laurels
  •     impressed with their own perceived status
  •     blinded to their loss of focus on the Word and the Spirit, or
  •     by indulging their own carnality, losing clarity and integrity of heart.
The issue is clear: The Holy Spirit is seeking to find—and speak to—those with ears to hear!
Whether you are a Foursquare pastor, leader or church member, I am a bond servant with you. I invite you to join a multitude of those who are unabashedly attuned to hear, obey and respond as Holy Spirit-filled servants of Christ. This is vital for two crucial reasons:
  •     There is nothing more disabling than to become tone deaf to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  •     There is nothing more numbing to the soul than to be unresponsive to His call.
In this critical hour, we dare not hedge on the implications of "hearing" the Holy Spirit. We dare not compromise His intentions for our fellowship as Spirit-filled and Spirit-led people.
The Key Question
The question of this hour in history resounds from the lips of the Lord: "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8, NIV). Namely, the faith that answers the call to rise up in prayer!
As with any nation, the battle for America's soul will only be won with the weapons of spiritual warfare. These weapons—wielded by people systematically meeting in prayer gatherings to marshal sound-minded, biblically ordered intercession—have yet to be restored in The Foursquare Church in America.
Yet if God's people don't assemble in agreement, on their knees, who else will "destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5, ESV)?
The church is the one agency on Earth with access to this promise. Heaven is waiting. God has indicated His sovereign choice: He is ready to answer with His open hand of unlimited blessing if, under His authoritative directive, we will take our stand and advance in prayer.
Today, we must remember the promise God made to Solomon long ago: "If my people ... humble themselves, and pray ... then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land" (2 Chr. 7:14, ESV).
However, we must ask ourselves, "Where can God find a people who will align themselves with God's conditions?" This cannot be a halfway proposition. His Word of promise is only spoken into action where people welcome His Holy Spirit, and on His terms.
Aligning With the Spirit
I want to honor the wisdom, sought and applied, by which our leaders have brought administrative adjustments that we as a movement have pragmatically applied in recent years.
However, whatever else we have wisely and worthily realigned structurally, our definition of local intercessory alignment has yet to "hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
In this critical hour, we dare not hedge on the implications of "hearing" the Holy Spirit. We dare not compromise His intentions for our fellowship as Spirit-filled and Spirit-led people.
We are in need of reviewing Jesus' confrontation of leaders who busied themselves with religious duties but neglected God's command: "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations" (Is. 56:7, NIV). Let us abandon all self-excusing passivity indulged when we negate our Lord's focus on the priority of prayer.
No society should ever be seen as beyond hope of revival, the recovery of sanity or the rebirth of multitudes—if it is laced with congregations everywhere where the Light of the world still shines.
The divine call of God addressing The Foursquare Church in America is no different than the one trumpeted to the larger believing body of Christ. Too many have traded the timeless for the transient, the costly for the clever, the eternal for the contemporary and the seeker-sensitivity for man-pleasing management.
Our beginning point of reference must be on our knees, in our closets and at altars of repentance. New furniture isn't required, but a ready and renewed passion is!
Jack Hayford is chancellor of The King's University and former president of The Foursquare Church.
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Churches Under a Curse - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

Churches Under a Curse

Monday, March 07, 2016 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
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Churches are bleeding to death because of their refusal to love and support the Jewish people.

An internal report from the Presbyterian Church USA, noted for its anti-Israel stance, predicts that it stands to lose 400,000 members over the next five years1. Methodists in the UK, whose leaders passed a resolution boycotting Israel some years ago, have also seen a dramatic decline in numbers, and are now making things worse by advocating a boycott of Cadbury2 – an insult to the memory and considerable legacy of the chocolate family’s Christian ethos and significant contribution to Britain’s wealth.
Not only that, but one of their number, Richard Cadbury, was a man dedicated to the cause of Jewish mission. After being taken ill with diphtheria during a tour of Egypt in 1899, he was cared for at a Jerusalem hospital (now a school) run by the Church’s Mission among Jewish people where, sadly, he died. But out of gratitude for the kindness with which he was treated, he left them a tidy sum of money. This enabled them to extend the facility to include a new ward for the treatment of infectious diseases and employ an extra nurse, thereafter known as the Cadbury nurse.3
Best-selling author Bill Bryson, in his latest book The Road to Little Dribbling4, says he hadn’t realized how Quakers5 in 18th century Britain were a bullied and downtrodden minority excluded from politics and academia. But they made their mark in industry and commerce, particularly in banking (Barclays and Lloyds) and the manufacture of chocolate (Cadbury, Fry and Rowntree).
“They and many others made Britain a more dynamic and wealthy place entirely as a consequence of being treated shabbily by it,” he writes with his usual penetrating wit. And in that respect they had much in common with Jewish communities of the era. At any rate, Richard Cadbury loved the Jews because of his devotion to Jesus.
Scripture is quite clear that those who bless the seed of Abraham will themselves be blessed, but those who curse them will be judged. (Genesis 12.3) It is perfectly evident that both Methodists and Presbyterians, tragically now more influenced by worldly wisdom than biblical values, are under a curse of their own making. The worldwide blessing brought about by Methodist founder John Wesley’s bold proclamation of the gospel (along with his support for Israel) has been lost.
In his notes on Romans, Wesley wrote: “So many prophecies refer to this grand event (of the restoration of Israel) that it is surprising any Christian can doubt of it. And these are greatly confirmed by the wonderful preservation of the Jews as a distinct people to this day. When it is accomplished, it will be so strong a demonstration, both of the Old and New Testament revelation, as will doubtless convince many thousand Deists in countries nominally Christian.”6
Remember that he was writing this in the latter part of the 18th century, almost a quarter of a millennium ago, without the benefit of witnessing these very things taking place before his eyes. Yet in our generation we have been immensely privileged to watch God’s chosen people, after nearly 2,000 years of dispersion, returning home to their ancient land from every corner of the world.
The biblical prophets foretold all this – in fact half of all Old Testament prophecies relate to Israel’s restoration. Followers of Jesus, the Jew, ought to rejoice that, in fulfillment of ancient prophecies, his brothers in the flesh are back in the land. For the Scripture also makes clear that once they have all returned (which is still to happen), Jesus will reveal himself to the entire nation as the Messiah for whom they have long been waiting. And then he will return to rule and reign with all believers – both Jew and Gentile – who have bowed the knee before him.
Israel is not perfect, nor should we expect her to be. For the most part, Israelis are not yet following their Messiah, but Christians who claim to be disciples of Jesus should know better. We must love those whom God loves, including our enemies (Matthew 5.44). You who would boycott Israeli goods (which adversely affects Palestinians too as many rely on Israel for their employment), do you pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as the Bible commands? (Psalm 122.6)

1. Jerusalem Post February 9 2016
2. I realize Cadbury has been taken over by a foreign company, now known as Mondelez, who are accused of UK tax evasion, but it is still a name that has given much prestige to the nation.
3. A Prophetic Property by Kelvin Crombie p61 published by the Israel Trust of the Anglican Church
4. Published by Doubleday, p254
5. Quakers were a radical Christian movement that suffered much opposition for their fervent devotion sometimes characterized by trembling – hence their nickname – under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
6. A Nation Called by God published by Love Never Fails, an umbrella group for organizations supporting Israel.

Charles Gardner is author of Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Archaeologists discover ancient Jerusalem winery of the Second Temple period - HEAVEN TV7 Jerusalem


Archaeologists discover ancient Jerusalem winery from Second Temple period

Archaeologists said they had discovered a winery and bathhouse, which they defined as a key to ancient Jerusalem. The excited archaeologists said they have found the remnants dating back to the third and fourth century, as well as from the second temple period – findings which were hidden for centuries from several militaries that have set-up military bases on that very site due to its strategic location. “This place was handed to the British and they evacuated all its German citizenship and turned this historical orphanage to a military base. 
Later on, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) also inside the orphanage house erected a military base. It was here, until few years ago. But nobody knew, not the German, not the British and not the Israelis, what they are sitting on. When we, the archaeologists, arrived here we discovered here ancient remains dating to the late Roman period the beginning of the byzantine period. I am talking about the third and fourth century CE (Common Era),” Re’em said.
In another area nearby they uncovered a bathhouse and terra cotta pipes and clay bricks stamped with the name of the 10th Roman legion dating back to the Roman and Byzantine period, some 1,600 years ago. “Also, we find remains from the second temple period. We find a very elaborated wine press for making wine. We find here bathhouse, very unique and large. 
Bathhouse dating to the Roman period. We find here ritual baths. Numerous ceramics, pottery and glass vessels. We have also an evidence that the Roman tenth legion was here. You know this is a very well-known legionnaire, Roman soldiers. They were when the first revolt of sixty six seventy AD (Anno Domini or Common Era). And the destruction of Jerusalem was here.”
The remains unearthed by the Israel Antiquities Authority and made public this week, are located in the heart of an ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem called the Schneller Compound, which used to be until recently an IDF medical facility and is located not more than a few minutes’ walk from our TV7 studio.
 -- News, tags: 

Discovery of a Second Temple Period quarry in Jerusalem - building stones.

Discovery of a Second Temple Period quarry in Jerusalem - building stones

"Can These Bones Live?" ✡ 4 Days That Will Change Your Life - ISRAEL365

And He said unto me: 'Son of man, can these bones live?' And I answered: 'O Lord God, Thou knowest.'

וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלַי בֶּן אָדָם הֲתִחְיֶינָה הָעֲצָמוֹת הָאֵלֶּה וָאֹמַר אֲדֹנָי יְ-הוִה אַתָּה יָדָעְתָּ

יחזקאל לז:ג

va'-yo-mer ay-lai ben a-dam ha-tikh-ye-na ha-a-tza-mot ha-ay-le va-o-mar a-do-nai e-lo-heem a-ta ya-da-ta

Today's Israel Inspiration

This chapter contains Ezekiel's famous vision of the valley of dry bones coming to life. In the prophet's time, Israel was destroyed and the people scattered to the four corners of the earth. Yet, when God asks Ezekiel "can these bones live?" he doesn't express doubt or hopelessness. He answers that anything can happen if it is God's will! In our days, we stand witness to this truth, as from the ashes of the Holocaust came the birth of the modern State of Israel. This summer, join Rabbi Tuly Weisz in learning more about the Holocaust in Poland. Visit important places of faith with renewed hope and inspiration.

33 Hour Vigil for 33 Terror Victims

A vigil held last Sunday in front of PM Netanyahu's home in Jerusalem, commemorated the 33 Jews murdered, and hundreds more wounded, in this latest wave of Arab terror. An organizer stated that "we cannot get used to this... this is not Poland [during WWII]!"

In Unlikely Story of Redemption, Polish Church Calls for Christianity to
“Return to Jewish Roots”

A Polish church, the Cenacle Tent of David in Warsaw, which organized the “March of Support for Israel” last month, sees Israel as part of the Messianic process  and is calling for a return to the Jewish roots of Christianity.

Children's Book: "Dirty Tzitzit, Shiny Neshama (Soul)"

A whimsical book about the meaning of a good deed. 8-year-old Zalman likes helping his friends and neighbors. Unfortunately, not every mitzvah is a clean mitzvah. Enjoy this charming book about Zalman’s adventures and find out how he might have the dirtiest clothes in town but the shiniest neshama (Hebrew for soul). Paperback, 24 pages

Today's Israel Photo

Bar Artzi Photography took this stunning photo of "sunset hunters" by Tamrur Cliff in the Dead Sea region.

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Rabbi Tuly, Thank you for Israel365 that keeps us informed what's happenening in our Land . The land of HASHEM. All the articles that you write are clear and truth. Thank you again. Mack and Orietta.
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Is the Mask of Christ at the Checkpoint Slipping? - Ariel Rudolph ISRAEL TODAY

Is the Mask of Christ at the Checkpoint Slipping?

Sunday, March 06, 2016 |  Ariel Rudolph  ISRAEL TODAY
At the Christ at the Checkpoint (CATC) conference in 2014 an invitation was extended to Rami Hamdallah, Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority and president of An-Najah University in Nablus, to give the opening address. It was under Hamdallah's presidency that a grotesque Hamas-sponsored recreation of the Sbarro Pizzeria terror attack was celebrated. In this attack, 15 civilians were murdered, including children and a pregnant woman, and another 130 wounded.
If the invitation extended to Hamdallah was not enough to warn of the affiliations and heartfelt allegiances of the CATC conference organizers, then this year's speaker lineup should remove all doubt.
This year's speakers, almost without exception, are an impressive lineup of hard-core ecumenical supporters and supercessionists. They will no doubt clamour to take the limelight in denigrating Israel for her "humanitarian abuses" and the "illegal occupation of the Land of Israel", the right of which has long passed from the natural offspring of Abraham to the "spiritual" offspring of Abraham.
Despite the fact that all the speakers claim to be "peacemakers" and protagonists of "reconciliation" based on "biblical principles of peace, justice, and love", this year we have a new face making an appearance at CATC.
There is an old Aesop adage that says "you are known by the company you keep". This adage is based on Proverbs 13:20 "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." (NIV)
The new face at CATC this year is in the personage of Mustafa Abu Sway. A Muslim scholar, Islamic apologist and theologian. His association, activities with, and support of Hamas institutions are well known and documented. He is an overt Islamist. His activities on and around the Temple Mount are also well known.
This year the noticeable absence of any notable Israeli Messianic leadership as speakers, with the exception of Lisa Loden, is not a coincidence either. Loden serves as an advisor to Musalaha, whose founder has sympathized with and downplayed the uses of, and reasons for, Hamas terror tunnels.
Loden authored a 2007 article "Reconciliation - against the wall in Israel / Palestine", in which she states:
"As the wall continues to be built, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the believers who live on opposite sides of the wall to meet one another."
And in another statement:
"The situation in Israel/Palestine today is one of separation, animosity, hostility and destructive conflict and imbalance of power. Walls will not aid the situation."
The fact is that acts of mass terrorism, initiated from the areas of Judea & Samaria, have effectively been reduced to a trickle since the highs of the second Intifada by the erection of the security barrier.
It seems as if the Messianic Jewish community have understood the primary purposes of CATC, despite previous attempts at presenting the biblical rights of the Jewish people to inherit and inhabit the Land of Israel, and have decided to heed King Solomon's admonition.
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