Monday, March 21, 2016

Hebrew Music Monday ✡ "Enemies of the Jews Expected to Prevail

On the day that the enemies of the Jews expected to prevail over them, and it was turned about: the Jews prevailed over their adversaries.

בַּיּוֹם אֲשֶׁר שִׂבְּרוּ אֹיְבֵי הַיְּהוּדִים לִשְׁלוֹט בָּהֶם וְנַהֲפוֹךְ הוּא אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁלְטוּהַיְּהוּדִים הֵמָּה בְּשֹׂנְאֵיהֶם

אֶסְתֵּר ט:א

ba-yom a-sher si-bru o-y'-vay ha-yi-hu-deem lish-lot ba-hem vi-na-ha-fokh hu a-sher yish-l'-tu ha-yi-hu-deem hay-ma b'son-ay-hem 

Today's Israel Inspiration

Ofir is a courageous 19 year-old, female soldier in the Israeli army. Last week a terrorist stabbed her in the neck as she waited for a ride. She is now conscious and alert, and speaking! Please pray for Ofir's continued recovery and for the safety of all the soldiers of the IDF. May Israel "prevail over its adversaries," as in the miraculous times of Esther and Mordechai.

Hebrew Music Video:
"To Jerusalem"

Sing along with the IDF Chief Cantor in today's Hebrew music video, "To Jerusalem" based on an inspiring verse from the Daily Prayer Services. Learn Hebrew with our helpful English transliteration!

Israel's "Underground"
Iron Dome Fights Gaza
Terror Tunnels

Employing similar tactics to their terrorist counterparts, IDF forces have reportedly been working with America on building specialized tunnels to dismantle those of Hamas.

Official IDF T-Shirt

Wear your support of Israel with this great t-shirt. With the official IDF logo, this is the authentic t-shirt that IDF soldiers wear during training.

Today's Israel Photo

Soldiers get a well-deserved break to enjoy a Purim tradition: eating special cookies called hamantaschens!

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“Love the Beautiful Photos of Israel and Heartwarming Stories”

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Love the beautiful photos of Israel and the heartwarming stories of IDF soldiers. I feel a deep bond and love with and for the Jewish people.  As a born again Christian I pray daily for peace in  Jerusalem and for the safety of all Israelis worldwide. I know and let it be known that Israel does not occupy the land, they own the land because of God's covenant with the Jewish people. Thank you for your wonderful newsletter!

Thank you for all the info and wonderful news from Israel.  I really enjoy every article and I've also sign your petition against BDS. To visit Israel is a big dream in my heart for many years... I'm from South Africa bit work in Mozambique, Africa. God richly bless you. Lindé Buter
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Genocide in the Middle East - Rick Wiles (Day 1) - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Genocide in the Middle East - Rick Wiles (Day 1) - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker, Rick Wiles

Rick Wiles & Dino Kartsonakis

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2957 | Aired on March 18, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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Why Investing In Silver Is Vastly Superior To Investing In Gold Right Now - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Silver Coins - Public Domain

Posted: 20 Mar 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

When panic and fear dominate financial markets, gold and silver both tend to rapidly rise in price.  We witnessed this during the last financial crisis, and it is starting to happen again.  Because I am the publisher of a website called The Economic Collapse Blog, I am often asked about gold and silver when I do interviews.  In fact, just a few days ago I was sitting right next to Jim Rickards during the taping of a television show when this topic came up.  Jim expressed his belief that investing in gold is superior to investing in silver, but I had the exact opposite viewpoint.  In this article, I would like to elaborate on why I believe that silver represents a historic investment opportunity right now.

I should start out by disclosing that my wife and I have been able to put away a little bit of silver over the years.  I wish that it could have been a lot more, but so often there are other priorities that need to be addressed.  For example, I have always said that people need to take care of their emergency food storage first before even thinking about any kind of investments.

But if you have money left over after taking care of the basics, I am fully convinced that silver is a wonderful investment for the mid to long term.  In this article, I am going to explain why this is the case.  However, I have always warned that you have got to be ready for a rollercoaster ride if you get into precious metals.  So if you can’t handle the ups and downs, you should probably avoid them altogether.

As I write this article, the price of gold is sitting at $1254.30 an ounce.

Meanwhile, the price of silver is sitting at just $15.81 an ounce.

That means that the price of gold is currently more than 79 times higher than the price of silver.  For the ratio between gold and silver to be this high is truly unusual.

You see, the truth is that there is only about 17 times as much silver as there is gold in the Earth’s crust.  And currently silver is being mined at about an 11 to 1 ratio to gold.

So it makes sense that throughout history gold has typically sold at about a 15 to 1 ratio to silver.

During the years to come, I do believe that gold will multiply in price.

But I am also convinced that the price of silver will go up much, much faster.

As they both skyrocket in price, the price ratio between gold and silver will shift very quickly from 79 to 1 in the direction of 15 to 1.

Perhaps we may never even get all the way back to 15 to 1, but if we even got to 40 to 1 or 30 to 1, what that would mean for silver would be history making.

Let us also keep in mind that unlike gold, silver is constantly being used up in thousands of different industrial applications.  The following comes from Jeff Nielson
Over the past quarter century, more silver-based patents have been created than with any other metal on the planet. But not only does silver have unparalleled versatility, it is an extremely potent metal, meaning that in many of its commercial applications it is used in only trace amounts.
Why is this of significance? Because in such tiny quantities it is economically impractical to ever recycle any of this silver, at prices anywhere near the (absurd) levels of recent decades. Thus this silver is being consumed in tiny amounts, but in billions and billions of consumer products, over a span of decades.
Unlike gold, our stockpiles of silver are disappearing. As previously mentioned, for at least the last thirty years, the only way that our strong demand for silver could be satisfied has been through consuming portions of these stockpiles.
It has been estimated that approximately one billion ounces of silver have been used in consumer products over the past ten years alone.

Even if the world could somehow avoid the great financial turmoil that has already begun, the truth is that eventually a great demand crunch for silver would come just based on how much of it we are steadily consuming.

At less than 16 dollars an ounce right now, silver is ridiculously undervalued.

Those that are wise see this, and they are stocking up on silver coins at an unprecedented level.  Just check out these numbers
Silver Eagle sales will likely jump by 25% in the first quarter due to deteriorating market conditions. During the first three months last year the U.S. Mint sold 12 million Silver Eagles. Already, sales of Silver Eagles have reached 13 million. There are two weeks remaining in March and the U.S. Mint will likely sell another two million. This will put total Silver Eagle sales for the first quarter at 15 million….. the highest ever.
I have always said that I believe that the price of silver will eventually go over $100 an ounce.

When that happens, those that got in today will be exceedingly happy with their returns.
Others are projecting even greater gains.  For instance, investing legend Egon von Greyerz believes that the price of silver could ultimately go as high as $660 an ounce, and Jeff Nielson believes that $1,000 an ounce for silver would be a fair price.

But once again, don’t even think about getting into precious metals until you have the basics squared away.  It is often said that you can’t eat gold or silver, and that is very true.

In our new television show, my wife and I are always going to tell it to you straight.  A lot of people out there are relaxing right now because they think that the recent stock market rally means that the crisis is over.  What they don’t understand is that this new financial crisis is just in the very early chapters.  There are going to be more ups and more downs, and the shaking that we have seen so far is just the beginning.

Many of you may not want to believe me at this moment, but by the end of 2016 life in America is going to look dramatically different than it does right now.  So please get prepared while you are still able to do so.

Israel's History - a Picture a Day - Purim Celebrated this Week

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 20 Mar 2016 10:33 PM PDT
Tales of Disguise, Mirth and the Threat of Haman 

This week Jews around the world celebrate the joyous holiday of Purim. The Purim holiday commemorates the victory of Queen Esther and Mordechai over the evil Haman of Persia, saving the lives of the Jewish people.  

Below are several Purim-related pictures we discovered in the archives of the Library of Congress.

This picture appeared in an American newspaper on April 1, 1865.  The wood engraving is captioned, "The Hebrew Purim Ball at the Academy of Music, March 14."  The picture contains a large sign, "Merry Purim," another sign listing the "Order of Dancing," and merrymakers wearing costumes and masks. 

The picture was published in Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper, printed in New York, NY. The Academy of Music was built in 1854 and was located in Manhattan at Irving Place and East 14th Street.
And in Tel Aviv --

Purim celebration in Tel Aviv (Library of Congress, 1934)

The Jews of Palestine used to celebrate heartily at the Purim Adloyada ["until they don't know"]festival and parade held in Tel Aviv in the 1920s and 30's.  Some commentators make a crude
The "Queen Esther" of the carnival 
in 1934 (Library of Congress)
comparison to Marde Gras partying, but the merriment is based on an ancient rabbinic tradition of Jews imbibing on Purim to the point where they do not know the difference between sobriety and drunkenness, between Mordechai and Haman -- but without losing their wits.

But the threats to the Jewish people were also apparent to the photographers of the American Colony who photographed Purim celebrations in Tel Aviv in the early 1930s. They photographed parade floats showing the Nazi threats.
Purim parade in Tel Aviv with a float  of a dangerous 3-headed Nazi dragon 
(Library of Congress 1934)

View Yaakov Gross' film of the Tel Aviv celebrations in the 1930s 
here and visit his wonderful collection of films here.

Jesus: The Silence of the Lamb - SCOTT HAGIN CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Jesus spoke very few words when he hung on that cross for six-plus hours.

Jesus: The Silence of the Lamb

Jesus spoke very few words when he hung on that cross for six-plus hours. (Lightstock )

Spirit Led Woman's Power Up Logo
Take a few moments with your New Testament and look up every passage detailing the crucifixion. Once you've found them all, write out the statements recorded as coming from the lips of Jesus while He hung on the cross.
Now, slowly repeat those statements aloud, one after the other. You'll find they barely fill one minute of spoken conversation when strung together. Seven one-liners!
What was Jesus saying during the rest of His six hours on the cross?
There is much He could have said. He could have ended the opening argument of His extradition with an ear-splitting sermon or offered up a plateful of prophetic thunder as a parting shot for Pilate. He could have unloaded an earful at the elders. He could have undressed with righteous rhetoric the Roman cohorts who stripped His clothes, and then showered condemnation on those who spat upon Him. He could have bellowed out a few shots from Jeremiah's prophecies to wayward Israel or ordered up a few hungry bears as Elijah did.
Yet the Bible says, "when He was reviled, [He] did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten" (1 Pet. 2:23). In the natural, Jesus' actions made no sense. When taunted, He remained tight-lipped. When abused and pierced, His words of forgiveness flowed as quickly as His blood.
He didn't require His wounds to dry, scab and scar before He forgave. There is no record that Jesus calculated His personal pain before discharging His pardon. Each bruise and blow was met with silent mercy.
In His silence, Jesus was doing more than dying. He was communicating in red ink the timeless secrets of the kingdom. He was openly showing His bride how to embrace the cross that awaited her—and no true disciple can escape the cross.
We all know that it is tough at times to maintain a pure perspective through strenuous seasons of cross shaping. My only hope of success comes when my eyes remain fixed on the body language of Calvary's quiet Lamb, when I carefully listen to the words He didn't say. For when my eyes and ears tune out the cross, I fast become exasperated with people and plummet into spiritual defeat.
There will always be people who make big things out of small things in my life. But then, I remember the cross—and how Jesus went through it first.
I can always count on uninvited guests who enjoy watching my heavenly Father discipline me—and that can be terribly embarrassing. But again, I remember: Jesus went through that, too.
Even if God sends spiritually immature Christians into my life as part of His mysterious blueprint to grow me—to school me in silence—I must not forget that Jesus felt that too. All of this was the cross! At least it's the one Jesus knew.
But for all the strains you and I face as followers, no one will ever pay a toll like Jesus. His death is filled with endless grace and boundless perplexity.
For it was I, not Jesus, who should have died for violating my Creator's commands. And it was I who deserved the burden of transporting heavy timbers barefoot over jagged hillsides for my iniquity. It was I who merited loud public laughter and the agony of pointy thorns stabbing through my forehead.
And it was I who should have felt my ribs being pierced as pagan spittle dripped from my face. Yes, it was I who should have hung incapacitated for six millennia, not six hours.
Yet it was Jesus, not I, who violently died in silent payment.
So this Easter, I encourage you to rise early, don the bonnets and polish the shoes. It's the day when God's people around the world colorfully rejoice in His resurrection!
But while you're celebrating, pause to remember the greatest silent sermon ever preached—the one that lasted for six hours. It's the one that's easy to memorize but difficult to emulate—the one that was lived, not spoken, by a silent Lamb.
Prayer Power for the Week of March 20, 2016
This week as you focus on God's wonderful gift of reconciliation through Christ, pray that many will find repentance and receive eternal life through Him. Remember Israel and ask for the protection of its citizens and seasonal travelers this week. Continue to pray for revival in our churches, especially during this Easter season. Pray that Christians would unite in prayer and purpose for God's kingdom to expand. Remember the persecuted church and ask God to send more laborers into the harvest field. Thank Him for directing your steps this week and giving you opportunities to share His love with others (John 3:14-17, 1 Thess. 5:15-19, James 5:16-17).
Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
Dare to go deeper in your faith. Our "Life in the Spirit" devotional takes you on a journey to explore who the Holy Spirit is, how to interact with Him, and how He works in your life. Are you ready to go deeper?
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Druze Lawmaker Fulfills Promise to 'Bring Jews Home' - Israel Today

Druze Lawmaker Fulfills Promise to 'Bring Jews Home'

Monday, March 21, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Israel on Monday completed its final rescue of Yemenite Jews, a goal that had been central to the campaign promises of Member of Knesset Ayoub Kara (Likud), a leading member of the Arabic-speaking Druze community.
The mission, accomplished in coordination with the Jewish Agency and the US State Department, saw 19 of the remaining members of Yemen’s Jewish community “come home” to the Jewish state.
A further 50 Jews chose to stay in Yemen, where they all live in a protected compound adjacent to the US Embassy in Sana’a.
“This is a highly significant moment in the history of Israel and of Aliyah,” stated Jewish Agency head Natan Sharansky. “This chapter in the history of one of the world’s oldest Jewish communities is coming to an end, but Yemenite Jewry’s unique, 2,000-year-old contribution to the Jewish people will continue in the State of Israel.”
Kara, who serves as Deputy Minister for Regional Cooperation, was particularly pleased by the accomplishment.
“I am happy to have achieved this very important goal for my Jewish brothers in Yemen to come to Israel,” said the Druze lawmaker. “We successfully brought Jewish families that were threatened by death and assimilation.”
The Houthi jihadists that are currently in control of much of Yemen had threatened the country’s Jews to either convert to Islam or face execution.
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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Take Home a Piece of History ✡ "Into the City of David With Joy" - JERUSALEM365

And it was told king David, saying: ‘The LORD hath blessed the house of Obed-edom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the ark of God.’ And David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of
Obed-edom into the city of David with joy.


וַיֻּגַּד לַמֶּלֶךְ דָּוִד לֵאמֹר בֵּרַךְ יְ-הוָה אֶת-בֵּית עֹבֵד אֱדֹם וְאֶת כָּל אֲשֶׁר לוֹ בַּעֲבוּר אֲרוֹן הָאֱ-לֹהִים; וַיֵּלֶךְ דָּוִד וַיַּעַל אֶת אֲרוֹן הָאֱ-לֹהִים מִבֵּית עֹבֵד אֱדֹםעִיר דָּוִד בְּשִׂמְחָה

שמואל ב ו:יב

va-yu-gad la-me-lekh da-vid lay-mor bay-rakh a-do-nai et bayt o-vayd e-dom v’-et kol a-sher lo ba-a-vur a-ron ha-e-lo-heem va-yay-lekh da-vid va-ya-al et a-ron ha-e-lo-heem mi-bayt o-vayd e-dom eer da-vid b’-sim-kha

Jerusalem Inspiration

In today's verse, King David is ready to bring the Holy Ark to the City of David, also known as Zion and Jerusalem. This is done with great joy, with the king himself participating in the festive dancing. Bringing the Holy Ark to the city of David transforms the city from being solely the political capital to the political and spiritual capital of the nation. The People of Israel will bring their sacrifices to Jerusalem and be inspired by the Divine Presence that rests there. Jerusalem becomes the focal point for the Jewish People and all who seek closeness with the Almighty. City of David jewelry carries along with it the ancient biblical world. Each unique and gorgeous replica copies archaeological findings to the most minute detail.

This is the Center of the World

You'll be amazed by this in-depth and underground exploration of the City of David in Jerusalem.

What a Cry to God Can Do

What is the strength of a heartfelt plea to God? It can move mountains, or destroy terror tunnels.

Touch Israel Biblical Map

Touch Biblical Israel with this scaled, topographically contoured map of Israel as it was in Biblical times. It is labeled with all of the towns, cities, regions, rivers and lakes mentioned in the Bible. See exactly where each tribe settled in the Land, the locations of the surrounding nations, and the roads that the patriarchs walked.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Yehoshua Halevi's picture of King David's symbol, the harp, stands outside the archeological park where the ancient City of David in Jerusalem can be seen and visited.

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“Your Daily Letters are SO Informative”

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  Hello Rabbi Tuly, We do thank Hashem for your daily letters which are SO informative and up-building, to all of us who love Israel. Lovely photos, too... We will be thinking of you all on the Feast of Purim. Real SHALOM to Jerusalem, and to all our Israeli friends. Father Roy Snyman tssf, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Thank you for my daily reminders of love for Israel ! I do enjoy so much. Lisa Preston
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Jason Upton live "He Knows Me By My Name" - music

Watch here: Jason Upton live "He Knows Me By My Name" - music 

Published on Dec 31, 2015

Jason Upton live "Lamb of God - He Knows Me By My Name" - MorningStar New Year conference 12.31.15 morning

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.