Wednesday, March 23, 2016

7 Strange Questions About The Brussels Terror Attacks That The Mainstream Media Is Not Asking - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Brussels Airport - video capture

7 Strange Questions About The Brussels Terror Attacks That The Mainstream Media Is Not Asking 

March 22, 2016 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG
The horrific terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium on March 22, 2016 are going to reverberate in our memories for years to come, and perhaps that was the intention.  Terror attacks are designed to create fear and to get attention, and these attacks have definitely done both.  
On Tuesday morning, two huge explosions ripped through Zaventem Airport in Brussels as travelers were getting ready to board their morning flights.  You can view some raw footage of one of the bomb blasts right here.  Just a short while later, another huge explosion was reported at a metro station just yards away from the European Commission headquarters.  At this point, CNN says that at least 30 people have died and about 230 people are wounded as a result of these bombings.  But what was the real motive for these attacks?  The following are 7 strange questions about the Brussels terror attacks that the mainstream media is not asking…

#1 Why would Brussels be such a prime target for terror attacks? 

Most Americans don’t understand how important the city of Brussels is.  For one thing, it is the headquarters of the NATO alliance, and defense ministers from 49 different nations met there last month to discuss a potential ground invasion of Syria.

Secondly, it is also the unofficial capital of the European Union.  The following comes from Wikipedia
“The European Union has no official capital, and no plans to declare one, but Brussels hosts the official seats of the European Commission, Council of the European Union, and European Council, as well as a seat (officially the second seat but de facto the most important one) of the European Parliament.”
Over the years Brussels has become a key symbol for European integration, so if you wanted to conduct an attack that the entire European Union would feel, Brussels would be a good choice.  And many European leaders are already coming out and declaring that the attack on Brussels was an attack on Europe as a whole
French President Francois Hollande said Tuesday’s attacks in Brussels that killed at least 26 people struck at “the whole of Europe”.
“Through the attacks in Brussels, the whole of Europe has been hit,” Hollande said in a statement, urging the continent to take “vital steps in the face of the seriousness of the threat”.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said: “We are at war. Over the past few months in Europe, we have endured several acts of war.”
#2 Was Donald Trump right about Brussels?

During an interview with Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo earlier this year, Donald Trump specifically pointed to Brussels as an example of what he wanted to avoid in this country…
The Republican presidential front-runner said Brussels, the capital of Belgium, had been particularly transformed. Belgium has been home to a number of recent terror plots, and was linked to the November attack on Paris, France, that left 130 people dead.
You go to Brussels — I was in Brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful — it’s like living in a hellhole right now,” Trump continued. “You go to these different places. There is something going on.”
#3 Why are there some Islamic ghettos in Brussels that are considered to be “off-limits” for non-Muslims?

Of course this is not just true in Brussels.  All over Europe there are sections of major cities that have been completely and totally taken over by radical Muslims.  In Belgium, the rapid growth of the Islamic community has some politicians dreaming of turning that nation into a Sharia-compliant country within just a couple of decades.  The following comes from Infowars
These ghettos, which are in fact large areas of Brussels, are considered off-limits to Europeans and radical Muslims will likely comprise the majority of the population within 20 years.
“I think we have to sensitize people, make them understand the advantages to having Islamic people and Islamic laws, and then it will be completely natural to have Islamic laws and we will become an Islamic state,” a Muslim politician from Brussels, Redouane Ahrouch, said to a reporter in 2012. “In Belgium, of course!”
“I am for the Sharia. Islamic law, I am for it. It is a long-term struggle that will take decades or a century, but the movement has been launched.”
#4 Does 3/22 have special occult significance?

There are some people out there that are suggesting that it was no accident that these attacks happened on 3/22.  And without a doubt, we have seen other events of this nature fall on dates that have special significance for the occult.  I do not know exactly what to make of all of this, but we do know that 322 is extremely significant to the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University (of which George W. Bush and John Kerry are members)…
Skull And Bones 322
#5 Why did Barack Obama spend less than a minute talking about the terror attacks in Brussels during his speech down in Cuba?

You would think that something this historic would deserve more than 51 seconds, but this is precisely the kind of behavior that we have come to expect from Obama over the years.

#6 Is it odd that the mainstream media so quickly reported that ISIS took full responsibility for these attacks?

It is entirely possible that ISIS was behind these attacks.  But it is also entirely possible that these attacks are being blamed on ISIS by other parties with ulterior motives.

What we do know is that a “bulletin” supposedly from the Islamic State was posted on Tuesday which took full responsibility for the bombings.  The following comes from WND
“Islamic State fighters carried out a series of bombings with explosive belts and devices on Tuesday, targeting an airport and a central metro station in the center of the Belgian capital, Brussels, a country participating in the coalition against the Islamic State,” the bulletin said. “Islamic State fighters opened fire inside the Zaventem airport, before several of them detonated their explosive belts, as a martyrdom bomber detonated his explosive belt in the Maelbeek metro station.”
#7 Will the terror attacks in Brussels be used to justify a ground invasion of Syria?

These attacks have produced a tremendous amount of outrage in the western world, and already many prominent voices are calling for a U.S.-led invasion of Syria in order to finally put a permanent end to ISIS.
In fact, a former top adviser to Hillary Clinton started calling for a Syrian invasion within just hours of the attacks
A former adviser to Hillary Clinton on Syria, Frederic C. Hof, now a Resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East, has called for invading Syria in the wake of the deadly attacks in Brussels.
For the better part of a year, one clear recommendation has been on the table: assemble an American-led, coalition-of-the-willing, professional ground component—one top-heavy in regional and European forces—to enter eastern Syria to close with and kill ISIS. Engaging the Syrian opposition at all levels, consistent with an executable civil-military stabilization plan, can produce an administrative structure for an ISIS-free eastern Syria. Killing ISIS in Syria can ease the migration crisis and hasten the demise of this murderous band in Iraq. And it can demonstrate to the credulously stupid that linking up with losers will be a one-way trip to self-destruction,” Hof writes.
Last month, I received quite a bit of criticism for suggesting that we could be on the verge of World War 3.  But the truth is that Saudi Arabia and Turkey remain absolutely committed to the removal of the Assad regime, and now these Brussels terror attacks have conveniently shifted sentiment in Europe and in the United States in favor of a ground operation in Syria.

The current ceasefire in Syria is on the verge of completely falling apart, and if an American-led coalition does invade, that could very easily spark a major regional war.  The Russians, the Iranians and Hezbollah are not just going to sit back and watch as the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their allies march to Damascus and remove Assad.

I keep trying to warn people that 2016 is the year when everything changes, and I have a feeling that these terror attacks in Belgium are going to turn out to be exceedingly significant.

Our world is becoming more unstable with each passing day, and sometimes all it takes is a little shove to set us on a path that we never intended to go down.

I don’t have all the answers, but unlike the mainstream media, at least I am not afraid to ask the hard questions…

Purim's Passover Lamb! - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

Purim's Passover Lamb!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 |  Charles Gardner

I’ve been telling the story of Passover, and of its link with the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples, to classes of young schoolchildren in the UK. And I have mentioned how roast lamb is an important part of the meal because Yeshua was the ultimate Passover Lamb sacrificed for the sins of all who put their trust in him.
We do this every year as part of an ‘Easter Journey’ explaining the message of Christianity in many of the schools of our Yorkshire town.
Easter usually falls very close to Passover, making it easier to link the two feasts. But this year the spring festivals seem to be slightly out of sync, with Purim falling around this key Christian celebration instead, starting on Wednesday and ending on Thursday evening – the day before Good Friday, when Jesus died on the cross, and on the very night when the Last Supper is traditionally thought to have taken place.
So perhaps this fusion is particularly apt, after all, as Purim is the time when Jews celebrate their rescue from a genocidal plot by the Persian official Haman. Queen Esther, a beautiful young Jewish woman, then risked her life by pleading with King Xerxes for her people to be spared without being officially invited into his presence, according to protocol. “I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish,” she pledged (Esther 4.16), and thus became the means of redemption for God’s chosen people.
Today’s Persia (modern Iran) has declared their intention of wiping Israel off the map, perhaps with the nuclear missiles they are developing, in a similar way to Haman.
But now we have someone even greater than Queen Esther – the King of Israel, Yeshua HaMashiach – who has already come to their rescue.
Esther was prepared to die for her people; Jesus willingly died for his people, and for us all! He has already paid for their sins by going to the cross “like a lamb to the slaughter” (Isaiah 53.7) and, when Israel’s enemies threaten to destroy her in the last days (which we appear to be witnessing now), he will fight against them (Zechariah 14.3). The Jewish race will not only be spared, but will also enjoy everlasting salvation (Zech 12.10, Romans 11.26) through the ultimate sacrifice of the ‘Lamb of God’, as John the Baptist described his cousin Jesus (John 1.29).
Whereas Esther brought redemption to her people in ancient days, Jesus is their Saviour now. Unlike Esther, “he had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him…he was despised and rejected by men…But he was pierced for our transgressions…” (Isaiah 53.2-5)
And Isaiah’s message to the Gentiles is: “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim…that her sin has been paid for…” (Isaiah 40.1, 2)
The joy of the Purim parties will overflow when the Messiah, who first appeared as a suffering servant riding on a donkey, is finally revealed as the King of Israel!
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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Return of Jacob’s Sheep to Israel Could be Precursor To Third Temple - by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Some of the Jacob's sheep on the grass in Canada, awaiting return to Israel. (Photo: Friends of the Jacobs Sheep website)

Return of Jacob’s Sheep to Israel Could be Precursor To Third Temple

“I will pass through all thy flock to-day, removing from thence every speckled and spotted one, and every dark one among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats; and of such shall be my hire.” Genesis 30:32 (The Israel Bible™)
The miraculous and prophetic ingathering of the exiles to Israel now includes four-legged returnees: descendants of Biblical sheep. Rare and listed as a threatened breed, Jacob’s sheep, believed to be the breed which Biblical forefathers shepherded across Israel, are making a comeback. A full flock of Jacob’s sheep, now found only in North America, will soon return to their homeland.
Small, piebald, and crowned distinctively with four horns, Jacob’s sheep thrive in desert climates. They are a ‘heritage’ breed, meaning the sheep retain many of their genetic traits and remain relatively unchanged from their origins. The sheep are unique, with devotees who claim the breed is living proof of the Biblical story of Jacob’s deal with Laban for which it is named.
No longer found in the Mideast, Israeli flocks today are made up of Awassi sheep which originated in Syro-Arabian desert and are white, with brown or black faces. Jacob’s sheep are distinctly speckled or striped, conforming to the story found in the book of Genesis 30.
In the story, Jacob demands his wages for working for 14 years, claiming the speckled and black sheep that would be born. He removed all the speckled and black sheep and placed poplar, plane, and almond branches in the troughs of the stronger sheep, with the bark stripped off in stripes. He separated out the striped and speckled sheep as his own.
Experts believe the uniqe breed accompanied the Hebrews into slavery in Egypt, and spread from there to North Africa. The Moors traded them to Spain, and then to England. Collectors have since brought them to North America.
Follow the timeless story of two of the Bible's strongest women
In a story almost as miraculous as a lost tribe finding its way back to Israel, the flocks that accompanied the forefathers are returning as well. An Israeli couple, Gil and Jenna Lewinsky, are moving back to their ancestral homeland and bringing their flock with them, much like the Biblical matriarchs and patriarchs of old.
The Lewinskys live in Abbotsford, British Columbia, with their flock of about 130 rare Jacob’s sheep. Neither had a background in farming or animal husbandry – Jenna worked for the Israeli foreign ministry and Gil was a journalist –  but upon hearing that the breed originated in the Holy Land but is no longer found here, they were inspired to take on the mission.
Bringing the flock home has entailed a long battle with international bureaucracy and a long wait for an import license from Israel. Despite close economic ties that include agriculture, there are no provisions for transferring livestock from Canada to Israel. Bringing in live animals is especially problematic for fear of transferring disease and is strictly regulated by the the World Organization for Animal Health. The complicated process requires a specially outfitted plane to transport the sheep and a period of quarantine upon arriving.
The Lewinsky’s plan to establish a park for the sheep in the Golan Heights, where they will raise them for scientific and educational purposes. They will also spin the sheep’s wool, which is used in several Biblical ceremonial garments, such as tzitzit (fringes on four-cornered garments), tallitot (prayer shawls), and  priestly garments, into yarn to be weaved into cloth. The horns of the sheep can be used to make shofars, the traditional ram’s horn.
Israel’s Awassi sheep are numerous and most people naturally associate them with Israel, as Palestinian shepherds are often seen wandering the hillsides with large flocks. Nonetheless, the Awassi are not indigenous to Israel and, though kosher for the Temple service, it is much more likely that Jacob’s sheep, and not Awassi, were brought as sacrifices in Biblical times.
Though the prophecies describing the Jews’ return to Israel didn’t mention sheep, there is a precedent for flocks being essential to the Jewish return to Israel. Before the Plague of Darkness, Moses demanded that Pharaoh let the Hebrews leave Egypt to go into the desert to serve God. Pharaoh agreed – on the condition that their flocks be left behind. Moses refused, risking the future of Israel for the sake of their animals. His reasoning was that they were unsure of what types or number of sacrifices they would be required to bring.

Miracles Unfold in This Prayer Garden - CBN NEWS

Miracles are unfolding in a Texas prayer garden.

Miracles Unfold in This Prayer Garden

Miracles are unfolding in a Texas prayer garden. (CBN)

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

On a summit overlooking Kerrville in the beautiful hill country of west Texas, a 77-foot cross towers over the landscape.
Max Greiner shares, "The empty cross is the main sculpture, contemporary sculpture made of CorTen steel. It's 77 feet tall, and it weighs approximately 70 tons.
At the foot of the cross, lies the "Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden." It's a collection of donated art and sculptures depicting Jesus's life. Artist and sculptor Max Greiner is the founder and president of the foundation.
Max says, "We've built this garden as a place where people can connect with God without having to go through a bunch of religion."
Max says God gave him the vision for the garden in 2002. But it would take 13 years of praying, planning and more than a few miracles to see that vision come to life. Since then, thousands from over 30 countries have visited to encounter Jesus in a creative and imaginative way.
Max shares, "It attracts people that are looking for art or just for an outdoor garden experience. And in the process, they find God."
Max believes it's no coincidence that the landscape of the garden is similar to the holy land.
Max states, "This garden is at the same latitude as Israel. So God sovereignly put it in this place, this Bible belt of Texas. The plants, everything, the hills, the limestone rocks, it all looks like Israel."
As visitors walk the stone path to the cross, they can read different Bible verses written in Spanish, English and German that explain God's love. Visitors can also speak with one of several volunteer chaplains on hand, or write prayer requests on stones and place them near the cross. Some have reported miraculous encounters.
Max says, "Addictions are being broken off, alcoholics are coming, drug addicts are coming. Again, 19 people were suicidal that we know of, and came up, and God set them free from the spirit of suicide. And they gave their life to Christ."
They also hold a special Easter service to help people celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
Max shares, "We've also now started an Easter celebration on the Saturday before where we invite in Christian bands and Christian worship teams and then speakers of different denominations that come in. And so all day Saturday, we have this free celebration, resurrection celebration."
Max hopes to reproduce the garden around the world so that others can experience the love of Jesus.
Max states, "All you have to do is come, and you'll find Jesus there. You'll find the Holy Spirit there, and the Father's there. And it's for everybody, whether you're a believer or whether you're from other religions or no religion, or just wondering. We just invite you to come."
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Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: [New post] ISIS claims responsibility for Brussels bombings.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

ISIS claims responsibility for Brussels bombings. Here’s the latest.

by joelcrosenberg
"A wave of bombings that killed at least 30 people in Brussels were carried out by Isis militants, the group has claimed," reports the UK Independent.
Two minutes ago, Reuters published a similar story that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the horrific attacks in the city that is headquarters for the European Union and NATO.
"In a statement released through one of its propaganda outlets, the so-called Islamic State said 'explosive belts and devices' were used," the Independent noted on its website.
"Islamic State fighters opened fire inside Zaventem Airport, before several of them detonated their explosive belts, as a martyrdom bomber detonated his explosive belt in the Maalbeek metro station," a spokesperson said. "The attacks resulted in more than 30 dead and wounded." The group also said Belgium was targeted as "a country participating in the international coalition against the Islamic State."
joelcrosenberg | March 22, 2016 at 3:53 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Is Trump the One? - Rick Joyner, MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin

Rick Joyner, MorningStar Ministries

Is Trump the One?

MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #98, March 21, 2016
                 I hear from thousands of Christians each week, and sometimes that many in a day. I also hear from those from other faiths or no faith at all. They are diverse—from almost every denomination and nation. I don’t base the following on scientific polling, but it is a good sampling and may be even more accurate than the polls have been recently.
         Most seem to think that Trump is either a messenger from the Messiah or from the antichrist, and few are in-between. Some Christians are shocked that other Christians would vote for Trump, yet polls indicate that more than half of evangelical Christians are voting for him. Why?
         This is a valid question that reveals a lot about the state of the nation and also the church. The following seem to be the main reasons Christians have given for supporting Donald Trump rather than the other more vocal or devoted believers.
FACTOR #1: Many no longer trust politicians who claim to be Christians and/or conservatives. These seem to inevitably change when they get to Washington and fail to keep their promises.  
FACTOR #2: There has been such a vacuum of courage in leadership that it is now esteemed above other virtues.
FACTOR #3: Fewer Christians are choosing a candidate based on the candidate’s faith. Rather they decide based on who they think will do the best job confronting the important issues of the time.
FACTOR #4: The two main issues in this election are security and the economy. Trump is seen as the strongest in both issues.
FACTOR #5: Trump’s lack of political correctness (PC) and willingness to say what he thinks has many believing he will resist political pressure and do what is right for the country, instead of for special interests.
FACTOR #6: Christians are increasingly disgusted with the Republican establishment and Trump is seen as the “wrecking ball” needed to pry the government out of the hands of the political elite.
FACTOR #7: They think that they have heard from God about Trump.  
FACTOR #8: The extreme opposition to Trump from all of the bad guys proves he’s God’s choice.
         There may be other factors, but these seem to be the primary ones. When we dig down on these, it is an even more stunning revelation of where the country is and potential changes in direction if these continue to grow.
         The following are some of the main factors why Christians do not support Donald Trump’s nomination:
FACTOR #1: He is obviously not the kind of devout Christian they want to see as a leader, especially after Obama’s relentless assault on Christianity.
FACTOR #2: His behavior, demeanor, and language.
FACTOR #3: His seemingly immature overreaction to criticism and his tendency to try to bully opposition.
FACTOR #4: His ambiguous and/or tepid support for pro-life issues.
FACTOR #5: His lack of understanding of and/or support for Israel.
FACTOR #6: His ambiguous devotion to restoring the authority of the Constitution.
FACTOR #7: His seeming lack of understanding that a true conservative justice devoted to the Constitution, like Scalia, needs to be appointed to the Supreme Court—not someone like his liberal sister that he once inferred he would appoint.
FACTOR #8: Questionable business practices including several bankruptcies.
         Like the reasons why so many Christians support Trump, there are legitimate reasons why others do not support him. What is not legitimate is for any Christian to question the faith of those who do not see this the same way that they do. Those who do this are still immature. This is why the Apostle Paul called the Corinthians “still carnal” (see I Corinthians 3)—they were dividing over people for which they had a preference. We should obey the command to “mark those who cause divisions” (see Jude 1)—those who try to create riffs in the body over things like that—and not follow them.
         Although I can appreciate why any Christian would have trouble supporting Trump, it is encouraging that so many sincere and mature Christians would support him in spite of the negatives. How many of us would have chosen the ones Jesus picked to be His leaders? Why didn’t He go to the religious conservatives to find the future leaders of His church? Like it or not, the ones He chose were more like Trump than those we tend to esteem. Even the Apostle John, who is now known as the great messenger of love, was so reactionary that he wanted to call down fire from heaven to consume those who disagreed with them. On the night before Jesus was crucified, the disciples argued over who was the greatest. Sounds like Trump to me.
         How many of us would continue to support a leader who, after many years of serving and walking with God as a righteous and just leader, had an affair, and even worse, had the husband killed to cover it up? Yet it is said that Israel went astray by following Absalom, who sought to displace David because of his sin.
         In contrast, God commended Zadok the priest and gave an eternal blessing over his family for being faithful to David in this situation. The Lord knew when He called David that he would fall like this, but He called him anyway. And how could God love Jacob like He did? Jacob’s name means “usurper” and he was a devious liar and cheat, but “God loved Jacob.” 
         This should not excuse character flaws in leaders, but there will only be One perfect leader. Character is important, but an unrealistic perfectionism can make us incapable of ever choosing a Washington, a Benjamin Franklin, a Lincoln, or a Churchill. Some character traits crucial for church leadership could be a hindrance for civil government leaders. The last person you want in a civil leadership position is one who “turns the other cheek.” As we see in Romans 13, those in civil authority are given the sword “to avenge evil”—they would be disobedient to not use their weapons for this purpose.
         The Pharisees were resolutely devoted to character, and Paul, the “Pharisee of Pharisees,” called himself “blameless.” However, he was the worst enemy of the church and truth until the Lord struck him blind. The Pharisees were the most devout religious conservatives of the time, yet they were the worst enemies of the Messiah. Consider how they criticized everything He said and did and ultimately were responsible for having Him crucified. Think about how much grace and mercy the Lord had for sinners and how little tolerance He had for the self-righteous.  
         That being said, even some of the great prophets in Scripture, like Samuel, had a hard time judging people after their heart rather than their appearance. It is hard even for prophets to see people as they are called to be rather than as they are, but that is what we must seek to do. Many Christians voted for Jimmy Carter because of his boldness about his faith, but how did that work out? I’m not saying that Trump is another Reagan, but almost all of the things now said about Trump were said about Reagan. Like Trump, Reagan seemed to be a nominal Christian when elected, but it turned out pretty good.
         Even so, I admit that Trump is still a challenge. I can see sound biblical reasons for supporting him and for not supporting him. I think this is a good thing. It forces many to examine their convictions about many important things, which can only strengthen us if we refuse to let it divide us.
A New Party?
         Presently it seems that Republican outrage at their own party establishment is greater than their outrage at Obama and the Democrats. The more the establishment attacks Trump, the more it is viewed as an attack on those who support him—which has now surpassed more than 50% of Republicans in the most recent polls. There is such division between the Republican establishment and the grassroots that its future as a viable force in American politics is increasingly cloudy. Many see this as the establishment being more concerned about holding on to their own power than doing what is best for the party or the country.
         The establishment still does not understand that people are angry because they have good reasons to be. People feel betrayed because they have been betrayed. They elected politicians who promised to stop the madness in Washington but instead morphed into the same insanity when they got there. You can have true convictions, but if you don’t stand for them, you become worse than an unbeliever. You become a betrayer, and that’s the way many of these are now seen.
         The establishment is trying to paint Trump as an outrage that cannot possibly beat Hillary. These are the same people who have not been right about anything yet in this election. So why should they be believed? Trump is outrageous at times, but what the establishment should be asking is why he is leading their party for the nomination. Why is that so preferable to what they’re offering?
         Thinking people—sincere conservatives and good Christians—are convinced that it will take someone as brash and outrageous as Trump to bust up the Old Boy’s Club in Washington and save the nation. This is why every time Trump says something outrageous his poll numbers go up when all of the pundits expect the opposite.
         That outrage is not abating, but growing. The party opposition to Trump, especially its hypocrisy, is throwing more fuel on the outrage. Some of the establishment saying they will not vote for Trump if he’s nominated only makes them look more hypocritical after their demand that Trump sign an agreement not to launch a third party campaign.
         Kasich may be the truest personification of the establishment in this race. In one of the early debates, he blamed the people’s outrage on politicians who had promised more than they could deliver. I agree that they promised more than politicians can deliver, but not more than real leaders could have delivered. Kasich is a politician who can only think like a politician, not a leader. He is the second coming of John Boehner whose leadership, or lack of it, is complicit with Obama for many of the current crises and the retreat the nation is now in. This is why the Republicans are angrier with their own party than they are at Obama. At least Obama did the wrong he said he would do. The Republican establishment did not do what it said it would do to stop him.
         It was shocking and humiliating to watch the Republicans in Washington get bullied by Obama and the media. It was refreshing when Trump called it disgusting and disgraceful. If you read the trade deals and Iran Treaty the Republicans went along with, it is shocking, disgusting, and disgraceful. Trump called them what they were.
         Even if you don’t like many of the things Trump says, the sense that he will fight back, and fight hard, is more appealing to Republicans now than the empty rhetoric and promises of those who claim to be conservatives but did not act like it. The establishment made Trump inevitable. The more the establishment tries to stop him, the more inevitable he will be.
         For the establishment to bring Romney out to discredit Trump is a revelation of just how out of touch the establishment is. Romney used the same attacks on Trump that were used against him in the last election, which Trump helped him to refute. This was a new level of hypocrisy and another level of stupidity, as if they did not think anyone would look back at the videos of the glowing things Romney said about Trump when Trump endorsed him in 2012. Romney looked like a shameless liar and a hypocrite. It also made the Republican establishment look even more like liars and hypocrites.
Cruz Control
         There are many understandable and compelling reasons that people support Cruz. He has a deep devotion to the Constitution. With the upcoming appointments to the Supreme Court, it may be our last chance to save the Constitution. Cruz is the only true conservative left in the race, and he has proved willing to stand against the “Washington Cartel”—even if he has to do it alone and at great personal cost. One of the most courageous moments Washington has seen in a long time was when Senate Majority Leader McConnell lied and Cruz stood up and called him a liar.
         Trump is making a mistake by hitting Cruz with not being liked by anyone in Washington. This may be true, but it is a good thing and for a good reason. It is because of his willingness to stand up to the establishment and challenge the business as usual in Washington. Cruz’s badge of honor is that no one in Washington likes him. He has gone toe to toe with the corruption and did not back down, even when they all turned against him.
         The biggest downside to Cruz is probably his timing. It just has not worked out well lately electing first term senators to the Presidency. Cruz is Presidential material and conservatives almost all agree with his policy positions. He has brilliant and workable plans for things like simplifying the tax code, replacing Obamacare, strengthening our defense, and fixing the illegal immigration problem. Cruz would work to restore our moorings to the Constitution. He obviously has the courage to stand for what he believes. The biggest question is can he be the wrecking ball that is needed to bust things up in Washington, or will he get bogged down in the morass?
A Dream Team?
         A Trump/Cruz team could be the dream team if Cruz is given some real authority as VP. This could draw in conservatives troubled by some of Trump’s previous positions and statements. Ben Carson’s endorsement of Trump helped shift the thinking of some conservatives. Huckabee has also been supportive of Trump, and he is a trusted conservative voice.
         The first priority of a successful President is to build a quality team. Trump said that he would use Carson on the healthcare and education issues, and Carson would be brilliant there. Trump also has Governor Christie on his team. He could be a good Attorney General to fulfill Trump’s vow to go after those guilty of the corruption going back to “Fast and Furious,” the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Hillary’s emails, etc. There are other previous contenders who could also help make up a cabinet successful in restoring efficiency and effectiveness in government.
         There is a reason why Trump has seemingly sucked all the oxygen out of the room and has so dominated the media. Understanding this is a key to understanding the state of the nation. The nation is fearful, angry, and visionless, but there is also a deep conviction that it is not time to fade away yet.
         We are fearful because millions of people want to kill us. They are armed to the teeth and get more sophisticated and deadly weapons almost daily. We are angry with our government for refusing to protect our borders—the most essential foundation of security, especially in these times. We are angry because those who promised to correct the Washington insanity betrayed us, did nothing, and ran up a debt of twenty trillion with little to show for it.
         I once asked a pastor how his church was doing and his reply was, “Great! This church is dying slower than any church I’ve ever pastored.” That is now happening to our country. The best any of our leaders have done in a long time is maybe slow our deterioration. If we don’t change our direction, we will end up where we’re headed. We must have a turnaround on the level of a cultural revolution now.
         In the words of a great prophet to America, Leonard Ravenhill, “America is too young to die.” Scripture declares that “Where there is no vision the people perish” (see Proverbs 29:18 KJV). We are in desperate need of clear vision and a leadership with the courage, resolve, endurance, and wisdom to turn the vision into reality.
         Trump has coined the catchy phrase, “Make America Great Again.” What does this mean? Obama promised “Hope” and “Change” but we know now that it was a mistake not to get a definition before hiring the one with phrases as our leader. What does a great America look like?
         One thing we must keep in mind is that Washington will not be the source of our recovery. We need to look to our Source to help restore Washington to what it was created to be—a place of wisdom, righteousness, and justice that helps those called to liberate and elevate the rest of the world.