Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Israel's History - a Picture a Day Passover: Whoever Is Hungry, Come and Partake of this Yemenite Seder

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 12 Apr 2016 12:05 PM PDT
Passover is one of the three pilgrimage festivals mentioned in the Bible along with Sukkot and Shavuot.  Historians and rabbinic literature refer to hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who filled the streets and alleyways of Jerusalem, bringing sacrifices to the Temple.

The Temple Institute's depiction of a Passover seder at
the time of the Temple. Note the pascal lamb on the table.
Today as well, Jews from all over the world and from all over Israel make their pilgrimages to the holy city.

The Library of Congress photographic collection includes a series of photographs of Yemenite residents of Jerusalem celebrating their Passover seder in 1939.  Note their low table and compare it to the painting of a Seder during the time of the Temple, taken from the Passover Seder Haggadah of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem.

In 1882, the Christians of the American Colony adopted a wave of Yemenite Jews who arrived in Jerusalem penniless, hungry and sick. The Colony believed the Jews were from the lost tribe of Gad. For decades the American Colony photographers continued to take pictures of the Yemenite community.

Yemenite Passover Seder: Drinking wine in the Kiddush ceremony. Note the table is covered at that point, and all men are leaning to their left as prescribed. (Library of Congress)

Yemenite Passover Seder, eating the bitter herbs  (1939)
Washing hands during the Seder. Note the children's involvement and wonderment. A major theme of the Seder is to teach the children about the Exodus from Egypt.

Passover meal.  Note the square matza

The Yemenite community has a tradition of a soft matza, similar to Middle East pita or laffa bread, which they bake daily during Passover.  

Discussing the local Yemenite matza, an ancient traveler to Tza'ana in Yemen quoted his Yemenite host, "There is no requirement that the matzos be dry and stale because they were baked many days before Pesach.  Every day we eat warm, fresh matza. "

The traveler reported, "I enjoyed their special kind of matza -- it was warm, soft and didn't have the usual burnt sections which was present in every matza I had ever eaten until then."

Unfortunately for the 1939 Yemenite family, it appears that the only matza available to them was the square and stale machine-made matza. 

Why Are Thousands Of Millionaires Fleeing Chicago And Other Major Cities Around The World? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

The Elite Fleeing - Public Domain

Posted: 12 Apr 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

The elite are fleeing major cities around the globe at a staggering rate.  In fact, the Chicago Tribune is reporting that approximately 3,000 millionaires left the city of Chicago alone during 2015.  The same study discussed in that Chicago Tribune article found that 7,000 millionaires left Paris, France last year.  So why is this happening?

Why are thousands of millionaires suddenly packing up and moving away from the big cities?  Could it be possible that they have many of the same concerns that “preppers” do about what is coming?

For quite a while, I have been writing about how the elite have been preparing for the coming collapse.  But I had no idea that literally thousands of them are packing up and permanently leaving our major cities.  As I mentioned above, the Chicago Tribune is reporting that about 3,000 of them left the city of Chicago alone during the previous calendar year…
Millionaires are leaving Chicago more than any other city in the United States on a net basis, according to a new report.
About 3,000 individuals with net assets of $1 million or more, not including their primary residence, moved from the city last year, with many citing rising racial tensions and worries about crime as factors in the decision, according to research firm New World Wealth.
But of course this is not just happening in Chicago, nor is it just an American phenomenon.

Actually, the two cities that lost the most millionaires last year are both located over in Europe
Paris saw the largest exodus.
The French city lost 7,000, or 6 percent, of its millionaires, followed by Rome, which lost 5,000, or 7 percent.
It is true that some of these millionaires are moving for tax reasons, but many others are quite concerned that humanity is hurtling toward a deeply apocalyptic future, and they want to get prepared for what is about to happen while they still have time.

In eastern Germany, one company known as “Vivos” has spent an enormous amount of money converting an underground facility built by the Soviets during the Cold War into the largest private shelter on the planet.  It is called “Europa One”, and it is being billed as an ultra-luxury survival bunker for the elite.

The following comes from their official website
Located in the heart of Europe is one of the most fortified and massive underground survival shelters on Earth, deep below a limestone mountain. Built by the Soviets during the Cold War, this shelter was a fortress for military equipment and munitions. Now privately owned, this 76 acre above and below ground hardened facility is capable of withstanding a substantial close range nuclear blast, a direct airliner crash, biological and chemical agents, massive shock waves, earthquakes, electro-magnetic pulses, and virtually any armed attack.
This irreplaceable complex is now being re-tasked as Vivos Europa One, becoming the world’s largest and most fortified underground shelter for long-term, uncompromising protection of high net worth individuals, their families, and most precious assets when no other above-ground exfiltration solution will suffice.
The complex includes over 21,108 square meters (227,904 square feet) of secured, blast proof living areas; and, an additional 4,079 square meters (43,906 square feet) of above-ground office, apartments, warehouse buildings, and its own train depot. Collectively there are over 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) of continuous tunnel chambers.
An RT report that was posted on YouTube right here contains some stunning visuals from the inside of this facility.  Personally, I was quite stunned when I saw the extent of their preparations for the first time…

This is something that I could go on and on about, but I won’t.  If you are interested in reading more, please see my previous article entitled “Superyacht Getaway Subs And Luxury Bomb Shelters: The Elite Are The Most Paranoid Preppers Of All“.

As I was preparing for this article, I remembered something that Zero Hedge just reported that I think relates to this subject.  It turns out that “the smart money” has been net sellers of U.S. stocks for 11 weeks in a row…
Last week, during which the S&P 500 was down 1.2%, BofAML clients were net sellers of US equities for the 11th consecutive week. Net sales of $1.7bn were smaller than in the prior week, but all three client groups (hedge funds, institutional clients, private clients) remained net sellers, led by institutional clients.
So why are the elite dumping stocks like crazy right now?

Don’t they realize that the stock market has been going up?

Could it be possible that they have information that the rest of us do not?

Most people have absolutely no idea how vulnerable our society truly is, or how very easy it would be to plunge the general population into a state of utter chaos.

That is why I am so glad that Mike Norris (the son of Chuck Norris) is coming out with his new movie entitled “AmeriGEDDON”.  This film imagines a time when a global terror organization disables the U.S. power grid and martial law is instituted.  Rioting, looting and civil unrest break out, and the government moves in to disarm the citizens and “restore order”.  You can watch the official trailer for this new film right here

Could we actually witness such a scenario in our future?

Well, I don’t expect to see anything like this next month, but in my new book I explain why I believe that America is heading for a future that is even more apocalyptic than the one portrayed in “AmeriGEDDON”.
Everywhere you turn, our world is becoming increasingly unstable.

Economic collapse has already gripped some areas of the planet, there is tremendous geopolitical instability in the Middle East, Islamic terror is on the rise, there have been outbursts of civil unrest all around the world, and just this week we have seen a series of very alarming earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Many people believe that we are entering a period of time when an unprecedented confluence of events will combine to create a “perfect storm” which will shake the world to the core.

And it isn’t just “preppers” that feel this way.  As you have just seen, thousands of millionaires are so concerned about changing conditions that they are fleeing the major cities.

So before you dismiss all of this apocalyptic talk as “nonsense”, perhaps you may want to consider what the elite may know that you do not.

*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*



(c) Morris E. Ruddick

In a world where the perception is the reality, with terrorism and corruption poised to challenge honorable opportunity and the innocent, there is a need for safe places.
The issue is power and a culture designed to preserve the righteous. Since God has had a people, the struggle of the righteous was never designed as a retreat. Good and evil do not blend. While this conflict has often involved a remnant operating against overwhelming odds, the equalizer in the equation has been God. It is within this context that God has given His people a gift to help them not only to overcome, but to thrive. That gift is community.
In late 2004 there occurred a massive earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean that impacted the surrounding nations. The devastation was awful. Nothing was the same for those affected. Parts of Indonesia were in the direct path of the turbulent tsunami. What took place that never was reported by the media is a dramatic illustration of this amazing gift tied to God as the equalizer for communities of His people.
We've been talking about Jewish business secrets. We've noted that over the centuries at the crux of Jewish business success is the model. This is the model that began with the father of the Jewish people, Abraham. Abraham operated a God-centered, entrepreneurial community. God gives a variety of gifts to men. Among the most far-reaching of those gifts is the gift of community.
While Abraham's community was designed to be self-sustaining, it also evoked the respect of the more dominant societies around them. This community was a safe place. It is written that: "When they wandered from one nation to another, God rebuked kings for their sake, saying 'Do not touch my anointed ones and do my prophets no harm.'" Even Abraham's nephew Lot came under this protection after he had separated himself from the community, with Abraham mounting a rescue mission. It is likewise written that the powerful ruler Abimelich visited Abraham with the commander of his army to make a treaty.
The God-Centered Community Dynamic
The psalmist captures the substance and reality of this conflict, while spelling out the criteria for this gift of community to operate. This psalm begins by describing a people, who are wandering in the wilderness, aimless and vulnerable. Yet, when they cry out to God, the Lord first brings them together in community. The psalmist then notes that it is within community that the longing of their souls will be satisfied. So, the first step in this gift of community is the establishment of community.
Nevertheless, the psalmist is describing a progression that takes place that reflects the way that people bond together and respond to both God and those around them. These ancient writings then depict a point at which these people, who had been delivered from the dangers of their isolation and given the first step of forming a community, found themselves dealing with spiritual darkness and the shadow of death. They were bound up in the throes of what had resulted from them becoming self-satisfied and not only ignoring, but rebelling against God. When they finally came to their senses, they sorrowfully cried out to God who broke the bondages of their afflictions.
The establishment of this gift of community has a standard. That standard conforms to the righteous nature of the One who, as creator, made it possible. It reflects the principles given by Moses generations before that outlined the way that a community of God's people should live, work and prosper together.
Yet, once the community's standards began being adhered to, there came another hurdle. It involved those members of the community the psalmist refers to as fools. Fools generally are not those low on the IQ scale, but rather people who deceive and outsmart themselves. They are ones who compromise, transgress, who lived in deceit. Because they pollute the spiritual climate of a community, the spiritual attacks against the community manifest with physical afflictions. Some even die as a result.
Once again, when this community faced what was happening, they humbled themselves and cried out to the Lord. God's response was to send His word of healing and deliverance.
So, first the Lord establishes community. Then He sets up His standard by which the community operates. Then to ward off the spiritual infiltration of the dark side into the community, He brings about the supernatural with the wisdom needed to maintain not just the standard, but the spiritual balance intended when God's people live in community.
There is still another dimension. This particular passage of Jewish writings has been describing a fishing community. It involves those whose means to feed their families and build the community is in mastering the skills of the business of catching and selling fish. Yet, such things involve surmounting the challenges of their trade, as well as achieving the dominion over the elements in order to succeed. 
The story of this ancient community reveals at times the almost overwhelming challenge these fishermen had in subduing the sea in order to survive. It describes a storm they encountered at sea. It portrays a small boat mounting up on huge waves, then crashing down as the waves break. It depicts the instability and uncertainty of being on a small craft as they "reel to and fro and stagger like drunken men." I've been in small boats during storms at sea. It can be terrifying, even when you know what you're doing.
Yet, for those who know their God, crying out to Him, is the natural response when recognizing that we too often operate in situations that are beyond our control. So it was for these fishermen that they cried out to the Lord in their distress and He answered. He calmed the storm. Then they were able to return to their port with their catch of fish.
This segment of this passage deals with how God intervenes. God helps in controlling the elements, as the community perseveres to achieve sufficient domination to bring the necessary increase to feed and house the individuals and families of the community.
Each of these factors are a part of God's gift of community: establishing community; setting a righteous standard; reaching for the supernatural to ward off evil infiltrations; and providing the dominion necessary to subdue the elements in order to bring increase and blessing to the community.
The Story Behind the Indonesian Tsunami
This psalm illustrates the story behind the story of the Indonesian tsunami. This report represents a very apt example of this gift of God of community described by the psalmist. It illustrates the ancient struggle between good and evil, between righteous power and corrupt power that extends into our day. Having set the stage with his portrayal of how maturity in a community should operate, the psalmist goes on to describe the realities that take place in the setting surrounding the community.
It says that when wickedness manifests against God's people, that the Lord will turn rivers into wilderness and fruitful land into barrenness. Simultaneously He will turn wilderness into fertile lands for the sake of the righteous, so they may sow fields and plant vineyards and yield a fruitful harvest.
Yet, when God's people are unrighteously oppressed and afflicted, there comes a time when God pours out His wrath on the oppressors with a result that can be devastating. The result then separates the poor from their oppressors and stops the devouring path of iniquity. The context for what was happening on certain islands in Indonesia was a horrific persecution of Christians by local warlords. There were instances in which churches were boarded up while parishioners were in them and then set on fire, killing them all.
The brunt of the tsunami hit these very areas of persecution. Uniquely, in a series of reports, the believers were on high ground when the tsunami hit. Some were having picnics. Others were there because that is where they had settled. Our Indonesian brethren will tell you that everything changed, in terms of the persecution, after the tsunami. The move of God within Indonesia since that time has been one of the greatest of any nation on the planet. When those who are known by His Name come together in community a dimension is added, which attests to the way Jews have leveraged this gift of community over the centuries.
Community is a gift. Operated in the way God intended sets the stage for a safe place. This gift is also a commitment and a responsibility. With God at the center it is the group setting sharing a common purpose that nurtures the diversity of the individual gifts among its members. It is an assembly of God's people operating beyond the ordinary as they enable one another in their respective spheres. It is a light shining in the darkness.
Achievement Defying the Odds
A few years ago, we paid a visit to a community in Eastern Europe. This group of families had expressed an interest in our entrepreneurial program. What we encountered was not only more than what we expected, it was amazing. What we found were brethren who had come together with a common purpose a little over a decade prior. That purpose was to start the first private Christian school in their nation.
As a former Eastern Bloc nation, their national school system bearing the approval authority for this venture was comprised largely of former totalitarian adherents, who for the most part, had little use for people of faith. So it was, when this small community came together with the avowed purpose of starting the first faith-based private school in their nation, even their friends told them not to waste their time, as such a thing would be impossible.
Nevertheless, they were convinced they had heard from God. They were people who prayed together. So they prayerfully and meticulously put their plan together. They did their homework and among their group were people with experience in private education. They then submitted their application. It was disapproved.
They reviewed and improved their plan. They prayed even more and consulted with people who understood the realities of what they were doing. Again, they made application simply for a private, faith-based kindergarten. This application was also disapproved as was the third and fourth applications.
Jesus told a parable about a judge who almost never ruled righteously, whose life was a reflection of wrong values. He was swayed only by the wrong kind of people. Then there came a woman who simply refused to give up. Despite this judge refusing her requests, she came back to him again and again with her petition until this judge, in exasperation, finally relented to give her what she wanted, as her continual requests were driving him crazy.
So it was with our friends in this Eastern Bloc country. Their fifth application was approved.
They put together a program with the best teachers. They found a building in a good neighborhood in a central part of their city. The national education system of their country was as a whole substandard. So it wasn't long until this community of believers running this kindergarten was achieving an excellence that far exceeded the government-run schools. Their reputation became widely known. Even people of other faiths and non-believers wanted to send their children to this school. The demand was so great, there was a waiting list. The children loved attending this school and told their friends about it. The program they offered reflected excellence and the students did well in the next grades.
In just a few years, the school had their own building. Then those running the school began preparing an application to open the first faith-based private primary school. It was approved and almost immediately they had a waiting list of community members who wanted their children to attend. Word had gotten around and people of all faiths were sending their children to this faith-based program because of its excellence.
Twelve years after first opening their private kindergarten Carol and I visited them. They had just gotten approval to open a new private secondary school. They now owned the three buildings housing the kindergarten, the primary school and the secondary school. The respect and influence they had came from every sector of the city and its leadership.
Additionally, one year prior to our visit, with profits from running their school, this group of brethren in this Eastern Block nation had purchased and began successfully operating a mobile phone franchise. Between their private schools and the franchise they had 65 employees, which amazingly was almost the size of their small community which had banded together and employed this gift of community through God to do something meaningful for their city.
The Dynamic that Overcomes
This community is an excellent example of how God's gift of community is designed to operate. God is at the center with people of prayer who have made Him their Senior Partner. This gift of community is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds, which has the potential to grow into a tree. It is like the yeast which a woman kneads into dough, producing something that grows into a whole lot more than at the start. It reflects both the standard and the supernatural operating in the fishing community we previously spoke of that were described by the psalmist. It reflects the model operated by the father of the Jews, Abraham. It is a community that is God-centered and entrepreneurial.
We've been taking a closer look at and unveiling the dynamics incorporated in Jewish business secrets. In this illustration from this Eastern Bloc Christian community we can recognize some very specific factors that combined to overcome the adversities and bring them success. What transpired with the establishment of their school reflects the spiritual authority to overcome which was evident in the psalmist's fishing community.
These combined factors are drawn from the source and foundation of the Christian faith, which is Judaism. The steps these Eastern Bloc brethren took involved some very Jewish mind-sets. With close associations with Israel, this group of believers understood the roots to their faith. The standard for success from a Jewish perspective involves a different way of thinking. This different way of thinking will map out a sometimes unexpected path and set of priorities. It is a way of thinking engrained in the Jewish culture and an important part of our discussion of Jewish business secrets.
Achievement from a Jewish perspective involves dominion and faith. It is written that without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is a two-fold response. It is our response to who He is, but also what He instructs in terms of our pathway in life. It will progressively involve the bridging of reality in the natural with the reality in the spiritual.
Abraham's response to what God revealed to him is the foundation of what made him the father of the Jewish people. He considered that which was not as though it were, because God had told him. Faith is when we bridge the seen and unseen worlds, through God and become participators in the creative process God intends for our destinies.
Operating with faith in this way entails an authority that can only come from God. We have shared the story of Joseph in a previous session. Joseph operated with a remarkable spiritual authority that changed the spiritual climate in each setting in which he worked in Egypt. Not only did it change the spiritual climate, but it reshaped the future and destiny for not only Joseph, but for Egypt and the destiny of Joseph's family.
The spiritual authority it employed resulted in what scripture refers to as dominion. We'll be talking more about dominion in a future session, but for now, let me illustrate with contrasting examples
There is a dominion based on being conquered. Historically for centuries, Japan has been a conquering nation. Following the outcome of WWII, the Harvard Business Review had articles concluding that the amazing post-WWII economic recovery of Japan was culturally the result of this conquering spirit being redirected toward the economic arena.
This view doesn't negate the many positive contributions technologically and economically that have resulted around the globe due to the indomitable spirit of the Japanese. What is pertinent is the openness to competition. Some Asian nations operate big businesses through economic advantages based on largely nationalized economies. Dr. Fukuyama describes this dynamic in his book "Trust, Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity." The government advantage is one that in civil standards represents the form of dominion achieved by means of, if not a conquering, then at least a controlling spirit. 

However, the God-advantaged form of dominion operates by means of trust.
This benevolent form of dominion is engrained in the Jewish outlook on life. Dominion in scripture is the use of God's authority in a fashion reflecting greater freedom and trust, an authority given by God for the ultimate good of a community and society. The example of Joseph reflects how when Joseph was but a slave, he had great influence, but a trusted influence because of the recognition of the mantle he bore to be blessed to be a blessing.
I've previously mentioned the issue of power and a nurturing culture designed as a safe place. A society that encourages private ownership is a very Jewish concept. Trust societies began with the Jews. Trust societies foster a middle class.
Free enterprise does not have its origins in the West, but rather with the Jews. It is written that one will put a thousand to flight and two ten thousand. Moses wrote that God's people would be the head and not the tail, that they would be above all the other societies of the earth. This gives insight into the disproportionate achievement of Jews being awarded 27 percent of the Nobel prizes since 1950, despite being only one-quarter of one percent of the world's population.
We've been talking about Jewish business secrets, the factors that for centuries have made Jews to be known as the people of business. Dr. Fukuyama points to the cultural foundations of enduring economies. The Jews have long understood this, defying the odds as a culture within the cultures of which they have been a part. They have embraced this gift of community not only for their own benefit, but as a means by which they have become a blessing to those around them. We're going to be talking more about community in this series, specifically about community strategies and secrets that have been employed to aid Jews in being successful in business over the ages. We're also going to be talking about an important dynamic at the core of our entrepreneurial program, which we refer to as community-building. However, in our next session, we will discuss still another important aspect engrained in Jewish thinking: stewardship.
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the higher dimensions of business leadership since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders to be blessed to be a blessing where God's light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.
He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. They are available in print and e-versions from
Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at
Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your group's gathering on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.
2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --
Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN adviser. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization
Global Initiatives Foundation, PO Box 370291, Denver, CO 80237

Anti-Israel Activists Protest Ben & Jerry's...Then Eat Their Ice Cream - Israel Today Staff

Anti-Israel Activists Protest Ben & Jerry's...Then Eat Their Ice Cream

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
You can’t make this stuff up.
A group of activists with the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in America on Tuesday protested outside a local branch of Ben & Jerry’s over the fact that the company’s franchise in Israel has commercial contacts with “Jewish settlements.”
Was it mere coincidence that activists chose Ben & Jerry’s annual “Free Cone Day” to hold their demonstration?
Because despite the fact they want everyone else to boycott Ben & Jerry’s over its business ties with the Jewish state, the protesters themselves apparently had no problem accepting and devouring free “Israel-tainted” ice cream cones.
Their indiscretion was captured on camera by a counter-protestor associated with the pro-Israel organization Stand With Us.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Israel Supporters Meet to Counter BDS Movement, Free Speech Threats - CBN News John Waage

Israel Supporters Meet to Counter BDS Movement, Free Speech Threats
CBN News John Waage

LOS ANGELES – Israel's enemies number in the millions worldwide, but not all of them carry guns or wear suicide vests. Israel also faces an economic and cultural war, and the battlefield is on college and university campuses, courts and even churches.
The BDS movement, which stands for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, seeks to achieve by economic and cultural attack what Israel's adversaries have failed to achieve in military battle: a defeat of the Jewish state.
Last week, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat tried to speak to a group of students at San Francisco State University. But protesters at the gathering began to shout "Free Palestine" and other slogans until the mayor could not be heard. It's the latest of many incidents on university grounds in the U.S. and elsewhere in which the free speech rights of Israelis and others have been trampled by demonstrators.
To counter the growing reach of the BDS movement, a group of Israel's defenders came this week to a StandWithUs conference in downtown Los Angeles. The participants hope to fight the deluge of anti-Israel hostility at academic institutions, on social media and in the global economy.

Shir, an Israeli student from Tel Aviv University, told CBN News of her experience of being shouted down when she went to speak at a university in Tampa, Florida. Anti-Israel demonstrators called her a war criminal.
"They waited outside the class, and we had to have a police escort to our cars because they kept following us and calling us names," she recalled. "They yelled, 'How can you sleep at night' and 'You are a murderer!'"
Alon, a former Israeli soldier who has lived and studied in Latin America, described how he has been bombarded from friends abroad asking pointed questions about Israel on social media. Their questions usually reflect no understanding of the true situation in the Middle East.

Alon also was severely harassed on a U.S. campus. He said protesters were "standing up, screaming, not even having an open discussion; just throwing up comments in the air without any open dialogue."
"You can see I'm standing here," Alon exclaimed at the Los Angeles conference. "I'm a civilized human being. I'm not a war machine."
San Diego attorney Micha Danzig does pro-bono work for people threatened by the BDS movement and he is an advisor to StandWithUs. He's angered that the freest society in the Middle East, Israel, is singled out for harsh sanctions with the help of serial human rights abusers in the rest of the world, including China, North Korea, Cuba and a number of Arab regimes in Israel's neighborhood.
"It's freedom of speech for me, but not for thee, and that is what is the mantra of the BDS supporters on campuses," Danzig said. He acknowledged that, like the U.S., Israel is not perfect, but maintained that it is just and good.
"When you're saying that the one Jewish state is so deserving of this (economic and cultural attack), then you uniquely attribute all this evil to one Jewish state," Danzig explained.
"That can't help but spill over to Jews on campus," he continued. "It can't help but spill over to Jewish businesses, to people who are supportive of Israel, to Zionists, non-Jewish Zionists, Christian Zionists who support Israel. They become the focus of this vitriol and hate – not just Israel."
Several mainline Protestant churches are involved in the BDS economic war on Israel. The push began in the United Nations, targeting Israel for divestment in the same way churches targeted apartheid South Africa in the 1980s.
StandWithUs CEO Roz Rothstein told CBN News many church leaders have bought into a campaign of disinformation and a pro-Palestinian narrative that distorts the true picture in the Middle East, often without the knowledge of their parishioners.
"Often times, it's not the people in the pews that are angry at Israel. It's the people in leadership positions that are moving in this direction and on false information and half-truths," Rothstein said. She also expressed gratitude for the millions of Christians who do support Israel.  
"I'm a daughter of Holocaust survivors and I'm personally grateful to the community for standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel and the Jewish people on these very difficult issues during these BDS campaigns," she said.
In the meantime, more than a dozen state legislatures are considering or have passed laws and resolutions that would restrict various types of business and other participation in the BDS movement, and more action is expected as lawmakers come to terms with the impact on the movement on one of America's closest allies.

The Nation-Shaking Prophetic Download I Got at Azusa Now - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle pray during Azusa Now

The Nation-Shaking Prophetic Download I Got at Azusa Now

Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle pray during Azusa Now. (Facebook/Dutch Sheets)
Watchman on the Wall, with Jennifer LeClaire

Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at

The winds blew and the rains fell on TheCall Aszua Now, but that didn't stop tens of thousands of people from weathering the storms at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, the same venue where Billy Graham preached the gospel to over 134,000 in 1963. 
If anything, the adversity intensified the determination of the masses to cry out to God in what became for 15 hours an outdoor house of prayer in the heart of California. 
"William Seymour, the catalyst of that great revival, prophesied in 1913 that in roughly 100 years another revival far eclipsing Azusa would come," says Lou Engle, founder of TheCall. "The fulfillment of Seymour's word is overdue ... or right on schedule. Let us therefore "pray for the rain in the time of the latter rain." Who knows? Maybe like those who were baptized in the Spirit in the original Acts 2 upper room, we will say, "This is that which was spoken by William Seymour the prophet!" 
Of course, Seymour wasn't there and Graham wasn't there, but Christ for All Nations' Daniel Kolenda preached the gospel and, instead of George Beverly Shay, a new breed of worshippers—including Bethel Live, Eddie James and Roy Fields—lifted up praises to Jesus. Although the final count isn't in and the stadium wasn't full because of the miracle rain that drenched a city in drought, some say there were between 60,000 and 75,000 people at this historic event that aligned with the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street outpouring. 
Cindy Jacobs, co-founder of Generals International, released a prophesy that caused a roar from the stadium stands: "This is that which the prophets foretold. I'm getting ready to open up the greatest generation of young evangelists the world has ever known." 
Dutch Sheets, the founder of the Appeal to Heaven Movement, took the stage to tell the world—multiplied thousands were watching the live stream on GodTV—that God is not done with America. He told the story of how God revealed a new strategy for prayer that is sweeping the nation. "Today's 15-hour gathering to worship and pray was epic. Lot of great moments from Asuza Now gathering in Los Angeles." 
Indeed, social media were ablaze with the #azusanow hashtag as praying believers found inspiration in gathering together to literally act out 2 Chronicles 7:14.  
Sean Fuecht, founder of the 24/7 Burn movement, insists "history cannot ignore this sound." 
"The course of my life was changed at 16 while lying face down, weeping in the grace on the Mall in D.C. during the first Call gathering. I've joined with many others in this dramatic storyline ever since," he says. "A movement was born in my heart that day. I believe the same happened for countless thousands ... on the 110-year anniversary of Azusa. Let it begin." 
Jeff Jansen, founder of Global Fire Ministries, says he believes Azusa Now was one of the most significant events of the past few decades.
"As we were driving on Interstate 5 to the Azusa Now event on April 9, I saw a large, gold angel standing over LA," Jansen says. "The Lord said, 'Just as the 1849 gold rush drew people to California ... So 4/9 2016 will mark a new gold rush of divine proportion that will once again draw the nations into revival." 
Joshua Mills, a recording artist, author and revivalist, says he witnessed the ignition of a worldwide move of God. "I saw healing miracles happening and lives being changed by simply the hand of God resting on entire groups of people," Mills says. "I believe Azusa Now was the beginning, and now it will continue to unfold for those who were touched by that moment of glory." 
So where do we go from here? I'm declaring right now that awakening is here, and it's coming. Azusa Now wasn't the only prayer event on April 9. United Cry gathered 30,000 pastors in Washington, D.C. There was an Azusa event in Houston and thousands of people watching, praying and agreeing in churches, prayer rooms and homes across America. Reset America will gather tens of thousands on the Mall in D.C. to cry out to God again. 
I believe April 9 was a day of demarcation in America. It was a show of desperation and unity in the church. Prophetically, it was a shot heard around the world. Will we immediately see the impact of this historic, or as many are calling it, "epic" event? Probably not, but something shifted in the spirit in the City of Angels on Saturday. If you could pull back the curtain on the realm of the spirit, I believe you would have seen an intensified war in the heavens—and we're winning that war. 
On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight, and I sensed Him offering this prophetic word: 
There is a great awakening coming to this nation. For I have heard your cries, and I long to heal your land. I am a covenant God, and I will not forget the covenant I made with your Founding Forefathers. Yes, there will be a shaking, but the foundations will not crack, and they will not crumble. Only those things which can be shaken will be shaken that the sin in the land may be laid bare. 
Repentance. I require repentance from My people who have through the generations allowed the enemy to take ground in this nation. I require repentance for the abortions and for the prayerlessness. I require repentance for the apathy and for the idolatry. You shall have no other gods before me. I am indeed the God of America. 
Yes, there is a great awakening coming to this nation. I am the Author of it and I will bring it to pass. Just turn from your wicked ways and humble yourselves. Stand in the gap and make up the hedge. I am the Lord and I am a Warrior. I will not leave or forsake this country. I will fight through you and with you to regain what has been lost. 
Be encouraged now, because as you go forth boldly with My Word and My Spirit, there will be the sound of truth and it will prevail in the land. Speak boldly and clearly and watch as the mighty men arise to take their positions on the wall and in the churches and in the marketplaces. For I am raising up deliverers and reformers in this generation who will not shrink back at the challenge that is coming in the days ahead. 
Yes, it will grow darker before My light shines brightly from this nation again. But the light has not been extinguished and will not be extinguished. The time to rise up is now. I am calling you to war. I am calling you to repentance. I am calling you to My side. I am the captain of the hosts. I am calling you to victory. I am calling you to destiny. Will you answer? 
On April 9, I believe we answered. And I believe we are standing at the door of transforming revival in America.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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