Thursday, June 2, 2016

When Bibi Netanyahu is warning you about this, it’s time to pay attention…ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

When Bibi Netanyahu is warning you about this, it’s time to pay attention…

Published: June 2, 2016

Hebrew Lesson of the Day ✡ "May You See Children Born" - ISRAEL365

May you see children born to your children,
peace upon Israel.

וּרְאֵה בָנִים לְבָנֶיךָ שָׁלוֹם עַל יִשְׂרָאֵל

תהילים קכח:ו

ur-ay va-neem l’-va-ne-kha sha-lom al yis-ra-ayl

Today's Israel Inspiration

The name “Israel” refers to both the Land and the People and has a deeper meaning as well. The first letter of the word "Israel" is the י - yud, which is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The final letter in "Israel" is the tall lamed - ל, the largest letter in the alphabet. The very name of the Jewish people, ישראל - Yisrael, alludes to both its humble beginnings as well as its exalted destiny. Today in Israel, TikvahHope assists poor Israeli children move past their difficult beginnings to reach a successful destiny. In their incredible new youth center in Sderot, on the Israeli-Gaza border, TikvaHope gives nourishing meals and support to the city's neediest children, in a safe, loving afternoon program.

Itsy Bitsy Israel

Travel to a miniaturized version of Israel in this fun video that displays Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Akko and more.

New Youth Club Near Gaza Shows the Resilient Israeli Spirit

Sderot has been plagued with rocket fire from Gaza for years, but residents of the beleagered city won't give up. The launch of a new youth club is empowering their youth and preparing them for success.

A woman visiting from Vienna, a man on the day of his circumcision, and a woman named Stephanie are searching for the same thing....their Hebrew Name.

Discover your Hebrew Name Today »

Today's Israel Photo

Sharon Gabay's photo of the Cardo in the Old City of Jerusalem. Once the main street of the Romans, a section of the ancient Cardo has been revived by the Jewish nation as a shopping street, full of art and jewelry.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Ronald Westwood of Australia. Todah rabah!

“Thank You for the Very Educational Emails”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Hi A blessed day to you Rabbi Tuly. Thank you for the very educational emails you've been sending. They help me understand where I am as a Christian as well as the prophecies in the Bible. God bless you more.- Fred Lumba

Hello Rabbi Weisz, Just wanted to let you know that I'm another evangelical Christian who believes that God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people forever.  And now that they're back in it, there's no way they will ever be driven out again.  You can take that to the bank!  Furthermore, I make it my aim to bless the Jewish people, knowing the promise that God made to Abraham and his descendants...So, Blessings and Peace be to you.- David Smith
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Apostasy of America - Jonathan Cahn (Day 5) - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Apostasy of America - Jonathan Cahn (Day 5) - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3007 | Aired on June 2, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

8 Reasons Why It Is So Hard To Find Someone Decent To Marry - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Love And Marriage - Public Domain

Posted: 01 Jun 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

It is not easy to be single in America today. If you are a man, it can be exceedingly difficult to find a good woman to marry. If you are a woman, it is literally a miracle if you can find a good man to marry. So is it just our imaginations, or has the process of finding a mate become much more challenging in recent years? Well, it is a fact that fewer people are getting married these days.

For the first time in our history, there are more single adults in our country than married adults, and Time Magazine says that 25 percent of Millennials will never get married even once in their entire lifetimes. And of course those that do get married are taking far longer to do so than previous generations. Just recently, I wrote about how the average American woman is getting married 7.0 years later than she did in 1956, and the average American man is getting married 6.7 years later than he did back at that time.

So why is this happening?

Why has finding love become so challenging?

Below, I would like to share 8 reasons why it has become so hard to find someone decent to marry…

#1 The Me-Centered Society

We live in a “me-centered” society in which tens of millions of us are literally in love with ourselves. When pleasing self becomes the highest priority, that doesn’t leave a lot of room for the kind of self-sacrificial love that marriage requires. An astounding 24 billion “selfies” were uploaded to Google last year, and that says a whole lot about where we are at as a nation. So many of us are inclined to stay with our “partners” for only as long as they make us happy, and the instant that ends many of us wish to dispose of them. And that is a lot easier to do if you are “living together” instead of being legally married.

#2 It Has Become Much More Difficult To Find Someone With Good Values

The moral collapse of America is something that I write about extensively.  As a society, we have rejected the values of previous generations, and today most people generally do whatever they feel like doing. But this can become a major problem when you are looking for someone “that shares your values” to get married to.

According to the Pew Research Center, more than half of all Americans that belong to the “Silent Generation” attend religious services weekly, but less than 30 percent of all Millennials do.  With each passing generation, we have become less Christian, less “conservative”, and less moral.  Unfortunately for young single adults, these trends do not seem likely to change in a major way any time soon.

#3 A Lot Of Young Adults Are Obsessed With Money And Materialism

A lot of single people these days will not date someone unless that individual has “good prospects” for the future. In fact, one survey found that 75 percent of American women would not date an unemployed man. Of course it is entirely reasonable to want a spouse that will work hard, but many young people are taking their obsession with materialism to ridiculous extremes.

I want to share with you what is going on in China these days, but similar scenes are playing out all across the rest of the world as well…
Parents often provide their male children with a home or car to make them appear more attractive. Women are often encouraged to “marry up” and not to settle for anyone who can’t provide material benefits.
A woman from the southwestern city of Chengdu rejected her boyfriend’s flash mob proposal last December, when she saw the ring and thought the diamond was too small.
She later told a friend that the man had agreed to “buy me a diamond ring as large as one carat,” Soho News reported.
It was reminiscent of a famous line from a 2010 Chinese dating show, when a contestant said, “I would rather cry in the back of a BMW than smile on the back of a bicycle.”
#4 A Lot Of Young Men Of Marriage Age Have Turned Into Bums

Have you noticed that a lot of young men in their twenties and thirties would rather spend all day watching television and playing video games than doing something constructive?
And record numbers of them have moved back home with no apparent intention of moving out. Today, 32 percent of all American Millennials are living at home with Mommy and Daddy. In some cases this is being done out of necessity because there aren’t enough good jobs, but in other cases it is simply pure laziness.

So what are quality young women supposed to do?

Are they supposed to actually consider these unambitious young men that seem perfectly content to indefinitely camp out in the basements of the homes that they were raised in?

#5 Sexual Immorality Is Absolutely Rampant

If you are looking for someone sexually pure to get married to, good luck with that. Everywhere you look in our sexually-hypercharged society, people are behaving like animals.
This is even happening in the wealthiest areas of our nation. The following is an excerpt from a recent Vanity Fair article about what is going on in the Hamptons right now…
Cops put the kibosh on a burlesque party at East Hampton’s Maidstone hotel. A professional orgy-planning outfit is hosting its first bacchanal later in June. Wednesday Martin, the author of Primates of Park Avenue, warns that married, heterosexual women in the Hamptons are conducting steamy affairs with their female fitness instructors. “Female flexuality,” she calls it. A randy rabbi, who blazed through five ex-wives, finally got the ax after running around town with a former flight attendant who was decades his junior. And a Southampton schools superintendent was investigated after one of his X-rated selfies made the rounds on campus.
The CDC says that there are 20 million new STD cases in America each year, and our young people are being corrupted at younger and younger ages. In fact, I just came across a headline earlier today about a “sexy school teacher” that got pregnant by a 13-year-old boy
The Aldine Independent School District Middle School teacher accused of having a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old student turned herself in to Montgomery County police Wednesday after a warrant was issued for her arrest.
Prosecutors said Alexandria Vera had a sexual relationship with one of her students and also got pregnant by the eighth-grader.
#6 An Increasing Percentage Of Our Young People Don’t Even Want Someone Of The Opposite Sex

According to the Daily Mail, the percentage of men and the percentage of women that have had sexual relations with a member of the same sex has approximately doubled since 1990…
Researchers from San Diego State University, Florida Atlantic University and Widener University in Pennsylvania, analysed data from the General Social Survey – a nationally representative survey of more than 30,000 adults that has asked Americans about their attitudes toward same-sex sexual behaviour since 1973 and about sexual partners since 1989.
They found that between 1990 and 2014, the percentage of men who reported having had sex with at least one man increased from 4.5 percent to 8.2 percent.
In the same time-frame, the number of women reporting having had sex with at least one woman increased from 3.6 percent to 8.7 percent.
#7 Sexual Immorality Is Running Rampant Even In The Church

Did you know that the rate of teen pregnancy is about the same for Christians in America as it is for society as a whole?

Very few of our churches like to talk about sin, commandments, holiness or eternal judgment anymore, and as a result many people in the church are going just as wild as people in the world.

Let me share with you one example that comes from an article authored by Dr. Michael Brown
Well, during an I Love New York celebration at a recent women’s conference hosted by Hillsong in New York City, a Hillsong youth pastor was onstage, dressed up as the Naked Cowboy, meaning that he too was wearing nothing but a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, briefs and a guitar.
But hey, after all, what’s wrong with that? We don’t want to get religious now, do we? What’s wrong with a youth pastor standing onstage in his underwear during a women’s conference? (Sarcasm fully intended.)
#8 A Large Percentage Of Our Young People Are Not Marriage Material Because They Are Addicts

You definitely do not want to marry an addict. In America today, millions of young people are addicted to alcohol, millions are addicted to illegal drugs, and millions are addicted to legal drugs.

But for this piece, I want to talk about pornography addiction in particular. As I have mentioned before, there are more than four million adult websites on the Internet, and collectively they receive more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.

According to a recent Charisma article, 68 percent of all Christian men watch pornography on a regular basis, so even if you go to church “to find a man”, there is still a very good chance that you could be getting an addict.

And of course all of these sick images are resulting in an explosion of very bizarre “alternative lifestyles” in America including “puppy play”, “ecosexuality” and “polyamory”. Everything about sex, marriage and relationships is literally being turned upside down, and the United States will never be the same from this point forward.

Before I finish this article, I want to leave you with one final thought…

In May 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced that we would put men on the moon.

In May 2016, Barack Obama announced that we would put men in women’s restrooms.

The very foundations of our society are being systematically destroyed, and yet very few people seem upset about this.

If we continue going down this path, is there any hope for the future of our nation?
*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*

Lebanon: Hezbollah Digging Tunnels Into Israel - Israel Today Staff

Lebanon: Hezbollah Digging Tunnels Into Israel

Thursday, June 02, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
In marking the 16th anniversary of Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon, the Lebanese newspaper Al-Safir reported that the Hezbollah terrorist militia is busy digging tunnels under the Israeli border in preparation for future conflict.
According to the article, the tunnels enable Hezbollah terrorists to attack Israel at a moment’s notice, and include sophisticated ventilation and electricital systems and enough supplies to allow militants to remain in the tunnels for weeks at a time.
Fully aware of the threat, Israel’s Home Front Command is busy training civil defense units in towns and villages across northern Israel.
That effort includes a great many Arab communities, who after the last Lebanon war realized Hezbollah missiles do not differentiate between Arabs and Jews.
“There is a big change in the Arab population in Israel in that they are much more willing to cooperate with us,” Col. Eren Makov, the Northern Regional Commander of the Homefront Command, said in a recent interview with The Media Line. “We give them training in what to do and they see it as a contribution.”
Israeli officials stress that the next war with Hezbollah isn’t likely to happen anytime soon, given that the Lebanese group is so bogged down in the Syrian civil war, in which it has lost thousands of troops.
On the other hand, Hezbollah operates at the whim of the Iranian regime. Should Tehran or the besieged regime of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad view it as beneficial to draw Israel into the conflict, they could order a Hezbollah assault on the Galilee or Golan Heights.
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VIDEO: This is Why We Defend Israel - Israel Today Staff

VIDEO: This is Why We Defend Israel

Thursday, June 02, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The IDF has posted the above video to show what our soldiers are fighting for, and why they are so fiercely dedicated to defending the Jewish state.
Watch video here: This Is Why We Defend Israel
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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

African-American Christian Leaders Bless Israel With Visit to Holy Land - By JNS BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

The Fellowship is proud to host the National Baptist Convention of America International on a tour of the Holy Land, where they will explore Israel’s national treasures and the Fellowship programs. (Photo: IFCJ Facebook)

African-American Christian Leaders Bless Israel With Visit to Holy Land

The Fellowship Brings Christian Leaders Visit Israel to Strengthen Ties With Jewish People

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalms 133:1 (The Israel Bible™)
Twenty-six African-American Christian leaders are participating in a May 23-29 educational trip to Israel sponsored by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship).
The visiting delegation is from the National Baptist Convention of America, a predominately black church. Yael Eckstein, senior vice president of The Fellowship, said the trip is part of an effort to combat the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel and to “build strategic friends and allies for the Jewish people both financially and politically.”

The Bridge Builder: The Life and Continuing Legacy of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein - Read Now!
“Just seeing the country and experiencing [it] is something which can build a greater connection with Israel,” she said.
Rev. Samuel C. Tolbert Jr.—president of the National Baptist Convention of America—said he hoped to use the trip to help find “common ground” between Palestinians and Israelis