Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How Effective Have the BDS Efforts Against Israel Been? - Brian Schrauger ISRAEL TODAY

How Effective Have the BDS Efforts Against Israel Been?

Wednesday, June 08, 2016 |  Brian Schrauger   ISRAEL TODAY
Foreign capital flow to Israeli assets hit a record high of $285.12 billion last year, nearly triple of what this figure was in 2005, Bloomberg News reported last week. And while the Israeli economy has been slowing as of late, it is still performing better than that of the United States and other Western nations. Israeli companies, especially high-tech startups, have also become very attractive targets for foreign investors.
The Bloomberg report is consistent with an analysis written for The Wall Street Journal two years ago by David Rosenberg, economic editor of the Israeli daily Haaretz.
The true story is that after nearly 10 years of campaigning, the global BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement has not had the slightest economic impact. Its victories have consisted of coaxing a handful of pop stars and academics to cancel appearances in Israel, and winning empty, sanctimonious declarations of support from the likes of student governments, cooperative grocery stories and leftish church groups.
Far from being isolated, Israel’s exports are reaching record highs and it attracts billions of dollars in foreign investment.
In the weeks that Israel was supposedly under a boycott siege, Japan’s Rakuten agreed to buy the start-up Viber for $900 million and Ireland’s Covidien sealed a deal to buy Given Imaging for $860 million. China’s Bright Food was in talks to buy control of Israel’s biggest food maker Tnuva, and IBM, Lockheed-Martin and ERM all announced plans to open research and development centers in Israel. The Jewish state became the first non-European member of the nuclear research consortium CERN and was admitted as an observer to the Pacific Alliance, a free-trade bloc of five Latin American countries.
A group of multinational firms including Ford, IBM, GE, Tyco, GM, Singtel, PayPal, Yahoo, ProSieben, and Kimberly-Clark came to Tel Aviv at the end of 2015 to find suitable startups to invest in. That year, Israeli startups netted nearly $5 billion in Venture Capital-backed exit deals, a ten-year record.
The BDS campaign attempts to delegitimize and isolate Israel in an effort to advance Palestinian interests, and many of its leaders have publicly affirmed that they seek Israel’s destruction. BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti, an opponent of the two-state solution, said in 2014 that Palestinians have a right to "resistance by any means, including armed resistance,” while leading activist As’ad Abu Khalil acknowledged in 2012 that "the real aim of BDS is to bring down the state of Israel.”
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Cindy Jacobs: Breaking Strongholds That Strangle Women - CHARISMA MAGAZINE

In looking back over my life, I have been able to identify at least five major strongholds that I personally had to deal with in order to be released into my destiny.

Looking back over my life, I have been able to identify at least five major strongholds that I personally had to deal with in order to be released into my destiny. (Flickr | Praveen Kumar)
In looking back over my life, I have been able to identify at least five major strongholds that I personally had to deal with in order to be released into my destiny. I think many women will relate to a number of these on differing levels.
1. Strongholds of the Mind
I like the way Ed Silvoso describes this kind of stronghold in That None Should Perish:
"A mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes the believer to accept as unchangeable, situations that we know are contrary to the will of God."
In other words, some of the ways we think and feel about ourselves and our situations are contrary to God's will. Basically, there are ways we think and feel about ourselves that can actually stop us from reaching our destinies in God. These can be things such as childhood traumas, insecurities or inferiorities.
2. The Stronghold of Fear
One of the biggest strongholds we women struggle with is fear. Fear comes in many packages and hides behind lies. We sometimes self-righteously dress up our fears as, "It's simply not in me to stand in public and pray."
We fear others' opinions. Remember, at the end of our days, the Lord will ask each of us what we did with our talents. I hope none of you have a backyard full of talents you've buried, such as gifts of music, writing, organization, serving and more. Fear will not be an acceptable excuse when we stand before the King of the universe because He has given us all the ability to be overcomers through the blood of the Lamb. If we are feeling overtaken with fear, it hasn't come from God! He gives us power, love and a sound mind (see 2 Tim. 1:7).
Some of you need to dust off your talents and dreams and give them to the Lord. The difference between women who find their place in God's kingdom and those who never find it may simply be a willingness to be used of God. Everyone can do something. You can join a group of Moms in Touch who intercede for their children's schools or some other form of service that will get you out of yourself.
3. Strongholds of Intimidation
Intimidation often binds women. It occurs when we look at our shortfalls rather than at the greatness of God. Whether we are called to sing or testify, the enemy might say something such as, "People will think that you are full of pride if you do that!" He often points out the weaknesses in our personal lives and family situations, or tries to compare our abilities with those of others in order to produce an oppressive feeling that will restrain us from reaching our full potential in God.
4. Generational Strongholds
Some strongholds start long before we are born. We inherit them. You might say, "Wait a minute, Cindy, that's not fair!" Exodus 20:5 tells us that God visits the iniquities of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation. While we have been redeemed from these iniquities, we need to appropriate our freedom through the name of Jesus Christ. I give a lengthy teaching on this subject in my book The Voice of God. These strongholds can produce curses such as sickness, poverty, insanity and so forth.
5. Strongholds of Tradition
Growing up in the South, in the United States, tradition was another of my big strongholds. Good Christian Southern women simply did not travel around the world and preach the gospel! I struggled intensely with accepting the call of God upon my life as a minister of the gospel. It took me two full years before I even admitted to anyone that I was a minister—even after I was licensed! I just couldn't seem to get the "m" word out of my mouth. I guess I was afraid of people's reactions. Now, I am proud (in a righteous way) of sharing what I do in God's kingdom. I tell people, "I have a great Boss, and the retirement plan is out of this world!"I've often wondered if Queen Vashti, in the book of Esther, refused to come when summoned by the king because it wasn't traditional for her to do so. When our King summons us, we must be sure that we are not being held back by tradition.
Lord, Send Me Into My Call
You may have a genuine desire to become a woman of destiny and fulfill the high calling of Christ Jesus for your life. Be assured that the Lord is raising up a vast army of handmaidens all around the world. Don't be bound by the opinion of man (or woman). Simply follow God's leading. If God calls you to stay home full time even after your children are grown, then do it! Maybe you are single, and God is calling you to the mission field; step out!
Please pray the following prayer with me right now:
Lord, I want to be a woman of destiny. I give You all of my life, my children, my family and other people's opinions of me. Here am I, Lord. Send me into my call. Help me to break down any strongholds that stop me from completely serving You. I will go anywhere You ask me to go and do anything You ask me to do as long as I know it is Your will for my life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 
This article is excerpted from Cindy's book, Women of Destiny. Original article source here.
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 41 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Cindy has authored books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her grandchildren.
Reprinted with permission from Elijah List Publications.
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Franklin Graham Has Fire-and-Brimstone Words for Atheists - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Graham had a fiery message for atheists.

Franklin Graham Has Fire-and-Brimstone Words for Atheists

Graham had a fiery message for atheists. (Flickr)
Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at
Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire
It's unreasonable. Scads of unbelieving atheists flocked to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on Saturday to hold what they called a "Reason Rally."
At this humanistic political event, thousands of secularists rallied for major political issues like climate change, reproductive rights and LGBT equality in an election year. Their stated goal: "see reason taking precedence over religious-driven ideology."
Again, it's unreasonable.
"This liberal godless kind of what they call 'reason'; should concern every freedom-loving American," evangelist Franklin Graham said of the event. "Isn't it ironic that they met on the grounds of the Lincoln Memorial where these words are engraved in stone: 'We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom.'"
It's ironic because Lincoln clearly acknowledged the role Christianity plays in establishing freedom and justice for all. Lincoln is famous for the Emancipation Proclamation that set the slaves free.
"Now these atheists promoting secularism want to strip God out of America's past, present and future," Graham said. "Here's a warning—if you remove God, you remove God's hand of blessing. That's been shown over and over throughout history."
Graham is urging Christians to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with an ever-growing secular world.
"One day each of these people is going to stand before the God that they disown, and they will face an eternity in hell if they have not trusted Christ as their Savior," Graham said. "That's where this kind of 'reason' will get them. The Bible says, 'There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death' (Prov. 14:12)."
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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Taking A Stand - Gary Heavin, Mike Norris (Day 2) - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Taking A Stand Gary Heavin, Mike Norris (Day 2) - The Jim Bakker Show

Gary Heavin, Mike Norris
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3010 | Aired on June 7, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

You NEED to know this about Israel ✡ "The Beginning of Knowledge" - ISRAEL365

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but the foolish despise wisdom and discipline.

יִרְאַת יְ-הוָה רֵאשִׁית דָּעַת חָכְמָה וּמוּסָר אֱוִילִים בָּזוּ

משלי א:ז

yir-at a-do-nai ray-sheet da-at khokh-ma u-mu-sar e-vee-leem ba-zu

Jerusalem Inspiration

The Book of Proverbs was written by King Solomon, the wisest king of Israel. In I Kings 3, the Bible relates how Solomon achieved such greatness. God appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered him whatever his heart desired. Young King Solomon asked only for the wisdom to guide God’s people in righteousness. So pleased was the Lord with Solomon’s request that He also granted him great wealth and success. Now YOU can expand your knowledge of Israel's history, its land and its philosophical doctrines, and all the disputes that go along with it!  With The Land of Israel Online Courses, its never been easier.  Sign up now to start your live classes straight from the holy land, and start enriching your Israel wisdom.

The Israeli 'Indiana Jones' Finds Biblical Treasures in the Holy Land

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Bring a Piece of Israel into Your Home from Afar

Recognizing the gift of technology to bring Israel into homes far and wide, a group of dedicated teachers living in the Holy Land have initiated a new, online series of courses.

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Franklin Graham After Hillary Clinton Win: America Is in Serious Trouble - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham After Hillary Clinton Win: America Is in Serious Trouble

Evangelist Franklin Graham is urging Americans to pray following Hillary Clinton's clinching of the Democratic presidential nomination. (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association photo)
Evangelist Franklin Graham congratulated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on securing the support of enough delegates to wrap up the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.
Then he offered a dire warning.
"It seems congratulations are in order to Hillary Clinton this morning," he wrote on social media Tuesday morning. "According to the Associated Press, she now has enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination, even though Bernie Sanders disagrees and pledges to fight on."
As things stand right now, he said, it appears the presidential election this fall will be between Clinton and Donald Trump. But as he has been saying for months during his Decision America Tour, he's not endorsing any candidate for the November general election.
And now, he's asking Americans to pray.
"This nation is in serious trouble," he wrote. "Both the Democratic and the Republican parties have lost the moral vision for this nation.
"I pray that God will give us a president who is a strong and courageous leader and who has a vision for the future. We need a president who can lead this nation back to being one nation under God so that we can truly say 'In God we trust!'
"May God bless America again!"
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Globally Respected Charismatic Leaders Confirm 2016 Prophetic Words - RICHARD BARKER CHARISMA MAGAZINE

C Peter Wagner is among those who confirmed ...

C. Peter Wagner is among those who confirmed this prophetic word. (Twitter )

Globally Respected Charismatic Leaders Confirm 2016 Prophetic Words

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
One recent morning got kick-started before I was even awake! It was an eventful dream, which I'll relate shortly.
In fact, someone had already tried getting in touch in connection with the dream! That may seem astonishing but this sort of coincidence isn't at all unusual. 'God-incidents' always make me rejoice for we have a God of surprises.
When I got around to checking the weekend email, one near the top of my in-tray was from the senior leader of Falkirk Full Gospel Church in Scotland, Thomas Harry. In view of what I'd dreamed, his message stunned me! It reads:
"I have attached an urgent word from the Lord that has had an overwhelming number of confirmations ... regarding the new season we are in and ensuring we build on the biblical foundation of the Apostles and Prophets found in Ephesians 2:20.
"It has been confirmed by respected Christian leaders globally and the document includes 10 confirmations including from Catherine Brown, Sharon Stone, Cindy Jacobs, Peter Wagner & others.
"This will affect us all one way or another, so I felt it was vital I shared with someone like you. Most of us realize there's a great move of God coming and the Lord wants to ensure we have our foundations and houses ready for this ...'
"I believe it signals the biggest shift in the church since the reformation ..."
I agree with Thomas that this prophetic consensus warrants church-wide circulation to leaders and congregations for serious consideration and weighing with the Lord.
To read the full document use this link to 'Word for 2016 ...' and scroll for downloading it as a Word or PDF document. More easily, however, read it courtesy of James Bailey with extensive comments on his Z3News by clicking here.
Thomas' document begins:
"The Lord has confirmed that the church as a whole has shifted to a new season and consequently we must build on the Apostolic and Prophetic foundation laid out in Ephesians 2:20. The attached document has been collated by Thomas Harry, through the leading of the Holy Spirit in order to communicate this word to the global church. Due to the urgent nature of this word, please circulate this to believers and leaders both here in the U.K. and beyond. I urge every believer and leader to take the time to read through this, as it is certainly one of the most important words for the church in many years."
I'm grateful to Thomas for kindly quoting a couple of items from this blog. Furthermore, we know from recent posts there are many more confirmations than those he quotes. (Not to mention the content of daily Lion Bites from Glasgow Prophetic Centre.)
Moreover, this blog's A New Era for the Church lists over 40 prophetic promises made before November 2014 and building up over the following year, presumably leading to a tipping point!
A Revival-Related Dream
The dream I'd had a few hours before reading his email was this:
A crowd I supposed had come from a church were milling around and confused. One man of some standing sharply accused me, "You're not a Christian." Upon my addressing that issue, the scene changed and time seemed to pass, as though the dream's earlier part was about historical events.
At one point, my spectacle lens was about to fall out, so I used my special screwdriver to adjust and tighten it. (This symbolizes a change in clarity of vision in order to understand the dream's meaning—and what was about to unfold!)
Then I found I was looking into large hall inside a building—the ceiling was not visible, but I sensed it was open to the heavens. The distant walls resembled many side chapels in a large cathedral. One was noticeable and commemorated the period of Celtic saints in pre-Catholic British church.
And NOW—actually while typing—I'm getting distinct ripples and chills down my neck as Heather Clark sings, "For the Lord our God He is holy ... holy, holy, holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty" in her distinctive rendition of Exalt the Lord (from her Glorious Praise CD).
The hall in my dream was jam-packed with excited believers, quite the opposite of the earlier scenes. Someone nearby held his Bible to his mouth (signifying not only he will speak in accordance with Scripture but also as led by the Lord, with full prophetic anointing). And so I understood he was going to preach with a holy unction.
But then the alarm went off!
The dream's impact left a lingering impression. So I chuckled upon reading our morning prayer focus from Keep Praying and Bless. The day's Scripture is 1 Chronicles 16:29, "Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His Name!"
We decree that a day will come when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.
After the daily prayer of blessing for our family, friends, locality and that day's particular city came its specific blessing:
"We bless the nation to receive a spirit of worship, to give glory and honor to Almighty God, that His Glorious Name be praised by all men."
How appropriate—even more so when I read Thomas' email.
May you too be mightily blessed. 
Richard Barker researches and blogs about national and international events and developments within churches from a kingdom and prophetic perspective of the Holy Bible. Thus, the focus is upon revival and possible indicators of Jesus' promised return, plus contemporary prophecies from recognized prophetical voices.
For the original article, visit
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