Thursday, June 16, 2016

Bring Your Faith to the Forefront ✡ "Spied Out the Land" - ISRAEL365

They ascended and spied out the Land....
and he arrived at Hebron.

וַיַּעֲלוּ וַיָּתֻרוּ אֶת הָאָרֶץ ... וַיָּבֹא עַד חֶבְרוֹן

בְּמִדְבַּר יג:כא,כב

va-ya-a-lu va-ya-tu-ru et ha-a-retz... va-ya-vo ad khev-ron

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verses describe a very special detour by the righteous Caleb, who was part of a team sent to spy out the Land. Caleb desperately wanted to avoid the slander of the spies. He quickly detoured to the tomb of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Hebron, where he poured his heart out in prayer for spiritual strength. To this day, thousands follow in Caleb's path to pray in Hebron in the merit of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs buried there. Don't miss this chance to discover the significance of Hebron's holy sites with an inspiring new eBook.

Absolute Proof of the Bible

How do we know that the Cave of the Patriarchs is the exact spot where the Patriarchs are buried as described in the Bible? This video gives absolute proof.

2,100 Year Old Coins Discovered, Bearing Names of Jewish Kings

Ancient bronze coins have been discovered in Israel, bearing the names of the Jewish kings Yehohanan, Judah, Jonathan, and Mattathias (including his title: “High Priest and Head of the Council of the Jews”).

Today's Israel Photo

Bike riding through a wheat field in Kibbutz Be'eri in southern Israel. Kibbutz Be'eri was established in the Negev in 1946, to protest the British Mandate's "White Paper" limiting Jewish immigration to the Land.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Kathryn Schleifer of Zimmerman, Missouri. Todah rabah!

“Thank You So Much for Letting Me Feel As If I Was There”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Good Morning Israel :) This mornings video of Ein Gedi  was breathtaking! I am 100% sure I will be watching that over and over again. The beauty that you send me is everything that I've dreamt it would be. I felt as if I was there and pray that one day I will be able to see this and stand underneath that waterfall. Bringing along a picnic basket for the shade and some fine wine to go along with it :) Thank you so much for letting me feel as if I was there. I love you dearly. God Bless you and keep you , and may his face continue to shine upon you. With you in Heart Always and Forever, Kathy Schleifer
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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EMP: The Threat Is Real - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry (Day 1) on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: EMP: The Threat Is Real - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry (Day 1) on The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Doctor Peter Vincent Pry
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3016 | Aired on June 15, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Pro-Life Christians Celebrate David Daleiden's Victory - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

David Daleiden

Pro-Life Christians Celebrate David Daleiden's Victory

Christian pro-life investigative journalist David Daleiden still faces a felony indictment in Texas after a judge there ruled a misdemeanor charge was without merit. (Video Screenshot Image)
Tuesday, one of the charges against Christian pro-life investigative journalist David Daleiden in Harris County, Texas, was dismissed.
Daleiden faced a misdemeanor charge of attempting to illegally purchase baby body parts. But Judge Diane Bull determined that indictment was void. Despite this legal victory, Daleiden still faces a felony charge for allegedly using a fake driver's license to conceal his identity during his undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood.
Daleiden's organization, the Center for Medical Progress, issued the following statement:
Judge Diane Bull's swift dismissal of the bogus charge against CMP founder David Daleiden of trafficking human organs is the latest confirmation that the indictments from a runaway grand jury in Houston were a politically-motivated sham all along. In finding that the indictment was void on its face, Judge Bull's ruling directly contradicts the District Attorney's argument that the indictment was valid despite the DA's collusion with Planned Parenthood.
The dismissal of the first indictment today sends a strong message to Planned Parenthood and their political cronies that colluding to suppress the First Amendment rights of citizen journalists will never work. The Center for Medical Progress follows all applicable laws in the course of its investigative journalism work and as more details about Planned Parenthood's contracts for aborted baby parts come to light, it's clear that Planned Parenthood and their business partners like StemExpress are the ones who are guilty of trafficking in human body parts.
Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society, which is representing Daleiden, said recent filings confirm the Harris County District Attorney colluded with Planned Parenthood. He said the filings also indicate the DA's office worked with Planned Parenthood to undermine the Texas Attorney General's independent investigation of the abortion provider.
"The conduct of Harris County prosecutors in this case is outrageous and illegal," he said. "We look forward to pressing our motion to quash this indictment in court."
A number of pro-life Christian groups, including the Family Research Council, have responded to the news.
"I am grateful that Judge Diane Bull was able to see through what appears to be a baseless charge that is politically motivated," FRC President Tony Perkins said. "There was no transaction or attempted transaction to suggest Daleiden was actually buying aborted baby body parts.
"Of course the charges against Daleiden scream the question: Why didn't the District Attorney charge Planned Parenthood for selling the body parts? You can't have a buyer without a seller.
"The Harris County judge overseeing the felony false identification charge against Daleiden should follow the example of Judge Bull in dismissing the indictment, and realize that these charges against Daleiden are nothing but naked political intimidation and attempts to silence the truth of what the abortion industry is doing.
"I also urge California Attorney General Kamala Harris to follow the lead of Judge Bull and return Daleiden's undercover footage exposing the sale of baby body parts, which was illegally seized by the state in violation of Daleiden's constitutional rights. It is time to end this political bullying of Daleiden and his colleagues who simply exposed the abhorrent sale of aborted children's organs.
"It is Planned Parenthood, biotech companies and the abortion industry that need to be investigated further, not those who expose their illegal and heinous activities."
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15 Facts About The Imploding U.S. Economy That The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To See - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

U.S. Economy - Public Domain

Posted: 15 Jun 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

You are about to see undeniable evidence that the U.S. economy has been slowing down for quite some time.  And it is vital that we focus on the facts, because all over the Internet you are going to find lots and lots of people that have opinions about what is going on with the economy.  And of course the mainstream media is always trying to spin things to make Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton look good, because those that work in the mainstream media are far more liberal than the American population as a whole. 

It is true that I also have my own opinions, but as an attorney I learned that opinions are not any good unless you have facts to back them up.  So please allow me a few moments to share with you evidence that clearly demonstrates that we have already entered a major economic slowdown.  The following are 15 facts about the imploding U.S. economy that the mainstream media doesn’t want you to see…

1. Industrial production has now declined for nine months in a row.  We have never seen this happen outside of a recession in all of U.S. history.

2. U.S. commercial bankruptcies have risen on a year over year basis for seven months in a row and are now up 51 percent since September.

3. The delinquency rate on commercial and industrial loans has been rising since January 2015.

4. Total business sales in the United States have been steadily dropping since the middle of 2014.  No, I did not say 2015.  Total business sales have been in decline for nearly two years now, and we just found out that they dropped again
Total business sales in the US did in April what they’ve been doing since July 2014: they dropped: -2.9% from a year ago, to $1.28 trillion (not adjusted for seasonal differences and price changes), the Censuses Bureau reported on Tuesday. That’s where sales had been in April 2013!
5. U.S. factory orders have been dropping for 18 months in a row.

6. The Cass Shipping Index has been falling on a year over year basis for 14 consecutive months.

7. U.S. coal production has dropped to the lowest level in 35 years.

8. Goldman Sachs has its own internal tracker of the U.S. economy, and it has fallen to the lowest level since the last recession.

9. JPMorgan’s “recession indicators” have risen to the highest level that we have seen since the last recession.

10. Federal tax receipts and state tax receipts usually both start to fall as we enter a new recession, and that is precisely what is taking place right now.

11. The Federal Reserve’s Labor Market Conditions Index has been falling for five months in a row.

12. The employment numbers that the government released for last month were the worst that we have seen in six years.

13. According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, layoff announcements at major firms are running 24 percent higher this year than they were at this time last year.

14. Online job postings on the business networking site LinkedIn have been declining steadily since February after 73 months in a row of growth.

15. The number of temporary workers in the United States peaked and started falling precipitously before the recession of 2001 even started.  The exact same thing happened just prior to the beginning of the 2008 recession.  So would it surprise you to learn that the number of temporary workers in the United States peaked in December and has fallen dramatically since then?

Earlier today, we learned that two of our biggest corporations will be laying off even more workers.  Bank of America, which is holding more of our money than any other bank in the country, has announced that it is going to be cutting about 8,000 more workers
Bank of America is expected to reduce staffing in its consumer banking division by as many as 8,000 more jobs.
The nation’s largest retail bank by deposits has already reduced the staffing in its consumer division from more than 100,000 in 2009 to about 68,400 as of the end of the first quarter of 2016, said Thong Nguyen, Bank of America’s president of retail banking and co-head of consumer banking at the Morgan Stanley Financials Conference Tuesday.
And Wal-Mart has announced that it is going to be eliminating “back-office accounting jobs” at approximately 500 locations
Walmart is going to cut some back-office accounting jobs at about 500 stores in a bid to become more efficient.
The job cuts will occur mostly at stores mostly in the West and involve accounting and invoicing workers, says spokesman Kory Lundberg. Instead, bookkeeping functions will be switched to Walmart’s home office in Bentonville, Ark. Cash at the stores will be counted by machine.
Day after day we are hearing about more layoffs like this.  So why would this be happening if the U.S. economy truly was in “recovery mode”?

Even with how manipulated the GDP numbers are these days, Barack Obama is on course to be the only president in all of U.S. history to never have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent.  The truth is that our economy has been stuck in the mud ever since the end of the last recession, and now a major new downturn has clearly already begun.

And you want to know who else realizes this?

Foreign investors do.

Last month, foreign investors dumped U.S. debt at the fastest pace ever recorded
Foreign investors sold a record amount of U.S. Treasury bonds and notes for the month of April, according to U.S. Treasury Department data on Wednesday, as investors priced in a few more rate increases by the Federal Reserve this year.
Foreigners sold $74.6 billion in U.S. Treasury debt in the month, after purchases of $23.6 billion in March. April’s outflow was the largest since the U.S. Treasury Department started recording Treasury debt transactions in January 1978.
There is no debate any longer – the next economic crisis is already here.  This is so abundantly obvious at this point that even George Soros has been feverishly dumping stocks and buying gold.

We can argue about whether the U.S. economy started turning down in late 2015, early 2015 or late 2014, and it is good to have those debates.

But at the end of the day, what is far more important is what is ahead.  Fortunately, our downturn has been fairly gradual so far, and let us hope that it stays that way for as long as possible.

In much of the rest of the world, things are already in full-blown panic mode.  For instance, Venezuela was once the wealthiest nation in South America, but now people are literally hunting cats and dogs for food.

Absent a major “black swan event” of some sort, we won’t see that happening in the United States for at least a while yet, but without a doubt we are steamrolling toward a major economic depression.

Unfortunately for all of us, there isn’t anything that any of our politicians are going to be able to do to stop it.

*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*

Palestinian PM Says Israel Has No Right to Counter Terrorism - Israel Today

Palestinian PM Says Israel Has No Right to Counter Terrorism

Thursday, June 16, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff


Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah this week issued a statement condemning Israel’s response to last week’s deadly Tel Aviv terrorist shooting, and insisting that Muslims be given free rein in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Following the shooting at Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market, Israel learned that the shooters had come from the Hebron-area Palestinian village of Yatta. As expected, Israeli forces sealed off the area and conducted investigations in and around the village for several days, before largely lifting the restrictions this week.
According to Hamdallah, this mode of operation is unacceptable.
Misrepresenting international law, Hamdallah was adamant that as a “nation under occupation” (even though ‘Palestine’ has never been a nation) the Palestinian Arabs have the right to combat Israel by any means deemed necessary.
Apparently, in the thinking of the Palestinian leadership, that also includes murdering unarmed civilians sitting down to dinner.
The statement went on to demand that Israel withdraw its boosted police forces that were deployed to Jerusalem’s Old City during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when an increased number of Palestinian and Israeli Arabs are visiting the mosques that occupy the Temple Mount.
These are the people with whom Israel is expected to find an equitable diplomatic solution to the conflict.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Obama Rejects Increased Missile Defense Aid to Israel by Abra Forman - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Barack Obama (l) and Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv during Obama's first Israel visit as president in 2013. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL / FLASH90)

Obama Rejects Increased Missile Defense Aid to Israel

“If he flee from the iron weapon, the bow of brass shall strike him through.” Job 20:24 (The Israel Bible™)
The Obama administration has announced its strong opposition to a plan for increasing funds for Israel’s missile defense program by $455 million in the upcoming year. On Tuesday, the White House sent a six-page letter to the legislative body declaring its objections to the defense appropriations bill.
“The Administration opposes the addition of $455 million above the [Fiscal Year] 2017 budget request for Israeli missile defense procurement and cooperative development programs,” read the letter, which came after last month’s recommendation by the Senate Appropriations Committee to quadruple the amount of aid to the missile program above the administration’s allocated package of $103 million.
The letter suggested that if Congress’s increased package should pass, Obama might make use of his presidential veto to shoot it down.
Pro-Israel lobby American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) condemned the White House statement, saying it was “deeply disappointed” that the administration had “criticized Congress for funding US-Israel missile defense cooperation.”
“These cooperative programs – including the ArrowDavid’s Sling, and Iron Dome – are critical for Israel’s defense against a growing array of missile threats and make an important contribution to U.S. missile defense programs,” continued AIPAC’s statement.
The tussle comes as Israel and the US continue to negotiate over the size of the upcoming defense aid package to Israel, which will be spread out over a period of ten years, beginning after the current package expires in 2018.
The new package reportedly earmarks only $145.8 million for missile defense programs, which represents a significant drop in financial support.
While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hesitated over accepting the package, anticipating that Israel might get a better deal with the next administration, the US has strongly urged him to take it.
Last week, US National Security Advisor Susan Rice said that the Israel aid package currently under negotiation will constitute “the single largest military assistance package – with any country – in American history.”

Ex-Muslim's Post Says What Others Are Afraid to Say about Orlando Massacre - CBN News Charlene Aaron

Ex-Muslim's Post Says What Others Are Afraid to Say about Orlando Massacre
CBN News Charlene Aaron

A former Muslim is speaking out online about the Orlando massacre and her Facebook post went viral with 1.2 million views.
Isik Abla is now a Christian TV host. She told CBN News that the Orlando attack should be called exactly what it was: radical Islam.
Watch the full interview with Isik Abla about what she says motivated her to write the post and speak the truth about Islam.
"Islam is a dangerous ideology, not only a religion and that Islam cannot exist without being radical," Abla said.
"It is an ideology to destroy. It's mission is to destroy America," she added. 
Abla said she posted the video about the truth of Islam as a wakeup call to America. 
"This has been my heart's cry and I have been so passionate since September 11 because this is the country that I found freedom. This is the country I found Christianity, I found Jesus Christ and I got free," she said.
"When I was in my own country I had no voice I was less than a cow and in this beautiful free country I found freedom and I have a voice. And when this happened, I said, 'No, no, no no, America cannot afford this anymore. America cannot afford one more September 11 anymore,'" she continued.
"And this is my heart cry to all Americans. Even atheists are writing to me, even Buddhists are writing to me and they are telling me 'you are right.' We need to open up our eyes. So this message is not just for Christians. This message is for true Americans," she said.
Abla said Christians should respond to the Orlando tragedy and the homosexual community with more than just words of love.
"The world doesn't need another description of the Christianity anymore. The world needs the demonstration of the Christianity and this is where we fail," she said.
"And instead of getting all into this arguments and politics, if people just start loving people, sinners, and we are all sinners, with the love of Jesus Christ, until the point that they ask us 'What is this? I want to be like you.' Then you have the platform to tell them what Bible says about their lifestyle," she said.
Watch here: Ex-Muslim Isik Abla