Monday, June 20, 2016

"You Will Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free" - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

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Shalom dear Friends and Prayer Partners,

Praise the L-rd for the next outreach video that our son Ariel and the Medabrim team are putting together.  Richard is helping with production and creative writing for this video in which Israelis are interviewed on the street and asked if they can identify a famous Jewish leader in Israel.  Parables and testimonies from Yeshua's life are shared one by one, but so far no Israelis have identified Him and when they do hear that this famous Jew is Yeshua, they are in awe!  One young man said, "There is no one who could be that good!"  He's right!  That's why we need a Supernatural Savior.  

Here is a short clip of a lady who had never heard the Gospel before and knew virtually nothing about Yeshua's life, describing in her own words what Yeshua came to do.  She's receiving a revelation right before our eyes.  We're amazed! 

Israelis are responding in such large numbers that we don't have enough people to answer all their questions about Yeshua, who said, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the L-rd of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest." Please pray about partnering with us on a monthly basis so that we can hire more workers for the harvest we're experiencing here in Israel.  To partner or increase your giving please click here.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the G-d of my salvation; 
for You I wait all the day.  Psalm 25:5
Brit Mila Uzziel and rabbisBrit Mila Uzziel prayer
Brit Mila Uzziel w Danny Sayag
That was NOT fun!
Uzziel Ne'eman Hyde, our 7th precious grandchild born in Zion, had his Brit Mila, circumcised on the 8th day according to the Abrahamic covenant. One week later we celebrated the Bat Mitzvah of our oldest beautiful granddaughter in Tsfat.  Joy upon joy! 
The L-rd bless you from Zion and may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life.  Indeed may you see your children's children.  Peace be upon Israel!
All 5 Supernatural booklets in a row
Outreach booklets - describe the faithfulness of our G-d to keep His promises.  Available in Hebrew, Russian, English, French and German, they make a wonderful gift for your loved ones who have lost their way...

The Latter Rain CD cover  
Enjoy the new music video "Out of Egypt" from "The Latter Rain" CD.

Download lead sheets here. logo lets you see the news in Israel through the eyes of the Messianic believers that live in Israel.  Just go to and get first-hand news and insights from a biblical perspective.  Stay up-to-date with community news, commentaries, testimonies, biblical teachings, videos and more!
Out of Zion?  
Worship on Kineret 2Hallel Fest posterEvery summer we go out of Zion to minister in the nations and "go fishing" but this summer, the L-rd opened doors to worship on many ships on the Kineret (Sea of Galilee), at events for Holocaust survivors, for patients in hospitals, at festivals and more.  Sharing the Good News also skyrocketed and our "slow season" became the most fruitful season we've ever had in the Land!  
Recently the L-rd opened a surprising door to Singapore so, G-d willing we'll be there from August 4-14.   
Dinner, worship and sharing testimonies in our Galilee home!
"I have such wonderful memories of our time in Israel and particularly of the evening we spent in your home, enjoying a lovely Sabbath dinner and heartfelt worship to our King, to say nothing of the dance lesson in the street with Richard!"
We're currently looking for an honest, strong volunteer who could assist us with cooking, cleaning and hospitality in our home this fall.  Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
We truly thank you for your love, prayers and support!  We continue to stand in awe of how the L-rd is moving in the Land today, bringing us into a deeper place of worship and opening doors to proclaim His name and His love to our people Israel.  But it's not always easy; the spiritual attacks are growing more intense, so we are immensely grateful for your prayer coverage.  
We bless you from out of Zion 
in Yeshua's love,
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda   15220  
USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada:  First Century Foundations  
Canadian charitable tax #10780-1771-RR0001  *   Phone: 1-877-628-2800
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada *  
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We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 
Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Babies in the Womb Have Become the Fatherless in Our Land - CATHERINE DEVEAU/BOUND4LIFE CHARISMA NEWS

This Father's Day, let us not forget that children are affected by how we treat them during their prenatal period.

Babies in the Womb Have Become the Fatherless in Our Land

This Father's Day, let us not forget that children are affected by how we treat them during their prenatal period. (Courtesy/Bound4Life)
"Man does not know its price, nor is it found in the land of the living" (Job 28:13).
I believe the greatest assault that we are facing today is the spirit of death—and it stems from not valuing and having a reverence for life. The world has become more and more detached from the One who deems us valuable. When we are not connected to the source of our value, then we are unable to see that value in ourselves and in others.
Currently I work as a doula and also was just accepted to midwifery school. One of my requirements to being a midwifery student is to keep my neonatal resuscitation certification current. At my renewal class recently, our instructor Karen Strange was talking to us about research that psychologists have conducted of babies in the womb.
Psychiatrist Thomas Verney, author of The Secret Life of the Unborn Child has studied how children respond to stimuli in the womb and how the majority of their personalities are crafted during the prenatal period! This is a big statement yet also a truth reflected in Psalm 139.
Children in the womb are affected by outside circumstances, as we see demonstrated in the biblical account of Luke: "When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. She spoke out with a loud voice, 'Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? Indeed, as soon as the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy'" (Luke 1:41-44).
How does all of this tie into the truth that the fatherless in the land are babies in the womb? Let me share with you a bit of my story. My mom and dad were married for seven years before I was born.
During that time period, my mom was told that she wouldn't ever conceive children as she struggled with infertility. The doctors told her to give up on her fifth or sixth round of fertility treatment and that they could try again in a few months. During that waiting period, unbeknownst to her, she conceived me!
I was conceived in the midst of emotional turmoil for my parents. My dad had lost yet another job; the pull depression had on him was becoming stronger each day. During my prenatal period, my mother was caring for her dying mother—all the while walking on eggshells around her suicidal husband, who was in and out of the hospital on a regular basis. Then when I was about 10 weeks gestation age, trauma shook my mother to the core. Her mother passed away and she was overcome with grief. Still she didn't know that a life was growing within her.
My mother got sick from what she thought was grief, until one of her coworkers convinced her to take a pregnancy test. My mother, a nurse, thought her co-worker was out of her mind—but she obliged and she was surprised when the results came back positive. So many emotions swept over my mother at the news: elation, shock, joy, sorrow, loss, grief, fear, love... all of which I felt as well, hidden within my mother's womb.
When my mother shared the news with my father, his first reactions were based on an all-too-common premise that this baby is a burden. He asked, "How am I going to provide for this baby? I can't keep a job." Self-hatred was brewing within him all the more.
My whole prenatal period was very hard for my mother. Not only was she working an incredibly demanding schedule as an operating room nurse, but she was constantly faced with the fear that she would arrive home to a dead husband.
No one should have to go through this, especially a pre-born baby who has no idea why the bodies of mother and child are being pumped with a cocktail of hormones: cortisol (from stress), adrenaline (from fear) and serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine from grief, sorrow and sadness.
Children in the womb respond to these outside stimuli by going into what is known as "survival mode" or "fight or flight," which inhibits their growth and development.
In my case, not only were there lasting physical effects from being gestated in this plethora of emotions. I also adopted the beliefs that I was a burden, that my father didn't want me and that I caused grief—all of which lead to a life of severe self-hatred, among other problems.
See, my father dismissed me during the prenatal period. He was overcome with grief and sorrow. Therefore, one of the foundational beliefs of my life was that my father didn't love me, that he didn't want me and that I was a burden. I was affected by fatherlessness from conception throughout the course of my life until I found myself in Christ, adopted into the kingdom of my Father.
Years later, I discovered what my heavenly Father says about me in His Word. Ephesians 1:4-5 proclaims, "For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will."
God chose us—He chose me—before He even created the world! That right there tells me that humans are valuable to God, more valuable than anything else, because He chose us to be adopted into His family through Jesus. And His Word says He was and is pleased with that decision!
Jeremiah 1:5 states, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; and before you were born I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet to the nations. " The Father placed value on you before He formed you in your mother's womb! While He was forming you there, He was writing all of your days in His book (Ps. 139:16).
Through my heavenly Father's words, I have found healing and perspective to completely forgive my earthly father—feeling compassion for a broken, needy man who was only hurting because he too hurt deep inside.
This Father's Day, let us not forget that children are affected by how we treat them during their prenatal period. Children can feel the effects of fatherlessness even in the womb, and it is during this period that their personalities are shaped the most. Do we want to continue to create a culture of fatherless children—or will the fathers rise up to care for their babies when it matters most, during their formation?
It's time to pray for fathers in America to lead and nurture their families. Amidst your Father's Day celebrations, pray for "the hearts of the fathers be turned to their children" (Mal. 4:6a) and for the consciousness of America to be awakened towards the value of the developing child. 
Catherine DeVeau is birth doula and birth photographer with Live Free Baby and is involved with Symphony House of Prayer in Manchester, New Hampshire. She holds an associate degree in Early Childhood Education and has been accepted to Mercy in Action College of Midwifery in Boise, Idaho, to start this fall in pursuit of her Certified Professional Midwife license. Passionate about how birth relates to our spiritual walk, Catherine believes healing our practices of pregnancy, labor and birth can help heal our culture.
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Friday, June 17, 2016

The Economy, Foreign Affairs The Presidential Campaign - Rick Joyner Prophetic Perspective

Watch here: The Economy, Foreign Affairs The Presidential Campaign - Rick Joyner Prophetic Perspective

The Economy, Foreign Affairs, The Presidential Campaign

Rick Joyner
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rick talks about the rise in unemployment and the government's attempt to distort the perception of it. He comments on Obama's relationship with other nations, how ISIS was born, and the presidential election.

Phenomenal Video: Why We Care About Israel ✡ "In the Heart of the Seas" - ISRAEL365

In the heart of the seas are your borders;
your builders perfected your beauty.

בְּלֵב יַמִּים גְּבוּלָיִךְ בֹּנַיִךְ כָּלְלוּ יָפְיֵךְ

יחזקאל כז:ד

va-ya-a-lu va-ya-tu-ru et ha-a-retz... va-ya-vo ad khev-ron

Shabbat Inspiration

Surprisingly, today's verse is not referring to Israel! Instead, Ezekiel is sorrowfully lamenting the downfall of Tyre, a large port city which arrogantly prided itself in its might and beauty. Here we see the greatness of Israel's prophet. In his sincere words of admonishment to inspire Tyre to repent, Ezekiel shows he was filled with love and mercy for all mankind. He was concerned with the welfare of a foreign nation just as for his own people. He demonstrates as well the futility of beauty without acknowledging God as its maker. Lift up in true beauty with meaningful jewelry from the Land of Israel.

Phenomenal Video on Why We Should Care About Israel

A phenomenal video of two friends who look to the Prophets of Israel to understand why they should care about Israel. So inspiring with beautiful scenes of the Land.

Rabbi Receives Heavenly Message Revealing Two Commandments to Bring Messiah

A mystical message from Heaven offers a key component to bringing the redemption.  Find out what it is!

Learn the Meaningful Prayer Engraved in this
Stunning Necklace

Our Sarah Feld collection features hand crafted jewelry, straight from the Biblical heartland. Each piece is connected to the Bible, prayer or tradition, bringing a deeper meaning to fashionable jewelry.
Buy any Sara Feld Jewelry & Get our 8 pc Bible Greeting Cards Set.

Today's Israel Photo

On a terrace overlooking the beautiful Port of Caesarea by Noam Chen.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Celda J Dwyer. Todah rabah!

“Wonderful Messages.. Keep Up the Great Work”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful messages and related pictures and videos. Keep up the great work.- ESTHER B NKANSAH

Good morning Rabbi, I am staying in South Africa. Thank you for the informative emails that I receive on a daily basis. May God keep you all safe. Hope to see Israel soon. With love -Riana Wait
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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What You Do Not Need When Going Through a Tough Season - MARK DEJESUS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

In times of anguish, you don't need these four things.

In times of anguish, you don't need these four things. (Flickr )
Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Everyone reading this has gone or will go through many different challenges that grip you to the core. Jesus said, "In this world you will have tribulation" (John 16:33, MEV). He wasn't prophesying doom over us, but letting us know in sober awareness that we will be hit with various circumstances that will seek to overwhelm us and erode our faith.
This past year brought deep trials to my family that challenged every place in our hearts. It included major ministry changes, relational difficulties, financial hardships and other pressures that sought to drain our energy. In just one year, we ended a season of pastoring, started a new ministry focus, had our van totaled, our condo flooded and we had to quickly get acquainted with hotel living for over eight months.
This all happened while a complicated cleanup process ensued. Even as I write this, the details are still being worked out to finish all that is needed so we can get back home.
At times our emotional wits were stretched to the edge. Pioneering new ministry avenues and juggling major changes, while being consistent to invest in our marriage and live faithfully to nurture our children through this, we often ended the day collapsing in exhaustion. Just living in a hotel with two very energetic children was challenging enough. Our days were filled with endless errands, insurance phone calls and genuine attempts to stay in touch with our daily responsibilities.
Although we love the direction God has taken us and do not regret any of the decisions we have made to pursue our call and passion, that doesn't mean that the journey is without intense seasons of pain, trauma and heartache.
As part of my life journey and what I do in working with people, I like to equip others to be helpful and nurturing sources for those going through deep challenges and pain. But these are four things a person does not need when going through these challenges:
1. Pity – Having pity on someone is not the same as compassion. Pity just makes us feel bad with no resolve. Compassion moves us into action, to do something or simply be someone that is part of the healing process.
I don't need pity. I spent five years getting free from self-pity, so when I detect someone giving me pity I want to run out of the room. It's already hard enough that I am going through something. Pity just wants to keeps me in the junk and focus on negative things. If you have pity, you may create an emotional bond, but you won't help someone overcome. I need someone with faith who knows how to love.
2. A quick answer – You also don't need a quick pat on the back with a fast answer. I know people mean well. When they come up to you and say, "How are you doing?" and you tell them whats really going on, they were not ready for your answer. So we have to give people slack.
But jumping to give a quick Scripture or cliche saying is sometimes the worst thing to do. It can quickly reveal a lack of compassion or emotional heart connection. I have had some of the dumbest responses given to me in the most vulnerable moments. All in the name of "giving help." This is why people often isolate themselves during trials—the community doesn't know how to be helpful and redemptive.
3. Quick advice – Job's friends did this. They responded to his excruciating trial by breaking down the whole situation and giving him advice—most of which God flushed down the toilet. You may have some great advice or insight to offer, but the wrong timing can nullify the power of that word.
4. More pasta dishes – Thank God this did not happen to me, but friends I know got inundated with pasta dishes during intense seasons of hardship. The last thing families need in a rough time is dump truck of carbohydrates to add weight and bloat to their already challenging emotional time. Give a grocery card or find out their favorite dish instead.
In my next article, I'll share six things you do need when going through a tough season. 
Mark DeJesus has been equipping people in a full-time capacity since 1995, serving in various roles, including teaching people of all ages, communicating through music, authoring books, leading and mentoring. Mark is a teacher, author and mentor who uses many communication mediums, including the written word, a weekly radio podcast show and videos. His deepest call involves equipping people to live as overcomers. Through understanding inside out transformation, Mark's message involves getting to the root of issues that contribute to the breakdown of our relationships, our health and our day-to-day peace. Out of their own personal renewal, Mark and Melissa founded Turning Hearts Ministries, a ministry dedicated to inside out transformation. Mark also founded Transformed You, a communication platform for Mark's teachings, writing and broadcasts that are designed to encourage people in their journey of transformation.
For the original article, visit
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Israeli Comedians Fight Terror With Laughter - JONATHAN FELDSTEIN CHARISMA NEWS

The Comedy for Koby tour proved to be a big success in Israel.

Israeli Comedians Fight Terror With Laughter

The Comedy for Koby tour proved to be a big success in Israel. (Jonathan Feldstein)
Sometimes we sow seeds in life and don't get to appreciate the harvest. Recently I had the privilege to experience the result of my sowing seeds close to a decade ago, and seeing the full impact of the harvest today. 
In what seems like a lifetime ago, I had connected with Avi Liberman, a well-known comedian whose career was (and is still) taking off. During the beginning of what's known as Israel's "second intifada," Avi resolved that his response was to fight terror with laughter.
He planned and implemented a comedy tour in Israel, bringing three other comedians with him, and giving Israelis an opportunity to get out and laugh, experiencing levity during a period that was scary, marked with terrorists blowing up buses or other public places almost every other day. It was a time of fear, thousands of victims and not very much to be happy or laugh about.
If Avi couldn't stop the terrorism (he would if he could have), at least he'd change the mood. His comedy tours benefited an Israeli organization that helped at-risk youth at a time that all Israelis were at risk. It became a cultural highlight to which we looked forward every year.
One day, we ended up on the same flight to New York and, at baggage claim, Avi expressed that the tour had become so popular with so much more potential, that he felt it had outgrown the smaller nonprofit he had been working with. He was looking for a new partner and beneficiary. He asked me if the organization I was working with then would be interested. I jumped on it enthusiastically and promised him an answer shortly. To me, it was a no-brainer.
However, the organization's leaders didn't get it, didn't understand the need for Israelis to have a respite and go out and laugh, and didn't understand the fundraising potential. Despite Avi's years of success in building an event that had become a highlight of Israel's cultural calendar, and in a way that's so illogical that it could be the punch line of one of Avi's jokes, they declined and said, "What if nobody comes to the shows?"
I had already committed to help Avi. I wasn't going to let him down as my word is as good as his delivery. So I quickly called my friend, Rabbi Seth Mandell, whose son, Koby, had been one of the early victims of the second intifada. This brutal murder of an American teen in Israel struck the hearts of millions across the U.S., Avi included, and was part of the reason for his determination to bring a comedy tour to Israel. In Koby's memory, his parents established The Koby Mandell Foundation to provide therapeutic services for families of victims of terror, particularly widows, mothers and orphans.
Seth got it and made a decision in record time that was the catalyst for what's become "Comedy for Koby," a now twice-a-year comedy tour throughout Israel attracting thousands. Avi might have better things to do than organize a comedy tour throughout Israel, but he's all in. It's his profession, and it's his passion. Unfortunately, adding to his commitment is the reality that rarely a year goes by without some war or wave of terror that traumatizes all Israelis, and creates higher level of fear and insecurity particularly among families of those who have already lost a loved one. This week's terror attack in Orlando and last week's terror attack in Tel Aviv are sad, vivid and unwanted reminders.
As a benefit for The Koby Mandell Foundation, Avi has been able to attract dozens of top comedians to come to Israel, most for the first time. The impact of coming to Israel and entertaining thousands while helping families of terror victims leaves an indelible impact on the comedians. It's expressed sincerely, effusively and repeatedly. 
And the impact of the comedians on Israelis is also indelible. Thousands attend each tour and are delighted. Sometimes people miss a tour and express how they really regret it. That's not ever the case with someone missing a typical fundraising event. They may feel guilt but not actual regret. And the Israelis who attend Comedy for Koby religiously are so impacted that we talk about past shows and comedians as if we were little boys comparing stats on the back of baseball cards of our favorite players. 
The recent Comedy for Koby tour did not disappoint. Many said this was one of the best.
Thanks to Ryan Hamilton, we will never look at hot air ballooning, gym membership or online dating the same. Ty Barnett taught us what it's like to be a real man, the importance of body wash and the dangers of Pilates. And because of Sarge, we will never look at a black and white cookie or chocolate babka as before, always fear the consequence of making a mess before (or after) the cleaning person—"the girl"—comes, and it's safe to say nobody's ever laughed so hard at the Schindler's List violin solo. And of course Avi, with his intimate knowledge of Israeli life, gave us the opportunity to laugh at ourselves, over and over.
I've always been proud to be the matchmaker that connected Avi with The Koby Mandell Foundation, and knew that Comedy for Koby was a success. Attending the first and last show of the recent tour, and one in the middle, I got to see this all the more vividly. Israelis deserve a night out like this. Even when things are "quiet" we need a good laugh. Laughter is therapeutic and, as a show that benefits families of terror victims through an array of therapeutic programs, it sustains this, and brings healing full circle to those in need.
Thanks to Avi, the comedians and all the sponsors and donors. May we continue to have the opportunity to laugh through Comedy for Koby, but perhaps a little less reason to need to do so whether in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Orlando or anywhere else. 
Jonathan Feldstein was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. Throughout his life and career, he has been blessed by the calling to fellowship with Christian supporters of Israel and shares experiences of living as an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He writes a regular column for's Standing With Israel. He can be reached at
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