Wednesday, October 26, 2016

UN Confirms Denial of Jewish Connection to Temple Mount - Israel Today

UN Confirms Denial of Jewish Connection to Temple Mount

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Wednesday officially passed its resolution denying any Jewish connection to Jerusalem and its holy sites, including the Temple Mount.
The document demands that Israel cease what it calls the “intentional destruction” of Jerusalem’s holy sites, all of which the UN refers to solely by their Islamic names.
The acts of “destruction” referred to by the resolution are in fact archeological excavations being carried out adjacent to the Temple Mount, excavations that have uncovered a wealth of evidence confirming the long historical connection between the site and the Jewish people.
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon slammed the decision, stating:
“UNESCO embarrassed itself by marching to the tune of the Palestinian pipers. All attempts to deny our heritage, distort history and disconnect the Jewish people from our capital and our homeland are doomed to fail.”
Archeologist Dr. Gabriel Barkay, who heads one of the aforementioned excavations, said the resolution was an “insult” to anyone with any intelligence.
“Jesus and the Temple Mount are referred to in the New Testament over 20 times,” Dr. Barkay noted at a Jerusalem press conference. “Jesus went there prior to his crucifixion and overturned a table from money-changers and prophesied about the Temple Mount. So he who tries to jeopardize the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount actually undermines Christianity, because it is based on Jesus and his connection to the Temple Mount.”
On Tuesday, a group of US senators and congressmen strongly urged other UNESCO member states to reject the resolution, noting that “attempting to erase the Jewish and Christian connection to this sacred city will further damage the prospects of peace.”
But the Palestinian delegation to the world body threatened in a letter to the other UNESCO delegates that failure to vote in favor of the resolution would result in the Arabs being “obliged to consider other options.”
The measure ultimately passed by a margin of 10 to 2, with 8 abstentions
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Franklin Graham Pulls From Nehemiah in 'Message to a Troubled Nation' - FRANKLIN GRAHAM/BGEA Charisma News

Franklin Graham has spent this year holding rallies at every state capitol, praying for the nation and its leaders and challenging Christians to be involved in the political process. (BGEA)

Franklin Graham Pulls From Nehemiah in 'Message to a Troubled Nation'

Franklin Graham has spent this year holding rallies at every state capitol, praying for the nation and its leaders and challenging Christians to be involved in the political process. With the most critical elections in decades now just days away, here are some of the key points excerpted from Franklin's messages at the Decision America Tour events.
Our country is in trouble—we're in trouble spiritually, racially, economically and politically. Washington is broken. Our state capitols are broken.
And I can tell you: There's no party and no individual that can turn this thing around. I have no hope in the Democratic Party. I have no hope in the Republican Party. The only hope for the United States of America is Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ. And the most important thing you and I can do is pray.
You see, the moral and political walls of our nation are crumbling. Walls are meant for protection—to keep bad people out. Gates can be opened, and when threats come, the gates can be closed. But our moral walls and gates are down. Any type of wicked thoughts, wicked teaching and activity can come and go. Our educators, big business, politicians and, sad to say, many churches, are more concerned about profits or political correctness than they are about God's truth and His righteousness.
In Nehemiah 1, the children of Israel were in captivity in Babylon. God had brought judgment against Israel for their sins and their transgressions, and Nehemiah was a Jewish slave in the Babylonian king's palace. When some men came to Babylon from Judah, they told Nehemiah that the wall of Jerusalem was broken down, and its gates had been burned with fire. Nehemiah said: "When I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days. Then I fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven" (Neh. 1:4).
Nehemiah fasted and prayed. His prayer was to confess the sins of his people, his nation, himself and his father's family. God heard Nehemiah's prayer and gave him favor. The pagan king sent Nehemiah back to Jerusalem with the authority to rebuild the walls. He gave Nehemiah letters and a military escort, and within 52 days after returning, he rebuilt the walls of that city and rehung those gates.
Many people say, "Franklin, it's too late for America." No, it's not—not when the church begins to pray.
Our nation needs healing. But before our nation can be healed, our individual hearts must be healed. If you're not sure your sins are forgiven, I want you to know that God loves you. But we have a problem, and that problem is called sin. Sin is disobeying God's standards, and the Bible says we have all sinned. We're all guilty.
But the Bible says that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
Jesus Christ came to this earth, and He willingly took our sins upon Himself. Christ died and shed His blood on the cross for our sins. And on the third day God raised His Son to life. If you will invite Him into your heart, God will forgive your sins. He'll heal your heart, and you can know that your soul is at peace with God. You can have your sins forgiven.
So we look at our country. We're in sad shape, and you say to yourself, "What can I do? It seems like we're helpless." Remember: God hears prayer.
And there's another thing you can do: Vote. I won't tell you who to vote for. God will do that, but you vote. In many countries where I work, people don't have the opportunity to vote.
We still have freedom in this country, and I want to encourage you to vote—not just for the presidential election but for every election. Look at who's running, and vote for people who have biblical faith and values.
People ask me, "What about separation of church and state?" Our forefathers never intended for us to leave our faith out on the Capitol steps if we worked in that building.
The progressives say "You have the 'freedom to worship,'" which means you are restricted to the church. You can't come out into the public with your religion, because you may offend somebody.
No. Our forefathers gave us freedom of religion, where we can live our faith 24/7 in public, wherever we are.
You say, "But Franklin, I don't like Donald Trump," or "I don't like Hillary Clinton, so I'm not going to vote."
You vote. You may have to hold your nose, but vote because this election is not about personalities. This election is not about tone. It's about the Supreme Court.
The first thing the next president is going to do is nominate a Supreme Court justice. And during their term, they may nominate three, four, maybe as many as five Supreme Court justices, and that will change the direction of our country and the courts for 50 years, maybe 100 years. So it's important that you vote.
And I would like to encourage you not only to vote, but also to offer yourself to run for public office. It's too late to run during this political season, but start thinking about two years from now. Maybe God is moving you to a different position. Maybe into the state legislature. Maybe to be a city councilmember. Maybe to be a mayor. Maybe to be on the school board.
Our job as Christians is to make the impact of Christ felt in every phase of life—religious, social, economic and political. But we cannot do it in our own strength or wisdom. We can only do it if we surrender ourselves completely to God. Be an advocate for God's truth, for His righteousness. And let's elect men and women to office who will lead this nation back to really being one nation under God—one that can truthfully say once again, "In Almighty God we trust."
©2016 BGEA
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"Dutch Sheets' Strong Message to EVERY Christian: Start Measuring ... by What Is Really At Stake!" - Dutch Sheets, The Elijah List

"Dutch Sheets' Strong Message to EVERY Christian: 
Start Measuring ... by What Is Really At Stake!"

by Dutch Sheets, Dallas, TX

October 25, 2016 The Elijah List

"You better take a stand, because you're not voting for a personality, you're voting for that Supreme Court!"

In a video posted on his Facebook page, well-known author, teacher and prophetic minister—Dutch Sheets shared a brief, but strong word for the Church. (Screengrab via Facebook)

Along with the video, Dutch added:
At Thursday night's #AppealToHeaven conference, I made some statements about the upcoming election. I firmly believe this election is about the Courts in our nation. The American Church must carefully weigh who they are voting for and what values they are going to support. This election isn't about a personality; it's about the Courts and how they will shape our nation over the coming decades. May the Church hear more clearly than ever before. And may we be bold, standing for righteousness and Biblical values like never before.

In the video, Dutch warned, "If we don't stop it now, you can forget recovery in four or eight years—it'll be 40 years. Because somebody's gonna stack this court with a minimum of two, three, maybe five appointees. And there going to end up in 4-8 years from now with a 7-2 advantage which will last a generation."

Other points Dutch Sheets mentions:

• "I submit to the ChurchYou better stop playing games and judging in the natural and start judging by the spirit."

• "Enough of this religious, 'I'm not going to vote at all because I don't like anybody!'"

• "In the days of the Ekklesia, in Biblical times, you are not allowed as a member of the Ekklesia to not show up and voteyou had to vote. And I say to the ChurchYou're going to have to take a stand!"

• "You're not voting for a personalityYou're voting for that Supreme Court!"

Watch and share this short but vitally important video by clicking here or click on video image below:

To read another vitally important word recently posted by Dutch Sheets "Election 2016: The Christian's Dilemma" click here. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

Email: click here

Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering Believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. Dutch's greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its godly heritage. Dutch is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging Believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. Dutch and his wife Ceci have been married for 35 years and now reside in the Dallas area. They treasure time spent with their two grown daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren.

Dutch Sheets'

October 25, 2016

"Dutch Sheets' Strong Message to EVERY Christian: Start Measuring ... by What Is Really At Stake!"by Dutch Sheets, Dallas, TX

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzI really, really appreciate voices like Dutch Sheets and others telling the Church that we play a vital role in the upcoming elections.
Dutch just posted a MUST WATCH 2-minute video...that has a significant amount of views in just a few days so far. We are sending it out to all of our readers on the Elijah List and Breaking Christian News.

Dutch is very, very passionate in his video about the importance of this election. Below we share some highlights from his video such as:
"If we don't stop it now, you can forget recovery in four or eight years—it'll be 40 years. Because somebody's gonna stack this court with a minimum of two, three, maybe five appointees. And there going to end up in 4-8 years from now with a 7-2 advantage which will last a generation."

Please make sure and share this word and his video with everyone that you know. If Christians ever needed to come together as ONE VOICE...this is that time over our great nation of America! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 

An Ancient Rabbi Brings an Urgent Warning to Christian Leaders Today - MICHAEL BROWN CHARISMA NEWS

One of the noted leaders, of that day, Rabbi Hananiah ben Teradyon, conducted public Torah classes, paying for it with his life. (Hc_07/Flickr/CC)

An Ancient Rabbi Brings an Urgent Warning to Christian Leaders Today

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown
In the year A.D. 123, the Roman government launched a severe crackdown against the Jews, culminating in 134 A.D., when all Jewish practices were forbidden, including circumcision, Torah study and Sabbath observance.
How did the rabbis respond?
One of the noted leaders of that day, Rabbi Hananiah ben Teradyon, conducted public Torah classes, paying for it with his life.
But this was no emotional, spur-of-the-moment decision. There was a rationale behind his actions, traceable to Rabbi Akiva, the greatest rabbinic sage of that era, also martyred for his allegiance to the Torah.
The Talmud relates: "Once the wicked Roman government issued a decree forbidding the Jews to study and practice the Torah. Pappus ben Judah came by and, upon finding Rabbi Akiva publicly holding sessions in which he occupied himself with the Torah, Pappus asked him: 'Akiva, are you not afraid of the government?'
"Rabbi Akiva replied: 'You, Pappus, who are said to be wise, are in fact a fool. I can explain what I am doing by means of a parable: A fox was walking on a river bank and, seeing fishes hastening here and there, asked them, "From whom are you fleeing?" They replied, "From the nets and traps set for us by men." So the fox said to them, "How would you like to come up on dry land, so that you and I may live together the way my ancestors lived with yours?" They replied, "You—the one they call the cleverest of animals—are in fact a fool. If we are fearful in the place where we can stay alive, how much more fearful should we be in a place where we are sure to die!"
"'So it is with us. If we are fearful when we sit and study the Torah, of which it is written, 'For that is thy life and the length of thy days" (Deut. 30:20), how much more fearful ought we to be should we cease the study of words of the Torah!'" (see b. Berakhot 61b with Eyn Yaakov)
There is a lesson here for us today, especially those of us in Christian leadership. I pray that we will take heed!
You see, for years we have made careful calculations, not wanting to rock the boat, not wanting to offend our constituents, not wanting to stir up controversy, not wanting to provoke the ire of our ideological enemies. And outwardly, it appeared that our "tiptoe through the culture wars" strategy was succeeding, as our church buildings were full and our bank accounts overflowing.
But all the while, we were selling our souls, losing our lives to save our lives, denying the calling of the Lord to preserve our reputations. And now we are paying the price, with our religious freedoms being threatened and with some dangerous, uncharted waters ahead should Hillary Clinton be elected.
A Christian leader might protest and say, "You have it all wrong. If things get really rough, then we'll take a stand. When we're truly threatened with the loss of our freedoms, then we'll be courageous."
That, my friend, is a self-deceived mindset, like a morbidly obese man who says, "It's true that I can't get up the stairs without losing my breath, but if I need to run up those stairs, I'll be ready."
Not a chance.
As the Lord said to Jeremiah the prophet when he was complaining about the tough times he was experiencing in his hometown of Anathoth, "If you race with the foot-runners and they exhaust you, how then can you compete with horses? If you are secure only in a tranquil land, how will you fare in the jungle of the Jordan?" (Jer. 12:5, New Jewish Publication Society Version).
To apply this to us in America now, if we're afraid to speak up today because someone will unfriend us on Facebook, what will we do tomorrow when someone puts a gun to our heads? (That gun could be metaphorical or real.)
If we won't take a stand today for fear of losing some wealthy congregants, what will we do tomorrow when obedience to God will cost us our tax exemption?
If, in our Christian schools today, we won't address cultural controversies for fear of offending some board members (or drawing the attention of the local accrediting association), what will we do tomorrow when refusing to compromise could mean the complete shutting down of our schools, along with a possible prison sentence?
People of God, it's time for us to wake up. Do you sense the Lord stirring your heart?
If Donald Trump is our next president, he might well stand up for our religious liberties, helping to push back against the anti-Christian spirit rising in our land. But if we don't seize the moment and come out of our self-imposed closets, speaking the truth with boldness and love, a far worse fate will come upon us.
And if Hillary Clinton is our next president, you can be sure you will be in her crosshairs.
What will we do then?
Will we cave in and capitulate, claiming in our pseudo-spiritual language that, "The culture wars are over and God just wants to love others"?
Or will we demonstrate real love for God and our neighbor by declaring with Paul, "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death"? (Phil. 1:20, NIV, and note that he wrote this from prison, facing potential martyrdom).
Now is the time to read the stories of men and women of God from past generations (and to this day) who refused to bow down to the gods of this age, laying down their lives rather than denying their Lord.
Now is the time for us to take a determined, uncompromised stand—while it is still light and while the door is still open—before we hang our heads in shame when our kids and grandkids ask us, "What were you afraid of? Why were you so silent? Why did you let this happen to us?"
I'm not counseling anyone to do anything foolish—to provoke some kind of religious conflict or to engage in self-righteous, obnoxious behavior or to respond in a fleshly, emotional way.
Instead, I'm urging each of us (in particular those of us in leadership), to do what is right today, to stand for what is true regardless of cost or consequences, walking in the footsteps of Jesus our Lord.
As He warned us repeatedly, "For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it" (Mark 8:35, ESV).
It's time we find out exactly what He meant, before the spirit of the world entices us out of our element (like that fox enticing the fish), thereby leading us to our spiritual graves.
In short, to compromise is to shrivel up and die; to obey the Lord at any cost is to flourish and thrive. What will we do?
Let us heed the wisdom of an ancient rabbi, and let us shout our message from the rooftops, without shame and without fear.
And let us remember again the words of Jesus, who said, "For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8:38, ESV).
It's time that the whole world know that we are not ashamed.
Dr. Michael Brown ( is the host of the nationally syndicatedLine of Fire radio program. His latest book is Breaking the Stronghold of Food. Connect with him on Facebook or Twitter.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Prophetic Word: 'The Winds of Heaven Are Now Entering the Earth' - CHUCK PIERCE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Chuck Pierce in Ohio

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media

Prophetic Word: 'The Winds of Heaven Are Now Entering the Earth'

I just finished ministering here in Middletown, Ohio, at Dutch Sheet's An Appeal to Heaven National Conference! Last night's session was just incredible. Dutch read a portion of the prophetic word I released at Passover describing how April 25-Oct. 20 would be the most tumultuous and confusing time this nation has seen in over 160 or 170 years (click here to read on the Elijah List).
The Spirit of God then led me to prophesy about the Winds of Heaven now entering the earth. We must understand that we are in a new season.
Read this prophetic word or watch the video, and join us in declaring:
"The winds of heaven are now entering the earth!"
"For the last eight years, I have been blowing winds in the heavens. Winds have been stirring and stirring and stirring in My heavens. But now those winds are released to come into the earth realm. What has been stirring in heaven will now blow in the earth.
"Brace yourself! Brace yourself! Brace yourself! Brace yourself! For the winds that will now blow are the winds I've been holding back over the last eight years. Because I've been holding them back and you've been asking for them to blow earlier—now I will release them. I am acting on how you have sought Me in the last eight years.
"These winds will begin to gather an army of those who have been faithful and those who will now gather into a place they didn't even know they belonged. The winds of adversity will now produce an army (of which) people will say, 'It is the LORD's army that has changed the course of history!'"
"Tonight, and beginning this week, you will be bringing the turning point winds into the earth and rearranging the course of what is to become. Nations will begin now in their realignment with other nations, but I will blow off the façade that has been holding you captive.
"Because you have gathered here in this turning-point state (Ohio), now the turning point winds will come. What I've held back for eight years, I must now release. What goes on through May (as you begin to honor Me, and walk with Me, and gather with Me) will create a nation that has been covered over by the enemy's hand.
"The winds that now blow in the earth will cause the hand of the enemy that has been controlling the movement of strategy in the earth in this nation to be seen. No longer will the enemy have an upper hand in this land!" 
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Virginia Delegate to Christians: Please Don't Elect Hillary Clinton - BOB MARSHALL/VIRGINIA STATE DELEGATE CHARISMA NEWS

(Reuters photo)

Virginia Delegate to Christians: Please Don't Elect Hillary Clinton

Some Republicans say they will not vote for Trump-Pence in this election.  Why? They don't like his gruff talk, his past mistakes violate their conscience, or they prefer to play the "long game," or in other words,  lose this election and build for the future.  Not voting for Trump would be a horrible mistake!
Hillary understands that Christians and conservatives place great value on "conscience."  She is playing us.  She knows that if enough demoralized Christians stay home on Election Day she will win this election!  But if Hillary wins, we will then face direct attacks upon our faith and conscience!  We must upset Hillary's plan!
In 1976, many evangelicals had no conscience problem supporting "born-again" Jimmy Carter who taught Sunday school.  We ended up with abortion on demand, 20 percent-plus interest rates, 18 percent inflation and radical Islamists ruling Iran.
No reason is sufficient to justify not voting for Trump-Pence because the consequences of Hillary's policies would profoundly harm America and those we love!  To think that a Republican Congress would protect us from her actions is delusional and defies recent experience.
I understand the reluctance of some conservatives to vote for Trump.  But in the practical world, would we impose a "purity" test on a fireman before he saves our home or a police officer before he saves a life?  No!
Does God's call to forgive play a role in public life, or do we only apply forgiveness in private? Do we pass personal judgment on Trump's very troubling words spoken a long time ago and for which he begged forgiveness, so we can justify not voting now for someone who "violates our sensibilities" when Hillary's actions clearly attack and violate our fundamental principles? 
The real question is:  Can our personal sensitivities allow us not to vote, thus enabling Hillary to become president, when we know she will force her radical homosexual and transgender agenda in our grade schools, remove any reference to our Creator in public life, erode religious freedom, weaken property rights, involve us in Middle Eastern wars, enact higher taxes, pay for more abortions, further destroy the moral and financial solvency of our nation and diminish our liberty and freedom, including the right to defend ourselves with an Australian-like gun confiscation program? 
Republicans who think sitting out this election to play catch-up later should think again. Progressives like Hillary want online voting and no voter ID.  Hillary's path to amnesty and citizenship for those illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and those who will flow through open borders will pay the favor back with votes.  
This fact coupled with the WikiLeaks proof of Democrat incitement to violence, planned voter fraud and current voting irregularities could spell the end of Republican election victories for a very long time.  
How can our conscience tell us it is fine to do nothing to stop Hillary when her policies will further destabilize the world, probably start a war with Russia and Syria over her no-fly zone plan in Syria (which our Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dunford said would probably lead to war), further facilitate the spread of ISIS, and encourage massive refugee resettlement, including ISIS operatives, in our country?  
The Defense Department recently lifted its ban on women serving in combat.  How long will it take for Hillary to mandate that our wives, daughters and granddaughters register for the draft to fight civil wars in the Middle East?
Donald Trump will scrap the nuclear deal that gave Iran, a country that has vowed to destroy us, $150 billion! He recognizes that paying billions to ransom hostages encourages more hostage-taking.  And surprise! Iran wants more ransom payments for its latest hostages!  Trump promises a strong national defense to defer aggression, while the current administration began tax-paid sex-change operations in the military. Whose policies will better protect America?
Donald Trump understands finances and imbalanced trade deals that hurt America's economy.  Who is more likely to save American jobs for our children and solve America's $20 billion debt? 
The Clinton Foundation's "pay to play" led to the State Department approving sale of uranium to Russia needed for their nuclear weapons. Hillary's insecure email server potentially compromised national security.  Clinton destroyed vital evidence despite congressional subpoenas.  Not voting for Trump-Pence will allow double standards of justice and the culture of corruption to continue.   
In 2015, Hillary said, "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed" to protect abortion and LGBTQ rights. In the last debate, she celebrated Planned Parenthood's 100th anniversary despite its racist origins and sale of aborted baby body parts. She continues to defend abortion up to the ninth month of pregnancy!  Our conscience should tell us we must stop her.
Hillary's Supreme Court Justices will support Roe v. Wade, and so-called LGBTQ "marriage."  Trump is the only presidential nominee to publish a list of constitutionally minded, pro-life and pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court nominees.  I am unaware of any other nominee who ever made such a promise.
Trump will work to repeal Obamacare.  Hillary will expand it.  Premiums will continue to skyrocket until she is able to reach her ultimate goal: socialized medicine. Perhaps the prospect of waiting months for an MRI or necessary operation will make some think further about sitting out this election. 
Under Hillary, will your private, religious and home schools continue to satisfy state school attendance laws, and will their courses of study continue to be approved to fulfill college admission requirements?  Will your son or daughter be able to obtain a student loan if the chosen college is religious or private?
Under Hillary, will doctors, counselors, teachers and others lose their professional licenses to practice for failing to adhere to the state-mandated "religion" that mocks millennia of Judeo-Christian teaching?  Trump will fight for religious liberty, including allowing pastors to speak without losing their church tax exemption.  For this alone, is it worth voting for Trump?
Under Hillary, will you suffer limits to your Second Amendment rights, while she has armed guards to protect her?  Would she issue unconstitutional executive orders to require universal background checks to make future gun confiscation possible, or make it criminal for parents to gift a firearm to a grown child without federal background "checks"?
Our Constitution empowers the vice president to break ties in the U.S. Senate. Tim Kaine will vote to continue punishing the Little Sisters of the Poor and others for not including abortion pills in their insurance plans. He supports allowing 17-year-old transgender boys into girls' locker rooms and showers and wants small businesses to participate in same-sex weddings.  Would you rather have Pence or Kaine breaking these ties?
This election is not simply about a particular man or woman who is running for president, nor about speeches, spouses, candidate flaws or personal virtues. 
This election is about the soul of a country and the policies the president's team will implement and enforce, including nominating Cabinet heads, agency directors and Supreme Court justices.  Hillary's policies will increase debt, taxes and wars.  Trump-Pence will "drain the swamp" and make America stronger and safer. 
The only way to stop Hillary is to vote Trump-Pence. I sincerely hope you will. 
May God have mercy on our nation! 
Virginia Del. Bob Marshall was elected in 1991 to the Virginia House of Delegates. He authored Virginia's Marriage Amendment, Partial Birth Abortion Ban, non-compliance with federal detention of U.S. citizens, ban on warrantless searches of cell phones and computers, and other liberty-preserving legislation. In 2008, he won a unanimous decision in Virginia's Supreme Court against unelected taxing authorities.
This article was originally published at Used with permission.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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