Monday, October 31, 2016

Michael Snyder, Dr. Don Colbert - Elections, Abortion & Haiti on the Jim Bakker Show

The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Michael Snyder, Dr. Don Colbert - Elections, Abortion & Haiti on the Jim Bakker Show

Dr. Don Colbert, Mary Colbert, Michael Snyder
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3111 | Aired on October 31, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Pastor Jim and Lori Bakker talk about the issue of abortion in this upcoming election, and helping Haiti through the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. With special guests, Doctor Don and Mary Colbert, and Michael Snyder.


Now granted, we can’t stop every abortion. But as a nation, as a people, as a government, we can do all that’s within our power to make it illegal. And that is our job as a church, to make it illegal. – Mary Colbert

But we’re going to have a victory. And I’m telling you, it’s going to be a clean sweep. – Mary Colbert

So I’m so glad, we’re urging people to pray about this. And not just up to election day, we’ve got to pray through election day. – Michael Snyder


Revelation 12:10 KJV And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Genesis 2:17 MEV but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.”

II Chronicles 7:14 MEV if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005 – The Washington Post

Donald Trump: “I Am Pro-Life and I Will be Appointing Pro-Life Judges” to the Supreme Court – Life News

Clinton’s Only Consistency: Ghastliness on Abortion – National Review

Elections Expert: “We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

Russia taunts US with biggest military offensive since the Cold War – The Telegraph


Jonathan Cahn
Jonathan Cahn (Facebook )

What Do You Long For?

Spirit Led Woman's Power Up Logo(Editor's Note: This article is taken from The Book of Mysteries, a series of daily devotionals based on conversations the author had with his "teacher" that lead to amazing discoveries).
"When we came into this world," he said, "we entered it with a longing. We longed for milk. We had no idea what milk was. We had never tasted it. We had never seen it. Nobody ever told us that it existed. And yet the longing for milk was there deep inside our being before we had any assurance that it existed." He paused. "And it turned out that it did exist. It turned out that what we longed for, what we knew only from the hunger deep inside our being ... was real. There was a mother and a mother's breast to answer our longings. Do you know where the word mother comes from?"
"I never thought of it."
"The word was created by babies," he said. All across the world, in almost every language on earth, you can hear in the word for mother, the cry of a baby: mamma, mom, amma, ema, mai, mata and ma. It comes from those first longings, the longing for milk. And all these words bear witness that to our longings there existed an answer."
"But this is not about babies ..."
"No. Our longing for milk passes away, but we find another longing within our hearts ... another emptiness ... another hunger ... but deeper ... a longing for that which the world never answers. We long for the perfect, for a perfect love, a perfect happiness, a perfect contentment, and a perfect peace. We long for that which doesn't fail, that which never disappoints, or grows old, or passes away. We long for the eternal and the perfect. But the world can never answer those longings ... and still they stay with us all the days of our lives. We long for it even though we've never tasted it. And our very longings bear witness that what we had never seen or tasted was real."
"We long for perfect because the perfect exists ... as we once longed for milk?"
"Yes, and we long for a perfect love because there is a Perfect Love. We long for the Eternal because the Eternal exists and the Eternal put that longing into our hearts so we would seek Him ... and find Him."
"So in the same way that out longing for milk once bore witness that although we had never yet seen it, milk existed, now the longing that is now in our hearts for the perfect, for the Eternal, for heaven bears witness that, although we have not yet seen it, heaven exists. Heaven is real."
"Yes," he said, "our deepest longings are the witness of the milk of heaven."
What are the deepest needs and longings of your heart? Join them to Him. Bring them to Him, and receive from Him their filling.
book-of-mysteriesAdapted from The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn, copyright 2016, published by FrontLine, Charisma Media/Charisma House Books. This book is a treasure chest containing 365 life-changing devotionals that uncover mysteries, reveal truths, bring end-time revelation and give keys to opening the doors of a life full of joy, blessings and fulfillment. To order your copy click here.
Prayer Power for the Week of Oct. 30, 2016
This week recognize the longing in your heart for Perfect Love and thank the Lord that the longing can be satisfied in Him. Ask Him to fill you to overflowing so that it spills out on those around you. Ask Him for opportunities to share Him with others, and bring His light into a dark world and His peace where there's fear and anguish. Pray to be a carrier of His presence, especially in these insecure times. Continue to pray for an outpouring of His Spirit, for His direction in the upcoming elections, protection over our leaders and borders, and that His people would unite in prayer and purpose (Eccl. 3:11; Rom. 8:22-23; Phil. 4:6-9).
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If Hillary Clinton Is Charged With Obstruction Of Justice She Could Go To Prison For 20 Years - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 30 Oct 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

In the world of politics, the cover-up is often worse than the original crime.  It was his role in the Watergate cover-up that took down Richard Nixon, and now Hillary Clinton’s cover-up of her email scandal could send her to prison for a very, very long time.  

When news broke that the FBI has renewed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, it sent shockwaves throughout the political world.  But this time around, we aren’t just talking about an investigation into the mishandling of classified documents.  I haven’t heard anyone talking about this, but if the FBI discovers that Hillary Clinton altered, destroyed or concealed any emails that should have been turned over to the FBI during the original investigation, she could be charged with obstruction of justice.  That would immediately end her political career, and if she was found guilty it could send her to prison for the rest of her life.

I have not seen a single news report mention the phrase “obstruction of justice” yet, but I am convinced that there is a very good chance that this is where this scandal is heading.  The following is the relevant part of the federal statute that deals with obstruction of justice
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsified, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under Title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
If Hillary Clinton is sent to prison for 20 years, that would essentially be for the rest of her life.

I have a feeling that the FBI is going to find a great deal of evidence of obstruction of justice in Huma Abedin’s emails.  But unfortunately there is not likely to be a resolution to this matter before November 8th, because according to the Wall Street Journal there are approximately 650,000 emails to search through…
As federal agents prepare to scour roughly 650,000 emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, the surprise disclosure that investigators were pursuing the potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside the bureau and the Justice Department over how to investigate the Democratic presidential nominee.
Metadata found on the laptop used by former Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin, a close Clinton aide, suggests there may be thousands of emails sent to or from the private server that Mrs. Clinton used while she was secretary of state, according to people familiar with the matter. It will take weeks, at a minimum, to determine whether those messages are work-related from the time Ms. Abedin served with Mrs. Clinton at the State Department; how many are duplicates of emails already reviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and whether they include either classified information or important new evidence in the Clinton email probe.
Of those 650,000 emails, an inside source told Fox News that “at least 10,000” would be of interest to the investigation.

At this point, FBI officials have not even begun searching through the emails, because a search warrant has not been secured yet.  The following comes from CNN
Government lawyers haven’t yet approached Abedin’s lawyers to seek an agreement to conduct the search. Sources earlier told CNN that those discussions had begun, but the law enforcement officials now say they have not.
Either way, government lawyers plan to seek a search warrant from a judge to conduct the search of the computer, the law enforcement officials said.
But the FBI is reportedly already searching a laptop that was co-owned by Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin, and no warrant was necessary for that search because Weiner is cooperating with the FBI.

Many have been wondering why FBI Director James Comey would choose to make such a bold move just over a week until election day.  Surely he had to know that this would have a dramatic impact on the election, and it is unlikely that he would have done so unless someone had already found something really big.  In addition, Comey was reportedly eager to find an opportunity to redeem himself in the eyes of his peers at the FBI.  The following is an excerpt from a Daily Mail article that was written by Ed Klein, the author of a recently released New York Times bestseller about the Clintons entitled “Guilty As Sin“…
‘The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn’t recommend an indictment against Hillary,’ said the source, a close friend who has known Comey for nearly two decades, shares family outings with him, and accompanies him to Catholic mass every week.
‘Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,’ said the source. ‘They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.’
According to the source, Comey fretted over the problem for months and discussed it at great length with his wife, Patrice.
He told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents. The letters reminded him every day that morale in the FBI had hit rock bottom.
So what happens next?

In the most likely scenario, the FBI will not have time to complete the investigation and decide whether or not to charge Hillary Clinton before the election.  This means that we would go into November 8th with this scandal hanging over the Clinton campaign, and that would seem to be very good news for Donald Trump.

However, it is possible that once the FBI starts searching through these emails that they could come to the conclusion very rapidly that charges against Clinton are warranted, and if that happens we could still see some sort of announcement before election day.

In the unlikely event that does happen, we could actually see Hillary Clinton forced out of the race before November 8th.

Once again, this appears to be very unlikely at this point, but it is still possible.
If Clinton was forced to step aside, the Democrats would need to come up with a new nominee, and that process would take time.  In an article later today on The Most Important News I will reveal who I believe that nominee would be.

In such a scenario, the Democrats would desperately need time to get their act together, and so we could actually see Barack Obama attempt to delay or suspend the election.  The legality of such a move is highly questionable, but Barack Obama has not allowed a little thing like the U.S. Constitution to stop him in the past.

This week is going to be exceedingly interesting – that is for sure.

The craziest election in modern American history just keeps getting crazier, and I have a feeling that even more twists and turns are ahead.

It sure seems ironic that Anthony Weiner is playing such a central role this late in the story, and I can’t wait to see what is in store for the season finale.

FRC Releases Its iVoter Guide Ahead of Next Week's Election - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council have released an online voter guide ahead of the 2016 election. (FRC photo)

FRC Releases Its iVoter Guide Ahead of Next Week's Election

Friday, Family Research Council Action released a new voter tool that provides values voters with in-depth information about federal elections in all 50 states, as well as statewide races in nine states.
The iVoter Guide rates the candidates in each race tracked by FRC Action on a scale of "very conservative," "conservative," "somewhat conservative," "moderate," "somewhat liberal," "liberal," and "very liberal." The information was compiled using legislative vote ratings, campaign finance data, virtual vote ratings, endorsements from around 300 liberal and conservative organizations, and candidate issue surveys to determine how each candidate would potentially govern given publically available data.
Values voters in all 50 states can search their candidates by state and district, find their polling locations, and share their research with others. Additionally, the information is available for statewide races in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.
"Conservatives can't afford to sit back and watch their country go over the edge with four more years of ultraliberal policies under a Hillary Clinton presidency, a Democratic controlled House and Senate and Democratic controlled state level governments," FRC president Tony Perkins said. "For America, this cannot be an election about two people running for president. It's about two fundamentally different visions for our country at the national and state levels."
Perkins said polling has shown "how razor-thin the margin of victory may be," he added. With a deeply divided nation, just one vote can make the difference—and the outcome of the election will have "a major impact on the future of religious liberty, family values, sanctity of life, and the Supreme Court."
"In 2012, there were 39 million voting-eligible Christians who did not vote," he said. "As we travel the nation, we are telling values voters this is not a time to stand on the sidelines. If we, as values voters, do not stand up and exercise our freedoms now, we may lose them tomorrow."
Perkins said FRC Action plans to finish distributing more than 4 million election guides prior to Election Day.
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Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Spiritual Battle that Could Decide the Fate of the Mideast - CBN News Chris Mitchell

The Spiritual Battle that Could Decide the Fate of the Mideast
 CBN News   Chris Mitchell

ERBIL, Kurdistan – Officials say the current military effort to kick ISIS out of Mosul could take months. While that's happening on the ground, a growing prayer movement contending for the spiritual fate of the Middle East is spreading throughout the region.
At several houses of prayer, Christians are praying for God's plan to be fulfilled in perhaps the most volatile place on earth.
"We're just seeing an increase of hours of prayer meetings both from believers, local believers, (and) also people outside praying for the Middle East and coming here to pray as well," Fabian Greche, co-founder of the Mesopotamia House of Prayer in northern Iraq, told CBN News.
In the Bible, it is known as Assyria.
Greche says they're praying for the fulfillment of Isaiah 19:23-25: "In that day, Israel will be one of three, with Egypt and Assyria – a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the Lord of Hosts shall bless, saying, 'Blessed is Egypt my people and Assyria the work of my hands and Israel my inheritance.'"
"So in order for that to happen (in) this region in the Middle East – all Muslim countries to be a blessing on the earth – we need to become a habitation of the presence of God," Greche explained. "And in order to be a habitation for the presence of God, God is building the altar of prayer and worship, and this is exactly what we are seeing in these prayer meetings."
With so much carnage in the region, the fulfillment of these verses may seem farfetched. Greche says in light of all the bad news, it's important to know where to look.
"We are to look to Jesus, to look at God's promises in His Word, so we would be influenced by Him and not by what happens around us in this world," he said. "We easily get affected by darkness around us. It affects us but if we look at Jesus and at His Word, we see that God wants to pour out His Spirit.
"He's coming back for a Bride and he will have one in the Middle East," he continued. "And so we need to simply look to Jesus, not be influenced by bad news, and hear good reports of what Jesus is doing. It stirs our hearts. And gives us hope to believe for more."
This week, the Mesopotamia House of Prayer is hosting believers from 15 countries for 100 hours of continuous prayer and worship for the Middle East.

As America Goes, So Goes the World - MICHAEL BROWN CHARISMA NEWS

A giant red ribbon hangs from the North Portico of the White House to mark World AIDS Day. (REUTERS/Mike Theiler)

As America Goes, So Goes the World

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown
I love traveling abroad, and since 1986, I have traveled outside the United States (primarily overseas) close to 200 times, including almost 50 trips to Asia and more than 70 trips to Europe.
During these trips (all for ministry purposes), I've spoken thousands of times through translators, sometimes in exotic jungle areas where man-eating tigers have been on the loose, sometimes in massive stadiums, sometimes in majestic, old church buildings, sometimes in huts.
Who can describe the experience? The different sounds; the different cultures; the different tastes; the different clothes; the different languages; the different expressions—yet always the same love for the same God.
Last week, during the 17th annual missions conference for an organization I helped birth (called FIRE, an acronym for Fellowship for International Revival and Evangelism), I had a very intense experience during one of the night services.
We currently provide oversight for more than 150 individuals serving in about 25 different nations (mainly grads from our ministry school and their families), some of them involved in rescuing children sold into sex-slavery, some involved in caring for orphans, some involved in feeding programs for the needy, some providing education for the poorest of the poor, some starting their own ministry schools, some planting new churches in unreached regions—often in dangerous parts of the world, including right in the heart of the Islamic civil wars in the Middle East as well as very close to Boko Haram in Africa.
During our annual mission's conference, many of our workers come back from these foreign nations and share their stories and we help them raise funds for their overseas projects.
On this particular night, Friday, Oct. 21, as we sang and worshipped together, I was overwhelmed with God's love for the nations, and I began to weep, my heart bursting with the desire to take the Good News of Jesus' death and resurrection to the ends of the earth. (As a Jewish believer in Jesus, I'm always thinking about my own people as well.)
But then the thought hit me: Then why have and others I spent so much time and energy fighting the culture wars in America? Why not give all my time and energy to reaching the nations?
Immediately, I knew the answer: As America goes, so goes the world.
You see, our nation has had an incredible, unprecedented impact on the world, both for good and for evil, and if America has a complete moral and cultural collapse, the ripple effect will be felt around the world. In the same way, if we lose our religious liberties—we who are known for the themes of freedom and independence—it will have a chilling effect all over the planet.
As we think of America's positive contributions over the decades, just ask yourself where Europe would be today without American intervention in World War II, or consider what international healthcare would look like or what international disaster relief would look like if America wasn't here. The loss would be felt deeply across the globe.
But there's a negative side to our influence too, and over the years, as I have traveled overseas, I have watched with grief as the worst aspects of our culture—our narcissism; our carnality; our obsession with violent and sexual entertainment; our divorce culture; our LGBT activism—have spread through the nations.
On my first trip to Singapore in 2000, I was speaking with a Christian leader there who was bemoaning the rising divorce rate in his conservative Asian country.
I asked him, "Did American media have any influence on your culture?"
He replied, "Once MTV came in, it was all over."
He was dead serious.
And over the last few years, as I have sat privately with government leaders in different countries, they have shared with me the pressure they are under from America—sometimes straight from the White House—to embrace the goals of LGBT activism, or else.
Professors have talked to me about American pressure put on their universities; businessmen have told me about the pressure put on their companies; elected officials have told me about heavy-handed calls from our government—and in each case, the message has been the same: You need to change your antiquated standards and embrace our enlightened standards if you want to be partners with us. Otherwise, you will pay a steep penalty.
In other cases, pressure is not the issue, seduction is—by which I mean the effect of our TV shows and movies on other nations, as the message of Hollywood and the morals of Hollywood infiltrate homes and hearts across the globe, especially among the younger generation: "This is how we want to be too!"
And so, on the one hand, we continue to stand for what is right in America because we love our country and we love the people of our country and we love what is best for our country and we love the great heritage of our country.
But we also stand for what is right in America—which means engaging in the so-called culture wars—because we love the nations of the world, and what happens in America most certainly does not stay in America.
That is a sobering thought.
What will America export in the next 10-20 years?
The answer to that question falls largely on us.
Dr. Michael Brown ( is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Breaking the Stronghold of Food. Connect with him on Facebook or Twitter.
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Ivanka Campaigns for Father at Florida Synagogue - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Ivanka Trump at RNC (Photo from Twitter)

Ivanka Campaigns for Father at Florida Synagogue

“Pray for the peace of Yerushalayim; may they prosper that love thee.” (Psalm 122:6)
Ivanka did some grassroots campaigning for her father in Florida on Friday, assuring Jews that there was no greater friend to Israel.
While at speaking at the synagogue of Bal Harbour in Surfside, Florida, she told the Jewish Insider “My father will be an unbelievable champion for Israel and for the Jewish people. You will not be disappointed.”
When asked about her father’s promise to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital by moving the US Embassy to the city, her reply was unequivocal.
“One hundred percent,” Ivanka responded. “One hundred percent, Jerusalem is the eternal capital, so 100 percent.”
This is a relatively recent development in his Israel policy since he refused to commit to to recognizing a unified Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, at the Republican Jewish Coalition in December, saying that to do so would compromise him as a peace broker.
Sending his daughter to a state with a substantial Jewish population was a savvy move for the Republican presidential candidate, since Ivanka converted to Judaism before marrying Jared Kushner in 2009. Ivanka revealed that her father, a Presbyterian, had a positive reaction to her conversion.
“I so respect the fact that he supported me from day one,” she said. “There was no question, there was no argument. He was very supportive.”
Asked how Judaism has inspired her to be what she is today, Ivanka said, “I feel like Judaism helps your moral compass,” adding, “It’s been a great blessing in my life.”
In comparison, Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, married Mark Mezvinsky, a Jewish investment banker in 2010, in an interfaith marriage officiated by a Reform rabbi and a Methodist pastor.
Clinton is reported to be leading in Florida by a seemingly insurmountable 43 points. This preference is only among non-religious Jews. In a poll conducted by Jim Gerstein from GBA Strategies66 percent of non-religious Jews prefer Clinton as compared to 22 percent who prefer Trump. Among Orthodox Jews, 77 percent prefer Trump while 22 percent prefer Clinton.
Florida is expected to be a hotly contested key state in the election and Jewish voters represent 3 to 6 percent of the electorate. Clinton is ahead by 3.3 percentage points in Florida, according to the RealClearPolitics average.

Fascinating Look at The Temple Mount's Largest Stone - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

daily israel update banner 2
Every stone of Jerusalem unveils a new story. Come discover the secrets of the very foundation of the Temple Mount...

Donald Trump Gives $10,000 To Pastor Saeed Abedini’s Family - Conservative Tribune

Donald Trump Gives $10,000 To Pastor’s Family 

Conservative Tribune  Oct. 29, 2016

Four years ago, Iranian-American Christian pastor Saeed Abedini was unfairly detained in Iran and tossed into Evin Prison, where he remained until Jan. 16 of this year, when the rogue regime released him and other hostages in exchange for ransom reportedly paid by the U.S. government.

On Oct 21., Abedini posted an update on his Facebook page announcing that he had just voted for GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump — and that, more importantly, Trump had donated $10,000 to his family while he was locked up in Iran.
“I am finally free in a free country,” he wrote. “Last year on the same day I was sick and in chains for Christ, and now I can vote to choose my next president.”
“And most amazingly, I can vote for someone that I know fought for me and called my name so many times,” he continued. “He met my family and gave them a $10,000 gift.”
He added that unlike Trump, Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton had never once either mentioned him or contacted his family.
“As a woman who says she stands for women’s rights when she was foreign minister, she never contacted my mom, wife, sister or my daughter,” he wrote. “She never did anything to help when I was in prison as an American pastor who was detained in Iran as a hostage.”
Read his full post below:
In another post published two days later, this one about the relation between King Cyrus of Persia and Trump, the pastor added these three powerful words: “Vote for Trump.”
He also explained how God had chosen King Cyrus to “save Israel” (see the Old Testament book of Ezra) — and how he was now doing the same with Trump.
“Yahweh used (the king) mightily in history as the king of Persia to save Israel,” he wrote. “Persia or Arian was the first country in history to support Israel. While the United States is the most powerful empire in the world, there is a spiritual lesson here standing with Israel.”
“Donald Trump supports Israel,” he added. “Although giving lip service in order to appeart (sic) politically correct, Hillary Clinton does not.”
Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about what Trump did for this formerly imprisoned pastor and his family.