Monday, October 31, 2016

Report: FBI Has Search Warrant for 650,000 Hillary Clinton-Related Emails - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Hillary Clinton's problems with her email server are only just beginning to get worse. (Reuters photo)

Report: FBI Has Search Warrant for 650,000 Hillary Clinton-Related Emails

Last weekend was perhaps the most explosive of the entire 2016 presidential election cycle with FBI Director James Comey's letter to Congress signaling the bureau was again looking into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's private email server.
In a nutshell, this is what we know, so far: During its investigation of former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner—the estranged husband of Clinton's longtime aide, Huma Abedin—the FBI discovered approximately 650,000 emails. A cursory search for keywords indicated there were emails related to the private server investigation, which the bureau now has a search warrant to begin reading.
Donald Trump's campaign has pounced on the news, and the Clinton campaign is suddenly demanding "transparency" from the FBI. Even the liberal mainstream media picked up on the story, which in and of itself is perhaps one of the biggest headlines of the weekend, but some are warning that perhaps this is a distraction for something even bigger that could emerge.
Here are several headlines that will help get you up to date on what's going on:
Search Warrant Obtained
Sunday, the FBI obtained a warrant to search the emails it discovered on Weiner's laptop computer that may be related to its previous investigation of Clinton's private server. According to NBC News, FBI sources said Abedin used the same laptop to send thousands of emails to Clinton. The previous search warrant for the computer only applied to evidence of his communications with an underage girl in North Carolina, but now agents can compare the newly discovered emails with those that have already been investigated to determine whether any classified information was sent from Clinton's server.
It's Not Just 3 Emails
Initially, the Clinton campaign tried to imply the FBI only found three emails related to the original investigation and that there wasn't anything new to be learned. It also implied that Comey was making a politically motivated decision to announce this "new look" at the investigation—suggesting it wasn't actually reopened—but we now know it was "tens of thousands" of emails—or as The Wall Street Journal reports, it's 650,000 emails.
Did Huma Lie Under Oath?
Abedin's troubles may only be just beginning. She's already told the FBI she has no idea how those emails got onto her computer. But, as Judicial Watch would like to remind everyone, she told a court—in a sworn deposition—that she handed over all of her devices used to communicate with Clinton to the FBI. Clearly that is not the case, and if the bureau determines any of those emails originated from the laptop they now are searching, she could find herself guilty of perjury.
More Lies From Clinton World
In her first press conference to address the FBI letter to Congress, Clinton told reporters that only Republicans on Capitol Hill were informed of the new development in the bureau's investigation. Her campaign chairman repeated that lie twice more on Friday—even though they knew that wasn't true (Charisma Caucus reported that fact in its first article Friday afternoon). That led to this testy exchange between campaign manager Robby Mook and FOX News Channel's Chris Wallace on Sunday.
Columnist: Clinton Should Step Aside
John Kass, a columnist with The Chicago Tribune—a newspaper that is perhaps one of President Obama and the Democratic Party's biggest cheerleaders—wrote Saturday evening that Clinton should step aside for the sake of her party in the Nov. 8 general election. The Democratic Party should demand it, he added.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Welcome to the Islamic State of Germany - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

Welcome to the Islamic State of Germany
daily israel update banner 2
Enjoy everything the Islamic State of Germany has to offer!

Germany is not what it once was.
It is unbelievable what is going on in the new and improved modernized Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate and so many other sites are cynically advertised in this short advertisement.
But, boy is this a scary reality.
Perhaps, the irony of modern history is that the two allies in World War II, are now basically self-destroying each other.
Published: October 31, 2016

Tell the Story of Israel ✡ "I Will Gather You" - ISRAEL365

Therefore say: Thus saith the Lord GOD:
I will even gather you from the peoples and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered and
I will give you the land of Yisrael.

לָכֵן אֱמֹר כֹּה אָמַר אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה וְקִבַּצְתִּי אֶתְכֶם מִן הָעַמִּים וְאָסַפְתִּי אֶתְכֶם מִן הָאֲרָצוֹת אֲשֶׁר נְפֹצוֹתֶם בָּהֶם וְנָתַתִּי לָכֶם אֶת אַדְמַת יִשְׂרָאֵל

יחזקאל יא:יז

la-khen e-mor koh a-mar a-do-nai Ha-shem v'-ki-batz-ti et-khem min ha-a-mim
v'-a-saf-tee et-khem min ha-a-ra-tzot a-sher nif-tzo-tem ba-hem v'-na-ta-tee la-khem et ad-mat yis-ra-el

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse refers to God's promise to the Jewish people that there will come a time when He will gather the nations of Israel from all four corners of the earth to which they have scattered and return them to the Holy Land. This particular reassurance has never been so crucial as it is now when the world's Jews face discrimination and persecution, simply for being Jewish. God's guarantee is also evidence that although countless nations may make every effort to disregard Judaism's connection to Israel, such as in the recent UNESCO fiasco whereby two dozen countries denied any Jewish link to Jerusalem, God always remembers the deep bond between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel. CFOIC Heartland puts forth every effort to ensure that this message is one that will never be refused nor forgotten ever again.

Take a Journey Through Biblical Israel!

Watch and experience the heart and soul of Biblical Judea and Samaria: the Jewish people thriving in the Land promised to them by God!

Ancient Papyrus Proves Jewish Jerusalem

Radiocarbon dating determined the papyrus was from the seventh century BCE, at the time of the First Temple, which predates the Dead Sea Scrolls by hundreds of years!

ISIS, Iran and Israel

Renowned and daring Middle East correspondent Chris Mitchell delves into the immediate crises facing the region in this jam packed book. Mitchell uses twenty years of his first hand experiences to inform his interviews about the diplomatic errors, and the terrifying motivations driving ISIS and Nuclear Iran towards their murderous agenda.
Part of our Clearance Sale! All Clearance: Buy 1 Get 1 FREE! »

Today's Israel Photo

Growing up in the ancient city of Jerusalem, one precious child is fortunate to walk the streets of her ancestors each and every single day, proof of prophecy coming to light in our days!
 Photo by Noam Chen.
We apologize to our readers for the error in yesterday's verse transliteration,
which should have read:

"ge-ver kha-kham ba-oz v'-eesh da-at m'-a-metz ko-akh"
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Travel HIT for Young Israelis - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

Travel HIT for Young Israelis

Monday, October 31, 2016 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY

Want more news from Israel?
A unique travel programme aimed at providing cheap accommodation for young Israeli backpackers is quite literally becoming an international hit!
Hosting Israeli Travelers (HIT) offers the hand of love and welcome to the many youngsters touring the world after their demanding stints in the Israel Defense Forces.
It is seen as an opportunity for Christians to express their indebtedness to Israel for the Bible, salvation and, above all, their Saviour – the Jewish Messiah Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus).
The scheme began in New Zealand, which has become a favourite destination for young Israelis travelling abroad following their IDF service.
This has now been made more attractive by the HIT programme, offering inexpensive rooms in a friendly home environment and used by more than 15,000 young travellers over the past 15 years. Having expanded to Australia, over 1,000 homes in the two countries are now participating in the project, which has also been introduced to Fiji and Hong Kong.
Founder Omri Jaakobovich, who came to faith in Yeshua while backpacking in New Zealand, has just completed a speaking tour of Britain and Ireland to help launch the project on this side of the world.
HIT membership cards are available for a nominal fee and most hosts make only a small charge of up to £5 a night to cover overheads, though many still prefer to offer rooms free, explains Susette McLachlan, who organized Omri’s tour.
“The young travellers were ecstatic at the money they were able to save and the hosts were equally happy to have them.”
The minimum requirement from hosts is the provision of bed, bathroom and cooking facilities, with the young people usually preparing their own meals.
“One of the most significant developments over the years has been the ever-increasing openness of these young people to spiritual matters.
“Their questions, with special interest in knowing why they should be made so welcome, often begin over the very first meal together… Learning their host’s personal belief that Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah leads to endless discussion – examining the completeness with which Yeshua’s life fulfilled prophecy, for example, and discovering that the New Covenant was made with them and not the Gentiles.
“Every believer taking part has testimonies of God’s personal intervention, direction and provision in their life and it is these evidences of personal relationship and assurance of salvation that speak the loudest.”
Omri is encouraging the Church to take up its calling to provoke the Jews to jealousy by sharing the gospel with them (Romans 11.11 &14).
“How can they believe if they have not heard?” he asks, quoting Romans 10.14. “And how can they hear if we do not tell them?”
Susette, a secondary school teacher who has been involved with the ministry since its inception in 2001, says the launch in Britain is a fulfilment of a word God spoke to her during a visit here two years ago when she attended the CMJ (Church’s Ministry among the Jewish people) UK Conference and the London CWI (Christian Witness to Israel) Summer School on Jewish Evangelism. She also served as a missionary to Indonesia for 15 years, ten with Asian Outreach and five with Derek Prince Ministries.
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Trump Writes Prayer for Western Wall - Israel Today

Trump Writes Prayer for Western Wall

Monday, October 31, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
US presidential candidate Donald Trump wrote a prayer asking God to bless America and had it hand-delivered to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
Trump staff members who carried the prayer to the Israeli capital told Yediot Ahronot that the Republican nominee wrote it following a recent discussion with his daughter, Ivanka, who is a convert to Judaism.
The prayer reads:
“Lord. May you bless the United States, our armed forces and our allies. May your guiding hand protect and strengthen our great nation.”
Thousands of prayers scribbled on scraps of paper are shoved into the crevices of the Western Wall every day. Israel takes these prayers very seriously, and periodically removes them from the Wall to be buried on the Mount of Olives, where both Jews and Christians agree Messiah will one day soon make his appearance.
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American Women Stay Home By Choice - THE EAGLE FORUM CHARISMA NEWS

(Reuters photo)

American Women Stay Home By Choice 
To the dismay of liberals, the percentage of women who are in the workforce has not increased in the last quarter century. In 1990, 57 percent of women aged 16 and older were in the workforce. Today, 57 percent of such women are in the workforce, and no more. This is a lower percentage than in many foreign countries. Women are staying at home in America by choice.
The unemployment rate for women is only 4.3 percent, which is lower than the unemployment rate for men, so women who want jobs are in a better position than men to find one. Yet nearly twice as many women aged 16 to 64 are not in the workforce than men. There are 13 million more women of working age who are not in the labor force compared with men who do not have jobs.
This is the real gender gap that liberals do not want to talk about. Women prefer to stay at home in far greater numbers than men do. Many of these stay-at-home women are raising their children, of course, or helping raise grandchildren. Women are also nearly twice as likely as men to want part-time jobs. These jobs tend to pay less, with fewer opportunities for advancement. Women prefer jobs that are safer and less-demanding, and thus lower-paying, than the dangerous lines of work that men often go into. For example, construction jobs tend to be higher-paying for both men and women, but few women want those jobs. Less than 10 percent of construction workers are women.
Liberals often claim that women make less than men in the workforce, but equal pay for equal work has been federal law for more than 50 years, since 1963. The small gap in average earnings between men and women is not due to any unequal pay for equal work, but is due to women preferring part-time jobs and safer occupations, or even leaving the workforce entirely for extended periods of time, none of which is caused by any discrimination.
This article was originally published at Used with permission.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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