Monday, November 14, 2016

UN Calls IDF Field Hospital 'Best in the World' - Israel Today

UN Calls IDF Field Hospital 'Best in the World'

Monday, November 14, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The United Nation’s last week paid Israel a rare compliment by publicly recognizing the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) medical aid team as the very best in the world.
The IDF field hospital is routinely dispatched to disaster zones around the world to provide much-needed assistance and treatment to the victims of tsunamis, earthquakes and other calamities.
The UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) has now made it official that the IDF field hospital is a “Type 3” medical facility, the only one to have attained that classification.
“We’re going to recommend the director-general verifies [Israel’s team] as a Type 1, Type 2, and also Type 3 and multiple different types of specialty cells,” said WHO delegation head Dr. Ian Norton at a ceremony outside Tel Aviv. “We haven’t had that ever before.”
The commander of the field hospital, Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Ofer Merin, called the IDF’s aid missions a “national treasure,” and recognizing the field hospital as a “Type 3” facility will open new doors to Israeli teams ready and willing to provide critical assistance.
Members of the IDF Medical Corps will receive special WHO patches when the world body confirms the new designation at the end of the month.
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Anti-Trump Tel Aviv Rally Fails to Materialize - Israel Today

Anti-Trump Tel Aviv Rally Fails to Materialize

Sunday, November 13, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Liberal Israelis were desperate to join their American counterparts in mass protest of Donald Trump’s election to the US presidency. But they just couldn’t seem to find the numbers.
An anti-Trump demonstration was scheduled for last Friday in front of the US Embassy in Tel Aviv. A mere 20 people showed up.
It was more an oddity than a political rally.
Passersby scoffed at the handful of protestors and their paranoia over Trump’s victory.
But at least, as the Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported, the Tel Aviv event was peaceful, unlike the many anti-Trump rallies in the US that have become orgies of violence and destruction.
Meanwhile, a majority of Israelis remain pleased with Trump’s surprise victory, and are certain he will put an end to ineffective and naive US policies vis-a-vis the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and other Middle East crises.
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ONE FOR ISRAEL - Nov. 14, 2016


We have the greatest hope of all - a hope that is solid, steadfast and certain. We are citizens of God's Kingdom, and sons and daughters of the Most High God! He is continuing to unfold his plans and fulfill his word in our days, but he is not too busy to bend down and hear our prayers.


The book of Esther is a brilliant story with twists and turns of intrigue, disaster and breakthrough. The key figures of power make an interesting study, but of course, it is the One behind the scenes who is really holding all the cards! Continue reading...

The late Leonard Cohen, great Jewish singer and songwriter, used this powerful Hebrew word, "Hineni" in one of his songs. He was a man who wrestled with God and sought the truth, but opened his heart with this cry of "Hineni". What does it mean? Continue reading... 


Many are searching and thirsty for the truth, and we try to make sure that the truth about the Messiah is easily available for everyone to find online, and in the language and culture of Israel. Many are coming to faith in this way. Moti recently had received messages from an Ultra Orthodox Jewish man in his forties who has been finding out about Yeshua - please pray for him! 

Moti asked,
"Have you read the New Testament?"
- "I am studying it in secret."
"What do you think about Yeshua?"
- "My friends don't know..."
"What do you think about what Yeshua has done?"
- "Yeshua our Lord, our teacher and rabbi - King Messiah for ever and ever!"


The semester at Israel College of the Bible is in full swing, with Israeli students coming from all over the country to study with us. You may know that we have online courses in English, but did you know that we also have courses in Hebrew, to enable Israeli students to get the qualifications they need even if theyworking full time, or live far away? They can study:
  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Wisdom Literature
  • Biblical Theology
  • Jewish / Christian Relations Throughout History
  • Issues in Jewish Apologetics
  • Biblical Leadership

We are also working on a new course in Planting and Developing Congregations.  
This will be the first academic course about church development taught by a local pastor, Meno Kalisher, who has completed his MA studies at Israel College of the Bible. The course is based on his personal experience of developing one of the strongest Messianic congregations in Israel. 

We are getting ready to offer eight online Hebrew courses to students outside of Israel College of the Bible. Taken all together, these courses will grant a certificate in Messianic Service. This enables those who are in full time ministry and serve at their congregations and don't have time to travel and spend a day on campus, to get their qualifications completely online.


Three of our staff team are currently attending the Evangelical Theological Society conference, held in San Antonio Texas, to present scholarly papers on topics related to the Jewish roots of our faith and Jewish evangelism. They will also have a booth in the exhibit to represent Israel College of the Bible. Please pray they are able to be a blessing to the attendees there.


ONE FOR ISRAEL is now offering unique service trips for those who have a desire to love and bless Israel.
(Apologies, the link wasn't working last time. It is now fixed) 

Bring your church, ministry team, cell group, family or come and join a trip on your own!

Not only will you tour the Holy Land, visiting the ancient biblical sites right out of the pages of the Bible, but you will also have a chance to engage and serve with the "Living Stones" - local Jewish and Arab believers in Yeshua (Jesus), as you serve shoulder to shoulder throughout the service trip. Find out more...


 Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter   View our videos on YouTube 
ONE FOR ISRAEL, 47 Pinkas david St. POB 13401, Netanya, 42138 Israel

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sara Netanyahu and Melania Trump Look Forward to “Warm, Wonderful Relations” - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Sara Netanyahu and Melania Trump (Photo from PM Benjamin Netanyahu's Facebook page)

Sara Netanyahu and Melania Trump (Photo from PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Facebook)

Sara Netanyahu and Melania Trump Look Forward to “Warm, Wonderful Relations”

“For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth, and hath not another to lift him up.” Ecclesiastes 4:10 (The Israel Bible™)
In a Facebook post on Saturday night, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proudly announced that his wife, Sara, had spoken with the soon-to-be First Lady, Melania Trump.
“This evening my wife Sara spoke with Melania Trump, the wife of the president-elect of the United States,”  Netanyahu wrote.”The conversation between them was heartfelt and warm. Mrs. Trump said that she looks forward to our visit at the first opportunity and that there will be wonderful relations between our countries and our families.
“Among other things, they discussed the great challenge of raising children under the spotlight that accompanies their fathers who were elected as world leaders. Additionally, they discussed the great importance of emphasizing family time as part of their role as mothers in order to enable their children to grow up in a normal way like all their friends,” the prime minister concluded.
Melania’s chat with Mrs. Netanyahu follows her visit to the White House on Thursday, when Mrs. Trump met with Michelle Obama, the woman she is about to replace as First Lady. That meeting, coming after a hotly contest campaign in which the president actively campaigned for Hillary Clinton, was described by some media sources to be awkward and even a bit tense. After Mrs. Trump spoke at the Republican National Convention in July, she was accused of plagiarizing a speech Michelle Obama made in 2008.
The election of Donald Trump is expected to renew the warm relations between Israel and the United States. Prime Minister Netanyahu congratulated Donald Trump on his election victory last week, saying the Republican is “a true friend of the State of Israel.”
“The bond between the US and Israel is based on shared values, shared interests and a shared future. I am sure that President-elect Trump and I will continue to strengthen the special alliance between Israel and the US and we will bring them to new heights,” Netanyahu said.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Aaron Shust - O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Covenant and Controversy Part One: The Great Rage

Published on Oct 10, 2015
Produced by Frontier Alliance International
Director: Dalton Thomas
Executive Producers: Stephanie Quick, Michael Reynolds, Chris Goodnough, Joel Richardson, and Dalton Thomas

To purchase the Special Edition + exclusive Bonus Features for both STREAM AND DOWNLOAD:

Throughout centuries, judenhass has found expression in political, religious and social contexts spanning continents and cultures without discernible cause or correlation. 'The Great Rage' is the first installment in this five-part series, which assesses these historical expressions of Jew-hatred and grapples with the modern progression of this international rage in present-day.

'Covenant and Controversy' is produced by FAI STUDIOS, exploring the history and theology of the enduring controversy over the Jewish people, the Land of Israel, and the city of Jerusalem. 'The Great Rage' features Dalton Thomas, Stephanie Quick, Michael Reynolds, Joel Richardson, Dr. Michael Brown, Barry Horner, and Scott Volk.

Email for all inquires about rights and copyrights.

Trump's Win an Answer to Prayer—Now the Work Begins - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA NEWS

The Trump "victory party" was lively Tuesday. Pictured with me is Pastor Robert Jeffress from First Baptist Church in Dallas and his wife, Amy.

Trump's Win an Answer to Prayer—Now the Work Begins

Yesterday was a historic day. As Charisma has reported, it has been prophesied that Donald Trump would be elected president. The pundits of the nation indicated they wanted a different direction. I believe God answered our prayers. 
Thanks to Pastor Darrell Scott of Cleveland, Ohio (with whom I recorded two podcastslast week), I was invited to New York to the rally to celebrate Donald Trump's victory. It was an experience of a lifetime. I waited in the ballroom of the New York Hilton from 6:30 p.m. until 3 a.m. with a couple thousand Trump loyalists who helped him get elected. We left only after Donald Trump acknowledged his win on national television and, as you can hopefully witness yourself, his brief remarks were very conciliatory.
During the evening, I posted some things to my various websites. But it was so crowded and so noisy it was hard to post very much. Plus, the digital signal was so poor I could record only one Facebook Live event. And before the evening ended, my cellphone battery died.
On Wednesday morning, I recorded my observations in a 26-minute podcast. In it, I described what I saw and heard last night and what I believe this means for America and the church.
Rarely is the spiritual aspect discussed in the political debate. Many don't care or don't see a spiritual aspect. Some of it is because Christians are mean-spirited or just wrong when it comes to predictions.
We understand there is a spiritual aspect, so we published an article from Lance Wallnau saying God was raising up Trump as he did Cyrus in Isaiah 45. Frank Amedia has written about and recorded podcasts concerning what he believes God said.
A friend from church texted me after Trump was declared the winner: "Your prophets might have hit a grand slam." That wasn't our intent. Rather, we were just trying to hear from God, not just predict an election outcome like a prognosticator.
Some other "evangelical" magazines actually called for Trump to step down due to imperfections in his personality, style or conduct. I acknowledge that Donald Trump is far from perfect—something he acknowledges in more humility than I've seen in most political leaders (and even many Christian leaders). But picking out those flaws is like picking a speck out of his eye while ignoring many logs in his opponent's eye—not only in policy positions, but in what seems to be outright corruption and breaking the law.
Even though we took a lot of heat for it, I felt it important to put these prophecies on the record so we can begin to understand how to hear from God in these matters in the future.
In a way similar to how Donald Trump will overturn the status quo in Washington, I believe new Christian leaders must change the status quo in the church as it relates to public policy and influencing culture. I believe new leaders like Wallnau, Amedia and Scott as well as Jim Bakker, Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas and Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego will motivate Christians to move beyond voting for personalities and vote on principles referred to in political parties' platforms.
I say a lot more in this podcast. Please listen and share it with others. 
Strang Report
Post Election: God Answered Our Prayers. Now the Work Begins
​On November 8th​ ​the American people voted Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States.​ Listen as host Steve Strang shares his ​election-night ​experience at the Trump Victory Rally​ commenting on​ the atmosphere of the crowd, what Christians can learn from this election year and the impact of voting on principle.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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