Thursday, December 22, 2016

Prophecy: News Anchors Will Be Shaken as They Report Perilous Upcoming World Events - BILL YOUNT CHARISMA NEWS

Is a great shaking in store for news anchors? (Reuters/Aaron Josefczyk)

Prophecy: News Anchors Will Be Shaken as They Report Perilous Upcoming World Events

I heard the Father say, "I will begin to shake the news media through the perilous events coming upon the earth." As news anchors are sent to certain locations where devastation and dangerous conditions emerge, there will be those news stations whose anchors will not be able to withstand the stress and pressure of reporting horrendous news day after day.
The word "anchor" means something that provides stability or security, like an anchor of a ship in the midst of a raging storm. The calmness and stability we have seen, up until now, in our news anchors is about to be highly tested. I sense that what is about to be reported in the near future will make the bad news of yesterday seem as nothing compared to what is about to follow.
"I will begin to promote unknown anchormen and anchorwomen into national media who have an 'anchor' that holds and grips the solid rock."
I saw several known anchormen and anchorwomen shaken to the core of their being as they became weary and unable to cope with the stress of their jobs, day after day. I heard the Spirit say, "Anchors away!" The Lord took me to Acts 27:22-24 and a life-threatening storm where an "anchorman" named Apostle Paul had received a late-breaking news report from the angel of God saying (paraphrased), "Fear not, I have good news in the midst of the bad news. I am with you in the midst of the raging storm. Because of you, I will spare the lives of others on your ship."
"News-broadcasting stations will give way to news anchors who are being hoisted up from deep waters by the hand of the Lord to be brought on board the battered ships on the sea of life."
"He shall be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is His treasure" (Is. 33:6). 
These anchormen and anchorwomen will come forth from deep waters of the unknown. They will not only report the perilous news but will have the treasures and the riches of Christ inside of them, so that the power of God will come right through the radio and television screens as people become convicted by their radiant countenance and peace in the midst of chaos. These called-out news anchors will become spectacles to the world as they are given favor to report of the hope within them.
"Some upcoming anointed news anchors will be given words of knowledge on what to do to avoid danger and disease, and they will report the news before it actually takes place."
The favor of the Lord will increase upon these handpicked vessels, as their accuracy in reporting the news before the news actually spreads throughout broadcasting stations, bringing the fear of the Lord and salvation into many lives. Many will kneel before their televisions, receiving Jesus Christ into their lives with healings and miracles following. Some news anchors will be tagged with Bible names, such as anchorman Daniel or Elijah and anchorwoman Deborah, who speak with such authority that they will predict weather patterns, and at times, change them.
We must pray for those who are now connected in the news media. A great shaking is coming upon them. Let's pray they will be shaken into the Kingdom through what is happening on the earth. And pray for the promotion of those whom God is bringing in to report His perspective upon these world events.
When it isn't making any sense down here, it is up there. 
Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years, where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an adviser at large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. "Humility and humor" characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is "in season," proclaiming the word of the Lord. 
The shofar (or ram's horn) is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches and households. The shofar represents God's breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God's messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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What Scripture Says About the Importance of Hanukkah - SAM NADLER CHARISMA NEWS

The celebration of Hanukkah is very important in Scripture. (Flickr )

What Scripture Says About the Importance of Hanukkah

Standing With Israel
Hanukkah. Though many believers may not take much notice when they see this Jewish holiday on the calendar, we find in the book of John that Yeshua did not look at it this way. In fact, He celebrated it.
"The Feast of the Dedication [Hanukkah] was at Jerusalem, and it was winter. Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's Porch. Then the Jews surrounded Him, saying, "How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly'" (John 10:22-24).
Here, John makes it very clear that this event took place during the Feast of Hanukkah. Hanukkah comes from the Hebrew word hanakh, which means "to dedicate," and so in English it is called the "Feast of Dedication," commemorating the time when the Maccabees led Israel in the purification and rededication of the Temple after its desecration by the Syrians in 168 BCE.
But why did John see it as so important to mention Hanukkah in this passage? Remember what Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16: "All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable ..." When we understand the context of John 10, we better understand this passage, for when the people asked Yeshua, "How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly (v. 24b), they were really wondering, "Where is the Messiah, the greater Maccabee? The people were expecting Messiah to be a political warrior to throw out the Romans, just as the Maccabees had thrown out the Syrians. They did not realize Messiah had come for a much greater purpose: to demonstrate God's faithfulness as He fulfilled God's promise given to Abraham and his descendants (Gen. 12:3).
 The Savior from God
"So, rather than saying, "Yes, I am He," Yeshua answered: "I told you, and you did not believe. The works that I do in My Father's name bear witness of Me. But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you" (John 10:25b-26).
With a mere yes, Yeshua would have been accommodating Himself to the people's narrow expectation heightened at the time—only part of the full biblical picture to come later. But to say no would have been a lie. So Yeshua wisely responded, "I've already told you." In both word and deed, He had already answered their question (John 8:58; 10:25).
God provides the eternal salvation we need, not merely the temporary solutions we desire. Is your faith in God's Word, or in your own expectations and experience? Like Job, true faith sees beyond the immediate and trusts God's wisdom and care: "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him." (Job 13:15a).
With the Maccabees, short-term faith was required. They pointed to a temple desecrated by an oppressive Syrian regime and said, "Let us defeat them and rededicate the temple." However, Yeshua points directly at each of us and says we are the desecrated temple that need to be cleansed and rededicated in order to walk with God. The problem, O Israel, is not outside of you but within you. Our need is not for a quick fix of short-term problems, but an eternal relationship with God.
The Shepherd to God
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life. They shall never perish, nor shall anyone snatch them from My hand" (John 10:27-28)
His sheep have faith in Him: "My sheep hear My voice." His sheep are His followers: "They follow Me." There is mutual recognition and a reciprocal action. The shepherd knows and directs His sheep, and the sheep respond in obedience. Messiah guarantees eternal life to His followers. People do not always understand what eternal life is. Some think their eternal rest will be in their coffin. Passing a cemetery one day, an Irishman paused at a startling inscription on one tombstone. He read the words: "I still live." Puzzled, the Irishman scratched his head for a moment, then exclaimed: "Goodness, if I were dead, I'd be honest enough to admit it!"
Eternal life comes from God by faith in Yeshua, who alone can relate us rightly to the eternal God. Furthermore, eternal life is a new kind of existence for believers. It is God's own life. Through Yeshua, the fullness of God dwells within us—and His life will never end. God is immortal; those who believe in Yeshua will live on with Him. Messiah then teaches we must have faith in Him as the Son of God.
The Son of God
"My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all. No one is able to snatch them from My Father's hand. My Father and I are one" (John 10:29-30).
Yeshua's assertion that He is one with the Father is meant to give assurance to His followers: "No one will snatch them from My hand" any more than from the "Father's hand." Defeat is measuring your life by the size of your problem; victory is measuring life's challenges by the size of your God. God has provided salvation in Messiah, His eternal Son. By dying for sins, He conquered death.
Despite temporary trials, there is ultimate victory in Messiah. Yes, Messiah demands a greater loyalty than the Maccabees because He provides greater security. Trust in Him as the Savior, Shepherd and Son. Yeshua is the Victor, and following Him brings the victory. 
Dr. Sam Nadler is a Jewish believer in Jesus who has been in Messianic ministry for more than 40 years. Sam is the president of Word of Messiah Ministries, which is bringing the Gospel to the Jew first but not to the Jew only and planting Messianic Congregations in Jewish communities worldwide. To encourage and equip the body of Messiah in our shared calling, Sam is invited to speak in churches across the country and has written multiple books on Jewish evangelism, discipleship and the Feasts of Israel. For more information and resources, to subscribe to Sam's new podcast or to invite Sam to speak at your church, visit:
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How to overcome your limitations and perform above expectations - Christian Strength Coach Jonathan Avalos

How to overcome your limitations and perform above expectations.

Jonathan Avalos

 20-21 God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Did you know that you can take any tree and turn it into a bonsai tree?
All you have to do is train the tree to stay small –  prune it on a regular basis, wrap wire around the branches, and restrict its growth by planting it in a confined environment.
I believe that God blessed my wife Hannah and me with a child that would be born with limitations; so that we would be reminded not to live with a limited mindset.
Our son Levi was born with a condition called TAR syndrome which is a rare genetic disorder that’s associated with both bone and blood abnormalities.
He’s missing his radius bone in each arm (one of the bones in your forearm that extends from your elbow to your thumb), and he has low platelets (which helps your blood clot and stops bleeding).
The great thing about babies is that they don’t know that they are supposed to feel sorry for themselves. Levi doesn’t have a victim’s mentality rather he has a positive perspective and childlike faith that allows him to test boundaries, push through barriers, and set new PR’s (personal records) daily.
Imagine if we chose to get better and not become bitter if we looked at life not as what happens to us but rather what happens for us and in us;  if we looked at every obstacle and saw it as an opportunity to grow our roots, strengthen our faith, and develop our relationship with God.
DNS training (Developmental Neuromuscular Stabilization) has gained some traction in the fitness and physical therapy community.  In short, it assesses your movement based on that of an infant.
Can you do basic movements that a baby can do – crawl, get off the ground, and move without pain or dysfunction?
It sounds silly, but I think that this is a great way that we should not only train but live.  If we would return to our roots and learn to move, think, and live without limitations, then we can operate out of love, freedom, and holiness.
The problem that most Christian and fitness enthusiasts have: isn’t that they aren’t saved or aren’t showing up to the gym – it’s that they aren’t growing in their faith or aren’t properly progressing in their training program.
It’s interesting to see how some people will allow their situation to stunt their growth while others will find strength in their struggle.
We were not created to live or train like a bonsai tree.
So guard your roots, remove your restrictions, and condition yourself to overcome every challenge by reminding yourself that –  you are a child of God, created in his image, and given unlimited potential – the Holy Spirit.
Love For His People Editor's Note: This website is by our son-in-law Jonathan Avalos (Hannah). His son (our 7th grandchild) Levi is featured in the video.  Steve Martin, President

Operation Rescue: The Pendulum Is Swinging Our Way - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Despite every effort to expand abortion in the U.S., the number of abortion clinics in the U.S. remained unchanged this past year. (Reuters photo)

Operation Rescue: The Pendulum Is Swinging Our Way

According to a new report from Operation Rescue, in 2016, America experienced the largest attempt to expand abortion since the 1980s—and it failed.
In a statement accompanying the report, Operation Rescue states that closures of abortion facilities compensated for the new opens, leaving the number of facilities operating in the U.S. essentially unchanged from 2015. This despite the best efforts of the "Abortion Carel" in a year "characterized by conditions that favored" expansion.
The statement continues:
Operation Rescue has released an informative report that includes the most accurate numbers of medication and surgical abortion facilities in the U.S. and how those numbers have changed since 2009, the first year Operation Rescue began to document the number and type of abortion facilities.
Other findings include:
    • A total of 31 abortion facilities permanently closed in 18 states in 2016.
    • The average cost of a first trimester surgical abortion has increased 5 percent over last year's average.
    • The average cost of a medication abortion has increased 3 percent at facilities that provide only that type of abortion. This is despite the relaxing of FDA protocols that make abortion drugs easier for abortion facilities to dispense.
    • There are 31 abortion facilities that continue to offer Methotrexate injections to cause abortions, even though it has a 33 percent failure rate and poses more dangers to women than other methods. The motive for risking patients' lives with this drug is profit-driven.
    • Evidence of price-gouging for medication abortions has surfaced in California, where the average cost increased a whopping 13 percent over last year's state average—even though a new state law made it less expensive to dispense abortion drugs.
Operation Rescue's exclusive report details conditions that favored abortion expansion and the reversal of fortunes that promises to make this year's static abortion facility numbers an anomaly in a national trend that has seen a dramatic 76 percent decrease in surgical abortion facilities since 1991.
"The political pendulum has swung our way, and we plan to work very hard to take advantage of this opportunity to immediately call for enforcement of laws that will shut down abortion facilities and save lives," Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said. "I believe this dramatic reversal of fortunes will pave the way for the eventual end to abortion in our country. There is now no excuse for failure."
Click here to read the entire report. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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YEAR IN REVIEW: WATCH: This Ex-Witch Explains the Benefits of Speaking in Tongues - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

YEAR IN REVIEW: WATCH: This Ex-Witch Explains the Benefits of Speaking in Tongues

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Editor's Note: 2016 was a big year in the church—and in the world. This week we're looking at some of the biggest stories of the year, selected based on feedback from our readers. Thanks for reading Charisma News this year and stay tuned as we continue expanding our coverage in 2017 to include more spiritual insights on the stories that matter most to you.

This article was published May 11th.
Beth, of the blog The Other Side of Darkness, was a practicing witch until the cross transformed her life. 
Now, the Spirit-filled believer is out to share the good news of how others can connect to God through the gifts of the Spirit, particularly praying in tongues as described in 1 Corinthians 14.  
"Speaking in tongues can scare people," Beth says in a recent video. "I mean, we don't understand what is being said. God understands, and angels and demons understand." 
While our minds can't comprehend, our spirits can. And though the gift can be a bit confusing, it has several benefits for both the speaker and those around them.  
Watch the video to see what they are! 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

Your news from Israel - 21 December 2016 - The Jerusalem Journal


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It sometimes seems that Israelis are more concerned about persecuted Christians in the Middle East than Christians in the West. Instead of arguing about Christmas, Seth Frantzman, op-ed editor of the Jerusalem Post, wonders how the radically dwindled community of Christians in Iraq are going to celebrate it. READ MORE...


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According to the book of Exodus, God himself carved the Ten Commandments onto tablets of stone. That engraving is said to be inside the Ark of the Covenant, whereabouts unknown. Apart from these, the oldest known inscription of the Ten Commandments onto stone was, for several years, used as paving. This is that tablet's story. READ MORE...


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In a sermon on the Temple Mount last Friday, the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem announced in Allah's name that if the US moves its embassy to Israel's capital city, it will be a "declaration of war on all Muslims." READ MORE...



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This year Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years happen at the same time. One Jewish response is humor. Yingle Belz? The Little Drummer Boychick? See for yourself in the video below. Merry Crisismukkah! READ MORE...

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Around the world, news agencies are finding it increasingly difficult to fund their operations. As a result, the quality of news, especially written news, is suffering. If you do not want to see this happen to news about Israel, from Israel, we need your help. 
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Our primary financial need is to pay those who write for us. Many do so at no charge. Even so, every laborer deserves to be paid. Inasmuch as we pay our reporters, we facilitate their lives in Israel, encourage them and insure more and better stories in the future.
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U.S. Economic Confidence Surges To The Highest Level That Gallup Has Ever Recorded - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 20 Dec 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Gallup’s U.S. Economic Confidence Index has never been higher than it is today.  The “Trumphoria” that has gripped the nation ever since Donald Trump’s miraculous victory on election night shows no signs of letting up.  Tens of millions of Americans that were deeply troubled by Barack Obama’s policies over the last eight years are feeling optimistic about the future for the first time in a very long time.  And it is hard to blame them, because what we have already seen happen since November 8th is nothing short of extraordinary.  

The stock market keeps hitting record high after record high, the U.S. dollar is now the strongest that it has been in 14 years, and CEOs are personally promising Trump that they will bring jobs back to the United States.  These are things worth getting excited about, and so it makes perfect sense that Gallup’s U.S. Economic Confidence Index has now risen to the highest level that Gallup has ever seen
Americans’ confidence in the economy continues to gradually strengthen after last month’s post-election surge. Gallup’s U.S. Economic Confidence Index averaged +10 for the week ending Dec. 18, marking another new high in its nine-year trend.
The latest figure is up slightly from the index’s previous high of +8 recorded in both of the prior two weeks. The first positive double-digit index score since the inception of Gallup Daily tracking in 2008 reflects a stark change in Americans’ confidence in the U.S. economy from the negative views they expressed in most weeks over the past nine years.
And of course this booming level of confidence is not just reflected in Gallup’s numbers.  As I discussed in a previous article, the mammoth shift in the results of CNBC’s All-America Economic Survey after the election was nothing short of historic…
The CNBC All-America Economic Survey for the fourth quarter found that the percentage of Americans who believe the economy will get better in the next year jumped an unprecedented 17 points to 42 percent, compared with before the election. It’s the highest level since President Barack Obama was first elected in 2008.
The surge was powered by Republicans and independents reversing their outlooks. Republicans swung from deeply pessimistic, with just 15 percent saying the economy would improve in the next year, to strongly optimistic, with 74 percent believing in an economic upswing. Optimism among independents doubled but it fell by more than half for Democrats. Just 16 percent think the economy will improve.
On Tuesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at yet another all-time record high.
That was the 17th record close since election day, and overall the Dow is up a whopping 8 percent during that time span.

I don’t think that we have ever seen an extended post-election stock market rally quite like this one, and the U.S. dollar is rallying too.  On Tuesday, the U.S. dollar was the strongest that it has been in 14 years
The dollar hit a fresh 14-year high on Tuesday, boosted by upbeat comments from Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen that kept alive market expectations for swifter U.S. interest rate hikes next year than had been expected.
The greenback climbed broadly but its gains were strongest against the yen, which slid as much as 1 percent after the Bank of Japan kept monetary policy unchanged.
But of course not everything is rainbows and unicorns.  Signs of trouble continue to erupt all over the U.S. economy, and there are many that believe that Trump will be facing some very serious economic concerns very early in his presidency.

Just look at what is happening in the auto industry.  Unsold vehicles are piling up at an alarming pace at dealers all over the nation, and GM just announced that it is going to temporarily close five factories
GM has been reacting to its fabulously ballooning inventory glut by piling incentives on its vehicles. But that hasn’t worked all that well though it cost a lot of money. Now it’s time to get serious.
It will temporarily close five assembly plants in January and lay off over 10,000 employees, spokeswoman Dayna Hart said today.
And GM is definitely not alone.  Back in October, Ford made a similar announcement
In October, Ford announced that it would temporarily shut down production at one of its F-150 assembly plants (Kansas City), along with production at a plant that assembles the Escape and the Lincoln MKC (Louisville), plus two plants in Mexico. It would also lay off about 13,000 workers, 9,000 in the US and 4,000 in Mexico.
Another signal that the economy is slowing down is the tremendous difficulty that Uber is experiencing right now.  If you can believe it, they just announced that they lost a staggering 800 million dollars in the third quarter
Uber racked up pro-forma losses of more than $800m in the third quarter of this year as a price war with rival ride-hailing service Lyft in the US and heavy spending on new initiatives weighed on its figures, according to a person familiar with its recent financial performance, reports The Financial Times.

The third-quarter figures, first reported by tech news site The Information, show that Uber still faces steep losses even after pulling back from China.
I don’t understand how Uber could possibly lose 800 million dollars in three months.  Something is definitely very wrong over there.

Personally, I hope that things go as well as possible during the Trump administration.  If we truly are entering a new golden era of peace and prosperity, that would be more than okay with me.

But we should not forget that our economic fundamentals have continued to deteriorate all throughout the Obama years, and our nation has been steadily accumulating the largest mountain of debt the world has ever seen.

Unless there is some sort of unprecedented miracle, there is no way that this giant bubble that we are in at the moment is going to end well.  So it is definitely good to be optimistic, but we also need to be realistic about where we are right now and about the great challenges that we will soon be facing.