Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Sex (Part 1 of 2) - the Evil Side - Now Think On This by Steve Martin


(Part 1 of 2)

- The Evil Side 

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

 “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper…” (Romans 1:28, NASU)

This Now Think On This message has a simple title: Sex.

Why so simple? Because the basics of life for sex are not complicated. Thus the simple title.  (Please notice though that there will be at least two parts to this message, being this is obviously Part 1.)

As you read, I want you to know that I do not adhere to PC (political correctness). You’ll find none here. Nor will there be any confusion present. There is nothing more clear and direct than what we are to know about sex.

You believe God. He tells it like it is. It is definitely not rocket science. He has no intent to lead us astray or make it hard to understand Him.

You don’t believe God? Then I suggest you go read something else, because you lost it right out of the starting gate.

If you don’t believe something that has been proven over, and over, and over again to be the truth, then you will go on living the deceptive lie that has swallowed men and women to the point where they believe anything about anything. How much more deception can there be? Especially when it comes to sex.

One look at the results where we have finally arrived, in our free societies, and you know that there is not much left at all to be deceived about.

So what are we made to think is ‘normal” sex today? With full exposure in all its forms, we are being taught (notice how the hot water has been rapidly heating up, and yet the frogs inside the soon to be boiling pot on the stove have no clue) – that all is OK. I’m OK. You’re OK.

It is all around us – the late-night, though ever earlier - TV reality and drama programs; movies that used to be rated XXX when I was a teenager, now get an “R” rating, and even some PG-13 shows are pushing the line further across the “don’t go there” marker passed decades ago.

Cute looking books with nice covers are available in almost every book store, family-themed included (except in the few remaining Christian ones that have not shut down yet for lack of support) teaching our kindergartners that it is normal for “Mommy and Mommy to love each other” and “Daddy and Daddy teach us the way to go, to walk there on.” Their new gospel has replaced the most common sense one, given to us by the Creator of sex Himself.

Talk about common sense, or lack of it? Even my Dad knew that I knew, when he handed me the plumbing pipes, as I helped him in my middle school years, that the “male end goes into the female end" of the pipe, when joining together to get a good fit. Or connecting the garden hose to the faucet. Didn't take much of a brain to figure that out. Simple human anatomy science at work.

Don’t dare allow any of the “righteous ones” to speak out against that though, for that would be judgmental. And we each shouldn’t judge one another or how we want to live.

Love that is love” is always right, right? Simply put – “No it is not.”

Out-of-marriage sex – starting as early as possible, with anyone, and then going on even after leaving your wife or husband, after 30 years, to just play around. Now you are free?

Marriage? Millennials don’t know what that word is? “I don’t need to be committed to one person. What happens if we don’t love each other, or even like one another, after a year or more of living together? Then I won’t have to go through a nasty divorce like my parents did when I was eight.”

If unwanted life happens to happen, we can get rid of "it" tomorrow. It's just tissue. We'll go to Planned Parenthood, for they have the way to keep my body my body.

Or Liam will marry William, and Emma will partner with Olivia, and if we all want to live together, no problem. You can even be Bruce tonight and become Katrina tomorrow night! (Or is he/she another name? Can’t keep up with it.)

What fun it will be! Until at least when the inner emotional pain, sexual diseases and other unnatural results, result.

How crazy has it gotten?!

And then there is the astronomically expanding quantity of easily accessible, 24/7 Internet, affecting all levels of society.

Just today I saw this article published by a leading Christian news organization, CHARISMANEWS, where incidentally I get most of my accurate, up-to-date-good news.

“Research has shown that early summer brings a peak in porn searches on the internet. While the reason for this is unclear, with 68 percent of men in the church viewing pornography on a regular basis, it is likely that these men are being exposed to more triggers in the summer months. As the weather warms up, people dress in Summer clothing. 

For someone who struggles with pornography, this can act as a subconscious trigger that leads them into a downward spiral to going online and acting out. Some other possible explanations are that people have more time on their hands or are around family, which could bring up childhood triggers.” (Source: Porn Use Skyrockets with Onset of Summer” 6/6/2017 KINGDOM WORKS  CHARISMANEWS. Full article and further material below.)

Sex trafficking and prostitution has hit all the major (and minor) cities of the USA and throughout the entire world. Young girls, some just barely over the age of 12, with the average age being 13 in America, are lured into giving their bodies even to older, much older perverted men. CBN News had a report on their 700 Club, with Pat Robertson, this week of a woman who described her horrible years trapped in the evil, sinful destruction of young lives. Most “clients” didn’t even care that she was 13 when the horrible abuse in sexual perversion began with her.
Thus in our sex-crazed, unstoppable, uncontrollable access to anything, we have convinced ourselves that this is now OK, that the Bible is totally outdated and obsolete, and we have found the freedom, the better way, for our enlightened cultures.

No more laws. No more commandments. No more legalistic rules to hold us down. Yes, freedom is fully ours! And if we want to change it next week, we’ll just go right ahead. Majority rules! We’ll just get our lawmakers and judges to do it, or we will vote them out (if elected) or have them removed!

No one has been left unaffected, unless you have lived on a deserted, middle-of-the-Pacific island for the past 20 years.
There you have it. Part 1. Come back in a day or so for my next message. 

There is good news.
Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

You can now read Part II here: Sex (Part 2) - The Beautiful Side

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily for those living in Israel, Pakistan, Northern Ireland and India, and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

 If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.

Email: loveforhispeople@gmail.com  

Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the Year of our Lord 06.06.17 - #291 – “Sex (Part 1 of 2) - The Evil Side” – Tuesday, 3:00 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This
Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

6/6/2017 KINGDOM WORKS  Charisma News
With pornography use reaching its height during summer months, churches are being called to provide a program to disciple their men on sexual integrity.
Research has shown that early summer brings a peak in porn searches on the internet. While the reason for this is unclear, with 68 percent of men in the church viewing pornography on a regular basis, it is likely that these men are being exposed to more triggers in the summer months. As the weather warms up, people dress in Summer clothing. For someone who struggles with pornography, this can act as a subconscious trigger that leads them into a downward spiral to going online and acting out. Some other possible explanations are that people have more time on their hands or are around family, which could bring up childhood triggers.
We live in a free society where we don't dictate what people wear, but there are thousands of men in desperate need of accountability and discipleship so that they can respond to these triggers in a healthy way.
In 1 Corinthians 10:13, Paul says: "No temptation has taken you except what is common to man. God is faithful, and He will not permit you to be tempted above what you can endure, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it."
If you've ever struggled in this area, you've probably been looking for that way out and wondering, Why haven't I found it yet?
Over 400,000 men in over 60 countries have started their journey to freedom through the Conquer Series, a six-DVD cinematic study.

Angels On Assignment: Warrior Angels Activating Now - Jennifer LeClaire WATCHMAN ON THE WALL

Watchman on the Wall, with Jennifer LeClaire
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Angels On Assignment: Warrior Angels Activating Now
There are angels among us.
There are angels among us. (Public Domain)
{eoa} read more 

In the Line of Fire
Participant prepares to perform in a drag queen competition during carnival festivities in Las Palmas, on the Spanish Canary Island of Gran Canaria.
Here Come the Drag Queens
"Parents, bring your toddlers and little children to the library where local homosexual men who dress up as flamboyant women will read stories to them."
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Bill Federer
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If America is to survive, we must unearth the likes of men and women who founded America and move them into the public square.

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Walking in the Spirit podcast
Walking in the Spirit podcastGo deeper in your faith and ignite your walk with the Holy Spirit. Receive reflections and revelations on prophetic insights, spiritual warfare tools and practical advice for everyday Christian living. Each week, best-selling author Jennifer LeClaire encourages you and lights the fire placed within you to crave more of the Holy Spirit. Listen now
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Angels and Prophecies (Day 2) - Mark Taylor, Mary Colbert, Jennifer LeClaire, Donna Howell on The Jim Bakker Show

 Jim & Lori Bakker

 Mark Taylor - as Jim calls him, "The Fireman Prophet"

  Mary Colbert - prophetic and evangelistic
Wife of Dr. Don Colbert

Jennifer LeClaire - Senior Editor of Charisma magazine
Prophetic ministry

Donna Howell
Author of book "Radicals"

Donna Howell, Jennifer LeClaire, Mark Taylor, Mary Colbert
Jim Bakker Show 2017 | Show# 3254 | Aired on June 6, 2017
America, angels, Christian, Church, Donald J. Trump, radicals
A Morningside Studios Production

Pastor Jim and Lori discuss end times prophecy, angels, and the uprising of radicals in the church. With special guests Mark Taylor, Mary Colbert, Donna Howell, Jennifer LeClaire.

The fight is not over with right now, folks. So anybody that thinks the fight is over with, it’s just beginning right now. It’s time to armor up and get back in the fight right now. -Mark Taylor

The Bible says that the angels harken to the voice of the word of God. So when we put his word in our mouth and we decree a thing, the angels ears begin to perk up and they begin to take on assignment. -Jennifer LeClaire

You had better watch where you shop, where you go, what you do and what you support. Because the very people that you go and support is the very people that hate you. -Mondo De La Vega


2 Timothy 2:15 MEV Study to show yourself approved by God, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Isaiah 54:17 MEV No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me, says the Lord.

Psalm 103:20 KJV Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

Ephesians 4:29 KJV Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Galatians 3:28 MEV There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, and there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

James 2:26 KJV For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Ephesians 2:8 KJV For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.

Hosea 1:2 MEV When the Lord first spoke by Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea: “Go, take for yourself a wife of harlotry and children of harlotry, for the land has committed great harlotry, departing from the Lord.”

Revelation 3:16 MEV So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of My mouth.

Revelation 1:9 MEV I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the isle that is called Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 19:14 MEV But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them. For to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Acts 2:17 MEV ‘In the last days it shall be,’ says God, ‘that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

Acts 3:7 MEV He took him by the right hand and raised him up. Immediately his feet and ankles were strengthened.

Psalm 34:7 MEV The angel of the Lord camps around those who fear Him, and delivers them.

Matthew 18:10 MEV “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.

Proverbs 18:21 MEV Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

1 John 4:4 KJV Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Isaiah 1:18 KJV Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.


Manchester Arena explosion: Suicide bomber kills 22 and injures 119 in terror attack at Ariana Grande gig -Mirror

F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump -New York Times

Earthquake: 3.3 quake strikes near Malibu -LA Times

The Big One is going to happen, no matter how much you want to deny it, California scientists say -LA Times

Philippines’ Duterte declares martial law in region besieged by ISIS-linked extremists -Fox News

Islamic militants behead police chief in Philippines after Duterte imposes martial law -New York Post

Fox News Says Sean Hannity Will Return to Show -Variety

Firefighters, police targeted in Arkansas town; someone setting fire to homes, vandalizing vehicles -Arkansas Online

S&P and Nasdaq close at record highs as big tech stocks rise -CNBC

Obama admin knew gang members were part of illegal immigrant surge: Whistleblower -Washington Times

Attorney General Sessions To Gangs: ‘We Are Targeting You’ -CBS New York


Did We Miss The First Six Trumpets? (Day 3)

Pastor Jim and Lori Bakker discuss the trumpets in Revelation and other end-time prophetic events happening in our time. With special guest, Doctor Irvin Baxter. Quotes We have 28 times as many people on earth today as the Apostles had on earth. We’ve got to have 28 times the revival.…

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Did We Miss The First Six Trumpets? (Day 2)

Pastor Jim and Lori Bakker discuss the trumpets in Revelation and other end-time prophetic events happening in our time. With special guest, Doctor Irvin Baxter. Quotes We’re in a war. And this is what God showed me before the election. It’s the life and death of America. It’s the future…

December 7, 2016

With 1 comment

Why Are So Many Big Investors Positioning Themselves To Make Giant Amounts Of Money If The Stock Market Crashes? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 05 Jun 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

I keep hearing from people that think that the stock market is going to crash by the end of the year.  Hopefully that will not happen, but the ridiculous stock prices that we are seeing right now certainly cannot last forever.  

On Sunday, I was chatting with a friend that had just been to a financial conference.  He was quite surprised that one of the things being taught to the attendees of this conference was how to position themselves to make an enormous amount of money when the stock market crashes dramatically in the near future.  Markets tend to go down a lot faster than they go up, and so when the inevitable market crash does take place those that have made large bets against the market will make huge fortunes.  

It happened in 2008, and it will happen again.  But it was unsettling to my friend Robert that there were so many people that were gleefully looking forward to this.

Of course some of the biggest names in the investing world are also anticipating a major downturn very soon.  I have previously written about how Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is sitting on a pile of 86 billion dollars in cash right now.  Nobody ever knows exactly what Buffett is thinking, but it isn’t too hard to figure out that he plans to use those billions to buy up stocks for a song after a big market crash happens.

I have also previously written about many other big names throughout the financial world that are warning that a new financial crisis is imminent.  The last time I saw so many prominent investors sounding the alarm was just before the market crash of 2008, but most people didn’t listen that time around either.

And of course those that believe that a market crash is coming are doing a lot more than just talking about it.  According to Zero Hedge, there are now more short positions betting against the Russell 2000 than we have seen at any time in the last six years…
The Russell 2000 Index posted a 2.2% decline in May, its worst month since October, and it appears a large swath of investors is now betting it has further to fall.
As Bloomberg notes, hedge funds and other major speculators have a combined net short position of 73,030 contracts in the small-cap index’s futures, according to the latest data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Russell 2000 sentiment has sharply declined since January, when future contract positioning reached record bullishness. It’s now the most short since May 2011.
The last time investors were this short the Russell 2000, it fell by almost 30 percent.
Can we expect something similar this time?

We will just have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, there has also been a surge in the number of investors betting that we will soon see increased market volatility
As Bloomberg notes, with the VIX down more than 30% this year through the end of last week, investors have been using options to bet on volatility.
As the chart above shows, the volume of contracts wagering on a resurgence of market turmoil has reached its highest level since last February relative to those calling for a drop in price movements.
Because markets tend to go down much faster than they go up, most of those that bet on increased volatility are typically doing so because they believe that a stock market crash is coming very soon.

And it is also interesting to note that hedge funds are jumping into gold at a rate that we have not seen since 2007
Hedge funds are jumping back into gold.
Money managers boosted their long positions in U.S. futures by the most in almost a decade in the week ended May 23, Commodity Futures Trading Commission data show.
Gold is a safe haven asset, and it is a very good place to be during a major financial crisis.  So if hedge funds are anticipating that we are on the verge of a major market downturn, it would make sense for them to be piling into gold.

All of the moves that I have discussed above will end up looking quite foolish if stocks just keep going up and up and up.

But if the market crashes, those that have positioned themselves ahead of time will end up making a killing.

Today the stock market bears absolutely no resemblance to economic reality, but at some point that will change.  And with each passing day we just continue to get more bad economic news.

Yesterday, I showed that according to official U.S. government figures there are 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.  Today, we got more confirmation that the U.S. economy is slowing down.  We learned that new vehicle sales fell on a year-over-year basis for the fifth month in a row in May, and we learned that factory orders and new orders for durable goods both declined last month.  And for a lot more numbers just like those, please see this article.

The U.S. economy is not “healthy” and it hasn’t been for a very long time.  Because we have shipped so many jobs overseas, manufacturing’s share of U.S. employment has fallen to an all-time record low.  The middle class is shrinking, and somewhere around two-thirds of the country is living paycheck to paycheck.  

We have been able to maintain our national standard of living by going on the greatest debt binge of all time, but every additional dollar of debt that we take on makes our long-term outlook even worse.

Just because he is living in the White House does not mean that Donald Trump can automatically turn things around.  Without the help of Congress, he cannot cut taxes, repeal Obamacare, eliminate unnecessary federal agencies or implement many of the other items on his economic agenda.

And the truth is that because of the way that our system is structured, the Federal Reserve actually has much, much more power over the economy than Donald Trump does.  When the financial markets crash and we officially enter the next recession, most of the blame will be placed on Trump, but it won’t be his fault.  Instead, it will be primarily the Federal Reserve’s fault, and we need to educate the American people about this ahead of time.
What goes up must come down, and this irrational stock bubble has been living on borrowed time for quite a while now.

It isn’t going to take much to push things over the edge, and there are all sorts of candidates for what the next “trigger event” will be.

Zahid bans 'Jerusalem Jubilee' event in Malacca - MALAYSIA KINI

Zahid bans 'Jerusalem Jubilee' event in Malacca

     5 Jun 2017, 10:54 pm
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi ordered the police to ban the "Jerusalem Jubilee" gathering scheduled to be held in Melaka from June 15 to 18.
Ahmad Zahid who is also the Home Minister pointed out that the rally will only hurt the Muslims if it was allowed to be held.
"When the sentiments of Muslims are affected and their feelings offended... I as Home Minister order the police to ban the meeting. This is a message that is loud and clear.
"Whoever is organising the 'Jerusalem Jubilee', your permit has been cancelled under my official directive," he said in his speech at the Perak state level "Instilling of Moral Values during the Month of Ramadan" programme in Ipoh today.
At the event, the deputy prime minister partook in the Iftar meal of Ramadan together with those attending the Maghrib prayers at Masjid Annur Batu 8, Ulu Kinta.
He also presented donations to 100 orphans.
Organisers already decided to cancel
Earlier, the Jerusalem Jubilee organisers had already decided to cancel the rally after consultation and advice from the police.
Melaka police chief Abd Jalil Hassan said police had summoned the organisers and they had made their own decision to cancel the rally and to date 32 police reports had been made.
Ahmad Zahid, meanwhile, thanked Muslim and non-governmental organisations that lodged police reports to protest the rally.
"Several police reports were made at Bukit Aman and they referred the matter to me and I had ordered the police to cancel the rally," he said adding that celebrating Israel's occupation of Palestine offended Malaysians.
The deputy prime minister warned all parties to respect other religions and maintain mutual religious tolerance in a country comprising people of various races.
"We respect other religions although there are former leaders who say Malaysia is not a country that practised Islam as the official religion, but Islam is the religion of the Federation. Please refer to Article 3 of the Constitution.
"I'm colour blind when carrying out duties to protect the religious sensitivities of others. There are things that can be forgiven and what cannot be forgiven is anything affecting Islam," said Ahmad Zahid.
In the meantime, he announced he would organise a special Aidilfitri open house for the General Operations Force in appreciation of their contributions and service to the nation.

Catholics Mark 50 Years of Holy Spirit Renewal With Golden Jubilee - CHRISTINE D. JOHNSON CHARISMA NEWS

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Catholics, Pentecostals and evangelicals gathered May 31 - June 4 in Rome to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the move of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic church in 1967. Visitors from 130 nations were expected to attend as were 30,000 people from Italy.
"As every work of the Spirit leads to unity in diversity, the Holy Spirit wanted it to be ecumenical," Pope Francis declared in the Pentecostal vigil on Saturday, June 3, at the famed Circus Maximus.
The pope invited those involved in the renewal to remain faithful to the words of Christ in John 17, saying, "It is Jesus Himself who prays the Father for our unity, so that the world may believe that you have sent me."
Pastor Glenn Burris, president of The Foursquare Church, was invited to participate in the celebration of the renewal that happened when the Holy Spirit visited the Catholic community at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh.
"It didn't seem as much a celebration of what happened 50 years as maybe a call for a fresh Pentecost," Burris told Charisma News in a phone call from Rome.
"I heard unity. I heard gifts of the Spirit. I heard contending for new tongues. I heard contending for evangelism and the harvest," Burris added. "And while it may not have been said this distinctly, I think tying Pentecost to the fact that God sent the Holy Spirit during the Feast of the Pentecost, which is also referred to the Feast of the Harvest, somehow God has always linked Pentecost to harvest, so since it was Pentecost Sunday, or that was the next day, I think that's why the event was scheduled around that particular time, I think there was an intentional link to a coming of Pentecost but also a pursuit of harvest in these last days."
Pastor Burris also enjoyed the worship at the Golden Jubilee.
"What was really pretty unique and just kind of fun was to hear a lot of songs that we sing in either Pentecost or evangelical circles like 'Shout to the Lord,'" he said. "And they sang 'Majesty,' which I think was a powerful time, and then 'Holy Spirit, Come' and just a number of songs that I thought were powerful."
Burris noted how historic the event was, taking place in the crossroads of nations in Rome.
"God flipped this city and nation upside down with the gospel," he said. "Here we are sitting in the very area where Christians were martyred. Now in the same dirt we are lifting our hands and worshipping the Lord, so centuries ago, God just flipped the script and brought Christianity."
Gary Wiggins, pastor of Evangel Temple Assembly of God in Jacksonville, Florida, was also present for the Golden Jubilee.
"We worshipped with the pope two hours," Wiggins told Charisma Media founder and CEO Steve Strang. "[We] prayed in tongues, sang and prophesied. Truly the Holy Spirit is moving." 

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