Friday, August 25, 2017

US Refuses to Endorse 2-States; Trump 'Really Appreciates' Netanyahu's Efforts; Chilling Footage of Barcelona Terrorists - World Israel News

World Israel News
Aug. 25, 2017 US will Not Show ‘Bias’ by Endorsing 2-State SolutionRead Now

WATCH: Trump ‘Really Appreciates’ Netanyahu’s Commitment to PeaceWatch Now

Netanyahu Tells Kushner that Peace with the Arabs is ‘Within Our Reach’Read Now

Israel Arrests Suspected Temple Mount Terror AccompliceRead Now

WATCH: Chilling Footage of Barcelona Terrorists Preparing for AttackWatch Now

UN Denies Turning Blind Eye to Hezbollah Military Build-upRead Now

WATCH: Venice Snipers Authorized to Kill Anyone Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’Watch Now

After Charlottesville, Netanyahu’s Hard ChoiceRead Now

Israel Declares Powerful ‘Kochav’ Drone OperationalRead Now

Iran Freezes Assets of BBC’s Farsi Service StaffRead Now

Holland: Bombing of Rock Concert ThwartedRead Now
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All Saints - This New Movie Has a Fantastic Message - MOVIEGUIDE DATE NIGHT NEWSLETTER

August 24, 2017

ALL SAINTS is a powerful story that’s very heartrending and entertaining. Pastor Michael is on fire for God. When a group of Burmese Karen Anglican refugees show up at his church, his heart goes out to them. Praying about how to feed and take care of them, Michael hears from God...

What Can Couples Take Away From The Movie?
Following God's will means following his Word, and the Holy Spirits prompting to build His Kingdom, and not our own.

What Does The WORD Say?:

"Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.." - Phillipians 2:4

"Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith." 
- Galatians 6:9

""A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."" 
- John 13:34-35

Post Movie Discussion Questions:

  • How does Michael hear from God?
  • In what ways does Aimee support Michael?
  • How does God move through Michael's obedience?

Movieguide® Date Night Edition

CLICK HERE for previous Date Night Recommendations!

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Copyright (C)2014 Baehr All rights reserved.

One of Israel's Seven Species Scientifically Found to Help Remedy Many Illnesses - GALILEE GREEN CHARISMA NEWS

One of Israel's Seven Species Scientifically Found to Help Remedy Many Illnesses

Bible believers know that studying the Word of God is good for you. What might come as a surprise is that one particular food discussed in the Bible contains a wide array of hidden health benefits. This is becoming increasingly clear as scientists discover more and more positive health benefits from consuming extra-virgin olive oil.

Sorting Olives in the Galilee

"Olive oil is the only vegetable oil that can be taken as it is, just by cold pressing the pure oil out of the olive without heavy processing, heat or chemicals," said Rabbi Shmuel Veffer to PNW. "This is one of the many miracles we glean from the olive, one of Israel's seven holy species discussed in the Bible."
Rabbi Veffer and Nili Abrahams are co-founders of Galilee Green, an Israeli company that produces premium boutique olive oil for worldwide distribution. Galilee Green is well aware of the unique health benefits of extra-virgin olive oil and has even included a "Wellness" section highlighting this important information on the company website.
"The Bible is replete with references to the importance of olive oil," continued Rabbi Veffer. "Also, in ancient Egypt, olive oil was so valuable that it was used in the payment of wages."
אֶ֤רֶץ חִטָּה֙ וּשְׂעֹרָ֔ה וְגֶ֥פֶן וּתְאֵנָ֖ה וְרִמּ֑וֹן אֶֽרֶץ־זֵ֥ית שֶׁ֖מֶן וּדְבָֽשׁ׃
"A land of wheat, barley, grapevines, fig trees, and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey"
(Deuteronomy 8:8).
To date, extra virgin olive oil has been scientifically found to aid in the prevention of obesity, heart diseasediabetesvarious cancers, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and more. Studies of the benefits of olive oil have come out of some of the most respected scientific research in the world.
Modern-day interest in the health benefits of olive oil increased when it was discovered in the 1940s and 1950s that those who follow the Mediterranean diet decrease their risk of early death from cardiovascular disease by 9 percent. A 2014 follow-up study credited an elevated consumption of olive oil with reducing the risk of cardiovascular events and stroke.
The Mediterranean diet includes a proportionally high consumption of extra-virgin olive oil, legumes, unrefined cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, moderate amounts of dairy consisting mostly of cheese and yogurt, moderate consumption of wine and small amounts of meat.
"It may be counterintuitive to think that adding olive oil to your diet is good for your heart, but that is what science has found," said Rabbi Veffer. "It is proven to be more effective for cardiovascular health than a low-fat diet and also helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure."
Olive oil, considered a "good fat", is also linked to a decreased risk of osteoporosis. A study from the Ain Shams University in Egypt found that the monounsaturated fat in olive oil helps the body break down calcium so it can be properly absorbed into bones.
In addition, some studies have found a decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes in those who consume extra-virgin olive oil. Others credit olive oil for protecting the body against breast cancer.
And consuming extra-virgin olive oil is also linked with a lowered risk of Alzheimer's disease and slower cognitive decline as well as a lessening of other neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, estimated at a rate as high as 13 percent.
Consuming olive oil is also good for mental health. According to Spanish researchers from the University of Navarra, a diet rich in olive oil can help prevent mental illness, and people are 30 percent less likely to suffer from depression when following the Mediterranean diet.
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LoveMusic! - "Waterfall" - Steve & Laurie Martin All Nations Church 1999 - worship team


Steve & Laurie Martin 
All Nations Church worship team

YouTube published on Jun 10, 2017

"Waterfall" - Steve & Laurie Martin All Nations Church 1999 - worship team

Charlotte, NC - church location off Granite Street Sunday morning service
Patti McPherson, Ruth Davis, John Kirwin, Gilbert Crespo, Ron Bowen, Bob Smith, - Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Original tracks recorded by John O'Leary on soundboard.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

LoveMusic! - "Prepare Ye the Way" - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations worship team - 1999

"Prepare Ye the Way" 

Steve & Laurie Martin
All Nations worship team - 1999

YouTube Published on Jun 13, 2017

Sunrise..."I hear the voice of one crying...Prepare Ye the Way" - Steve Martin -- All Nations Church worship 1999
Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Charlotte, NC - Westinghouse/Granite St. location 1997-2000

Original recording - sound man John O'Leary 1999
Video by Steve Martin June 13, 2017 Tuesday at 7 am Charlotte, NC

Worship team: Patti McPherson, Terry Lafferty, Gilbert Crespo, Ron Bowen, Brian Johnston, Bob Smith, John Kirwin (electric guitar), Ruth Davis, Little Big Eagle (bass guitar)

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Hillsong Looks Ahead to Christ's Second Coming - "His Glory Appears"- TAYLOR BERGLUND CHARISMA NEWS

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

From Sydney's Hillsong Chapel, Hillsong performs the powerful modern hymn "His Glory Appears." The song glorifies Christ while picturing his wondrous Second Coming: "And His glory appears like the light from the sun."
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

Huckabee: If We're Tearing Down Offensive Things, Why Not Abortion Clinics? - REBECCA DOWNS/FAITHWIRE

The statue of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson is shown covered in black tarp as Dr. Wes Bellamy, the vice mayor of Charlottesville, looks on in Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S., Aug. 23, 2017. (Justin Ide / Reuters )

Huckabee: If We're Tearing Down Offensive Things, Why Not Abortion Clinics?

Following the fallout of the violence from Charlottesville, many public figures have shared their thoughts about Confederate monuments, though Mike Huckabee's statements took them further.
If Confederate monuments are offensive, so are abortion clinics, Huckabee said.
In an August 17 interview with Fox News, Huckabee expressed his view that state and local communities ought to decide the fate of monuments that might be considered offensive. There can be a slippery slope, however.
When it comes to such monuments, such as those of Confederate soldiers, Huckabee also highlighted the opportunity of learning about "heinous" aspects of American history. "There's something to be said for looking at our history—the good, the bad and the ugly—and being reminded of that which we never want to repeat again," he offered.
Huckabee echoed President Donald Trump's question of asking when it ends with removing statues of figures someone vocally finds offensive. "Where does it stop?" he asked. President Trump tweeted about the potential fallout, resulting in the removal of monuments commemorating Founding Fathers, including Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
The statements from Huckabee not only continued this connection, but also took aim at "anarchists" who have taken it upon themselves to take down statues:
Anarchists go and just tear down the statues because they are impatient with politicians doing it. That is not—that is not acceptable behavior; it is vandalism, it is anarchy, and it would be like me saying 'I don't like abortion clinics, so I'm going to go to tear them down because I find them offensive.'
Huckabee is not known for being shy about his pro-life positions. He has, however, followed and worked within the confines of abortion law in the United States to support or sign into law pro-life legislation. Unlike anarchists, he has not sought to tear down abortion clinics merely because he finds them offensive.
While Confederate monuments may offer a glimpse into history, including that which should not be repeated, abortion clinics operate to perform abortions on unborn children, providing no such history lesson, at least not until abortion is eradicated.
Huckabee's statements have not gone unnoticed by abortion-supporting media outlets.
There does not appear to be a clear answer to Huckabee and the president's wondering of "Where does it stop?"
Several kinds of statues, some not even depicting political figures, have been targeted for removal and/or defacement. 
For the original article, visit
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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Is Archaeology in Israel 'Apologetics in Action'? - BOUYANCY PUBLIC RELATIONS CHARISMA NEWS

Archaeology can support biblical history. (Wikimedia Commons)
Archaeologists continue to find even more documentation to validate the truth of the Old Testament, says author Peggy Consolver, who participated in an archeological dig in the Holy Land earlier this summer, further amplifying study for her Biblical history novels.
Consolver saw first-hand the progress that Associates for Biblical Research are making at a dig in Shiloh, the Old Testament site for the Tabernacle in the Promised Land.
"Archaeology is like 'apologetics in action,' "  Consolver declares, "making great strides in discoveries that support the truth of Old Testament accounts, and countering nay-sayers who doubt the historicity of the Bible."
"While traditional methods of digging and sifting by hand are still crucial, twenty-first century archaeology uses new technology that makes progress faster and adds to the excitement of this important work that enlarges our understanding of these ancient times," she adds.
She encourages churches and families making plans for fall programming and family studies to consider doing an Old Testament study of Joshua.
Consolver, author of the biblically-based novel Shepherd, Potter, Spy—and the Star Namer, wrote her book based on Joshua 9 and 10, and her writing and descriptions were impacted by her first experience in Israel on an archaeological dig in 2010.
In fact, the richly-researched book recently garnered an endorsement from the archaeologist who directed the dig in which she participated.
"Shepherd, Potter, Spy—and the Star Name tells the story of the Hebrews' arrival in Canaan from a new point of view," writes Dr. Bryant Wood, director of research, Associates for Biblical Research and 2010 dig director.
"A young Gibeonite shepherd's eyewitness account captures the tension in the ancient land of Canaan. Accurate descriptions of the terrain give the Bible student new insights into this historical event of the Late Bronze Age. The use of the archaeological artifact known as the Gezer Almanac adds credence to the timeline the author constructs," he adds.
Because there is so much scripture, history and data touched on in the book, Consolver created a study guide, called Digging Deeper Into HIStory:  A Study Guide for Shepherd, Potter, Spy—and the Star Namer. The 13-unit interactive study guide is especially useful for Bible study groups, Christian Schools and homeschoolers, and also offers links to additional resources, such as a YouTube video of crossing the flooded Jordan River in a kayak and another with instructions on how to make a slingshot.
Consolver's book tells the story of the mysterious Hebrew people from a fresh vantage point, that of the neighboring tribes in Canaan who watch in fear and awe as the Hebrews move toward their land, conquering all in their path.
In a book suitable for middle schoolers to adults, she weaves a deeply moving tale from the biblical account of the Hebrews' arrival in the Promised Land in Joshua 9 and 10. The story provides vignettes of life as Joshua and family experience the final year of the 40 years in the wilderness, but primarily tells the story through the eyes of a 12-year-old Gibeonite boy, Keshub. In the beginning, alone with his sheep, he practices thrusts and lunges against an unseen enemy with his wooden sword. In the end, Keshub saves the day with a real sword on the day the sun stood still.
Now working on a sequel to Shepherd, Potter, Spy—and the Star Namer (Eskie and the Battle for Salem anticipates a late 2018 release), the Dallas resident also recently completed her first picture book. Kacey's Question, a day in the life of two 5-year-olds, was inspired by the important question her daughter asked at age 5 that 25 years later, her daughter's son also asked. Kacey's Question will release in Jan. 2018.
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