Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Creation of the Universe ✡ "When Hashem (God, The Name) Began To Create Heaven And Earth" - Israel365

When Hashem began to create heaven and earth

בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ

בראשית א:א
b’-ray-SHEET ba-RA e-lo-HEEM AYT ha-sha-MA-yim v’-AYT ha-A-retz

Today's Israel Inspiration

This Shabbat, Jews around the world begin reading the Bible aloud in synagogue beginning with the Book of Genesis. If the Bible is essentially a book of law, why does it begin with the stories of Genesis?  Would it not make more sense to skip the stories and start with the legal sections of the Bible? Rashi, the famed medieval commentator, answers this question with an essential lesson that should inform our Bible study. According to Rashi, one day the nations of the world will accuse the Jewish People of stealing the Land of Israel.  In response, the Jews will point to the Bible that begins by telling us that God created the heaven and the earth.  Since Hashem is the Creator of the world, He may give the land to whomever He wishes, and it is the Divine will that the Land of Israel will belong to the People of Israel. The Israel Bible is a unique edition of the Bible that focuses on the unique relationship between the Land, the People and the God of Israel. Join the Jewish world in beginning to study the book of Genesis today.

Why did God Create the World?

Thinkers and philosophers throughout the ages have been struggling with the question of why God created the world.

Exotic Biblical Feast

The Biblical Museum of Natural History in Beit Shemesh hosted a “Feast of Exotic Curiosities” to order to revive the Biblical relationship between animal and man of Biblical times, serving rare and strange delicacies which the Bible says are kosher, but which have been largely lost to Jewish cuisine.

The Original Words of the Bible

Only with the Israel Bible can you study the full text of the Bible in English and Hebrew with the references to the Land of Israel appearing on every page! The English text is based on the 1917 JPS English translation, which has been preferred by individual Jews and synagogues for nearly one hundred years. The Israel Bible follows the traditional Jewish ordering of the books and the customary Hebrew division of chapters.
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“And Hashem said,
“Let the earth sprout vegetation: seed-bearing plants, fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it.” And it was so.”
Genesis 1:11


Today's Israel Photo

Today's picture by Zev Rothkoff is of Sayarim Junction on Highway 10, an expressway in Southern Israel.
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The Mistake Almost Every Christian Makes in Their Dream Journal - Taylor Berglund Charisma News

The Mistake Almost Every Christian Makes in Their Dream Journal

10/14/2017 Taylor Berglund  Charisma News

How can you capture the atmosphere of a dream? Streams Ministries' John Thomas has a few practical tips about how to preserve the truth of your dream even after you wake up. His advice will revolutionize the way you interpret visions and dreams.

The Unexpected - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

The Unexpected

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Even if I pass through death-dark ravines, I will fear no disaster; for you are with me; your rod and staff reassure me.” (Psalm 23:4, Complete Jewish Bible)

Fear suddenly comes upon you. Your stomach churns as if you had just been punched in the gut. Panic wants to overtake you. Your head spins, looking for a quick solution to get you out of the mess you just found yourself in. What in the world are you going to do? Where can I run? Who can I call? What do you do?

You trust in the One whom you have trusted in thus far. You call on the Name of the Lord Jesus.

“For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. 'Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 'You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

'I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,' declares the Lord, 'and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.' (Jeremiah 29:11-14, NASU)

You can believe that is true. God cannot lie.

When I woke up this morning I had just gotten a text message from a friend who is newlywed. (I keep my phone on silent when I go to bed. Smart thing to do. Derek Prince, the great Bible teacher whom I was honored to serve on his ministry staff for eight years, often said, “There are no emergencies in the kingdom of God.”) They got married in her country, went on a fantastic honeymoon in another country, but when they came back to cross over into his homeland to start their new life together, they were stopped at the border. The paperwork hadn’t been done as it was supposed to have been done. She couldn’t cross over. 

They were then told it was going to take much legal paperwork, several months, and could cost thousands of dollars. Dollars they didn’t have. Bills they never dreamed of having to be paid on the road ahead. The unexpected had just happened.

How many times have we faced challenges and circumstances when the impossible was facing us, and we didn’t know where to turn, who to call, or what to do next. We seemed frozen with fear, which itself wanted to keep us there. But that is when we need to stand on His Word – that He never leaves us, never forsakes us, never lets the enemy have the final victory.

All of us have faced these situations. A traumatic car accident; a tragic turn of events; an impossible place in our life when it looks as if we have been forsaken, forgotten about, and left standing alone. That is where and when we need to stand on His Word.

“Even if I pass through death-dark ravines, I will fear no disaster; for you are with me; your rod and staff reassure me.” (Psalm 23:4)

When these times come, we need to know in our heart, our soul, our very being that the Lord Jesus, Yeshua, is faithful to see us through whatever comes our way. Even if death itself stands at the door and says he has got us now, we must be firm in our belief, that even then, eternity with our Lord awaits us on the other side.

Whatever you face today, this week, or this month, know that He is on your side. You will not fail, you will not fall, you will not be left standing alone. The Living God of Israel has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. He will see you through.

I told my friend that on the phone. It may be a tough road ahead, but the Bible is full of examples which have been given to us to show His faithfulness towards those who believe.

Be reassured in your faith. Stand strong. He is a BIG God, and we are His.

“For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.

Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you.” (2 Timothy 1:2-14, NASU)

Be at peace. For the Lord will always be your strong tower. You can run to Him and He will see you through.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Secure, conveniently contributions can be done online now. Click here: DONATE 

(or use the DONATE buttons on the blog.)

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc. 
P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This - in the Year of our Lord 10.08.17 - #323  – “The Unexpected”
Sunday, 7:07 am

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Shalom Today Ministry & Love For His People - Providing Sewing Machines in Lahore, Pakistan - Need Only 5 More!

Sewing machine given to class graduates

Shalom Today Ministry & Love For His People - Providing Sewing Machines in Lahore, Pakistan

Ladies in Pakistan - Shalom Today Ministry sewing training school Oct. 12, 2017

Shalom Today Ministry & Love For His People
Providing Sewing Machines

We need your help today.

October 14, 2017

Greeting to you in the Name of YESHUA Ha’Masiacha.

Shalom Today Ministry has been running a Sewing Center for the last five years. The purpose of this Sewing Center is to equip the illiterate girls residing in poverty-stricken areas of Pakistan with the skill of sewing. Our vision is to make the poor Christian women skillful with this skill so they can generate income to support their families.

Most of the girls and women in these sewing centers are housemaids or belong to the families of domestic servants. Therefore they are very vulnerable to get persecuted, sexually abused & kidnapped for the name of their religion and obvious financial instability.

The staff currently working in Pakistan also teaches them the words of God along with the regular lessons. Sewing centre also allows them to be safe, self-sufficient, support their families, develop a sense of worth and most importantly teach them from the Living Words of God.

Moses with a sewing machine graduate student 2016

After the completion of the one-year training Course, we provide them with a sewing machine to start their own business in their homes and avoid work under the bondage of the Muslims.

2017 Certificate of Completion

We are thankful to LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE ministry, which last year supported us financially, providing sewing machines at the annual Graduation Ceremony.

This year on October 21, 2017, we have plans to distribute sewing machines among the orphan and
widows students who have completed their training course in our sewing center Zinda Umeed (which means "A living hope".) Further details are found on our web page

Shalom Today Ministry, together with Love For His People ministry requests that you would contribute to help us give these deserving ones a new sewing machine upon their graduation. We need only 5 more sewing machines. The cost of each sewing machine is $100. 

Please give today, using the donate button on the Love For His People website.

You can DONATE here now. You will receive a USA tax receipt for each and every gift.

Thank you very much!

Moses Julius

Shalom Today Ministry Pakistan -

Shalom Today is non-profitable, non-governmental and non-political organization. It was established in 2015 in Lahore, Pakistan and registered with the government of Pakistan.

Please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless these through our humanitarian work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
Secure, conveniently contributions can be done online now. Click here: DONATE 

(or use the DONATE buttons on the blog.)

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc. 
P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 



BY JOY BERNARD Jerusalem Post
OCTOBER 13, 2017

Netanyahu, a strong adversry of the Iran nuclear accord, welcomed the news of Trump's decision not to recertify the deal with satisfaction and praise for the US president.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking at the UN. (photo credit:AVI OHAYON - GPO)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu applauded US President Donald Trump on Friday evening for deciding not to recertify the nuclear deal with Iran, which he has been openly opposing since its inception in 2015. "I congratulate President Trump for his courageous decision today. He boldly confronted Iran's terrorist regime," the prime minister said in a video statement he released in English.

Moments after Trump declared a new and tougher US policy on Iran, leaving the US Congress to decide whether or not to impose new sanctions on Tehran, Netanyahu asserted that "If the Iran deal is left unchanged, one thing is absolutely certain- in a few years' time, the world's foremost terrorist regime will have an arsenal of nuclear weapons and that's tremendous danger for our collective future."

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"President Trump has just created an opportunity to fix this bad deal. To roll back Iran's aggression and to confront its criminal support of terrorism," Netanyahu continued.

"That's why Israel embraces this opportunity. And that's why every responsible government, and any person concerned with the peace and security of the world, should do so as well," he stressed.

In September, Netanyahu expressed once more his deep dissatisfaction with the nuclear accord, telling the United Nations General Assembly in a speech that the the deal with Tehran is bad.

"Fix it or nix it. Change it or cancel it," he urged at the time. Netanyahu warned that "an Iranian curtain is descending across the Middle East. It spreads this curtain over Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere and pledges to extinguish the light of Israel."

However, the prime minister also noted that while Israel is facing an imminent threat that could further evolve should Iran remain unchecked, he had a simple message to what he often terms a "rogue terrorist regime."

"I have a simple message for Khamenei: The light of Israel will never be extinguished."

But other Israeli officials were less enthusiastic about Trump's speech announcing that the nuclear accord will be decertified by the US, which is also slated to impose new sanctions on elements linked to the deal, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Speaking to Channel 2 following Trump's speech, Israeli Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz said that he thought the US president's speech was "very significant" but that he believed it could trigger a war with Iran.

"I think that the speech was very significant. Iran is the new North Korea. We see where things are going," Katz stated.

Avi Gabbay, the recently-elected new head of the Zionist Union party who many predict could replace Netanyahu one day, echoed the prime minister's sentiment over Trump's announcement.

"I welcome Trump's decision to financially hurt the terror system of the Revolutionary Guard," Gabbay stated Friday evening. "The next stage- fixing the agreement and lengthening it so that Iran can't go back to enriching uranium," he expressed his hope.

Tzipi Livni (Zionist Union), who formerly served as Israel's Foreign Affairs Minister, also lauded Trump for his strong stance. "Justifiability President Trump is dealing with the Iranian danger in general. The Revolutionary Guards, the support of terror and the missile program- the immediate threats that were not handled in the deal and demand an answer," Livni tweeted moments after Trump concluded his speech.

Watch speech here: JERUSALEM POST


An SS officer questions two Jewish resistance fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1943. (photo credit:Wikimedia Commons)


> Austria seizing Hitler's birthplace to prevent Nazi pilgrimage site
> German populist party head: Country to stop feeling guilty about Nazi past

OCTOBER 14, 2017  

“They’re all torn out,” he said, pointing to a page consisting only of tear marks whose residue reveals the side of a tank and soldiers posing on a Mercedes.

AT THE weekly antique flea market in Berlin, Christoph Kreutzmueller, a Holocaust historian and curator for the new permanent exhibition of the Jewish Museum in Berlin, picked up a Nazi-era family album at random from a book stand, fascinated not by the black and white pictures that were there ‒ but by those that weren’t.

“They’re all torn out,” he said, pointing to a page consisting only of tear marks whose residue reveals the side of a tank and soldiers posing on a Mercedes. The “war” page?

The album, however, opens with a picture of paradise: a German couple with their nude toddlers are picnicking in a lush forest. As for the rest, most photos have been rearranged, out of order.

“There’s the innocent reading that [the album owner] hated the war and didn’t want to think of it anymore,” Kreutzmueller said of the reason for the missing pictures. “The biased, ‘mean’ reading is that perhaps they showed murder. I think that he really didn’t want to think of war anymore because the remnants that you see are not of fighting.”

In another album from the same vendor (collected from an apartment liquidated upon the resident’s passing), photos are neatly organized and labeled. They, too, open with “paradise” ‒ a Nazi government-sponsored outing amid beautiful landscapes in May 1938. In October that same year, the month in which Germany began to deport its Polish Jews, the matriarch and patriarch celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. A few pages later, in 1940, the living room is newly adorned with a radio, the tool for Nazi propaganda nicknamed, “Goebbel’s Schnauze” (Goebbel’s snout).

Christoph Kreutzmueller views old albums (Orit Arfa)

“There’s another living room where you could see good old Adolf Hitler under the light bulb, so he’s lit,” Kreutzmueller said, noticing the tiny, mustached figure in the framed photograph on the wall.

Later, grooms appear in Wehrmacht uniforms at their respective weddings, and then from the war front. One son seemed to have sent a photograph from Russia in September 1941 ‒ Kreutzmueller surmised that he had just been awarded the Iron Cross.

According to photo-historian Sandra Starke, who co-curated the 2009 traveling exhibit on Wehrmacht photo albums, “Focus on Strangers,” the Nazi regime encouraged amateur photography, in part so Germans could record for posterity how nice life was under Hitler’s reign.

“They supported the camera factories, made the prices low, made competitions, courses, training, how-to books,” said Starke at her home in Berlin. She opened such how-to books whose guidelines included: avoid levity while wearing a Nazi uniform; capture various angles of the perfect “Aryan” profile; do not include portraits with “racially inferior” friends. During wartime, the men usually took the cameras to the battlefields.

HOW FAMILY photos from the Nazi-era are being maintained and kept today can give insight into how second to fourth generation Nazi-era Germans come to grips ‒ or not ‒ with possible family involvement in Hitler’s murderous, tyrannical regime. These two flea market albums represent two approaches to the past: torn and “untouched.”

According to Michaela Buckel, project manager for March of Life, an organization that includes descendants of German Wehrmacht soldiers and Gestapo and SS members who seek personal reconciliation with Nazi victims and their descendants, most German families keep albums in their homes ignored. Among some of her friends, portraits of grandparents hang in the living rooms, sometimes in Wehrmacht uniform.

“What you normally won’t find are family pictures in SS uniform,” Buckel tells The Jerusalem Report. “In that case, it’s more likely these photos are taken from the album, or the badges and insignia are blackened. Photo albums are rarely hidden. Often you just do not look at them.”

Most German families, Buckel says, often tell stories of their own “victimhood” ‒ air raids, fallen soldiers, prisoners-of-war.

“I’d say from experience that there is definitely a difference between how the national German government commemorates and memorializes the Holocaust and how individual families recognize the role their families played in the destruction/war,” she says. “Today, most people in Germany would agree with the statement that the Nazis were criminals and the Holocaust a genocide without comparison. But they will not likely link that to their own families. Because you learn about the Holocaust in history with all its atrociousness, you can’t link it to the great-grandfather whom you love and know as a kind man.”

March of Life was founded by Pastor Jobst Bittner of TOS Ministries, which in American terms is a Christian Evangelical ministry, based in Tübingen in southern Germany ‒ a city that once boasted a high concentration of avowed Nazi party members. Several years ago, Bittner encouraged his congregants to inquire into their family’s history during the Nazi era. With the Holocaust generation dying out, most families must rely on family albums for clues if they did not receive firsthand accounts.

UNTIL HE heeded his pastor’s call, Friedhelm Chmell, 40, felt indifference on obligatory visits to concentration camps.

“It never really touched my heart, so I never felt anything,” Chmell, a hospital nurse, said via Skype from his home in Tübingen. “I felt a little bit sorry, but it was nothing personal.”

As a young adult, Klaus Schock, 47, a March of Life member from a small village near Tübingen, never wanted to “touch” his family’s role in the war years.

“In Germany, normally in school, you go into detail about Nazi times and the Nazi regime, and about the Third Reich,” Schock said. “For me, it was like something that had nothing to do with my life. I was wondering why do we learn about this. It was a terrible time, so what? I wasn’t really interested.”

According to the oral history of Chmell’s family, his maternal grandfather worked at an army desk job, literally. Two pictures of him in uniform were assembled as part of a family album arranged by his uncle: one of him writing a letter at a desk and another of him posing on the balcony at his Antwerp office.

“I always saw this picture with this office and everything seemed so peaceful,” Chmell said. “We don’t want to see behind all these nice stories and pictures they gave us. My whole family didn’t ask further, ‘What did he really do?’”

With the support of his wife, but not his siblings, Chmell became a sleuth. His investigation led him to Antwerp, Belgium, where, through Google Street View, he scoured balconies from the vantage point of the skyscraper in the photo. He eventually found the building where his grandfather posed and soon learned what it had housed.

“During World War II, it was the main headquarters of the Deutsche Wehrmacht in Antwerp, and then I searched for what the Deutsche Wehrmacht exactly did there.”

His grandfather’s department was responsible for summoning Antwerp’s 20,000 Jews for deportation.

“When I found out this fact, it broke my heart,” Chmell said, teary-eyed. “For the first time, I could see the truth about my family. I always thought there was nothing bad in my family, and maybe my family never killed a Jew, but he was one of the main people responsible in this office and he’s responsible for 20,000 Jews. They went straight to Auschwitz.”

Klaus Schock, a physicist, decided, on Bittner’s call, to open the lids of boxes with albums, letters and even army medals that had been shelved in his grandparents’ home.

At first, when he asked his parents about his paternal grandfather’s service under the Nazi regime, they said, dismissively, that he had been a Nazi Stormtrooper (the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party) for a brief period. Documents and pictures revealed the facts: his grandfather enlisted in the stormtroopers in 1932 and then renounced his Nazi-party membership to become a professional soldier for the next 12 years.

His grandfather’s album from France could be mistaken for that of a vacation: he took photographs of the Eiffel Tower and other French landmarks that suddenly became the Nazis’ playground. But the war of annihilation and aggression was on full, organized display in the “Russia album.”

Via Skype, Schock opened the album and showed neat, labeled titles of images of dead Russian soldiers ‒ some in a ditch, some being hanged.

“I realized he must have seen a lot of things. Normally I’m a scientist and I’m more rational, but it shocked me.”

The grandparents of Chmell and Schock are no longer living, but Schock recalls his encounters with his grandfather as a young boy.

“As long as I’ve known him, he just lived in the house nearby together with my grandma, and so when I had to decide to go to the military or to civil service, he always wanted me to go the military, and he was a passionate soldier,” Shock said. “He never talked about, say, Nazi philosophy or ideology; but looking back, I would say he never regretted it, and I don’t think he realized what he really did, what kind of murdering he did.”

Their respective processes of coming to terms with their families’ history, rare among their peer group, have changed both their lives. Today, Chmell and Schock are staunch Israel supporters, fighting modern antisemitism as expressed in hostility toward Israel, propelled both by a sense of obligation they feel toward the Jewish people and their Christian faith.

March of Life members believe face-to face apologies by the descendants of Nazi perpetrators to Nazi victims, as opposed to national proclamations, could most effectively facilitate healing and reconciliation. In their marches across Europe, at sites of attempted Jewish genocide they often connect with Holocaust survivors and their progeny, but one of Chmell’s most meaningful encounters occurred spontaneously in Israel.

“In May, I was in Jerusalem and went on a tram, and met someone who was the same age as me. His grandparents were collected at Antwerp and sent to Auschwitz, and one of them survived. That is one reason why I could meet him, and we connected on WhatsApp and I said I’m sorry about what my grandparents did to your family. It was such a special moment.”

Schock believes he became a “softer,” more emphatic person. “Looking into my family’s past, it also revealed prejudice, racism and antisemitism inside of me. I realized that I am not better than my grandfather; I could have done the same things. That was shocking for me. But this opened the way that I could repent.”

He and his wife of seven years never wanted children ‒ until he visited Israel for the first time.

“Before the trip, I realized something must be wrong with me but I couldn’t figure out why I was so afraid to be a father. When I came back from Israel, suddenly all the fear somehow disappeared.”

Back at the flea market, inside the “untouched” family album, photographs become sparse after 1942 and virtually non-existent from 1943, the year in which Hitler’s downfall begins with his defeat at Stalingrad. The idyll disintegrates. A downed plane appears in September 1942. Women pose in front of an air raid shelter. Men are back home, holding canes, presumably injured. Finally, the end: a small boy standing in ruins, leaving no progeny, as it were, to safeguard the album and family legacy.

As their WhatsApp profile pictures, Chmell and Schock each proudly display family portraits ‒ their own family albums won’t be sold to the highest bidder at a flea market. Chmell loves taking family pictures.

“To show how I love my family, to show that our lives ‒ mine and my wife’s ‒ have been changed totally, to remember all our family past but also to say our kids belong to the new generation.”

Trump Pledges to Protect Religious Freedom 'Like You Have Never Seen Before' - BEN KENNEDY / CBN NEWS

President Donald Trump says the attacks on Judeo-Christian values in America must stop. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
Trump Pledges to Protect Religious Freedom 'Like You Have Never Seen Before'
President Donald Trump made history as he headlined the Family Research Council's Value Voters Summit on Friday. He's the first sitting U.S. president to speak at the event.
"America is a nation of believers, and together we are strengthened and sustained by the power of prayer," said President Trump. "We are one nation, we hurt together and we hope together and we heal together."
"And above all else we know this: In America, we don't worship government, we worship God," he said.
The president focused on faith and family talking with conservatives at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C.
"Religious liberty is enshrined with the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, and we all pledge allegiance to the very beautiful one nation under God," said Trump.
Trump pledged that the nation's religious heritage would be cherished, protected and defended "like you have never seen before."
He referred to his new executive order to stop the federal government from forcing religious groups like Little Sisters of the Poor to provide coverage for abortion-causing drugs to employees.
"We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values," Trump said.
"Values voters are coming to our nation's capital thankful to hear from a president who is fulfilling the promises that he campaigned on," said FRC president Tony Perkins. 'Since the early days of the campaign, President Trump allied himself with values voters, promising to put an end to the eight years of relentless assault on the First Amendment."
Trump received a standing ovation when talking about respecting the flag in the wake of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem in protest to social injustice.
Big-name conservatives, in a steady stream, are also addressing the summit, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Steve Bannon and pro-life activists David Daleiden and Lila Rose.
According to the Values Voter Summit website, it was created in 2006 to provide a forum to help inform and mobilize citizens across America to preserve the bedrock values of traditional marriage, religious liberty, sanctity of life and limited government that make our nation strong. It has drawn over 3,000-plus attendees from around the nation and foreign countries, garnering national and international media attention.
Reprinted with permission from Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, all rights reserved.
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Why Chuck Pierce Prophesied in 2008 That Donald Trump Would Be President - Steve Strang

Chuck Pierce (YouTube )
In my new book, God and Donald Trump, I document the way four modern-day prophets prophesied ahead of the election that Donald Trump would win. Right up to Election Day, however, popular opinion had it that he would lose big to Hillary Clinton. Yet, he won! The prophets were right.
As I wrote the book, I interviewed numerous people and recorded six of these interviews so I could transcribe them. I also realized I could use them as podcasts to give behind-the-scenes information about how I put the book together.
My first interview was with Chuck Pierce, who prophesied in 2008 that God would play a "trump card," and how he began to understand that God was referring to Donald Trump. The prophetic aspect in what God is doing is not usually part of our public discourse. I believe my book makes an appeal to the reader that God is involved in the affairs of man, including the election of our president.
Chuck Pierce is not active politically, but he is active in intercession. When people attacked him for prophesying that Trump would win, he said he was merely speaking as an oracle of the Lord—which is what a true prophet is supposed to do.
Please take time to listen to the podcast to get much more detail from Chuck Pierce himself. He emphasizes what God is doing, especially His covenant with Israel, which he believes is key for the future of American and for Trump's presidency.
He also tells a story that may have never been reported: a "decree" made by Vice President Pence at the White House in May about a covenant between Israel and the United States.
I encourage you to download a sample chapter of the book by clicking here. See our exciting video trailer about the book. I hope it makes you want to purchase it, and I encourage you to preorder it online at either at or Of course, you can also order through a local Christian bookstore. These advance sales will help boost the numbers to qualify the book for some of the literary best-seller lists.
The website also has some memes you can share on social media if you'd like to help us get out the word about God and Donald Trump
Strang Report
Chuck Pierce: Playing the Trump Card
On May 31, 2008, God told Chuck Pierce that America "must play the Trump card." More than eight years later, Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States, an answer to prayer for many. Chuck and I discuss how this miraculous turn of events came about and what it means for our nation.
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma Media and President of Christian Life Missions. Follow him on Twitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and here to sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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