Friday, October 27, 2017

How The Elite Dominate The World – Part 4: They Buy Politicians, And Incumbents Almost Always Win - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 26 Oct 2017   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Once we wake up to how the game is being played, then we will have a real shot at changing things.  For decades, the elite have been pulling the strings behind the scenes in both major political parties.  That is why nothing has ever seemed to change very much no matter which party has been in power. 

The agenda of the elite has always seemed to march forward, and ordinary people like us have always been frustrated that we can’t seem to make a difference.  But now a shift seems to be taking place. 

Donald Trump took on the establishment in both major parties, and he miraculously won the presidency.  Down in Alabama, the elite spent more than 30 million dollars to defeat Roy Moore, and he still defeated Luther Strange.  A political awakening is taking place, and I can’t wait to see what happens during the mid-term elections in 2018.

In Part I and Part II of this series, I talked about how the elite use debt as a tool of enslavement.  In Part III, I went over how the elite use the colossal media corporations they own to control what we think.  Today, I want to talk about their influence in the realm of politics.

In Washington D.C., it is well understood that the game of politics is all about the money.  If I win my election, and online polling suggests that there is a ton of enthusiasm for my campaign, I will be expected to spend most of my time on the phone raising money.  As a freshman member of Congress, at orientation it will be explained to me that I am supposed to spend approximately four hours a day doing fundraising, and that is why the House and Senate floors are so empty most of the time.

By law, members of Congress cannot make fundraising calls from their offices, and so both parties have huge call centers just across from the Capitol.  Especially around lunch and dinner times (because those are some of the best times to reach people), those call centers are packed as members of the House and Senate run through lists of potential donors.

And it isn’t just about raising money for their own campaigns.  As a freshman member of Congress I would be expected to raise at least $200,000 for the NRCC (the National Republican Congressional Committee).  If I don’t pay my dues, I would get into big trouble with party leadership.

But you know what?  I have already pledged that I am not going to participate in this very corrupt system.  If I am sent to Congress, I am going to spend my time doing the job that the people of Idaho sent me there to do.

So will Paul Ryan and the others in leadership get very upset with me for not “paying my dues”?

Of course.

But it is time for some of us to take a stand and do what is right.  Congress has become a cesspool of filth and corruption, and it is time to flush the toilet.

Because if we don’t fight this corrupt system, the influence of money in politics will just get worse and worse.  Today, the elite pour millions upon millions of dollars even into small campaigns, and in 2016 it took an average of more than 10 million dollars to win a U.S. Senate seat
While the White House may not have gone to the biggest spender, an awful lot of House and Senate seats did — as usual. And it was pricier than ever to win them.
This election cycle, an average winning Senate candidate had spent $10.4 million through Oct. 19 (reflecting the latest reports filed with the Federal Election Commission). That’s a $1.8 million increase over the same period in the 2014 cycle. By the end of last cycle, the number rose to $10.6 million, and a similar uptick is expected this time once post-election and year-end reports are filed.
Once you win, the pressure to raise money for your next campaign never ends.
The elite know this, and they use this pressure to influence votes.  Prior to a big vote, lobbyists will make it abundantly clear how they want certain members of Congress to vote, and if they vote the “right way” those members of Congress will be rewarded.

Just across from the U.S. Capitol there are clubs where fancy receptions are regularly held.  If you vote the “right way” on a particular bill, you may be invited to one of these receptions, and there will be big, fat donation checks waiting there for you.

Of course most members of Congress have learned how to play the game, and this is why it is nearly impossible to defeat incumbents.  Over the past six decades, the re-election rate for members of the House of Representatives has consistently been well over 80 percent, and according to the UVA Center for Politics incumbents actually did far better than that in 2016…
This election cycle, 393 of 435 House representatives, 29 of 34 senators, and five of 12 governors sought reelection (several of the governors were prohibited from seeking another term). Of those, 380 of 393 House members (97%), 27 of 29 senators (93%), and four of five governors (80%) won another term. These members of Congress and governors not only won renomination, but also won in November.
Since World War II, the overall success rate for Senate incumbents has been 84 percent, and the overall success rate for House incumbents has been 94 percent.

Incumbents are almost always armed with huge war chests and most of them have tremendous name recognition, and so toppling them is not easy.

Fortunately, there is no incumbent in my race because Raul Labrador is running for governor.  So the race is completely wide open, and right now my campaign has the most enthusiasm by far.  If you would like to help me flush the toilet in Washington, I would encourage you to visit

If we don’t fight back, we will never break the stranglehold that the elite have on our political system.

Every generation of Americans has had to stand up and fight for liberty and freedom, and now it is our turn.  This particular battle will not be fought with guns and bullets, but rather with ideas, values and principles.

We are part of a movement that is sweeping the nation.  Good men and women are rising up to run in federal, state and local races all across the country, and it is absolutely imperative that we all get behind them and support them.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Modern Biblical Jews - David Lazarus ISRAEL TODAY

Modern Biblical Jews

Friday, October 27, 2017 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
Israel Today takes a look at the fascinating, but little-known Karaite Jewish movement, and what they think of Yeshua.
The full article appears in the November 2017 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
CLICK HERE to read it all
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3 more days until the end...(No - not the end of the world!)

3 more days until the end...
(No - not the end of the world!)

Oct. 27, 2017

Greetings to those who have been keeping up with my "last days until retirement" posts. And greetings also to those who are seeing these posts for the first time!

When I gave my 7-month notice to my employer, Charlotte Center City Partners, back in the spring, my intent was to finish my years of "secular" work on December 31. As I had with all my previous tours of duty when on staff with others (Chavda Ministries International - 14 years, Derek Prince Ministries - 8 years, Vision For Israel - 5 years) I believe it was right to allow proper time for the founders/top brass, and the staff, to prepare for my departure, with good time to find a replacement. As so I held to that commitment this time too with CCCP.

Even with all that time given, not one organization actually found a person to come before I actually left my position. I didn't get it, but that is the way it was. But in each case later, the new one who took over the position called me often, and I was very happy to assist. So it will be in this current location. The last five to be considered for the Accountant position which I held are still being interviewed.

But for this almost completed job, I will actually be going back as a short-term contractor to train the replacement. Being I will be "retired", I will gladly do that for them, but primarily for my boss' sake, Eleni Saunders. With only her, the VP of Finance, and I responsible for the three non-profit organizations accounting, those being CCCP, 7th Street Public Market and CCCP-Community Trust/B-Cycle), it will not be possible to do all that we did, alone. (As a side note, we got raving reviews on the just-completed annual fiscal year audit, for those who know accounting. Photo: Eleni Saunders in her office. Oct. 26, 2017)

Each of us are given opportunities to have an affect on the nations. Most often that starts in your own home, then the neighborhood, church or synagogue, city, state and beyond. As it is stated in Acts 1:8, "...and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." (NASU).

If you yourself are proven faithful through the journey, the good Lord, the living God of Israel, will open other doors for you, in order to take His love, compassion, and truth beyond - to see as many saved with the Gospel as are willing to hear, repent and believe. As one who himself has received His saving grace since I was 10 years of age, I can attest to His faithfulness to do this. All who seek Him do find Him. Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.

And so by the grace of God I am completing my current leg of this journey, only to start the final one to the finish line. In fact, I already know what my parting gift will be. When Eleni asked if I would like a gift certificate for a restaurant, as a gift from her personally, I said, "No. I would really like a clock, keeping my tradition of getting one from each ministry I have worked with previously." And so, she had me order what I wanted, with name plate included, fully covering the cost.

This is what I will be given on October 31, 2017 at the staff brunch. Yeah God!

The race is not over, which I intentionally alluded to on the granite clock nameplate. As I wrote earlier, it is only the next leg of the race that has been prepared for me, as declared by the Lord from the beginning of time.

For each of us, and of course you too, He has our days numbered and the good plans ready to roll out. We need to hear, obey and walk them out!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina

If you missed day 4, click here: 4 days to go...
There is also Day 5. Click here: 5 more to go... 
and Day 6. Click here:  6 more days...

From the Editor (Steve Martin, Love For His People Founder):

If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families as Hadassah's in Israel, whom we consistently help monthly through our work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Secure, conveniently contributions can be done online now through our website using the DONATE buttons on either side column of our blog.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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