Showing posts with label CCCP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCCP. Show all posts
Friday, May 20, 2022
Monday, October 30, 2017
Thanks for the Memories...Charlotte Center City Partners staff
Steve Martin, CCCP Accountant 2013-2017
Thanks for the Memories
- Charlotte Center City Partners staff
- Charlotte Center City Partners staff
On this, my next to last day, the time has now come;
I say goodbye to thee and thou, and then a good some.
Memories are good. They often stay with us quite long.
I say adieu to you and finish with my poetic song.
"In this journey of life, while walking on our way,
We often meet ones who share many days.
On the road from home, near, or distance quite far
They touch our lives - like sweet honey in a jar.
Thanks to all, for the memories we often shared;
A joy I will cherish, with those who cared.
With BBQ, and Vision, First Night and Parade;
May the good Lord be known, with this farewell bade."
Steve Martin
Oct. 30, 2017
Monday, 3:00 am
Yeah God!
Eleni Saunders -my Greek boss lady.
VP of Finance (and HR!)
I hope the flowers keep a long time.
My good friend Meir (Douglas) Jones.
Glad you were on staff for my last few months,
and sharing your Jewish heritage!
Thanks for the retirement clock Eleni!
(Which I will get tomorrow. I enjoyed picking it out.)
Cherie Grant. One of the best - at the front desk.
Chris Hemans - my Chicago son. You can always call me "Dad".
Eleni, Moira Quinn and Jessica Jones.
One of the few lunches we shared.
Eleni, Jovanna Mozeak and I. Jo's last day (I think. Or thereabouts.)
If only Eleni was in the photo!
She is the REAL Panther Queen!
At one time I really did have an office with a door. But that was then...
And so I wore headphones most of the time thereafter.
Sam Bethea - the Jesus Man on our office streets - Tryon, Trade....
Keep crying out the love of Jesus, Sam !
He loves us. Jesus really does!!!
I worked with all but one...
(L-R) ???, Ted Boyd, Cheryl Myers, Michael J. Smith, Moira Quinn Klein,
Robert Krumbine (aka Grandpa K), Allison Billings, Darlene Heater
Board members at December meeting 2015
Thanks ladies for the photo op! Now I am famous too!
My accountant's desk at Charlotte Center City Partners (CCCP)
Charlotte, NC September 2015 - October 2017
(Notice the headphones. It was a good corner though. Thanks, Moira.)
(Notice the headphones. It was a good corner though. Thanks, Moira.)
My original retirement letter to management - May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017
Tuesday, 8:24 am
Charlotte, NC
Greetings fellow crew members,
I have good news to share!
Effective Dec. 31, 2017, my "Retirement of Employment" here at Charlotte Center City Partners will occur. As my becoming “even more senior” happens on November 23, with 63 candles inflaming the double chocolate, extra frosting cake I will have, there are a few other things yet assigned for me to do before I am heaven bound.
What a blessing those days to come will be! Think of this - all of Charlotte and TV land will be celebrating my birthday and retirement too, as I drive another dignitary up Tryon during the Thanksgiving Day Parade (unless Grandpa K has Steve Martin as the Grand Marshall and I ride along as his mini-Grand!)
Leaving this ever-changing 501 ©4 after four years, eight months on staff (and eight months as a contractor prior to April 29, 2013) as the accountant for all three organizations Eleni and I account for, will give Megan a new neighbor at some point, while Klint will be seeing a different hair color other than silver across the cubicle from him. (Maybe he likes blonde, brunette or red better?) I am sure Eleni and her HR department will find a good replacement to fill my numbers chair.
My heart's desire has always been to be back once again in Christian ministry most hours of my day. After serving 24 years, from 1987 - 2010, with three international ministries (Derek Prince Ministries, Mahesh Chavda Ministries /All Nations Church with Bonnie Chavda) and Vision for Israel and The Joseph Storehouse (Barry & Batya Segal) in Fort Lauderdale and Charlotte, as the USA Director or the Director of Administration and Finance, I have prayed for it to happen. It has always been my passion to reach the nations with His Good News. (I like Sam, the “Jesus Shouter” on the Charlotte Center City streets! He certainly has Good News!)
When Laurie, my good wife of 40 years (Oct. 7, 2017) and I founded our ministry, Love For His People, Inc. in April of 2010, I was believing that that would be my life’s work from that point on. But for the last seven years, the good Lord took me on a side journey, which is why I am grateful to Moira, Eleni and Jovonna for allowing me to serve with you at CCCP, CCCP-Community Trust and the 7th Street Public Market. But now the time has come to complete the plans set before me.
After my 14th journey to Israel this month of May, with previous adventures to China, England, France, Germany, India, Canada, Spain and Trinidad and Tobago...I will once again be adding frequently to my frequent flyer miles’ travel log. Good thing I have a valid new 10-year passport with plenty of visa pages to again be imprinted!
Before I finish this “book”, I want to give you each a special gift. If you like to read good books, I will leave behind a copy of each of my 14 books in Eleni’s personal library of mine, sitting atop her cabinet in her office. (I would give her more but I know space is a premium in there and I don’t want her to be crowded out.) But check in and see the choices. Or you can get them all on Amazon and Kindle. (All purchased book proceeds go to Love For His People, Inc., but you could get a free copy from me.)
It has been a joy in serving my Lord Jesus Christ while I have been with all of you, and at the same time being a blessing to the good people of Israel and the nations. Maybe on the way to the airport sometime I’ll stop back in and greet you.
Until then, you still have me here for another seven months. (Note: Later changed to five months.)
Be blessed in your calling,
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414 Pineville, NC 28134
P.O. Box 414 Pineville, NC 28134
USA Non-profit 501(c)3
Fed. ID #27-1633858
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople, LoveHisPeople
YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)
Steve Martin, Author and Publisher - my first 1, from 2010 to 2016
Published May 2017
Published July 2017
Published October 2017
Founded by Steve & Laurie Martin - April 2010
501(c)3 ministry
And now I am off into the wind!
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414 Pineville, NC 28134
P.O. Box 414 Pineville, NC 28134
USA Non-profit 501(c)3. April 2010
Fed. ID #27-1633858
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople, LoveHisPeople
YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)
Friday, October 27, 2017
3 more days until the end...(No - not the end of the world!)
3 more days until the end...
(No - not the end of the world!)
Oct. 27, 2017
Greetings to those who have been keeping up with my "last days until retirement" posts. And greetings also to those who are seeing these posts for the first time!
When I gave my 7-month notice to my employer, Charlotte Center City Partners, back in the spring, my intent was to finish my years of "secular" work on December 31. As I had with all my previous tours of duty when on staff with others (Chavda Ministries International - 14 years, Derek Prince Ministries - 8 years, Vision For Israel - 5 years) I believe it was right to allow proper time for the founders/top brass, and the staff, to prepare for my departure, with good time to find a replacement. As so I held to that commitment this time too with CCCP.
But for this almost completed job, I will actually be going back as a short-term contractor to train the replacement. Being I will be "retired", I will gladly do that for them, but primarily for my boss' sake, Eleni Saunders. With only her, the VP of Finance, and I responsible for the three non-profit organizations accounting, those being CCCP, 7th Street Public Market and CCCP-Community Trust/B-Cycle), it will not be possible to do all that we did, alone. (As a side note, we got raving reviews on the just-completed annual fiscal year audit, for those who know accounting. Photo: Eleni Saunders in her office. Oct. 26, 2017)

If you yourself are proven faithful through the journey, the good Lord, the living God of Israel, will open other doors for you, in order to take His love, compassion, and truth beyond - to see as many saved with the Gospel as are willing to hear, repent and believe. As one who himself has received His saving grace since I was 10 years of age, I can attest to His faithfulness to do this. All who seek Him do find Him. Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.
And so by the grace of God I am completing my current leg of this journey, only to start the final one to the finish line. In fact, I already know what my parting gift will be. When Eleni asked if I would like a gift certificate for a restaurant, as a gift from her personally, I said, "No. I would really like a clock, keeping my tradition of getting one from each ministry I have worked with previously." And so, she had me order what I wanted, with name plate included, fully covering the cost.
This is what I will be given on October 31, 2017 at the staff brunch. Yeah God!
For each of us, and of course you too, He has our days numbered and the good plans ready to roll out. We need to hear, obey and walk them out!
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina
If you missed day 4, click here: 4 days to go...
There is also Day 5. Click here: 5 more to go...
and Day 6. Click here: 6 more days...
There is also Day 5. Click here: 5 more to go...
and Day 6. Click here: 6 more days...
From the Editor (Steve Martin, Love For His People Founder):
If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families as Hadassah's in Israel, whom we consistently help monthly through our work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
Secure, conveniently contributions can be done online now through our website using the DONATE buttons on either side column of our blog.
Contribution checks can be sent to:
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share this with your friends on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and LinkedIn. We appreciate your help.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Retirement letter to my secular employer. My next assignment is coming real soon! Steve Martin
My accountant's desk at Charlotte Center City Partners
Charlotte, NC May 30, 2017
Charlotte, NC May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017
Tuesday, 8:24 am
Charlotte, NC
Greetings fellow crew members,
I have good news to share!
Effective Dec. 31, 2017, my
"Retirement of Employment" here at Charlotte Center City Partners will occur. As my becoming “even more senior”
happens on November 23, with 63 candles inflaming the double chocolate, extra frosting cake I will have,
there are a few other things yet assigned for me to do before I am heaven
What a blessing those days to
come will be! Think of this - all of Charlotte and TV land will be celebrating
my birthday and retirement too, as I drive
another dignitary up Tryon during the Thanksgiving Day Parade (unless Grandpa K
has Steve Martin as the Grand
Marshall and I ride along as his mini-Grand!)
Leaving this ever-changing 501 ©4
after four years, eight months on staff (and eight months as a contractor prior to April 29, 2013) as the
accountant for all three organizations Eleni and I account for, will give Megan
a new neighbor at some point, while Klint will
be seeing a different hair color other than silver across the cubicle from him. (Maybe he likes blonde, brunette
or red better?) I am sure Eleni and her HR department will find a good
replacement to fill my numbers chair.
My heart's desire has always been
to be back once again in Christian ministry most hours of my day. After serving 24 years, from 1987 -
2010, with three international ministries (Derek Prince Ministries, Mahesh Chavda Ministries /All Nations Church with Bonnie Chavda) and Vision for Israel and The Joseph Storehouse (Barry & Batya Segal) in
Fort Lauderdale and Charlotte, as the USA Director or the Director of
Administration and Finance, I have prayed for it to happen. It has always been
my passion to reach the nations with His Good News. (I like Sam, the “Jesus
Shouter” on the Charlotte Center City
streets! He certainly has Good News!)
When Laurie, my good wife of 40
years (Oct. 7, 2017) and I founded our ministry, Love For His People,
Inc. in April of 2010, I was believing that that would
be my life’s work from that point on. But for the last seven years, the good
Lord took me on a side journey, which is why I am
grateful to Moira, Eleni and Jovonna for allowing me to serve with you at CCCP,
CCCP-Community Trust and the 7th Street Public Market.
But now the time has come to complete the plans set before me.
After my 14th journey to Israel
this month of May, with previous adventures to China, England, France, Germany,
India, Canada, Spain and Trinidad and
Tobago...I will once again be adding frequently to my frequent flyer miles’
travel log. Good thing I have a valid new
10-year passport with plenty of visa pages to again be imprinted!
Before I finish this “book”, I
want to give you each a special gift. If you like to read good books, I will
leave behind a copy of each of my 14 books in Eleni’s
personal library of mine, sitting atop her cabinet in her office. (I would give
her more but I know space is a premium in there
and I don’t want her to be crowded out.) But check in and see the choices. Or
you can get them all on Amazon and Kindle.
(All purchased book proceeds go to Love For His People, Inc., but you could get
a free copy from me.)
It has been a joy in serving my
Lord Jesus Christ while I have been with all of you, and at the same time being
a blessing to the good people of Israel and the
nations. Maybe on the way to the airport sometime I’ll stop back in and greet
Until then, you still have me
here for another seven months.
Be blessed in your calling,
P.S. Chris will be looking for
another office dad. Any candidates?
P.S.S. To those who have the
privilege of racking up their credit card purchases each month, please get your
reports back to me on time. I know who you are. All
14 of you! I still will be doing them each month, until Eleni hands that off to
the next blessed person! J
My contact info:
Love For His People, Inc. P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
USA Non-profit 501(c)3 Fed. ID #27-1633858
E-mail: and
Facebook pages: Steve Martin and Love For His People
Twitter: martinlighthous,
LovingHisPeople, LoveHisPeople and ahavaloveletters
YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)
For His People PayPal Gifts (secure giving online): LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE PayPal account
Steve’s published books. Fourteen and counting!
My home bookcase
Thank you Lord!
Steve Martin
200 S. Tryon Street, Suite 1600 | Charlotte, NC
P: 704.268.3409 F: 704.342.1233
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