Saturday, March 9, 2019

Pieces of the Puzzle - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Pieces of the Puzzle
Steve Martin

“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone,  in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:19-22, NKJV)

Prophetic songs and words are a gift the Lord Jesus shares with His Body of believers, and also non-believers for that matter (1 Corinthians 14). It is another way He speaks what is on His loving heart, calling us to hear His voice, to hear and obey. In addition to His Written Word, the Logos - the Torah, Bible, Scripture – this Rhema is to edify and build up His beloved Church (Iglesia, congregation).

Rob Critchley album from the 1990's
There have been several times when the Lord would use this vessel, me, to bring such a song or word to the gathered during a meeting. I know He is wanting to speak through me when I get this sense of movement in my stomach, almost as if a stirring or bubbling is taking place, to let me know that, yes, He has a word He is wanting me to share, and His Holy Spirit is giving me the “heads up.”

Following that I then I get a word or two. Not a sentence. Not a paragraph. Sometimes a “picture in my mind.” But most often just a word or two, so I have to step out in faith before He will give me any more.

Occasionally, when I am not quite sure if it is His Holy Spirit or not acting upon me, I will sit (or stand, being it typically happens during a worship time) and sometimes “argue” with His Spirit. “Is this You? Is this me? I don’t want to make a fool of myself and get up, stand before the people, and then speak out of my own being.” I may continue this type of conversation back and forth in my brain with something like, “OK, if it is You, then have Chuck (Chuck Smith is the more mature gifted prophetic one at Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina where my good wife Laurie and I are members of) come over and ask if I have a word. 

But that generally doesn’t happen. In fact, it never has.

(Chuck had earlier delivered a prophetic word in the worship time that night, which was very encouraging. Listen here: Jesus is with you in the fire.)

Chuck Smith delivering his prophetic word, "Jesus is with you in the fire."

So, on that cold, rainy, early March Friday night, during the AIC Night of Worship time, in The Barn (formerly the Heritage USA/PTL Barn) where the Antioch congregation meets, I carried on this debate with the Lord, for at least five minutes, when I sensed something was coming. Finally, in obedience, I went to Chuck, who was leading the meeting that night, and sitting in the 2nd row to my right, and said I felt I had a word to speak. He asked what it was, and I gave a short sentence or two.

He said, “Let’s go” and we walked to the podium while the worship song continued playing, led by his wife Trista, which was in an instrumental phase.

I motioned to Toni Bogart on the keyboard to keep playing as she had been, flowing beautifully in the Holy Spirit’s leading, while I waited just a short time. Then this is what the Lord spoke through me, as I sang through the mic, “The Spirit of the Lord has come. The Spirit of the Lord has come.” Repeatedly, in harmony with the worship teams’ instruments.

Then He had me share the following, as best as I can remember.

“I am bringing My people together, from all over, to be fit for My purposes. Even as the pieces of the puzzle are placed in the proper location on the table, so too am I bringing this one and that one, from here and from there, to be joined in unison, fitted together, to work alongside each other. I am taking this one, I am taking that one. I am bringing them here at this time. I am working out My plans, and as you see it happening, know that it is Me doing it.”

Once I had finished sharing these words I walked back to my seat. My heart was still racing a bit, as it usually does after giving a prophetic word.

I knew the Lord was doing this. In these recent months, I can physically see Him bringing ones together to complete the puzzle in this place. Some are part of His restoration, those who once walked with Him and His people from decades past. Some are newly saved. All will be used to carry His saving gospel message to the local cities, states, and nations. That is His very heartbeat in this hour.

He is doing it in other places too. Not just here, in this gathering of believers, but everywhere among those willing to be a part of this move of God.

Even so in Israel, we are seeing the return of the Jews making Aliyah (returning, going up) over these past 70 plus years, since the rebirth of the nation in 1948.

He is building the foundation, the walls, the rooms, the entire “house of the Lord”, in order to have a place for the mass numbers of people that will be getting saved from this corrupt world in these days that are certainly coming and even so are already here.

Are you in the right place? If not, are you willing to seek Him, and ask Him to fit your piece of the puzzle, yourself, in the place that He already knows that you, and your family, need to be?

Seek Him. Ask of Him. Let Him know it is in your heart too to be part of what He is doing, and you are willing to do what it takes.

Don't be left out. Get in. After all, you only have one life to live. Live it according to His purpose for you. His heart is so strong to let you know where that is and to fit you, together with others, in the beautiful puzzle He is putting together.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$120 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families in Israel whom we consistently help monthly through our humanitarian work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
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P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

Also, my latest book (#20) was just released last week. You can get it on Amazon here, in paperback or Kindle version: All Together Now - For His Plans & Purposes 

Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

Now Think On This #398 - in the year of our Lord 03.09.19 – “Pieces of the Puzzle” – Saturday, 7:30 am

Lance Wallnau - Live at the Kingdom Business Leaders gathering!

Lance Wallnau Live 
at the Kingdom Business Leaders gathering!

Published on Mar 4, 2019

I'm at the Kingdom Business Leaders event today and talking a bit about how I wrote my book, "God's Chaos Candidate" even when it could have messed up everything for me. When I asked Him about it, The Lord's answer was very humbling. ------------------------ Like what you see? Give us a like and subscribe to my channel here: Learn more about where I am, what I'm working on, and how you can be involved: Thanks for watching! "As One!"

Count the Stars - Now Think On This message by Steve Martin, Love For His People, Inc.

March 9, 2019

Greetings my friends in Internet land.

Have I got a promise for you, because our Lord keeps His promises. Once stated, always kept.

Be encouraged as you read this: Count the Stars. Having just published it this morning, be sure not to be left behind. (Wasn't there a book series named as such? We'll just leave it at that, as I expect to go through all that the Lord is bringing this way. I do know that He is calling out His love daily to all the peoples in all the nations. You know too?)

Here is some more encouragement the Lord spoke through me for you last Sunday at the Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC where we also serve:  Resurrection After Decades!

Be blessed, even as you are a blessing to others today, with ahava (love) and shalom (peace),

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry

P.S. Know anyone with a birthday this month? I know a few. They live in Charleston! (Bob and Mary...) When you reach 65 and 63, respectively, you gotta have a greeting from your big brother! Laurie and I will be joining them next week to share a Shabbat meal together. Yeah! Then also in Israel May 2020 too. Where else but in the Land of the Promise, as David Peterman shared.
Now Think On This
Count the Stars
Steve Martin

“Then He brought him outside and said, "Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendants be." (Genesis 15:5, NKJV)

Have you ever tried counting the stars? If you live in a city or suburban area, you can hardly see any stars at all due to the bright night lights that light up the sky, which prevent the heavenly lights from shining through to your eyes. You must get out into the country, away from the glow of mankind’s rays, to see the ultimate canopy of the Lord God, Creator of the universe. Then you will experience His awesomeness.

In the summer of 1973, fresh out of the Catholic high school in Waterloo, Iowa, (Columbus High, home of the Sailors!) I went on a mission trip to the hill country of northern Georgia. Blairsville, Georgia to be exact. Northeast of Atlanta, somewhat near the North Carolina state line. A group of older teenagers went on the six-week adventure to lead a summer Bible youth camp for underprivileged kids, sponsored by a Catholic mission.

Being 18, I loved it! Quite the adventure driving my two-door, metallic blue 1963 Mercury Cougar all the way from Iowa, through Cincinnati, OH. It was a great time, forever stored in my memory banks.

(And the rest of the story: Count the Stars)

by Steve Martin

I am a man who likes to see people connected. If I meet one person here, who can help another person over there, I enjoy putting them in contact with each other. If they are in Jerusalem, and I know someone in Iowa that can meet a need they clearly have, I will “reach out” (overworked words I know, but you understand it) for the benefit of both. Makes common sense to me.

The Lord’s heart is certainly for that too. He is all about connecting, to having those He has created to get together and fulfill His purposes and plans for each. For that matter, He has intended it to be this way for us to use what each has been given, to “bring it to the table”, and fulfill the big picture that He has, not us.It is not about me doing my thing and you doing yours. Separately.

It is about coming together and building together. When that happens, then the world will see the Lord’s body of believers as we were meant to be seen. Until now, the world thinks very little of Christians and Jews. In many cases, we are both despised people. And no wonder. Most often all they see is fighting, arguments, name calling, and rejection of what the other “church” or “synagogue congregation” is doing. I don’t blame them. If I was in the “unbeliever’s camp”, so would I.

Guess what? Our God, the same One Who is bringing back the Jews to their promised Land of Israel, right now, even more so than what He has been in the last 70 years, is also speaking clearly to the other group, “the grafted in ones”, Christians, to come back to His plan, and start working together, in unity, as one.

Paperback or Kindle. Amazon Paperback $12.959 Kindle $2.99
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People
Love For His People, Inc | P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134