Friday, June 7, 2019

Steps to Conquer the Demonic Spirit of Rejection by Kathy DeGraw Identity Network Jun 7, 2019

Steps to Conquer the Demonic Spirit of Rejection by Kathy DeGraw

Steps to Conquer the Demonic Spirit of Rejection by Kathy DeGraw

Identity Network  Jun 7, 2019
By Derek Prince
Price: $16.99
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Rejection is a lying spirit that draws us into thinking in a way that is contrary to what the Word of God states. Rejection plagues most people and has been built up as a stronghold in many people's lives. It creates disunity in relationships, destroys destinies, and releases bitterness, resentment, and offense.

How Do We Conquer Rejection?

Acknowledging that you are suffering from rejection is the first step in removing this hindrance from your life. Recognizing rejecting thoughts, casting them down, and taking them captive will be instrumental in receiving your deliverance. Second Corinthians 10:5 (NASB) instructs us to "take every thought captive." In the Complete Jewish Bible, "taking the thought captive" actually means submitting the thought and making the thought obey Christ.

When thoughts of rejection come in, they must be submitted to the Word of God. Ask yourself: Does this thought line up with the Word of God or contradict what the Bible says about me and who I am? Rejection comes in through the words people speak to us or actions they take with regard to us. Rejection can also come from how we perceive a situation.

Our identity comes from God, not what people think.

We should desire to love and live in unity with people, but people are not where our identity should come from. Our identity comes from knowing who we are in Christ and whose we are. As we read the Bible and learn about our kingdom inheritance and our rightful position and authority in the kingdom, it will affirm us.

We will then take our eyes off the need for people's approval and know that we are accepted and loved by God. When we know that God accepts us and that we are living in the fullness of His love and power, no one can reject us.

Casting down the thoughts of what other people think is an ongoing battle. However, it is a battle you can conquer. When you are in God's presence, He will speak to you and reveal the lies that seem like reality. He will assist you in removing those lies through His Word.

Steps to Conquer Rejection

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the pockets of rejection in your life.

Repent of where you have taken in rejection.

Declare: I am accepted and loved by God, and that is the real truth I need to believe.
Ask God to help you get over your need to feel accepted and approved by others.
Learn your identity in Christ through reading books and the Word of God.

Take every thought captive and cast out the ones that don't line up with the Word of God.
Each and every thought must be taken captive and cast down. Rejection builds up when we take those thoughts in and take ownership of such thoughts. Instead of casting them down, we take them in and allow them to build strongholds in us. 

Each time we own thought and don't cast it down, it is part of a platform we build inside ourselves. We build up that rejection with each and every thought that comes our way. Rejection manifests because we don't take thoughts captive and dismiss them for what they are—lies and distortions of who we are.

The Bible says who you are and whose you are. Do you believe you are seated in heavenly places? When you renew your mind, when you close the doors to the lies and know you are accepted by God, then and only then will you not allow rejection to penetrate your heart and mind. Keep your heart and mind connected to Christ Jesus and what He says about you.

Kathy DeGraw

Blessings and Curses Part 3 - Dr. Peter Wyns - Antioch International Church

Blessings and Curses Part 3 - Dr. Peter Wyns

Antioch International Church
Fort Mill, SC

Streamed live on Jun 5, 2019
NOTE THIS VIDEO WILL BE EDITED TO HAVE THE FULL MESSAGE Part 3 in our 6 week series on Blessings or Curses for the Next Generation

Jerusalem Day, Shavuot, Pentecost - Return Ministries

You Shall Be To Me A Kingdom Of Priests and A Holy Nation...
Thank you so much for standing with us financially to help the needy in Galilee this year! 
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Of The Aliyah Family House We Are Almost There
  • Electricity
  • Windows
  • Lamps
  • Furniture: beds, tables, shelves, chairs..
  • Kitchen equipment: dishes, stove, oven, fridge, pans...
  • Bathroom equipment: mirrors, bathtubs, toilets, showerheads...
  • Home textiles: carpets, pillows, curtains, bedsheets...
  • Etc.
 Discipleship Journey In Israel (DJI) Sign Up
September 15, 2019 - October 14, 2019 $4000 (Not including flights)
Early Bird Discount: $3500 if paid in full by July 31, 2019.
Shagririm Ambassador Academy
November 22 to December 1, 2019
Headlines from Israel

You Shall Be To Me A Kingdom Of Priests And A Holy Nation
 Aliyah Return Center Membership
Video 302 -This Week & More In The Galilee May 17
Video 303 - The Summer Of Purpose May 17
Video 304 - This Week In The Gailiee May 24
Video 305 - Jerusalem Day May 31
Video 306 - This Week In The Galilee May 31
Video 307 - Shavuot (Pentecost) June 7
video 308 - This Week In The Galilee June 7 

Check Out Our "Sing Together" Videos
“Sing Together” - Gesher Tsar Meod
Sing Together - When You Believe - Source Of The Nile
Light A Candle - SingTogether – Macedonia

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Silence - Now Think On This by Steve Martin


“I was mute with silence, I held my peace even from good, and my sorrow was stirred up. My heart was hot within me; while I was musing, the fire burned.” (Psalm 39:2-3, NKJV)

While sitting on our front porch swing in the early morning hours, the cool breeze blew gently across in the quiet moments. While others continued to rest in bed, or prepare for the new day, I enjoy these times in prayer and listening to our Lord’s heart and voice. He enjoys it too, I believe, as time is given with Him and His Holy Spirit.
Then within my spirit, I sensed a weeping build up, as if I was interceding for another who was softly crying out to the Lord. I continued in prayer, and He spoke, “Silence.”
Not one but several I understood were crying out to the Lord in this hour. I was interceding for them. As they sought the Lord, knowingly or unknowingly, He was having me join them in prayer. His heart was being shared with me, for them.
Throughout the ages, the Lord has called upon His people to stand up and speak up for those who cannot. We are being asked to intercede for the unborn, the prisoners lost in deep, dark cellars, the believers in closed nations that are being persecuted for following the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Jesus, Yeshua. We are being called upon to speak up, and not remain in silence, for those who can’t.
As many are left alone, having no mouth to speak for themselves for the world to hear, we must be the ones who rise and speak for them. For many, it is us, the believers of the only Savior, who know the truth, who are the ones who need to speak for those who have been silenced, or whose mouth has not even been allowed to breathe the air of life for the first time outside the womb.
Every opportunity you get, every moment you have been given, to intercede, to write, to speak…do it. Those of us who know the truth must now speak it. Boldly, loudly, and with the confidence that Truth, His truth, will be heard.
Now think of this,

Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. As I was writing this, my WORD document kept shutting down. No obstacle must keep us from speaking up. 

Please sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On This 

In May 2019 I returned from my 20th trip to Israel. And guess what? I brought back for you 58 short videos I recorded and entitled “Walk With Me in Israel”. You can join me as I walk through the beautiful land and cities of Israel. 

Watch them here on our YouTube channel: Walk With Me - Israel May 2019

Also, my previous ones from other locations are here also on YouTube: Walk With Me

If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families in Israel whom we consistently help monthly through our humanitarian work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
Please donate online safely through our website. Click here: DONATE  

(or use the DONATE  buttons on the blog.)

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc. 
P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

Now Think On This #427 - in the year of our Lord 06.07.19 – “Silence” – Friday, 5:30 am

This little fella joined me this morning, June 7, 2019, around 4 am, on our front porch.
A new prayer partner!