Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon... Find Your Footing" - Chuck D. Pierce

February 23, 2015
"I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon... Find Your Footing"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I wanted to RUSH THIS ALARM ACROSS WASHINGTON STATE AND OREGON just as soon as I received it. Please hear me... when some prophets speak, it has interest for me. But when Chuck Pierce prophesies, I SIT UP, TAKE NOTICE, AND I TAKE ACTION.

One such action is informing you, our readers, that Chuck Pierce is truly one of the most accurate prophets I've ever known. Pay attention!!

This was prophesied Sunday, February 22, 2015. We have transcribed it word for word, and then we've given you a video link so you can listen to it for yourself in context.

I live in Oregon, and many of my family and friends live in both Oregon and Washington. Some may ask, "Is this about an earthquake?"

I can only tell you that from my reading, it SEEMS to me, Steve Shultz, to say that! If it is not about an earthquake, it would be about "earthshaking events" in Oregon and Washington.

It IS called an ALERT and it IS an ALARM and when it says, "Wake up and watch," that means, WAKE UP AND PRAY AND KEEP PRAYING!

In addition, this word includes cities, regions and countries such as: Tennessee, New England, Japan, and Africa.

Now a specific note: When this word refers to "this month" it is speaking of the Jewish/Hebrew month of Adar that just began on the evening of February 20, 2015 and goes through March 20, 2015.

So be alert and PRAY!!

Steve Shultz
P.S. Please send this to your friends and family in these areas mentioned in this word. Be sure to suggest they subscribe to the ELIJAH LIST (always a free subscription) to have more alerts like this sent to their email box (and many encouraging prophetic words), 365 days a year by going to http://elijahlist.com/subscribe.

Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe just below...
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 


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"I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon... Find Your Footing"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX

Prophetic Words Spoken by Chuck Pierce at Glory of Zion in Texas, on February 22, 2015, Sunday Celebration Service - Firstfruits:

"The Ground Will Make a Shift"

"Pray for Washington State and Oregon. I send an alarm from Zion across Washington State and Oregon and I say, 'Wake up and watch, for there is a change coming to your ground and a new, new opening is coming from Heaven, but now the ground will make a shift.

"I say to Tennessee, 'Watch, for this is a time that there will come a movement from the NE portion. You need to watch the movement.'

"I say to, 'New England, you need to awaken now because if you will awaken now I will cause a new generation to rise up in here.'

"I say to Japan, 'This will be a month that you must stand firm because of the shaking... so I say to you.'

"And I say to Africa, 'Get ready'. Algiers, you will be heard from: Let My people go," saith the Lord.

Find Your Way Through the Movement... Find Your Footing

Chuck Pierce continues:
I decree there's a shaking loose of promises that have fallen in the ground. And you're going to be walking this month and all of a sudden you're going to say, "I just stepped into a place of glory that I saw several times back," and then all of a sudden you'll decree a thing and it will happen.

Now I want you to decree. You decree: "I'm coming into my promise." You decree that though the enemy has blocked you, though you have done things you shouldn't have done, this month you are shifting to go up, and you will see a manifestation.

There is going to be a meeting of Heaven and earth. You need to know. You need to find your steps this month.

Hear what I'm your saying to you: Find your steps this month. There is going to be Heaven and earth colliding and shaking around us. Find your footing.

It's not going to be like where it's been, starting now. A new season has blossomed. Find your way through the movement.

God says, "Right now, I have begun a movement. You find your way through it. This is what it looks like. It's not going to be like other seasons."

You will not be controlling how the movement affects you. You'll just have to get in it.

...You get ready. Things will start moving all around you. Some of you are going to move in your jobs. Some of you are going to move where you live. Some of you are going to move in your life. Some of you are going to move in your house. Some of you are going to move in your nation. Things will be sliding and shifting this month, and God says, "Find your footing. Find your footing. Find your footing."

Something has stirred up. What Firstfruits is about is shifting into alignment with God's will in Heaven. Once we do that, let me tell you this month, something is going to shift around you and you are not to get frustrated in all the changes around you, but you will find your footing and you'll be stronger in the latter than you were at the beginning. Let's thank God for that. -end of transcription

Note: To watch the video link to this prophetic word click here or click on the image below. This video starts with worship and after 39 minutes, the prophetic words start from Chuck Pierce and others and continues through worship.

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. 

Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellersGod's Unfolding Battle PlanInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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Let Your Past Launch You: "Someone Needs Your Testimony" - Dr. Theresa Phillips

Let Your Past Launch You: 
"Someone Needs Your Testimony"
Dr. Theresa Phillips, Saint Charles, IL
The Elijah List

Your Difficult Past Can Be Used Positively For Both Your Present and Your Future

My death story: In 1977, I was quite ill... critically ill! I had had my gall bladder removed and somehow later, I ended up back in the hospital with a pancreatic attack. Then the hospital didn't pay attention to my drug allergy. Subsequently, they gave me the wrong medication and I died, yes, died! I had the most amazing journey – one that changed me forever.

I'm sharing because I want to see you edified by REMEMBERING that your past can be used positively for both your present and your future!

After I was given the medication, the shift changed and a nurse came in and gave it to me again. That is when I flatlined the first time. At that time, I had left my body and saw myself on the bed, and I saw no one was doing anything about it. My secretary Karen was in the room. The nurse was stunned and she didn't know what to do.
I came back into my body and said to my secretary, Karen, who was in the room, "Go get a doctor, I'm dying!"
The nurse laughed. It wasn't funny! I left my body a second time and saw myself lying there. I got very angry and went back into my body and yelled at Karen, "Get me a doctor, I'm dying! Or I'm not coming back. I'm dead, Karen, dead!"(Photo via Pixabay)

The nurse was thinking I was having a hallucination. I knew differently. Karen knew differently too. She was going to listen to her pastor and ran out of the room to get help, yelling for a doctor. Thank GOD one came! But I was gone, again.

The third time I died, I left my body and took a journey. I was somehow standing with a crowd, ready to board a train. Thousands were ready to board the train, which was as long as the eye could see. The train was heading east. I was being shoved from behind to go forward, when suddenly a hand came from nowhere. This hand had a hole above the wrist, and a voice so clear and bold said to me, "No!" The train passed, and I was left staring at an ancient stone wall.

I was then translated futuristically to a moment in time – to my own grave site. I was lying in my grave when I looked up and saw my family, especially my son, uncontrollably weeping. I was moved for them, so moved for them, forgetting it was me they were weeping over.

I yelled, "Jesus, send me back to a lost and dying world!" And I meant that with all my heart.
Immediately, I was in the room watching the doctors. They had turned my room into an intensive care unit. Good Karen, I thought!

I had had cardiac arrest and flatlined. I had been gone.

Now this time when I entered my body, I felt such enormous pain all over my body, and I knew that the road back was going to be long and hard. BUT I had seen a hand, I heard a voice, and I had made a decision. I was really sick and weak, BUT I was there. I came back, and this time I stayed.

An Awakening – "Please Send Me!"

Today I was reminded of that time in my life. It seems so long ago, but still as near as NOW. There were no headlines, no invites to share. Just what it was... just an incident that allowed me to be in a place and a fragment of time during this due course when He was deciding my future, whatever that would be.

Now, all these years later, I feel as if I am waking from a deep sleep of a long-ago, miraculous memory. I know many others are as well who are in the magnitude of circumstances of uncontrollable, destructive epochs. So many troubles, so many worries, so many wondering, so many...

Desperate times call for desperate measures and developing desperate people. During such times, we see a lot of competition, dissension, and confusion. The moments of hopeful, supernatural increase and resurrections seem to idle by. Hope deferred makes the heart sick (Proverbs 13:12). These days are long, hard, and unknowing...

BUT, I am being reminded that I died, and somehow a NOW moment in time has caused me to revisit that time in my life and pick up a promise I made to a "lost and dying world": PLEASE SEND ME! (Photo via Pixabay)

Well, the long-ago memory is here. It never left, BUT now I have a brand new awakening toward the lost, the dying, and the world. And today I begin to weep like Rachel for her children:
"This is what the LORD says: 'A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more'" (Jeremiah 31:15).

I am weeping because of all the people who are hurting, who are confused, who are desperate. I sensed today I was weeping with GOD over His children.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Prophetic Word of the Lord, "I Am Digging Your Well"

And now I'm being prompted by Holy Spirit to tell you all: Search your data bank in all the recesses of your mind. Where is the promise? It's still alive, and GOD is revisiting that well of the promise you made a long time ago. So often we remind Him of His promises; He is now reminding us of ours, how we responded when that time came, but yet somehow we let it slip away. He is breathing again on that time in our lives.

Yes, God is calling us to search our hearts and live again that visitation that first catapulted us into His presence so we might carry on once more. He is revisiting us to enjoy the excitement and expectations as when we were first saved. A fresh new realm of excitement is brewing. It's like being born again, AGAIN! I was jumping for joy! "Thank You, Jesus!" I was shouting. "I'm feeling it!"

Then suddenly (I love suddenness), I heard Him begin to speak to me! He was visiting me, repeating a word that I've prophesied before. But there is a new wind blowing on it. It's a NOW word!

"You, the older generation, YOU are coming forth! O yes, you are! You are coming with experience to share with many. I am visiting you as I did in the powers of your youth, and I am giving you a supernatural strength and vitality that you thought were gone. I am even slimming you down; I'm taking off the weights that have kept you down. (Photo via Pixabay)

"There have been words spoken over you that your time is over, to make way for the next generation. But I am going to use you, YES I AM!" says the LORD. "Yes, many will listen this time. They will listen, for they do not have the WISDOM you have had, or your experiences. I am digging your well.

"You, younger generation, YOU will begin once again to REMEMBER and long for those defining moments of someone's life that impacted you. Yes, a longing of what was will develop fresh and new. You will long to know what is to BE. Yes, to the younger ones, I will place in your heart the desire to get to the teachers, the prophets, and the apostolic mantles that have been over the evangelist and the pastor. You will seek out teachers and elders who will equip you to go forth, for your days of just doing will come to an abrupt end. Suddenly your heart will GROW in wisdom and knowledge," says the Lord, "for I am going to give the elders some divine strategies, and you will carry them out. Get up and pray for your direction," says the Lord.

God Says, "Someone Needs Your Testimony!"

God is visiting His people. As these days of old are revisited, He will give you divine encounters with your past, because you will now be healed from the past, and it will no longer affect you.The past will launch you. Divine revelation and purpose once again!

As the Spirit of the Lord began to soften me, I was able to move on in my thinking. Then I was reminded that while I was recovering from the awful illness I had suffered from, I had asked Jesus, "Why did You allow me to go through that?" I even gave Him my spiritual resume of how good I was, and that therefore this should not be happening to me.

His answer was, "I didn't do this. You didn't do this. It happened, BUT I'm trusting you to come through with a testimony to share and strengthen My people." Well, that made it almost bearable. Now, all these years later, I am writing about it. And I pray I am encouraging you!

I began to thank Him for bringing me through, when I heard these words clearly, as if a BOOM had come into my room: "I am trusting you to have a testimony that will strengthen others, impact others, give hope to others, and comfort others."

Then, I heard in the silence, and it was almost shocking, "DO NOT GIVE UP," says the Lord."Do not give UP!" Jesus says, "Don't give up; it's a new day, a new season, and a new way of learning. Your testimony is important. Someone needs your testimony!" (Photo by Tawny Nelson)

They triumphed over him (the one who kills steals and destroys) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Revelation 12:11, note mine

As I pray for you, please pray for others as well:
Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender my past both to my present and my future. Visit me NOW with the remembrance of what I had promised. I am repentant of forgetting and not doing. I am willing to say that because of a new day.

Dear Jesus, by Your precious Holy Spirit, allow me to move forward and grow into a moment in time, to obtain the NOW, to be all You have called me to be. I release my past, my confusion, my weariness, and all that has made me unsure about today and my place in it.

I thank You that You can redeem the time and give us another chance. I am willing to make it a new and forever change day by day.

I know, O Lord, the days are evil, but I choose to shun evil and walk in the uprightness of Your Word and Your purpose You have for me; with the guidance of the elders and Your precious Holy Spirit I can do this. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Dr. Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice 

Email: info@ChicagoPropheticVoice.net
Website: ChicagoPropheticVoice.net

Dr. Theresa Phillips is senior pastor of Praise Ministries Church and dean of Praise Christian Seminary in St. Charles, Illinois. Theresa is dedicated to helping you encounter the living God and be filled with His never-ending glory. Pastor Theresa and her husband Robert have started an online publication called Chicago Prophetic Voice. This online publication is intended to help you see and hear the unseen and unheard realms of God as they are portrayed in the written Scriptures of the Holy Bible.

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Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "They Ascended and Spied Out the Land" - Israel365

They ascended and spied out the Land.... and he arrivedat Hebron.

NUMBERS (13:21,22)

וַיַּעֲלוּ וַיָּתֻרוּ אֶת הָאָרֶץ ... וַיָּבֹא עַד חֶבְרוֹן

בְּמִדְבַּר יג:כא,כב

va-ya-a-lu va-ya-tu-ru et ha-a-retz... va-ya-vo ad khev-ron

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verses describe a very special detour taken by the righteous Caleb, who was part of the team sent to spy out the Land. Caleb desperately wanted to avoid the slander of the spies, so he took quick action and prayed for spiritual strength at the tomb of Abraham in Hebron. Today, Hebron remains the place where thousands pour out their hearts in prayer in the merit of the patriarchs and matriarchs buried there. Support the The Hebron Fund this Purim, and gladden the hearts of the small Jewish community and the IDF soldiers who protect them in Hebron.

Purim Story Unveiled

Learn the story of the upcoming festival of Purim in this dynamic 4 minute video. Esther's heroism saved the Jews and taught eternal lessons relevant to our times.

Commemorating Victims of 1929 Hebron Massacre

The new Hebron Heritage Museum commemorates the victims of the 1929 massacre, in which 67 Jews were killed in a terror attack. Recently, a special visitor to the museum paid tribute.

eBook of Esther (with audio)

Get ready for the festival of Purim and learn to read the Book of Esther in Hebrew! In our eBook of Esther with audio, the full text of Esther is layed out in two columns, in English and Hebrew, together with videos of a Jewish cantor chanting each chapter.

Israel Photo Trivia

Can you name Israel's northern mountain shown in this beautiful photo byYehoshua HaleviSend me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Jonathan Young from Columbus, Ohio. Toda Raba!

“Among My Favorites”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Your I365 sites are among my favorites... As a student of prophecy we read of the return of Am Yisrael in the Christian Bible, and today we rejoice as we see the ancient promises actively being fulfilled, week by week... We continuously support you in our prayers, May you be strengthened with all might by the hand of the LORD, and be found to be as pleasing in His eyes as you are in ours! - Pastor Tom Belcher

Rabbi Tuly, thank you very much for updating us with what is going on. May God bless Israel and the glory of God be with Israel. - Stellah Matukwamba
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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2015 A Time of Romance, A Vision of Purpose by Lee Johndrow

2015 A Time of Romance, 

A Vision of Purpose 

by Lee Johndrow

Identity Network

Why even announce for 2015? Why seek the Lord at all for this? Is it any different?

Throughout yesterday as the messages of hope and the future appeared, I thought, "I agree."  "Amen."  "Good for you!" I know people get caught up in resolutions and change. They want to see the New Year as better than the last. There is a hope on the table.

This prophecy sets a place of reference I believe. A course or a thought process as you may end your gym membership or determine lettuce 3 times a day is not working for you! Last year my prophecy for 2014 for the church stayed in the top 3 out of over 1,000 messages. (The vision for our church fellowship was in the top 5.)

For me there are three reasons I present the outlook I see as God giving to me for the upcoming year. None of them have to do with "have to's" or urgency, expectation or pressure. As a matter of fact I did not see this coming. I do not even think I gave any thought about it except on one occasion that I shrugged off and a text over the weekend. I actually thought I had too much to do, wanted to go somewhere, do something.

Here are My Reasons for this 2015 Prophecy

  • As a prophet I think my gift is my function and that is available to God and to the body as He sees fit or deems to be used.
  • Prophecy can shape or change paths or destinies of people and add value to the body of Christ and ultimately this impacts the world.
  • Prophecy is three fold; a result of God's message, a voice honed by hearing God and an interpretation of what is seen, dreamed or envisioned.
I think it began to unfold in my mind as I began to see rings appearing on the fingers of women. Engagement rings, wedding rings and promise rings. I began to think this cannot be a coincidence. I began to think back to a time when had I seen the flood of jewelry appearing on hands? I could not find it.

God was up to something. I did not want to miss it. So I began to investigate, to get closer to it.

For many years it felt as if we were getting further away from commitment, from promise. People used that thinking, that observation to announce "great darkness" upon the earth. But over the last year or two I began to see great treasure upon the earth.

I looked where the theme of the last few months might be leading. The overriding message was love. God had me on a path I did not see in full until just the last few days.

When I first began to dial into what I heard the Lord say for 2015 I was immediately caught up in the fact that 2015 would appear on a 24-hour clock as 20:15 or 8:15 PM. I heard the PM to mean a "private message."  I think that August 15th will have meaning for the church, but I also believe that 8:15 at night will have much meaning to many.

What is 8:15? I think it speaks of a "post" dinner moment; a time following a friendly repast where "lovers" will engage in quiet conversation.

And then I saw the dinner. The hunger, the expectation, the waiting and the readiness. I could hear a child calling out in the room, "I'm hungry!"

How do we get there? The church will experience an attitude of viral force. The experience of Jesus will over take the negativity of Facebook, Twitter and a thousand other experiences. Why? Because of love.

The Following is What I Have Been Seeing

Envision if you will a man making a date with his wife. On Wednesday or so, the plans of many months of preparation and planning have been put in play and time and date are set. "Saturday we will drive to this romantic restaurant. Saturday morning comes and there are things to do. There is sunshine and brightness, but not even a storm could dampen this day. The chores are done. Clothing is laid out with care and a quick trip to get the flowers is done. The small box rests in his hand. In this box is the sign of promise, the nature of love. This small band with shimmering stones has been hidden away, the box concealing its beauty. 

At 5 o'clock the magic begins. The door is open and she sets herself in the seat. He runs to the driver's side, whistling a little tune. As they drive, the radio is on but neither are really listening. There is traffic and people but for them the world holds only two. As they pulled up under the restaurant's awning the uniformed man came to the door. Opening the door for the lady, the man came around and handed him the keys. They were escorted into this beautiful restaurant. 

The maî·tre d' greeted them and took them to a quiet corner where out the window was a setting sun. The look in their eyes as they faced one another was light and life and love. Wine was brought to the table and the glasses were filled. As the night moved on, food was brought and drinks were had. A band played soft music and the world was a dream. And as they sat there, time seemed to stand still. He reached in his pocket for the small, blue felt box. 

As he opened the cover, tears formed in their eyes. Not tears of despair, but tears of happiness and joy. As the ring was placed on her finger with care, the moment was melded in their lives forever.

The next season of the church is that of lovers, lovers of His presence and His purpose. I feel that this season that is upon us is pregnant with purpose.

Many have been in preparation for this season, while some are just entering into it. It is as if you knew something was beautiful but one day you walked into the house and the beauty had increased. The person or the object had taken on new meaning and gathered new value.

For so long we have been caught up in "serving" mode that we missed out on the intimacy mode. It is not that serving is not right but serving without love or intimacy soon loses its "awesomeness."  Especially if you come out of a lifestyle where it has been about you and not about others.

I said it was about love and it is. Loving God, His love for us and loving those about us.

2015 is Bringing the Love to the Table

Get the plan.  You must have a plan. A game plan of sorts. Not just any plan but an understanding of the desire of God towards you and you towards others. Set the date in motion. A plan for intimacy and time spent with God and others.

A word about plans. Part of the people want no plan because they feel it is binding and religious. Others do not know how to make a plan, so they don't. Still others find plans unbreakable. Plans have the potential to bring you great freedom or great despair. So, does the reading of scripture. Where are you coming from in your thinking determines a lot of where you are going.

2015 is a Year of Planning for the Future

Set the time.  One of the hardest things to do is to set the date. Why? Because it is a "will the stars align?" moment. Will all go well? Yesterday, I was in a conversation where I began to unravel a man's thinking about "nothing will ever go right."  What if it fails? How about, what if it doesn't! To see vision become reality, setting dates and putting signposts and markers in play is important.

Like a store keeps track of sales through inventory, so does a person set plans of expectation through plans of "inventory."  What will be on hand when I reach here? Your call! Yesterday, I listened to a man plan his New Years Eve for him and his sweetheart. Restaurant reservations, hotel reservations, flowers at the hotel, music and dancing. All of this took him 15 minutes. He even had a plan if it was too cold to take a romantic walk!

2015 is a Year of Plans Set in Motion

Get the ring.  In the vision the ring represents the "prize" or the value of the time long after the date is over. What will you reveal in the coming year? What prize, what gift, will you be, after the last meeting?

While many are looking to be revealed, others are looking to be concealed. That occasional check in the "box" to make sure it is still there. Even in darkness God still opens the "box."

2015 is the Year of Promise and Value

Dress for it.  We have heard "dress for the job you want - not the one you have." I am not talking about the actual clothing but what you want to look like when you are done. To be cloaked in love, adorned with grace, shod with peace!

Too often we think our behavior or attitude does not matter. But that is our "dress code" if you will. That is what people see. Do you bring a good attitude to your friends, your family? 2015 has a dress code. It will require an attitude adjustment.

2015 is a Year of Being "Dressed for Success"

Get there.  Today is the day. It is now. We say "for such a time as this."  So be it. What is the vehicle you will bring? What will it look like? Will it get there?

When I was young and I would "go on dates" I always spent time cleaning my car. Washing it, vacuuming it. Making sure it was perfect.

Too often we forget that our vehicle often is our ministry or demeanor, revealing our method of expressing Him. Too often, voids of knowledge, ignorance and lack of care, have left ministries and people on the side of the road.

2015 is a Year for Getting There! What does it take?

Know the time.  Many times I have seen the chiros of God missed by folks who thought I "have a better plan."  1 Chronicles 12:32 tells us of those who knew the times. The sons of Issachar had analyzed their times and had perceived correctly what those times were all about. They knew what to do because they understood.

Be like the character of the rabbit "who did not want to be late for a very important date" Not out of urgency but out of desire for the meeting.

2015 is the Year for Knowing the Time and Understanding it

Get served.  There must be a decision to receive. Many of the abuses of the "give me" times have left many with their arms crossed and a shaking of the head, "no."  "Not me. Take care of everyone else." I get it. Not to be perceived as a taker. But God wants you to receive that you might pass it on to others.

It is not elitism to allow yourself to be served. In the midst of great taking many have avoided the ability to receive. Some of it might be shame, but much is about pride.You can't "pay it forward" if you won't receive the pay!

2015 is the Year to be Served and Receive

Location, location, location.  There is an increasing need to sit in a place of intimacy, to enjoy the light, to share the view and to hear the music.

Why does a date like I shared become so valuable? Because it affects all the senses - seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling.

It is in these times of intimacy life becomes alive. Determine times of intimacy with God and with one another. Love is in the air!

2015 is the Year of Intimate Times and Places

Revealing the promise.  As the ring is presented and placed upon the finger, there is a bond that is created. God has given many promises but I believe there are many who have "felt those promises were for others."

I watched a Match.com commercial. Two women are being told about the company, a relationship finding service. One says, "if I wasn't married, I would use it." The other doesn't use the service, and when asked "how is that working" she said "not so well."  A lot of people are like the first woman, kind of feeling left behind in their choices. Others, like the second, have felt they have "no choices" as they feel that "works for others" and not for them.

That is not true. God is forever working on your behalf. He is the God of promise, intentional towards you. He "wants" it more than you do!

2015 is the Year of God and His Promise

So much of what I have written is but a few moments that could change your life forever.

Some of you read it and thought about romance and love. Others thought, what happens next? I wish I could tell you. Romance and love lead to many things. They can lead to family and purpose, passion and change.

Throughout this I have spoken about purpose and living life intentionally. Because of the romantic lean you may not have noticed it. Why? Because love changes everything! Or you may have looked at the steps and thought "I can do this" or maybe you thought "but I know I can't."  Others just had eyes glaze over because it exceeded the 140 characters they live life by. What if meaning is more than 140 characters??? Sometimes I think we spend so much time working to be relevant that we forget what it is like to just breathe. He made you this way for a reason!

2015 is filled with promise. Filled with purpose. Clearly I believe it is a time of love and loving life. God brought us this far, that we might see further to go, that we would embrace the journey.

It is His plan and His purpose. Only the church can stop wars and destruction. Heal racism and bigotry. Bring justice that heals and makes whole. Love people into purpose. Mend the divides and turn anger into peace.

All of that and more!

I have a few questions…

Are you ready to participate? Will you embrace purpose? Will you allow for love? Will you devote time? Do you want to change the world?

I humbly offer this to you not as a guide, but the view and the vision of one man who loves God.

Lee Johndrow

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