February 23, 2015
"I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon... Find Your Footing"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
I wanted to RUSH THIS ALARM ACROSS WASHINGTON STATE AND OREGON just as soon as I received it. Please hear me... when some prophets speak, it has interest for me. But when Chuck Pierce prophesies, I SIT UP, TAKE NOTICE, AND I TAKE ACTION.
One such action is informing you, our readers, that Chuck Pierce is truly one of the most accurate prophets I've ever known. Pay attention!!
This was prophesied Sunday, February 22, 2015. We have transcribed it word for word, and then we've given you a video link so you can listen to it for yourself in context.
I live in Oregon, and many of my family and friends live in both Oregon and Washington. Some may ask, "Is this about an earthquake?"
I can only tell you that from my reading, it SEEMS to me, Steve Shultz, to say that! If it is not about an earthquake, it would be about "earthshaking events" in Oregon and Washington.
It IS called an ALERT and it IS an ALARM and when it says, "Wake up and watch," that means, WAKE UP AND PRAY AND KEEP PRAYING!
In addition, this word includes cities, regions and countries such as: Tennessee, New England, Japan, and Africa.
Now a specific note: When this word refers to "this month" it is speaking of the Jewish/Hebrew month of Adar that just began on the evening of February 20, 2015 and goes through March 20, 2015.
So be alert and PRAY!!
Steve Shultz
P.S. Please send this to your friends and family in these areas mentioned in this word. Be sure to suggest they subscribe to the ELIJAH LIST (always a free subscription) to have more alerts like this sent to their email box (and many encouraging prophetic words), 365 days a year by going to http://elijahlist.com/subscribe .
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe just below...

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE or go to:http://elijahlist.com/subscribe . PLUS: HEY! Please EXPLORE our more than 4,000 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts at: elijahshopper.com.
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE or go to:http://elijahlist.com/
"I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon... Find Your Footing"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
Prophetic Words Spoken by Chuck Pierce at Glory of Zion in Texas, on February 22, 2015, Sunday Celebration Service - Firstfruits:
"Pray for Washington State and Oregon. I send an alarm from Zion across Washington State and Oregon and I say, 'Wake up and watch, for there is a change coming to your ground and a new, new opening is coming from Heaven, but now the ground will make a shift.
"I say to Tennessee, 'Watch, for this is a time that there will come a movement from the NE portion. You need to watch the movement.'
"I say to, 'New England, you need to awaken now because if you will awaken now I will cause a new generation to rise up in here.'
"I say to Japan, 'This will be a month that you must stand firm because of the shaking... so I say to you.'
"And I say to Africa, 'Get ready'. Algiers, you will be heard from: Let My people go," saith the Lord.
Find Your Way Through the Movement... Find Your Footing
Chuck Pierce continues:
I decree there's a shaking loose of promises that have fallen in the ground. And you're going to be walking this month and all of a sudden you're going to say, "I just stepped into a place of glory that I saw several times back," and then all of a sudden you'll decree a thing and it will happen.
Now I want you to decree. You decree: "I'm coming into my promise." You decree that though the enemy has blocked you, though you have done things you shouldn't have done, this month you are shifting to go up, and you will see a manifestation.
There is going to be a meeting of Heaven and earth. You need to know. You need to find your steps this month.
Hear what I'm your saying to you: Find your steps this month. There is going to be Heaven and earth colliding and shaking around us. Find your footing.
It's not going to be like where it's been, starting now. A new season has blossomed. Find your way through the movement.
God says, "Right now, I have begun a movement. You find your way through it. This is what it looks like. It's not going to be like other seasons."
You will not be controlling how the movement affects you. You'll just have to get in it.
...You get ready. Things will start moving all around you. Some of you are going to move in your jobs. Some of you are going to move where you live. Some of you are going to move in your life. Some of you are going to move in your house. Some of you are going to move in your nation. Things will be sliding and shifting this month, and God says, "Find your footing. Find your footing. Find your footing."
Something has stirred up. What Firstfruits is about is shifting into alignment with God's will in Heaven. Once we do that, let me tell you this month, something is going to shift around you and you are not to get frustrated in all the changes around you, but you will find your footing and you'll be stronger in the latter than you were at the beginning. Let's thank God for that. -end of transcription
Note: To watch the video link to this prophetic word click here or click on the image below. This video starts with worship and after 39 minutes, the prophetic words start from Chuck Pierce and others and continues through worship.
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
Glory of Zion International Ministries
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live.
Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellersGod's Unfolding Battle Plan, Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA