Showing posts with label Lee Johndrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lee Johndrow. Show all posts

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Awakening the People of His Goodness by Lee Johndrow

Awakening the People of His Goodness 

by Lee Johndrow

Identity Network
Yesterday while having a conversation the words, sleeper cell, came up. We started to talk about the wave of terrorism and what had happened in Paris. That discussion included a piece about sleeper cells, how they were communicated and what their purpose is.

Even as I was talking to him I had a flash (A word I use to describe an image or vision I may pick up. Usually this happens when I am not thinking about something or someone) about sleeper cells. We concluded our conversation and I spent a moment or two praying about the end of these sleeper cells that created terror and pain. But while I was praying I saw something. I had a new vision of people who were happy and whole. In that moment I became aware of what I will call "sleeper cell awakening."

First let me say that a sleeper cell in the world of terrorism is simply a group that is part of a larger group. Yet there is no communication between each group. The groups go about life until one day they receive a communication of the job they are to do. For some it might be to kill or cause fear. For another to obtain supplies or money. But in all cases these small groups await the communication that activates them for this time and the job they have been prepared for. And in most cases these small groups are not in communication with other groups to insure that if there is breech the overall project is not broken. So, pray that the communications and the deceptions would be revealed and these people would encounter Jesus!

Sleeper Cell Awakening

I began to see that there were pockets of people who had been prepared for a job, for a calling. These folks were believers or Christians. They had received instruction or preparation from scripture, prayer or teaching. Too often they saw themselves as "we four and no more" and did not stray outside the parameters of their particular structure many choose to call a church. (The church is a people and not a place.)  In many cases they participated in the community but were not really part of it. In so many cases I watched they were awaiting the call, the communication that would set them in motion. Their mantra had become "so such a time as this."

I watched. I waited. And there it was. A touch. A communication. And they began to be happy and wholeness became more and more evident and change more frequent.

I admit that lately I have found myself drawn to all kinds of alarm clocks; ones that move out of the room as they go off; others that cannot be stopped; all in motion to sound awakening.

I prayed and thought about this the last day or so. It caused me to review words I had given in 2014 about awakening and revival. New England. The world. My grandson came home with a crown on his head. It was from his Sunday school class. "I prayed for Argentina. Now I am praying for China." For nearly two months he prayed for the country of Argentina. With no instruction, he would speak about water and clothing. Health and wholeness. Each time a different prayer would come forth. He read what was on his paper crown. "Let China receive her King!"


Awakening has so much meaning, so much debate. I believe I was shown that the people of God are determining who they are called to be.  Receiving revelation. What they were made for. For this time. For this hour. To be "awakened" to the goodness of God. No longer to slumber or sleep or let life pass them by. Not created to be an isolated witness or group but to recognize that He is the head and we are the body; that we were wired and created to be one with the Father and brother and sister to each other.

I read as Elton John cried out "make him a saint all ready" in reference to the Pope. Another friend posted about the embrace of the Pope by women. Why talk about the Pope? It is not about the Pope or any other man other than Jesus. It is harvest time for the Father. People who do not embrace God or religion are being stirred. We are in a great day and a great hour. Jesus gave His life that all might have salvation. Not a select few. The doors are wide. The floodgates have been pushed open.

People are awakening in droves. Do not be deceived. His goodness is without measure. The cells, the pockets of His people are incurring the epiphany of His goodness, the awesomeness of His greatness. The "phones" of these churches, of these people are ringing with the sound of heaven.

There is smiling. There is laughter. There is change. There is awakening. Those that slept have been awakened.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2015 A Time of Romance, A Vision of Purpose by Lee Johndrow

2015 A Time of Romance, 

A Vision of Purpose 

by Lee Johndrow

Identity Network

Why even announce for 2015? Why seek the Lord at all for this? Is it any different?

Throughout yesterday as the messages of hope and the future appeared, I thought, "I agree."  "Amen."  "Good for you!" I know people get caught up in resolutions and change. They want to see the New Year as better than the last. There is a hope on the table.

This prophecy sets a place of reference I believe. A course or a thought process as you may end your gym membership or determine lettuce 3 times a day is not working for you! Last year my prophecy for 2014 for the church stayed in the top 3 out of over 1,000 messages. (The vision for our church fellowship was in the top 5.)

For me there are three reasons I present the outlook I see as God giving to me for the upcoming year. None of them have to do with "have to's" or urgency, expectation or pressure. As a matter of fact I did not see this coming. I do not even think I gave any thought about it except on one occasion that I shrugged off and a text over the weekend. I actually thought I had too much to do, wanted to go somewhere, do something.

Here are My Reasons for this 2015 Prophecy

  • As a prophet I think my gift is my function and that is available to God and to the body as He sees fit or deems to be used.
  • Prophecy can shape or change paths or destinies of people and add value to the body of Christ and ultimately this impacts the world.
  • Prophecy is three fold; a result of God's message, a voice honed by hearing God and an interpretation of what is seen, dreamed or envisioned.
I think it began to unfold in my mind as I began to see rings appearing on the fingers of women. Engagement rings, wedding rings and promise rings. I began to think this cannot be a coincidence. I began to think back to a time when had I seen the flood of jewelry appearing on hands? I could not find it.

God was up to something. I did not want to miss it. So I began to investigate, to get closer to it.

For many years it felt as if we were getting further away from commitment, from promise. People used that thinking, that observation to announce "great darkness" upon the earth. But over the last year or two I began to see great treasure upon the earth.

I looked where the theme of the last few months might be leading. The overriding message was love. God had me on a path I did not see in full until just the last few days.

When I first began to dial into what I heard the Lord say for 2015 I was immediately caught up in the fact that 2015 would appear on a 24-hour clock as 20:15 or 8:15 PM. I heard the PM to mean a "private message."  I think that August 15th will have meaning for the church, but I also believe that 8:15 at night will have much meaning to many.

What is 8:15? I think it speaks of a "post" dinner moment; a time following a friendly repast where "lovers" will engage in quiet conversation.

And then I saw the dinner. The hunger, the expectation, the waiting and the readiness. I could hear a child calling out in the room, "I'm hungry!"

How do we get there? The church will experience an attitude of viral force. The experience of Jesus will over take the negativity of Facebook, Twitter and a thousand other experiences. Why? Because of love.

The Following is What I Have Been Seeing

Envision if you will a man making a date with his wife. On Wednesday or so, the plans of many months of preparation and planning have been put in play and time and date are set. "Saturday we will drive to this romantic restaurant. Saturday morning comes and there are things to do. There is sunshine and brightness, but not even a storm could dampen this day. The chores are done. Clothing is laid out with care and a quick trip to get the flowers is done. The small box rests in his hand. In this box is the sign of promise, the nature of love. This small band with shimmering stones has been hidden away, the box concealing its beauty. 

At 5 o'clock the magic begins. The door is open and she sets herself in the seat. He runs to the driver's side, whistling a little tune. As they drive, the radio is on but neither are really listening. There is traffic and people but for them the world holds only two. As they pulled up under the restaurant's awning the uniformed man came to the door. Opening the door for the lady, the man came around and handed him the keys. They were escorted into this beautiful restaurant. 

The maî·tre d' greeted them and took them to a quiet corner where out the window was a setting sun. The look in their eyes as they faced one another was light and life and love. Wine was brought to the table and the glasses were filled. As the night moved on, food was brought and drinks were had. A band played soft music and the world was a dream. And as they sat there, time seemed to stand still. He reached in his pocket for the small, blue felt box. 

As he opened the cover, tears formed in their eyes. Not tears of despair, but tears of happiness and joy. As the ring was placed on her finger with care, the moment was melded in their lives forever.

The next season of the church is that of lovers, lovers of His presence and His purpose. I feel that this season that is upon us is pregnant with purpose.

Many have been in preparation for this season, while some are just entering into it. It is as if you knew something was beautiful but one day you walked into the house and the beauty had increased. The person or the object had taken on new meaning and gathered new value.

For so long we have been caught up in "serving" mode that we missed out on the intimacy mode. It is not that serving is not right but serving without love or intimacy soon loses its "awesomeness."  Especially if you come out of a lifestyle where it has been about you and not about others.

I said it was about love and it is. Loving God, His love for us and loving those about us.

2015 is Bringing the Love to the Table

Get the plan.  You must have a plan. A game plan of sorts. Not just any plan but an understanding of the desire of God towards you and you towards others. Set the date in motion. A plan for intimacy and time spent with God and others.

A word about plans. Part of the people want no plan because they feel it is binding and religious. Others do not know how to make a plan, so they don't. Still others find plans unbreakable. Plans have the potential to bring you great freedom or great despair. So, does the reading of scripture. Where are you coming from in your thinking determines a lot of where you are going.

2015 is a Year of Planning for the Future

Set the time.  One of the hardest things to do is to set the date. Why? Because it is a "will the stars align?" moment. Will all go well? Yesterday, I was in a conversation where I began to unravel a man's thinking about "nothing will ever go right."  What if it fails? How about, what if it doesn't! To see vision become reality, setting dates and putting signposts and markers in play is important.

Like a store keeps track of sales through inventory, so does a person set plans of expectation through plans of "inventory."  What will be on hand when I reach here? Your call! Yesterday, I listened to a man plan his New Years Eve for him and his sweetheart. Restaurant reservations, hotel reservations, flowers at the hotel, music and dancing. All of this took him 15 minutes. He even had a plan if it was too cold to take a romantic walk!

2015 is a Year of Plans Set in Motion

Get the ring.  In the vision the ring represents the "prize" or the value of the time long after the date is over. What will you reveal in the coming year? What prize, what gift, will you be, after the last meeting?

While many are looking to be revealed, others are looking to be concealed. That occasional check in the "box" to make sure it is still there. Even in darkness God still opens the "box."

2015 is the Year of Promise and Value

Dress for it.  We have heard "dress for the job you want - not the one you have." I am not talking about the actual clothing but what you want to look like when you are done. To be cloaked in love, adorned with grace, shod with peace!

Too often we think our behavior or attitude does not matter. But that is our "dress code" if you will. That is what people see. Do you bring a good attitude to your friends, your family? 2015 has a dress code. It will require an attitude adjustment.

2015 is a Year of Being "Dressed for Success"

Get there.  Today is the day. It is now. We say "for such a time as this."  So be it. What is the vehicle you will bring? What will it look like? Will it get there?

When I was young and I would "go on dates" I always spent time cleaning my car. Washing it, vacuuming it. Making sure it was perfect.

Too often we forget that our vehicle often is our ministry or demeanor, revealing our method of expressing Him. Too often, voids of knowledge, ignorance and lack of care, have left ministries and people on the side of the road.

2015 is a Year for Getting There! What does it take?

Know the time.  Many times I have seen the chiros of God missed by folks who thought I "have a better plan."  1 Chronicles 12:32 tells us of those who knew the times. The sons of Issachar had analyzed their times and had perceived correctly what those times were all about. They knew what to do because they understood.

Be like the character of the rabbit "who did not want to be late for a very important date" Not out of urgency but out of desire for the meeting.

2015 is the Year for Knowing the Time and Understanding it

Get served.  There must be a decision to receive. Many of the abuses of the "give me" times have left many with their arms crossed and a shaking of the head, "no."  "Not me. Take care of everyone else." I get it. Not to be perceived as a taker. But God wants you to receive that you might pass it on to others.

It is not elitism to allow yourself to be served. In the midst of great taking many have avoided the ability to receive. Some of it might be shame, but much is about pride.You can't "pay it forward" if you won't receive the pay!

2015 is the Year to be Served and Receive

Location, location, location.  There is an increasing need to sit in a place of intimacy, to enjoy the light, to share the view and to hear the music.

Why does a date like I shared become so valuable? Because it affects all the senses - seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling.

It is in these times of intimacy life becomes alive. Determine times of intimacy with God and with one another. Love is in the air!

2015 is the Year of Intimate Times and Places

Revealing the promise.  As the ring is presented and placed upon the finger, there is a bond that is created. God has given many promises but I believe there are many who have "felt those promises were for others."

I watched a commercial. Two women are being told about the company, a relationship finding service. One says, "if I wasn't married, I would use it." The other doesn't use the service, and when asked "how is that working" she said "not so well."  A lot of people are like the first woman, kind of feeling left behind in their choices. Others, like the second, have felt they have "no choices" as they feel that "works for others" and not for them.

That is not true. God is forever working on your behalf. He is the God of promise, intentional towards you. He "wants" it more than you do!

2015 is the Year of God and His Promise

So much of what I have written is but a few moments that could change your life forever.

Some of you read it and thought about romance and love. Others thought, what happens next? I wish I could tell you. Romance and love lead to many things. They can lead to family and purpose, passion and change.

Throughout this I have spoken about purpose and living life intentionally. Because of the romantic lean you may not have noticed it. Why? Because love changes everything! Or you may have looked at the steps and thought "I can do this" or maybe you thought "but I know I can't."  Others just had eyes glaze over because it exceeded the 140 characters they live life by. What if meaning is more than 140 characters??? Sometimes I think we spend so much time working to be relevant that we forget what it is like to just breathe. He made you this way for a reason!

2015 is filled with promise. Filled with purpose. Clearly I believe it is a time of love and loving life. God brought us this far, that we might see further to go, that we would embrace the journey.

It is His plan and His purpose. Only the church can stop wars and destruction. Heal racism and bigotry. Bring justice that heals and makes whole. Love people into purpose. Mend the divides and turn anger into peace.

All of that and more!

I have a few questions…

Are you ready to participate? Will you embrace purpose? Will you allow for love? Will you devote time? Do you want to change the world?

I humbly offer this to you not as a guide, but the view and the vision of one man who loves God.

Lee Johndrow

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Love is in the Air by Lee Johndrow

Love is in the Air 

by Lee Johndrow

Identity Network
I awoke this morning with a sense that there was going to be a season of love that would dwarf the summer of love in Haight-Ashbury in 1967. And it was going to be leading up to this year's Christmas. Some of it has been by design (national economies and policies) while some of it has been by "happenstance."  Regardless of how we got here, the scuffing of our hearts has revealed the need for love.

Yesterday a young man appeared with a book God Is Disappointed In You, which opened a series of conversations as I set my heart to dispel the notions. I read some of it and saw the thought process but I am fully aware that few people read fully anymore and so if they get stuck on the title…

And so it is. The people of God carry the answer. The people who do not know Him need the answer. The answer is love. They do not need love because they might be saved but truly they need love because it is our commodity. I have always loved that C.S. Lewis said that "joy is the serious business of heaven."  To establish heaven here on earth we must release love.

Outpouring of His Love

I came up in a generation of church that practiced "they will not care how much you know until they know how much you care."  I get the thought process. But over time I realized God Jesus was not looking for the open but He was simply looking for the people. He simply cared. What if loving unconditionally truly is getting nothing in return? What if they never care to know what you know?

I really believe we are going to see an outpouring of His love, a winter of love if you will. What if the snow AND the harvest are white? What if they are just white?

I laughed as I saw a restaurant that attached mistletoe to the bottom of a drone to fly over tables to encourage kissing and a show of love. I thought our perspective is heavenly, our seatedness above. What if we are the "drone" that brings the sign of intimacy, the value of love to the table? What if that table is the "table of the Lord" situated in an unpeaceful circumstance that God through us might bring peace? Psalm 23:5

Love is in the Air

Over the last few weeks myself and others broke eye glasses and when something happens more than a couple of times I begin to look at it. Yesterday I received the gift of a special mobile headset so I can wander, listen to music and never miss a call. I think we have moved from a place of "taste and SEE" to place of "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?" What I really believe it means is God had to reveal to us His love and even move us (so that we could hear Him. While God is omniscient sometimes it is hard to hear Him where you are. He may move you or you may move you) to listen. Does this mean we will not see? I think He has applied salve to your eyes in this hour. Have we been hard of hearing? I think perhaps simply because we were so focused on seeing.

This morning I heard "love is in the air."  Carrying the atmosphere of heaven is our world. Releasing it is our mission. Joy and unconditional love may well just be the pheromones of heaven!

2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

So, the next time someone says "you smell good"…

Lee Johndrow

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Stop, Drop and Roll - It's Time to Overcome the Fire of Fear by Lee Johndrow

Stop, Drop and Roll - It's Time to Overcome the Fire of Fear 

by Lee Johndrow

Identity Network

A few nights ago, I was questioning my "existence."  I was not discouraged or depressed, but I definitely felt like there was a rabbit hole of sorts about me. My wife was away and God and I were having a powwow about my life. Perhaps I had pulled out my checklist at some point. "This is good. This…not so much. This I do well. This is I stink at, etc…" "Why am I here?" My "WISE" had turned to "WHYS."  Not necessarily the "bestest" of places to be. But I had to work through it.

The next morning I sat here and thought I can move these thoughts I put on paper out into life…or not. "Not" won out for the day. I did not really think about them. (They just sit here in my program with an icon of sorts to remind me to revisit.)  But a conversation with Jacob about reputation and character last night reopened it in my mind. I thought, "Whose report do I believe about me?"

Last night after Jacob and Tina checked out for the night I began to examine a variety of things. Much of what was under the microscope were my beginnings in Him some 25 years ago. (Even as I wrote this I heard Ron Kenoly singing "Whose Report Will You Believe?"  One of my favorites.)  Faith, understanding, broad life changes. Roots! Only a few days I put out an article on faith and it appeared in a large news site, front page. People want and need faith.

Is that not the question on the board for us today? Whose report will you believe? Crisis ought not to drive us. (Unless it is to our knees.) "I will not be moved by urgency!" ought be our cry. I will not be moved!

He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. Psalm 62:6

The other night I worked through my "I do not feel needed" moment. Unfortunately, my visit with Him revealed many are feeling the same way. For me I had "felt" on the shelf. I was reminded of a tremendous woman of God, Jill Austin, who had written a book I picked up in a meeting with her. It was about pottery set on the shelf before the firing. "What about me? Did you forget me?" And joy comes in the morning!  As I write this today, I am proposing a solution. There are answers!

In a time of reflection this thought came to me. As airlines struggle, hospitals decide and people choose not to gather, it is time for the people of God to declare loudly "Our God Reigns!" Ebola bowed its knee to Jesus 2000 years ago. Time for the enforcement of His Kingdom. Not the reign of fear


Some 20 plus years ago I was part of a small group that traveled to the Midwest to gather with others of faith. (We slept in a Baptist church. So nice of them to provide the same color sleeping gowns. Oops! I was told they were choir robes!) On the second morning we headed over to the stadium. We arrived early as there were to be filled up.  (The previous day it was packed to capacity - some 60,000.)  But they made the decision to NOT open the doors until 10AM and we could not get in. A beautiful day, folks fellowshipped and then it happened. Men turned to face the city and songs of faith and adoration began to break out. Amazing! Everything changed in that next few minutes. "My God", "Hallelujah" and "Awesome God" echoed through the city.

It changed me. It changed the atmosphere. Songs of deliverance and adoration changed the airwaves.

I do not have the full revelation but as disease strikes fear into man, bringing further isolation to man, the enemy is working overtime to remove community and relationship. A few weeks ago I wrote an article on the restoration of relationship and community. I understand that this is testing of the word. (Not just mine, for I am sure there are others.) God's people will overcome. Every little breakthrough you or I make will be a breakthrough. Just as He was Jehovah Perazim in the mulberries with David, so is he today. 

This morning I was thinking about all the things going on in the world. For instance in the disease and sickness world, we have Ebola, Enterovirus D68 and this morning I see leprosy in Ohio. Plus we have a mystery illness bobbing around. Wow! We have ISIS. We have war. Economic slides and destructions. The world is in turmoil. (This is NOT Y2K.2014!)
Why? What to do? How to respond?

First-remove the fear and doubt. There is a fire of fear.
When there is fire - STOP DROP AND ROLL.

STOP (I used to think that meant Skid Tires On Pavement - imagine that!) THE FEAR!

The first is to deal with the spirit of fear. It is gripping people, causing confusion and destruction. The airwaves are jam packed with fear. Even the printed word has power. It has the ability to produce fear. And with each day the world progresses in its fear. STOP! You, the people of God have the ability to change the world. Change the tide. Open the waters of faith and march them on through to the promised land.

What many are calling wisdom is fear. I have said this multiple times in my life. I did not get saved to serve fear. It is time for bold faith predicated on Him and our relationship with Him to stand up. (A few days ago, the city of Houston "had a problem." Houston, your deliverance is coming. Watch for the unknown deliverer to stand in your midst. The city belongs to God!) I thought of my older friends who were raising the dead before it was "popular."  They never backed down. 

And I saw the return of these men and women of faith.
While in South Africa, John G. Lake went through piles of dead bodies killed by the plague. He was looking for bodies to raise from the dead. People said he was crazy and that he would die from the plague. But he was firmly convinced that the Holy Spirit would never allow any bacteria or virus to harm him, and he was right - he never got the diseases he healed.

It is time to STOP not gathering and begin to gather. Do not let fear and crisis overwhelm you. Reach out. Who have you not seen? They need you more than Netflix or sports or the news needs you! THEY NEED YOU! Isolation of men, women and children is not only happening in the hospitals. It is happening in the church! Rise up!

DROP the F Bomb

It is time to drop the F BOMB. That is right. FAITH BOMBS on our communities, our nation and the nation of the world. Drop the fear mongering and drop faith! What does God say about this crisis or that fear? Got questions? He has answers! What disease did He not die for? NONE! ZERO! NADA! If you ever bemoaned this in your season of life - the season has changed. The leaves have fallen and I can see clearly now! Leaves of healing for the nations! It is not enough to have faith in your prayer closet, but will you have faith in the workplace, the store or the school?


In the "old" days there were "holy rollers" who shook, rattled and rolled under the power and presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need some rollers. Those that will "roll over" the works of the enemy with powerful words of faith and action. Like a wheel, as they roll, there is no beginning, no end. Steam (Steam is heated up water released into the atmosphere!) rollers of love! (For perfect love casts out fear! 1 John 4:18)

I told my son, "no man is an island. But he is an archipelago." You cannot live alone and be healthy, wealthy and wise. Restore your health and get back in community. Throw down fear and rise up faith.

There is rolling of praise building up. Praise Him. New sounds of praise are coming. New songs of victory and overcoming are happening.

Change the atmosphere. Let your words testify of His greatness. Overcome. As we changed the world in Indianapolis, let us commune with the Lord and break the power of darkness. Let us join His body and stand up. Let us gather today in His name.
I think it is time to ask. Can I get an AMEN?

Lee Johndrow

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Who has Seen the Rain? by Lee Johndrow

Who has Seen the Rain? 

Lee Johndrow

Identity Network

Who has seen the rain?

I had just finished a motorcycle ride with my wife and we had come in to eat dinner. While dinner was finishing up, I heard those words. Great, a John Fogerty song. Creedence Clearwater Revival. I am pretty sure when I was a kid I was not even sure what a revival was or stood for. I knew it as an architecture style and little more. The original name of that band came from a "band member," Creed - a beer, Olympia, the clear water, and the member's renewed commitment to the band.

So, that seemed pretty random, but I have learned the hard way that God is not random nor does He waste time or energy. And then the vision began to unfold. There was a large river with a dirt road along side it. I saw people walking by the river. Not even cognizant that the goodness of the Lord was to be found in this river just to their left or their right depending on the direction they walked on the road. 

At some point they had chosen a direction or perhaps even assumed it had been chosen for them, determined by some hidden power. But the fact of the matter was, simply this - they began where they began and chose either to head east or to head west on the road they walked on.  Depending on their direction, determined the side the river was on. I watched little tufts of dust rise up as people walked. Some were happy, some smiled, while others had their heads down full of purpose. I wanted to enter their "vision" and say "LOOK AT THE RIVER!!!" (A few weeks ago I had a similar vision about treadmills…) Come on! Cool off! Be refreshed! Drink deep!"

Moments later it began to rain. People never changed, they never stopped and they never seemed to notice.

Knowing Rain

I was then hearing this story from the 70's.

A Russian couple was walking down the street in St. Petersburg the other night, when the man felt a drop hit his nose. "I think it's raining," he said to his wife.

"No, that felt more like snow to me," she replied. "No, I'm sure it was just rain, he said." Well, as these things go, they were about to have a major argument about whether it was raining or snowing. Just then they saw a minor communist party official walking toward them. "Let's not fight about it," the man said, "let's ask Comrade Rudolph whether it's officially raining or snowing."

As the official approached, the man said, "Tell us, Comrade Rudolph, is it officially raining or snowing?"

"It's raining, of course," he answered and walked on. But the woman insisted: "I know that felt like snow!" To which the man quietly replied: "Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear!"

You have to know rain, to know rain. Who has seen the rain? Those that have seen rain, know rain. Those that have seen God know God!

You will Know Them By Their Love

Back to CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival) for a moment. There is a movement that is taking shape, developing form here on the earth. It is people from the "band" that are coming together. There is no name because each person has a place, a position. (Much like in the days of Nehemiah.) They have a creed on their lips and in their heart. "Here on earth as it is in heaven."  (I also think the word "here" is interchangeable with "hear" today.) The place of Olympia (Olympus was in the shadow of the gods) was a place of sanctuary. CCR saw it as a place of clear waters. (Is there not a people who are the sanctuary of God from whom living waters flow?) A renewed commitment to the "band," a revival. Folks, it…is…coming!

Who will notice? Those that have seen the rain! There is a rain falling on the land. Falling on the just and the unjust. A rain not just of the former or the latter but of the present and the future to come. Find those who have seen the rain! That is what I am hearing. Find those that have seen it, who know it. You will know them by their love. (They will not be angry, shouting, shriveled up and prune faced! They will be loving servants of the most high, setting the captives free, carriers of the bread and wine of the Lord! There will be fruit in their lives, character in their homes and love in their hearts.)

Someone told me long ago there's a calm before the storm.
I know, and it's been coming for sometime.
When it's over so they say, it'll rain a sunny day.
I know, shining down like water.
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
Coming down on a sunny day, yeah, oh yeah.
I am looking for folks who have seen rain!

The vision intensified (even now a day later, it has returned to my living room) and I could hear the rain, soft at first, then beginning to pelt. The road no longer released dust, but was now getting "sticky" with the wetness of the rain. People continued to plod, walk and run. "What is this?" I heard! And then I heard a lone little voice, "It is rain. My grandfather told me about this! He told me that I would see rain. That I would hear it, taste it and see it. I would tell him my friends said there is 'no such thing' but he would pull me to his arms and say, 'it is coming' and this is what you will see and hear. This is rain. And that river is full of rain."

I am writing and I can hear the sounds of rain in my home. There is a rain. There is freedom. There is revival!

Lee Johndrow

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Don't Let Your Dreams Be Stolen by Lee Johndrow

Don't Let Your Dreams Be Stolen 

by Lee Johndrow

Identity Network

Too often we see ourselves changed by situations and circumstances. It is somewhat like being in a car traveling and a large gust of wind comes up, causing a change, even minor, in direction. Or you are traveling in icy weather and the car slides in a direction you had not expected. Oops! What I thought I was doing has changed. Sometimes dramatically. Sometimes it seems like there is no other way to get back to the place you were.
Perhaps you are right. Perhaps the "damage" is too severe. Or the timing is no longer available because of the delay.
Has God changed His mind about you? No! A change in plans does not mean a change in purpose.
Last night I was dreaming. In the dream, I was working on an older computer. It was using a cassette player that contained information to work from. There were 5 programs I was able to work on. Each one of these programs had a type of secret that could be found in a part of nature. A mineral, a flower, a tree. Inside of the item there was an answer to a need in the world.
As I was working one, it showed a purple flower. As I began to review it, it revealed an answer to a world sickness that was debilitating and destructive. I began to do more study.
While I was in the midst of my studying a young man came up to me and began to give me warnings. I asked him what his warnings were predicated upon. As he began to share his experience, I could feel weights being placed upon my shoulders.
The name of the flower was the "Purple Lover."  A beautiful violet flower. With answers to sickness. The ability to change culture and the world. And yet the desire of the young man was to disregard it. To not take a chance. To not want to risk it.
Stop the Dream Stealers
In life many will want to pull you away from what you see. To cause you to feel less than adequate. To create fear and doubt in your life.
In thinking about the flower and its potential I was reminded of George Washington Carver. Out of a peanut he produced over 100 products for the farm and the home. He found answers in a plant and provided for the world.
In the very near future I see the development of many products and inventions coming forth. In the midst of the "crisis" goodness will emerge. Based on the age of the computer I saw, I would envision that number of these surprising discoveries are going to come out of a generation of people from 45-65. People that have been pulled aside, but while the plans have changed the purpose has not.
We are in the midst of exciting times. For years there has been talk about things like free energy and new cures for illnesses. I truly believe we are at the door. Will we go through? Will those people be encouraged to go through?
Today, I simply say "stop" the dream stealers, the dream killers. And let His goodness arise in the earth.
Lee Johndrow
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