Wednesday, March 25, 2015

American Jewish Leaders Concerned with Obama Rhetoric

American Jewish Leaders Concerned with Obama Rhetoric

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Washington-based leaders of the American Jewish community are becoming increasingly concerned with the Obama administration's seeming predisposition to criticize and marginalize Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
From their displeasure with Netanyahu's address to Congress in early March to his apology to Israeli Arabs and clarification of his rejection of a "two-state solution," administration spokespersons question his sincerity.
Jerusalem Post Washington correspondent Michael Wilner spoke with several Jewish community leaders Tuesday evening, among them David Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee and Abe Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League.
Harris said, "The U.S. appears to have a reasoned interest in prolonging the crisis," something he found a "cause for deep anxiety and puzzlement."
Foxman said he's "troubled by statements now coming out of the White House."
"What we are hearing from the Obama administration raises deeper questions about their intentions and perspectives," noting that "from the beginning of the Obama years, there was a disturbing indifference to the mindset of the Israeli public."

Brave German Woman's Stand Comes with Hefty Price

Brave German Woman's Stand Comes with Hefty Price

FRANKFURT, Germany -- American Christians are sometimes insulated from the high cost many believers around the world must pay for taking a stand for Christ. Heidi Mund, the woman known as the "brave German," is now experiencing this firsthand.
In 2013, when a Muslim imam was giving the Islamic call to prayer inside a historic German church, Mund stood up and proclaimed that"Jesus Christ is Lord of Germany."  
"I break this curse!" she yelled, warning the audience that what was happening was a lie. 
The YouTube video and our CBN News story were seen by millions, and soon Mund became known around the world.  
Although she does not want the credit, some believe what Mund did broke a curse over Germany, setting the stage for the massive street demonstrations against Islamization the following year by the citizens group Pegida.
"Some people tell me, 'Did you know you broke the curse over Germany?'" she said.
A Heavy Price
But today, Mund is paying a heavy price. Police patrols keep watch outside her home, and a far-Left radical group leafleted her neighborhood, telling residents they live next to a racist and threatening her with violence.
When she and her husband Matthias tried to start a Frankfurt chapter of Pegida, she came under intense attack in the media, and Mathias was fired from his job.
A local association of pastors distanced themselves from her, asking if Jesus would join a group like Pegida. 
And in a nation like Germany where loving your country and flag-waving patriotism is viewed with suspicion, Internet videos mock her as a Nazi.
What none of these people probably saw was what CBN News witnessed on a chilly street in downtown Frankfurt last year, where this alleged "Nazi" was setting up for her street ministry to give away Christian DVDs to anyone who would take them, but especially to Muslims.
"God uses me very often for Muslims," she told us. "It's our commission to give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can fill their hearts, the lack and the hole in their hearts. Only He can."
"And if they meet Jesus, accept Jesus in their lives as their savior and their Lord, the Holy Spirit will change them and they will not be our enemies anymore," she said.
But Mund has had to stop her street ministry and now lives in semi-isolation, going outside only when she has to. With no income, the Munds may lose their home.
Waiting on the Lord
She has since left Pegida, a group the German media portrays as Nazis but that Mund says is mostly ordinary people simply concerned about their nation:
"They say, 'Oh, we have the Nazis, we have the Nazis' and everywhere in the newspapers you can read about the Nazis, the Nazis, the Nazis," she said. "But this is like a balloon of lies."
"There are some, of course," she added. "But I believe most of them are honest and they really have this aim to protect Germany from this brutal ideology [radical Islam]."
Now she is waiting on the Lord and trusting God to see her through a very difficult period. 
"It could push us down and we could be depressed or discouraged, but Jesus is always Lord," she said. "Just hold on and walk in His ways."

Jewish Leader: US-Israel Row Inciting Anti-Semitism

Jewish Leader: US-Israel Row Inciting Anti-Semitism

The latest tensions between the Obama administration and Israel are contributing to a rise in global anti-Semitism, World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder warned Tuesday.

In remarks before the House subcommittee overseeing global human rights issues, Lauder said when people around the world see "the best friend of Israel is having problems with them," it provokes negative attitudes toward Jews.

Lauder also warned that unless the United States acts decisively to defeat Islamic terrorism in the Middle East and Africa, "the flame of radical Islam could stretch across all of Europe as well."

"European leaders have stepped up and strongly condemned these attacks on Jews and the rise of anti-Semitism," Lauder said. "The United States must lead."

Lauder also criticized the absence of U.S. leaders at the anti-terror march in Paris following the attacks on the offices of the Charlie Hebdomagazine and a kosher supermarket in the city's suburbs last January.

"Many of the leaders in Europe linked arms in solidarity in the very front row, but there was not one U.S. representative with them in the front row," Lauder said. "I believe that sent a very negative message around the world."

Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., who chairs the House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations, told participants, "For the first time since the Holocaust, the physical security of Jewish communities in Europe has become a top-level concern. This is the horrifying state of affairs."

Are You Worried That You're Going to Miss God's Plan?

Are You Worried That You're Going to Miss God's Plan?

woman against a wall
"I was just talking to a young woman who is feeling like she has ever so many things she wants to do for the Lord, but her life doesn't seem to be going anywhere." (

Spirit-Led Woman
After stopping at my daughter and son-in-law's apartment in Bozeman, the halfway point on my way to visit my mom in Wyoming, I packed up my suitcase in the morning and pulled it over snow-covered sidewalks to my car.
Driving out of the parking lot, I took the detour around a construction site on the MSU campus.
There wasn't much constructed yet, except a cement block stairwell.
I had watched construction like this in Kalispell months before. They were building a large hotel, and I drove by it often because it is close to Target.
I have the weirdest anxiety about this stairwell thing.
Out of the middle of a barren piece of earth, the men put up these blocks, and I can see they're working on other parts of the building.
What if they don't meet up? I want to yell at them.
What if they've built that sturdy cement tower, but when they continue on with the other parts of the building and get to the joining place they realize they were six inches off in the wrong direction.
My anxiety may stem from the fact that I have never measured anything, much to my father's chagrin.
That's why we have eyeballs, I say.
If you eyeball a picture and it's a little off center, it's not that big of a deal to hammer another nail and fix it. Well, maybe another inch this way. Nothing a bucket of drywall mud can't cover up if I ever decide to move that picture.
I can't imagine being so confident in my detailed measurements that I could build one part of a building over here and another part over there and not even lose sleep that they're going to line up when they get close together.
This brings Ephesians 2:10 to mind:
For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.
Do you see how God made this stairwell of good works out ahead of us, and then He's creating us way back over here. And the plan is that we, the created, will meet up with the good works. God is that good at what he does. That precise.
But it's easy to feel anxious like I do when I see that construction site.
What if I don't meet up with what God wants me to do?
Well, that's how lazy eyeballers think who refuse to measure, make a mess of everything and hope to cover it up later.
I was just talking to a young woman who is feeling like she has ever so many things she wants to do for the Lord, but her life doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
This is for you, sister, and for anyone else who's in the construction phase of things.
We can trust the Master Builder.
He has actually measured and planned where our lives are going.
Christy Fitzwater is the author of A Study of Psalm 25: Seven Actions to Take When Life Gets Hard. She is a blogger, pastor's wife and mom of two teenagers and resides in Montana. Visit for more information about her ministry.

Prophecy: A Tsunami of Perversion Will Rise - JENNIFER LECLAIRE

A symbolic tsunami of major proportions is about to hit this country.
A symbolic tsunami of major proportions is about to hit this country. (Flickr)

Prophetic Insight
Some months ago—before the megachurch pastors starting to embrace practicing homosexuals into leadership and before the Presbyterian Church USA rewrote its constitution to define marriage as "between two people," the Holy Spirit gave me a disturbing word about the perversion we're about to see.
Notice I said "about to see." We're seeing the rapid rise of perversion even now but I believe this is just the beginning. We'll see the rise of false prophets who deceive many because, Jesus said, of the increase of wickedness (see Matt. 24:12). The mystery of lawlessness was working in Paul's day (see 2 Thess. 2:7) and that mystery is revealing the depth of its wicked plot in our day.
When I shared the prophetic word below with my intercessors, it troubled them. I understand why. It troubled me also. I decided to hold it back and pray it through but the Holy Spirit recently reminded me of these words again. These words should not breed fear but should open our eyes to what's coming, and what, in fact, is already beginning to manifest right before our eyes. Here is the word:
Calling Evil Good and Good Evil
"A tsunami of perversion and all manner of wicked sin is headed toward this nation. You've only yet seen the rumblings of what the enemy has planned. For many in your nation have called good evil and called evil good. Many in this nation have not believed you will reap what you sow.
"You have sown iniquity—for decades—and you have taken the hand of perversion. You have walked in step with abominations rather than resisting the temptations to deny my Word and my Son. The perversion in this land will increase and increase and increase.
"There will come a day when morality is no longer merely relative but is persecuted. There will come a day when evil is considered good and good is considered evil. When that day comes, those who are hidden in the shadow of My wings will be insulated from the abominations around them.
"I will raise up the likes of Abraham and Moses to deliver the righteous out of the hand of the wicked in that day. I will shield those who run into my Name. But no longer look and no longer think that you will turn the tide by your prayers alone. These things must be so. I warn you now to fear not, but to ready your hearts. Buy your oil. Be ready for My coming."
It's Not Just Sexual Perversion
Yes, we've seen the rumblings of this rising perversion but I believe it's going to grow darker still. When you think of perversion you probably immediately think of sexual perversion—and I believe that's part of it. The Bible has plenty to say about sexual perversion in Romans 1:21-28 alone and we're seeing that passage playing out right now.
But sexual immorality—polygamy, homosexuality, adultery, fornication and legal bestiality that I've so often addressed—is not the only kind of perversion. There's perversion of laws, perversion of justice, perversion of speech, perversion of freedom—and most importantly, perversion of God's Word. Apostasy is risingThe Great Falling Away is underway.
After praying over this and letting it sit for some months, it became clear to me that the root of this tsunami of perversion is actually the perversion of God's Word itself. You've seen a trickle of this, but it's about to break out like a flood. Again, we're seeing prominent pastors and entire denominations perverting God's Word, twisting it to defend and justify perversion itself and suggesting the rest of us are legalistic or unenlightened about the truth. It may have started with the gay marriage doctrine but it won't end there.
We need to redeem the time, because the days are evil (see Eph. 5:16). We need to make an appeal to heaven for spiritual awakening. I believe the people who walk in darkness can see a great light (see Is. 9:2) if we refuse to stop contending for revival.
Our Only Hope Is a Great Awakening
Back in 2007, the Lord told me things in this nation would grow darker before His light shined brightly again. I believe things are on a course to grow very dark very rapidly. But I also believe in the power of prayer and faith-inspired action. I also believe in the power of preaching the gospel. I also believe God wants to bring transforming revival—a Third Great Awakening—to this nation.
It's up to us to stand in the gap. It's up to us to make up the hedge. It's up to us to weep between the porch and the altar. It's up to us to pray without ceasing. It's up to us to decree and declare God's will on the earth. It's up to us to speak the truth in love. It's up to us to take the gospel to our city. Yes, I believe it will grow darker and the perversion will rise, but I believe the glory of the Lord will rise and shine upon us again if we are faithful to obey His commands:
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord shall rise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you. The nations shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising" (Is. 60:1-3). Amen.
Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire's new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual AwakeningMornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still Small Voice of God, The Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

WWI - The Ottoman-German Attack on the Suez Canal -- 1915

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 
The opening shot of World War I in the Middle East was fired along the Suez Canal when the German-led Ottoman army attacked British positions along the Suez Canal in January 1915.  The Canal was essential for keeping the ties open between Britain and its colonies, such as India.  In fact, Indian troops were stationed along the Canal when the attack began.

Over the next three years, the war would rage across the Sinai Peninsula, north to Gaza and Be'er Sheva, through Jerusalem and the Dead Sea area, and to Amman and Damascus.

The Ottoman Imperial Archives provides German illustrations and photograph of the Ottoman attack.  The photographs also show Turkish mobilization in Jerusalem, Be'er Sheva and the Sinai.

German painting of Bedouin fighters against English troops at the Suez Canal (Ottoman Imperial Archives)
Turkish Camel Corps in Be'er Sheva (Ottoman Imperial
Archives, 1915
German commander of the Suez attack,
Gen. Kress von Kressenstein (Library
of Congress

Turkish troops leaving Jerusalem, passing through the
Jaffa Gate (Ottoman Imperial Archives, 1914)

Druze prince from Lebanon mobilized for the
battle at the Suez Canal (Ottoman
Imperial Archives

Illustration of Turkish guns firing at British planes over
the Suez Canal (Ottoman Imperial Archives)

German captions: From the battle of our Turkish allies on the Suez Canal Turkish encampment in the Egyptian desert.
(Ottoman Imperial Archives)

Turkish artillery on the march to the Suez Canal (Ottoman Imperial Archives)

British and Indian troops in Suez Canal trenches (Q15566, Imperial War Museum - UK)

Click on pictures to enlarge, click on caption to view the original pictures.

Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "A Sacrifice to the Lord"

Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: When a man from [among] you brings a sacrifice to the Lord; from animals, from cattle or from the flock you shall bring your sacrifice.


דַּבֵּר אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְאָמַרְתָּ אֲלֵהֶם אָדָם כִּי יַקְרִיב מִכֶּם קָרְבָּן לַי-הֹוָה מִן הַבְּהֵמָה מִן הַבָּקָר וּמִן הַצֹּאן תַּקְרִיבוּ אֶת קָרְבַּנְכֶם

וַיִּקְרָא א:ב

da-bayr el b'-nay yis-ra-ayl v'-a-mar-ta a-lay-hem a-dam kee yak-reev mi-kem kar-ban la-a-do-nai min ha-b'-hay-ma min ha-ba-kar u-min ha-tzon tak-ree-vu et kar-ban-khem

Today's Israel Inspiration

This past Sabbath we began to read from ספר ויקרא / the Book of Leviticus which describes in great detail all of the various sacrifices that were offered in Biblical times. The offerings are often hard to relate to in our modern times, but the Hebrew word for "sacrifice" sheds light into their deeper significance. A "sacrifice" is קרבן / kar-BAN which has at its root,  ק-ר-ב meaning, ‘to come close.’ Sacrifices were meant to bring people closer to the Almighty. Today it is prayer through which we can connect to our Father in Heaven. Get more insight with the Israel Bible Reading Plan, and you'll complete the Bible in one year with the help of an online teacher and virtual classroom.

When a Christian Walks in Israel

You may have seen the scary video showing what happens to a Jew walking in Paris wearing a yarmulke. Now an Israeli Christian is showing what happens when a Christian takes his cross to Haifa.

Israel: Freedom of Religion for All

UK Christian groups are expressing thanks to Israel for being the only safe haven for Christians living in the Middle East.

"Thank God for Bibi" T-Shirt

Congratulate Prime Minister Netanyahu on his miraculous victory. Proudly wear this shirt to demonstrate your support for Israel and the Jewish people.

Israel Photo Trivia

Rebecca Kowalsky's gorgeous photo of a shepherd with his flock in Ein Sukkot in the Jordan Valley, northern Israel. Can you name two biblical leaders who started as shepherds? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Peter Reynolds from West Midlands, United Kingdom. Toda Raba!

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Israel burials set for 7 kids killed in NYC fire - USA TODAY

Israel burials set for 7 kids 

killed in NYC fire

Seven children from an Orthodox Jewish family who died early Saturday when fire swept through their Brooklyn home are to be buried in Jerusalem, where the family had lived before emigrating to New York.

Funeral services for the four boys and three girls of the Sassoon family, ages 5 to 16, are to be held Sunday afternoon at a Brooklyn chapel that serves their religious community.
The bodies will then be flown to Israel and buried in Jerusalem at 2 p.m. Monday, the Israeli network Arutz Sheva reported. The family had lived there for many years before moving to the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn two years ago. A friend said the family had planned to return to Israel to live.
It was the city's deadliest fire since 2007.
Fire officials believe the blaze was started by a malfunctioning hot plate being used to keep food warm during the 25-hour Sabbath, when religious restrictions forbid cooking. The house had only one smoke detector, in the basement.
"I call this not a tragedy but an absolute disaster," said state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who represents the district. "Everyone's in utter shock."
He urged the Orthodox community to make sure that hot plates were working properly and that smoke detectors were installed properly and functioning.
Authorities identified the Sassoon family victims as girls Eliane, 16; Rivkah, 11; and Sara, 6; and boys David, 12; Yeshua, 10; Moshe, 8; and Yaakob, 5. All were found in upstairs bedrooms of the two-story, brick-and-wood, single-family home.
Their 45-year-old mother, Gayle, a Brooklyn native, and 14-year-old sister, Tzipara, remained in critical condition Sunday at area hospitals. They survived by jumping from a second-story window. Gayle Sassoon reportedly was burned over 45% of her body, and Tzipara suffered broken bones and smoke inhalation.
Seven children were killed in a house fire in Brooklyn early Saturday morning. Video provided by Newsy Newslook
"I heard a child yelling, 'Mommy! Mommy, help me!' " neighbor Andrew Rosenblatt told reporters. "I looked out the back window, and I saw flames, smoke. ... The smoke and the flames were horrendous."
Other neighbors said Gayle Sassoon was heard yelling, "My kids are in there! My kids are in there! Get them out! Get them out!"
Firefighters arrived about four minutes after the blaze was reported at 12:23 a.m. Saturday, but it was too late to save any of the children trapped inside.
"They're some of the nicest, most well-behaved kids," neighbor Isaac Apton told the New York Times. "A great family."
Another neighbor tearfully described them as "beautiful little children."
"It's unbelievable. It doesn't seem possible," Rose Insel, told the Associated Press, recalling how she had given the children lollipops after they shoveled her walk unprompted.
Their father, Gabi, was at a religious conference in Manhattan at the time and did not learn of the tragedy for several hours because of the Orthodox prohibition on electronic communications. He was found praying at a synagogue Saturday morning, and fell to his knees in tears when given the news, the New York Daily News reported.
"What will happen to us now? Where will I go?" he told Arutz Sheva on Sunday.
The Times said he met his wife when she moved to Israel after having divorced her high school sweetheart. They had eight children, and lived in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem for many years before moving to Brooklyn to be closer to her family.
They ultimately intended to return to Israel, a friend of the father said.
"You can't explain it, it's unbelievable," Alon Deri told the Israeli news site Walla! News. "I hope we wake up from this bitter dream. It's like the story of Hannah who dedicated her seven sons."
Source: USA Today