Thursday, May 21, 2015

God's Black Oil in Israel ✡ "Blessings of the Deep"

He will bless you with the blessings of the heavens above, the blessings of the deep, lying below... may they come to Joseph's head.

GENESIS (49:25-26)

וִיבָרֲכֶךָּ בִּרְכֹת שָׁמַיִם מֵעָל בִּרְכֹת תְּהוֹם רֹבֶצֶת תָּחַת ... תִּהְיֶיןָ לְרֹאשׁ יוֹסֵף

בראשית מט:כה-כו

vee-va-ra-khe-kha bir-khot sha-mai-yim may-al bir-khot t'-hom ro-ve-tzet ta-khat... ti-h'-yen l'-rosh yo-sayf

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse may be just the clue for finding oil in the Holy Land! Jacob gave these beautiful blessings to his son Joseph, thereby blessing the ancestral land of Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Menashe. With a firm belief that the Torah is true and timeless, with no extraneous words, it is possible that the northern Israeli land delineated to Joseph's sons has "blessings of the deep, lying below." John Brown is a Christian Zionist and founder of Zion Oil and Gas, leading the exploration for oil and gas in northern Israel, the very land blessed by Jacob.

Vision of Oil in Holy Land

What started as one man's faith in the Bible, has led to extraordinary steps to find oil in Israel.

How Things Would Change if Israel Finds Oil

Imagine an Israel which is oil and gas independent, giving it a much freer hand to act in the geopolitical sphere as it sees fit.

Israel Map Magnet Pen

Get this great blue pen that is also a magnet decorated with a map of Israel. Shows landmarks such as Jerusalem's Tower of David and Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv.

Today's Israel Photo

Rosh Hanikra by Yehuda Poch, revealing some of the beauty of the underground caves of Israel.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Alex Pickett from Victoria, Australia. Toda Raba!

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Good morning Rabbi Tuly, I love reading your issues. I am a Christian of the Methodist denomination from Fiji. God Bless, Alumita

I thank you for your encouraging insight from Toronto Ontario - Dorothy Caster

The more i learn about Israel the deeper my love grows for her. Thanks for all your work. Liza Capati, Philippines
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Favor Verses Entitlement by Paulette Reed

Favor Verses Entitlement 

by Paulette Reed

Identity Network

Living Epistles
One thing I love about growing older is how the Word of God becomes more alive to me with each and every passing day. As a living epistle, I've had the honor of experiencing the Scriptures in deeper and more unique ways. One verse that jumped off the page as I was reading my Bible recently was Psalm 37:25: "I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread."

As I pondered this word in my heart, I reflected on the fact that I have never had to beg God for the necessities of life. Strong's Concordance defines begging as "to seek, require, demand, or request." Does that mean if someone seems to be consistently asking for money, goods, or reduced prices, they are lacking in righteousness? Does it mean they are not righteous in the way God defined it? It is something to certainly think about.

Confusion in the Camp

I am deeply concerned when I see Christians living a life that does not line up with the plumb line of God - Psalm 37:25 included. When people beg, living as entitled Christians, they are giving the devil a foothold as deception leads them into believing that a demonic spirit of entitlement is really the favor of God. But they are not the same at all! In fact, they are the complete opposite of each other.

If indeed the righteous do not beg, then why do we hear so many believers asking or begging for special treatment and favor? Why do we constantly hear the innuendoes that are in opposition to Psalm 37:25? For example, when someone is standing with a group of believers and says, "Oh dear, my back is stiff and I need a massage so badly but I just can't afford one," knowing that a massage therapist is in the group, is that person exuding favor or entitlement? Did that really have to be announced to the group? Would that person have said the same thing had not a massage therapist been part of the group?

Psalm 33:13 reminds us, "When the Lord looks down from heaven, He observes every human being." God knows every sparrow that falls to the ground, He knows every hair that is upon our head, so certainly no one has to share their plight with a group of people in order to manipulate others to have mercy on them and give them something for free. It is God who supplies all of our needs according to His riches in glory.

Or what about when people who use the calling on their life as their business card to achieve their needs? Someone may say, "We're missionaries, so we're hoping you would serve us for free." How in the world does that glorify God? Should Christians have to "beg" a dentist to provide services for free to fix their teeth? Our Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills, so certainly He can sell a couple of those cattle to meet our needs.

Being a Christian does not give anyone the right to pull too hard on someone's mercy gift or compassion, demanding or manipulating them to give us something for free. In fact, pulling too hard is a sign of entitlement, not a sign of God's favor upon our lives. These are just two of many examples I'm witnessing frequently in the Church today. Begging grieves the Holy Spirit.

There is a Season for Everything

I understand that to everything there is a season, and a time for everything under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3). So I don't have a problem with people using government assistance or church food banks or an offering to supplement health insurance needs for a season when it is truly needed. Ultimately, however, insurance is truly our responsibility for us and our children, as we are taught in the Word to obey the laws of the land (Romans 13:1). I'm speaking from experience here knowing that he Lord truly is my Maker, my Husband, and my Provider.

I know there are reasons the government is looking at limiting some assistance programs to one year. I agree with some of those reasons while disagreeing with others. Perhaps this is a good place to say, "Alleluia!" because, sometimes - and I mean sometimes - assistance can give the enemy legal rights to release a spirit of entitlement on a person. And no one wants those evil hitchhikers attached to them.

Since 1 Corinthians 15:46 teaches us that things in the natural realm often take place before things in the spiritual realm, could it be that the Lord is showing us something in allowing the government to cut back assistance? Is God trying to set people free and empower them to rise up and believe what they believe - that the government truly does rest on His shoulders?  Perhaps God wants to show Himself mighty as His Kingdom has everything we need and we need everything His Kingdom has.

People who are deceived as to what's truly the favor of God and what's an entitlement spirit might say, "I'm living by faith." Well, that may be true, but it's not their faith they are living by - it is often someone else's faith. Every time a person gets something for free, or at a reduced price, someone somewhere is paying for it. The products and services and food weren't really free, rather someone who is paying Caesar what belongs to Caesar (Mark 12:17) just paid for those "free" services.

And where in the world does any believer get the idea that living by faith means not working? Even God works, for Genesis 2:2 tells us, "By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done." And He expects hard work from us as well. One of several Scriptures teaching us to have a good work ethic is Colossians 3:23, where Paul says, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men."

Work is not a result of the fall, a curse that we are to endure while on this side of heaven. God established work before the fall of humanity. Before Adam and Eve ever sinned, before they ever ate of the fruit they were told not to eat from, God had given them the mandate to work and keep the Garden. It is true that after the fall work became much harder - it was by the sweat of his brow that Adam was now to till the ground. We might ask ourselves, "How am I doing in maintaining my portion of God's garden?"

Since God created work before the fall, and since God Himself worked in creating the heavens and the earth, we have a mandate to work and contribute to society. This is one of the ways we fight the spirit of entitlement in our lives. Paul admonished the Ephesians, "He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need" (Ephesians 4:28). 

Personally, I love working heartily for the Lord and sharing thousands of dollars with the poor every year. But what really defines those who are poor? Again, Paul tells the Thessalonians, "For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either" (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

Exposing the Lie

Entitlement, according to Webster's Dictionary, is "the condition of having a right to have, do, or get something; the feeling or belief that you deserve to be given something (such as special privileges); a type of financial help provided by the government for members of a particular group." Having a spirit of entitlement goes against the gospel itself, the fact that Jesus saved us when we were dead in our sins.

Beloved, we have no rights when it comes to entitlement. We gave up our rights the moment we were born from above and stepped into the Kingdom of God, thus letting God rule and reign in our lives. We were not saved to be entitled people, but people who are called to walk in the favor of God.

Favor, on the other hand, is the Greek word charis, which means grace, favor, or kindness. The favor of God is a gift or blessing brought to us by Jesus Christ. It's both unmerited and undeserved. The fact that we have been born again is a result of the kindness of God - we didn't do anything to deserve it or be entitled to it. We weren't good enough, righteous enough, or holy enough to deserve salvation. Rather, it was a gift freely given by God when we were dead in our sins. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God…" That doesn't sound like a gift given because someone was entitled to it.

Please know that my heart in writing about this subject is to glorify God and train, protect, and set the captive free for those who may be confusing God's favor with a spirit of entitlement. As I have said for many years, "People who are deceived don't know they are deceived because they are deceived."  Let's learn to quickly recognize when the enemy is trying to deceive us regarding a spirit of entitlement and when we are really walking in God's favor.

God's grace is freely given to us, so we should always seek to be a blessing to others. We should seek to be the greatest givers, the greatest tippers, the greatest employers, and the greatest employees, contributing to the betterment of humanity. Let us be people who never demand that someone else is required to take care of us. Rather, let us be people who rest in God's favor on our lives.

Paulette Reed

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Netanyahu Ready to Create Palestinian State

Netanyahu Ready to Create Palestinian State

Thursday, May 21, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday stated clearly that he supports the creation of a Palestinian Arab state as the outcome of a bilateral agreement to end the present conflict.
“I don’t support a one-state solution – I don’t believe that’s a solution at all,” said the Israeli leader. “I support the vision of two states for two peoples – a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state.”
The prime minister made the remarks just prior to meeting with visiting European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini (pictured), with whom Netanyahu said he was “look[ing] forward to discussing with how we can advance that vision forth in a practical, secure, and responsible way.”
Following the recent Israeli national elections, European and American leaders loudly voiced concerns over Netanyahu’s campaign rhetoric, which suggested the Israeli leader saw little justification for permitting the creation of a Palestinian state.
On Thursday, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin also met with Mogherini and noted that “the whole world heard” Netanyahu commit himself to the two-state solution, and suggested that as such there should be no more question about Israel’s commitment to peace.
The official coalition guidelines for Netanyahu’s new government in fact call for the advancement of peace efforts with the Palestinians and all Israel’s neighbors, while safeguarding the Jewish state’s security and historical rights.
The danger is that Western powers will now, once again, try to railroad the process while ignoring ongoing Palestinian intransigence and violations, thus leading either to yet another breakdown in talks, or, more worryingly, a final status agreement that imperils Israel’s future.
Indeed, French media reported this week that Paris would soon present a new proposal for the peace process with an 18-month deadline, after which France threatened to unilaterally recognize a “State of Palestine” if no agreement had been reached.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"This Land Shall Become Yours" ✡ Hebrew Lesson of the Day

You shall inherit the Land, each tribe equal to his brother, about which I raised My hand to give it to your forefathers; this Land shall become yours as aninheritance.

EZEKIEL (47:14)

וּנְחַלְתֶּם אוֹתָהּ אִישׁ כְּאָחִיו אֲשֶׁר נָשָׂאתִי אֶת יָדִי לְתִתָּהּ לַאֲבֹתֵיכֶם וְנָפְלָה הָאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת לָכֶם בְּנַחֲלָה

יחזקאל מ’’ז:י’’ד

u-n'-khal-tem o-ta eesh k'-a-kheev a-sher na-sa-tee et ya-dee l'-tee-ta la-a-vo-tay-khem v'-naf-la ha-a-retz ha-zot la-khem b'-na-kha-la

Jerusalem Inspiration

In Hebrew, the word for ‘inherit’ is נַחֲלָה / na-kha-la. The word also has another meaning, “a flowing stream” as in Deuteronomy (8:7), “A land of streams of waters.” What is the connection between inheritance and a stream? Just like a stream of water flows, so too the inheritance of a precious legacy flows and passes through one generation to the next. Learn more about Biblical Hebrew with a Hebrew word a day eMail.

Finally from CNN: Good News on Israel

CNN reports on how one Syrian boy owes his life to Israel. Features the Israeli phenomenom of granting compassionate medical care to all who come to her border for treatment!

No Short of a Miracle

Two days ago, Israel celebrated Jerusalem day, marking the reunification of Jerusalem. In 1967, Israeli paratroopers liberated the eastern half of the city, making their way to the Kotel at the base of the Temple Mount.  The success of Israeli forces during the Six Day War can only be attributed to the help of God.

Hebrew English Dictionary

Love learning Hebrew? This wonderful bilingual English-Hebrew pocket book is suitable for English speakers in any stage of their Hebrew learning process. Its compact size and great selection of entries make this dictionary the perfect thing to have around in your school/work bag or on your office desk. Just crack it open for a quick consultation.

Jerusalem Photo Trivia

Safi Allman's gorgeous vantage point of a breathtaking view of one of the Holy Land's most politically controversial city. Politics aside, there is no true contest over the rights of this ancient city that just celebrated its day of reunification. Have you guessed it yet? Send me your answer or post it on Facebook.

Thank You

Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Hector Camara from Katy, Texas . Toda Raba!

“Always Endeavor to Learn Hebrew in You Emails

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Shalom, I enjoy receiving your emails.  I always endeavor to learn the Hebrew in your emails. I am from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Shira
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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UK Students Vote to Ban Bibles from Dorms

UK Students Vote to Ban Bibles from Dorms

Students at a Welsh university voted to ban Bibles from residence halls in the name of "multiculturalism."
Placing Gideon Bibles in dorm rooms is a long-standing tradition at Aberystwyth University, the alma mater of Britain's Prince Charles, theDaily Mail reported.
But following a decision by the Student Union alleging that Bibles could offend non-Christians, they will be removed at the end of this academic year.
John Morgan, who proposed the change, said Bibles "could be offensive for some and [the] university should provide a safe space for students to explore and develop their beliefs in a neutral environment," adding that Bibles should still be available for those who wish to have them.
James Catford, an alumnus who now leads the Bible Society, disagreed.
"The answer to a diverse and multicultural society is not to remove all traces of diversity," Catford said. "That seems illiberal and intolerant."

WATCH: Is Pope Francis the Last Pope Before Christ's Return?

WATCH: Is Pope Francis the Last Pope Before Christ's Return?

Author Tom Horn says the Catholic Church is trying to bring about the end times by following certain prophecies regarding the pope. 
More than 50 years ago, a Jesuit priest predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict—to the day—and now Horn and others are looking at his research.
"Was he divinely inspired? Was he demonically inspired?" Horn asks. "Because we know demons know things about times and dispensations, too."
Horn's taking a closer look, as should you. Watch the video and sound off on if you think Pope Francis is the last pope. 

The Real Reason So Many Christians Are Leaving Church - Jennifer LeClaire

The Real Reason So Many Christians Are Leaving Church

Heads bowed
Statistics about Christianity in America should both alarm and motivate pastors. (Flick/Creative Commons)
The number of Christians in America is dropping, according to a much-hyped Pew Research Study. If this isn't a wake-up call to pastors and churches across the nation, what is?
Here's the gist of the study: The number of Americans who identify with Christianity has dropped drastically in the last eight years. During that same time frame, people who didn't affiliate with any religion continued to grow in numbers.
Sam Rohrer, president of the American Pastors Network, says the findings are evidence of the greater impact pastors and churches must have on society.
"These statistics should alarm every Christian in America, yet they should serve to motivate every pastor and Christian to greater biblical obedience," Rohrer says. "In the early church, Christians 'turned the world upside down' because their faith in Jesus Christ had been put to the test and they experienced firsthand the transformative impacts of the gospel and unconquerable power of the truth of God's Word. Our nation is in desperate need of pastors and Christians with the early church's passion." 
Pew also reported that between 2007 and 2014, the number of Americans identifying as Christians fell from 78.4 percent (178.1 million people) to 70.6 percent (172.8 million people). And the number of religiously unaffiliated Americans rose from 16.1 percent to 22.8 percent in the same time frame—or about 60 million unaffiliated (including atheists, agnostics or those who claim "nothing in particular") Americans in 2014.
The decline in Christianity is exhibited across nearly all demographics, as the Pew report added, "while the drop in Christian affiliation is particularly pronounced among young adults, it is occurring among Americans of all ages. The same trends are seen among whites, blacks and Latinos; among both college graduates and adults with only a high school education; and among women as well as men."
"The decline in Christianity in America is a call not simply for Americans to return to church but for the church itself to return to God's Word," Rohrer continues. "We know from research that too many pastors are not preaching the whole counsel of God's Word as it relates to societal issues, holy living and true discipleship. Therefore, many Americans are leaving the church because the church has left the authority of Scripture. It's past time for pastors to take a stand for obedience to biblical truth if we are to see God's blessing return to our nation."